How Often Should My Central Heating Boiler Be Serviced? (2024)

How often to have your boiler serviced

If you know that you should have your boiler serviced but are asking yourself ‘how often should I service my boiler?’ then we have the answer. To ensure that it’s running safely and efficiently, your boiler should be serviced by a professional. Not having your boiler serviced could lead to faults, higher energy bills and your warranty ending early. Not exactly what you want. Please find below more information on how often you should get your boiler serviced, who should do it, when it should get serviced, why it needs it, what in entails and how to book yours in. Keep reading!

Do boilers need servicing every year?

Yes most boilers and heating systems should be serviced by a professional plumber once every year, not only because your plumber is maybe reminding you to do so, but also for safety, efficiency and to maintain your boilers warranty.

How often should I service my boiler?

Boilers should be serviced once a year, especially if they are gas or oil. This annual service is an opportunity for a qualified heating engineer to look over the unit and make sure it's running as well as possible for you. This will give you the peace of mind that your heating system is running safely and efficiently.

Electric boilers don't need the same level of servicing as gas and oil boilers but it's still a good idea to have them looked over when possible. For that peace of mind at the end of the day.

For those of you who are landlords, having the boiler and flue system serviced annually in the properties you rent out is a legal requirement. So make sure you book those boiler services for all the properties you own and rent out, and we can issue a landlord's gas safety certificate in accordance with the law if required while we are there.

Who should service the boiler?

A boiler must be serviced by a fully qualified heating engineer and the qualification(s) they should hold will depend on the type of boiler you have installed in your home. See below the difference:

Gas boilers - A Gas Safe Registered engineer is the only person qualified to service a gas boiler.

Oil boilers - An oil boiler must be serviced by an OFTEC registered engineer.

And remember, when the respective heating engineer arrives at your home to carry out the boiler service, always ask to see their ID before they get to work. For your safety as well as making sure the job gets done to the best ability.

When should I have my boiler serviced?

There's no right or wrong answer here – as long as it's being serviced once every 12 months, that's all that really matters. While you can have your boiler serviced at any time of year, we highly recommend arranging one during the summer - during the time when you're barely using it (or not using it at all) to make sure it's in working order for the colder months ahead. Also, it's often the time when the engineers have more free time in their diaries and you might even find that their rates are lower or special offers are being offered on boiler servicing more so than during the winter months.

Why should I have my boiler serviced?

As we've already mentioned, by having a fully-qualified heating engineer look at your boiler once a year, you'll have the peace of mind that it's running safely and smoothly. It will also give you the confidence that it's running as efficiently as possible, helping to keep your energy bills to a minimum - save money where you can.

Additionally, a boiler service is also essential to keep the boiler warranty valid. Without a warranty covering your boiler, should it need repairing, you won't be able to call on the manufacturer. So, it should be well within your interest to have your boiler serviced to keep your boiler warranty valid throughout the time you have it.

By choosing not to have your boiler serviced every year, you're risking:

  • Carbon monoxide leaks in your home
  • A steep rise in your energy bills
  • A fault that could lead to the boiler breaking down
  • Having to pay a repair bill that could have been avoided

What does a boiler service involve?

A thorough boiler service should last for around 30 - 40 minutes as the heating engineer does the following:

  • The engineer will start by looking for any signs of corrosion or leaking as well as checking the flame in the boiler
  • Then they will remove the boiler casing to check the components inside and clean (where necessary)
  • This will then lead them to check the flue terminals to ensure they aren't blocked in any way
  • Then they check that the gas pressure is at the correct level
  • And finally the engineer will end the service by firing up the boiler to check it's performance as it operates.

IMPORTANT: It's worth noting that the time it takes to service the boiler could be extended if a boiler fault is found.

What can I do myself to keep the boiler working well?

There are a number of things you can do to ensure your boiler lasts for many years to come.

Just like any mechanical device, your boiler does need to be looked after, and some regular maintenance can really help, as well as having your annual boiler service of course.

Click here to read 11 simple but important boiler maintenance tips.

Time to book your annual boiler service?

Assett Plumbing plumbing services cover boiler servicing for homes and businesses throughout Northamptonshire including

  • Northampton
  • Kettering
  • Corby
  • Wellingborough
  • Rushden
  • Thrapston
  • Huntingdon
  • St Neots
  • Oundle

We are approved and fully vetted by Northants County Council under their “Buy with Confidence” scheme as well as being certified Trusted Traders.

Book in today for your annual boiler service to be carried out by qualified engineers that have your best interests at heart. To find out more, simply give us a call on 01604 372395 today or click HERE to book.

Book a Boiler Service

How Often Should My Central Heating Boiler Be Serviced? (2024)


How Often Should My Central Heating Boiler Be Serviced? ›

Since it is recommended that you service your boiler every year, it is a good idea to plan ahead and service your boiler when heating professionals are likely to be less busy. Generally speaking, the best time to service a boiler is in the spring or early summer, shortly after the heating season has ended.

