Adventures of Punkflower/FlowerPunk - Chapter 150 - Silent_Raven13 (2024)

Chapter Text

Now, everyone knows Billie loves her big brother, Miles, she basically his number one fan. When she came to this world, she remembers his warmth, his kind words and his bright smile. Something about that just click to her, that she loves so much. She loves that he's always around for her, always loving her, always being there! No matter what she's always happy to be his little sister.

Especially when he's Spider-man! A great hero, always risking his life to save those in need. When he took her around during his normal patrol as Spider-man. She knew, even for being so small, she knew this is a secret she will have to keep! For being responsible, and a protector of her Big Bro's secret identity, it is a great duty for her to keep.

However, her loyalty can go so far...

It's a beautiful day in Brooklyn, the weather is perfectly nice because it's Spring and the breeze is nice. Three year old, Billie chilling on her dad's armchair while watching her Doc McStuffin, she suckled on her pacifier as she enjoyed her show.

Her big brother being busy with sweeping the floor, he wore a tank top and shorts with some flip flops as he cleans the house. Miles wanted to help his parents out by cleaning the remaining chores, he spend the day with laundry, washing dishes, organizing the family's inventory closet. Now he wanted to sweep, and mop before putting new sheets on his parents' bed. "Boo-boo, you want a snack?" He wipe the sweat off his forehead, then check his gizmo to see the time.

"No..." Billie shook her head, she still was full from breakfast.

"Okay, Łęt me know when you're hungry or thirsty." Her brother said while he continues to sweep the floor.

She kept watching her show, after thirty minutes the doorbell rang. Miles went to the front of the door, "That must be him." He said to himself.

The little girl assume it's Hobie, which she got her web-shooter ready. It's weird that her brother's boyfriend would come through the front door like that. Doesn't he always come out of a big magical portal? She stood on the big comfy recliner glance over to the hallway, hearing her brother talking to another boy?

Miles opens the door to find one of his high school friends, Judge coming by to drop something off for him. "Hey, man. Long time no see!" He gave his friend a quick hug.

"Hey, my dude. What's up! You know, working, school and keeping the ladies in check." Judge said, he hold a bag, "Oh here you go, man. I hope you like it. It's a bit jack up."

"Nah, it's good." Miles happily look in the bag to find the action figure, "I know how to repair it and it'll be a great gift for Ganks. Hey, you wanna come in."

"Sure, man. Been awhile since we hung out." Judge playfully wrapped his arm around his high school friend's shoulders, "Ay, man. You gotten so tall!"

"Pfft, you too. You act like you're 5'4"." Miles jokes as he shut the door as they came down the hallway.

Billie peaks over being more confused, "Who's dat?"

Miles turns to find his baby sister standing on the armchair, "Hey, Boo-boo. This is Judge. You remember him?"

"Wow, she gotten so big. I highly doubt she remembers me." Judge chuckles.

That's right, Billie doesn't remember him. Then again, she never cared about other people beside her big brother. She looks up to study Judge is a dark skinned male with glasses. He wore so expensive shirt, jacket, jeans and Jordans with some short dreads. He smiles at her, "Hey, Billie. Been a long time!"

"Hi..." She reached out to her big brother being nervous with this random stranger. She had no clue who was this was. "Mmm!" She whines at Miles.

"What's wrong, Billie? Awe, don't be scared. You met Judge. He's a great guy!" Miles calms her down by picking her up giving her hugs and kisses on her forehead. "Sorry, I guess she doesn't know you."

"It's alright, man. She was a little baby when I saw her, haha. I'm not surprise she doesn't remember me." Judge chuckles before adjusting his glasses. "Anyway, man. What's up with you? I heard you and Ganks are at Columbia."

"Yeah, man! That place is great." Miles put his sister back at the armchair before taking Judge to get him a drink, "You want some soda? Also, I heard you went to Japan! That's so cool!"

"Yup, I went three times. I'm planning to go to aboard for a class." Judge grins widely, "It's great to visit tho. I dunno about living there, tho..."

Billie watch the two as she suckle her pacifier, she didn't like how show off-y the stranger was. Maybe she didn't know him too well, and she knows she shouldn't judge him. Still, her guts was telling her, "What about Hobie? Does he know this man?"

She watches them seeing her brother sitting close to his friend after serving his a glass of soda. Judge kept talking on and on about his journey to Japan, while Miles' eyes gleam with wonder.

The three year old went back to watch her show, she accidentally stepped on the remote control changing the channel to a Spanish Soap Opera.

