Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (2024)


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Basket Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (1)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (2)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (3)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (4)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (5)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (6)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (7)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (8)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (9)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (10)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (11)



Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (12)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (13)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (14)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (15)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (16)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (17)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (18)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (19)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (20)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (21)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (22)



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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (23)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (24)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (26)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (27)


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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (31) 99-Day Return

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Product Info


[HEARTS DESIGN]: Each tattoo features a charming connect-the-hearts design that symbolizes love, affection, and unity. The intricate details and vibrant colours make these tattoos truly eye-catching and appealing. Whether you're attending a music festival or a birthday party or want to add flair to your everyday style, these tattoos will make a statement.

[PERSONALIZED TOUCH]: What sets these tattoos apart is the ability to Personalise them with 1 to 5 names. Imagine the joy and surprise on your loved ones' faces when they see their names beautifully displayed within the heart design. It's a fantastic way to showcase your love and create a cherished memory that will last a lifetime.

[DURABLE AND WATERPROOF]: Don't worry about these temporary tattoos fading or smudging during all the festival fun. They are made with high-quality, non-toxic, and waterproof materials that ensure long-lasting wear for 2-8 days. Whether dancing in the rain, splashing in the pool, or sweating it out on the dance floor, these tattoos will stay vibrant and intact, allowing you to enjoy the festivities without any worries.

[EASY APPLICATION AND REMOVAL]: Applying these tattoos is a breeze! Dry the desired area, place the tattoo facedown, and dampen the back with a wet cloth for about 30 seconds. Gently peel off the paper, and voila! You're ready to flaunt your Personalised temporary tattoo. When the party is over, the tattoos can be easily removed with baby oil or alcohol tablets applied wet, ensuring a hassle-free cleanup.

[VERSATILE PARTY FAVORS]: These tattoos make fantastic party favors for various celebrations. Whether it's a family reunion, a wedding, a couple's retreat, or a friendship gathering, these tattoos will add a touch of excitement. They can also be used as icebreakers, conversation starters, or team-building activities, making them a versatile addition to any event.

[KINDLY NOTE]: These temporary tattoos are arranged on A4 paper and contain multiple tattoo stickers on a single one sheetr, making them easy to cut and use.

Material: Sticker
Measurement: Single Tattoo Sticker Height - 1"(2.5cm), 1.5"(3.8cm), 2"(5cm)
Feature: Non-toxicity, Skin-safe, Easy to apply and remove, Fun and temporary expression, Waterprrof and sweatproof, Family heart
Customized Area: Front Printing
Package: We will choose an appropriate box for packaging based on the actual size of the product to ensure that you receive your products in the best condition.
Care: • Avoid getting the temporary tattoo wet for at least a few hours after application.• Refrain from rubbing or scratching the tattoo, as it may cause the design to fade or peel off prematurely.• When cleaning the area around the tattoo, use a mild soap and water.• Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can fade the temporary tattoo.• When you want to remove the temporary tattoo, gently rub it with baby oil, rubbing alcohol.
Warm Tips: • Please be aware that the preview may be slightly different from the physical item in terms of color due to our lighting at our product photoshoot or your device’s display.• Due to differences in measurement methods, there may be slight discrepancies in dimensions. Please refer to the actual product.• Transportation may cause slight deformation, but it won't affect the product's quality and functionality.


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2:00am to 11:00am Monday to Saturday (BST)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (32) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (33) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (34) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (35) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (36) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (37) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (38) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (39) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (40) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (41) Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (42)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (43)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (44)

United Kingdom

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (45)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (46)

United States

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (48)


Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (49)


Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (50)

United Kingdom

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (53)


Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (54)




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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (56)

${this.Remaining_Draws_Today.replace('{}','')} 0

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (57)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (58)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (59)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (60)


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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (61)

Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (62)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (66)

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Personalised Set of 3 Non-toxicity Waterproof Hearts Temporary Tattoo with 1-5 Names Festival Party Favors Father's Day Gift for Family Couple - CALLIE (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.