Chapter 1: CHAPTER ONE
Chapter Text
The soft voice of someone she didn’t recognize filtered into her dream, making it less enjoyable… “Excuse me…” it said. “Excuse me miss!”
“Wha-…” Arcane gasped as she jolted awake in her seat, looking quickly at her surroundings. Her eyes finally focusing on the flight attendant standing to her left.
“Oh I’m sorry!” she said quickly “I didn’t want to frighten you, it’s just that the plane will be landing soon, so we need you all to put your seats in an upright position…” She gestured at the two ladies who were fast asleep next to Arcane. The closest one snoring quite loudly and wearing an eye cover.
“I’ll wake them up” Arcane said sheepishly to the flight attendant, who nodded and then proceeded down the hall to wake others who were still asleep. Arcane rubbed her eyes with a sigh and reached over to tap the woman to her right.
“Mrs. Morton...” she said as she grabbed the woman’s shoulder, “Mrs. Morton there are gnomes in the green house!” Arcane said, shaking the woman.
“JARVEY!” Mrs. Morton shrieked as she leaned up, looking around with her eye cover still on. “Huh?” she grunted, taking the mask off and looking at Arcane, “What’s wrong?”
“We’ll be landing soon, they said to put our seats upright,” Arcane explained.
“We’re here already?” Morton yawned as she straightened her seat. “That was fast.”
“Well we did sleep most of the flight, so…”
“Greta!” Morton hissed at the woman next to the window as she shook her awake. “Wake up, we’re here!”. Greta mumbled something Arcane didn’t hear as she straightened herself. Shortly after a voice came over the intercom saying that the descent will begin soon and for everyone to be seated correctly with their seatbelts fastened.
“I love the way how these lift offs and landings make your belly tingle” Mrs. Morton smiled at Arcane wiggling her chubby fingers.
“I think I prefer a boat,” Arcane said, clenching her seat as the plane began to descend, her ear popping as they grew closer to the ground.
With a slight bump they landed and people on the plane began to shift and speak excitedly. As soon as the plane turned off the runway a woman’s voice came over the intercom: “Ladies and gentlemen welcome to London city airport, local time is 11:27pm, temperature is 23 C °…”
“Sherry!” a woman called from across the hall at Mrs. Morton leaned forward to see past Arcane.
“yeah?” she asked.
“Do you have the list of what we need from Diagon alley? I can’t find it in my bag” she said as she looked through a small satchel she had carried on board, Arcane noticed that the man who was sitting behind her tilted his head at the mention of Diagon alley , probably unsure if he heard right.
“Carmen has it in hers, remember?” Mrs. Morton said, pointing over her shoulder to the seat behind them, “She was the one to do the last check.”
“Oh that’s right,” the woman said putting her palm on her forehead, “Never mind then”.
“You’re going to Diagon alley?” Arcane asked in a low voice trying to avoid the man from hearing their conversation.
“Oh yeah,” Mrs. Morton agreed “We have to buy food and other supplies before heading off to the world cup”.
Arcane thought about the time for a moment as the plane came to a halt. “Could I come to Diagon alley with all of you? It’s still early…”
“Nice try Arcane, but you know darn well that the answer is no. ” Mrs. Morton smirked. “We’ll all get on the bus together, but you’re going to get off at your correct stop alright? That’s what your mother wanted.” She finished with a quick pat on Arcane’s hand.
“Excuse me! Excuse me! Old woman coming through!” A voice called down the aisle, growing louder as the speaker got closer. Arcane turned to see Matron Agnes shuffling near.
“You three!” She called at them sternly, “What are you waiting for? Get you butts up already, we’re in London!” She laughed as she gave a smile that made her face wrinkle like a Shar pei dog.
Quickly the three of them grabbed their things and followed Matron Agnes off the plane and through the airport. Arcane imagined that traveling overseas was tiring, but doing it with a group of almost twenty people who were fascinated by every little thing was even worse.
“Look at what they’re wearing mum! ” a little boy laughed as they passed. Arcane, being stuck on a plane for about nine hours, had almost forgotten the choice in clothing the women she was traveling had chosen. She didn’t worry much about herself, but as she looked around she noticed how everyone else was wearing only what someone who had no idea of what No-maj fashion would wear.
“Hurry up girls,” Agnes called from the front “Our magic is making us stand out…”
“Yeah, our magic.” Arcane snorted as people around them stared and pointed at the group's clothing.
After battling to get through London’s packed airport, Arcane felt glad to step out into a warm summer’s day. A faint breeze passed, making the leaves in the trees rustle. Large clouds were spread about the sky, though none showed a hint of rain.
