INTERSPERSE used in a sentence (2024)

INTERSPERSE used in a sentence (1)



1000+ books

  • She interspersed the lecture with jokes and stories to keep the audience engaged.

    interspersed = inserted at irregular intervals

  • In the garden, she decided to intersperse the roses with a variety of wildflowers to create a vibrant and colorful display.

    intersperse = mix

  • When Dr. Kimball lectured on World War II, the screen showed rows of fighter planes interspersed with the skeletal remains of bombed cities. (source)

    interspersed = mixed at times

  • The wood has been neatly arranged, expertly interspersed with tinder, but it has never been lit. (source)

    interspersed = mixed

  • Interspersed through their ranks were rows of hover tanks and gunships. (source)

    interspersed = mixed irregularly

  • He heard snarling, interspersed by a repeated hooting cry. (source)

    interspersed = mixed at times

  • The roar of engines interspersed with rolling, cranking sounds like chains hoisting machinery in an old, grimy factory. (source)
  • They were heading for the largest collection of lights he had yet seen, a huge, sprawling crisscrossing mass, glittering in lines and grids, interspersed with patches of deepest black. (source)
  • Here there were wide spaces interspersed with thickets and huge trees and the trend of the ground led him up as the forest opened. (source)
  • If you intersperse this Africa with a little variety — oh, Sweden perhaps, or Denmark or China — (source)

    intersperse = mix

  • He was in a narrow street, with a few dark little shops, interspersed among dwelling-houses. (source)

