I'm A Quadrillionaire Chapter 2851-2860 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2851

Now, Townlet Pescado had stopped all activities. The people from other villages were sent away, while those from the townlet stayed behind closed doors.

Everyone was afraid that they would get affected when the fight started.

Even though the people gathered here were the younger generation of Planet Gorgon, they still made up a pretty huge force.

Their backgrounds aside, they should not be underestimated.

Jade and Peach stood side by side at the highest point of Townlet Pescado, looking at the dense crowd in the distance.

The two frowned as they were worried about David.

David was undoubtedly strong, but he was alone after all.

This incident had caused such a big fuss, and more than half of the young geniuses from Planet Gorgon were here. So, how should he deal with them?

Both Jade and Peach wanted to help David, but they were unable to do so.

This was not a battle that they could participate in.

“Jade, do you think David will be in danger with so many people here?” Peach asked.

“I don’t know! But honestly, I can’t think of any other person who would be capable of facing almost 90% of Planet Gorgon’s young geniuses, along with four exceptional ones.” Jade shook her head.

“Are you saying David will lose?”

“Logically speaking, David doesn’t stand a chance at winning. He is indeed strong, and even my father praised him, but he is still too young. Of course, nothing is absolute. No one knows what David’s limits are! What if he can work miracles?”

“I believe he can,” said Peach confidently.

“Oh? Peach, you have a lot of faith in David,” Jade said, surprised.

Over the past three years, Jade and Peach had become good friends who would share everything.

During that time, Jade learned some information about David from Peach.

However, Jade still did not think David could survive against the four top geniuses of Planet Gorgon.

Not to mention, there were many other outstanding young geniuses ready to make a name for themselves in this battle.

“I just do,” Peach nodded.

“Can you tell me why?”

“No reason, it’s just a gut feeling.” “Okay! I hope David can prove you right,” Jade finished speaking and shifted her gaze to Fairy Eden in the distance.

Fairy Eden was the only woman among the four top geniuses of Planet Gorgon and served as a role model for all young women.

Jade’s goal had always been to surpass Fairy Eden.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried to catch up, the gap between them only widened.

This greatly shocked Jade.

Fairy Eden and the others had made a pact to take down David first, and then to compete among each other for the title of number one on Planet Gorgon.

However, they were not able to decide who should make the first move, causing a prolonged disagreement.

Each of the four geniuses wanted to be the first to confront David, as it would give them a psychological advantage in the competition for the title.

Little did they know the kind of monster they were about to face.

Planet Gorgon was just a small living planet, and its strongest person had not even reached the Star Realm.

On the other hand, David was a true partial Heavenly Overlord.

The gap between them was unimaginably vast.

Inside Townlet Pescado, David sat cross-legged, his face showing pain as a flood of memories rushed into his mind.

After absorbing all the memories, he opened his eyes and a beam of light shone out from them.

His dormant mental power had been awakened, and he regained all his memories.

It turned out that he was not a native of Planet Gorgon, but was from Earth.

There were still people on Earth waiting for news about him.

David wanted to contact Celia and the others, but unfortunately, the communication device and his clothes were destroyed when he arrived on this planet. He had also lost his Space Stone, so he had to

temporarily give up on that idea.

Instead, he activated the system.

(Body: Ancient Level 10 (You may upgrade one level using ten million lavish points)] [Mind: Heavenly Level 1 (You may upgrade using one million lavish points)] [Combat: Partial Heavenly Overlord (Rank)] [Lavish Points: 32,825,395] [Special skill: Cloning (Level 6)] After more than six years of accumulation, his lavish points had surpassed over 32 million.

This indicated that Beanie and Thor had been progressing well in The Spirit Cage.

With over 32 million lavish points, David could upgrade his Body and Mind to Heavenly Level 10.

By doing so, his combat power would surpass the Overlord Realm and take another half-step forward.

Although he would not be an Almighty, it would be enough to deal with Heavenly Overlord Lufian.