“Good thing it’s not raining” One of the ladies said as they made it out of the airport. “I got a perm yesterday” she mentioned as she twisted a lock of her auburn hair around her finger.
“A what?” asked another from the group.
“It’s a No-maj trick,” the red-head mentioned. “Makes your hair stay curly for a long time.”
“and why would you want that?” Carmen asked unbelievingly “It’s heinous, like having a bird’s nest on your head!” She complained as she shook her head making her tight coils bounce around.
“Quickly ladies!” Agnes called as they quickly crossed the road and filed down a sidewalk until they found a small walkway that led off the main street they had been walking next too. The walkway had no trees, was cracked and was laid out in an unnecessary zigzag that only made it longer but none the less the women walked on it, Arcane crossing the patches of dirt rather than following the sidewalk, until they met a suburban street filled with houses which all looked the same to the right, along with a building that Arcane imagined was a No-Maj school. They continued the walk down the street, with much complaint from some, until, as though walking out of a rose tinted world, their surroundings became industrial, with garbage bins filled to the brim and the smell of sewage in the air. They found a small alleyway between an apartment complex and a building that Arcane could not tell if it was a home or not.
“Perfect!” Agnes sighed in delight “In here ladies, someone call the bus, please.”
Everyone huddled together in the alley way as quickly as they could, someone hitting Arcane accidentally in the stomach as they did so. Arcane had heard about them traveling on a bus once they got to London, but she hadn’t fully understood how one bus was supposed to take them both to Diagon alley and Essex, which is where Arcane was told she was due to go.
“Um… Matron Agnes?” Arcane began “about the bus…”
“I’m on it!” Squealed a younger witch that was from Georgia that everyone called Dottie. She skipped out of the alley to the edge of the sidewalk, pulled out her wand and with a whistle worthy of a New Yorker she pointed it in the air as if signaling a cab. As soon as she did, a loud bang echoed down the alley way and empty road as a purple triple decker bus screeched to a halt right in front of them.
A man with a uniform the same shade of purple as the bus hopped down, his large protruding ears and pimples raised as he smiled in amazement.
“Blimey! You lot are quite the load,” He said taking a look at the group “ ‘etter put the cloak on Ern” he called looking up at what Arcane assumed was the driver’s window. “Let’s get you ladies aboard, eh” he said with a weak smile until his eyes fell upon Dottie, he then proceeded to quickly take off his cap.
“ ‘elp with your luggage miss?” He offered as he put his cap back on and reached down to pick up Dottie’s overly large suitcase. He grunted as he tried to heave the case aboard, his entire face going red in the process.
“Oh please!” groaned Agnes, rolling her eyes and with a flick of her wand everyone’s luggage flew aboard. The young man’s face remained red, though Arcane believed the reason to be more embarrassment than strain.
“So,” The young man cleared his throat before he continued “’er you ladies from?”
Some of the younger witches in the group giggled but stopped after a stern look from Mrs. Morton as she climbed on the bus along with Arcane. Arcane, who had ridden on the No-maj buses with her mom sometimes when they went into town, had an idea of what buses should look like, and this one… was not what she expected. Unlike seats of a normal bus, this one just had random chairs varying in forms and sizes, there was everything from a wheelchair to a wooden one that you would find at a kitchen table. None of them bolted or even merely fastened to the floor, however the bus did have what seemed the correct copy of the rods for people to hold upon to when standing up on the bus. Something in her gut told her to take her chance standing rather than sitting down, she suggested Mrs. Morton do the same, unlike Greta who planted herself on a cozy velvet loveseat.
“ ‘mericans?! You lot be comin’ for the Quidditch ‘orld cup I suppo- oof!”
Everyone let out a quick gasp as the bus took off with jolt and a loud BANG, making Greta fly backwards along with her seat .
“The ‘orld cup” The young man finished as he regained his balance.
“That’s right,” Dottie said with a smile.
“Came all the way from Salem.” Agnes preened.
“Blimey…” The man said, raising his eyebrows, “I don’t know where that is” he shrugged clearly not impressed. “So, you all family or ‘omethin?”
“We’re a witches’ institute,” said a darker skinned woman that Arcane recognized to be around Matron Agnes frequently.
“The Salem Witches Institute!” Called one of the younger women in the back.
“Right,” The dark skinned woman agreed, “We help young witches in need, let that be with their studies, work, stuff like that, making sure they’re safe and have a shot at greatness.” The woman beamed.
“So you lot be called The Salem Sisters ?” the man teased.
“Nah, that’s a different group.” Arcane laughed. Everyone turned to look at her confused.
“Nevermind,” She mumbled.
“Say…” The man started as he tilted his head and looked at her, “You look familiar”.
“Do I?” Arcane asked.
“Yeah,” He answered, “ ‘ave you come on the bus befo’” he asked.
