Roll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (2024)


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JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#1: Aug 30th 2020 at 3:13:17 AM

Ancient China (Tang Dynasty). Demons galore. There are heroes who fight them, but they aren't enough. Unable to withstand this injustice, the Buddha Victorious in Battle Great Sage Equal to Heaven Handsome Monkey King Sun Wukong decides to recruit a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits note to fight demons and defeat the demon kings. And that's where you become important. It didn't matter if you were a merchant from far away lands caught in the demon madness, an old man who had lost his kids and grandchildren to demons, a demon kid who hated evil and opposed it or a rich noblewoman who wanted to do something in her life aside of bearing children. You were chosen by the Monkey King and are going to fight in your own way. Tell me, travellers, in this world, what will your fate be?

Welcome to Tv Tropes's "official" ninth Roll to Dodge: The Monkey King's Misfits. Unlike the fantasy flavor of the 4th and 5th RTD, the superhero flavor of the 6th RTD, the Deadly Sins flavor of the 7th RTD or the Odyssey flavor of the 8th RTD, this RTD's flavor is Ancient China and Journey to the West.

You probably have seen or played a RTD game before, but if you didn't, the premise is simple. You create a character and roll a d6 (dice of 6, aka the classic dice) to perform (most of the) actions, which are submitted as ">" commands like ">I eat the dead squirrel" or ">I Groin Kick the bad guy".

As the intro above said it, you are a person who has been chosen by the Monkey King to fight demons. So take that opportunity and inmerse yourself in Ancient China try not to get killed in this world.

As many of you may not be familiar with Ancient China, I'll be providing resources and help whenever you need it. You won't need to do too much research.

Worldbuilding (no how to make your character here)

Things about this world (ask for more if you need to):

The setting of this RTD is the Tang Dynasty, a thriving Dynasty which was from 618 to 907, after the Sui Dynasty, and before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. However, the setting is a bit vague on what exact year is it or which Emperor is on the throne right now, and the only tip we have is that it has been some (but not too many) years after the Pilgrims reached West (the journey was around 628 and 652). It's mostly so we don't have politics from the past affecting our characters.

  • The average Tang Citizen may have heard about the Pilgrimage West, but if they're a dirt-poor farmer in a village with no Buddhist temples or anything... they may not.
  • The average Tang Citizen may be aware of the existence of Sun Wukong, but that's rare unless he met you in his few trips to the mortal realm aside of his own mountain. The most they saw him is when the Pilgrims arrived in clouds at the Capital City Chang 'An, and some people saw a blurry monkey in there.
  • The average Tang Citizen is aware about the Imperial Examinations, the great exams that determine if you are able to become an official that way. They also know merchants and their children can't go to them.
  • The average Tang Citizen is aware of the importance of poems in the world.
  • The average Tang Citizen is a practicer of folk religion unless they are Taoists or Buddhists, and knows about the gods and local gods. They also pray and make offerings to the local Earth and Mountain gods, and River gods, if there is a river nearby.
  • The average Tang Citizen enjoys the festivities of the New Year and others, celebrates Ancestors' Day and the Qixi, and remembers to look at the moon at the Middle Autumn Festival.
  • The average Tang Citizen is subjected to filial piety and has never cut their hair unless they are a Buddhist monk or nun.
  • The average demon knows of either a monkey or someone named Sun Wukong trashing Heaven 500 years ago and they were very powerful. Sometimes they are the same and only, sometimes they only know of one aspect. They also may know of the Horseboy of Heaven role he used to have, but they always know of his Great Sage Equal to Heaven title.
  • The average demon may or not may eat people and/or shapeshift.
  • The average foreigner doesn't know of any of the previous unless they've been in Tang for a while, then they may know about the festivities and the Imperial Examinations.

The rules, please read (includes a how to make your character here)

The success of your rolls is determined by where they fall in the d6 blah blah blah. As stated in the page:

[1] - Epic Fail. The action was not performed, and backfired horribly.

[2] - Fail. Nothing happened.

[3] - Partial Success. The exact degree of success is established by the GM.

[4] - Success. The action was carried out adequately.

[5] - Epic Success. The action succeeded in the most positive way possible.

[6] - Overshot. Though the result was achieved, the action backfires horribly due to disproportionately large effort.

  • 1. Some actions are Free Actions and you don't need to roll.
  • 2. Skills are an important part of this. Choose up to two Skills. The "Agility" Skill give you a +1 in actions requiring agility, and so does the "Animal Care" Skill.
  • 3. Some of you may be just Badass Normal (or have no fighting skills whatsoever but have some other important skills), but magic exists here, and some of you may use magic. Who exactly? Demons and Daoists, mainly. If you're a martial artist... you may have been taught about qi too.
    • Demons can (usually) shapeshift, but very little. Most of them can only shapeshift between their original forms and a humanoid one. More skilled demons may shapeshift into a more ferocious form or a human one. Demons can also do magic. [If you choose a demon, you can shapeshift and do some magic. However, you're still a demon.]
    • Daoists can exorcise/subdue demons by managing to make a repelling spell. note They can also do magic, as in spells and controlling the elements. [If you choose a Daoist, you can do magic and control the elements.]
    • Martial Artists, aside of fighting, may know of qi/chi/ki. This gives you the classic empowering of self and some cool qi-only moves and either qi blasts or healing. [If you choose a Martial Artist with magic, you get qi powers.]
  • 4. Demon terminology is kinda hard. "Demon" is the standard translation and most of the times it doesn't really matter what kind of demons they are, but I'm going to specify it out because I gotta make the bad guys different.
    • The jing are sometimes less of "evil demon" and more of "unaligned spirit", and they could be any single alignment. However, this is just sometimes.
    • The yao and the guai are both considered to be evil. Yao is a tiny bit more spirit than guai, which can directly translate into "monster". Most of the time, no good alignments here. The common word for demon is "yaoguai".
    • The mo is... complicated. While it means demon in the way of "extra evil", some of them can be just be chillin' there, eating people because they don't know anything else and humans taste good. Let's just say they're all evil, with the ocassional Chaotic Neutral in there.
    • Gui means devil and is usually used along with mo to become "Mogui". Everyone evil here.
  • 5. When choosing not-Tang citizens, you can choose from a bunch of places like Japan, Arabia, India, and the southern territories like Thailand and Laos. I'm not sure about Korea, though. The war was less than a hundred of years ago.
  • 6. Backstories are important here. Why is your character fighting against the demons (or helping those who fight against them)? What kind of people are they and what happened in their lives? Who were their parents or family? You can make it long, but include a TL;DR somewhere.
  • 7. The equipment and the weapons you have should be at least a little accurate to the Tang Dynasty. You aren't allowed peppers because they were discovered in America in the 15th Century and brought to China in the 16th Century. Same with tomatoes and all that stuff. And no Fantianhuaji, despite what a certain book and popular culture made you think about the past. That's a Ming thing.
  • 8. Please be serious. The less joke characters and joke parts in serious characters, the better.
  • Notes: Base HP is 100 for most of you. If you die, there will be a chance to revive.

Quick Sign-Up

Complete this form and you'll have your character done.