"I'm sorry José, but I've been cheating on you with Juan!" The woman in a red dress dramatically said to her boyfriend. "We been talking about old times and fallen in love."

Billie slowly sat down as she watches her mom's favorite show. "Hmm?" She suckled her pacifier with her head tilt.

"But Maria, we been together forever. My love for you burns like a thousand suns. My heart is real, my passion is raw for you!" José said being heartbroken.

Juan smirks with his handsome charm as he did a dramatic chuckle, "Ahahaha! I stolen your beloved Maria by talking to her and listening to her sorrows! I am the only man for her." He held Maria who's being dramatic. The two held each other while

José cries out, "Mariaaa, nooo!"

Billie glances over hearing Miles and Judge cracking up about something they were talking about. In her eyes she thought she saw Judge being flirty and quickly assumed he wanted to steal away her big brother.

"I must tell Obie! A boi! A boi! Is he-wuh!" She thought in her head, she looks down to her right side to find her iPad tablet at the end of the bigger long couch. Normally, she only plays her fun games but quickly get bored, since she loves playing with her dolls.

Anyway, the three year old quickly jumps over to the long couch trying to be like Spider-man. Wobbling over to her with each step on the soft cushions, she must be careful not to get their attention.

When she reached her iPad, she quickly jumps over like she was making a touchdown at a football game.

"Got it!" Quickly, she sat up straight placing her iPad upward. It quickly scan her face leading to an opening scene. She starts slamming her tiny hands on the messenger logo.

"Okay, we getting somewhere...mmm" She tries to remember the symbols and letters of Hobie's name. Ever since she learned how to write words, she was able to read them as well. Although she is three years old, she came make out names. Since she been using the tablet for a while she kind knows how to text.

Hopefully with all the observation she done with her family, she can send Hobie a message. Now, where to start.

"Hmmm, Obie? Where is Obie?" She saw the contact list seeing the number one responders are her papá and Miles. Normally, she would FaceTime her daddy because she misses him from long hours of work. Sometimes she likes playing with the filters and funny emojis, too. Her finger scroll down to her little contacts, she saw her mom's name, her grandmother, and her eyes lit up.

"OBIE!" The little girl spotted Hobie's name typed in as 'Obie' with a guitar emoji. She happily tap the name leading her to a chat section. Okay, now she's heading somewhere.

Her ears caught her big brother laughing out loud, "Dude, ain't no way. You literally are dating three girls at a time? That's crazy!"

"Aye, man. I got game." Judge smirks.

Billie didn't like the bragging, so she had to hurry. Her hand slap on the keyboard seeing the same letters as she learned.

Texting to Obie;

Billie: OBIE! OBIE! Obie!

She sent that first before texting another word.

"Umm... ummm.." What else can she spell? She only knows so little words.

The punker saw her text having to write.

Obie: Lass? You texting me? Or this Miles?

Billie couldn't only understand her brother's name.

Billie: OBIE! OBIE!

Needless to say Hobie being at home was caught off guard by the random text, he did remember his Sunflower put the family iPad's number on his Gizmo for emergency. He thought it was weird Billie sent him a text, in fact he didn't know she could send a text.

Hobie: Lil Blu? Dat u?

Billie stares at the screen seeing Blu and U, she understood and type: YUS!

Hobie being impressed: Wow, good job at texting me.

Billie type again: Obie! OBIE! Miles Miles

She needs to figure out how to say, "Strange man is here!" If only she can spell more words.

Hobie tilted his head, then sent: Miles, okay?

Billie tap on the emoji section and sent: Miles ☹️

That took the punker off guard: Miles 🙁?

Billie: 😣

"Sad face... sad face...." She pushes another text.

Billie: Miles a b

She didn't know how to spell BOY, so she tries to remember.

Hobie: Miles a b? 😂 Lass, u too funny.

Billie: NO! NO! 😡

She type again: MILES MILES ☹️ a boi

She thinks that's how to spell boy.

Hobie looks at the screen.

Hobie: Blu gender is a social construct.

Billie types again: A boi! A boi! Miles & boi!

She remembers when her dad takes her to Tony's & Tony's pizza, her dad always said 'and' and the symbol & would there. She figure that's what that symbol means.

Hobie stops to reread the message being so surprised by Miles' little sister. Did she mean the way he think she meant?

Hobie: Blu, Miles & a BOI?

Billie types: Yus.

Then she slap on the camera she press the ten second button, with her two tiny hands she lift the iPad to give her a selfie with her big brother and Judge laughing in the background being close. She capture the photo and send it to Hobie.