    interspersed = inserted at irregular intervals

show 131 more with this conextual meaning
  • The downtown I remember — drab, Calvinistic, with white men in dark overcoats marching in lockstep on the sidewalks, interspersed with the occasional woman, in regulation high heels, gloves and hat, clutch purse under the arm, eyes front — is simply gone, but then it's been gone for some time.† (source)
  • These activities were interspersed with fishing or looking for ancient relics that washed up on the beach.† (source)
  • Thus, the fleet's acceleration occurs in spurts, interspersed by long periods of coasting to collect fuel.† (source)
  • It takes him four days of walking, interspersed with occasional rides in horse-drawn carriages, a bareback ride on a horse, and a ride on a tractor-drawn cart.† (source)
  • Around the perimeter, interspersed with the tombs, a series of semicircular niches were hewn in the wall.† (source)
  • A series of arithmetical calculations was interspersed by blocks of text.† (source)
  • bookcase will show wear on bottom rails where dusted and touched, but not on top on items that lock, look for dents and scratches below the keyhole, where wood will have been struck by opening the lock with a key on a bunch Interspersed throughout this, and notes of auction results from Important Americana sales ("Lot 77 Fed.† (source)
  • The poem was interspersed with grunts from the old lady on the bed, which no one except Chacko seemed to notice.† (source)
  • Racks of scrolls covered the walls, interspersed with narrow walkways reached by three twisting staircases.† (source)
  • Game shows, soap operas, infomercials, and talk shows were interspersed with commercials from ambulance-chasing lawyers.† (source)
  • The ragged English line, stretching about seven hundred meters across the field from treeline to treeline, consisted of clusters of archers like Kassad's troop interspersed with smaller groups of men-at-arms.† (source)
  • Boy voices interspersed with ball cracking on asphalt.† (source)
  • Interspersed throughout were flowers and animals that were Missy's favorites.† (source)
  • The rifle fire was interspersed with the louder explosions of hand grenades — or if artillery had been brought into action perhaps I was hearing shells.† (source)
  • What had once been miles of rectangular islands within a grid of channels was now a much smaller place, surrounded by and interspersed with broken, half-sunken slabs, sometimes with roofs and pillars, that emerged from the muddy green water in the dry season.† (source)
  • A large tree, overgrown and untrimmed, reared up from the tiny back lawn of his firm's townhouse, blocking out the sunlight in such a manner that the back lawn had been reduced mostly to dirt and a few wisps of grass, interspersed with a morning's worth of cigarette butts, for his boss had banned people from smoking indoors, and atop this tree Saeed had spotted a hawk constructing its nest.† (source)
  • All this was interspersed with physical training tests, sit-ups, sit-reaches, and push-ups.† (source)
  • Hull House had become a bastion of progressive thought inhabited by strong-willed young women, "interspersed," as one visitor put it, "with earnest-faced, self-subordinating and mild-mannered men who slide from room to room apologetically."† (source)
  • Interspersed among the accounts of the trial were Letters to the Editor printed in the Denver and Boulder newspapers.† (source)
  • His kindness was now interspersed with flashes of rage that bordered on cruelty.† (source)
  • Bronze braziers of magical light, like the gods used on Mount Olympus, glowed around the circumference of the room, interspersed with gorgeous tapestries.† (source)
  • The road is empty, stretches of black interspersed with weak pools of yellow light from the street-lamps.† (source)
  • Ed chose his music carefully, his dances having an opening act of excitement and greeting, a middle of pulsating, very danceable songs interspersed with romantic interludes, and then the inevitable ending.† (source)
  • Their words were interspersed with sobs.† (source)
  • Goretti's interactions with Bernard consisted mostly of being beaten, interspersed with having sex.† (source)
  • I felt his fingertip lightly trace the labyrinthlike spiral pattern that was, except for the exotic-looking runes interspersed around the spirals, much like my facial Mark.† (source)
  • The sound of a brief scuffle followed, interspersed with an "ouch" and a "hey!"† (source)
  • From this point on, Grandma's letter becomes increasingly chaotic, the details interspersed without chronological consistency.† (source)
  • French commercials are interspersed between them, and I have fun trying to guess what they're for before the product is shown.† (source)
  • As Hazel and Fiver made their way dejectedly down the run outside the Threarah's burrow, they could just hear, from inside, the Chief Rabbit's voice assuming a rather sharper note, interspersed with an occasional "Yes, sir,"† (source)
  • I bought a co*ke and took a seat facing the stage in front of Dillard's, now complete with its fall decorations, big leaves in all different colors, with black silhouettes of glam-looking girls interspersed.† (source)
  • For more than an hour Porter held them at bay: cowering, screaming, threatening, urinating, and interspersing all of it with pleas for a woman.† (source)
  • The bootlickers are interspersed with friends—Faris, Dex, Tristas, Leander—but the person I wait most impatiently for is Helene.† (source)
  • The woman in the back seat tried to strike up a conversation with me, interspersing bits of English and Farsi.† (source)
  • Some adults were interspersed throughout the throng, parents cooing over their sons in formal uniform or grandparents fumbling for cameras.† (source)
  • It sounded like growling, interspersed with grunts, and Jon could not understand a word of it.† (source)
  • Interspersed in these residential areas were a variety of businesses — paint factories, lumberyards, distilleries, gasworks, mills, furniture manufacturers, warehouses, and coal distributors.† (source)
  • That far larger stretch north of the city, known as the Outward, was a mix of woods, streams, marshes, and great rocky patches interspersed with a few small farms and large country estates, all the way to King's Bridge, where a narrow wooden bridge over the Harlem connected the island to the mainland.† (source)
  • After two innings, Monterrey was down four runs to nothing, and had it not been for outstanding defense interspersed with some luck the score easily could have been even more lopsided.† (source)
  • The speeches were interspersed, each leader giving support to his counterpart, yet letting the world know there was still much to negotiate.† (source)
  • Twenty-one wheeled caissons were interspersed among the ranks.† (source)
  • Sometimes at night, she could hear the cries of the quail doves and solitaires interspersed with the songs from the aviary.† (source)
  • His language was childish, interspersed with English words, and he could feel shame tightening in his throat; but then he heard the old man describe the cave, a deep lava cave northeast of Laguna where bats flew out on summer evenings.† (source)
  • And interspersed among the peaco*cks as if imitating them are sprinklers which throw off tails of white, keeping the birds company.† (source)
  • Interspersed every ten trees or so were banners attached to lampposts, bearing images of what the city would look like once finished.† (source)
  • Interspersed with the Hamilton boys were five girls: Una the oldest, a thoughtful, studious, dark girl; Lizzie—I guess Lizzie must have been the oldest since she was named for her mother—I don't know much about Lizzie.† (source)
  • Long periods of silence interspersed with garbled transmissions.† (source)
  • She was captivated by the way in which Nathan, ever intent upon his cooking, was still able to intersperse his observations on gastronomie with scientific detail, largely nutritional.† (source)
  • Gradually they entered a country of gracious farms on undulating hilly slopes, a place where well-kept paddocks were interspersed with coppices and many trees.† (source)
  • And every now and then his song broke off, was interspersed with croaking chuckles of happiness.† (source)
  • The door shakes under the animal's constant pressure and the din continues in the bathroom; trumpetings are heard, interspersed with indistinct phrases such as: 'I'm furious!† (source)
  • Dissonant notes intersperse with the melody. (source)