  • Name: The name your character goes by, nicknames and other stuff like art names if you're really pushing it. Resources for namingRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (2) ChineseRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (3) and Japanese charactersRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (4). If you don't have the time for this, go choose a surname from hereRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (5), Google Translate a word, and consult with me at the Anti-Necromancy thread to see if you haven't accidentally named someone something that sounds like "Eats people". For Japanese people, look at Behind The Name. Also, forgot to say it, but demons have simpler names. You could just call your demon character Little Fox Demon. You may need a fake human name like Hu Li (something like Foxe Red), but your name would be a simple one.
  • Age: How old is your character? Are they teenagers, old people, or something in between?
  • Gender and pronouns: What gender are they? Are they male, female, non-binary, genderfluid, or what else? Pronouns all sound the same in Chinese and used to be all the same, but say it if you need to.
  • Species and race: What species are they? Humans, demons, or something else? And inside the species, what race is your character? In the case of humans, are they Chinese, Japanese, Arabian or another race? In the case of demons, what animal/plant/inanimate object is your character a spirit of?
  • Skills: What skills does your character have? Are they good at painting, writing poems, fighting?
  • Powers: What powers do your character have? Or they don't?
  • Weapons: You may have up to two weapons. This is Ancient China, so no firearms allowed. Or a naginata unless you're from Japan.
  • Other supplies and equipment: Medicinal herbs, knifes not used as weapons, books, and all that stuff. Just don't have too many.
  • Personality: How does your character act? Are they a Friend to All Living Things Nice Guy, a Jerk with a Heart of Gold or a Genki Girl? If you want to, get their alignment too.
  • Appearance: What do they look like? What do they wear? What kinds of outfits do they have?
  • Backstory: How was their life? Why do they want to fight demons (or help the fighters)? Write a few lines (or a full essay with a TL;DR in it, if you want) about it.
  • Miscellaneous: Any other thing you have to add, like fish allergies or favorite colors or quirks and hobbies.

Edited by JTTWlover on Aug 30th 2020 at 3:57:05 PM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

PointMaid Since: Jun, 2014

#2: Aug 30th 2020 at 6:29:40 AM

Name: Sister Crow (Wu Yuya if she must use a human name)
Age: Young Adult
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Species/Race: Collared Crow demon (Corvus torquatus)
Skills: Poetry, knowledge of herb lore
Powers: Shapeshifting (Crow/Human)
Weapons: Mostly uses her beak in crow form, and a small crossbow in human form.
Other supplies and equipment: Paper, brush, ink
Personality: Curious as a crow, naturally.
Appearance: A fairly small but healthy Collared Crow. Can shift into a human form of a small, medium-build, scholarly Chinese woman who looks in her 20's, with a birthmark on her chest (like the crow's white marking) and long, glossy hair. Is not averse to cross-dressing in order to get around restrictions on the 'proper' role of women in human society.
Backstory: Her family has long been aware of human poetry, but she decided to make it a real study of hers. She… wants to fight the other demons because they hurt the poetry-makers. Although she doesn't know that much about humans. A bit naive, to be honest.
Miscellaneous: Can be a kleptomaniac, especially for shiny things

Edited by PointMaid on Aug 30th 2020 at 10:14:55 AM

Baisteach Root of Star from Relationship Status: Brian Tyree Henry Since: Dec, 2019

Root of Star

#3: Aug 30th 2020 at 8:02:55 AM

  • Name: Alarmelmangai (sometimes referred to as Mel)
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Species / Race: Human (South Indian Tamil)
  • Powers:
    • Kuladevata: She is able to summon her "family deity" if particularly endangered. Her deity being Madurai Veeran, a Dalit who protected his city from bandits only to be murdered by Thirumalai Nayakar for falling in love with a member of the royal family. He appears as a ghostly form of a shirtless Asian Indian man riding a horse while carrying an aruval in his right hand.
  • Skills: She is fairly adept in poetry and in the martial arts of SilambamRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (9) and Thekkan KalaripayattuRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (10).
  • Weapons: AruvalRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (11)
  • Other supplies and equipment: A journal of poetry made from palm leaves
  • Appearance: Alamelmangai appears as a dark-skinned woman with with short cut curly hair wearing a deep red sudithar with gold accents.
  • Personality: Alamelmangai has a strong sense of precariousness and refuses to yield to adversity. She is intelligent, honest, and very blunt. She also has a compassionate side and can reveal herself to be an understanding young lady. She also has a resplendent sense of wanderlust and curiosity. What with her tendencies for peregrination and long periods of rumination.
  • Backstory: Alamelmangai was born in Madurai, sometime during the Chola dynasty. She was known as a very fitful child who would constantly leave her village in search of adventure no matter the danger it brought to her. One day, it almost proved her downfall when one night in her teenage years she was assaulted by a gang of local bandits while wandering about her village's outskirts. Nearly losing her life to them, she ws saved when the ghastly figure of large man with a aruval slaughtered them all while on horseback. She would soon find out that he was Madurai Veeran, a Tamil folk deity known for protected her village from the very same threats she encountered that night and that he was her kuladevata. Overtime, her restlessness led her to travel from port to port on Sri Lankan paṭavu to journey to distant lands with countries and people very different from hers.
  • Miscellaneous: She cannot, under any circ*mstances, even to save her own life, dance.

Edited by Baisteach on Aug 30th 2020 at 12:40:12 PM

One day you're here, baby / And then you're gone.....

DookieIdiotNimrod Back by Unpopular Demand from An abandoned K-Mart Since: Mar, 2020 Relationship Status: Browsing the selection

Back by Unpopular Demand

#4: Aug 30th 2020 at 9:38:14 AM

Name: Li (Actual Name Heng, but he changed his name)

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Demon

Powers: Shapeshifting (human/demon), Claws (In demon form)

Skills: Agility, Climbing,

Weapons: Spear, Claws

Personality: Mischievous and Silly, yet Responsible, Nice, Understanding, and Smart.

Other supplies and equipment: Five oranges. A piece of paper. Some wood.

Appearance: Appears as a light skinned, Brown haired, poor boy in human form. Is Blood red with black fur in demon form.

Backstory: Li comes from a very successful family of demons. The family is respected for how many people they have killed. While his family was very evil, Li didn’t want to be like his family and ran away at age 10. For 4 months now, he has been on his own, stealing from town markets, and trying to survive. His father is out looking for him. And he will kill him if he does.

Miscellaneous: He is a prankster, but only in a casual situation. He can not sustain his human form for more than 12 hours, he must have a 10 minute cool down in between (this is because he is young and his shapeshifting skills haven’t fully developed). He does not eat humans and only eats animals and other meat-less foods.

