Edge of the Past (Edge, #2) (2024)

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co*cktails and Books

4,110 reviews324 followers

December 7, 2012

After everything that Emily and Sergei went through in Life on the Edge I couldn't imagine what from Sergei's past could cause turmoil for them now as their wedding day approached. Oops! Talk about being a little naive on my part. Sergei's past came back with a vengeance and truly did test them and what they would do to ensure the other's happiness.

Emily's excited when a big international skating competition takes them to Russia. This gives her the opportunity to meet Sergei's parents before the wedding and get to see just where Sergei grew up and learned to skate. But their trip to Russia doesn't start off well, when Chris injures his shoulder during the stort program (forcing them to withdraw from the competition) and a trip to Sergei's old rink brings them face to face with his ex-partner/lover Elena.

Emily and Sergei were just as sweet and cute as they were in the first book. They're planning their wedding, training and building their life together. With their relationship being out in the open, Emily and Sergei seem much more relaxed and at peace with where their life is. But that trip to Russia changes everything. Not only does Emily have to deal with the insecurities she has about Elena and all the firsts she had with Sergei, they also come face to face with the

While Sergei dives head first into his relationship with his daughter, Emily tries to become the fixer. She offers her spare room to Elena and Liza, she asks the kids at the rink to involve Liza in their winter programs, all while having Elena belittle, threaten and be downright rude to her. Emily was so busy "fixing" the Sergei/Liza/Elena issues and trying to play peacemaker that she was pushing aside or holding in her own fears and insecurities to put less of a burden on Sergei. In the end, her trying to "fix" everything almost cost her what she wanted and needed most.

Elena is the ultimate evil woman. While she doesn't want Sergei for herself, she will do anything to drive a wedge between Emily and Sergei, even using her daughter. She's harsh, bitter and very hard to like, even when she's trying to do the right thing. Nothing was ever about anyone other than Elena and it was hard to imagine what it was about her that ever attracted Sergei.

I'm hoping there is more to Sergei and Emily's story. She and Chris need an Olympic Gold medal and maybe a baby before I'll be finished with their story.



53 reviews25 followers

January 10, 2013

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us” ~Joseph Campbell

There is a famous saying that was once the bane of my existence back in school. I feel this saying applies well to Jennifer’s LIFE ON THE EDGE sequel: “Those who don’t learn their history are bound to repeat it.” In EDGE OF THE PAST, the characters introduced to us in book one come full circle. Unsettled issues thought to be left in the past come back full force in this captivating sequel. If these issues aren’t put to rest once and for all, they could tear Sergei and Emily apart on the eve of their wedding. EDGE OF THE PAST is an emotional roller coaster ride full of twists, turns, loops, and heart-pounding dips that will leave you laughing, crying, screaming, and falling head over heels in love – all over again!

EDGE OF THE PAST picks up soon after where LIFE ON THE EDGE left off. Sergei and Emily’s wedding is getting closer and their skating lives are just as busy. The couple are on their way to Sergei’s native home land to compete in his old skating grounds and also to introduce his parents to their soon to be daughter-in-law. While in Russia, an unexpected visitor turns their lives completely upside down, never to be the same again. Sergei and Emily have faced and overcome challenging times before, but what happens when these new obstacles become too difficult to bear?

What I love most about Edge of the Past is the fact that it provides a strong sense of reality to the over-powering world of literary fiction. This book should come with a warning label: I guarantee at some point you will want to literally jump into the novel just so you can slap the characters across the face and scream, ‘what were you thinking!?’ That fact alone is why this book is such a gem. It is a reminder to us all that no one is perfect. Even the most charitable person can have a moment of selfishness, the kindest person can have a moment of anger, and the most faithful person can lose hope. Life is about imperfect people, dealing with imperfect situations, trying to make their individual lives as perfect as possible. This novel is so relatable. It was truly inspiring to watch how Sergei and Emily overcame these new challenges and I loved the lessons they learned along the way. I hope to be able to apply them to my own life.

Plan on neglecting your job, chores, spouses, siblings or children when reading Jennifer Comeaux’s EDGE OF THE PAST. This tale is for anyone who revels in suspense, innocent love, and compelling drama.

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I’ve ended up where I needed to be.” ~Douglas Adams

5 Stars!

For a second review of EotP and a giveaway contest visit Making the Grade HERE.

Mariann {at} Belle's Book Bag

550 reviews166 followers

December 4, 2012

I was so looking forward to reading Edge Of The Past and I was so not disappointed!!
This story doesn't focus as much on the skating and competitions like Life On The Edge did. The main focus here is more how a certain situation from Sergei's past affects him and Emily after they return from Russia.

This is not the fun easy read that Life On The Edge was but it does have a HEA that I just loved. Although this story has love and romance it also has more than it's fair share of tears and heartache. Sergei and Emily are battered in this book as well. But besides that or maybe because of that, I think that this is my favorite of the two books so far. The flow of the writing and story sucked me in right from the start and wouldn't let go. I didn't want to leave Sergei and Emily at the end, even though I LOVED the ending. So sweet and definitely left a smile on my face.

