Dear Sofia, @myletterstosofia - Tumblr Blog | Tumgag (2024)



Sep 29, 2020


Dear Sofia,

For February, I read a book that as written by John Bevere entitledUNDERCOVER.I didn’t have any apprehensions or expectations on this book. But I’m already aware how blessed John Bevere is in his writing, for I have read his bookGOOD or GODlast year.

I didn’t know how God would use that book to expose my sins and prune me. It wasn’t an easy process, sure. But I praise God for not making it plain sailing. The words I read were edifying, and some of them sounded like forthright comments from one of my childhood friends but with love.


Definition:theofficialpowerto make decisions for otherpeopleor to tell them what they must do(Business English,Cambridge Dictionary)

Google’s definition:the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

I have parents who were the first ones to teach me about this word. Then I had teachers as numbers add to my age, so as my knowledge about authority. I, myself, had control over my younger siblings, influence as a team leader on the previous company I’ve worked for, and a youth leader in the church where I served for roughly ten years. So, I know the feeling of obeying what people above me says and having authority to those under me.

But after reading the book and finishing chapters 1-17 of the Book of Numbers today, I realized how alike my attitude and behavior are to the Jews that Moses led out of Egypt. I was rebellious, disobedient, stubborn, foolish, and lawless. And I call myself a follower of Christ! I now have a clearer view of how I hypocritically lived my life as a Christian. And believe me, writing this now makes me feel ashamed. My sins being exposed in the light and hearing God’s gentle rebuke feels like being naked on the public. Someone well-dressed approaches me and rescues me by covering my naked body and carrying me away from the public’s hilarity and castigation.Ashamed then alleviated.

Obedience vs. Submission

Still struggling with these until now, but God is gracious in giving wisdom to those who ask.

Authorities I have to submit to





Without wax,


*originally written in 2018


Sep 28, 2020


archive mb for @jaelouvre


Oh, what a dream...


Sep 24, 2020


Sep 24, 2020

Fast five–tag from @post-wars

1. a font you like - Moontime

2. a term or phrase you recently learned - It’s a Japanese term: 来年 (Romaji: rainen;transliteration: next year)

3. a habit you can't help but doing - finger-combing my hair

4. a name you would pick for yourself - Lian

5. travel to - Batanes

Thanks! 😊

Tagging @obsuletemule what bout you?


Feb 23, 2018

His Son’s Suffering

What was the real suffering of Christ?Some say “It’s the cross!”

Some believe it was carrying the cross outside of Jerusalem.

Some may say it was the physical torture of the Roman soldiers to Christ before carrying the cross.

What do you think was the hardest thing that Jesus had to suffer?

Matthew 27:46 King James Version (KJV)

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (emphasis was only added)

The Father turned His back on His Son… Jesus was left alone. Dirty. Forsaken.

I just realized the weight of this cry of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. In fact, as soon as I started writing this, I couldn’t hold back my tears.

I experienced physical pain, sickness, hunger, thirst, and abuse many times. It may not be as hard as others may have gone through, but I felt hopeless many many times that I wished I could just die. But you know what’s harder? The feeling of being alone. To be left by people you love, trust and care more than your own life.

As a child, I was very attached to people whom I get to spend time with. The women whom my parents entrusted us to when they work made me cry every time they decide to leave our house.

As a teenager, I was very loyal to my closest friends that when they decided to not be friends with me again, it broke my heart. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

As a daughter, there were times I won’t get the support of my parents. But never did my parents left me in the dirt and starve me to death. My parents worked as hard as they could to give us what they could despite our disobedience and disrespect towards them.

Jesus loves His Father so much. And the Father loves HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.

John 3:16 English Standard Version (ESV)

“For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

His Most Precious Son sacrificed so we can stop sacrificing our sons.

His only Son was slaughtered so we can live.

Jesus was put in chains so we can have freedom.




Feb 21, 2018

HIS daughter’s rebellion

February 12th, 2018


Dear Sofia,


Monday. Start of the week. The day started not-so-okay. Then, it turned bad. Soon, it became worse. And eventually, ended worst by the time I got on my bed that Monday night.