Edited by DookieIdiotNimrod on Aug 30th 2020 at 1:28:26 AM

KungFuCutBug sick down from the bones to the other side from a broken freezer in Hell Since: Feb, 2019 Relationship Status: They're my lobster

sick down from the bones to the other side

#5: Aug 30th 2020 at 10:44:51 AM

  • Name: Wind-Blown Umbrella (Kitakaze Satou/Beifeng Zuoteng in human form)
  • Age: Technically 100+, but acts like a bratty teenager
  • Gender/Pronouns: Agender (it/its), male (he/him) in human form
  • Species/Race: Karakasa (umbrella demon)
  • Skills: Speed, jumping
  • Powers: Shapeshifting (human*/demon/normal parasol); limited flight (demon form only)
    • *Can only sustain human form for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time
  • Weapons: None, it relies on good ol' kicking
  • Other supplies and equipment: A spare wooden sandal in case its current one breaks, and a small comb
  • Personality: A mischievous Jerk with a Heart of Gold
    • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Appearance: A tattered red paper parasol with a dogwood design on it
    • In demon form, it also has a single large eye; a small mouth with a long, thick tongue; and a thick leg wearing a wooden sandal
    • In human form, he resembles a typical Japanese teenage boy with one eye scarred shut and a limp, wearing a white kimono and a red hakamaRoll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (14) with a dogwood design on it
  • Backstory: Originally a parasol that acted as a family heirloom for many years; however, in the 99th year, it broke and the family threw it out, leaving it to be even more worn and torn from the weather and the elements. When it came to life as a karakasa, it was so tattered that it decided to learn how to become a human to fix itself, and in the process of doing so, it traveled to Tang to start a new life...
  • Miscellaneous: Thanks to its large tongue, it speaks with a lisp, even in human form

Edited by KungFuCutBug on Aug 30th 2020 at 2:07:27 PM

A plague has consumed the town, summoning Pestilence, Horseman of the Apocalypse!

TacoBadger Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure from either behind you or Albuquerque Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: The Skitty to my Wailord

Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure

#6: Aug 30th 2020 at 12:32:51 PM

  • Name: Zìsī De Zhū
  • Age: 30 in Pig Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Hog
  • Skills: Tracking, Charm
  • Powers: Can occasionally grow into a much larger hog, for combat situations
  • Weapons: The Tusks on his face
  • Other supplies and equipment: A satchel over their side, filled with berries and a compass
  • Personality: Greedy, Selfish, Brave, Hot-headed
  • Backstory: A former wild hog, Zìsī was temporarily domesticated and made a tracking pig for his owners. However, when several of his owners were drafted into a war, Zìsī got a taste for adventure, and took to a life of hunting for glory and treasure. And demon hunting seemed to be the best route for it.
  • Miscellaneous: Oddly enough he was born in the Year of the Dragon


AdeptGaderius Otaku from the Anime World Since: Nov, 2018 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love


#7: Aug 30th 2020 at 4:12:50 PM

Name: Yanzi (Chinese name)

Age: 15

Gender and pronouns: Female

Species and race: Human (Tocharian)

Skills: She is an expert scribe, capable of reading and writing various languages that she can understand.


  • Ancestral Recall: A hereditary magical ability passed down from mother to daughter. She is able to utilize the powers of the ancestral Tocharian deities and the blessings of the Chinese deities to her advantage.

Weapons: A small dagger and a bow with arrows.

Other supplies and equipment: Scribal paraphernalia (For example, parchments, ink jars and quills), a small chest containing Buddhist scriptures and a sack to hold her things.

Personality: She is a serious, reserved albeit slightly undisciplined girl who often prefers to spend her time reading instead of fighting a lot of monsters and demons. She is pious girl, reading the scriptures and praying every night for safety.

Appearance: A relatively youthful girl with a Tocharian appearance.


A young scribe from the Oasis City of Kucha in the Western Regions, she was raised in recording and copying the scriptures and other important texts in a monastery. One day, she heard tales of a Buddhist monk journeying across the Western Regions to find the Three Buddhist Scriptures.

Impressed by the tale of bravery as well wonderful tales of China, she decided to secretly sneak out of the monastery with all her belongings and went to China on her own. Arriving at the small village near the borders of Tang China, she was nearly a victim of a demon king attack which left her traumatized.

Despite her frightful experience, she was nevertheless determined to journey into Tang China and bring its wealth of knowledge and treasures to the Oasis-Cities of the Tarim.

Miscellaneous: She is noted for light skin and brownish-blonde hair. As a result, she is often mistaken for a foreigner.

Edited by AdeptGaderius on Aug 31st 2020 at 12:32:07 PM

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#8: Aug 31st 2020 at 3:48:07 AM

alright i got a lot of neat character concepts for this one and i legit just, could not decide among any of them so i decided to make sheets for ALL of them and let you decide your favorite. here we go

open/close all folders

Rajiv the Elephant

  • Name: Jumbo Elephant (real name Rajiv)
  • Age: Idk, he’s pretty old for an elephant, but pretty young for a demon
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Elephant Demon
  • Skills: Memory, Martial Arts
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can call upon ancestral powers to transform into a towering Mammoth, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts!
    • Underwater Affinity: Can swim underwater for extended periods, as long as he regularly lifts his trunk up for air
  • Weapons: Brass Knuckles, his own Ivory Tusks
  • Other supplies and equipment: Materials required for various rituals
  • Personality: A Gentle Giant who doesn’t know his own strength
  • Appearance: A large elephant man, very thick and heavyset, wearing traditional Sri Lankan temple elephant garb. In his Mammoth form, he sprouts course brown fur and his tusks grow enormous.
  • Backstory: Rajiv started life as a lowly temple elephant, but somewhere along the line, he learned the truth of Daoism and ascended to demon form. Now, he wanders the earth in search of adventure. Of course, he always remembers the culture he grew up in, and the memories passed down from his ancestors. He does his best to share their teachings wherever he goes.
  • Miscellaneous: Never forgets a thing

Dhoji the Sheep

  • Name: Big Horn Sheep (normal name Dhoji)
  • Age: Idk, probably like in his 30s-40s in demon years
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Goat Demon
  • Skills: Climbing, Kung Fu
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can transform into a bigger, bulkier sheep with massive curved horns for viscous headbutting!
    • Metabolism: Can eat literally anything and everything, and in fact enjoys eating unusual things like tin cans (or whatever the period-accurate equivalent is)
  • Weapons: Bo Staff, his own Horns
  • Other supplies and equipment: Mats and the like for meditation
  • Personality: Totally zen, except when he’s not
  • Appearance: A goat man in traditional Shaolin monk garb. He’s pretty thin and frail and his horns are small and nubby, but he knows his way around a bo staff. Of course, in his powered up form, he sprouts bulging muscles and his horns grow enormous.
  • Backstory: Dhoji hails from a temple of Tibetan Goat Demon Monks from the Himalayas, spending much of his life learning the art of Buddhism and Kung Fu. When he heard Sun Wukong might be coming nearby, he started the arduous journey down the mountain to the Chinese continent. Now, he finds himself a foreigner in a strange land, in search of the Monkey Who Trashed Heaven.