I love how Sergei tried not to exclude Emily from his dealings with Elena. He may have been distracted while struggling with all of the changes to their life but he tried hard not to leave her out and he constantly tried to tell her as well as show her that he loved her. Sergei *sigh* He is definitely not the ALPHA male type but I fell in love with his character right from the start. I thought he handled the situation as best as he could~considering. But I also felt for Emily's character and I thought that Jennifer wrote her feelings and emotions so well. I totally understood why she acted the way she did. And I even felt a little sorry for Elena. (just a little) lol Again not one ounce of sex in this book either but as with Life On The Edge, I didn't feel that the story lacked because of it. Edge Of The Past definitely was not lacking in anything!! :)

Great addition to the series. Definitely a keeper to be reread. I have become a HUGE fan of Jennifer and I am not-so-patiently waiting for the third book!! lol

LOVE the covers for this series!!


***ARC provided by Jennifer Comeaux and Astraea Press~Thank you!! :)


Rachelle Ayala

Author168 books1,222 followers

November 30, 2012

This second book from Jennifer Comeaux doesn't fail to please. It picks up with Em and Sergei going to his native land of Russia, and the deep, dark secret he left behind.

Unfortunately, Em's personable and fun pairs-skating partner, Chris, is sidelined for most of this story. He is injured early on and forced out of the picture. This leaves Em free to dig into Sergei's past and try to come to terms with it.

There is not as much ice skating action with Chris out of the picture, and Sergei fails to fill in Chris's shoes or blades. Em and Sergei try skating one time together, but it turns into a tug-of-war with Sergei's past watching from the stands. I couldn't connect to Sergei and felt he was making plans selfishly without considering all the other parties involved. My biggest sympathy did not lie with Em either. She knew what she was getting into, and being jealous and peevish did not help her cause. I felt that everyone was picking on this one person who deserved more consideration. This person had the depth and backstory to make the drama flavorful and heart-tugging in true tragic Russian literary style. And while the ending is satisfactory, the emotions were too muted and things came together rather quickly.

That said, Edge of the Past is an enjoyable read, if only to find out how Em deals with the complications life invariably throws up.


September 5, 2013

Just wanted to explain my lack of rating for this book because I don't want any potential readers to get the wrong impression. This book fulfilled part of a team challenge. This is not a genre I typically read and is probably the cleanest book I've read in many, many years. No sex. No cursing. No tattoos. No piercings. (unless you count Emily's pierced ears) Even the drama was of the clean cut variety. It is so clean I'd probably even consider letting my pre-teen daughter to read it. It is strictly a romance. I found it to be well written, well edited, and I did enjoy the story.

Jenna D.

1,056 reviews146 followers

January 11, 2013

Review also posted at Making the Grade

EDGE OF THE PAST by Jennifer Comeaux is the sequel to LIFE ON THE EDGE. It’s the second book in a “new adult” series about the competitive nature of professional ice skating and one young woman’s trials with love both on and off the ice. Fair warning, there may be spoilers for book one in the review below.

If you have not yet read LIFE ON THE EDGE, you really should get on that. We reviewed the title here and you can pick up the e-book for only 99 cents on Amazon!

The being said, EDGE OF THE PAST continues the story of Emily and Sergei between the 2002 and 2006 Winter Olympics. Emily is training with her pairs partner to win their first World Championship, but Sergei’s past catches up with him, affecting their relationship as well as her performance on the ice.

What a refreshing addition to the recently exploding “new adult” (NA) book scene! While most books in this market these days like to focus on “hard knock” lifestyles and young girls coming of age through love and lust, both LIFE ON THE EDGE and EDGE OF THE PAST provide some cleaner fiction for readers on the cusp of adulthood. Just as emotionally intense as other popular NA favorites (such as Easy by Tammara Webber and Back to You by Priscilla Glenn) Jennifer’s series is less heat and more heart.

EDGE OF THE PAST starts off during a very critical time in Emily and Sergei’s lives. They have come to terms with their relationship and seem to be in a good place both on and off the ice – they are also mere months away from their wedding day. But a surprise encounter while competing at Sergei’s home in Russia brings about yet another road block in their love life. Seriously guys, if you love reading about intense family drama with situations that seem nearly impossible to get through, wait till you get a load of the baggage that comes with dating Sergei. The way that Jennifer presents the problems her characters must face, you can’t help but ask yourself: “What would I do in their situation?” For example, when reading about how Emily deals with Sergei’s “baggage” after returning from Russia, I doubted that I would (or even could) do what she did… I would have snapped within a few hours – or a day tops. The sacrifices that Emily is forced to make in this book are unreal. Because of this, I know that Emily is a far better person than I could ever be.

You’d think that I would have an intense hatred for Sergei because of some of his actions within this book. What with his seemingly complete disregard for his so-called partner’s feelings and his irresponsible, spur-of-the-moment decision making. But alas, he is but a man, and men can be, well… dingbats… when it comes to certain matters in life. When push comes to shove, my heart still broke for him when things blew up in his face, and it also raced at high speed during those oh-so-swoontacular scenes between him and Emily. Don’t worry – between Russia and Sergei’s personal “baggage” there is plenty to swoon over in EDGE OF THE PAST! (I mean, just look at him in that photo over there! See him? This is Jennifer’s “Sergei”…) *swoon*

What’s most is that I completely believe in the love, the chemistry and the dynamics of the relationship between the two characters Emily and Sergei. All drama aside, just the way these two interact with each other is enough to make me want to read the series. They do things that real people do, they react to each other the way real people should react. Though it may not always be good or in a positive way, at least they keep it real.

