The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4 LOCAL INTERESTS WHERE TO BRING 'YOUR BABIES SPRINGIELD EVENTS re WAR CHEST IGURES OB NATURE LOVERS SOCIAL NEWS Is SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Burning baby Savers to gather LIEUT ULLER DIES SI 533 26093 rante Mt! $4 1499210 87 YOUNG MEN ENLIST 9J100 LOCAL REAL ESTATE MATTERS $8231895 Birchwood avenue! Longmeadow nerfr i I IJ nuniste $8525280 will SUNDAY SERVICES $9115881 413 LIEUT GUY UELER 833217378 armory $34393669 INDIAN ORCHARD 7363268 1331812 10 a in i lie patui' 280753 55 Captalhs illM'lH OBITUARY White LOL A I DIED CITY NEWS NOTES Hl XOlKLS AAIRS LOCAL SOCIETIES her chapel: RED CROSS CALLS NURSES DISTURBANCES IN AUSTRIA end'leirr 1 White Hope charges file theh McG reior ranklin Abbott the new on State net Bible morning Gorton ing All struel ruro in ojyn ha? na who buy for a home andpossession immediately "aptaius Allis ish Barrett 82410 7b790 Army Heavy artillery Aviation Home guard military Home guard educational Miscellaneous Bahehffll to port Klvnbie l)Clm lVb VfilMHH Ml! Pl al ur: Cleverly and her daugh Alice Cleverly of St James day Burton Dibble of had with them for a week their son Ralph Adi erlicuii ni 4399000 4903574 Captains Wood ward Crane Benson Hammond 339055 286390 259870 207695 341810 235025 259240 675210 1129160 158671'2 orest Park school William street school 'Armory street school Charles street school Homer street school Brightwood school Myrtle street school Indian Orchard 1 363496 318105 11'47 99 311975 308065 The machine turned over him out ortunately he initlred and the machine damaged He claimed that there were no lights to indicate that excavation work was going on there Rev rank Briggs pastor of the Union Evangelical church of Indian Orchard hag made application for Young Christian association work with the forces in rance He expects that his appointment will be forthcoming soon as his work and training have been in line with the requirements for Red Triangle work an called for by the war council of the Young Men's Christian association Air Eriggs has been in charge of the church in Indian Orchard for over five years and has been an important fac tor in the advancement of church Lieut Mahlon Hill who has been visiting his sister Mrs Love of West Springfield went yesterday morning to Camp Merritt Liqut Hill who is a former resident of Hol yoke has spent the past six months in the trenches with his command He enlisted in the 104th regiment last summer and was chosen to attend the training camp at Platts burg where he received his commis sion He was assigned to Co of the 103d regiment and accompanied it to rance He was recently ordered back to this country to help in training the new men X'nt 1 in puih file Wnldinfr GIIIh of mi listing Qu i litv at nrii Uiliv th in former nrlees Bowden Boynton Brizham Brown Kilkley Chapin Carlisle omlns Toogan Cowles nowncy William IL eltham has sold for Howard ield the property at Agawam Chicopee East Long meadow Hampden Long meadow Ludlow Captains Doggett Hobson uller Kilroy Riga the Red Cross this afternoon in the chapel from 230 to 5 Besides bread and cake will have ice Miss Emily Haynes will be graduat ed from the Walnut Hill school early in June and returns home but pects to enter Vassar college in fall Mr and Mrs rank Graves have ceived word that their son Carl who has been at Camp Hanco*ck Ga only seven weeks has now been sent to Camp Dix William Hanlon has bought the house on Greenacres adjoining Charles and is making additions and de cided improvements on the property The South Park terrace ball team yesterday morning won from the Edgewood avenue boys IS) to 11 Mrs Triplett of Roseland ter race has been spending a week or more in New York Mrs Dexter A Atkins 'of Maple road is visiting friends in Pittsfield for a week prayei nimitl open Mr aeHoliir Dies In sNlUthampton of Autoipebile 1 Wreck Injuries Total mili tary di vision $10455311 Educational division Col Warner 2673640 ll130su 1078925 821 600 892690 Church of Christ Rev A worship with special eil 6 concert Springfield Mqji Succumbs Springfield nest of Owls will ar range a special entertainment for the instalation of the auxiliary as soon as the charter of the auxiliary arrives ourteen applications for membership were received at last meeting in Moose hall Lyman street grotto initiated a class of can dilates at its meeting in Odd hall last ollowing the in itiation a musical entertainment was given John Brand and His Aides inish Compiling Exact Team Totals of Last Campaign is pleasing to the members of thq Lake Sunapee fishing association whb have spent money plant ing brook trout fingerlings during the past few years Henry I Bowles alone bought of these fish in thd fall of 1910 and sent them to SunapeeiMr Breck thinks that June will be the banner month for fishing this year as the trout are near the surface and can be taken by trolling Palmer Land T'ransfcred The deed was filed in the registry of deeds yesterday conveying to the town of Palmer five acres of land which will be used for agricultural purposes in connection with the town farm The property was bought of William Bur dick tor 8975 DISTRICT GAVE $1533260 a i LONGMEADOW Attributed "to Socialists and Jugo oreigners Kept Out Serious disturbances are reported in Austria in official dispatches received at Washington yesterday from Swit zerland' oreigners it is declared are not permitted to enter country? The disorders are attributed the dis patches said to socialists and Jugo slavs or information apply to headquarters of the commit tee of the council of national defense "T45 State street 9 to 11 a Telephone Walnut 2440 10:0 titemo Spoa ScilOuI Plans for Memorial Exercises ill preach in irst te dhorrow