    intersperse = at irregular intervals

  • Everything in here was black including the floor and ceiling; identical, unmarked, handleless black doors were set at intervals all around the black walls, interspersed with branches of candles whose flames burned blue; their cool, shimmering light reflected in the shining marble floor made it look as though there was dark water underfoot. (source)

    interspersed = inserted at irregular intervals

  • The white and yellow lights of the town, interspersed with occasional reds and greens, seemed to be flickering, and Jeremy could see plumes of smoke rising from chimneys. (source)

    interspersed = mixed at times

  • He interspersed the story of Boone Creek with other investigations into the mysterious, and more than once, he saw the executives glance at each other, clearly trying to figure out how to work him into the show. (source)

    interspersed = mixed

  • Last night I'd wandered in a wide sea of ferns interspersed with huge hemlock trees.† (source)
  • "Stay to the right!" a voice orders, and I see the Peacekeepers interspersed throughout the crowd, directing the flow of human traffic.† (source)
  • The graceful arched walls of sandstone and Italian plaster were punctuated by columns of variegated breccia, interspersed with the nation's statuary collection—life-size statues of thirty-eight great Americans standing in a semicircle on a stark expanse of black-and-white marble tile.† (source)
  • Everything had to be interrupted to broadcast this sort of news as quickly as possible, and it was interspersed with military marches and patriotic anthems.† (source)
  • What he had burned had been nothing more than an illusion with a title page on top , blank pages interspersed with written rejects and culls.† (source)
  • Surfing is a solitary sport, one in which long stretches of boredom are interspersed with frantic activity, and it teaches you to flow with nature, instead of fighting it's about getting in the zone.† (source)
  • Out here it was usually fifty at a time, all interspersed with exercises designed to balance and hone various muscle groups, especially arms and abs.† (source)
  • It began, I suppose, just as neighborly visits, interspersed with more professional arrivals from SPECWARCOM.† (source)
  • Stretching from my neck, down my shoulder and back, were sapphire tattoos in a swirling pattern much like that on my face, only the blue marks on my body looked even more ancient, even more mysterious, because they were interspersed with letterlike symbols.† (source)
  • Squatting next to the ore, Rhunon caressed the pitted surface, her fingers lingering over the metallic patches interspersed among the stone.† (source)
  • The stone facings were carved with all manner of creatures out of myth and legend—the heads of monsters were a prominent feature, interspersed with winged horses, something that looked like a house on chicken legs, mermaids, and, of course, angels.† (source)
  • Interspersed among their ranks were a dozen battle forklifts, their sharpened tines gleaming in the sunset and flaming bolts nocked in their crossbows.† (source)
  • Last night, he'd had a growling fit for an hour, which he'd thoughtfully interspersed with an occasional bark, and the whole thing had left her fantasizing about buying either a soundproof kennel or an elephant gun.† (source)
  • Squinting, Max saw a dozen archers rise from positions upon the Manse roof, their silhouettes interspersed among the many chimneys.† (source)
  • Rows of stone columns were interspersed with iron braziers filled with burning coals like dozens of barbecue grills.† (source)
  • On either side of the highway, farmhouses were set back from the road and interspersed with the occasional tobacco barn that had fallen into ruin.† (source)
  • The land was gentle enough, rolling hills and terraced fields interspersed with meadows and woodlands and little valleys where willows crowded close to slow shallow streams.† (source)
  • He sensed little life in the ground, only a handful of miserable plants interspersed with a few insects and lizards.† (source)
  • Then, interspersed with the barking of the dogs, he heard the strange, lilting melody of the ancient language emanating from Carn, and the power contained within the phrases caused the back of Roran's neck to prickle with alarm.† (source)
  • Seats for the delegates, fifty or so Windsor chairs, were arranged in a semicircle facing the president's chair, these interspersed with work tables covered with green baize cloths and clustered according to region: New England on the left, middle colonies in the center, southern colonies on the right.† (source)
  • All through the day, as he interspersed his business matters with trips to the moskd, the heavy aura of his gloomy presence was still evident in his home.† (source)
  • There were two white built-in bookshelves, filled with books and interspersed with porcelain figurines, something Clara had obviously collected over the years.† (source)