So to anyone wanting a refreshing NA love story, one that is different from the usual NA mold – with strong characters, an intense plot full of family drama and plenty of action both on and off the ice - to you I recommend EDGE OF THE PAST by Jennifer Comeaux. (But remember to read LIFE ON THE EDGE first!)

Heather Wood

Author18 books1,259 followers

January 9, 2013

This was a great sequel to Life on the Edge. Although Emily's actions sometimes made me want to reach into the book and shake some sense into her, I found myself really drawn into the drama surrounding Sergei and his past in Russia.

What's great about this book and its predecessor is that you can really see how much the author loves ice-skating. I've learned so much about the sport from her books. I think some of the strongest scenes in the books take place on the ice. In particular, the skate with Emily and Sergei really gave me a glimpse into the love and passion they have for one another.

Many familiar characters appear in the sequel along with a few new faces because of Emily and Sergei's trip to Russia. I liked getting to read about how Sergei grew up and his early skating career. I thought it was sweet how much Emily tries to immerse herself in Russian culture to learn more about his heritage. Sergei is also an appealing male lead and it was refreshing to read about a nice guy instead of a clichéd bad boy.

I think the author really handled the subject of being a stepparent at a young age well. I went through the same thing as Emily and I found myself relating to the emotions that she went through. It's hard to not feel like the third wheel and wonder if you should back off in order to let the family stay together. However, some of her actions were really overstepping the line and I think she should've been a little more sympathetic about Elena and Sergei's difficult situation. For instance, when Liza doesn't want to sleep with her mother, Emily lets her sleep with her. No, no, no! Of course, Elena was going to feel threatened and try to smother Liza.

I also wasn't crazy about how judgmental some of the characters came off. I had grown to like these characters in the first book and it turned me off how big of a deal they made about how Elena got pregnant at seventeen and Sergei's big "mistake." Instead of coming down on Sergei, Emily should've told her family about him being a father instead of being embarrassed when he came to her event with Liza in tow.

The conclusion was satisfying and I think the characters grew from the experience, especially Emily. I ended up rooting for her and Sergei again. I thought it was touching how much she was willing to sacrifice in order for him to have a relationship with his daughter.

Most of my issues come from my personal feelings and didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book. I would definitely read subsequent books from the author and I really think she should write more stories that take place in the skating world.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Nasty Lady MJ

1,086 reviews16 followers

September 27, 2014

To see full binge review click here.

Really 1.5 stars.


Besides, expanding on the Sergei backstory this one was really a letdown thanks to Emily and that painted old biddy of a mother of hers.

Oh, and Elena who was borderline slu*t slammed-thank God, she did not do an actual play on Sergei (I was so betting on it).

You know, this could’ve been an interesting plot to explore, but it was really boring for the most part. Honestly, I can describe the book like this: Emily and Sergei have some cornball cheese scenes, figure skating (which is actually written pretty decently), past secret threatens cornball romance, Emily freaks out, figure skating mishaps, montage time (but without the music), leaves to climactic figure skating scene and romance.

Not at all realistic.

But again, you don’t really read these things for realism.

I think I could’ve handled a lot of this if it hadn’t been for the mother character and for Elena.

At least with Elena, I could sort of understand her emotions. Though I had a difficult time buying the whole immigration issues for both her and Liza. But then again, most people aren’t going to have a vein popping after reading this sense they didn’t take immigration law.

They just might have it popping for Elena acting like she stepped out of the cast of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Once again, the worst character goes to the mother.

God, Emily, tell her off. Bitch slap her. Cut her out of your life so she won’t waste page count. You know what, I’ll fix this for you, I’ll write an erotic fan fic scene between you and Sergei and send it to her. I’m sure she’ll have a coronary if I say you did it Turkish style or something that sounds borderline provocative since I doubt the prude knows what Turkish style is (probably thinks Downton Abbey is corrupting the youth). And then she can asks you questions about what Turkish style or whatever I say you and Sergei did.

Yeah…she’s that annoying and asks questions that are that inappropriate.

I feel like the entire plot though was just a waste. As I said before, completely unrealistic and for Emily to be so willing to be a doormat it just has me wanting to shake her.

Grow up girl.

The skating scenes are probably the only thing that kept this book from getting a big fat F. D.


363 reviews

November 30, 2012

Authors should take note of how Ms Comeaux writes a hero. Sergei is about the best hero I've ever read. He is well developed, completely yummy, and while he has a past, he's an amazing person who fights for what he wants and isn't afraid to say how he feels. He is by far my favorite book guy right now.

I enjoyed this book just as much as the first one. I missed the actual ice skating part to the story (the first one had a lot more of the backside to skating), but I understand why this book skipped a lot of that and focused more on the characters. I also missed some of the supporting characters (Chris, Aubrey and Marley mostly). They were in the story, but they didn't have as much of a part. This book really focused on Sergei, Emily, Elena, and Liza.

The story was well thought out, very well written, and emotionally pulling. There were ups, there were downs, and then there were those moments that left you devastated and heartbroken. I felt all the emotions that Emily was feeling.. She was very easy to connect with and her emotional struggle became my emotional struggle.

I only had a couple of complaints which is why it lost a star. One, I wanted more from the side characters. Two, while I adore Sergei and his fight to keep Emily, he became very selfish in parts of this book and it didn't seem to flow with other parts of his personality (although, maybe with the situation, I can understand it). Three, I didn't always understand where Emily was coming from. While I connected with her, I also got a bit annoyed with her at times and her moaning over the situation she was in.