Mao Mao the Kitty Cat

  • Name: Unlucky Kitty Cat (real name Mao Mao)
  • Age: 23
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Cat Demon
  • Skills: Stealth, Sword Affinity
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Has a normal cat form, and a slightly altered form where he stands on two legs.
    • Luck Magic: This kitty seems to be followed by bad luck, both for him and for others. He can’t seem to catch a break, and people he passes by often find themselves undertaken by terrible twists of fate.
  • Weapons: Sword, his own Claws
  • Other supplies and equipment: Leather Armor, for protection
  • Personality: Curious as a cat, naturally. Also Lighthearted and Mischievous
  • Appearance: A simple black cat with bright green eyes, sometimes standing on two legs and sometimes not.
  • Backstory: Mao Mao started life as a normal housecat, but eventually, his owners dropped him off on the street. He struggled for years, having to learn to survive and fend for himself. Somehow, through all the years of hardship, he was able to achieve Nirvana near the end of his lifespan. Now as a demon, he acts as a protector of stray cats everywhere, vanquishing their threats like dogs or other demons. At least… He would, if he could possibly get a single stroke of good luck.
  • Miscellaneous: Really, really, really loves those fish bread cookie things. He’ll do anything to get at one if he sees it.

Yu Koi the Fish

  • Name: Lucky Golden Fish (real name Yu Koi)
  • Age: A rambunctious young adult in demon years
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Koi Demon
  • Skills: Swimming, Spirituality
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can take on a more human form to blend in with the humans, but this form is still a little off. His skin appears almost golden, with patches of discoloration. He also has a form midway between human and fish, with a human upper body and a koi lower body.
    • Luck Magic: This fish seems to have a streak of good fortune. Those who interact with him find their luck turning up at the most opportune times.
  • Weapons: Trident, his own Tail
  • Other supplies and equipment: N/A
  • Personality: Cool and Aloof, but secretly a narcissistic troublemaker
  • Appearance: A large, anthropomorphic koi, golden-scales with patches of black and white in the shape of a yin-yang symbol. His human form is dressed reminiscent of a royal.
  • Backstory: Yu Koi enjoys a special seat among the royalty of the Koi Kingdom. The exalted son of the Koi Demon King, Yu was next in line for the throne, until….. One day, though an unfortunate series of events, he ended up toppling an entire wing of the Koi Demon Castle. As punishment, the Koi King banished him to the human world and revoked his inheritance. Now, he wanders the earth forced to find a new identity…..
  • Miscellaneous: Has an intense distaste for earth-dwellers, like, this guy's like super racist.

Cherry Sakura Blossom

  • Name: Cherry Sakura Blossom
  • Age: Several hundred years old
  • Gender and pronouns: she/her/hers
  • Species and race: Cherry Blossom Demon
  • Skills: Beauty, Grace
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can transform into a fully grown Sakura tree, her true form
    • Flower Magic: Produces cherry blossom petals which she leaves everywhere she goes, and they complement her attacks
  • Weapons: Cherry Blossom Staff
  • Personality: Graceful and Feminine, but won’t take no sh*t from no one
  • Appearance: A tall woman with long, flowing pink hair and a black kimono with cherry blossom designs on it. Her makeup is reminiscent of Japanese makeup of the time.
  • Backstory: Sakura is one of the most ancient Sakura trees in Japan. Though she gained sapience around her 100th year, she was pretty content to stay in one place, as trees are wont to do. For some reason though, she randomly felt the call to adventure. She bid goodbye to all her tree friends and set out on a ship to China. She’s just here to see the sights and enjoy everything this beautiful new country has to offer.
  • Miscellaneous: Her favorite colors are pink and black (obviously)

Cheng the Coat Rack

  • Name: Standing Coat Rack (human name Cheng)
  • Age: 100 (but still a child)
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Coat Rack Demon
  • Skills: Charisma, Patience
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can turn into his true form, a coat rack. Also has a little more monstrous form where the coat rack has an eye and mouth.
    • Coat Production: Never seems to run out of coats
  • Weapons: N/A
  • Other supplies and equipment: Lots and lots and lots and lots of coats
  • Personality: Super excited about his new sapience, just wants to make friends
  • Appearance: At first, appears as a normal boy in a very large trenchcoat. However, underneath the coat, he has four arms and countless other coats. He also has a pair of nubby horns hidden beneath his long messy hair.
  • Backstory: Cheng was a normal coat rack, kept by a normal family for generations, living a pretty uneventful life. However, on his 100th year, he achieved sapience, and experienced the world for the first time ever. Needless to say, he was ecstatic. No longer content to stay and hold coats, he escaped the house one night, and set out to experience everything the world has to offer! See new sights, find new friends, make bad decisions! Of course, even on the road, he can’t ignore his nature as a coat rack, and finds himself offering coats to everyone he meets, especially if it looks like they need one.
  • Miscellaneous: Just gained his senses, so he tends to gaze at normal things really giddily, and also has a tendency to touch, sniff, and lick all over random objects. He gets a real kick outta hearing things too.

White Bull Spirit

  • Name: White Bull Spirit
  • Age: Newly-Formed (but already an adult)
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Ox Skeleton Demon
  • Skills: Strength, Conviction
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can take on a more humanoid form, wherein he appears as a large, muscular man with a cow skull on his head.
    • Fire Magic: His attacks are complemented by a ghostly blue flame
  • Weapons: Bone Staff, his own Horns
  • Other supplies and equipment: N/A
  • Personality: Stubborn and Vindictive. Has a strong sense of civil rights
  • Appearance: A large skeleton, towering over any human man. Though he is made of ox bones, he stands on two legs and has a somewhat humanoid shape. His head is the skull of an ox with glowing blue eyes. He wears cloth coverings around his waist but is bare-chested
  • Backstory: The White Bull Spirit was born from the bones of generations of fallen Oxen. Generations' worth of sorrow and regret and anger and fear and resentment and hatred and all sorts of negative emotions came together and took physical shape, and from that was born the White Bull Spirit. He was born for one purpose and one purpose only: To take vengeance for all oxen who wasted their lives being abused and mistreated by humans and used for their manual labor. He roams the countryside, freeing oxen from their constraints and freeing them out into the wild. And if anyone should mistreat their oxen.... Well, the White Bull Spirit will have a few "words" with them.
  • Miscellaneous: Not a fan of humans, but is willing to coexist with them out of necessity, unless of course he sees them mistreating oxen, in which case he immediately goes into a murderous rage.

Tae the Bleeding-Heart-Dove

  • Name: Bleeding-Heart Dove (human name Tae Bautista)
  • Age: A young adult dove, but that’s very young in demon years
  • Gender and pronouns: he/him/his
  • Species and race: Bleeding-Heart Dove Demon
  • Skills: Flight, Empathy
  • Powers:
    • Shapeshifting: Can take on a more human form to blend in with the humans. He ‘’also’’ has a form midway between human and bird, with a human torso but bird legs and wings. In all forms, his heart is bleeding.
  • Weapons: His own Beak and Claws
  • Other supplies and equipment: Bunch of shiny things
  • Personality: Emotional and Dramatic
  • Appearance: A large dove with a gnarly gash over his chest area. The wound is bleeding constantly and never seems to run out of blood. In his human form, he is dressed like your average Chinese citizen, with extra care to cover up the gash in his chest.
  • Backstory: Ever since he was young, Tae was different from the other boys. When he was a teen dove and the other boys were talking about girls, he couldn’t relate to them. For much of his life, he thought maybe he just didn’t want or need to mate. However, this all changed when he reached adulthood, and he fell in love.........