He would need time to break through to another realm but now would not be the right time for it. David planned to send the people outside away first and retrieve the Space Stone, as it contained items he needed. Only then would he focus on improving his strength.

Once he enhanced both his Body and Mind, it will be time for him to leave Planet Gorgon.

He had no idea if Lufian had recovered from his injuries or what the current situation was in Leila.

Chapter 2852

When David thought of Lufian, an icy glint passed through David’s eyes briefly.

In an instant, everyone on Planet Gorgon felt an unexplainable chill and shuddered involuntarily.

When they wanted to figure out what it was, the coolness had already disappeared without a trace.

Outside of Townlet Pescado, Fairy Eden and others still could not come to a conclusion.

No one was willing to give in.

Therefore, they had no choice but to make a move at the same time.

Fairy Eden was the first to enter the airspace above Townlet Pescado, followed by the other three as they did not want to fall behind.

When Peach and Jade saw the four top geniuses moving at the same time, they clasped their hands and prayed for David in their hearts.

At this moment, a golden light erupted from the ground into the sky.

Stopping in midair, David uttered only two words upon spotting Fairy Eden and the others, “Get lost!”


Before anything else, the wind and clouds in the sky changed color. His words boomed like a clap of thunder that rang in everyone’s ears.

At the same time, an unrivaled force knocked Fairy Eden and the others away. Taken by surprise, they return to their original positions.


Upon landing, they spurted out mouthfuls of blood.

The blow was a testament to David’s power.

If David had not shown them mercy, they would have died.

At this moment, there was no anger or hatred in their hearts -there was only gladness.

How fortunate it was that David was not a bloodthirsty man!

Only those who had a close shave with death would understand how terrifying it was.

After struggling to their feet, Fairy Eden and the others bowed to the golden figure above Townlet Pescado.

“Thank you for sparing us!”

“Go back to where you come from. Never show up in Townlet Pescado again,” David said, his tone remaining stoic.

“Yes, my Lord! We promise never to set foot into Townlet Pescado in the future,” The four arrogant geniuses replied respectfully.

Meanwhile, the onlookers watched the turn of events in stunned silence. They did not even dare to breathe too loudly.

Who would have thought that the four top geniuses of Planet Gorgon would be so submissive to thank David for not killing them? After all, they were just discussing ways to deal with David moments ago.

The tables turned so quickly that no one had time to react.

David, however, paid them no further attention as he had more important things to do. He released his mind power and enveloped the entire Planet Gorgon. He wanted to look for his lost Space Stone.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

Upon locating it, he turned into a golden light, vanishing from view immediately.

After David left, a long time passed before the four geniuses of Planet Gorgon returned to their senses.

Fairy Eden and the others, especially, were still affected by their fear of the insanely powerful David.

How did David possess such power? The speed at which David left just now was probably beyond the reach of even the strongest people on Planet Gorgon.

Peach and Jade’s eyes widened in confusion and awe.

The four top geniuses of Planet Gorgon could not resist even two words from David.

Just exactly how strong was David?

“J-Jade, did David win?” Peach asked with a stutter.

“Yeah, he won. It was also a crushing defeat,” Jade replied.

“I told you David will create miracles!” Reassured, Peach smiled.

“It’s more than a miracle. This is beyond everyone’s expectations.” Jade could not hide the astonishment in her voice.

“By the way, where is David going?”

“How would I know? Why didn’t you ask him just now?”

“H-How would I know he was leaving? He disappeared in the blink of an eye and I didn’t even have the chance to ask.

He’ll come back, right?”

Jade answered reassuringly, “He will. David isn’t that kind of person. If he wants to leave, he’ll tell us. He won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

Although she had only met him a few times, she could tell from the way David acted that he was not a heartless person.

After Peach heard this, she stopped talking.

She could feel that something was different about David this time.

When she recalled how he tried everything to restore his memory in the past three years, Peach guessed that David must have regained some memories.

Even if he stayed this time, he would eventually leave.

Even though Peach did not want David to leave, she knew she had to accept the fate that she could not make him stay.