I finished this book in almost one sitting (work got in the way). I highly recommend it (and while you don't have to read the first one, you really should). I heard that there will be a 3rd one and I'm just as excited to pick it up.

Aimee (Getting Your Read On)

3,037 reviews275 followers

January 17, 2013

I am such a fan of competitive ice skating. It's one of my favorite things to watch on TV, especially during the Olympics. How fabulous to read a book (or in my case, books) combining two of my favorite things: ice skating and clean romance! :)

I'm not sure I would recommend Edge of the Past as a stand alone book. I really think you need to read Life on the Edge first. Emily and Sergei's story of coming together is romantic and has such a great build up that you don't want to miss it. Life on the Edge is where we really get to know the characters. Emily and Sergei try to fight the attraction and connection between them because as a coach and student, such a relationship is frowned upon. It could ruin everything. But love, as we know, doesn't usually follow rules. I loved the kissing scenes and I loved the secondary characters as well.

It was awesome to just dive right into Edge of the Past right after finishing Life on the Edge. I was so glad to have them both. I honestly read through both these books in two days. They were great!

The path of love rarely runs smooth and Emily and Sergei have their fair share of struggles. In this book some of the past comes up to change the game plan. I really felt Emily's battle within as she struggled with accepting and adapting even as her heart hurt. There were real life issues, emotion and romance. So enjoyable to read.


Marisa Adams

Author4 books40 followers

December 21, 2012

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of Jennifer Comeaux’s second novel, Edge of the Past. Although Emily has made peace with Sergei’s past, reality comes crashing in when that past turns into the present and she has to decide how to react. I found myself sympathizing with both of them in some places and angry at both of them in others. And of course, the ending did not disappoint!

As always, Ms. Comeaux does a fantastic job with her storytelling. She has a remarkable ability to draw the reader into her world and leave you aching with every emotion the characters are feeling. This is the type of series I could read over and over again.

I cannot wait to read the next book in this series!


521 reviews26 followers

December 5, 2012

A worthy sequel to Life On The Edge. In the first book, Emily discovered that her skating coach and fiance, Sergei, fathered a child as a teenager with his old skating partner back in Russia. In this story, that past comes back to haunt both of them and threatens the future they've only begun to build. The impossible situation Emily finds herself in was distressing to me. Although Sergei is an honorable man and his and Emily's love is strong, I'm still anxious about how this will continue to unfold in the third book! And yes, I do worry about fictional characters.

    new-adult sports

Jess (the cozy reader)

654 reviews47 followers

July 21, 2014

My god Sergei, I LOVE YOU!

I had to get that out. Jennifer has created such an enchanting love story between Sergei and Emily, and I can't help but get swept away in it. Now I am just eagerly awaiting the third and final book in the series.

Update: 12/29/12
I found the perfect song that would go wonderfully with this book, especially regarding Sergei's feelings for Emily. " I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz. Gosh it's a great song for this couple!

    favorites great-contemporary-romance sport-romance

Andrea Smith

185 reviews3 followers

April 7, 2013

4.5 stars. This was a great sequel! It had quite an emotional impact on me. The characters were real, the conflict was real, the drama was heartwrenching but not overboard. And because of that, the end was so much sweeter. It had a great flow and pacing! Great job!

Alanna Jenkins

301 reviews9 followers

December 16, 2012

My review for both books in the series so far can be found here but does contain spoilers so read with caution: http://www.celticbutterfly.co.uk/2012...

    books-2012 contemporary-fiction romance

Jennifer Comeaux

Author9 books601 followers

November 30, 2012

I hope everyone enjoys the story! Just started working on the next book in the series :)

    contemporary new-adult romance


1,210 reviews72 followers

October 1, 2014

This was another solid book. If you haven't read the first book in the series then be forewarned that there are spoilers for that book ahead in my review. Also, while I don't give huge spoilers for this book I do talk about some of the situations and emotions found within the pages.

First I must admit that I have mixed feelings about book series in general- especially in the romance genre. When a book takes a couple and puts them through drama and they finally get a good ending I am always reticent about another book that must have conflict to drive the story forward. The source of the conflict is usually putting the couple through more drama and it is often either contrived or so over blown to be maddening. It is generally emotionally exhausting to keep reading about couple going through tons of problems. That is why it took a while for me to pick up this second book in the series. When I finished the first book and the couple was in a good place I wanted them to stay there for a while.

The reason I am okay with a second book with more couple drama in this series is that it doesn't introduce what I would consider unnecessary angst. Really, all the seeds for trouble were set it the first book by the past events. Before the couple could really move on to the best possible HEA I do agree that things from the past needed to be brought to light, dealt with and then moved on from for the best possible future. Before the trip to Russia both Sergei and Emily (especially Sergei) dealt with Sergei's past by ignoring it and sweeping it under the rug to a large degree. Emily needed to know absolutely that Sergei chooses her. The nature of his prior relationship with Elena being ended without his choice would make anyone a little uncomfortable and insecure. Also, that past involves a child and that is something that is healthiest if it is addressed. Of course by bringing it to light there is going to be confusion, jealousy, fear, emotional impulsivity etc etc. Plus, Sergei has bottled up a lot of emotions from his past. He was powerless in most of it, but there was a layer of guilt over his having a child out there in the world and not being able to know if that child was ok. Any joy he would have had in having future children with Emily would have always be quietly marred in him as he worried about that other child and what happened to them. He needed some resolution to move on to the truest possible happiness with Emily.