morning the communion service ex the Victory Bread Shop's New Quarter The permanent quarters of the local Victory bread shop which will be off! cially known as branch No 1 were opened at 170 Main street yesterday afternoon with a large attendance and with many offlicals of the committee of public safety in attendance Mrs Hillman chairman of the wom committee of the committee on public safety made the opening re marks and she was followed by Mrs Walter Mulligan Other officials who were present were Herbert Thayer secretary of the public safety committee and Mrs Alfred Carroll Mrs Hawkins who will have charge of the branch gave a demon stration of oatmeal and barley bread and barley pastry The branch will be open every day from 10 to 630 and on Monday evenings will remain open On Tuesday and riday after noons at 230 Mrs Hawkins will give demonstrations of conservation bread cakes and muffins on Wednesday afternoons at 230 demonstrations of canning or drying On Thursdays groups of women may come to do ac tual canning and on Monday evenings at 730 there will be a demonstration for the benefit of those who are? pre vented from being in attendance aur ing the afternoon sessions The pub lic is also invited to make df'the branch as a reading and waiting room and the place has been arranged with this in view it having been attrfictivfe finished and furnished The following committee has been appointed by the association of Indian Orchard to make arrange ments for the annual' ourth of July celebration: James 7' Griffin Victor Bengle Kirkland Am brose Ryan Coburn James Greenaway Dr Doherty James Gilmore Eugene Lynch Oscar Goodreau Samuel Brown Walter Spaulding and Alcide Daigle The celebration will be simple and inexpensive The association has appointed a committee consisting of Edward Davis James Griffin and' Victor Ni Bengle to have a large service board erected in a prominent place in the town on which Indian honor roll will be displayed It is hoped to have the board in place by July 4 John Nolan who has been letter carrier on the hill district cince the establishment of the experimental free delivery system several years ago re linquished bis duties yesterday His egular successor has not yet been appointed Rians To day for Campaign to Get Quota Detailed plans for the local drive to recruit Red Cross nurses will be completed to day An examination for the registration of nurses will be held at the Springfield hospital the 29th if there are enough applicants Those desiring to take thd examina tion should apply at once to Dr Wal ter Bowers state house Boston A nurse must be registered to enrol in the Red Cross quota Public Service magazine The article Pauline 14 years old daughter of Klriand Mrs Nathan Bass of 139 Shar on street died yesterday at Mercy hospital brief illness Besides her parents she1 leaves three broth er's Louis? William and Harry and a sister Anna She was a pupil at the Chestnut street school The funeral was held at the home of her at noon yesterday The burial was in wuoranam roaa cemetery The funeral of Ralph of Middletown Ct funeral parlors ernoon at 4 Burial will Grove cemetery study at "30 Stats free CHARLES THE HAU BVMirlS oss Hawkins fc'hure Ley Ludington Maloney McCarthy Xorcross Parry 9676 20 988650 Col Norcross Lanigan $lo4O549Cheney 1438761 Ealou ll8774i Th Bpringfiold Truth CwAter triJi bnbt Its 1 30 At Home gunrfl total $13128991 Women Who Weigh and Measure infants This Month Will Get Instructions To day a meeting for the instruction of the women whq will conduct the weigh ing and measuring of babies to be conducted in this city at 15 measur ing centers for a month commencing Monday morning will be held this morning at the headquarters of the visiting association 3 Mar ket street Miss Caldwell who has been in charge of the visiting nurses will give instruction to the volunteer workers 5 The baby saving movement will be under the auspices of the council of national defense whose membership the volun teer workers have been drawn lb )jiiii 3 fi in have with 'them their Harold Jacobs of Washington has come on for the this evening were rising overturned and ran into the'river between Leeds and Hayden jViUe Miss Haddock is still on the dangerous list at the hospital al though it is thought that she will re covery ja Lieut uller was born in this city and received ais education here? grad uating from central high school IB graduatdVfrom Dartmouth college in the class of 1914 after which he at tended the Tuck school of finance gpahiuating in 1915 or two years he was employed as a statistician bv thdNew England telephone and tele graph company at New York city Heenlisted a' Tear ago and was 1st lieu tenant in the quartermaster corps sta tioned at Boston He was a member Of Tabernacle of New York city Besides his father who is 'a' well leal estate man in this city Me leaves a stepmother and a brother raykiEdson uller Jr of this city will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 Rev Bur ford Parry of Hope church will 'offi ciate and burial will be in Worcester 15658' Grai 1 7602801 tai Heavy Artillery Uontnbntions 46 112789 979868 40O99O 24O526iJ 955540 5O DA1' Surgical Irewiinp knittiug and sewing workers ttl Red Crixsi headquarters btnta and Willow a lu to 5 and to 16 ui ConH iition of the Independent working circle International college cjuitueucemeut War poaters on exhibition city 'Ibrarj TO DAY VXD TO Vaudeville and moving pictures at Broadway and at Motion pictures at and Bijou TO irst church Christian endeavor £jwn party '7 Cr still avenue Ute final and complete figures on the gilts and pledges to the Spring field district war chest are compiled John Brand war chest treas urer and his aids yesterday finished the tremendous and confusing