Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (2024)

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (1)

by Tigore

Welcome to the Baldur’s Gate 3 achievements and trophies guide covering all 53 achievements/trophies in the game at launch.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the long awaited sequel to the Dungeons & Dragons franchise that started in 1998 and was followed up by the second game in 2000. Larian Studios took on the challenge of bringing Baldur’s Gate back. Unlike another recently released sequel in the D&D franchise, the developers stuck with the original game’s genre and general structure.

At launch, BG3 has hit a few snags with it’s release. There are some achievements that have ambiguous descriptions and unlock in more specific ways than mentioned (details will be posted below). You will occasionally his animation problems like T-poses, and a few buggy questlines which the developers should address over time. Additionally, a few design choices have players disagreeing with there place in a Baldur’s Gate game. Some of these can be disabled through the settings before starting the adventure.

The developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 designed most questlines so that they may be completed in multiple ways. Thus, giving the players more freedom in how they approach situations. This guide represents one or more methods that is confirmed to unlock achievements and trophies. There are other ways to do so, and they may not be described in this guide.

Game Stats

  • Difficulty: 8.5/10
  • Time to Completion: 80-175 hours
  • Does Difficulty AffectAchievements/Trophies?: Yes. You will need to complete the game in Tactician difficulty for one of the achievements/trophies.
  • Missable Achievements/Trophies: Yes. Given the nature and size of the game, there are many achievement and trophies which can be missed. Here are a few examples.
    • If you kill the goblin leaders before saving Sazza from Nightwarden Minthara, you will void the She Cannon be Caged achievement/trophy. If that happens, you will need to reload a previous save file.
    • Killing the Owlbear cub when you first encounter it in the Owlbear Cave in Act 1 will void the You Have Two Hands for a Reason achievement/trophy.
    • Not finding Karlach early and introducing her to Dammon in the Emerald Camp may lock you out of earning Hot Date. You need to be kind and affectionate to her as soon as she joins your party.
    • Saving all Tieflings in a single playthrough is easily blocked by making simple choices throughout the game.
  • Bugged Achievements/Trophies: Busker is not tracking all coins picked up from performing in the Steam UI, but it does appear to unlock when you reach 100+.

Recommended Playthroughs

The achievements and trophies can be earned in 2-3 playthroughs. The challenge comes from trying to stack Jack-of-all-Trades (multiclass into all classes without respec) with Critical Hit (Tactician difficulty) and Embrace Your Urge (The Dark Urge origin). Watering a character down will make it significantly more difficult in the late game, since you will not have access to the most powerful abilities/spells. On top of that, adding Dark Urge to the mix will result in fewer companions and some NPCs dying. Dark Urge cannot be combined with Leave No One Behind. Dividing it into 2 or 3 playthroughs should also help if you miss something critical early on and can’t unwind dozens of hours played.

Either way, create manual saves at key moments and save often. The choice is yours. Just remember to create one of your characters with The Dark Urge origin.

  • Play through the game on the Explorer difficulty, switching briefly to Balanced each time you add a new class. Just don’t forget to change the difficulty back before continuing on. This will get you the bulk of the achievements/trophies and help you get familiar with the golden path.
    • During this playthrough add a new class every time you level up and don’t respec until after Jack-of-all-Trades unlocks.
    • Don’t let any tieflings die. This is easy to overlook and miss out on Leave No One Behind.
  • For the second playthrough, play on Tactician and focus on your favorite class or multi-class while sticking to the main quests to get through the game quickly.
  • You may want to reserve the Dark Urge for its own playthrough on Explorer difficulty since it will disrupt other achievements and trophies.

General Tips

  • Save often. Quick save before battles and before performing actions, like picking locks. If you fail, load the quick save and try again. Create a manual save before major events and boss battles in case you need to backtrack. You can also save mid-battle which helps with long fights.
  • Rest (short or long) when needed. You will find plenty of supplies for long rests and short rests will replenish some resources between battles.
  • Locate the party members early so you have time to work on their individual quests.
  • Don’t let any tieflings die.
  • Explore everywhere during the first playthrough. There are hidden passages and secrets that each member of the party will have a chance to notice and may contain valuable treasure. Some may paths require using the Jump skill to reach them.
  • Keep unwanted magic items for Gale to consume.
  • Try to have someone in your party with high intelligence and another with high wisdom to locate secret as you explore.
  • Use Party View (Tab on PC) to make organizing gear between party members easier.
  • Carry a few shovels on you at all times in case you come across buried treasure.
  • Keep a rogue in your party at all times. Walk slowly through dungeons/caves to give the party time to detect traps.
  • Make sure you take companions along for their personal quests.
  • Move the camera around while exploring, there are many surfaces that can be climbed which are obscured by the natural camera angles.
  • Use the Jump ability to move further during each turn. It will use a bonus action, but it is usually worth it to close the gap.
  • Don’t use Infernal Iron until after Karlach is fixed, and be kind/affectionate to her.
  • Use the Disengage ability to freely move away from an adjacent enemy without letting them have the opportunity to strike you when you leave.