“No, I’ve never even been to England before” Arcane lied.
“Hm,” The man grunted curiously as he picked something out of his teeth with his tongue, “What’s your name?”
“Arcane,” she answered, “yours?”
“Stan.” He told her, still looking at her intently, “What’s your last name?”
“Aren’t you a bit old to be asking young girls their personal information?” Arcane questioned as she raised an eyebrow. Stan’s ears immediately went red.
“W-well I ‘idn’t mean to pry…” he said quickly before scratching his head nervously. “Anyways!” he clapped, “ ‘er you ladies of’to? Price is ‘leven sickles ‘gardless o’ distanc- ‘ank you ma’am” he said as the ladies began to hand him their coins.
“Here,” Mrs. Morton said to Arcane as she handed her a coin pouch, “That’s for emergencies, alright? You know what to do in case what your mom has planned don’t work, right?”. Arcane nodded.
“You got your No-Maj money? The British type?” Morton questioned.
“Yeah,” Arcane said, patting her small backpack she was carrying.
“Right on,” Morton nodded as Stan came up to them to give them their tickets, still shooting glances at her every once and a while.
“Alrigh’ ‘veryone got their ‘ickets, now… Where too?” Stan asked walking to stand behind the driver, who Arcane notices was sitting in an armchair rather than a seat made for a vehicle.
“The Leaky Cauldron” Answered Agnes with her wrinkly smile.
“You heard ‘em Ern” Stan called to the driver “Leaky Cauldron!”.
Arcane tightened her grip as the bus, with a great lurch, began to go even faster than it had been, the seats sliding toward the back, occasionally crashing into one another. Arcane looked outside the window to see what was mostly a blur of colors, she noticed that the large bus swerved around cars with ease, and things such as lampposts and stop-lights moved out of the way.
“Cool” she whispered under her breath.
“So you all be s’portin Ireland?” Stan asked.
“Most of us…” Agreed Agnes who shot a quick look a Dottie.
“You’re not s’portin Ireland Miss?” Stan asked her in disbelief, “y’know Lynch ‘as been promoted to ‘aptain in the last year, ‘ight?”
“Oh I know sweetness” Dottie said playfully, “but Bulgaria be havin’ the best darn Seeker in the world right now” she finished as she crossed her legs.
“Well…” Stan started, Arcane could tell he was trying to gain the courage to say something, “How ‘bou a wager then?” He said quickly, his ears going slightly red. “If Ireland wins per’aps, on my day off I can ‘ake Miss for a drink?”.
Arcane heard as a few of the women in the group made a slight ooh sound.
Dottie chuckled sweetly, the apples of her cheeks flushing pink.
“Nice try darlin’ but I didn’t come here to flirt.” she said.
“Yeah right!” Laughed Carmen, “You even got your hair did!”
“Okay…” Dottie laughed as she fluffed her curls, “Maybe I did come to flirt a bit, but not here, at the world cup!”.
“What are you after? The Bulgarian players?” Greta asked.
“Of course not!” Dottie assured, “but there’s Ministry men there, right?”
“But, the men from the ministry ought to be busy with security an’ all,” Stan mentioned quickly, still hopeful.
“Exactly…So I bet their wives are bored” Dottie said with a wink.
Arcane noticed how silent Stan was towards their group for the rest of the ride, and spoke only to greet others as they got on and off.
“Leaky cauldron!” he called as the bus came to an abrupt halt, sending all of the seats flying forward.
“Finally!” Matron Agnes complained as she heaved herself out of her chair with help from the dark skinned woman. “Grab your things ladies, and don’t forget to say goodbye to Arcane before you get off” she said as she shuffled towards her.
Arcane leaned down to give the woman a quick hug.
“Take care you Muppet,” Agnes laughed. “Do something great…and then say we helped, ha!”
The rest of the women came to hug Arcane, giving her quick advice as they did.
“Stay out of trouble” “Pay attention in school” “Brush your hair more often” “Come and see us when you can”.
“Try and straighten your hair just once,” Dottie suggested as she ran her fingers through Arcane’s wavy black hair, “Oh, and try silver makeup! It’ll make your gray eyes pop” she finished with a pinch on Arcane’s cheek before heading out the door.
“I guess that just leaves me,” Mrs. Morton smiled softly as she wrapped Arcane in her arms. “Oh child, you take care of yourself… Do good in school and all that jazz”.
“I will,” Arcane answered, squeezing Morton a bit.
“If anything happens, you're welcome to come back with us, I’ll come get you.” Morton told her. Arcane nodded and waved as everyone got off and the bus took off again.
“So now ‘ere” Stan asked Arcane cautiously.