job of tabulating every report turned in by the hundreds of solicitors in last great campaign The totals show the ar chest to contain with ths section amassing the greatest returns the second the "Heavy third the ation or out of town groups fourth and the or om teams fifth The final figures are: GRAND TOTALS xav 814100210 33217378 31393669 28075305 40455351 2673610 140540 the and the communion service with several chufch will followthe sermon T'ie atanual memorial services for the 'United States soldiers from Longmeadow who have lost their lives in serving their country will be held in the church at 4 Aja has been the custom for some years the exercises will be under the auspices of the historical society Rev James Gordon Gilkey of the South church will speak and there will be special music The executive commit tee would like to have as many flowers as possible taken to the church as there are about 50 Revolutionary and civil war graves to decorate and there is one grave of the present war George Beal who died of disease Only a few civil war veterans are left in Longmeadow They are Prof John Clarkei Who from Michi gan and was a captain in the 5thcavalry of Gen brigade Pae Emerson who went from Ash land in' the Massachusetts 5th artil lery ReubenxBlake past commander of Wilcox post who was in the 4th Connecticut for three years and later with the Garibaldi rifles serving four years and four months Thomas Par ker of the 1st Connecticut heavy artillery' Hibbard who served in the 7th Connecticut volunteers ah i Saxton: Cooley who was a lieu tenant in the 37th Massachusetts vol unteers having enlisted from Amherstcollege? Although in business in Locks Ct Mr Cooley con siders the ancestral home of his fatheroccupied by his sisters the Misses Cooley as his home Dr and Mrs TlaroldV Clarke of Hopldnp place have had a brief visit from Iler brother rederick Butterfield of Morgantown Va who hns left fqr Boston Mr Butterfield who was supervisor of art in the Morgantown school has taken up work for the Young Christian association and gods to New York next weekready to go overseas Mr and Mrs Everett Allen en tertained relatives from Newton Me mprial day Mr and Mrs letcher Bar ber and daughters Miss lorence Bar ber and Miss Ruth Barber and Joint Robison the fiance of Miss lorence Barber They stopped over while mo toring to Schenectady Mr and Mrs Albert Walters of Belle Claire avenue were recently in East Amherst where were called bv the deatli of Mrs grand mother Mrs Bosina Ballou Lovett who would have beep 101 years of age had she lived until September A small automobile narty which in Mr and Mrs Eueene Sackett Mr and Mrs Theodore Trombley and Mr and Mrs Howard Brown enioved Memorial dav bv motoring to New Ha ven and some of the Connecticut beaches Mr and Mrs John Wood have re ceived word from their son Albert who left for rance six months ago that they are now so accustomed to the firing that a cannon does not wake them if thev get th sleep He has been promoted to first class seiy geant James Booth who has made quite it study of wireless telegraphy and at one' time received messages has been obliged to remove the pole he erectefi on his house Wires and apparatus were taken down some time ago Lieut and Mrs James Kempton have returned from a few stay in Clintonville WIs Lieut Kempton has returned to Camp Devens and Mrs Kempton Is with her parents Mr and' Mrs George Brigham Mr and Mrs James Grady of Bircchwood avenue have taken a mo )7r trio stopnlng Memorial day In Rochester and on their return wiU so tlirouRii the Adirondacks T'ho girls' economic club will have a sale of war food for the benefit of 1196749' Army Ci4 Mahoney Contribu tions $1199235 ire Damages Cable Building ire and water did considerable damage to stores on the ground floor of the Cable building at IS and 22 Worthington street and 59 ort street yesterday morning at 915 The fire started In the plumbing establish ment of Bill Co at oil ort street where there was damage to 'the clothing store of Cohen Co at 22 Worthington street second hand furniture store and the storage room at 20 Worthington street The building is owned by Cohen Technical High School Notes The latest thing in drives ip from to morrow until rext Sunday by the technical high school students The purpose of this campaign is to collect as many phono graph records as possible to be dis tributed among the various canton ments for the benefit of the soldiers As this is strictly a high school affair the students are urged not only to bring records from their homes but also to go around to the home of their friends and neighbors Llent Leavitt Missing A cablegram has been received from London stating that Lieut Hen ry Leavitt of Sanford Me has been missing in action since May 17 Lieut Leavitt is the fiance of Miss Winifred Curtis of Lafayette street end i of the Canadian roya! flying squadi ut He trained in Canada and Texas going from there to Scot land and went to rance about the first of May Ihing is Great at Luke Sunapee James Breck and Dr Rice have just returned from a fish ing trip at Lake Sunapee where they stopped at the Sunapee camp Mr Breck who has fished in Sunapee for over 30 years reports that he had better trout fish ing this year than ever before His party landed several large square tails and a number of Sunapee trout of over two pounds each He says that the shores are alive with small brook troutfrom 6 to 10 inches long This report Baptist 1st church Carew frequently juggled: in many cities to make a good 'financial showing at the end of the year The local system to which reference is made by Mr WoOtan hag been worked out by A I Hathaway regis trar of the Springfield water depart ment and his assistants on the basis established by William