Billie: Miles & BOI!

Hobie stopped for a few second then text her.

Hobie: I'm coming, lass

She could read that, being very proud she became successful. "Boo-boo, what are you doing?" Her big brother came by wanting to check up on her only to find her on her iPad.

"Nuthin'!" She muffled through her pacifier.

Miles blinks a couple of times at his little sister's response, "Re-really?"

"Huh uh!" She set her iPad aside, got up with her two little legs and reached her arms out, "UP! UP!"

Miles picks her up having to carry her, "What's wrong, boo-boo? You hungry?"

"Mmm!" She snuggles her big brother a bit more, then she spotted Judge eating her Cheetos puffs! Oh, he's gonna get it. "Cheetos! Cheetos!" She squirms with her hand tugging on her big brother's tank top.

"Oh you want some Cheetos puffs?" Miles took one to give to her.

Judge chews, "My bad, cheetos be fire with soda." He almost finished the whole bag.

"Nah, it's cool, man." Miles giggles.

Billie took the Cheetos puff and pull out her pacifier to take a bite, "Cheeto!" She pouts at Judge, "My Cheetos!"

"Billie," Miles frowns, "That's not very nice. Judge is our guest. Hey, you need a refill?" He looks at his friend.

"Sure."Judge said while eating the rest of the Cheetos bag.

"Awe," Billie gasps at her favorite snacks being gone, she pouts at her brother.

"Don't worry, boo-boo. We got another bag. Remember sharing is carrying." He had her on his hip, holding her with his left arm. Miles went over to the fridge to pull out a bottle of Cola, he twist the cap with his thumb and index finger. Billie watches her brother pour some soda in Judge's cup, "So, after Japan are you going to South Korea or Singapore?"

"Awe, man. I would love to go to Singapore, man. That place looks so fire. South Korea... hmm." Judge thought for a second before saying, "I kinda do want to go but probably later one. I'm planning to go to Germany to visit my cousins."

"No way, you got family in Germany?"

"Yup, since on my mom side is mix with Moroccan, her family is mix with African and Arab descendants. So some relatives move to Germany for education, some to France or Britain." He pop Cheetos puff in his mouth.

"Damn, I never knew that. That's pretty cool. So ya'll visit them often?"

"I use to, but my mom wants to go to visit my aunt and her family." Judge shrugs, "What about you? Aren't ya going somewhere?"

"Well... with school and work. I've been so busy. I do want to visit my grandma and family in Puerto Rico, but I'm not sure if I can. My dream is to go to Japan and see all the cool stuff there." He fantasize going to Japan for the culture and anime stuff.

"You should go. You can totally survive with 2k of dollars if you're smart enough to budget." His friend explained.

Billie chews her Cheeto puff very slowly waiting for Hobie to come. "I guess, but I don't got 2k to spend like that. I need to pay for books and stuff, you know."

"That is true, dude. You're at a Legacy school!" He said.

The two talk some more unaware of a Celestial portal opening in Miles' bedroom, they didn't hear the heavy thud of combat boots or the chains dangling against each other on a buckled belt.

The door slowly opens having to reveal a punker with a dark look on his face, his eyes narrowed as he spotted the random boy in his Sunflower's home.

Miles' felt his Spider Senses going off when he noticed an unease sense of his punker. "Hmm, Hobie?" He turns over his shoulder after he saw Judge's face fell into a frighten stare.

"Dude, who dat f*ck is that?" Judge asked out loud.

Billie turns her head with a big smile on her face, "Obie! Obie!" The punker actually had a more intense punker outfit with everything being black and silver, his makeup look more intense. He painted his eyes into a black smokey bar lines, black lipstick and red contact on one right eye and an Anarchy symbol white contact on the other. He got a lot more accessories having this "Scary" look.

The Morales family got use to this style so this didn't phased them. Not even Billie was afraid, instead she happily giggles, "Obie! Obie!"

"Bae..." Miles looks over at Judge knowing he can't ask him why he's here instead he lied, "Your awake. I didn't think you would wake up."

"Hey, Sunflower." Hobie put one arm around his boyfriend's shoulder with a glaring mean mug directing at Judge. "Who's dis bloke?" His voice deep, rasps sounding a bit dangerous.

"BAE? Miles, who the heck is this?" Judge looked very confused and scared at the punker. "Weren't you dating some rocker dude? Now your into some guy looking like he's part of Metal band?"

"Judge, this is Hobie. He's just dressed different." Miles kisses his boyfriend's cheek, "Bae, this is Judge. Remember him. You met him a couple of times at parties..."