“Oh yeah, hold on” she said as she opened her backpack and pulled out a small piece of paper, “Um… I need to go to… Wivenhoe? I guess it’s near Colch-”
“Wivenhoe Ern!” called Stan ignoring Arcane, his personality severely changed now that Dottie wasn’t around.
Arcane had changed the time on her watch before getting on the plane, so she saw it was about twenty past twelve when they seemed to be entering a small fishing town. Soon the bus came to a stop on a small road in which such a large bus should not have been able to fit in.
“ ‘er you go,” Stan said lazily, “ ‘ivenhoe town, thank you for choosing the knight bu,” he paused,
“You traveled to ‘ngland with no luggage?”
“I got everything I need,” Arcane said as she patted her backpack as she made her way to the door. Stan looked at her up and down quizzically.
“ ‘ere you goin’ anyway? ‘ow come you ‘idn’t stay with ‘em ladies?” he asked.
“Are you always so nosey?” Arcane responded as she walked down the steps and off the bus.
“hmph! Americans” Stan muttered before turning to the driver, “Take it away Ern!”.
“yeah Ern take i’daway!” called a voice from what seemed an odd yarn ball that was hanging from the driver’s rear view mirror. Just as the bus took off in reverse it turned and Arcane would have sworn it had a face.
She shrugged and began to walk out of the dead end road until she reached a large two-way street. The sign plastered on the side of a house on the road she had just came out of read Phillip RD.
“Okay…” she spoke to herself, “Now which way do I go?”. To her right she saw a post office and felt a sort of relief as she decided to go inside and ask.
“Hello?” she called as she walked in.
“Yes! Hello!” called a voice from the back, shortly after an awkward looking boy with lanky figure, braces, shaved head, a striped shirt along with some pants that reminded Arcane of MC hammer came out from the back with a stamp still on his sleeve.
“Letter or package?” He asked.
“Neither,” Arcane said, “I’m lost and need directions” She explained while holding up the piece of paper she still had in her hand with the address.
“err- yeah, I can help, let me see” He said as he grabbed the paper that Arcane handed him.
“Brilliant! You’re close” The young man told her, “You just walk up high street,” He motioned with his hand, “It’s the street to your left after you pass the church”.
“After the church,” Arcane repeated as she took the paper back from the young man.
“Right,” he said as he noticed the stamp on his sleeve and took it off, “You jus’ passin’ through or are you stayin’ in Wivenhoe?”
“Dunno,” Arcane shrugged “Hasn’t been decided yet”.
“Right,” the boy answered.
“Well, I guess I’ll be going then,” Arcane suggested as she pointed to the door over her shoulder with her thumb.
“A- alrigh’” The boy agreed awkwardly, “Y- your accent… American, it’s nice!” He stammered quickly.
“Thanks.” Arcane said as she walked out the door. Following the instructions that were given to her she walked up what the kid had said was called High Street , looking at all the terraced houses which on the outside looked identical, she walked until she got to what said was a church on the left-hand side.
Surprisingly it was closed with a large metal gate, so Arcane only took a quick glance, disappointed at how new the building looked. Then continued up the street until she met what was called De Vere Ln.
She turned down the lane looking at all of the houses for the number marked on the address, at the end of the lane there was a small dirt road, to the right a line of about three or four houses and to the left what seemed like a large grass park. Arcane could see the house at the very end and had a feeling, like a tingle, making her believe that she should go check it.
One of the houses on the way down had a dog in their driveway, which barked profusely at Arcane as she passed, dashing forward with its teeth bared. With a quick squeal Arcane grabbed a rock and threw it at the animal, hitting it on top of the head, it let out a whimper before heading back under its owner’s car.
“Damn mutt” Arcane mumbled as she shook the dirt off her hands.
Just as she suspected, at the very end of the dirt road was a somewhat hidden detached two-story house with the number Arcane had been looking for, nailed to the wall in gold letters right next to the doorway. With caution in case of another dog Arcane made her way up to the front door and rang the doorbell.
“Coming!” called someone from inside the house. Arcane listened as heavy footsteps approached the door, soon the doorknob turned and a fair-haired blonde, big-bellied man opened the door.
He gasped once his eyes landed on Arcane and made the motion to take a step back but stopped himself.
“C- can I help you Miss?” He asked apprehensively.
“Um… yeah,” Arcane said, “Is Andromeda Tonks home?”.
Chapter 2: CHAPTER TWO
I have decided i will be uploading new chapters every Monday and Friday
stay tuned...