For the most part I found all the character's reactions to be very realistic. Sergei jumping at the chance to fix past wrongs- especially in light of his poor relationship with his own father and the pain it causes him- makes perfect sense for his character. Does he sometimes blunder like a bull in a china shop? Sure; such is the nature of people who are in unchartered territory trying to make the right decisions without a map. There were times when he would do something without taking into account how his actions would make everyone feel but his position was never out of anything but love. He was in a tight spot. As Emily says herself- he wouldn't be a man worth loving if he didn't try to do everything in his power to have a loving relationship with his daughter. I think that he felt so absolute in his love for Emily that it never dawned on him to consider how insecure it would make Emily having Liza and Elena back in his life. There were times when he would take Emily for granted but he did recognize this and try not to repeat mistakes.

Emily's reactions for the most part made sense too. I was curious to read about the whole step mom angle in this story because I am a step mom myself. I have a great relationship and see my "step" kids as amazing additions in my life that I wouldn't trade for anything. But I knew going into the my relationship that these kids would be there. I chose it. Emily doesn't choose it, it is thrust upon her. She has moments where she does think selfishly of what she has lost by having a kid suddenly appear in their lives. It makes her human. I was glad that she was able to learn that what she loses is eclipsed by what she gains in Liza. I also found her response to Elena understandable. I sometimes wished Sergei would have stood up to Elena better and insisted Elena deal with only him in regards to Liza. Elena put Emily in the middle way to often and Sergei allowed it. But Elena had most the power and I think this is something that one learns through trial and error. I was sympathetic to Emily right up till the end when I found her choices frustrating. I understood her up to a point but I am always frustrated when someone makes a decision that takes another person's choices away- especially when cloaked in the guise that she knows what is best for that person. It was believable but extremely frustrating. Luckily it wasn't drawn out too long though a little longer than I would have liked. (I have a low angst threshold and it is a personal preference- not a flaw in the book).

My only other preference would have been

I hope that the third and final book in the series doesn't depend too much on angst and drama between Sergei and Emily to drive the story forward. I would rather read about their relationship being something that overcomes obstacles not introduces new ones. I would think that there is a lot of other sources to drive the story forward with the impending Olympics and other characters. This second book hinted at some potential drama for Chris, Emily's skating partner, and Marla. I am interested to see what happens. I will enjoy going back to the skating competitions and the side characters that weren't able to be featured an heavily in this story.

    favorites new-adult

Mandy Reads Indie

1,765 reviews95 followers

January 11, 2013

Emily and Sergei are mere months away from saying ‘I do’ and things are going great for the couple. That is until they go visit his parents in Moscow and are slammed face first into Sergio’s past. Right away the things that are hidden in his past begin to show themselves…and some of those things are weighing heavily on Emily. Does she have what it takes to stand by her man and be the woman he needs her to be as they face an uncertain future? Can she let go of the jealousy that seems to be rearing its ugly head at every turn? Is this relationship even going to survive turmoil leading up to their wedding?

I had a hard time reading this one. Not because it was horrible and the author did a terrible job writing it. In fact, it was just the opposite. Comeaux did an amazing job writing this book and giving it so much emotion and love that the story just comes alive and affects you so deeply. Emily was definitely put through it all in this one, and the reader will experience all that hurt right along with her. I am not kidding when I say I was in a perpetual state of grief 95% of the book. But it was so worth it in the end.

I cannot say that I loved this book more than LIFE ON THE EDGE because they are both that different. In the first one we see the relationship bloom and grow and come together. It even nearly fell apart. But thankfully it worked out for them and and us. Because there would be no EDGE OF THE PAST if it didn't. So yes, both books are different but both books rocked it!

Without giving much away, I will say that I loathed a certain character: Elena. I don’t care if the girl felt threatened…she was absolutely horrid and nasty to Emily and I didn’t like it one bit. And there were times I wasn’t too fond of my sweet Sergei. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt, cause some guys just have no clue when it comes to women. ;) Emily on the other hand was my favorite character and I was just so darn proud of her throughout the book. She didn’t have to be nice and invite this lady into her home but she did. She took the high road several times when I would have punched her in the throat. Seriously…right in the throat. Yet, there were times I wanted to smack her upside her head. She really needed to voice some opinions and not hold back so much. But I still loved her.

This book was all kinds of awesome and all kinds of emotional. I believe I was crying, yes ugly crying, the whole last part of the book until the end.Yeah, this book affected me that much. So I would most definitely recommend this read to anyone out there looking for a fantastic, well written romance. It's clean...it's romantic...and I am in love with the series. And I know I said this in my review of LIFE ON THE EDGE, but it seriously needs to be a movie...like yesterday. (Yeah I think I said that too.) Oh, oh I also just read on Comeaux's update on goodreads (from this past November) that she is working on the next book in the series. I about fainted. Pssh, I could use a little more of Sergei.

Funny Fav Line:
"Excuse me, I have to go skate with imaginary you."
Chris smirked. "He's not nearly as funny as me. Or as good looking."
I let out a little laugh. "Or as humble."

Fav Sergei line that got me flustered & made me want to scream at Emily to listen to him:
Sergei shook his head as he advanced nearer. "I can never move on from you."