  • When they were gone I had these new tattoos, a delicate collection of lacelike sapphire swirls that framed my face—totally unheard of for a mere fledgling to have—and matching Marks interspersed with cool runelike-looking symbols on my shoulders, something no fledgling or vamp has ever had.† (source)
  • She didn't seem like the kind of teacher who would be cool with some slug sleeping in the back of the room, but she just kept on with her reading, interspersed with interesting firsthand facts about the early twentieth century, which I really liked (I loved hearing about the flappers—I would definitely have been a flapper if I'd lived in the 1920s).† (source)
  • The vast, silent room seemed empty, though the ranks of back-to-back bookshelves interspersed with columns could conceal many people.† (source)
  • The shaman's declamations were repeatedly truncated by gusts of wind, but Eragon caught snatches of the ancient language-strangely twisted and mispronounced-interspersed with dwarf and Urgal words, all of which were united by an archaic dialect of Eragon's own tongue.† (source)
  • In front of the keep was a large courtyard-in which were several low outbuildings and a row of four catapults-and encircling the lot was a thick curtain wall interspersed with smaller towers of its own.† (source)
  • His parries widened slightly, but his ripostes became more sudden now, and were interspersed with feints and unexpected attacks.† (source)
  • His cold was coming out now; his nose was streaming, his eyes were heavy, his sneezes were interspersed by an occasional cough.† (source)
  • There were a certain number of small shops interspersed between private houses of the poorer class.† (source)
  • He knew nothing of her, whence she came or what she was; when they were together he said not a score of words and he scarcely listened to the constant running of her speech, light and interspersed with laughter like a child's.† (source)
  • Part of the terrace was paved, part planted with flower-beds and arabesques of dwarf box; taller box grew in a dense hedge, making a wide oval, cut into niches and interspersed with statuary, and, in the center, dominating the whole splendid space rose the fountain; such a fountain as one might expect to find in a piazza of southern Italy; such a fountain as was, indeed, found there a century ago by one of Sebastian's ancestors; found, purchased, imported and re-erected in an alien but welcoming climate.† (source)
  • And, as the winter waned, the interspersed darkness in Eugene's brain was lifted slowly, days, weeks, months began to emerge in consecutive brightness; his mind came from the confusion of the Fair: life opened practically.† (source)
  • Interspersed with observations relating to Cottard are remarks, scattered here and there, about Grand-he was now convalescent and had gone back to work as if nothing had happened-and about Rieux's mother.† (source)
  • and as soon as the child could walk Burden (he pronounced it Burden now, since he could not spell it at all and the priests had taught him to write it laboriously so with a hand more apt for a rope or a gunbutt or a knife than a pen) began to read to the child in Spanish from the book which he had brought with him from California, interspersing the fine, sonorous flowing of mysticism in a foreign tongue with harsh, extemporised dissertations composed half of the bleak and bloodless logic which he remembered from his father on interminable New England Sundays, and half of immediate hellfire and tangible brimstone of which any country Methodist circuit rider would have been proud.† (source)
  • Bunches of greasewood and cactus plants were interspersed here and there in the grass.† (source)
  • before every line, and innumerable Goroos interspersed.† (source)
  • Nearer at hand glittered golden cornfields interspersed with copses.† (source)
  • One evening when he had thus, in obedience to her command, gone home with her, and while she was interspersing her kisses with passionate words, in strange contrast to her habitual coldness, he thought suddenly that he heard a sound; he rose, searched everywhere and found nobody, but he had not the courage to return to his place by her side; whereupon she, in a towering rage, broke a vase, with "I never can do anything right with you, you impossible person!"† (source)
  • Opposite diagonally from the hotel, which contained a series of wide plate-glass windows, behind which were many chairs interspersed with palms and pillars, was the dry-goods emporium of Stark and Company, a considerable affair, four stories in height, and of white brick, and at least a hundred feet long, the various windows of which seemed bright and interesting, crowded with as smart models as might be seen anywhere.† (source)