Chapter 2854

The people who were aware of the value of sea beasts were trembling with excitement.

This scene confirmed a saying. Those who survived a catastrophe were bound to have good fortune later on.

After David found the Space Stone, he went directly to the outside of Planet Gorgon. Then, he opened the Space Stone, took out the spare communication device, and modified it with the system to verify his identity information.

Then, he received countless messages from Celia and others on Earth.

In the past, no matter where David went, he could receive messages from Celia with the help of the system. At the same time, he would often chat with them to report that he was safe.

Now that he had disappeared for six or seven years, one could only imagine how worried Celia and the others would be.

David contacted Celia immediately and told her that he was fine. He told her he did not reply then because he had entered a forbidden area, but now, he was out and was safe.

Since David had the system, he could contact Celia on Earth across such a long distance.

After receiving the news that David was safe, Celia and others breathed a sigh of relief. They were finally relieved, and their eyes turned red.

They did not receive any news from David for six years and felt like they had lost their backbone.

Therefore, they did not even bother to train.

The only reason they were training was so that they could get to Eternal Realm and stay with David forever.

So, what would be the point if something happened to David?

Fortunately, Celeste told everyone that, no matter what happened to David, they could only go find him after they trained hard and had enough strength.

Only then did everyone find the reason to train again, and now that they received news from David, they were all relieved.

After comforting Celia and others on Earth, David contacted Elora.

He was slightly relieved once he learned that Lufian had not appeared during this period. So, he went to Planet Gorgon and returned to Townlet Pescado.

Next, he would start to improve his Body and Mind.

He returned to his room without alerting anyone and turned on the system to improve his Body.

A window popped up.

[This upgrade will consume 10 million lavish points. After

the upgrade, the host’s Body will be upgraded from the original Ancient level 1 to Heavenly level 1. Please confirm whether to proceed.]

There were two options: yes or no.

Of course, David chose the first option.

[Upgrade in process. Please wait.]

Soon, David felt the pain caused by the upgrade in his Body.

Usually, it would be the most unbearable to enter into another big realm.

David had no idea if other people’s breakthroughs were like this, but he had to go through this.

No matter how painful it was, he must endure it.

David did not know what the consequences would be if he passed out. He had never tried it and would never dare try it.

After a long time, David opened his eyes.

All the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat, and he could wring the sweat out with his hands.

Yet, it was not over.

My Body had only reached Heavenly level 1, and his Mind was also only Heavenly level 1.

He must upgrade both of them to Heavenly level 10.

Then, David began to improve his Body again.

Heavenly level 2, Heavenly level 3… Heavenly level 9,

Heavenly level 10.

The upgrade of his Body was done.

Now, it was his Mind’s turn.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

Heavenly level 2, Heavenly level 3… Heavenly level 9, Heavenly level 10.

When his Body and Mind reached Heavenly level 10, David felt his body shake as if he had reached some critical point.

So, he quickly turned on the system and focused on the combat column.

[Combat: partial Origin Realm (partial Almighty)]

When he saw his combat, David showed a smile.

Origin Realm was above Overlord Realm, and it was also known as the Almighty Realm.

Since the remaining lavish points were not enough to improve his Cloning, David chose to end his seclusion.

Partial Origin Realm was enough to kill Lufian easily. It would be the same even if Lufian had the strength of a peak Heavenly Overlord after he went berserk.

Moreover, David still had the help of his clones.

He could not imagine how spectacular it would be to see 81 partial Almighties with similar minds fighting at the same time.

The self-detonation of a partial Almighty could destroy the entire Leila.

Of course, David did not need to do all that to defeat Lufian. He only needed one clone for that.

With David’s careful personality, he would not fight Lufian with his main form even if Lufian was just a beginner Heavenly Overlord.

Lufian had already lost when David became a partial Almighty.

After upgrading his combat, David did not rush out of the room. Instead, he forced out three drops of blood essence, made a clone, and sealed it in a wooden box to give it to Cy and Peach for self- defense.