I couldn’t understand why. I just delivered a message to a church filled with young people the day prior. I couldn’t figure out the cause of my despondency. I couldn’t understand anything that I was going through. All I knew, was that I was sad. I was really sad. I felt lonely. My body was shaking and I just cried until I fell asleep. It wasn’t my first time, by the way. However, what happened that night was just weird.

During that dark moment, I called on to God many times and ask Him to save me. I thought it was because I sounded boastful on my response (SMS) to one of my new friends in church. It wasn’t! I called on to Him many times. I sent a message to two people that same night. First, was my small group leader. Then I sent a message to that new friend that says “Help” “Please pray for me.” I waited for their responses but I found no strength to go on. So, I put my phone in Airplane mode. I only saw their responses the next day.

The next day, I thought it’s going to be okay the moment I woke up. Well, I was. But only a bit better. The pain was still there but I thanked my leader and asked for forgiveness and also to that good friend of mine whom I sent the message “Help.” At work, it was a bit difficult but it didn’t feel as heavy as the previous day. Tuesday brought me some parts of the Truth. God impressed in my heart that I had to go through it. My first reaction was “Why?!” [Yes, with an exclamation point]. Then He reminded me of why He allowed certain things in the past to happen to me such as being an alcoholic and getting in a relationship with and having romantic feelings for women. They didn’t make sense while I was in those situations. But, He revealed them to me months and years after. He was going to use me to minister to people who faced and facing the same situation as mine. The Lord taught me I can never understand them if I didn’t go through it myself.

But wait!

It wasn’t God who cursed me and caused my trials in the past. Not then, not now, not ever. But because of my disobedience, God’s protecting hands were lifted and so the enemy’s control and power took over my life. I was actually the one who gave the demons the legal access to my life and soul. But just like how God overturned Joseph’s situations, He used my darkest moments for His glory. I didn’t just experience His miracles, He used and still uses me as a miracle to others.

So, why was I depressed last Monday and most of the days of that week?

Yes, it didn’t just happen last Monday. It was repeated on Wednesday and felt more painful on a Friday night. Everything was blurry. Nothing was making sense. At first. But my God is merciful and He hears the cry of His children. He didn’t make the pain disappear, that easily. And I thank Him for that because if He did, I won’t appreciate His love as much as I do now!

As I have mentioned, I let the enemy took control.

Did I audibly say to the devil take over? NO.

Did I perform witchcraft and talked to the devil? NO.

Did I commit sexual sin? NO.

Did I curse anyone? I don’t remember doing so that week (haha), NEVER.

Did I stop believing in Jesus? A big, fat NO!

I rebelled.

I didn’t go to some public places or to my local church and announced there my rebellion against God.

I disobeyed Him. And disobedience is rebellion.

Most Christians know that Obedience is better than sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22)

Okay let me explain, but first let me tell you, I didn’t stop reading the Bible, I didn’t stop learning about Jesus. I offered and tithed. I listened to preachings. I shared the Gospel. In short, I was a functioning member of the church. And God mercifully allowed me to do so. But there were struggles that I couldn’t shake. Sleepless nights, constant worrying of problems and even things that weren’t real (they were just in my head!), crying (sometimes without any reasons), sudden change of emotions (some might have called me bipolar, but I’m not according to my former psychiatrist), sudden thoughts of hurting someone, and suicidal thoughts haunted me strongly last week. I messaged a few people and talked to two sisters in Christ about my deep depression. They were big help. They were blessings to me. However, the pain was still there. It weakens when I focus on Jesus or when I recognize on His goodness. I also felt better in those days when I prayed to Him and sought the counsel of other believers. But, I wasn’t unshackled yet.

If I claim to have obeyed the Father, how come I was in rebellion? How was I rebelling against Him? How did I know what caused my depression?

“I disobeyed Him. I was rebelling against God for more than two months!”