With a sparrow hawk. Tae admired the hawk for his regalness and pride. The hawk was confident in himself where Tae was not, and Tae wanted to grow closer to him. As they began to talk, Tae became enamored, his first time making a connection like this with another bird. Over a few months the two of them grew close, and Tae thought perhaps he had finally found a place where he belonged.

But this tale doesn’t end well for our little dove. You see, sparrow hawks are birds of prey, and they can’t mate with doves. On that fateful night, the sparrow hawk revealed his true motivation - he had only acted nice to Tae to lure him into a false sense of security so he could eat him. His heart was broken, figuratively and literally, as the hawk tore viciously into his chest. Tae managed to get away, but at a great cost. For no dove had ever experienced a heartbreak so great.

That night as Tae lay in a pool of his own blood, miraculously, he didn’t die, but instead he rose to a higher state. The pain of the heartbreak boiled in his blood, and the next morning he awoke, a demon.

Poisonous Turtle

  • Name: Poisonous 3-Legged Turtle
  • Age: 120
  • Gender and pronouns: it/it/its
  • Species and race: Turtle Demon
  • Powers:
    • Malaria: This turtle is infected with malaria, and it makes sure to spread it wherever it can.
  • Weapons: Malaria
  • Other supplies and equipment: Malaria
  • Personality: Malaria
  • Appearance: A large turtle with only three legs and an aura of disease.
  • Backstory: A poisonous 3-legged turtle demon who spreads malaria. It was born this way and it will die this way, spreading malaria wherever it goes.

Edited by Afterwards on Aug 31st 2020 at 4:45:51 AM

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

dvorak The World's Least Powerful Man from Hiding in your shadow (Elder Troper) Relationship Status: love is a deadly lazer

The World's Least Powerful Man

#9: Aug 31st 2020 at 11:46:51 AM

Name:Zhang Tian

Age: 34

Gender and pronouns: Male

Species and race:Human, Chinese

Weapons:A flail he uses to beat his wheat separate grain from chaff.


  • Peasant Sense. He's got a smell for the weather and dangerous supernatural phenomena. This has kept him out of trouble these thirty-four years.
  • Resilience: Tian is as healthy and strong as an ox. He is extremely resistant to poison and illness, and a quick healer.

Other supplies and equipment:Peasant's hat, peasant clothes, clogs, kitchen knife

Personality:A genial farmer. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you asked, and the last jar of pickled fish in his cupboard to keep a guest fed. A firm friend.

Appearance: The Gods reached down on the day of his birth and said, "This guy right here is the farmiest farm boy who ever grew a crop." Deeply tanned, tall, broad-shouldered, muscular, and an honest face.

Backstory:He's just a guy... Whose fields got burnt by bandits. Now the taxes are due and he's going to lose his farm anyways (and he's reasonably certain they kill you over it), so why not go on an adventure?

Edited by dvorak on Sep 1st 2020 at 8:14:45 AM

Now everyone pat me on the back and tell me how clever I am!

unfortunatezorua from the old, in the new yesterday (Five Long Years) Relationship Status: Wishing you were here

#10: Sep 1st 2020 at 6:35:26 AM

  • Name: Chunping Peigen
  • Age: 20, just about
  • Gender/Pronouns: Male (he/him)
  • Species/Race: Japanese human, the wandering ghost of a blacksmith, a 500-year-old mythical white tiger, and a backpack gremlin, respectively
  • Skills: Negotiation and analysis
  • Powers: An abnormal level of durability and endurance, seemingly tied to his supernatural operations.
  • Weapons: Bacon’s motley crew of demons don’t exactly take kindly to being called weapons—mind you, they tolerate him, not the other way around. But summoners are hardly your average fighter, are they?
  • Other supplies and equipment: Three metal tubes with talismans stored inside of them, used to call forth his demons. Plus a red paper umbrella and his favourite fox mask, of course, though the latter now sadly plastered over with tape (a kitsune demon once was offended by its eyebrows and broke the mask in two, to quote: “THEY’RE NOT THAT BIG! We care about fashion too, you know! Bastard, I’ll kill you!!”. It wasn’t the most successful negotiation).
    • Oh, and a piece of bacon. Just because.
  • Personality: Chaotic Chaotic. Pretty much the only thing preventing him from going off the deep end and trying to take over the underworld single-handedly is his own lack of insight. If nothing else, he’s persistent, and skilled at thinking on his feet; Bacon packs enough dogged effort to make up for having no real talents. Not to say that he can’t get a little too headstrong at times—but his ideas, as outlandish as they can sound, can often pull off just the right amount of crazy to actually work.
  • Appearance: 5'10", windswept golden brown hair around ear-length and dark eyes. Wears traditional garb like so. Minus the inner robes when it isn’t too cold out, that is (making a runic tattoo stretching from his left shoulder to his chest visible). Generally has an even expression and his smiles range from calm smugness to sh*teating.


A monastery, tucked away somewhere in the secluded outskirts of Kyoto. Japan, being ravaged by demon attack after demon attack in the year 6XX, this served as one of the few safe havens of magic users and martial arts. That which also held home to a certain young heir, though not for very long.

“Your actions are a disgrace to this temple and our vows,” said the head monk, frowning from below knitted brows. “One of our own, turning his back and joining the ranks of those who killed and terrorised the very same people we protect...”

“You are to never cross this threshold again. Get out.”

A beat hung in the air for a moment.

“...Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?” Eventually, the head monk sighed, more let down at the heir’s dull silence than anything.

“I mean, come on. Were you actually going to try to pit demons against each other? Like how would that even work, did you except to just lock them up and go at it beyblade style?” He stared blankly.

“What on earth were you thinking...?”

“Well,” the heir paused, one foot already in the doorway.

“If the city’s burning and all you’ve got is a match...why not fight fire with fire?”

And so the young monk was disinherited, at the mere age of 17. Ousted thanks to his dealings in demons, Bacon would set off on his own, travelling deep into infested territory.
This cycle continued for the next two years; him forging pacts with the like-minded and sometimes breaking them, gathering up a posse of (not quite human) allies to revolt against the corruption spreading across the land.

His exploits eventually caught the attention of townspeople and started a little bit of a reputation for himself...though not before China’s sieges managed to pique his own interest.

Chunping Bacon, slayer and arbiter of Yokai. Cognomen of a new era.

And hopefully with some good old-fashioned adventure along the way.

  • Miscellaneous: Bacon can only have up to 3 contracts at a time. Any more and he has to annul one of the previous ones; should he choose to release all of his active demons, he’ll lose his supernatural traits and become equivalent to a civilian human until a new one is created.
    • Onmoraki yokai tend to heckle Bacon for some reason or other. According to him, this gets annoying fast.

Edited by unfortunatezorua on Nov 5th 2020 at 9:55:45 PM

Well, that’d be jus’ a waste. Why would ya want to deprive the world of such anomaly as yourself?