  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Owlbear Cub Guide
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Karlach Guide
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Sazza Guide
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Necrotic Laboratory Brain Puzzle Guide
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Wyrmway Guide
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Temple of Bhaal Guide
  • Act 1 Achievements
  • Act 2 Achievements
  • Act 3 Achievements
  • Player Achievements
  • Fighting Achievements
  • Conditional Achievements
  • Exploration Achievements

Act 1 Achievements

Nautiloid Ship

Devil’s in the Details

Defeat Commander Zhalk in the Nautiloid.

Fight and defeat Commander Zhalk at the start of the game on the Nautiloid ship. Either play on an low difficulty level or focus on buffing the mind flayer and debuffing Zhalk. Looting him will give you Everburn Blade (2d6 slashing + 1d4 fire damage greatsword).

You will need to land the killing blow for the achievement/trophy to unlock. Don’t let the mind flayer do it. If you didn’t kill Commander Zhalk, reload the last save and try again.

Descent From Avernus

Take control of the Nautiloid and escape the hells.

Automatic story achievement/trophy. This will unlock when you reach the helm of the ship during the opening sequence: Escape the Nautiloid. Defeating the boss will reward you with the Devil’s in the Details achievement/trophy.

Whispering Depths

Pest Control

Kill the Spider Matriarch before her eggs hatch – why do they have so many legs?

Locate the Spider Matriarch inside the Whispering Depths under Blighted Village in Act 1. When you find the matriarch, toggle group mode off and sneak around with a rogue that has ranged attacks. Destroy all 3 clusters of spider eggs (2 on the upper pillars and 1 below) to unlock the achievement or trophy. You do not need to kill the Spider Matriarch, but you do need to prevent her from hatching any eggs.

Refer to the for details.


A Grym Fate

Kill the Adamantine Golem without using the Forge Hammer.

The Adamantine Forge is in the Underdark of Act 1 (see Forged in Blood and Fire for details). The first time you forge an item, you will need to fight Grym, the Adamantine Golem. The key to this fight is to make sure you reopen the lava valve anytime Grym closes it and avoid the lava at all costs (jump or teleport). The lava needs to flow in order to damage Grym.

Before the fight, ungroup your party and position them around the room with the melee attacks on high ground near the grate where Grym comes from. Keep a ranged companion next to the lava valve at all times. When Grym drains the lava, switch to the party member by the valve and turn it back on. Then, you can continue attacking Grym. Make sure you don’t use the forge lever during the fight to damage it.

Rosymorn Monastery

Taking Blood

Steal the Blood of Lathander from underneath Rosymorn Monastery.

When you reach the Rosymorn Monastery via the Mountain Pass, collect 3 ceremonial weapons. Next, place/throw the weapons on the pedestals that match their owners and collect the Dawnmaster’s Crest. Here are the weapons in order from left to right as you enter the room.

  • Dawnmaster Vaseid – Ceremonial Battleaxe – 2nd floor Guardian
  • Dawnmaster Welkinglory – Ceremonial Longsword (already in position)
  • Dawnmaster Seed – Ceremonial Warhammer – Rooftop Eagle Nest
  • Dawnmaster Stockhold – Ceremonial Mace – 1st floor Kobolds

Now, head down to the Creche in the basem*nt and talk to the commander. Either tell her about the artifact or pickpocket the key from her. Follow the pathway toward the inquisitor and agree to help him.

When you reach the astral plane, talk with the Dream Visitor and agree to help her. After you return to the inquisitor’s room, focus the inquisitor down immediately to simplify the battle. Next, walk into the alcove on the west side of the room and turn the statues using a high strength character with one facing the direction you came and the other facing the wall.

Take the newly opened pathway to the Secret Chamber. Once there, destroy the Energy Source crystals and disarm the Dawnbreakers to proceed. You will need to move off the primary pathway to reach the crystals. When you reach the main objective, place the Dawnmaster’s Crest in the Crest Panel, releasing the Blood of Lathander, and unlocking the achievement/trophy.

Refer to the for more details and a video walkthrough.

Act 1 End

The Plot Thickens

Leave Act One – for somewhere altogether darker.

Automatic story achievement/trophy. This will unlock during the loading screen after leaving the Mountain Pass or Underdark while traveling closer toward the Moonrise Towers as you enter the Ruined Battlefield.

Act 2 Achievements

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Penny Pincher

Defeat the Toll Collector without her using gold against you – excellent budgeting.

When you reach the Tollhouse in Act 2, you will see a large golden figure patrolling the area. Save before interacting with her. Then, walk up and talk with the Gerringothe Thorn, Accursed Keeper of Coin.

  • Who are you?
  • If I give you gold, what do I get in return?
  • Toss the creature a gold piece.
  • I don’t hand out so much gold for so little in return.

At that point, you need to persuade the Toll Collector to reflect on what she has been doing. This can be done with class specific responses like the monk’s: “The happiness gold grants is temporary at best. Do not let your need for gold trap you here.” After which, you need to continue helping the collector see what has happened to her with something like “Says who? Seems to me there’s no one her to oversee you.” At which point the collector will destroy herself, unlocking the achievement/trophy, and leaving you with your prize.