When I met one of my small group leaders (I have more than one leader from different church satellites), I knew from the first time we talked that she had an issue that needs to be addressed because she shared it with me. Well, she confessed it to me. I remembered feeling bothered about it. But I didn’t remember if the Holy Spirit was telling me something about it. Why I couldn’t remember? Believe it or not, I chose to forget about it. How callous my heart is! I didn’t listen to God’s warning. I chose to delay in telling my leader about what God has been impressing in my heart. Why? Because that issue is a sin. She confessed it to me and she told me that she already told her leader. But our pastor doesn’t have any idea about it. And what God was impressing in my heart was, someone needs to tell her to do the right thing. She needs to confess it to our pastor. But more than that, she needs to expose her sin, which is hidden in the dark, to the light. God impressed in my heart many times that sins hidden in the dark will be used against the person unless he/she exposes it to the light. Thus, giving the enemy no power to use those hidden sins against the person.

Why didn’t I do it? Because I didn’t care about her? Because I thought it was her decision to make? Because I didn’t have anything to do with her life and decisions? No, no and no.

It was because I believed I know what’s good for her. WHO AM I?! (When I think about it, I really feel embarrassed and stupid!) I thought it’s better not to tell her when I’m with her or when we’re in the church and having a gathering. MY DISOBEDIENCE WAS AN INDICATION THAT I WAS THINKING HIGHLY OF MYSELF, THAT I KNEW WHAT WAS BETTER FOR MY LEADER. Worst is, it meant I KNEW BETTER than God. The one True God who gave me wisdom. The very God I want to exalt in my life. The God I call my Father. The God who created the heavens and the earth. The great I AM.

The moment God told me how I was becoming a rebel to him, I became emotional. I was at work and it was yesterday, February 20th, Tuesday. I was reading the book by John Bevere entitled UNDERCOVER when God started telling and showing me my acts of defiance. I was so ashamed. I felt like I was standing in front of a crowd naked. And seriously, I could vividly see myself naked in front of a lot of people and being made fun of before and after I read the book. I don’t know why but it all made sense after the Lord gently rebuked me and saved me from further self-destruction. I was guilty. I was seeking retribution for the sins I’ve committed but God the Father is a merciful Father. He loves perfectly and unconditionally. I was a rebel and He embraced me when I called to Him and asked for His forgiveness. Admitting to HIm of all my faults and lawlessness, He ran to me and hugged me while I was still dirty.

Let me end this with Pastor John Bevere’s clarification…


Please understand this point: every time a person faces difficulty, sickness, problems, or hardships, disobedience is not necessarily the cause. Many suffer while living obedient lives.

...Their hardships may be trials from which God will receive glory. (pages 82-83)

From Sec. 2, Chapter 7 of UNDERCOVER by John Bevere



Feb 17, 2018

Day.. i don't know anymore

Yes I believe in God.

Yes, I am saved by Jesus.

Yes, my God is merciful and gives grace.

But it doesn't mean that I am already excused

That I am exempted

That I will no longer be sad


I am sad

Yeah, depressed

My heart's filled with despondency

And I cannot shout nor even ask help to anyone

Because they say things

They don't understand

I don't either...

All I can do is cry

Just cry...

And ask "One more day..."

One more step

Come on

If you have to crawl

Do so.

One more crawl

One more cry

One more

One more





One more

Come on;


Jan 29, 2018

Day 29

MarianneIn French, the meaning of the nameMarianneis : Compound of Marie (wished-for child; rebellion; bitter) and Anne (favor or grace).

One cold Saturday on the 16th day of the last month of 2017

I met a soul

A soul filled with light, hope, joy, and love

She smiled

It was a generous smile

She reached for my hand and I said: “Nice to meet you.”

I was shy but her smile and her aura made me feel“I belong”

That cold Saturday night, her laughter filled the room

I watched her as she sang, lifted her hands in worship

Continued to watch and listen to her for a few more minutes

Then I spoke

And she listened

And for an unexplainable reason

Her eyes glistened on every word she heard

Her excitement and happiness to whatever I was sharing with her

Brought me joy and I uttered “I think, I want more of that”

I just knew her

But her voice sounded familiar

Like I’ve always been hearing that

Her gestures looked familiar

Like I’ve always seen that

Her warmth, hospitality, and humor

I never perceived them in a strange way

Maybe, just maybe

I have been imagining her

I must have prayed and longed for her

A friend and a sister

A leader

She’s one of the many pieces of evidence of God’s grace in my life

A very familiar soul I met

One cold Saturday on the 16th day of the last month of 2017.