Sigh! I love that man!


63 reviews

November 21, 2018

*Spoiler Alert*** A part of me wanted Emily and Chris together. Sergei was very complicated in this series. Love the way he fought for her though. Calm & never wavering. Also, admired how strong Emily is about her religious convictions and warm family especially the Italian cooking.


265 reviews49 followers

January 18, 2013

My review:

I am so happy that I read Edge of the Past because it gave me a tremendous reading pleasure! i am a big fan of Jennifer's writing because she is very good at plotting and also character creation! It was well written, quick paced and a page turner! Like with her previous book, I could not put it down before I turned the last page!


Emily and Sergei have had lots of challenges with participating on almost every skating competition, but nothing prepares them when they travel to the country where Sergei is from - to Russia. Only little time before Emily and Sergei are getting married, Emily and her skating partner Chris need to go Russia.

Russia brings out the worst and also the best in Emily's and Sergei's relationship, because Sergei's past hits them both harder than they thought. Their relationship gets even harder when they are back and trying to put their lives together.

I am not going to add any further plot spoilers here, but more pointing out why I loved Edge of the Past. I can't help comparing Life on the Edge and Edge of the Past. When the first book in the series concentrated on the blooming love story and had equally on-and-off ice drama, then Edge of the Past focuses more on the relationship which is threatened by family dramas, Sergei's past and how do you find a way to your happy ending in the mid of heavy emotional challenges.

I loved Jennifer's writing! It was an emotional reading, where I cried, I laughed and I cheered and I hated! It dealt with broken relationships, jealousy, insecurity, priorities between professional and personal goals and family dramas. I absolutely loved how Jennifer's writing captivated me, because it was so real and the main characters dealt with issues like usual couples do.


Emily was great, even though I did get annoyed by her. I understood her choices and decisions and first of all her emotions, but there were times where I wanted her to get out of her insecurities. I can honestly relate to what she went through and I admired her strength while dealing with Sergei's past.

I hated Elena and not because I did not understand where she was coming from, but because she was right out mean. She did not really want to get Sergei back, but she realized and understood what she had lost and she did not want Emily to be happy and she did everything to stress on Emily's insecurities.

I felt for Sergei. it was definitely not easy to be him in this novel, but I loved how he did his best to convince and show Emily how he loved her. I admired that in him.

The dialogue and the dynamics between the characters were brilliantly written! Jennifer did absolutely amazing job with that! I also loved that the novel was a clean romance. It is quite rare in the contemporary literature where you see a novel which is a clean romance and which is also very captivating. I loved Edge of the Past! Buy it!

Both Life on the Edge and Edge of the Past can be read as stand alones, but I highly recommend both books! It's really very good series!


Ashley - Book Labyrinth

1,251 reviews316 followers

December 5, 2012

I loved the first book of this series, Life on the Edge, so I was really looking forward to picking this one up. In the first book, beyond the skating aspect, it’s about Emily and Sergei falling in love. There are rough patches over whether their relationship can work, but overall it’s romantic and sweet. In this second book things are a lot darker and more emotional. It deals with parts of Sergei’s past that we learn about in the first book, and it’s all about trying to work that past into Em & Sergei’s future. I felt like I was drowning in emotion the whole time I was reading ‘Edge of the Past’. It was actually painful to read about in some parts, because you know that Sergei and Emily are this epic couple, and all you want for them is a Happily Ever After.

One of the most emotional aspects of this book comes in with the character of Elena. I absolutely hated her and felt so many things toward her, and I think this shows just how strong the writing is. The thing is, as an objective observer you might understand where Elena’s coming from, and by the end of the book I think you get a bit of an understanding of her as a character. However as a reader seeing Emily’s POV I really can’t forgive Elena’s behaviour, and even now long after I read the book I get knots in my stomach thinking of that character and some of the scenes she’s involved in.

I did miss the skating aspect in this book. It wasn’t in the forefront here, and therefore there were less scenes with some of the side characters from the skating rink. I definitely wanted more Chris, especially, but also more Aubrey and Marley. Still, I can understand that this book was more about the emotional journey and less about the skating goals than the first book was. The first book was a sweet new adult romance with that big sports aspect while this second book is far more character driven, with emotional upheaval. ‘Edge of the Past’ is all about dealing with the situations that life hands out, and trying to survive when the life you thought you would have gets turned upside-down.

‘Edge of the Past’ features very powerful writing, even stronger than in the first book. It’s a heavy and emotional story, but also an amazing one with a satisfying ending. I did feel like the ending came about a bit quickly after all the turmoil throughout the book; with the amount of pages left at one point I couldn’t see how the ending could possibly be hopeful or happy. Thankfully there was a change and I was left satisfied with the ending overall. Despite some minor issues I can’t help but give this book five stars for the emotions it filled me with. I ended up staying up until 3:30 in the morning finishing it because I just had to know what would happen and how Sergei and Emily could possibly attain their happily ever after. I fell even more in love with these characters and their story while reading 'Edge of the Past'. If you haven’t checked out this series yet I highly recommend that you do so.

    ebook for-review from-publisher


1,412 reviews35 followers

January 13, 2013

Emily and Sergei's love story continues in Edge Of The Past, the second book in the Edge series. When Life On The Edge, book one in the series ended, Emily and Sergei's relationship had finally worked itself out after they had endured an emotional roller coaster ride of challenges. Now they are engaged and finalizing their wedding plans that will take place in four months. Before their nuptials, they travel to Russia for a Grand Prix competition and to meet Sergei's parents. When Emily's partner Chris injures his shoulder during the competition and they have to withdraw, things go quickly downhill for Emily and Sergei, when secrets from his past catches up with him and threatens to change their future plans in a very big way.

