MHA: Origins - Chapter 1 - Music_Feeds_My_Soul - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

The Cousland Family has stewarded the lands of Highever for generations, earning the loyalty of their people with justice and temperance. When Ferelden was occupied by the Orlesian Empire, Tenchi Cousland, along with his father, served Queen Nana and later her son, King Toshinori, in driving them off their land. Now, they rule with just intentions and are regarded as some of the strongest warriors in the land…

Tenya Cousland walked down the halls of his home, wearing a set of practice leathers in the same blue and green as their heraldry. His dark blue hair was messy, obviously from the helmet he carried under one arm. He passed by a few servants, making a point to acknowledge them as they bowed.

“Tenya!” a voice called. The youngest Cousland paused to turn towards the voice and watched his eldest brother jog towards him. Tensei Cousland looked much like Tenya with the same hair and eyes, though he wore a silk tunic and cloth pants, unlike his brother. On his back was a little boy with a big smile, his blue hair matching the other two.

“Tensei, Tenma.” Tenya smiled at the two.

“Uncle!” Tenma, the boy, said. I saw you in the practice yards!! You were so good!” he beamed.

“Thank you,” Tenya said to his nephew. “I fumbled the parry when Ser Gilmore-”

“Tenya, you did well,” Tensei interrupted as he swung his son off his back. “Mother and Father want us to meet them in the parlour. I believe it's about those rumours of Darkspawn gathering in the Wilds.”

“Has King Eijiro called for aide?” Tenya asked, eyes narrowing.

“Not yet. I believe Queen Melissa is trying to wear him down along with her father.” Tensei shook his head. “Though they would argue over aide.”

“I don’t blame Teryn Mirai for his distrust and hate towards the Orlesians,” Tensei sneered. “None of us do,” Tenya said. “Though Wardens take oaths of neutrality.”

“Not all take those Oaths seriously. Beros Dryden attempted to take over Ferelden,” Tensei pointed out.

“I know.” Tenya sighed. “But I have hope the Wardens of today are more… noble.”

“Perhaps they are,” Tensei said as they walked to the parlour where their parents were. Tenchi Cousland was talking with his wife, brushing his blue hair out of his eyes as his wife removed the various pins from her black hair. Both had come back from meetings and were eager to unwind.

With them was a brunette wearing a long coat that obscured their figure. They looked up with a smile.

“Bibi!” Tenma said, rushing to their side. They scooped him up to put him on their lap.

“Hello, my little butterfly,” they cooed.

“Did you have to punch someone calling you a girl today? Can I stab them?” the boy asked, causing laughter to come from everyone. Tenya shook his head, taking in his family with a smile.

He loved them all.


Deep beneath the Frostback Mountains sits Orzammar, the largest of two known remaining dwarven cities worldwide. Orzammar was once the seat of a significant connected by tunnels called Deep Roads, which stretched thousands of miles. The city now stands alone, cut off from the rest of the dwarven ancestral lands by the darkspawn incursion. Secure in Orzammar's impregnable construction, the dwarven noble houses continue their centuries-old power struggles. Assassination and blackmail are commonplace, but the appearance of honour is paramount. Ruling over them is House Aeducan, headed by King Sekijiro—the ninth Aeducan ruler elected by the Noble Assembly. His three sons, Inasa, Shouto and Neito, are constantly pitted against one another to earn the throne…

Shouto Aeducan slammed his axe down, causing his sparring partner to stumble before he delivered a harsh punch to the man’s face. The red and white hired man lifted his axe to point at the other downed dwarf.

“Concede?” Shouto asked in a monotone. The other man grunted with a nod. Shouto moved back, offering a hand to help his opponent up.

“Excellent work, my lord,” said Yosetsu, rubbing his face. “I see you are taking advice from the spymaster.”

“They have good points,” Shouto said. “And leave off the lord stuff; it's just us.”

“Rather not risk your brother finding out. Prince Inasa has ideals about how I should behave,” Yosetsu said.

“Inasa is a dolt,” Shouto said dryly but let it go. The two friends moved off the field to the bathes, changing from their sweaty gear to clean themselves before dressing in their regular clothing. Shouto wore a red shirt with gold embroidery covering it, light pants, and a circle over his forehead; the design was inlaid with tiny white diamonds. Yosetsu wore sturdy armour and piled on his weaponry.