After everything was completed, David stood up, dried the soaked clothes with a shake, and walked out of the room.

He was going to say goodbye to Peach and Cy.

After all, Planet Gorgon was just a tiny chapter in his long life.

Perhaps he would stop by when he took Celia and the others around the universe in the future.

Chapter 2855

Townlet Pescado.

Three people were sitting across from David in the chief’s living room.

In addition to Cy and Peach, Jade was also among them.

After recovering his memory, David actually admired Jade a little.

Not many women had this kind of perseverance.

It was a pity that the two of them were not from the same world.

He had not solved his problem with his women yet, so how could he possibly provoke women again? Wouldn’t that be asking for trouble?

So, he chose to turn a blind eye to Jade.

“Old Master Cy, I’m here to say goodbye to you this time.” David got straight to the point as soon as he sat down.

Upon hearing this, Cy looked indifferent, as if he had expected it.

On the contrary, Peach and Jade’s hearts tightened. As they were staring at David, their breathing became rapid.

Although they had expected it, they still could not accept it in such a short time.

Peach was holding back her tears.

“Well, Master David, I knew you would leave sooner or later. Townlet Pescado can’t accommodate you, but I didn’t expect this day to come so soon,” Cy sighed.

“Thank you, Old Master Cy and Peach, for caring for me. I will come to see you again if I have the opportunity.”

“Master David, I want to ask you a question.”

“What is it?”

“Have you regained your memory?”

“Yes! I have recovered all my memories, and since there are very important things waiting for me to do, I have to leave.” David nodded.

“Then… Can I know your true identity?” Cy asked with a hint of expectation.

He felt that David’s identity would certainly be complex.

Once Cy knew who David was, he could use it to bluff people when Townlet Pescado encountered danger in the future.

David thought about it and felt there was no need to lie and hide this matter, so he said honestly, “Old Master Cy, to be honest, I am not from Planet Gorgon, but from the universe. I was injured in a battle and fell into a deep sleep. When I was floating in the void, I was attracted by the gravity of Planet Gorgon and fell into Lake Pescado. Eventually, you rescued me, and now that I have recovered my memory, I

still have to finish what I have not finished.”

After David finished, Cy and the others looked at him blankly, with expressions of disbelief.

Did David just say that he was not from Planet Gorgon but outside of Planet Gorgon?

This was beyond the three’s expectations.

They thought about who David might be but never thought he was not from this planet.

“D-Did you just say that you are from outside Planet Gorgon?” Cy asked with wide eyes.

“Yes! Old Master Cy. Planet Gorgon is the most inconspicuous living planet in the universe. Compared with other living continents, it is like the gap between Village Pescado and the largest city on Planet Gorgon, or even worse. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can go out and have a look. That is the real stage for mankind.”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

The three of them were speechless for a long time.

They were genuinely shocked by David’s words.

After a while, Cy smiled bitterly and said, “Master David, you think too highly of me. My lifelong wish is just to visit

several major cities on Planet Gorgon. I won’t even dare to dream about leaving Planet Gorgon and going to the universe.”

“Old Master Cy, don’t be discouraged. As long as you don’t give up, everything is possible. I will leave you with something useful for your cultivation. It’s not too late to

start now.”

David’s words made Cy and the others’ eyes light up.

After the conversation just now, their dream was no longer limited to Planet Gorgon but the stars.

However, no matter how hard they tried, it would still be impossible, judging from their normal development.

Yet, if David was willing to help, who would not want to go higher?

“M-Master David, I don’t think this is appropriate! You have done enough for Village Pescado, and we won’t dare to ask for anything more from you,” Cy refused repeatedly.

Of course, he did not genuinely want to refuse. He was just embarrassed to accept David’s gift again.

After all, he had helped Village Pescado become Townlet Pescado; now, they no longer had to worry about food.

“Old Master Cy, don’t say that! After all, I was the one who broke the peaceful life of Village Pescado. Plus, this is nothing to me.”

“Then… Thank you, Master David!”

“Don’t be so polite. It’s what I should do.”