Jan 23, 2018

Day 23

It’s the 23rd day of the first month of the year. To most people, it’s a workday. It’s Tuesday. To my parents, it’s the day I was delivered by a midwifein my mother’s relatives’ home. To me, it’s the most exciting day.

27 years down, I don’t know how much more to go before I finally get to meet HIM. I am excited. To most people, it’s a morbid thought. How can someone think of dying on the day of his/her birth?

Dear Sofia,

I just turned 27 and I thought of thanking 27 people. More than them I would like to thank my mother. I actually did earlier this morning. I thanked her and told her I love her.

This day reminds me that I’m close to going Home. I’m excited to count the days, months and years. I’m not wishing to die, I’m actually wishing to live. And Jesus gave me that life. He is my life. Things are clearer with Him. I am excited to see Him and spend my eternity with Him. I am waiting for Him.

The joy I had this morning keeps on growing each hour that passes. My heart is filled with gratitude, peace, and love. Don’t be sad to read this, okay? I hope you can feel my gladness. And I pray that one day, you will understand this gladness and this peace that comes from Him.

One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.

Psalm 27:4-7 NKJV

Without wax,



Jan 22, 2018

Day 19

Dear Sophia,

Yesterday, January 18, 2018, was Nanay Linda’s birthday.

I couldn’t attend her birthday party yesterday afternoon for I had to work. Yes, still a corporate slave. Haha.

Let me tell you something about Nanay.

She’s one of my best friends. She’s the oldest but the coolest.

I couldn’t tell stories to my mother for she speaks more than she listens. When I was 17 and I needed her to listen to me, she didn’t. She laughed with her friends. The last time I remembered trying to hug her, she refused. She’s not a bad mom it’s just her personality. Why am I saying this? Well, it’s because Nanay Linda listened to me when I was in my darkest times. If not because of her, I would’ve been a homewrecker. I would’ve continued living with a bisexual woman. I would’ve been alcoholic. I would’ve been miserable. I’m not saying it was all Nanay Linda’s doing but she became more than a mother to me.

She’s one of my favorite dates and I always look forward to spending weekend at her house and share stories over coffee. She smiles and the last time I saw her cry because I had to leave our church, where I served with her for ten years, it broke my heart into pieces.

Nanay is the person who tells me stories, tells me I’m beautiful and sexy, loves me like her own child, listens to my rants and kiligstories, cooks delicious food, makes me eat butter, holds me when we’re walking, tells me I have a beautiful voice, cries when I sing, and a lot more! I thank God for her life. I thank God for calling her. I praise God for giving us such a strong and wonderful person.

She’s a very special person to me and she’s my family. She’s my best friend. She’s my sister. She’s my 71-year-old buddy.

And I love her with the love of the Lord.

Without wax,



Jan 15, 2018

Day 15



SE Asia

(in the Philippines) causing or characterized by a feeling of exhilaration or elation.

‘the fans went wild with the kilig moments they shared on stage’

‘it's their most kilig movie to date’

1.1(of a person) exhilarated or elated by an exciting or romantic experience.

‘I get kilig every time I hear this song’

Dear Sophia,

These are the three Most Kilig Words I received in the last eight days:

1. I prayed for you;

2. Thinking of you, beautiful;

3. You are an answered prayer.

They didn't come from someone whom I have a romantic relationship with but were sent by friends. Female friends. Godly-women. Trustworthy. Sweet. Honest. Loyal women in my life now.

I struggled with maintaining friends. I chose people in the past over those people who I thought were my closest friends. I protected people in my life who never had any idea I did. I was betrayed by my some of the most trusted people I had in the past.

Then I started to change and talk to those who genuinely lend their ears. I am blessed with loyal friends now. And they know what's going on with my life. They listened and trusted me with their deepest darkest secrets.