Moonrise Towers

She Cannot be Caged!

Rescue Sazza from the Emerald Grove, Goblin Camp, and Moonrise Towers in one playthrough.

This achievement/trophy is tricky on the second step.

You will encounter Sazza 3 times during your playthrough if you manage to free her to make it to the next location. She will be a prisoner in the Emerald Grove during Act 1. Free her by talking with her captors and escorting her out of the grove.

The second encounter with Sazza is at the Goblin Camp. There she will introduce you to Nightwarden Minthara. Side with Sazza and say “She’s telling the truth. She didn’t know.” Then agree with Minthara by saying “I’ll get it done.” After that point, wait for Minthara to fully leave the camp and you’re free to take out the goblin leaders. Make sure you still see Sazza alive standing in the main hall of the sanctum.

Don’t kill the goblin leaders before saving Sazza from Nightwarden Minthara. If you do, she will fight with the goblins and die. Killing the goblins before Minthara leaves the camp will also result in her death. After Minthara marches off, leave the camp, return, and clear out the Shattered Sanctum. After finishing off the last of the goblins in the sanctum, confirm that Sazza is still standing in the main hall by herself. She should show as yellow/green, but you cannot talk to her.

The third encounter with Sazza should be when you arrive at Moonrise Towers in Act 2. Enter the Throne Room on the main floor and a cutscene will begin. If you see 4 goblins, including Sazza, you can earn the achievement/trophy. If you only see 3 goblins, something went wrong in Act 1. Convince the chosen not to kill the goblins to complete the achievement or trophy.

Refer to the for additional details.

Under Lock and Key

Rescue all the prisoners from the depths of Moonrise Towers in one playthrough.

When you reach Moonrise Towers, head up the first set of stairs, then through a door on the right and down a small staircase to the prison. Inside the prison, there is:

  • 1 Warden
  • 1 Stationary Guard (west side)
  • 2 Patrolling Scrying Eyes
  • 1 Patrolling Guard

Enter the Warden’s office and wait for a scrying eye to enter. Then, switch to turn based mode (Shift + Space), dispatch the scrying eye, and finish off the Warden. Work your way to toward the beginning of the prison (east entrance) and wait for the last scrying eye and the patrolling guard to show up, taking both out. Once they are dealt with, you won’t need to worry about the stationary guard.

Now, talk to the gnome in the prison cell, Wulbren, and throw an bludgeoning weapon (mace, flail, etc.) in so they can break out the back wall and free the teiflings. After all the prisoners run out the back, go into the warden’s office and flip the 2nd and 4th levers on the wall to open the cells, giving you a path to meet them at the boat. Do not flip the switch on the floor, since it will sound an alarm. Either accompany the prisoners to Last Light Inn, or tell them you will meet them there. After the boat leaves the dock and floats away safely, the achievement or trophy will pop.

House of Healing

Non-invasive Procedure

Kill the Surgeon before he performs surgery on you in combat.

You will find Malus Thorm, Shar’s Scalpel (the Surgeon) inside the House of Healing in Act 2. He is surrounding a table with 4 assistants. Make sure you take a long rest and save before the encounter in case he tries to perform surgery. Sneak into the room from the north side by picking locks to get in. Then, position your party around the room, but within range of the Surgeon. Try to surprise attack them and focus fire on the surgeon as fast as possible. The achievement/trophy will unlock as soon as the Surgeon dies.

Mind Flayer Colony

Click to View the Secret Early Ending (Spoilers)

Hero of the Forgotten Realms

Save the day: kill the Netherbrain and destroy the Absolute tadpoles.

Follow Gale’s quest to fix his Netherse Orb. Then, from the top of Moonrise Towers, make sure Gale is in your party before entering the Mind Flayer Colony. Head straight toward Ketheric Thorm in the far east end of the colony. During the cutscene, have use the Netherse Orb to end the Netherbrain.

Refer to the Hero of the Forgotten Realms guide for detail.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (8)

No Free Lunches

Defeat the Apostle of Myrkul before it consumes any Necromites.

After defeating Ketheric Thorm or convincing him to defeat himself by persuading him to repent, you will fight his god, Myrkul. Myrkul will consume the Necromites around the room to gain additional power. When the battle starts, wipe out the group of 4 Necromites on the upper left platform. After that, watch for the creation of Skeletal Involucres which will also turn into Necromites. If you saved Nightsong, free her from the top right platform. A character with extra movement abilities can reach her in 1-2 turns and let her join the fight. Once the Necromites are dealt with, focus fire on Myrkul to earn the achievement or trophy.

Act 2 End

The City Awaits

Leave Act Two – Baldur’s Gate is just over the horizon.

Automatic story achievement/trophy. This will unlock as you pack up camp after meeting the Emperor on the road to Baldur’s Gate.

Act 3 Achievements

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Lower City

Murder in Baldur’s Gate

Coat the streets of Baldur’s Gate in blood – become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.

Create a manual save before going down this path.