Edge Of The Past is an enchanting sequel that easily draws the reader back into Emily and Sergei's story. Author Jennifer Comeaux weaves an emotionally dramatic tale that focuses more on the off-ice life issues and relationship challenges that Emily and Sergei must work through as their wedding approaches, rather than on the riveting skating scenes that was prominently described in Life On The Edge. Nonetheless, this story seamlessly picks up where it left off in the first book and engages the reader with some more enticing page turning roller coaster ride full of dramatic twists and turns. And if that isn't bad enough, the romantically sweet ending leaves the readers begging for more from Emily and Sergei, only to make us wait for the upcoming third and final book in the series!

Written in the first person narrative, Emily takes the reader along for the ride as their journey to the altar takes some very interesting and dramatic twists and turns when Sergei's past takes its place front and center, threatening to cause life-altering changes to their future plans. With an ex-girlfriend/skating partner and a love child thrown into the mix, Emily not only has to contend with preparing for the upcoming World Championship, but also the drama surrounding Sergei's past and the affect it may have on their nuptials. You can't help but get emotionally invested in Emily and Sergei's story and ache for them as they navigate through the maze of challenges they must overcome as they figure out how Sergei's daughter and ex-girlfriend will fit into their relationship.

With an intriguing cast of recurring and new characters; engaging dialogue and interactions; a richly detailed description of Russia and it's beautiful historic buildings; and a riveting storyline full of drama, suspense and romance; Edge Of The Past will leave you believing that the power of love can overcome any challenge!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by I am A Reader, Not A Writer.


Simply Love Book Reviews

7,047 reviews855 followers

January 23, 2013

Madison's review posted on Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

4.5 Stars

I’m a fan of sequels, the only thing that makes them better is if they are a series for me. So I was very excited when I found out that Life On The Edge would have a sequel. I went into it not having read any of the blurbs the author put on her blog of Facebook fan page, I wanted to be surprised.

Boy was I!

You must read Life On The Edge before you read this, otherwise you might be a little lost. As a reader, I loved getting into Sergei’s past and learning about the things that have molded him into the man that he is today. If you read the first book, then you know him and his previous partner had a child. That plays a huge part in this book. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but suffice it to say a wrench gets thrown into the wedding plans of the golden couple.

This is one of the most realistic views of a relationship and a couple that I’ve ever read, minus the sex, so if that’s a make it or break it for you…please be aware of that going into the story. If it’s not, dive into this book and follow this amazing journey that Sergei and Emily take. There were times that my heart broke for her and him separately and then for her and him together. It’s truthfully a story of getting through the rough patches that all relationships have.

When they arrive in Russia, we learn exactly what Sergei’s relationship with his Dad is. It’s uncomfortable, but how many of us have uncomfortable relationships with our parents? It’s relatable and that’s one of the things I love most about this book. Anyone who has ever had to fight for their relationship to make it past that one thing that will either make or break it will love this book.

It’s a love story, in the truest sense of a love story. It takes you on a journey from the United States to Russia and back again. It takes you through the ebb and flow of a couple coming into their own in the high pressure, fast paced world of competitive skating. Do yourself a favor – go get it now and then sit down and read it – especially if you’re like me and appreciate things that aren’t always perfect. There is an HEA here, but it’s not all roses and daisies. Emily and Sergei have to work for it and it makes it that much sweeter!

Chrissy (The Every Free Chance Reader)

702 reviews686 followers

January 12, 2013

Did I enjoy this book: I did enjoy this book. In fact, I loved this book. It was a good sequel and it did something that most books do not do...it made me cry. Seriously. Very rarely do I cry during books or movies. When I do, I'm usually pregnant. I'm no longer pregnant and I was moved to tears. So many emotions were brought out in me. I was giddy, happy, and excited. I was sad, devastated, and angry. I was in love and I was heartbroken.

I do not want to spoil anything in this book. It was that good. With that being said, the following review of the characters may seem vague but will make sense once you read this wonderful book.

We meet Elena and Liza in this book. I really didn't like Elena at all but I felt for her and the position she was in. I thought she was mean, rude, and arrogant but I found all of this understandable and excusable. Liza is a sweet girl whose world is shaken to its core. She is tough and resilient.

Emily and Sergei are still in love and their relationship is accepted as they move towards marriage. However, they face some tough challenges leading up to the wedding. Emily is still kind of immature but her feelings are completely valid. Sergei is so loving and devoted. He makes some tough choices but is still so loyal and in love.

Skating kind of takes a back seat in this Edge of the Past. That is okay. There is enough skating in the book but the relationships take center ice. I want more from this series. I want to "see" more of Sergei and Emily skating together. That scene and the explanation later...WOW! I want more.

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. Definitely read Life on the Edge first. (See my review here.)

Will I read it again: After reading this book, I will read this series again, especially when the third book comes out.