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#11: Sep 1st 2020 at 11:19:08 AM

Character Profile Pages

Sister Crow/"Wu Yuya" (PointMaid), you have the following Skills:

  • Poetry: You've seen and somewhat studied the art of poem-making by observing the poets. +1 to actions such as writing, understanding, or reviewing a poem. You also can speak better with poets.
  • Herb lore: As a crow, your knowledge of some parts of nature exceeds that of a normal human. You are able to recall the ancient lore of medicinal, poisonous and other important plants. +1 to actions such as identifying plants or remembering what effects a plant causes.

You also have these powers:

  • Shapeshifting: You can shapeshift between your collared crow form and your human form at any moment, with no limitations between it. You cannot shapeshift into anything else.

You speak and understand both Chinese and the Language of Birds (Bird Language). You can also write and read in Chinese. You have paper, a brush and some ink. You carry a small crossbow around as your weapon.

Alarmelmangai "Mel" (Baisteach), you have the following Skills:

  • Poetry: You are fairly interested and skilled in poetry in your native language, and probably can sprout a few good verses in Chinese. +1 to actions such as writing, understanding or reviewing a poem. No talking with poets for you, though.
  • Silambam and Thekkan Kalaripayattu: You are proficent in both of these martial arts. +1 to actions such as fighting.

You also have these powers:

  • Kuladevata: You are able to summon your "family diety" if particulary endangered. He is Madurai Veeran, a Dalit who protected his city from bandits only to be murdered by Thirumalai Nayakar for falling in love with a member of the royal family. He appears as a ghostly shirtless Indian man riding in a horse with an aruval in his right hand.

You speak, understand, write and read Tamil, Sanskrit and Chinese. You have a journal of poetry made of palm leaves. You carry around an aruval as your weapon.

Li (actual name Heng) (DookieIdiotNimrod), you have the following Skills:

  • Agility: You are a very agile kid. +1 to actions such as jumping, running quickly, or jumping while running.
  • Climbing: While in demon form, your claws helped you in climbing. While in human form, you manage to retain that ability. +1 to actions suck as climbing up a tree, or up a wall.

You also have these powers:

  • Shapeshifting: You can shapeshift between your demon and your human form, but only for 12 hours, and must wait ten minutes to cool down to shapeshift again into a human due to your youthness. You cannot shapeshift into anything else.

You speak and understand Chinese. You can read and write the simplest characters in Chinese. You have five oranges, a piece of paper and some wood. You have a small spear you stole from the weapons room at your father's cave and while on demon form, you can use your claws.

Wind-Blown Umbrella/"Kitakaze Satou"/"Beifeng Zuoteng" (KungFuCutBug), you have the following Skills:

  • Speed: Whoosh! Boy, you're quick! While this doesn't give you super speed, you gain a +1 to actions when running away from anything between a scorned woman or a tiger demon.
  • Jumping: Due to your Karakasa nature, you are very good at jumping. +1 to actions such as jumping out of a well or up a building.

You also have these powers:

  • Shapeshifting: You can shapeshift between your Karakasa form, parasol form, and human form. However, you can only mantain your human form for half an hour, and due to your Karakasa nature, you have a scar in an eye and limp in a leg. You cannot shapeshift into anything else.
  • Limited Flying: You can fly while in your Karakasa form. Not a lot, but enough.

You speak, understand, write and read both Japanese and Chinese. You have a spare wooden sandal in case the one you wear breaks, and a small comb for your human hair (even if you only can mantain that for half an hour and you are poor, you gotta keep that hair done. You do not have any weapons.

Zìsī De Zhū (TacoBadger), you have the following Skills:

  • Tracking: Thanks to your special and skilled nose, you can track over people or demons, unless they used magic to disappear. +1 to actions like tracking anything, like demons, gods, humans, and other animals.
  • Charm: For some reason, you are pretty charming. While this probably won't manage to make people give you everything you need, you might charm your way for some scraps. +1 to actions requiring your charm.

You also have these powers:

  • Combat Growth: A power you learned from some demons you encountered. You can grow bigger for combat reasons. Although a certain someone did the same to clear the road from rotten persimmons...

You speak and understand only the Language of Beasts (Beast Language), although you can understand Chinese due to your short domestication period. You have a satchel with berries (there were no berries in Ancient China) some fruit and a compass.

Yanzi (AdeptGaderius), you have the following Skills:

  • Scribe of many languages: You know many languages in both written and spoken forms. +1 to writing and reading, I guess.

You also have these powers:

  • Ancestral Recall: A hereditary magical ability passed down from mother to daughter. You are able to utilize the powers of the ancestral Tocharian deities and the blessings of the Chinese deities to your advantage. While you may use any of the Tocharian dieties' powers provided they aren't too powerful, there are only two Chinese dieties you may call blessings from.
    • Tocharian Powers: Gods provided from here, only epithets.
      • Skyfather: The mighthiest Tocharian divinity. You can generate some rain (by creating a small cloud around the side of an average cat) and zap people with a small amount of electricity, not enough to stun them or do any moderate damage.
      • Oasis-Keeper: The divinity with power over water. You can find sources of water when using her power.
      • The Dune-Wolf: Divinity of the dead. You can communicate with your dead relatives and ancestors for advice.
    • Guan Yin: Given out she is the Bodhisattva of compassion, a diety you already knew of back in Kucha, you are able to percieve her power and gain her blessing better. Whenever you use her blessing, a small invisible wall forms around you and whoever wants to hit you will be bounced back. This blessing lasts for five minutes, but is only useable once a day, and the wall may be broken by moderately powerful magic or by huge brute force.
    • Erlang Shen: You somehow managed to be so lucky you got a blessing from one of the multiple gods of war. Whenever you use this blessing, again only useable once a day, you get a short affinity (+1 for a single turn) with any weapon, including magical ones.

You speak, understand, write and read Tocharian, Sanskrit and Chinese. You have Scribal paraphernalia (two parchments, an ink jar and a quill), a small chest containing Buddhist scriptures and a sack to hold your things. You carry around a dagger and a bow and arrows.

White Bull Spirit (Afterwards), you have the following Skills:

  • Strength: While it isn't that much strength compared to the gods or some other demons, your strength greatly surpasses normal people. +1 to actions such as lifting a rock (unless it's a mountain in disguise) and moving a boulder around.
  • Conviction: Vengeance is your purpose, and you are your own judge and executioner. +1 to actions that involve killing or punishing those who were cruel to your brethen.

You also have these powers:

  • Shapeshifting: You can shapeshift between your skeleton form to a human form at any moment, with no limitations between it. You cannot shapeshift into anything else.
  • Fire magic: Your attacks are accompained by a blue fire. This fire does some extra damage.

You speak and understand both the Language of the Beasts (Beast Language) and Chinese. You can also read Chinese. You carry around a bone staff.

Zhang Tian (dvorak), you have the following Skills/Powers:

  • Peasant Sense: You've got a smell for the weather and dangerous supernatural phenomena that has kept you out of trouble these four decades. +1 to actions such as predicting the weather and noticing supernatural stuff.
  • Resilience: You are as healthy and strong as an ox, extremely resistant to poison and illness, and a quick healer. +1 to actions such as healing from an injury (-1 to the days you need to rest, actually) and resisting poison and illnesses.