  • They occasionally looked over the multitude of squabbling children, listened affectionately to their high-pitched, nasal voices, smiling to see their own proclivities reproduced in their offspring, and interspersed their legends of the iron kings with remarks about their sons' progress at school, their grades in arithmetic, and the amounts they had saved in their toy banks.† (source)
  • Through my glasses I saw the slope of a hill interspersed with rare trees and perfectly free from undergrowth.† (source)
  • Mrs. Moore continued to murmur "Red ten on a black knave," Miss Quested to assist her, and to intersperse among the intricacies of the play details about the hyena, the engagement, the Maharani of Mudkul, the Bhattacharyas, and the day generally, whose rough desiccated surface acquired as it receded a definite outline, as India itself might, could it be viewed from the moon.† (source)
  • Suddenly beyond the stretch of waste ground, interspersed with small patches of low dense bush, excavations, heaps of rubbish, with trodden paths between, a man, solitary and looking very small, strolled out into the deserted opening of the street between the shut-up, dark, lifeless buildings at the end.† (source)
  • One window of excellent clothes for men, interspersed with collars of floral pique which showed mauve daisies on a saffron ground.† (source)
  • When I had last seen this part of Sheen in the daylight it had been a straggling street of comfortable white and red houses, interspersed with abundant shady trees.† (source)
  • He just had vague, dreamy thoughts and imaginations that were interspersed in the constant and stern revolving of plans to save her.† (source)
  • By this time Ardalion Alexandrovitch was quite intoxicated, and he kept his companion listening while he discoursed eloquently and pathetically on subjects of all kinds, interspersed with torrents of recrimination against the members of his family.† (source)
  • A heavy growth of shrub interspersed with rock and cactus covered the slopes; and now all the trail appeared to be uphill.† (source)
  • It must be remarked here that the important man lied outrageously: he had said all he had to say to his friend long before; and the conversation had been interspersed for some time with very long pauses, during which they merely slapped each other on the leg, and said, "You think so, Ivan Abramovitch!"† (source)
  • Master Bates backed this advice with sundry moral admonitions of his own: which, being exhausted, he and his friend Mr. Dawkins launched into a glowing description of the numerous pleasures incidental to the life they led, interspersed with a variety of hints to Oliver that the best thing he could do, would be to secure fa*gin's favour without more delay, by the means which they themselves had employed to gain it.† (source)
  • In spite of her continual anxiety that the dishes should be passed round correctly and that everyone should taste them, in spite of the agonising cough which interrupted her every minute and seemed to have grown worse during the last few days, she hastened to pour out in a half whisper to Raskolnikov all her suppressed feelings and her just indignation at the failure of the dinner, interspersing her remarks with lively and uncontrollable laughter at the expense of her visitors and especially of her landlady.† (source)
  • The inn-keeper himself was a man of from forty to fifty-five years of age, tall, strong, and bony, a perfect specimen of the natives of those southern latitudes; he had dark, sparkling, and deep-set eyes, hooked nose, and teeth white as those of a carnivorous animal; his hair, like his beard, which he wore under his chin, was thick and curly, and in spite of his age but slightly interspersed with a few silvery threads.† (source)
  • England was once a country of clearings amongst the woods and wastes, with a few towns interspersed, which were fortresses for the feudal army, markets for the folk, gathering places for the craftsmen.† (source)
  • Interspersed about the room, crossing and recrossing in endless irregularity, were innumerable benches and desks, black, ancient, and time-worn, piled desperately with much-bethumbed books, and so beseamed with initial letters, names at full length, grotesque figures, and other multiplied efforts of the knife, as to have entirely lost what little of original form might have been their portion in days long departed.† (source)
  • The village was an assemblage of palaces in beautiful gardens, interspersed with khans of princely sort.† (source)
  • Humphrey and Sam, the furze and turf cutters, were there looking on, so also was Timothy Fairway, who leant against the wall and prompted the boys from memory, interspersing among the set words remarks and anecdotes of the superior days when he and others were the Egdon mummers-elect that these lads were now.† (source)
  • One end, indeed, reflected splendidly both light and heat from ranks of immense pewter dishes, interspersed with silver jugs and tankards, towering row after row, on a vast oak dresser, to the very roof.† (source)