Hagenah a Chicago expert engaged 'for the pur pose several years ago In citing lax methods in cities where the water works are owned by the mu nlcipalities Mr Wootan points to Springfield as a fine exception wisii io ihimk nil Ii if nd nini 1:1 Uofe tor Uc 'p mid 'vn'i'iiHiy In ih ulh pik Ilf hiibhiHid unl fiii'i 'I A u1 liii rtfc SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLWaN: JVNB 191S Carpw gfrppt and North streets Rev Robert Klsher tr rosldenc 37 Sheldon st: 1030 nornlnff worship sermon Northern Baptist Ccn 12 Bible school evening worship sermon Great til welcome Chase Memorial Baptist chnrch 4 little big welcome urebdeif Kev Ernest la 1030 morning 7 wor midweck prayer sishig of a seven ropm bungalow and about 6215 square feet of land to Harry and Emma Dunn nf his city take 1489806 Col Chase 7095801 974360 Dwight Winter YAH auc tion the house and barn atQSgBay street this noon at 12 The June sale of the Springfield day nursery has been post poned until next Saturday The surgical dressings department at the Red Cross headquarters and Willow streets will be cltiaed this morning to allow necessary Changes to be made in equipment Thq k'ewng and knitting departments will' open as usual from 9 until 1 Wilcox Grand Army post ex tends its sincere thanks to stile: Citi zens of Springfield for the generous response given in the use of ear Xor the comfort and convenience of the comrades who were unable fo "march Thursday and tor the gift of flowers and other more substantial gifts which helped to make the observance ot our Memorial day so successful The following marriage intentions were filed at the office of the city'clerk yesterday James Henderson Scott of 15 Wilton street and Elizabeth An Moore of 41 Oak street Delbert Wilbur of 1563 North street and Lil lian McCarthy of State street Otta wa Ont William Collins of 17 Windsor street and lorence A Bren nan of 17 Windsor street Roy Emerson of 590 Main street and Ma loma ortier of 39J Main street John Passick of 114 erry street was arrested by John Maloney and Offi cer Albert Tessier near the corner of North and erry streets late yes terday afternoon on a charge of violat ing the draft law Several hours later Officer Tessier and Officer Thomas Moriarty arrested Nicholas Sahevitsky of 130 Essex street Peter Rufus Of North street and Luka Lachachuk of 2ol erry street on similar All four men had falied to questionnaires The first attempt to use Dwight street entrance i street ended disastrously last evening The victim Clyde A Sweet of Green field not only had the thrilling expe rience of having his automobile cross the sidewalk and drop into an excava tion but he suffered arrest for oper ating an aqtomobile without a license The machine turned over throwing was not was not Ac counting System Here is Astonish ingly Good The accounting system of the Springfield water department was mcritkmed as a notable exception t'O the prevailing lax methods in muni Icipal accotmting in a recent issue of cr mu Mrs ter "Mis avenue have been spending two or three days in Boston at the HCtel' Bellevue rehearsal of the wedding of Mis 'Elsie Louise Gengenbach and Edwin Richard Gifford of this city which is to take place 7 to night' was held last evening at the home of Miss parents Mr and Mrs George I Gengenbach of Tyler street During the even ing Miss Gengenbach presented her bridemaid Miss Sylvia Syrett? and Miss Esther Hall who is to play the wedding music with gold friend ship pins while Mr gifts to pis best man red Gengenbach and to Leslie Syrett who will assist in the musical program were stickpins Other guests present at the rehearsal in addition to Rev Dr Weeks pastor of the irst Highland church who will perform the ceremony were Mr and Mrs Harry Gengenbach of Honkers brother and sister in law of the bride elect anjl Joseph Newell of the Massachusetts institute of technology her cousin Mr and Mrs Charles Hamilton at Rogers avenue West Springfield have had ag their guests this week their cousins Mr and Mrs George Wright of Watertowp and Mrs Vir ginia Litchfield of Boston who returned home Memorial Mr and Mrs Harvard street short visit this Dibble who was at home on a 24 hour furlough He is in the naval service and is stationed on Manhattan island His brother Robert Smith Dibble taken a position with the Chicopee tional Miss Marv Stevens will give annual garden party at her home on Ingersoll grove to day from 4 till 7 for all the members of the Indian association the McAll mis sion and the Dea Brown class of the 4'irst Congregational church Mr and Mrs lagg of North ampton avenue were entertained at dinner Thursday evening by Miss Hol ston of the same street the affair be ing in honor of Mgs lagg who will leave Monday for a trip of three or four months to the coast Mrs lagg is going on to visit relatives in the West whom she has not seen for 34 years She will spend' some time with her sister Mrs Christian Ander son and her niece Mrs Emma Gloss in Ebrtland Or and will also stop to see three brothers one of whom lives in Seattle another in Kelso and the third in Carrolls Point Wash Her frlend Mrs Lester Bali of Pearl street will make the trip with her as far as La Grand Or and Miss Welsh of Westfiejd who is goiig tp Vancouver will also be of the party1 They will go out by way of the Union Pacific Miss Gladys Ganley of Chase ave isk 9v225UO Gotamodoie Ley 1168'''' iW TR A ISES WATER 0 I CE Public Service Magazine Says iiue who is a student at the Sargent school of physical culture in Cam bridge left this week for the school camp at Peterboro where she will remain through June? Other Springfield girls at the school who will also attend the camp are Miss Alice Porter of ort Pleasant avenue and Miss Rosamond Lovell of Sumner ave