When you reach the beginning of Act 3, head over to the Open Hand Temple on the west side of the area. There you will discover a murder while talking with Sister Yannis. Agree to help investigate and gain entry to the 3rd floor of Fraygo’s Flophouse where you will find a Bloodstained Parchment on a desk hidden behind a wardrobe. Next, meet with Valeria in Sharess’ Caress and obtain a pass for the Lower City. Let the guards blocking the Lower City know that you are investigating a series of murders and they will let you through.

Once you’re in the Lower City, you will have markers on your map showing where the remaining targets are located. Kill 1 target and you will be approached about the Assassins of Bhaal. Kill another and you will be given the passphrase to enter their lair. Make sure you grab the hands of the victims as proof. The door to the crypt is revealed after pressing a button hidden behind a painting.


Inside the crypt, you will need to take out your competitor. Then, agree to the ritual and follow the promptings. You may want to ungroup from your party and leave them behind so they don’t disapprove of your choices. If the bathing cutscene doesn’t trigger after killing the final target, interact with Sarevok to start it. The achievement or trophy will unlock after rising from the pool.

Refer to the for details and a video walkthrough.

Wyrm’s Rock

Fancy Footwork

Defeat Gortash in Wyrm’s Rock without activating any traps.

There are two ways into Gortash’s room: the main entrance and the back. Instead of going up the stairs on the east side of Wyrm’s Rock, go around the left side of the stairway to find a lever on the wall. Pull the lever to reveal a hidden passage leading outside. Work your way clockwise around the fortress until you reach a ladder followed by climbable vines. At the top, you will find a doorway that can be picked, giving you entrance into the hallway directly behind the throne. Open either door to start the fight and lure Gortash into the hall, avoiding all traps in the main chamber. Once Gortash is killed, the Fancy Footwork achievement or trophy will unlock.

Refer to the for more details and a full video walkthrough.

Crash Landing

In the Wyrmway, wait until the dragon is midflight, then knock it out of the sky – KAPOW.

The entrance to Wyrmway is under Wyrm’s Rock Prison. When you enter the prison, take the first left to a dead-end with 2 torches. Extinguish the torches, hit each with Lightning Bolt, then relight/interact with them. This will open a hidden door leading to Wyrmway.

Inside Wyrmway, you will need to complete 4 challenges to open the door leading deeper. Here are the challenges in clockwise order starting with the one on the left when you enter the area.

  • Chamber of Justice: Cast Remove Curse on the 3 shrouded paintings around the judge. Then move the painting called The Cell to the Empty Niche in front of the judge.
  • Chamber of Insight: Walk across the hidden path between the Chamber of Justice the and locked door to reach the challenge. Inside, you can cast Hold Monster on the books to read the clues. Or, simple kill Suelto to complete the puzzle.
  • Chamber of Strategy: Reach the board by destroying the crystals blocking the stairs (Fire Bolt works). Then, complete the chess game by trapping the black king. Or, simply hit the black king with Lightning Bolt to complete the puzzle.
  • Chamber of Courage: Interact with the statue and “Take the torch” to start the challenge. Survive 4 turns with elemental enemies to finish the challenge.

When the battle begins, burn down Ansur’s life as quickly as possible. On one of its turns, the dragon will fly up (animation is sometimes broken) and start channeling blue lightning with a message saying “The Waiting Storm is arisen.” This is your cue to finish it off before its next turn. If the dragon’s life is low and it hasn’t started channeling, delay by attacking the minions or skipping turns until it does. The Crash Landing achievement or trophy will pop if Ansur is slain while channeling.

Refer to the for more details.

Temple of Bhaal

First Blood

Kill Orin while her cultists are performing their ritual chant.

The Temple of Bhaal is located in the sewers under the Lower City. After becoming an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal, you can gain entry through the door next to the Undercity Ruins waypoint. In the first room there will be a large ambush. This can be avoided by using a potion of invisibility on a fighter, having them run to the top tower across the bridge and solo kill the Farslayer of Bhaal Ghislev which will end the fight.

When you reach Bhaal’s Temple, attack Orin and focus all damage on her until she drops, unlocking the achievement or trophy.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Temple of Bhaal Guide for more details.

Upper City

Interfectorem Draconis

Kill the Red Dragon in the Upper City.

In the final battle of Act 3, you will fight a Red Dragon on top of the Netherbrain. During the fight, focus all damage on the dragon to get it out of the way and unlock the achievement or trophy.

Act 3 End

All’s Well That Ends Well

Finish the game (with a heartfelt ‘thank you!” from Larian Studios).

Automatic story achievement/trophy. Reach the end of Act 3 by defeating the Netherbrain or taking control of it after the final battle.

Critical Hit

Complete the game in Tactician mode.

Critical Hit will require playing through the entire game in Tactician difficulty. Changing the difficulty mid-game will void this achievement/trophy. Tactician mode has increased prices at vendors, higher health pools on enemies, and more challenging combat. Because of these factors, it’s recommended that you not tackle the Critical Hit, Jack-of-all-Trades, and Embrace Your Urge achievements/trophies at the same time. Feel free to combine Tactician mode with the Dark Urge, but watering down your class to only 1 level of each will make surviving combat encounters painful.