Then, the two sides chatted for a while.

Suddenly, Jade asked, “Master David, can I ask you a question?”

“What is it?”

“What’s your strength now?”

Chapter 2856

Cy and Peach also looked over curiously upon hearing this.

Naturally, they also want to know how strong David was.

Since David said he was from the universe, he must be much stronger than the strongest person on Planet Gorgon.

David was silent, not because he was hiding it, but because he did not know how to answer.

Should he call himself a partial Almighty?

With Jade and the others’ knowledge, how would they know how strong a partial Almighty was?

Seeing the curious looks in the three people’s eyes, David could only change his explanation.

“I am powerful, and it’s hard for me to explain how strong I am. You just need to know that Planet Gorgon is just an ant in front of me, and if I want to destroy it, I can do it very easily.”

Did he say he could destroy Planet Gorgon easily?

The three of Cy were shocked again.

Planet Gorgon was a living planet with many powerhouses living on it.

Judging from what David said, wouldn’t those powerhouses be worse than ants in front of him?

Then, David left after leaving many cultivation resources. He also left three clones of himself to Cy and Peach to deal with any crisis.

Despite learning from Elora that Lufian had yet to appear, David did not dare to be careless.

What if Lufian showed up while he was wasting time here?

After the severe injury last time, he would certainly take revenge.

No one in the entire Leila was Lufian’s match except for David.

None of them could even resist one attack from Lufian, including partial Heavenly Overlord Sylvio.

The revenge of Heavenly Overlord would cause huge destruction in a very short time.

When David was about to leave, Peach called out to him.


This was the first thing she said to David after she saw him today.

David knew Peach was not her usual self today because he was leaving. However, he could not do anything about it, so he decided to turn a blind eye.

Now that Peach was talking to him, he could not pretend not to see it.

“What’s wrong? How can I help you? I will definitely not say no if it’s within my power.”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

“Will we meet again?” Peach asked, tears streaming down her face.

“Of course! We will definitely meet again in the future if you train well. Even if you can’t leave Planet Gorgon, I will still come to find you,” David said with a grin.

“You promised, David! It’s a deal then. You can’t lie to me.”

“I won’t. I am a man of my word. However, you can’t be idle about your cultivation. You will live up to an epoch of 129600 years if you enter Eternal Realm. If not, humans will be short-lived in the universe.”

“Don’t worry, David, I will not disappoint you!”

“That’s good. I hope you’re an adult when I come back next time.”



After David said that, his body turned into starlight and disappeared.

“Bye, David!”

“Goodbye, Master David!”

Peach and Jade muttered.

At this moment, Jade finally let go.

She finally understood why David was not interested in her.

He was a powerhouse from the universe and had seen all kinds of beautiful women, so how would he be interested in her?

Jade was confident that she was not inferior to any other women on this planet, but she was not confident that she would be more beautiful than the women in space.

How would a man like Master David not have a harem?

David was now outside of Planet Gorgon.

Before he left, he still needed to take care of something. He had to warn the people on Planet Gorgon not to cause trouble to Townlet Pescado.

“Everyone on Planet Gorgon, listen up! I, David Lidell, am protecting Townlet Pescado. Anyone who dares to harm Townlet Pescado will suffer the harshest punishment!” David’s voice spread throughout every corner of Planet Gorgon.

He also added his mind power to his voice so that everyone would remember this in their hearts and not go against it.

Cy, Peach, and everyone in Townlet Pescado lifted their heads to look at the sky with gratitude.

Chapter 2857

A level 8 civilization not far from Leila.

At this time, this place had become a hell.

Countless living planets had turned into dead stars, continents were fragmented, and all life had become extinct.

Lufian was the one who caused this.

The fusion of his dual souls allowed him to quickly increase his strength by devouring all life.

He could also devour the life of planets and continents, not just animals and plants.

Once he started, he could not stop.

In other words, Lufian will become a complete devil from now on.

Wherever he passed, mountains would collapse, and the ground would be torn apart. At the same time, all lives would go extinct.