You speak and understand Chinese. However, you are almost illiterate and can read only the most basic words like "sun" and "tower". You have a peasant's hat, peasant clothes, clogs, and a kitchen knife. You carry around a flail you use to separate grain from chaff.

"Kitsune Junpei"/"Hu Chenping"/Kosaka Junpei/Xiaopo Chenping (unfortunatezorua), you have the following Skills:

  • Negotiation: You are able to negotiate a good deal, which explains a bit how you got the youkai to follow you. +1 to negotiations such as bargaining prices like an Asian mom or convincing the demon to not kill you without letting your youkai out of their tubes.
  • Analysis: You are resourceful, and can connect points better than the average person. +1 to analysis actions and related stuff.

You also have the power of being more durable than the average human (however, you only have 80 HP instead of 100 HP), and have these creatures (who all have only 40 HP each):

  • Ippon-Datara: "A monster with one eye and one leg, said to live deep in the mountains of Kumano, Japan." Agreed to a contract with Junpei because he claimed it would be able to build anything it wanted if it joined his clause. Can make other people or NPCs' rolls get up or down by a point if Junpei tells him to do it.
  • Byakko: "A tiger-demon that protects against invasion from the west." Also known as Bai Hu in China. Not the actual Bai Hu, though. Agreed to a contract with Junpei because it was weary of all the unvirtue it saw and would lend its strength to his desire to change that. Elemental powers.
  • Obariyon: "A Japanese 'piggyback monster' that jumps on people's backs as they walk along grassy paths.' Agreed to a contract with Junpei because it was impressed by his foolhardiness. Punches, kicks, scratches. Basically, attacks physically.

You speak, understand, write and read both Japanese and Chinese. You have three metal tubes with talismans stored inside of them, used to call forth your demons, a red paper umbrella and your favourite fox mask, sadly plastered over with tape paper. Also a piece of meat.

Edited by JTTWlover on Sep 4th 2020 at 11:54:51 AM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#12: Sep 1st 2020 at 11:21:21 AM

Introductory Post

The Monkey King's Misfits, Prologue

After Pan Gu grabbed his axe and chaos was divided into Heaven and Earth and thousands of years later the Three Emperors put the world in order and the Five Rulers laid down the moral code, the world was divided into four great continents: The Eastern Victorious Immortality Continent, the Western Cattle Celebration Continent, the Southern Supporting Parts Continent and the Northern All Reeds Continent. In this book, we shall deal with the Sourthern Supporting Parts Continent.

Near the seas there is a country called Tang. In its capital there was a tavern, called the Scorpion Pavilion. The tavern had a garden, and in that garden there was a eight-sided pavilion, decorated with a pair of sculpted scorpions in the floor, two stone scorpions guarding the pavilion, and two drawings of a scorpion, opposite to each other, in the two posts opposite the entrance. Around it, there was moss, and orchids and chrysanthemum were not too afar. There was a small pond in the garden, and in it, there were two red carps and several lotuses. And lastly, not too afar, there was a plum tree and a peach tree. Since the country was established by the High Forefather Emperor Li Yuan, the tavern was there opening every day it could, and served from the highest officials that decided to eat at the garden's pavilion, to the lowest peasants that enjoyed the conversation and friendship of the owners.

It was a fine day several years after the Tang Priest, Sanzang, had reached the Western Paradise after fourteen years of travelling with his three monstruous companions and his dragon horse. In a wall, there was an ad, and the tavern had the strangest of groups ever gathered in a place. How strange? Listen:

Sitting at a table, enjoying a small plate of okra, was a maiden.

With glossy hair that sometimes shone like a star, and sometimes was dark as night.

But behind her scholarly look and fair face, a spirit was behind,

As the woman was a collared crow spirit who had taken human form.

Sitting nearby, another woman was writing in a palm leaf journal.

Her skin was dark like copper, and her hair was cut and curled.

From the South of the Western Regions she was,

And protecting her was a heroic spirit of the past.

In the corner of the tavern, there was a boy.

Playing with a spear and reciting a rhyme, his youth irradiated around.

He was really a demon child, but left his family and wanted to do good.

Seeing as the boy looked honest, the tavernkeeper's wife had given him a peach.

The man standing next to the wine barrels surely was not a regular man.

His attire was that of the people of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun, and his eye had an scar.

In a leg he limped and his voice was raspy, and a single wooden sandal he was wearing.

He was, in fact, an umbrella demon from the Sun's Origin, and a few life he was soughting in Tang.

A hog lay near the door, and nobody questioned its presence.

While not a demon, the pig was special, and had some knowledge to match.

The boar had learned a technique that could make himself bigger, and set on his journey for glory.

But even animals had to rest, so the swine had entered and sat.

From beyond the Heaven Mountain, the brown-yellow haired girl sitting with a small chest of scriptures was.

A talented girl, she was raised in a monastery and recorded and copied the scriptures.

She heard of the Tang Monk and was impressed by his bravery and many other tales.

So she set off by herself into a journey, decided to gain the knowledge and wealth of Tang.

A tall and buff fellow was just reclining in a wall.

His ferocious looks and his bull skull in his head prevented any of the attendants to approach out of fear.

He held a staff of bone, and his eyes were like furious blue fireballs.

His real self was a bull skeleton spirit, made out of the bones of the generations of the fallen Oxen.

In a table around the center, the only local man in the group was eating some buns.

He was a honest-looking tanned muscular farmer, and smiled while devouring the steamed bread.

He wasn't very interesting, but he had some kind of charm.

His crops burned down by bandits were, and he had left to escape the taxes.

A smug smile, short golden brown hair, and clothes befitting the Rising Sun Kingdom's people.

A red paper umbrella, a white and red mask with a motif resembling a fox, and three metal tubes.

There in another corner he stood, and concealed three demons on his self.

A frightening monster, a powerful white tiger, and a fighter goblin they were.

And so the group was gathered each by their own in the tavern, and fate had destined these travellers to become a team of heroes living adventures and vanquishing evil.

If you want to know what happened next, listen to the next chapter to know.

And so, the adventure starts. What will your next thoughts and action be? Will you check the ad over there? Or try to strike a talk with someone? Maybe ask the tavernkeeper for the current situation?

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

PointMaid Since: Jun, 2014

#13: Sep 1st 2020 at 12:28:17 PM

Sister Crow finishes her plate of Okra, and trills a verse to herself

Cold wind from high mountain and desert plain

Hot wind from sun and sea

Spring wind from snow to flower bright

Fall wind find me soaring free

On her way to return her plate to the tavernkeeper, she

> checks The Ad.

KungFuCutBug sick down from the bones to the other side from a broken freezer in Hell Since: Feb, 2019 Relationship Status: They're my lobster

sick down from the bones to the other side

#14: Sep 1st 2020 at 12:51:46 PM

[Wind-Blown Umbrella—err, sorry, Kitakaze Satou—is leaning against the wine barrels. His legs were sore after having to limp all the way here, and the foot without a sandal was covered in scrapes. Out of the corner of his one good eye, he spots something interesting...]

>check ad

A plague has consumed the town, summoning Pestilence, Horseman of the Apocalypse!