They know how twisted my mind is, how weird I am most of the time, how annoying my responses at times, how messy my life can sometimes be, yet never changed how they love me. They see me with someone who has potentials. They regard me as a blessing. They pray for me.

I said many times, "Lord, you're enough." But He blessed me with people who make me love Him even more. They're my friends who would break a roof and carry me. Just to bring me to Jesus.

Luke 5:18-19New King James Version (NKJV)

Then behold, men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in and lay before Him. And when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down withhisbed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus.

Without wax,



Jan 15, 2018

Scars are the trademark of the trials of life.What has helped shape your character, your way of being.They are part of your beauty. They are unique.Together with the marks that care and caresses leave on your skin.Your cares, your caressesAnd care and caresses of people who love you.These scars are under the skin.have you got many deep and painful scars?

my Italian admirer


Jan 14, 2018

Day 14














Jan 12, 2018

Day 12

Sinners must always come empty-handed. But this is precisely the point. By nature, my hands are full (of sin, self, and my own “good deeds”). However, hands that are full cannot hold on to Christ in faith. Instead, as they take hold of Him, they are emptied. That which has prevented us from trusting Him falls inevitably to the ground. The old way of life cannot be retained in hands that are taking hold of the Savior. *

-Sinclair Ferguson

Dear Sophia,

Pruning, emptying, letting go, throwing away, change - these are some of the painful processes I've been and still going through at times.

God's process of emptying me is definitely the most painful. Tears, heartaches, agony, distress and the feeling of loneliness hit me many times. He doesn't do it for the heck of doing it. He doesn't enjoy seeing pain. God is not a despot who makes fun of His people's suffering. In fact, I was the one who asked Him to empty me of "me" so I can be filled with HIM.


“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."- Matthew 6:24 NKJV

I cannot love this world and God at the same time. I cannot worship myself and God at the same time. I cannot prioritize my selfish ambitions and God's will for my life at the same time.

Either I put myself on the pedestal or I let Him rule and have the throne in my heart. And believe me, the latter is way better than the former.

It's never easy for me to dispose of the things I valued and protected for a long time. May they be relationships, people, objects, opportunities and even dreams. My heart is being transformed and as long as I'm here in this "house" I will continuously be in the process of transformation.

You see, it's not just about the end product it's more about the process. It's never about the pain, it's about what you get from it. It's never about the "self", it's always about Jesus. If you believe it's all about the journey and not the destination. I say to you, it's both. But the latter ways more for me. For I run the race to get the prize.

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.- 1 Corinthians 9:24 ESV

Without wax,


* From the post that was originally published in Tabletalk magazine.


Jan 11, 2018

Day 11

“The guy you’re attracting by showing more skin is not the guy you want to marry.”

- John Piper

Dear Sofia,

When I was 19, when I could buy any dress I could afford with my hard-earned money, I started wearing sexier, more revealing clothes. I loved it! People noticed me. Most of them would comment on how good the sexy dress I was wearing fit my (skinny) physique. It made me feel confident. Showing more skin meant significance for me. People weren’t paying attention to me when I was still wearing shirts (which were two sizes bigger) or when I was wearing jeans. So, it was something new. I craved the attention. I appreciate the praises.

When I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I changed. But when I started drinking and going out with people, who love to party almost every other night, I started showing some skin again. I wanted to be sexy. I wanted to please the guy, whom I was going out with, and his friends. I felt happy getting the attention of some woman’s boyfriend in a club.Being skinny was an advantage. I could wear almost anything“sexy” and eat everything I like without worrying about the extra calories.

Then God rescued me again (I could share more about this next time for it was a long journey of running away and ruining my life) and tried to be more reserved. But I was still wearing shorts, short skirts, and the like. I had a rule that if the upper part of my body displays a big part of my dermis the lower body should be covered and vice versa. As long as I don’t offend anyone with my clothing, then I’m okay.

But my ex-boyfriend, three years ago, used to say something about my outfit (mostly when I was wearing shorts when we go somewhere). Words which were uncomfortable for me to hear. I was judged by some of the people who were close to him too. I felt ashamed and angry. I just wanted to look good. For him. It also felt good that I could wear anything that makes me feel confident and happy. I wore clothes not JUST for the approval of others, I did it for me.