Lufian could already start devouring when his souls were fused, but at that time, he still had a sliver of kindness and was unwilling to use it.

However, he was aware of David’s existence now. In addition to that, he not only fought with David and got seriously injured, but he also became Leila’s public enemy.

Even his favorite woman, Elora, had betrayed him. So Lufian no longer had any scruples. After recovering from his injury by 30%, he immediately used Devour to absorb all the vitality from this level 8 civilization.

The continent was in tatters. Living creatures became dry bones, and the planet became a dead star.

After devouring the entire level 8 civilization, Lufian fully recovered from his injuries and made a qualitative leap in strength.

He was promoted from beginner Heavenly Overlord to mid- Heavenly Overlord.

One must know that in Heavenly Overlord Rank, every small step forward was full of difficulties.

If one did not use unique methods or have no chance encounters, the time needed to upgrade from beginner Heavenly Overlord Rank to mid-Heavenly Overlord Rank would be measured in epochs.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

However, how long did Lufian take?

According to logic, this was impossible, yet Lufian achieved this.

This was the power of Devour.


After exhaling, Lufian opened his eyes, and a dark beam escaped from his eyes, igniting the void in front of him into flames.

What kind of eyes were those?

His eyes were all black, like two tiny black holes.

If an ordinary person saw his eyes, their vitality would be instantly devoured.

After displaying a sinister grin, Lufian let out a spine-chilling sound.

“Tch, tch, tch… How powerful! This power is so mesmerizing! Devour lives up to its name indeed. Not only did it cure my injuries quickly, but it even improved my strength drastically and made me a mid- Heavenly Overlord. My strength can even go up to peak Heavenly Overlord after I go berserk! With this, there will be a place for me in the universe, no matter how big it is! David, Sylvio, Elora, all of you should go to hell!”

In the end, Lufian’s voice was filled with hatred.

As one of the five Leila rulers, he was kicked out without any prior notice.

How much blood and sweat had he sacrificed for Leila’s protection in the past hundreds of epochs?

Especially in the battle with the Robotias. Aside from Sylvio, Lufian was the one who sacrificed the most.

After destroying the Robotias, he even got seriously injured.

Yet, this was what he got.

Coupled with Elora’s betrayal, Lufian would never be able to accept this.

A mid-Heavenly Overlord was enough to deal with David, right?

It had only been a few short years, so David probably had not recovered 30%.

So, this was the best time to destroy David and devour Leila.

After devouring Leila, Lufian figured he could be a peak Heavenly Overlord.

Then, after devouring some more, he could soon surpass Overlord Realm and become an Almighty.

“David, Sylvio, Elora, I’m coming. Are you ready to be my food? I wonder if you’ll feel remorse when I start devouring and destroying everything in Leila.”

Chapter 2858

Lufian grinned after he said that.

It was as if he had seen Elora and the other’s remorseful expressions.

Then, he merged into the void, disappeared, and headed to Leila.

He could not wait to let Elora and others know how serious the consequences of betraying him would be.

On the edge of Leila.

When Lufian reappeared, he closed his eyes tightly and grabbed the space before him. The space in front of him shattered.

After that, a figure appeared. It was one of Leila’s partial Overlords.

After getting discovered by Lufian, the partial Overlord looked horrified and wanted to escape.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not move his body.

How could a mere partial Overlord escape a mid-Heavenly Overlord?

“Emperor L-Lufian, please s-spare me!” the partial Overlord begged as he trembled.

“Did Sylvio send you to monitor me?” Lufian asked expressionlessly.

“N-No! 1-1 was just passing by! H-How would I dare to monitor you, E-Emperor Lufian!” The partial Overlord denied.

He was hiding here to prevent Lufian from entering Leila quietly and causing damage to Leila.

Sylvio had dispatched all of Leila’s partial Overlords, not just him.

Everyone initially thought they would not run into Lufian since Leila was so huge.

However, they ran into him coincidentally.