157 reviews39 followers

January 18, 2013

Whew! After everything Sergei and Emily went through in Life On The Edge we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. They are busy making plans for their wedding, Emily's mother has finally accepted their relationship and Emily and Chris are skating better than ever. When they travel to Russia for a competition, Emily will finally get to meet Sergei's parents. Things start to fall apart quickly. Chris injures his shoulder and they have to pull out of competition and while showing Emily his old skating rink, Sergei runs into someone from his past, his old skating partner Elena. Elena has been keeping many secrets from Sergei; more than he thinks. And who is the little girl with her that looks just like Sergei? Elena has a lot of explaining to do. What secrets will she tell them? Are Emily and Sergei strong enough to deal with this or will it rip them apart?

There is not much skating in this book due to Chris's injury and the storyline. This book explains why Sergei left Russia and Elena to move to the United States. Emily knows about what happened but when her family and friends find out, they are not going to be very happy. I have to admit that Emily put up with more than I ever would have. She loves Sergei and trusts him completely but sometimes love is just not enough, especially when you have as much baggage as Sergei does. Once again Jennifer Comeaux has a written a winner. I love watching the romance between Emily and Sergei blossom. Even with all the new stress they really love each other and will fight for each other. I disliked the character of Elena and did not feel sorry for her at all. You make your own decisions in life and should not punish others for your mistakes. There is an open window at the end of this book for possibly another in the series. I hope so. Read this wonderful series. I recommend it for all ages.


455 reviews

December 1, 2013

I really enjoyed this story. There was more angst and tears in this sequel. Very heartbreaking. Emily seemed more mature this time around and I found myself being angry with Sergei this time around. After finding out he has a daughter, he makes all these decisions without speaking to Emily. It throws everything in to a tailspin and Emily just spirals out of control. She spent a great deal of time questioning her role in Sergei's life and that of his daughter, Liza.

I couldn't be too angry with Sergei. He'd finally met his daughter after 9 years, after he believed she had been given up for adoption. And he was reacquainted with his ex and mother of his child, Elena. He didn't see any other way to form a relationship with his daughter without making immediate decisions that allowed her to come to the US. Emily just got left out. And Elena certainly didn't make it any easier.

When Emily decided to end her engagement to Sergei, I was heartbroken. I knew something like this was bound to happen. Emily was trying to be too many things to too many people and it ended up being more than any one person could handle. I don't think she gave up and she didn't stop fighting. She had fought, hard. It just wasn't enough. Sometimes no amount of fighting for what you want will give you the results you seek.

There wasn't as much skating and competition in this book, which was ok with me. The focus on this book was of Sergei and his daughter, Liza. Definitely a favorite book that I'll read again.

    best-of-the-best-2013 favorites i-own-this-sh-t

Stefanie Pristavu

Author1 book24 followers

March 21, 2013

What do you get with Edge of the Past? Drama, drama and more drama.

Let's recap a bit. You remember Emily and Sergei, right? No? Go read the first book then!
Anyway, after finally pulling it off and being together, there is marriage underfoot. And some skating competitions, while we're at it. And all of this takes place in Russia where Sergei's past comes out to haunt them.

The book is steady on the main theme. Unfortunately (for me), it's not skating anymore. There is some skating going on (and I'm pleased to say it's realistic and satisfying, even if not their best), but it takes a back seat to Emily's personal drama.

Now brace yourself for this - even if I've spent about 90% of the book trapped in a young girl's head, she did not annoy me. Even if I didn't agree with her decisions at some point, I understood her drive. So I don't hold a grudge toward her :) Especially since she came to her senses.

As far as Sergei is concerned, even if he was impulsive and seemed a bit careless toward Emily's feelings, I totally got him. He was such a guy about it: problem? Let's solve it! So, no hard feelings there either ;)

I would have liked to see more of Chris - I really like him. And I thought the Max conflict was swept under the rug a bit too fast and that the parents came on board too quickly.

The writing is very clean... a little too clean O:) And no, I'm not talking about content, but technique.

Bottom line - fast, fun, enjoyable :)


263 reviews

November 21, 2013

Emily and Sergei’s relationship continues to grow and they are about four months away from the wedding. A trip to Russia can change things forever. Will a mistake 10 years ago make Emily and Sergei’s relationship stronger or will it tear them apart? How will Emily and Sergei’s families feel about it? Throw row in a torn rotator cuff with Em’s skating partner and worlds just a few weeks away. I found myself devouring each page wanting to know how things would turn out. I don’t like Elena and I think she is selfish. Liza is a doll but a complication. I am having a hard time liking all the choices that Sergei makes. I felt all of Em's emotions and her heart is in the right place. I was pleased with the ending and am hoping to read more from Ms. Comeaux she has an awesome talent for telling stories!

Just FYI~ This has no swearing or sexual situations in it!


412 reviews19 followers

January 23, 2014

Edge of the Past is book two of the Edge series. In this story, Emily travels to Russia for competition. In the three weeks she's there, her life changes forever.

Where book one is funny, book two is gut wrenching. The dilemma Emily endures is thought provoking as it is heartbreaking. The emotion portrayed is so real, I cried a number of times. At the end the author, again, managed to change my mind. She did it in books one and two.

New characters are introduced, and still the depth is outstanding. Both books are excellent. The writing is phenomenal, again. Well worth taking the time to read, after finishing book one, Life on the Edge.

Recommended for ages 12-up, parents, sports fans, coaches, and YA/NA readers.

    love-the-cover new-adult sports

Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.