Chapter Text
Arcane waited patiently in the lounge as the man who had opened the door went to fetch, whom Arcane assumed was his wife. She pulled an old-styled letter from her backpack, it was still closed with a wax seal, the family crest pressed into it. Arcane was glad the seal hadn’t broken during the trip, since she had been told that trouble would come if it was opened by anything else except Andromeda’s hand. Curious of who this Andromeda person was, Arcane walked about the lounge observing the many photos that were distributed about. She found a moving one where the man who had opened the door looked younger, and exceptionally thinner. He smiled while waving at the camera before turning to look at the woman next to him, who Arcane assumed was Andromeda, she had long brown hair tied in a loose side-braid, her doe-like eyes looked slightly tired, but smiled dearly at the baby in her arms, which to Arcane’s surprise had bright blue hair.
Hushed voices carried into the room from the hallway, as Arcane drew closer she could hear the man saying something to his wife, but she couldn’t make out the words, nor the response of the women. Arcane only heard the wife ask him “serious?” before the footsteps flew towards the lounge. Arcane quickly backed away before the woman came flying into the room, her eyes met with Arcane’s and she let out a quick gasp, before composing herself.
“Er… C- can I help you dear?” Andromeda asked apprehensively.
“Are you Andromeda Tonks?” Arcane replied, feeling suddenly nervous.
“I am.” The woman nodded, clearly confused about Arcane’s accent. “Do we know each other?” she asked.
“No,” Arcane answered. “But I believe you knew my mom.” Arcane held up the letter and extended her arm towards Andromeda. “I was told to give that directly to you,” she added.
Andromeda took the letter cautiously as the blonde man lingered in the doorway. She sent him a quick, confused glance, he nodded at her reassuringly and motioned for her to open the letter.
Her eyes widened when she noticed the crest pressed into the wax and with a quick glance at Arcane she proceeded to open the letter and begin to read.
The color faded from her skin as her eyes darted across the pages, a hand flying to cover her mouth to prevent the gasp that was forming as she read it for a third time, she then quickly signaled her husband.
“Edward…” Her voice quivered. “Read this.” She told him, holding out the letter for him to view. A reaction similar to his wife, the blonde man stared at Arcane in what it seemed was horror.
“It can’t be…” He whispered to his wife.
“I know…” Andromeda whispered back even though Arcane could hear them well. “But just look at her Ted.”
“It’s been years Dromeda… Don’t you think we would have known by now?” Edward soothed.
“Yes but… It was Cassandra, maybe…” Andromeda stopped speaking when she caught sight of Arcane who had begun to play with the ring on her finger. The ring had once belonged to Arcane’s mother, passed down to her by a relative Arcane didn’t know. All that she did know was that the ring took form depending on who wore it. She remembered when her mother had worn it, the metal twisted around her finger like vines, leaves and small flowers decorating around the somewhat tear shaped Amber colored gemstone that sat in the center, reminding Arcane of dirigible plums.
“What did you say your name was dear?” Andromeda asked, her eyes flickering from Arcane’s face to the ring.
“Arcane…” she replied uncomfortably.
“Where did you get that ring from Arcane?” Andromeda asked, pointing at the piece of jewelry.
“Um… My mom gave it to me.” Arcane replied, covering the ring slightly with her right hand.
Ted and Andromeda exchanged a look.
“Can you make that stone do anything, Arcane?” The woman asked curiously.
“Um, yeah…” Arcane shrugged “I can make it change colors kind of.”
“Show us!” Andromeda blurted, then caught herself. “Please.” She finished calmer.
“Okay…” Arcane agreed, confused by the attention they had been putting on her ring instead of the letter. Truly Arcane never liked her ring, as her mother’s ring form had been like a piece of fruit, lively and sweet, Arcane’s ring made her feel slightly uncomfortable. Instead of flowery vines, a snake wrapped around Arcane’s middle finger, the amber gem within its coils, which Arcane could never tell if they were there to protect or crush it.
None the less Arcane looked at her ring as she passed her right hand over it.
“ Persevero ad superandum ” she said.
Slowly the amber color faded from the gem until it was completely clear, looking no different than a diamond. For a moment Andromeda looked as if she’d seen a ghost, Edward who was still next her, patted her shoulder gently.
“Amazing…” He said in disbelief.
“Not really.” Arcane shrugged. “It’s just a color changing ring.”
“It bloody well is not!” Andromeda laughed nervously as she grasped Arcane’s hand. “This ring, it had a different form, correct?! A plait of some sort, with flowers!” she asked. Arcane nodded confused.
“This!” Andromeda shook Arcane’s hand slightly. “Is no color changing ring ,” she mocked. “This is a family heirloom! A McKinnon family heirloom! It will only change for one with McKinnon blood, be its form or color.”
“How do you know this?” Edward asked his wife warily.
“Cassandra mentioned it many times while I was with her in the safe house, though I never understood why until now” Andromeda laughed as she explained.