Click to View Ending Achievements (Spoilers)

Absolute Power Corrupts

Reign with terror: take control of the Netherbrain and bend the world to your will.

When the Emperor offers to make you a mind flayer, accept and take the power into yourself. Then, after defeating the Netherbrain in the final battle, choose “Dominate the brain…” and the achievement or trophy will unlock when the credits start to roll.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (13)

Hero of the Forgotten Realms

Save the day: kill the Netherbrain and destroy the Absolute tadpoles.

Follow Gale’s quest to fix his Netherse Orb. Then, from the top of Moonrise Towers, make sure Gale is in your party before entering the Mind Flayer Colony. Head straight toward Ketheric Thorm in the far east end of the colony. During the cutscene, have use the Netherse Orb to end the Netherbrain. This can also be earned at the end of Act 3 by having Gale in your party when you get in the boat to look for the Netherbrain.

Refer to the Hero of the Forgotten Realms guide for details.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (14)

Sins of the Father

Claim your Throne of Blood: take control of the Netherbrain for Bhaal and break the world.

The Dark Urge is not available unless you create your character from the Origin screen with The Dark Urge. During the playthrough, you will be given orders to kill certain NPCs. First, you will need to invite Alfina from the Emerald Grove to join your camp. Once there, take a long rest to see the results. Then, you will need to either kill Isobel at Last Light Inn or let Shadowheart kill Nightsong. After Isobel or Nightsong dies, you will be transformed into the Slayer form.

When you reach the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate, make your way to the Temple of Bhaal and slay your competition, Orin. At the end of Act 3, choose to kill the Emperor and the Sins of the Father achievement or trophy will pop.


Make the ultimate sacrifice: become a mindflayer to defeat the Netherbrain.

When the Emperor offers to make you a mind flayer, accept and take the power into yourself. Then, after defeating the Netherbrain in the final battle, choose “Command the brain…” and the achievement or trophy will unlock when the credits start to roll.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (15)

Player Achievements

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Embrace Your Urge

Become Bhaal’s ultimate weapon – become his Slayer.

The Dark Urge is not available unless you create your character from the Origin screen with The Dark Urge. It’s recommended that you reserve the dark urge for its own playthrough and do so as fast as you can on Explorer difficulty.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (16)

During the playthrough, you will be given orders to kill certain NPCs. The orders will void other achievements/trophies like Leave No One Behind. First, you will need to invite Alfina from the Emerald Grove to join your camp. Once there, take a long rest to see the results. Then, you will need to either kill Isobel at Last Light Inn or let Shadowheart kill Nightsong. After Isobel or Nightsong dies, you will be transformed into the Slayer form.


Complete ten background goals in a single playthrough – you are one with your character.

This achievement/trophy will unlock naturally while playing Baldur’s Gate 3. Acting or responding in a way that matches the background (acolyte, noble, urchin, etc.) of a character will grant you a point of inspiration. Doing so 10 times will unlock this achievement or trophy. You will know this is done correctly when you see a window pop up showing the background and the point of inspiration earned for a specific character. These will also count when you perform actions that align with your party members.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (17)

Expand Your Mind

Consume a parasite and unlocked a new power – is it meant to wriggle the whole way down?

Collect/Steal any Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens you find. Some can be extracted from someone who died after being on the Nautiloid ship. After being visited by the Dream Visitor during a long rest, you can consume the extra parasites to acquire illithid powers. Unlocking your first power will reward you with this achievement/trophy.


Multiclass into every class in one playthrough without asking Withers to change your character.

Start the game with the Explorer difficulty. Each time you level up, switch temporarily to Balanced difficulty and add a new class (Add Class button in the top right corner of the Level Up window). Once you have added all classes, the achievement or trophy will unlock. Just make sure you don’t respec with Withers until after you have all classes unlocked. You should reach level 12 near the end of Act 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (18)

No Penny Required

Successfully use Detect Thoughts to pry into someone’s thoughts.

Save the game before interacting with NPCs. If you encounter a conversation with the option that says “[Detect Thoughts] Read ???’s thoughts.”, choose this option. If you succeed with the intelligence DC check, you will read the NPC’s thoughts and the achievement or trophy will unlock. Detect Thoughts is an option while talking with Arka in front of the cage holding Sazza in the Emerald Grove.


Earn a hundred gold from playing sweet, sweet music in a single playthrough.

After adding Bard class at level 1, you will earn the Musical Instrument Proficiency which will allow you to play instruments. Make sure an instrument is equipped, then stand near NPCs. Under the Common tab, select Perform and choose a song. As soon as you see the UI message saying “Performance Successful“, you can stop. After a few seconds, the NPCs will drop gold coins where you were playing. The larger the group, the more you will earn. Once you receive gold from an NPC, they will not pay attention to you again, so you can’t farm a crowd.

Performances may also be used as a distraction while the other party members sneak around. This achievement/trophy does not currently track properly in the achievement tracker, but it will unlock once you earn 100 gold.