“Cape, my lord?”

“No.” Shouto shook his head. The two left the bathing chambers to head into the palace entirely. They passed various guards and servants who bowed to the two, but they moved on to a new room. In it were a dark-haired man and a blond man, Inasa and Neito. Both wore similar clothing to Shouto, though Inasa had a cape on as well, a white one, and his circlet had red rubies mixed in with the diamonds. Neito wore no headwear and looked more laid back than the others.

“Shouto!” Inasa scowled. “You were meant to be here ten chimes ago! How could you make our father wait?”

“Where is Father?” Shouto asked, raising an eyebrow. “It seems he is late, too.”

“Apologies, my sons,” a white-haired man with slight fangs entered the room. Sekijiro smiled at the three boys. “I was held up by the council again.”

“Lord Harrowmount, will you attempt to push the successor issue again?” Shouto asked dryly. Inasa stiffened. “Despite me again saying I have no interest in the throne?”

“Indeed,” Sekijiro frowned a little, looking confused over his son’s words before changing the subject to other matters. Shouto quietly listened, ignoring his brothers.

To be the middle child of a king was dangerous, and to be a favoured child even more so. He tried to tread lightly.


Denerim: the largest city and capital of Ferelden. Long ago, the elves lived as slaves to humans, and though they’ve been free for many generations now, they are far from equals. Here, they live in a walled-off community known as the Alienage, working as servants and labourers when they can. Despite these hardships, Denerim’s elves are strong people who take pride in their close community. Among them is Inko Tabris, a hardworking elven servant for a Lord who pays her well. Her child, Izumi Tabris, is with her, who… may cause a little trouble.

A young green-haired woman sat on the roof of a house that had seen better days, a hammer in one hand and nails in the other as she patched a hole. Izumi Tabris took a second to shove a curly lock out of her face before returning to work. The motion revealed A pointed ear with a jagged end from where her earlobe had once been.

“Izumi!” shouted a voice and the woman stopped to look to the other side of the roof, where another elven woman had pulled herself up. The woman had purple hair and long jacks coming from her ears. “Ami got cornered by some humans!”

Izumi moved, abandoning her task to jump off the roof and head to an alley where a young elf was crouching before two human men. She had her arms raised as if to ward off the two.

“Lookit here, a cute little-” one began, but Izumi moved fast and was there, kicking his knees and grabbing the girl to speed off, causing shouting behind them. The two elves ran away and headed back to the roof.

“Thanks, Izumi,” panted Ami, shaking her head. “I got careless coming back from the market. After you beat up those assholes a month ago for trying to grab Kyoka, I thought it would be okay.”

“We’re elves,” Izumi said tiredly. “Help me with the roof.”

The two got to work and finished fixing the roof in time for an older woman to appear. She looked worried, eyeing them.

“Izumi…” Inko began, but her daughter shook her head.

“They had Ami cornered mom. And one of them was the guy who beat Pony,” Izumi said. Inko sighed but fussed over Ami until the girl left. Inko pulled herself up to the roof to sit beside her daughter.

“You can’t keep-” Inko began, but Izumi interrupted the sentence.

“They could have seriously hurt her!” Izumi glared at her mother. “Mom, she can't fight. Those guys wouldn't have let her go. Not without money or forcing themselves on her. You think I can let that happen?!” Izumi looked at her mother with a bit of disdain. “That's not what I do.”

“And if you die? Honey, I can't take it. You're still a child.” Inko said worriedly.

“I'm nineteen, mom. I may not be married, but I am not a child!” Izumi said angrily. And I haven’t been since those humans murdered Dad! I had to step up and take care of the house while you worked. I had to take care of Kyoka and Koji—” her voice raised, and Inko winced, causing the younger woman to go silent. “...Sorry,” Izumi said softly.

“It’s… it’s not okay. I shouldn’t have been so absent.” Inko said softly. “The humans just… even with Lord Wulff being so generous, it’s still hard, honey. I pay twice the rent a human would pay, plus the prices raised so high…” Inko shook her head. “I love you, baby. I wish you didn’t have to play hero.”

“No one else will,” Izumi whispered, leaning on her mother’s shoulder as they sat on the roof together.