  • "Do you see, my little girl," resumed the recluse, interspersing her words with kisses, "I shall love you dearly?† (source)
  • The noises were sufficiently removed and shut out from the counting-house to blend into a busy hum, interspersed with periodical clinks and thumps.† (source)
  • It was a species of table land, near the summit of an almost inaccessible hill, densely wooded from base to pinnacle, and interspersed with huge crags that appeared to lie loosely upon the soil, and in many cases were prevented from precipitating themselves into the valleys below, merely by the support of the trees against which they reclined.† (source)
  • He chatted with the landlady; and even told anecdotes interspersed with jokes and puns that Hippolyte did not understand.† (source)
  • Interspersed among this load of meats was every species of vegetables that the season and country afforded.† (source)
  • My brother imparted all these details with that easy gayety of his with which you are acquainted, interspersing his words with graceful attentions to me.† (source)
  • The surface is very uneven, rising like the waves of a troubled sea, descending low, and interspersed by rifts that sink deep.† (source)
  • In the meanwhile also the black ground was covered with herbage, and the green banks interspersed with innumerable flowers, sweet to the scent and the eyes, stars of pale radiance among the moonlight woods; the sun became warmer, the nights clear and balmy; and my nocturnal rambles were an extreme pleasure to me, although they were considerably shortened by the late setting and early rising of the sun, for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment I had formerly endured in the first village which I entered.† (source)
  • Before him was the sun, half curtained in fleecy mist; before him also spread the desert; not the realm of drifting sands, which was farther on, but the region where the herbage began to dwarf; where the surface is strewn with boulders of granite, and gray and brown stones, interspersed with languishing acacias and tufts of camel-grass.† (source)
  • Beautiful and thriving villages are found interspersed along the margins of the small lakes, or situated at those points of the streams which are favorable for manufacturing; and neat and comfortable farms, with every indication of wealth about them, are scattered profusely through the vales, and even to the mountain tops.† (source)
  • During this dialogue, as the parties had kept in motion, Richard and his cousin advanced some distance from the house into the open space in the rear of the village, where, as may be gathered from the conversation, streets were planned and future dwellings contemplated; but where, in truth, the only mark of improvement that was to be seen was a neglected clearing along the skirt of a dark forest of mighty pines, over which the bushes or sprouts of the same tree had sprung up to a height that interspersed the fields of snow with little thickets of evergreen.† (source)
  • It had no park, but the pleasure-grounds were tolerably extensive; and like every other place of the same degree of importance, it had its open shrubbery, and closer wood walk, a road of smooth gravel winding round a plantation, led to the front, the lawn was dotted over with timber, the house itself was under the guardianship of the fir, the mountain-ash, and the acacia, and a thick screen of them altogether, interspersed with tall Lombardy poplars, shut out the offices.† (source)
  • He told me the rest of it, then; the slow and deliberate whipstrokes, interspersed with kisses.† (source)
  • Looking down, I could see it was a string of small baroque pearls, those irregularly shaped productions of freshwater mussels, interspersed with tiny pierced-work gold roundels.† (source)
  • I take your strong chords, intersperse them, and cheerfully pass
    them forward.† (source)
  • That our work, therefore, might be in no danger of being likened to the labours of these historians, we have taken every occasion of interspersing through the whole sundry similes, descriptions, and other kind of poetical embellishments.† (source)
  • And here his sagacity must make it needless to observe how artfully these chapters are calculated for that excellent purpose; for in these we have always taken care to intersperse somewhat of the sour or acid kind, in order to sharpen and stimulate the said spirit of criticism.† (source)
  • To avoid, therefore, all imputation of laying down a rule for posterity, founded only on the authority of ipse dixit—for which, to say the truth, we have not the profoundest veneration—we shall here waive the privilege above contended for, and proceed to lay before the reader the reasons which have induced us to intersperse these several digressive essays in the course of this work.† (source)

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INTERSPERSE used in a sentence (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.