“Come on Dromeda,” Edward said to his wife. “The McKinnon’s have been dead for years; you saw what they did to Marlene…”
“Edward look at this child and tell me you don’t see the resemblance!” Andromeda snapped, letting go of Arcane’s hand.
“I see it Dromeda! She looks like a bloody photograph, but you know what this means don’t you?” Edward asked sternly. “I’m not against it, but are you ready to be part of what this would involve?”
“What do you expect me to do Ted? Throw her out on the street?!” Andromeda hissed.
“No!” Edward answered, as he ran a hand through his hair. “No, I don’t want that, love”
“You got in this morning, dear?” Andromeda asked Arcane who nodded in response.
“Merlin, that’s a long trip! Have you eaten anything?” Andromeda asked concerned.
“I had some peanuts on the plane.” Arcane answered.
“Are you hungry?” Andromeda asked quickly. Arcane’s stomach answered for her and Edward stifled a laugh. Andromeda checked her watch.
“It’s too early for dinner” She said with a frown. “How about I make you a sandwich as my husband takes you upstairs to unpack?” she offered.
“After that ‘ow about you take a quick bath an’ we all head down to the greyhound for dinner?” Edward suggested with a pleading look at his wife, who tried her best not to smile.
“Ted…” she began.
“Oh come on Dromeda, if I were you after all this…” He gestured around with his hands. “I wouldn’t want to cram myself in the kitchen.” He teased.
“Fine,” Andromeda sighed as she turned to look at Arcane once more. “I have cold tea in the fridge, but I can make you some hot mint tea if you’d like.”
“Cold if fine.” Arcane answered, her mind was feeling a bit slow as she tried to understand how quickly these people had gone from reading a letter to welcoming here to unpack.
“She can stay in Dora’s old room, right love?” Edward asked as his wife made her way out of the room.
“Yes dear,” Andromeda answered after pondering a moment “It’s nicer than the guest room… Now excuse me love,” she said to Arcane. “I must send a few owls, then I’ll bring you your meal.” She winked then disappeared down the corridor.
“Dora hasn’t come to stay, so the room’s been empty for a bit.” Edward explained as they made their way up the stairs to the second floor.
“Is Dora your daughter?” Arcane asked.
“Our one and only!” Laughed Edward. “Big handful she was growing up, but wicked talented. Works in the ministry now she does.”
“Really?” Arcane asked, a bit surprised. “What department?”
“Auror, I believe.” Edward answered as they turned down a hallway. “Born for the job I say, got one of those funny gifts, she can change everything on her down to ‘er fingerprints!”
“She’s a metamorphmagus!” Arcane exclaimed in disbelief.
“I would call ‘er more of a pain in the arse…Anyway!” Edward clapped as he turned the knob and opened the door at the end of the hall. “It’s pretty much the same as Dora left it, you can change it a bit if yo’ike,” He gestured Arcane to walk in.
The room was larger than the one Arcane had had when she was living with her mother. The walls were painted a frightful mulberry color, which was barely visible under the amount of posters that had been stuck to the wall, both wizard and No-Maj bands that Arcane recognized and even liked some herself. On the far side of the room was a fair sized bay window, with a sitting nook that was hidden under clothing that Arcane assumed that the owner had left behind. A medium sized bed in the corner of the room near the window was covered in a variety of different toned green blankets. On the wall above the bed, a large yellow and black banner was pinned. A badger in the middle of it, with the word Hufflepuff underneath.
“Dora wasn’t the tidiest lass,” Edward mentioned as Arcane observed the desk near the door covered in candy wrappers and knick-knacks, along with the wardrobe in the opposite corner of the bed that had drawers open with clothes still sticking out.
“It’s fine,” Arcane told him “What should I do with the stuff she left behind?”
“Well you’re a bit plump to fit any of ‘er bottoms” Edward said lightly as he made way to the wardrobe, not noticing as Arcane passed a hand across her hips self-consciously. “But you’re welcome to see if there’s any of her tops you like, how about we toss the clothing on the bed an’ run through ‘em.”
“yeah, okay” Arcane mumbled.
“Name’s Edward by the way,” he said as he took a bulk of clothing out of the wardrobe. “You call me Ted though, most do.” He paused before setting the clothing down. His sight on the bed.
“I suppose the bed ought to be a bit dusty,” He said, scratching his head. “No one’s used it in a couple years now.”
“Should we wash them?” Arcane asked, gesturing the blankets.
“Nah,” Ted said pulling out his wand. “We’ll just dust ‘em”
With his right hand Ted pointed the wand towards the bed and with a swift movement of the wrist he called. “Pulvis away!”