“Send a message to Sylvio and ask them all to come to see me. Otherwise, I will destroy Leila,” Lufian ordered.

“1-1 don’t dare to…”

“Go!” Lufian shouted.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

“Y-Yes!” The partial Overlord was startled and quickly replied.

He passed on the message to Sylvio.

When the interrogation was over, Lufian suddenly opened his eyes before the partial Overlord could react and shoot out a black light to envelop him.


He screamed.

A partial Overlord was reduced to a pile of withered bones in seconds.

Lufian had devoured his vitality.

After effortlessly dealing with the partial Overlord, Lufian advanced with a subtle black radiance emanating from his body, rapidly extending to the vicinity.

Wherever the black light passed, all lives would die.

At this moment, Lufian used Devour with all his strength and gradually devoured Leila’s vitality.

While improving his strength, he was also seeking revenge for his unfair treatment.

Since Leila betrayed him first, no one could blame him.

After getting the news, Sylvio immediately summoned Elora and others to go to Lufian as quickly as possible.

Even though he knew everything would point to disaster, Sylvio knew he had to go.

He did not know that David had woken up.

After David woke up, he only contacted Elora to confirm Lufian’s presence.

After Elora debated with herself for a long time, she finally contacted David and told him everything.

At this time, David was rushing to the center of Leila.

During his deep sleep, he was swallowed by space cracks several times and ended up on the other side of Leila. It was very far from where he needed to be.

Upon getting the news from Elora that Lufian had appeared, David’s pupils contracted. He used all of his partial Almighty strength without caring about other things.

Chapter 2859

Sylvio was the first to approach, and he suddenly felt something was wrong with his body.

He thought to himself, ‘Huh? What’s happening?

‘Why is my vitality slipping away?’

Sylvio quickly checked the condition of his body carefully.

He was right, and his vitality was indeed slipping away.

Although it was very slow, he could still barely resist it since he was a partial Heavenly Overlord.

On the contrary, anyone below Overlord Realm would lose their vitality very quickly.

Of course, ordinary people would lose their vitality and die in an instant.

When did this place appear in Leila?

How was it formed?

Sylvio was shocked when he remembered Lufian was just a short distance ahead.

‘Was it Lufian?’

While Sylvio was wondering, he heard a familiar voice.

“Sylvio, long time no see!”

Sylvio was startled and turned to the sound. Then, he saw

Lufian walking towards him step by step.

Yet, what surprised him was that Lufian had his eyes closed.

Did the battle with David cause permanent damage to his eyes?

“Lufian, did you do all this?” Sylvio took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

“So what if it is? So what if it’s not? Sylvio. Didn’t I ask all of you to come? Why are you the only one? Where’s Elora?Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

Where’s David?” Lufian did not answer Sylvio’s question.

His targets were Elora and David.

Sylvio was just a dispensable character who could be easily crushed to death.

“David and Elora have left Leila and are not coming back. Lufian, what are you trying to do?” Sylvio asked under tremendous pressure.

He understood the consequences of what he said.

It might anger the Lufian, and he might kill Sylvio on the spot.

However, Sylvio had no choice.

He had no idea where David was hiding to heal his wounds and knew David would surely not come.

Without David’s restrictions, Lufian would be invincible.

Sooner or later, Sylvio would still have to face this.

Indeed, when Lufian heard this, his brows moved slightly as if he was about to open his eyes, but he held it back in the end.

Although he only met David once, and the two had engaged in a huge battle, Lufian knew David would not disregard Leila’s safety.

Otherwise, he would not show up back then.

As for Elora, after being together for such a long time, Lufian also understood her character, and it was even more impossible for her to sacrifice countless lives in Leila just to survive.

Now that the two of them were not here, it was probably because they were far away and needed some time.

So, he would just wait.

Lufian did not want to reveal his strength now, lest he scares David away.

It would be better to wait until he came. Otherwise, where would he find David if he ran away and hid?

Chapter 2860

“Sylvio, if you don’t want to die now, just be quiet and wait for David and Elora to arrive. Otherwise, I don’t mind killing you immediately! Don’t think that I won’t do it. Nothing matters to me anymore, including destroying Leila!”