nue Miss Evelyn Geran who has completed her course has returned to spend the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs Geran of Avon A shower in honor of the approach ing marriage of' Miss Henrietta Gour to Edward Brogan was givenWedpesday evening? at the home of Mary M' Mack on Cleveland street guests the membersof the A sowing club and a fewintimate friends Miss Gour was giv en a China tea set the presen ta tic being made by Mrs Gour Musicand games were enjoyed after which refreshments were served the hostess being assisted by Miss Lilia Carney Mrs George Mack and Mrs John Mack The children of the Holland bouse school on High street will present the play in rench next Wednesday: morning when the closing exercises of the year will be held The performance will be at 10 Miss Gertrude Davis of Princeton street and Miss Margaret Van Wyck pf Ridge field Park will' be graduated from the normal training department oj the school and will receive their diplomas on Wednesday morning Mr and Mrs Charles Woodward of Tatham JiiU West Springfield re turned recently from motor trip to Providence I Their son and his wife Mr and Mrs Woodward who have been on Oak street Indian Orchard are moving this week to Taunton where they will make their home for the present as Mr Woodward has accepted" a government position there Air and Mrs Blake of Buck ingham street are expecting their daughter Mrs James Hanchett Jr and her sons James Richard and Philip to arrive to day from their home in Madison Wis for a visit of some length Their little granddaugh ter Dorothy Chamberlain who has been spending two weeks in town re turned yesterday to her home in Housatonic A' meeting of the Mapledell em broidery club was held this week with Airs Charles Gardner of Cam bridge street Sewing as usual oc cupied the time and refreshments were served by 'the hostess The next gathering will be with ATiss" an nie Mills of Ma pledell street in a fortnight Airs A Russell of remont street entertained the inembers of the Ail fofun club on a recent evening for the final gathering of the season The prizes went to Airs Arthur Brooks Mrs Al Cutler and Clarence Jarvis A luncheon was served at the close of the game Mr and'Mrs A I Jacobs or uick inson street son who Pierce rost' wedding Mr Jacobs was a college friend of Dr at the university of Pennsyl vania Aliss Ida ox who makes her home with her sister Mrs Joseph Alenard of Rogers avenue West Springfield returned Thursday evening from a five stay in Brattleboro Vt Airs and Miss Edith Coates of Rogers avenue West Spring field Will leaive "td day for a trip to Boston i 'Hooker school Strickland school Tapley school Eastern avenue school Worthihgton strect school Kensington avenue school i Central street schoob 'Lincoln school Captains Bradshaw razer city employes Eberhardt railroads Simpson insurance Wheat departments stores Brush street railway Anderson factories Donohue factories Keeil factories Priest factories 1514708 Sickle 1908400 881950' Col Brown Coe Iaubscner Carlisle Latker is by James 'B Atjpotan editor bf £Me and is entitled "Is muriici pdj ownership a Thewrit avpwed opponent of muill Cipal ownership and the article is a Strong criticism of the methods whereby statistics are Mr and Mrs William Orr of Win chester formerly of this city have sentvout 'invitations for the wedding their daughter Alisg Helen Theresa Orr' to Lieut James Syng Armstrong United States reserve which is to take place next 1 Saturday afternoon at 4 in the irst Congregational chtych in Winchester A reception at the Ofr home on Main street Win chester will follow the ceremony Lieut Armstrong who is the son of Prof and Mrs A Armstrong of Allddletown Ct ia at present attached to the 303d infantry af'Camp Devens Several Springfield people have inlAthol this week over the holi day among those in the party being Airs John A Murphy and daugh ter Mrs Livingston Pitman of School street Airs William AIur phy her daughter Aliss Marion Mur phy of Byers street and her son Lam bert Murphy of New York Mrs Will iam Murphy and Lambert Murphy have been spending some time Alijnsonyille II and joined the otherfc iir Athol Memorial day At the home of Air and Mrs Ever ett a Pierce of Buckingham place was held last night a rehearsal of the wedding of their daughter Aliss Jose phine Hageman Pierce and Dr Will iam John rost of Walnut street which is to be an event of this even ing Among those present were Airs Philip Palmer of Woonsocket I whom Miss Pierce has chosen for her matron of honor the best man Dr LeRoy Billings of Boston the ushers Ralph Coomes of this city and Everett Pierce brother of the bride to be and Rev and Mrs Gar rett Stryker of the American In ternational college Air Stryker is to perform the ceremony The gifts of Dr rost and" Pierce to their attendants were made at the rehear sal Mrq Palmer receiving a lava! liere set with a sapphire and pearl Dr Billings a pair of gold cuff links xmi jii voumes auu xur ierce silver pocket combs Dr gift to I Miss Pierce was a crescent pin setwith 'sapphires and pearls Dr Bil lings and his mother Airs Harriet Billings arrived from Boston yes terday for the wadding and are stay ing with Dr parents Air and Airs Charles rost of Walnut street Miss Hazel "Hyde has completed her work for the year at the Boston school of physical education and has come to spend the summer with her parents Mr and Airs Henry Hyde Jr of Riverdale street West Springfield Miss Hyde brought with her for a visit of several weeks Aliss Verna Vining of Newton a graduate of the school Mrs Asher Allen of Spruceland' avenue left this week for her annual stay at the Ocean house Southwest Harbor Ale She will be joined there later in the season by her mother Mrs Emily Af Abbe who is visiting