Action Surge

Perform five attacks in one turn. Your enemies won’t know what hit them (literally).

As you level up your party certain classes will gain additional actions/attacks and bonus actions. Stack these 5x during one turn to unlock this achievement or trophy. The fighter class can earn this achievement by adding even more actions through Action Surge.



Create three unique alchemical solutions in a single playthrough – bottoms up!

While exploring the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, periodically hold the Alt key to see raw materials that can be picked up. Once you have enough, press the H key to enter the Alchemy menu. The bottom half of the menu are options for extracting materials, like salts. You first need to extract the crafting materials from the raw ones you found. Then, you can use those in crafting 3 different potions, elixirs, grenades, or coatings.

Forged in Blood and Fire

Craft an item in the Adamantine Forge.

The Adamantine Forge is located in the Underdark during Act 1. Work your way to the Underdark Beach and take the Underdark Duergar Boat to Grymforge. In the northeast corner, you will find a few Duergar heardmasters with 2 Deep Rothes trying to clear rubble to the forge. Either agree to help them, or convince the animals to attack and help free them. After that, get the animals to clear the rubble and follow the path.

Scattered around the area are weapon and armor moulds and Adamantine Ore. When you reach the forge, insert the mould you want to use in the Mould Chamber and place the Adamantine Ore in the Crucible. Then, pull the Forge Lever to lower the platform.

Ungroup and position your party on the circles since the rest of the area will flood with lava. Next, interact with the Lava Valve to start the flow. The first time you forge an item, you will need to fight Grym. Make sure you reopen the lava valve anytime it closes the valve. The lava needs to flow in order to damage Grym.

Once the battle is over pull the Forge Lever again to complete the process and walk over to the Mould Chamber and collect the gear. Make sure you pull the Mould Ejection Lever and collect the mould before leaving the area. When you’re finish, interact with the Platform Control button near the Forge Lever to return the platform to the top.

If you choose to forge another item, the forge will get stuck with the lava on the platform. To fix it, change to turn-based mode (Shift+Space) and end your turn a few times.


Just a Nibble

Let Astarion bite you – ouch.

Meet Astarion just southwest of where you land on the Ravaged Beach after the Nautiloid ship crashes. After he agrees to join your party or meet you at your camp, initiate a long rest at camp and he will sneak up on you and try to bite you. Don’t attack or scold him. Instead, agree to let him try your blood with “Fine. But not a drop more than you need.” After the biting sequence, you may choose persuasion or other dialog options to end the biting.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide for more details.

The Lich-Queen’s Wrath

Ally with Voss against the Githyanki God-Queen. Good luck.

Lae’zel will initially join your party onboard the Nautiloid ship. Shortly after crashing, she can be found just north of the Roadside Cliffs waypoint on your way to the Emerald Grove. Free her from the cage by damaging it.

Accompany her to the Rosymorn Monastery and the Creche below the monastery to progress her questline. As you leave the Mountain Pass to travel to the Moonrise Towers, the game will force a long rest at camp. There, Voss will approach your party and ask for help. Agree to meet him in Baldur’s Gate and convince Lae’zel that it is in her best interest (“He speaks true…“). The achievement/trophy will unlock as he leaves your camp.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide for more details.

Repairing the Weave

Stablise Gale’s Netherse orb.

Save Gale from a portal on the Ravaged Beach where you land after escaping the ship at the start of the game. Then, he will periodically ask that you give him a magic item that he can drain to satisfy his condition, so keep a few magic items on hand that are not needed. Over time he will reveal more details about what happened to him.

As you approach Moonrise Towers, you will come across a weary traveler, Elminster Aumar. Invite him to speak with you at camp and he will give Gale a Charm which will stabilize the Netherse orb.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide for more details.

To Bloom in Darkest Night

Gift Shadowheart a night orchid – her favourite flower. Always knew she was a softie.

Free Shadowheart from her pod at the start of the game while you are on the Nautiloid ship. The key is in the back of the room east of her location. Place the key in the console to release her. Then, wake her on the beach after the crash. As you venture forth with Shadowheart, more dialog options will open up. Eventually, you can ask her personal questions like:

  • “I want to get to know you more, Shadowheart.”
  • “What drew you to Shar worship?”
  • “Tell me something about yourself besides Shar, besides tadpoles.”

At that point, she will tell you about night orchids. You can respond with “You’ll have to point out night orchids to me if we ever pass some.” Doing so will unlock the potential of finding one with Shadowheart in your party.

As you explore the Ruined Battlefield in Act 2, keep an eye out for the Shadowed Battlefield waypoint. There is a night orchid next to the waypoint if you jump to the platform northwest of the waypoint with a staircase leading up. To the right of the stairs you can pick the orchid. Offer the night orchid to Shadowheart and the To Bloom in Darkest Night achievement or trophy will unlock.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide for more details.

Hot Date

Go on a date with Karlach – now that’s playing with fire.