Baisteach Root of Star from Relationship Status: Brian Tyree Henry Since: Dec, 2019

Root of Star

#15: Sep 1st 2020 at 1:01:25 PM

During a moment of rumination while sitting down at the tavern's table, Alamelmangai writes down these words in her journal;

திருடுவதில் தயக்கம் இல்லை, அன்பே
இந்த உலகில், இதயம் மட்டுமே மதிப்புமிக்கது

(Do not hesitate to steal, darling)
(For in this world, only the heart is valuable)

Finishing her scrawl and gathering her things, she gets up an attempts to leave before she spots an Ad.

> Check Ad

Edited by Baisteach on Sep 1st 2020 at 1:39:39 AM

One day you're here, baby / And then you're gone.....

DookieIdiotNimrod Back by Unpopular Demand from An abandoned K-Mart Since: Mar, 2020 Relationship Status: Browsing the selection

Back by Unpopular Demand

#16: Sep 1st 2020 at 1:19:32 PM

Following everybody else, Li takes a peek at what everyone else is looking at.

> Check Ad

dvorak The World's Least Powerful Man from Hiding in your shadow (Elder Troper) Relationship Status: love is a deadly lazer

The World's Least Powerful Man

#17: Sep 1st 2020 at 1:30:08 PM

>Tian, his palms itching, notices that nearly everyone else is very interested in that ad. He reasons that it must be extremely important. That, or a review of a local business has been posted. Either way, he co*cks an ear, hopeful that someone will be polite enough to read it out loud. No point in leaving lunch unfinished when he can read 1 word out of every 5.

Edited by dvorak on Sep 1st 2020 at 1:59:28 AM

Now everyone pat me on the back and tell me how clever I am!

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#18: Sep 1st 2020 at 5:47:43 PM

The White Bull Spirit stands solemnly in the corner. He's only here for one purpose - he'd received word that a nearby farm got burned down by bandits, and the government would soon take possession of it. If there are still oxen on that farm, it is his duty and purpose to free them.

But for now, he must rest. It has been a long journey.

>Order the tavernkeeper's strongest ale (or whatever they drank back then).

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

TacoBadger Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure from either behind you or Albuquerque Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: The Skitty to my Wailord

Well, it’s a badger, that’s for sure

#19: Sep 1st 2020 at 6:01:51 PM

Zìsī rouses himself from sleep, and looks around at the tavern. His stomach grumbles.

Well then... I'd better find myself some grub. Gotta save the fruit for the trip.

>Try to steal the food of a nearby patron and eat it


AdeptGaderius Otaku from the Anime World Since: Nov, 2018 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love


#20: Sep 1st 2020 at 11:55:26 PM

Yanzi looks around the tavern. She is thirsty after journeying to Tang. She decides to order a drink from the tavern-keeper. While she waits for her drink, she does things to pass the time.

>Read ad

SmilyTrope112 A very angy egg from Overeasy Egglands Since: Aug, 2020

A very angy egg

#21: Sep 2nd 2020 at 12:11:13 AM

I'm just gonna post my sign-up form here. I don't want to interrupt the session, but here's my character sheet:

  • Name: Satoshi Jotaro
  • Age: Young Adult
  • Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him, prefers They/Them)
  • Species/Race: Human (Japanese Descent)
  • Skills: Knowledge of religion; Lifting (Can lift up to 75kg); .
  • Powers: Cryokinesis (Weak, can only make walls of ice 5 feet tall, and send balls of ice the size of tennis balls hurling towards their opponent); Healing (Moderate).
  • Weapons: Staff (Only so they can use their powers).
  • Other Supplies: Medicine; A book on Buddism (I believe this one to be the most prominent back then); A knife.
  • Appearance: Has green eyes, black hair, and the standard monk robe with sandals.
  • Personality: Jotaro is a chill monk, not getting mad for any reason at all. They also believe meditation to be the best form of healing, and also the fact that slow and steady wins the race. Although they've yet to get over their swearing habit, they're trying to do so.Unless you bring up their past, then it's a knife to the face you'll get.
  • Backstory: They actually used to live a life of crime, except they went one step too far and broke a taboo their home village had, which lead to them being banished from their home village. After spending some time travelling they came across a monastery, and learnt the ways of the monks. Now a reformed person, they hope to help others reform too.
  • Miscellaneous: Their home monastery houses a collection of healing herbs, and they're travelling not only to spread wisdom and peace, but to also build up on that collection. That, and they can be Literal-Minded at times.

Edited by SmilyTrope112 on Sep 2nd 2020 at 8:20:26 PM

Why's this eggo angy all the time? | Current video game focus: Minecraft

Immortalartisan AI with access to the console from the void between worlds Since: Mar, 2020 Relationship Status: Star-crossed

AI with access to the console

#22: Sep 2nd 2020 at 12:33:40 AM

Name: 肖 恩 xíaun


Gender and pronouns: male

Species and race:Human chinese

Skills: an profesional spear fighter

Used to heavy armor

Powers: none

Weapons: Indian steel pike

Other supplies and equipment:,Basic antibiotics,Bandages,Hunting knife,Water skin,mountain pattern armor with iron Lamellar Plates,steel helm of a forgotten noble family

Personality: A jerk of a heart of gold as expected of a mercenary

Appearance: A typical Asian man nothing would stand out from them besides their armor and weapon. Though his notable Helmet, better then most army higher ups get and appearing to be of a noble family no one recognizes the symbol though.

Backstory: A orphaned boy who learned to fight on the streets later becoming a mercenary and climbing up from there.

Miscellaneous: The family symbol shouldn’t be recognized by anyone hell even he doesn’t know which family it’s from.

Edited by Immortalartisan on Sep 2nd 2020 at 2:33:08 AM

I look to the stars... but that's mostly because there isn't anything else interesting

unfortunatezorua from the old, in the new yesterday (Five Long Years) Relationship Status: Wishing you were here

#23: Sep 2nd 2020 at 12:37:48 AM

Junpei stirs a little at the sudden commotion, co*cking his head idly to see what everyone suddenly rose out of their seats for.

Some kind of wanted poster, at least from what he could see from his position against the far wall. Probably just a job opening, though—this tavern is hiring? Were they hiring? Might be worth checking out.

Either way. ...It’s not like his pockets are overflowing right now, exactly. Maybe those lotus chips were a bad idea.

>Observe the others and their reactions to the ad

Well, that’d be jus’ a waste. Why would ya want to deprive the world of such anomaly as yourself?

Immortalartisan AI with access to the console from the void between worlds Since: Mar, 2020 Relationship Status: Star-crossed

AI with access to the console

#24: Sep 2nd 2020 at 1:39:34 AM

>Order some milk and porridge

Edited by Immortalartisan on Sep 2nd 2020 at 1:39:59 AM

I look to the stars... but that's mostly because there isn't anything else interesting

SmilyTrope112 A very angy egg from Overeasy Egglands Since: Aug, 2020

A very angy egg

#25: Sep 2nd 2020 at 2:00:03 AM

Satoshi Jotaro is just quietly reading their book, and

> Orders a glass of milk Why's this eggo angy all the time? | Current video game focus: Minecraft


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Roll to Dodge IX: Monkey King's Misfits (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.