her AlrslHenry Patten in Wash ington Mr and Air? Wyckoff who have been visiting Air and Mrs Thomas Lloyd of St James avenue have returned to their home in Troy They also spent some time with Mr brother and his wife Mr and Airs Wyckdff of Har vard street Aliss Marjorie Latimer of Beech wood avenue is spending several days in New York city visiting college Captains Johnson i Onorato Castle Pike Des amps tlu Iiitii iiutlbinl in body Piiile KuhOoL Rev Ih Nell MuPliyrsou will Srtoiclt scdeiiesl 1 7 paster subject muKir nv pofum Testaments will be Riven to tu entry them nitd evening 43 prayer 1 1538140 Thi stlnc in prny nv fift: subject "The rower of a Great Unhersalist 3 Uni versa I Utt church and Spring street Ker Clarence IL 10 S' in worship prea HUne hr tho pitstrr: I 12 men's dab Public bnlied I nil atin Church of Hie I uitj H'lurd Conyregu HOcitlj Mau Kev VtsruMiw lie ut 943 3 I public worship at 11 a fnlbrw rd by muiiion service with wermon topic "rhe Aviation $S70S45Wet 1 1824300 Spriujr field 152370 ham prelude bv John J' Bishop (pews reserved up to this tiiueal) cats free after this bourn 11 morning worship preaching by Mr The public Invited to all services Third church Chicopee Rev Joseph Suili vau A minister: 1030 a evening 745 Take Chicopee ears to Spring field and Pearl streets Cordia1 welcouj all 14 The irst Church of Christ longrmesdow jkev ivuDuuipu jierrni minister: tervlce of worship comiuuuioij of the supper 12 Siniday bchooi 4 annual rial service Rev James Gordon Gilkey err 4 Sunday school in Norway building south end Disciples LUCklnsori st near the Reinl miuistcr: "lOSO a sermon on 1210 hbur three finis to be 7 ru children's day TtJvO6nhirnl 7 Korun fy' Mrs of I'moii iHil a ft ernoons 'J reui 1 il Memorial Sort I Main and Wl 1030 1 the pnstbr 12 Jn DR Epworth League 7 sermon by paator church Bridiio St P01 Main strangers welcome: Rev red Winslo I aster win prenun i pwortn ueacue at firacnnet residence 84 Drowj Preaching nt 10 fl topic "The Morl BiblM school st 12 mJ STERLING SILVER ON CUT GLASS 'AT SPECIAL PRICES See them in our wirdqfa cver 1 piece a for those scekivir1 wedding gifts Cash and pledges Navy Contribu tions Commodore Steiger $117 22Slv conunocore laze nth nit ii r'iij late iJrfatiiriHvi fh Local Recruiting Office Beseiged by Those Seekirig to Get Into Service Before 'June 5th Regis tration The army recruiting station on Harqpden street was beseiged yester day by hundreds of the young men who are to" register for the selective draft June 5 all anxioUs to Join the arniy before noon when according to a ruling of the war department it vjiould no longer be possible for them to enlist without permission from their draft boards Just before nodnl however the recruiting 'officers re ceived word that the time for volun tary 'enlistments had been extended to 4 this afternoon Eighty seven of the applicants were accepted and sent to EOrt Slocum 3 of them goirig bn the train with the draft con tingent: 'The men who went are: Howard Morse of Sdiithbridge George Chenet of Northampton Emile Leblanc of Southbridge Jo seph Gervias of Southbridge Er nest Goyette of Worcester' Roy Cole of 'Worcester for the cavalry Harry Erving of Chicopee alls John A Marsh of 9 Buckingham place Bruno Cremalla of 179 Alain street and John Pesco of North Adams infantry Alcide Pelkey of East Jaffrey Patrick Lon dergan of Worcester Joseph Stone of and Robert 4S Pease of Aliddlefield coast artillery corps Hormisdas Desrosiers of Ludlow Joseph Laroche of South bridge Edgar Ducharme of Hol yoke and George A Bousquet of In dian Orchard ordnance department Domina Snadd of Ludlow Gedeon Palniiene of Easthampton George Belcher' Jr of Mittineague Thom as Speight of Longmeadow Arthur Alacdougal of Russell James Hatch of 52 Dresden street Arthur L' De Coteau of Russell Charles S' Root of 172 Buckingham street Alilton Howe of Enfield Peter Alanuel or Holyoke Clifford Al Gilbert of AIit tineague Henry Anthony of 14 Adams street Charles Herne of 11 Crest street Wilfred Langevin of Ludlow and Peter Gavin of Stock bridge quartermaster corps Edmond A Chabot of 23 Westernview street tank corps: Alyrdn A of 222 King: street Leonard Morgan of Holvoke James Scott of 15 Wilcox street Eugene Bond of Greenfield James Sullivan of Monson Everett Matthews of North Brookfield Er vin Keith of Greenfield Arthur Bar i nard of Worcester George Ritchison of Holyoke Walter Wood of all River and Carlston Duresne of Holyoke engineering corps Thomhs Grady of Holyoke Will iam Biggins of Holvoke Edwin A Wolfran of Easthampton rancis Kane of Holyoke Joseph ATcPhee of ramingham Leo Alusante of Holyoke Emile Daunais of Adams Alphonse Brodeau of Adams Har vey Lu mbre of Worcester William Guenther of Webster Leo Bud row of Webster and James A Bray of Worcester field artillery Augustine St George of Holyoke Arthur Snow of Worcester Vernon Davenport of Orange and James leming of Worcester medical department Lloyd Thompson of Alansfleld Ct signal corps Advent Advent Christian church ax Tier arhhum II 4 iiastiir piliii 68 Yale Mrect telephone 2623 1030 a sermonhr the pastor Steps Divinely Oc 42 tn Sunday si hpo! 530 joyal 7 sermon pastor "Rod Calling Traver mJpraise service Thursday evening at 730 invited Associated Bible Students A hall new Memorial ll'ilc WestState st 3 nrtilress by l'ectir A 51 Saphore of Philadelphia nbjeet "The Suf f' rings of Christ and iho Glory that Shonhl i ouow: mne III welcome Howard be held in this aft beiin Oak He was bofn in SpringfielcV where he lived until a few years 1 ago He leaves a father arid mother Air and Airs George How ar of Enfield Ct two brothers George and David of this city arid si sister Airs Bessie Kim of Hart ford' The funeral of Althee Rivard of Alelrose court will