Start in the Blighted Village and head northwest out of the village past the windmill (event there). Just after the windmill jump over a crack in the wall to the north and continue along the path until you jump over a broken bridge. Then, head east working your way down toward the river. Eventually, you will find Karlach on the south side of the river just across a log bridge where you can invite her to meet you at camp.

When you reach the Last Light Inn during Act 2, make sure you have Karlach in your party and talk to Dammon, the blacksmith. He will offer to fix and upgrade her Infernal Engine if you supply him with Infernal Iron. He will upgrade the engine a second time after a long rest, but the period between upgrades is vital for this achievement/trophy. You need to interact with Karlach and try to find a way to temporarily touch her (frost spell, water, etc.).

Once you reach the Lower City in Act 3, the date option will become available. Unfortunately, it will be completely locked out if you didn’t foster a relationship with her during the events of Act 2.

Refer to the for more details.


Break Wyll’s Pact with Mizora.

Talk with Wyll while he is training children to fight at the Tiefling Camp near Emerald Grove. Invite him to join your party or meet you at camp.

When you take a long rest in theRuined Battlefield,Mizorawill stop by your camp. This time, you may detect a way out of Wyll’s pact if yourperception checksucceeds.

You will find theprisonerto release just north of theTadpole Centerin theMind Flayer ColonyunderMoonrise TowersinAct 2. Free the prisoner to continue progressing Wyll’s questline.

After walking through Wyrm’s Rock, you will find Mizora on the other side of the bridge. Talk to her again and find out that Wyll’s father is attending the coronation. After defeating Gortash, speak to Mizora again. This time she will agree to meet at camp. When you return to camp, start a long rest and talk with Mizora. She will offer Wyll to extend his contract for a tempting reward or break it. Choose “Then break it already…” followed by “Break the pact Wyll…” to free Wyll from his contract and unlock the achievement or trophy.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide for more details.

Mind Blown

Romance the Emperor.

You will meet the Emperor while resting in Wyrm’s Lookout on your way to Baldur’s Gate at the end of Act 2. Later, when you enter the Astral Plane, side with the Emperor. When the Emperor offers a new tadpole to help you evolve, agree to it. Later, during a long rest, the Emperor will confide in you about its past. Choose encouraging/positive responses and offer to hold hands.

Once you reach the Lower City, there will be a quest marker on Elfsong Tavern to investigate the basem*nt. Head down there, clearing out the rats and press a button on the back left wall. Then, follow the prompting to go through the large doorway that opens in a cask. Inside you will discover the Emperor’s old hideout. Interact with each of its trinkets. Finally, when you take the next long rest, the Emperor will visit again. If you are encouraging, the achievement or trophy will unlock. You can skip the rest of the interaction after it unlocks.

Fighting Achievements

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Kill Two Birds with One Gnome

Use one enemy as an improvised weapon against another.

This achievement/trophy is a bit ambiguous. You can’t simply use an enemy to attack another enemy with an ability like “Throw”. You need to use Improvised Weapon to pick up an enemy and use it against another enemy. This should be done with a strength-based character with a good chance of succeeding with an athletics check. A good place to get this early on is in the Goblin Camp. There are 2 guards standing next to each other in the doorway of the camp.

Fists of Fury

Kill a character with an unarmed strike.

Take 1 level of the Monk class to unlock unarmed strike and remove you main and off-hand weapons. Then, use the unarmed strike ability to damage and kill an enemy. This can easily be earned against a goblin, kobold, or other weak enemies.

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Shove Off

Kill a creature with falling damage.

The enemies death must be caused by falling and landing on solid ground of into an abyss. Rivers don’t count. This can easily be acquired by going to the Rosymorn Monastery and walking up to the edge. Next, ungroup your party, place one character on the edge, and a second character next to them on the monastery-side. Then, cast Thunderwave to push them far enough off the edge that they cannot land on the ground below.

Punch Drunk

Defeat twenty opponents while a party character is drunk in a single playthough – down them.

This achievement/trophy is finicky. You will need at least one of your party members drunk when an enemy dies and repeat it 20 times. After consuming alcohol a debug timer will be added next to the character’s portrait. Keep an eye on this and refresh as needed to keep them under the influence while clearing out enemies. The alcohol effect is short, so you will need to continue consuming drinks, and Steam’s achievement tracker will take time to update, so it is tough to track progress.

A good place to earn this is during the quest, Lift the Shadow Curse, just outside Last Light Inn. You will find someone in the inn who is lying in bed singing. Defeat the Surgeon to return his broken lute, then have Halsin visit him. After that, accompany Halsin while he opens a portal. Waves of enemies will approach the portal, many with only 1 HP. Make sure you have 2 casters in your party with Fireball. Use your bonus action on each member of the party to drink alcohol every other turn and do as much AoE damage as you can to large groups of enemies.

Conditional Achievements

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Break out of prison after being arrested – aren’t you daring?

Steal items in public view and wait for the guards to be notified. Tried to talk your way out of it and fail until you are sent to jail. Once there, look for a weakness in the jail cell, jump to a lower/higher ledge, pick the lock, etc. to get out and the achievement or trophy will unlock.