Not all elves are willing to join the society of humans who subjugated their homeland long ago. They are called the Dalish, noble wanderers who travel the land in tightly knit clans, struggling to maintain their half-forgotten lore in a human world that fears and despises them. Among these clans are the Sabre, a set of Dalish who share joy in discovery and spreading their traditions. Among this clan is a young elf named Izuku…

A green-haired elven man readied his bow; his eyes narrowed as he studied the deer before him. With a single nod, he let out an arrow. It flew through the air and hit a deer, causing it to fall over. The rest of the herd ran, leaving their dead companion behind. Izuku stood and went to inspect it; another elf with long brown hair dropped from the trees as he moved.

“Congrats, lethallin,” Rody said to his friend, grinning. “I think you just earned your vallasin.” He motioned to the tattoo on his own face, the curves around his mouth and over his forehead.

“I’m seventeen; it’s overdue,” Izuku said. “You got yours last year.”

“Well, maybe if you hadn’t laughed in Sakura’s face…” Rody teased. Izuku made a face in response.

“She wanted me to court her daughter. I’d rather kiss a human.” Izuku said.

“Wait, that’s what happened? I thought you had laughed about something else,” Rody asked, mouth dropped open. Izuku nodded. “I’m talking to Keeper Fuyumi. You’re ashi lathashi.”

“You think she’d do anything? She wants to keep the peace,” Izuku sighed. “Never mind, Sakura continuously holds a grudge; I’m hoping Toru kicks them out soon enough.”

“Keeper has to die first,” Rody said casually.

“Or enough people complain about her not doing her job,” Izuku grumbled.

“Toru loves her and refuses to see how awful she is,” Rody said with a shrug. “She’s old; we can probably trip her and deal with her later. Come on, Izuku, let’s take the deer back to shove it into the face of Mitsuki so that she can’t block your ceremony. Ideas on what you’ll take?”

“Dirthamen,” Izuku said.

“Course you’d pick the god of secrets and knowledge,” Rody laughed.

“Says the one who picked Ghilan'nain, goddess of guides and navigation, when you love to roam,” Izuku mocked back. The two picked up the deer, playfully bantering the whole way back to the clan, where a blonde elven woman looked furious, and a young woman who looked like her looked even angrier.

Izuku just smiled.


Orzammar is not just the shining upper city; not all is gold in the underground city. Once the seat of an underground empire, Orzammar now stands alone, cut off from the world by the darkspawn, still clinging to the memory of its former glory. Below the vast statues and gilded halls where the noble families play politics, the lower castes live in their shadows, scurrying to serve like their Ancestors before them. Below that is the casteless. The dirty secret staining Orzammar's perfect society. Those with no worthy ancestors come from a line of thieves or murderers. For many, Ochako Brosca proves the casteless deserve their fate as she works for the crime lord Giran, trying to keep her family alive.

A brunette woman sits at a bar, wearing a low-cut dress and a flirty smile. On her cheek is the brand of the castless, and she does not attempt to hide it as she flirts with the men around her.

“It sounds so rough,” Ochako cooed, clutching to one man's arm. “Fighting darkspawn.” She pouted. “Such dangerous work.”

“Ah, all the better to keep those things away,” laughed the man, obviously drunk, as he stared down at Ochako’s chest.

“Mmmhm, and it’s so easy to forget things while busy… like Giran’s cut.” Ochako dropped the smile, and a knife was arching through the air, cutting the man’s throat. He didn't have time to scream, and none of the others flinched.

“Good show,” Minoru whistled as he idly whipped off the paint on his face, hiding his brand. It was risky, but the purple ball-headed man had decided it was worth the risk. They needed to corner the man, after all. “Hot-”

“I can and will break your arm again,” Ochako threatened her long-time friend, who sighed but nodded.

“Alright. Let's go tell Giran.” The two left the bar, entering Dusttown, the slums of Orzammar where castle beggers tried to sway their friends, and soldiers went for very cheap beer.

Giran was in his secondary office, the one directly in Dusttown. He barely paid attention to the two others before passing over money and sending them off. Minoru took his cash with a grin while Ochako split hers up, hiding some coins down the front of her dress. She headed home with a wave.

Inside the house, a passed-out blonde was snoring. Ryuko Brosca did not notice her daughter pass by, though Ochako left two coins on the table for her.

Further into the house, a light blue-haired woman hummed as she brushed her hair. Nejire paused and turned to smile at Ochako.