The blankets raised as if being hung on a line, then clouds of dust busted out of them as though being beat with invisible dusting racquets.
“Oi!” called Ted in surprise as he tried to fan the dust away before sneezing loudly. Arcane tried to contain a cough as she ran to the bay windows and opened them. She picked a shirt from the floor and began to use it to fan the dust outside the window, Ted copied her letting go of the bulk he had originally been holding and began to fan with a magenta coloured blouse Arcane knew from first glance she wouldn’t be keeping.
“Sorry,” he apologized after the dust had cleared. “I’ve never ‘een the best at cleaner magic, Dromeda does most of it.”
“Right.” Arcane laughed, picking the clothes from the window sitting nook and placing them on the bed after the blankets settled themselves back down.
“Well… You can start putting your own stuff in ‘ere now if yo’like,” Ted said as he pulled the last amount of clothing out of the wardrobe and placed it on the bed. “I…” He paused. “I didn’t see you bring a trunk or anything with you.”
“Oh, it’s that I brought everything in my backpack,” she explained as she swung it off her shoulder and opened it. Under the small pouch of money Mrs. Morton had given her laid red Potli purse decorated with golden flower embroidery at the bottom that Arcane always thought a bit excessive. The purse was sphere shaped and fitted exactly in Arcane’s hand as she pulled it out of her backpack.
“You real took on when they said travel light, eh?” Ted teased.
“It’s easy to Travel light with magic,” Arcane said plainly as she opened the purse, reaching inside nearly shoulder deep.
“Oh!” Ted exclaimed in surprise. “A bag with an extension charm, that’s useful,” he laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah,” Arcane replied as she pulled out a wooden doll from the bag.
“Merlin’s beard! What is that?” He asked catching sight of the dolls peculiar face.
“It’s a Kachina doll,” Arcane told him as she made room on the desk to place the doll. “A friend from the Hopi tribe made it for me.” Arcane explained.
“Interesting looking thing, isn’t it?” Ted asked as he looked at it more intently.
“Yeah,” Frownd Arcane, a sudden sadness in her heart. Ted busied himself with the clothing, clearly trying not to let Arcane realize he noticed.
Ted summoned a garbage bag from down stairs and then he proceeded to help Arcane pick up the various candy wrappers that were scattered about the bedroom and under the bed. It seemed Ted’s daughter had both a sweet tooth for No-Maj and wizard candies. The papers that they found were put into a box in case Dora wanted to go through them later. Leaving Arcane to sort out the clothing with the help of Ted, who decided that whichever clothing Arcane didn’t want would be donated to the town's local second-hand store if they weren’t stained, which most of them were.
“So…” Ted started after being silent for a bit. “You being here and all... Means your mum, she’s really…. Passed on?”
“Yeah,” Arcane answered softly. “A little after Easter.”
“I’m sorry,” Ted said with a sad smile. “I didn’t know y’ur mother all that well, Dromeda was the one who knew ‘er. I met your aunt Marlene tho’!” he mentioned. “Fierce woman, fought by ‘er side on occasion, could endure ‘bout anything she could.”
“It’s in the family,” Arcane said as she folded a blouse.
“What?” Ted asked confused for a moment.
“She means it’s the family motto, love” Andromeda explained as she entered the room with a plate of bite-sized sandwiches and a glass of ice tea she had brought from downstairs. “The phrase you heard her say when she changed her ring…” She continued. “That’s the McKinnon Family motto, Persevero ad superandum.”
“What does it mean?” Ted asked, eyeing the sandwiches.
“In English it would translate directly to English as persevere to overcome,” Arcane explained. “But that’s not exactly what the family meant. It was supposed to follow the English phrase endure to overcome.”
“I see,” Ted answered surprised. “And how do you know this?”
“My mom told me.” Arcane replied as she continued to fold clothes.
“Right,” nodded Ted. “And did your mum ever speak to you about your fathe-”
“Try the tea love!” Andromeda interrupted, saying quickly to Arcane. “I try not to make it too sweet because of Ted’s health, but I can add more sugar if you like.”
“Thanks,” said Arcane, taking a sip of the drink, a tingling sensation went down her throat as she drank her body feeling slightly numb as she took a small sandwich from the plate. Arcane supposed it was jet lag, though she found it strange since the time difference was not extreme. “It tastes good,” she told Andromeda who’d been waiting expectantly for a reply.
“How ‘bout we finish this all up, ‘en we can see ‘bout that dinner.” Ted suggested.
“I don’t want to go out for dinner,” Arcane blurted out, suddenly she felt a bit embarrassed about saying it. “It’s just…” She continued anyway. “I really want to unpack by myself, you both are being really nice, but this is awkward.”
Edward looked taken aback, not knowing what to say he looked at his wife, who to his surprise smiled widely.