Do I need to get my boiler serviced annually? ›

An annual boiler service is the best way of keeping your boiler working safely and efficiently. Even if your boiler is brand new, you'll still need an annual service to keep its warranty valid.

How much does it cost to have a boiler serviced? ›

Gas boiler services usually fall within the same range as standard boilers, costing between £60 and £120. For electric boilers, which often require less complex servicing, the costs are a bit lower, around £55 to £105. Back boilers, known for their challenging access points, can cost between £70 and £160 to service.

What happens if you don't service your boiler? ›

In a typical boiler, if you are carrying out no service or maintenance, then internal components can rust or corrode, leaks can occur, debris can accumulate, standing water in the condensate pipe can freeze in cold weather and mechanical failure can lead to gas problems, burners not working or gas being burnt ...

What is the average life of a central heating boiler? ›

What Is The Average Lifespan Of A Boiler? The average lifespan of a central heating system is around 15 years, but it all depends on how well it's looked after. You can help your boiler last longer by keeping it regularly serviced and well maintained, so these short-term costs can help you enjoy long-term gains.

What does a full boiler service include? ›

An experienced member of your local boiler engineer team will check the internal parts of your boiler and clean them thoroughly. This usually includes vital components such as the spark probe, main injector, heat exchanger, burner, and safety devices.

Is it worth getting a boiler serviced? ›

One of the most important ways to look after your boiler is to get it serviced every 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Regular checks can discover issues that, if left unresolved, could turn into more significant problems which could be costly to repair and may even lead to you needing a boiler replacement.

How long does it take a plumber to service a boiler? ›

While it does depend on your boiler type, typically a service will take around an hour to complete. If you have a combi boiler, most of the main components are located inside of the boiler. As a direct result of this a service should be quicker for this type of boiler, around 30 minutes.

Can you service a boiler yourself? ›

If you're not a gas professional or a Gas Safe engineer, then servicing your own boiler is illegal under The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. Fitting or removing gas boilers and other gas-related appliances also counts under the act.

Who pays for boiler maintenance? ›

Landlords are responsible for the repairs to the boiler, heating, pipes, gas appliances, sanitary fittings, ventilation, and wiring.

Should I turn heating off before boiler service? ›

Preparing ahead of a boiler service

Once you've booked your service and have a time and date, it's a good idea to ensure the area around the boiler is clear. This will give the engineer the required access to service your boiler. It's also a good idea to switch your boiler off an hour or so before the engineer arrives.

Can old boilers be serviced? ›

Yes. Maintaining the efficiency and safety of your boiler requires annual servicing. Whether or not you have breakdown insurance, we strongly recommend getting your boiler serviced every year. Regular inspections ensure that your boiler is in good working order and may even extend its life.

How much does a new boiler cost? ›

Installing a new boiler in your UK home typically costs between £1,500 and £5,000. The price of boilers can fluctuate based on the size and type required. For example, combi boilers range from £500 to £3,000, conventional boilers cost between £600 and £3,500, and system boilers are priced from £580 to £3,500.

Can a boiler last 30 years? ›

From a technical perspective, high-quality combi boilers should last 30 years or longer under standard conditions. Combi boilers typically last for 10 to 15 years. Regular servicing improves lifespan and performance. Rigorous use or hard water may decrease lifespan.

Can a boiler last 50 years? ›

Older cast iron steam boilers can last longer, and may even reach 50 years—but this is rare, and you probably don't have a cast-iron steam boiler. High-efficiency boilers, such as condensing boilers, have shorter service life expectancies, usually around 15 years, although they can reach 20 if cared for right.

Should I replace my 20 year old oil boiler? ›

It's one of the most frequently asked questions. As a general rule, if your boiler is around 10 to 15 years old, it will start to become less efficient. So when it gets to this age it's probably a good idea to seriously start considering replacing your old boiler for a new more energy efficient model.

How often should a boiler system be serviced? ›

Boilers should be serviced once a year, especially if they are gas or oil. This annual service is an opportunity for a qualified heating engineer to look over the unit and make sure it's running as well as possible for you. This will give you the peace of mind that your heating system is running safely and efficiently.

Do you need to clean your boiler every year? ›

simple answer, if you want it to last... maintain it. Otherwise plan on buying another one alot sooner. Your service costs for a gas boiler should be less then the service cost of cleaning an oil burner but the service should not be overlooked annually.

How often do you maintain a boiler? ›

Yearly maintenance: Homeowners should book a professional maintenance appointment with a certified HVAC technician at least once a year. In addition to cleaning essential parts, technicians will check the combustion chamber, the flue pipe, and the ventilation system to ensure optimal performance.

How many years is a boiler good for? ›

The standard modern hot water boiler will last around 20 years, sometimes more. Older cast iron steam boilers can last longer, and may even reach 50 years—but this is rare, and you probably don't have a cast-iron steam boiler.

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