“Ochako! How are you? Was the fight okay? Did you get hurt? Did you-”

“I'm okay, Nejire,” Ochako said, kissing her sister’s cheek. She handed some coins over, and the girl raised an eyebrow.

“I'm not that bad with money,” she said.

“Gave mother her cut,” Ochako said. Nejire snorted and hugged her sister. “Party tonight?”

“Lord Harrowmount’s younger nephew is going into the Deep Roads. All of us Noble hunters will be there to snag him and have a son.” Nejire shrugged. She didn't look interested. “Then Prince Shouto will be next.”

“Fun. Glad Giran said I wasn't cute enough to be a noble hunter.” Ochako said with a grin, making Nejire laugh. Shortly after, Ochako headed to a side room, prying a loose stone out from the wall. A small chest full of coins was removed, and she fished the ones from her dress to put them inside. Closing it up and rebuilding it, Ochako sighed.

“One day. One day, I'll have enough to survive on the surface. Nejire is beautiful enough, and she has many nobles looking at her. Mother will be taken care of. Minoru can come with me.” Ochako closed her eyes. “One day.”


On a cliff overlooking the dark waters of Lake Calenhad stands the tower fortress that is home to the Circle of Magi. This tower is the only place in Ferelden where mages may study their art among others of their kind. The circle practices its magic within the high stone walls and trains apprentices to use their powers properly. But the Circle Tower is as much a prison as a refuge; the ever-vigilant templars of the Chantry watch over all mages, constantly alert for any sign of corruption. This gilded cage is the only world Tsuyu knows. Taken from her family at a young age for her magical talent, she was moved to a whole new country to prevent her noble family from paying off others to free her. Now a young woman, Tsu faces the looming threat of her Harrowing, mysterious and final practice of leaving behind her apprenticeship.

“Magic is meant to serve man and never rule over him,” a woman in a Chantry robe told the mages during their daily sermon. Among the mass of mages is a green-haired woman who looks like a frog, her eyes blank.

“Magic committed the ultimate sin,” the Mother said. “It entered the heavens and created the Darkspawn-”

Tsuyu, the frog woman, looked to her side at a blonde boy with dazzling eyes. He looked back, and they rolled their eyes—discreetly, of course.

When the service ended, they left together, keeping their mouths shut for some distance. Then they looked at each other and snorted.

“Ah yes, an accident of birth making us monsters ribbit,” Tsu croaked. “We are the ultimate sin, ribbit.”

“Magic isn't great, but it's not as dire as she makes,” Yuuga, the blond, says. “By the way, did you hear Fumikage got let out of solitary? They kept him there a whole year this time.”

“That's cruel. When I was in solitary for punching that Templar, I thought I'd go mad,” Tsu said. “And it was only a week.”

“They got worse since he became a full mage. They probably assumed he'd be like Chiyo.” Yuuga said.

“Chiyo is a good healer, but she is very pro-Chantry,” Tsu said. “Fumikage would never be like her. It would be better to give him papers and let him set up a clinic somewhere.”

“They wouldn't let anyone who doesn't follow their rules to a tout, even if he is the best healer here,” Yuuga said darkly. “I’m surprised he hasn't been made Tranquil yet.”

“He's a full mage. They'd execute him.” Tsu said. Yuuga nodded grimly as they passed a blonde man in Templar armour bickering with others.

“You extras don’t know how to deal with this!” he snarled. Tsu kept her face blank as they passed, though Yuuga looked back.

“He checked you out again,” he said with some disgust.

“Yes, because I am so attracted to a man who can and will cut my head off if ordered to,” Tsu grumbled.

“You don't even like men,” Yuuga said in amusem*nt.

“Nope.” Tsu agreed. “And he knows that.”

“He's not tried…” Yuuga said, stopping to turn to his friend in worry.

“No. He’s been respectful, but I can tell he still thinks he has a shot. Plenty of men only interested in men prefer to sleep with some of the women Templars and similar the other way around. Never mind that we don't get a choice, do we…” Tsu sighed.

“No, we don't.” Yuuga changed the subject after he said that, wanting to discuss it no longer. “They said you may have your Harrowing soon. Worried?”

“A little.” Tsu looked around her gilded cage, watching Templars stare down mages who scurried about, keeping their heads down.

She was worried, but what could she do? She was stuck.

MHA: Origins - Chapter 1 - Music_Feeds_My_Soul - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.