Now, I often just wear white shirts and jeans or skirts matching my black and white sneakers.


Not because of anyone. It’s because I realized:

Treasures aren’t found in common and public places. Diamonds are hidden and people need to dig the crust of the earth and risk their lives for those precious stones.

I cannot control other people’s thoughts but I have the control on how I want to present myself in public. (Not just my clothing, but the way I speak and behave matter as well)

I want to conceal the visible but expose the intrinsic.

Intelligence is the new definition of SEXY. (Working hard in this area haha)

It’s really comfortable and cheap to wear shirts, jeans, and sneakers. (seriously!)


“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. . . . Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. Fear not, for I am with you, . . . everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:1, 4–5, 7).

Without wax,


#desriringgod#John Piper#AskPastorJohn#My writing#radicalchange#beauty#sexy#physical#spiritual


Jan 10, 2018

Day 10

I Long to See YouWhat Apple Will Never Replace

We all intuitively know that technology cannot replace face-to-face interaction. Would you ever propose to your girlfriend over FaceTime (or accept a proposal over FaceTime)? If you and your parents have a wonderful relationship and live ten minutes apart, would you be happy to only ever see them on Facebook? If a woman in your church lost her husband after fifty years of marriage, would you just drop her an email? No, we all know that certain conversations must, if at all possible, be face to face, eye to eye, in the same room.

excerpt from the Article by Marshall Segal (Staff writer,

#desriringgod#life quotes#offline#strong relationship#Devotion#facetoface#apostle paul#Christianity


Jan 9, 2018

Day 9

Dear Sofia,

This morning, while I was riding the public transport to the office, the kid who sat beside me started singing. She sang on the top of her lungs like the vehicle we were riding was some sort of her concert venue. She gleefully raised her voice that it became louder than the song that was playing on my headset. That was when I decided to focus on her and not on the song that was blowing up my eardrums prior to her crooning. How innocent and fun it was to listen to her performance.

Then, she suddenly stopped.

The next thing I saw, she was hitting her mom. She couldn’t help it anymore. I knew why she couldn’t hold it any longer. There were 2 reasons. First, the lyrics of that young diva was composed of probably all the words and phrases that she has in her word bank. The lyrics didn’t make sense. But come on! Do most songs nowadays make sense? Second, the tune of her song sounded like a classic Filipino love song (Kundiman).

Then her mom stopped smiling and then the little girl saw the man in front of him smiling to himself. The diva waited and then his eyes met hers. Now, the guy didn’t know what to do, so he just smiled. The girl hit his knees twice. She was really embarrassed. But you know what happened next?

She sang.


This time, I was the only one who could hear it. I was that close to her. I made sure, we didn’t have any eye contact.

Adults, like me, destroy a child’s innocence. The way we talk, respond to their statements and questions, the actions they see, the words they hear, the way we dress, the way we present ourselves in public, the things we teach them, the way we present the truth and harsh realities of life etc. Why are we doing that? Because it was done to us. We were taught more on being ashamed when in fact, it’s better to teach young souls how to respect.

Growing up, I learned that making mistakes and not being able to dance well or sing well, when even done with love and confidence, destroy your passion and creativity. When someone told me I didn’t have the talent in dancing, I stopped it. But when someone told me I sang well, I continued it. And became very passionate about it.

I don’t dance in public anymore, but when I have the chance to do it even without music, I do it. Sometimes I dance in the office so that my colleagues will laugh and they’d be happy. They say I’m like a child when I do that.

Oh, how I want to be a kid again! Innocent, creative, full of energy and charm, eyes are full of wonder and a believer in the impossible.

- L

The Greatest in the Kingdom

…2Jesus called a little child to stand among them. 3“Truly I tell you, He said, “unless you change andbecome like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.…

- Matthew 18:3 (Berean Bible Study)

#innocence#bechildlike#kingdom of heaven#book of matthew#gospel#new testament#my writing#journey#passion
Dear Sofia, @myletterstosofia - Tumblr Blog | Tumgag (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.