be hem in the at Slo fol regular Sunday eveningno tn 21 jvilJ hi hfh! vrrx fc irOUi JU ni in i jh 4 I I 2 I A fl if'h 43 home this morning lowed by high mass in St church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery The funeral of eba'stiano Trang hese 46 will be at his home 6 Union street this afternoon at 1 serv ices following at Mount Carmel church at 2 Burial will be in St cemetery The funeral of AlabeJ Shirley ord was held yesterday afternoon at the heme of her parents Lawrence and Alabcl (McCombe) ord of 241 North Alain street at 2 Burial was in Springfield cemetery The of Raymond infant son of Edmond rancis 29 Han co*ck street was held at the home yes terday morning and burial was in Oak Grove cemetery Thd funeral of Barbara Tuttle infant daughter of Harry Af Tuttle of 19 Wigwam place was held in the home vesterday afternoon at 2 Burial was in Suffield Church with the street and Wilbraham road JcreR pastor 1145 Stab st worship: 1143 Biblp school ship Thursday 745 service irst Highland Baptist church Srrtc and Stebbins sts Rev Weeks paMor: (hub a in preaching hr pastpr: HhO ra communion service: Bible srhool at12 515: 7 in Me morial service all welcome Thursday 7 13 jn church prayer meeting Park Memorial church (Baptist) ortM Park avenue Benjamin ranklin minister Sermons at 10110 mid 7 MtlJeci Glori ous and Things That Bible school at non: at 343 Midweek service Thursday at 8 Sta to jjt iect Rapttht church opposite Iwght Rev reeman pastor: 1030 address by Rev WmT A Hill of Boston hnd to new members: 12 tr Bible school: 345 meeting: 7 and Thursday church prayer meeting 743 Third Baptist cbtireh WUHam near Main street Rev Garnett Waller pus tor: Morning worship 1045 a tn frtnun by the pastor theme Dominant ChrUt I Spirit 1215 Bible school 630 I 720 Lord's Supper re ep 1Hon of new member Public cordially invited to all our services Christian Science irst church of Christ Scientist cor State and Orleans sts: Sunday services at 11 and 730 fi ra: Sunday school at 1215 (' 4 tn Wednesday evening testimony i 8 o'clock The public ts cordially invited CongrejratioraJ Emmanuel Congregational church and Grange street? Rev Arthur minister: Preftchiner at 1050 a pastor: Snuday selmol at 030 and 12 Mid week service Thursday evening 715 aith church ort Pleasant and Sumner a tea Rev Reuben Goddard minister 10Maplewood terrace: 1030 preaehnn? service sermon by pastor aubjeet Maik that Enhances 12 all it purtnienls of the Bible school meet Thursday to parish house open for Red Cros work Al! seats free at all serircs Cornel irst church of Christ Couctfegatiounl Court square Rev Nell McPherson A pastor: Mornhis worship 1030 a pastors aupjecr nan 3Jny tiiocKaae or gqu American college students will attend nusic by chorus of 16 voices: 12 preach to united 545 Joy of Restoration lb voices New those Thursday meeting Hopp church Burford school and forum: idt 1 afreet ijundev htifd nt ineettnx at 3r IT ot 5tr meetinff at prrrcdHKqby meetings A dhi 1 Cartd 'Mrs officers charfic irst Spiritualist Stain st: i at 3 730 Mb Nettie IL Hard I ttig of East Somej riiiv spflnkr menace bearer Tuesday 8 1 business meeting 1 Thunday in cabim i I curl Sent I ver medium Public eordiJUIy united Trulli Crtitfr Humpugc uneral ni I HvkiTJsn stT'eeter company street to day 'Saturday! nt ha rurx in this citv 2u: ilnjdfji 72 of 33 kirenllm jr widow of Jumes Ha bo held from her home tv niorrow (ununy) nt in Springfield cemetery Winter? uneral from Lis Biropf lo dnv ft with a high mnsn of rcu Horn Cathedral ut riends hnitc in St Michael ueuic lery ELLER At Northampton lilt Lieut Guy uller 21 nt the hiitnp (12 IV'Mtmi: 'Ity Monday 2 in Burial iti Wui' Boston and New York papers plrftxe 'Opyj' Wild Birds and Game Preserve Established at Amston Ct On Tuesday the national association of Audubon societies will open for the season its Nature rendezvous at Amston Ct where the public may see in operation various modern meth ods for increasing and propagating wild birds 4ind game Work was be gun last year through the generosity of Charles Al Ams of Bridgeport Ct and New York who bought up the whole southern part of the town of Hebron including a beautiful wild lake over a mile long and half a mile wide and has given the use of this to the national asso ciation as a preserve and sanctuary to carry out experiments with birds and game This has been placed charge of Herbert Job formerly state of Connecticut Propagation work is under way with 15 species of wild ducks three species of quail including the common bob white also with pheasants and wild pigeons Attracting of insectivorous birds is carried oriX and many are nesting in the placed for them The tract qf three or four square mile's heeh made a state game preserve A formal summer school session will be held for three weeks beginning July 6 with classes bird study game propagation and Nature photog raphy also evening illustrated lec tures on bird subjects Throughout the summer informal demonstrations will be conducted The purpose in thus opening this private estate is to establish a gathering place for repu table people interested in birds and game and wild" Nature where they may acquire practical ideas about attracting birds and breeding game which they can carry out at home and thus advance the present popular movement for the conservation of useful and beautiful wild life i in Northampton Hospital to Auto mobile Wreck Injuries ancee Lies in Same Hospital Lieut Guy uller 25 son of Air ana Mrs rank Edson uller of 62 West tninster stfeet died at 430 yeatfrdav afternoon at the Dickinson hospital in Northampton He was severely in jured late Thursday niornjng wnen the automobile which lie and his fiancee Miss Ethel Haddock of New York Centers for weighing and