"THIS IS HOBIE? Bro look so different." And frankly, scary as f*ck! If he could say the rest of his sentence.

"Not a clue." Hobie grunts being like a guard dog to his boyfriend.

Miles arched his eyebrow, knowing his partner is jealous as hell. "Bae, Judge is just a friend."

Billie pouts at her brother, "Miles and boi, Obie! Obie!" She tugs on Hobie's shirt, "Boi!" She pointed having to squint her eyes at Judge.

"Wah?" Judge saw the glares he got from the two, especially the way Billie squint her eyes at him like a cat.

Miles said, "Hold on, you two. You guys need to be nice to Judge. He's a friend from high school! Stop it." He had to scold his boyfriend a baby sister. Then apologize to his friend, "I'm so sorry, man. I didn't expect this from them."

"It's all good, man. I didn't think you were with him... I thought he was a fling then again, we rarely hang out after high school." His friend trying to ease the tension down.

"Hah, I know, everyone didn't think me and him would be together." Miles kisses his boyfriend on the cheek, again. This calms Hobie down.

Billie felt at ease with Hobie here, "Obie! Obie!"

"Yes, lass." He took her off from his Sunflower's arm to hold her.

She patted his cheek, "Hehe." Then snuggles against him being happy he's here.

Miles blink a bit surprised at his little sister, and his boyfriend gave a small chuckles, "Don't worry, lil blu. I'll always protect your brother." This made Billie calm enough to take a nap, all this tension exhausted her. So she suckled her pacifier while she fallen asleep in the punker's arm.

Judge nervously said, "Heh, so this been something..."

"Hahaha, don't worry about them. They just love me so much." Miles said with a small smile on his face.

"I can see that." Judge will never admit to Miles that he's envious having this much love.

After Judge left, Miles finally asked his man what happened. Billie finally woken up from her nap. Her big eyes still in Hobie's arms.

"Sunflower, lil Blue send me a text. Check the iPad. It's bonkers, I know, but she was worried for me. She literally thought you were cheating on me." Hobie explained.

Miles being disbelief went to get his sister's iPad, instead of freaking out he was amazed that his little sister text Hobie! "NO WAY! Billie texted you! This is crazy! She even responded back?" He scrolls seeing how his little sister did the best she could. "Wait, she thought I was cheating on you! Boo-boo!"

Billie shrugs, "A boi!"

"See. You gave made her scared, Sunflower. Never saw a bloke like that and all alone without me around. Scandalous." Hobie jokes.

"Oh hush, you were all 'grr, don't touch my Sunflower'." Miles huffs.

"I have to be scary. It's my nature." Hobie chuckled, "Besides this look was meant for a concert."

"Obie not scary. Obie good." Billie patted him.

Miles sighs, "Well, at least she has your back, bae."

"Hah, and she texted me first!" His boyfriend gave a smug smirk.

When Miles' parents came home from work, they were surprised to find out Billie knowing how to text. The three year old happily demonstrated her skills by sending them a text.

Billie: Miles & a boi! A Boi!

Rio giggles, "A boi? Does she mean Obie?"

Hobie chuckles, "Actually it's a funny story."

"Let me guess," Jeff rub his chin, "One of Miles' old friends came by to visit and Billie thought it was weird. Then she went ahead to text you?"

"Wow, that was fast?" Miles asked his dad.

"I'm good at my job." Jeff smirks.

Hobie sips his soda, "I scared him good."

"How?" Rio asked having to hold her daughter.

"My looks."

Jeff and Rio tilted their head not being afraid of the punker's style. They gotten so use to it, it felt like one of his normal clothing. "Hmph, I don't see it." Rio said.

"Maybe if you add red eyeliner underneath?" Jeff crossed his arms giving advice.

Miles giggles, "I didn't know you an expert, dad."

"Just giving some advice."

Hobie said, "I'll try that next time, pops. So, mamí Morales, what's for dinner?"

"Hmm, how about some Shrimp con Mofongo y arroz con habichuelas?" She wanted to cook something easy today.

"Habichuelas! Mamá, yo quiero arroz con Habichuelas. Por favor." Billie spoke in Spanish being so hungry for rice and beans.

"Sí, mi amor. Just hold on for a few minutes. Miles, take out the pot from the fridge."

"On it!"

Rio handed her daughter to Hobie, whiles she gets to cooking. Billie and Hobie sat watching the two. They couldn't wait for dinner.

Adventures of Punkflower/FlowerPunk - Chapter 150 - Silent_Raven13 (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.