Leave No One Behind

Save every tiefling refugee you can throughout the game in a single playthrough.

This achievement/trophy is one of the hardest to get right during your playthrough. Here is a rough list of tieflings and where to find them throughout the game. The bottom line is you need to make sure every tiefling in the game survives one way or another. Avoid going for this during your Dark Urge playthrough.

Emerald Grove: Act 1

  • Don’t kill Lae’zel’s captors.
  • Heal the tiefling being attacked by the bugbear.
  • Save the tiefling child from the snake in the druid grove.
  • Save the tiefling child from the harpies on the east coast.
  • Avoid bringing the battle with the goblins to the Emerald Grove.
  • Don’t let any tieflings die in combat.
  • Heal the tiefling in the storage room.
  • Roland’s adventurer group should stay to ensure the others survive to Act 2.

Last Light Inn: Act 2

  • Keep Isobel and the tieflings alive during the fight at the Last Light Inn.
  • Save the tieflings in Moonrise Towers Prison before finding the Nightsong.
  • Save Roland when he leaves to find his siblings.
  • Save Arabella and invite her to your camp. Then locate her parents’ bodies and follow Withers’ advice.
  • Save Zevlor from under Moonrise Towers in the Mind Flayer Colony.

Baldur’s Gate: Act 3

  • Meet the tieflings in the refugee camp.
  • Meet Alfira and Lakrissa in tavern.
  • Kill Lorrokaen and keep Roland alive during the fight.
  • Steal Mol’s contract from Raphael.


Bedrolls and Breakfast

Take four full long rests in a single playthrough – adventuring’s tiring work.

This achievement/trophy will unlock naturally during your playthrough. You will need to take long rests at camp in order to refill health, spells slots, and ability charges. Each long rest will require 40 camp supplies (food or supply packs). Don’t use alcohol for long rests until after Bottom’s Up unlocks (see below). When you initiate the 4th long rest, you will see a cutscene with the Dream Visitor and the achievement or trophy will pop.

Bottom’s Up

Long Rest using only alcohol – a time-honoured dwarfish tradition.

Save alcohol until you have enough to supply a long rest. Doing so will unlock this achievement or trophy and will free you up to use alcohol for Punch Drunk.


Recruit a hireling. You can befriend them or use them as cannon-fodder – we won’t judge.

After meeting Withers in the Dank Crypt during the Explore the Ruins quest near the start of the game, he will always be found in your camp. Talk with him after ungrouping and dismissing one of your party members so you have no more that 3 in your party (including yourself). Then ask about hirelings and purchase one for 100 gold.

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Fetch Quest

Play fetch with Scratch – the best boy in the Realms.

Find Scratch just outside the Blighted Village in Act 1. Interact with him and convince him to meet you at your camp. After taking multiple long rests at camp and petting Scratch, he will have an exclamation mark over his head. When you interact with him again, there will be a ball in his mouth that you can remove. Then, go into your inventory and select to Throw the ball near scratch. After he picks up the ball and brings it back to you, the achievement/trophy will pop.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions Guide for more details.

You Have Two Hands for a Reason

Pet Scratch and the Owlbear cub at the same time – the greatest joy an adventurer could ask for.

Find Scratch just outside the Blighted Village in Act 1. Interact with him and convince him to meet you at your camp.

You will first encounter the Owlbear cub in the Owlbear Nest in Act 1. If you kill the Owlbear, don’t kill the cub. When you reach the Goblin Camp, the goblins will be playing a chicken game with the cub. Participate in the game and help it complete the course. After you wipe out the goblins and take multiple long rests, the cub will approach you in your camp. Offer it food, but be ready for Gale to accidently scare it away.

The next time you take a long rest, the Owlbear cub will return with a wounded paw. Take care of it and the cub will decide to stay at camp. The next long rest, you will wake up to find Scratch and the Owlbear cub next to each other. Pet Scratch, then pet the cub for the achievement or trophy to pop.

Refer to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Owlbear Cub Guide for more details.

Exploration Achievements

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Rude, Crude, and full of Attitude

Find and summon the quasit Shovel. Or is her name… Fork? Maybe Basket?

Enter the cellar under the southeast building in Blighted Village and pull the lever hidden behind some crates. Open the Mouldering Casket to your right as you enter the chamber and collect the Scroll of Summon Quasit. Give it to a magic user, like Gale, and cast the spell to summon Shovel and unlock the achievement/trophy.

Dig for Victory

Dig up five buried chests in a single playthrough – treasure!

As you explore the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, your party members will notice mounds of dirt throughout the world. If you are carrying a shovel, you can dig up the treasure chest and collect its contents.


Read 100 different books in a single playthrough. Adventuring isn’t just daring quests, you know.

During your playthrough, you will find many books and documents by searching stacks of books, rows of books, and book shelves. You don’t need to collect the books. Simply select the book and choose to read it 100 times with different book titles.

That’s it for the Baldur’s Gate 3 achievements & trophies guide. Please post any questions or comments below. Thanks.

Baldur's Gate 3 Achievements & Trophies Guide - Tigore's Tips (2024)
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