measpjf ing babies under 5 Open June 3 to 28 except Saturdays 330 530 Headquarters? tied building 145 State street Winchester squa minister: 10 a 11 a in Rev Damoter subject Message of the Spirit 230 at oster i in the special patriotic musical service by the church quartet the chorus uf 80 voices a nil the mixed chorus of 35 voices Madam Gregg of Paris will speak of her experiences dnrinjc the 3bj years rf war in rance Thursday 745 midweek prr Ire oppression iif and Great North Congregational church Salem st Rev New too Hall pastor residence 19 Elliot street: Morning worship 1030 a preaching by the pastor subject Who '8crrc nt Stinduv cchnoL 12 6 Midweek service Thursday 745 iu Red Crosa work every Wednesday afternoon at 2 tn the house All are welcome Olivet chutch Oak street Rev A Bnt terfleld minister residence it JO Marlon street: 1030 a ru preaching by pastor he Dynam ics of 12 nt Bible School: in Midweek service Thursday 745 All welcome Park Congregational church St James ate and Clarendon street: 1030 a morning worship with sermon by Rev A Reed 12 Sunday school union meeting of and Junior 6 South CongreffUtfonal church Maple end High streets Rev James Gordon Gilkey mln ister: 0J0 a Snn1ay ehonL Edward A Appleton snperiutendent 10 Vcmug discussion ulds led by minister 1055 front the country's total 6f 25000 IS before Junp 4 13S0by Jan 7 'J r' ive new memberslifeye leemap pbhfted'TO tlie local Red Cfoss liursing service Alias Anna Barclay super intendent' of "ranklin1 county hospital AliSs Bowen rsjji perintendent of the Springfield hos pitaJr Mrs iXlice Cleland tIlb Cooley Dickinson hospital Northamp ton Miss Ethel Doherty Jlolyolt? city hospital and Miss Emma Jossc lyn Wesson memorial hospital Those already on the committee are Aliss Amy Alexander (chairman) Mrs Luke CoredEfm Miss Viola Miss Alary and Aliss of the Springfield hospital YgridMrs George Byrnes There ar Q4 nurses from: the Springfield assofiiatiori in thp Service This includes Olla Dowling of the Mon Ason state hospital and Rachael Ghatn 'bers of the Wesson memorial hospital who have just left for the Walter Reed hospital in Washington It is the plan of the Red Cross to give to the the conrtrrttteeS orIiospitalS instructors 'and some of public health nurses a 'chevron as recognition tlfat tfiir services areydistinqtly war services6 AA' fourfold lappear will be 'made' ih the campaign for nurses: An appeal to the 'registered nurse as the only group of women? recognized as a part of the military establishriient upon: women devolves the responsibility fori mainatining the health and Jives of our soldiers to the nwrse entploying public who should realize that who ever to day employs a trained nurse not deeded is depriving our soldiers of needed care and as therefore giving aid to the enemy to the physicians? to release for service all nurse? not imperatively needed in their practice to institutions and or nurses operate by employing as head nurses those ineligible for Red Cross serv ice because of age slight physical dis ability or ptnuly ties 343nO8S 2S24654 Home Guard Gen Parsons $2S2S9O 214105lJougrue 157709 Smith 3 3AR575 '5'Jtton 1 849 oo 498936'664 734 an Sickle 2442315: 'alter 53 70 a rren 3 40X 40 i too in 31 72 GO 464300 106250 387375 1035 266630 231 20 262 3n 275560 228756 Episcopal All church Oakland btjeet RcT John Rosebaugh Rector: 745 Holy Communion 943 a Sunday school 11 a Holy Communion and Sermon 2d and 4(h Sundays other Sunday mornings Serinon and Prayer: 7 Evening Prayer aud Sermuu Christ church State aud Chestnut streets Rev John McGann Rector: Rev Ed nind Laine Jr Associate Minister: 730 Hmy Communion: 930 Christ Church School: 11 Morning Service dedication of tfte Servl lag with special ceremonies and fcvrinuni1 seats free Grace church Chicopee ahn Pleasant streets Rev Burgees tfriostdr charge 8 a Holy Communion 11 3U Holy Communion and Sermon 7 ml Evening Prayer: 930 a tn Suaday schuoL St Peter Episcopal Church Buckingham st Rev John Nolan Rector Charles My ron Tnbbft Assistant: Holy Communion 739 a Holy Communion and Sermon (first third and fifth Sundays! 103d a Mornifig Prayer and Sermon 2d and 4th SwiidaysK 1030 a Sunday school 12 noon Even song and Sermon 730 tn Methodist Asbury irst Methodist Ep1shiucfruHw corner of Hanco*ck and lorence streets Re Harold Hickey pastor Morning 1030 sermon Reality of the Unseen Sunday sehooL 1210 evening jseryiv' 7 mon Keeping tn? nome pres Ore 4'v Grace rhuych reh Main throp stsP Rev Brett: sermon oy whool'6 evening worship Trinity Adams Bible school at noniit 7 pastor will preach a St James church cor of North Lrm and Dover sts Rev George Hylton sermon topi' 12 ru SUnday school: Epworth League: 730 evening service sermon topm Gospel of All invited Ilcarw Jj Wesley Methodist Episcopal church Stafji st opposite Buckingham RevJ Ph IL pastor Rev Carlyon acting pas tor residence 120 Buekinghahi et Miss Edtm argent st River by Rv 1 preaching at 7 by Rev 'I' Ca topic on the era cordially invited to all the services Jew Thought Unity Center of New Thought 356 Room 404: Meeting every satuoaay at 7 iu and every riday at 3 welcome New Church (Sweden borsian) Church of the Nety Jerusalem corn thtral and Beech ats Rev TidnUier: Divine worship rent) ni: Snj dtiy school 1145 a All scats? free StranS ers cordially invited Presbyterian irst Presbyterian church of SpringficBl Concord terrace ami Stun street iwar Wm nsv ifovrsv xi mlniatAi" i primary department of Bible ji in: multi ami tm Bill at 12 nt cvnnhi rvlve til 7 VijiRors cordinl'v woh oiiivd IVnc riin Aflctlqii 44 1 iv Service every flight nt low Sundays nt 3 and 8 welcome to Mh'e puburx Salvation Army aOa wsw 1 1 lf St iir will IWO I I A i'.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.