As soon as he heard that Lufian wanted to destroy Leila, Sylvio became anxious and quickly tried to calm him down,” Lufian, you can’t do this. Leila is your hometown, the place where you were born and raised. You can’t be so ungrateful to destroy your hometown!”

“Haha! The place I was born and raised? How ridiculous! If I hadn’t been so tough, I might have been killed long ago!” Lufian sneered.

“No matter what, Lufian, Leila is always your hometown. You can just go to them if you have a grudge against someone! There is no need to involve other living beings.”

“Sylvio, do you know who I hate the most?”

Lufian paused for a moment before speaking. After that, he gritted his teeth and said without waiting for Sylvio to answer.

‘You! If you hadn’t been covering for Elora and told me her whereabouts so I could find her, none of this would have happened. When Elora disappeared for the first time, you clearly found her but didn’t say anything. It was your action that caused all of this! If Leila is destroyed, it will be your fault, Sylvio! You have to take full responsibility!”

After hearing what Lufian said out of anger, Sylvio stood there blankly and started recalling, ‘If I told Lufian about Elora’s whereabouts and he went to The Spirit Cage without giving her a chance to get along with David, would all this not happen?

‘Did I make a mistake?’

At this time, Sylvio had serious doubts about his actions.

However, a female voice interrupted at this moment.

“Sylvio, you don’t have to blame yourself. This is not your fault. It is all God’s arrangement. Don’t you think David is here to save us and Leila since he’s appearing at this moment?”

As Elora said that, she faced Lufian with Sylvio.

“Elora, you’re finally here.” Lufian put his fists together to forcefully suppress his anger that was about to get out of control.

“I’m here, Lufian, so come at me if you are dissatisfied.

Don’t make things hard for Sylvio. Did you forget who was the one who taught you the secret techniques? Sylvio is half of our master, so are you planning to kill your master?” Elora asked in a cold voice.

“Haha! Kill my master? What an unfair label, but yes, Elora, I want to kill him. So what? Not only do I want to do that, but I also want to destroy the entire Leila in front of you! I would like to see if David, who you claim will come to save you

and Leila, will show up!” Lufian roared in anger.

After he said that, he opened his eyes.

His black hole-like eyes appeared before Sylvio and Elora.

They had never seen such eyes before, so they were startled. A deep terror rose from their chests.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated For All Books Updates…

Before they could speak, Lufian’s eyes shot out countless black beams that headed towards Leila at lightning speed.

Elora and Sylvio immediately felt their vitalities decreasing even faster.

Moreover, Lufian was absorbing their vitality.

‘He has the heaven-defying secret technique of absorbing the vitality of others?’ Sylvio thought as his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

He was not shocked when he learned that Lufian had broken through to Heavenly Emperor Rank.

At the same time, Sylvio thought, ‘The black light can accelerate the loss of my vitality, and he shot out so many of them just now! Once it comes into contact with the living planet, the consequences will be disastrous!’

“Lufian, what are you doing? Stop it!” Sylvio shouted to stop him.

“Haha! What am I doing? I’m absorbing all the vitality of Leila to help me reach the next rank and become an Almighty, of course! The universe is so big, so there must be a place for me! Sylvio, Elora, watch carefully. The Leila you

protect will soon become a barren land!” Lufian laughed.

“Impossible! Lufian, how could you possess such a terrifying nature-defying secret technique? Such a secret technique against nature cannot appear in the world.” Sylvio panicked.

He would not believe Lufian if his vitality was not also decreasing.

However, the facts were before him, so Sylvio had no choice but to believe it.

“I possessed it long ago, but I simply chose not to utilize it! Now, with nothing holding me back, starting today, I have only one pursuit: power! Unlimited power!”

Lufian had gone mad.

When he heard what Elora said, he almost lost it.

If he used Devour now, it would be earth-shattering.

I'm A Quadrillionaire Chapter 2851-2860 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.