“I understand dear, I’ll leave these on the desk here,” Andromeda said as she put down the sandwiches on the desk. “Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself, dear?”.
“I don’t know how to swim.” Arcane confessed.
Andromeda's smile widened a bit more.
“Don’t worry love, neither do I.” She said with a wink before grasping Ted’s hand and leaving the room.
Chapter Text
Arcane quickly got used to being at the Tonks house, as each day went by she found it easier to open up and tell them about herself, her mother and the life she had lived before coming to Great Britain. Ted let it slip on the second day that the name Arcane was a bit hard to shorten into a nickname and asked her if she had another name that he could use.
“Nesrin,” Arcane told him, blushing slightly, she had never been a fan of her middle name.
“Oh! So you’re lil’ Nessie ‘en!” Ted laughed.
“You can’t call her after the Loch Ness monster Ted!” Andromeda objected with a smile.
“I don’t mind,” Arcane confessed, remembering that was how her mother would call her from time to time.
Ted and Andromeda were quite different in Arcane’s eyes, but clearly they adored one another. Compared to Andromeda, Ted was a bit of a slob, however Arcane enjoyed being around him rather than squeaky-clean Andromeda, who much to her displeasure, had splashed water on the floor due to the scare the large crash in the laundry room had caused her.
“Get it Ted!” Arcane shrieked with joy.
“It’s heading to the living room!” Ted yelled as he skidded out of the laundry room, Arcane at his heels. “Let’s corner it there!” he added while they bustled down the hallway, nearly plowing into the front door as it opened.
“Mum, I’m he- AHH!” Called a young woman with bright pink hair as she dodged Arcane who was running right behind Ted.
“Don’t let it get away!” Ted screeched, throwing himself to the floor and reaching under the sofa as Arcane peered under it.
“Hello darling!” Andromeda called as she peeked her head into the corridor from the kitchen. “Leave the door open!”.
“What’s going on?” The young woman asked as she took off the round pair of sunglasses she had been wearing and walked towards the kitchen.
“A Knarl got into the house.” Andromeda chuckled. “They’re trying to catch it without magic.”
“Sounds like fun,” the woman smiled as she sat down. A loud squeal echoed down the hall, preceded by a loud “It bit me!” from Ted.
“Your father is definitely enjoying himself.” Andromeda said to the young woman as she shook her head and smiled.
“I GOT IT!” Hollered Arcane from the lounge.
“Aha!” Ted laughed “Take it to the garden, quickly!”
Arcane ran down the hallway, her arms stretched in front of her as the Knarl struggled to get free from her grasp. As soon as she made it into the backyard she set the hedgehog looking creature in the grass, where it hissed viciously at her before scurrying off.
“There we go!” Arcane reported, dusting her hands on her pants.
“Nice job Nessie,” Ted wheezed as he gave her a thumbs up. “Wotcher Dora” Ted greeted his daughter with a quick hug before sitting down and wiping the sweat off his face.
“Wotcher pops,” she responded, before turning to Arcane with a curious eye. “This her mum?” she asked.
“Hi,” Arcane said softly, suddenly feeling shy. “I’m Arcane.”
“Jus’ call ‘er Nessie, Dora” Ted told his daughter “Arcane too formal for this ‘ousehold.”
“How do.” The woman said to Arcane with a smile. “Call me Tonks.”
“Mhm” Arcane grunted as she took a drink from the glass Andromeda had handed her, swallowing quickly. “You’re really pretty.” Arcane blurted.
“Thanks.” Tonks said.
“Though your hair is like, really bright,” Arcane continued. “I wouldn’t choose it for myself because I feel like I would be made fun of, but you look like, really cool.”
“What color would you choose if you could?” Tonks asked Arcane.
“I, um…” Arcane thought about it for a moment. “My friend Dottie said I might look nice with blonde hair.” Arcane said, glancing at Ted’s receding hairline.
“You mean like this?” Tonks asked as her face began to morph, her body growing slightly shorter as she turned into an exact copy of Arcane, the only difference being that her wavy hair was a light blonde instead of black.
Arcane shrieked in surprise as she stared at the copy of herself.
“Pretty cool, huh?” Tonks asked. “I’m Arcane and I eat hamburgers and fries .” Tonks said in a fake American accent.
“Awesome…” Arcane smiled.
“So, do you like your blonde self?” Tonks asked as she fluffed her hair.
“She’ll definitely look like one of her aunts like that.” Andromeda said sourly.
“Oh yeah, my aunt Marlene had blonde hair right?” Arcane said sitting down at the table.
“Marlene?” Andromeda said confused. “o- oh! Yes, Marlene, your Aunt Marlene, yes, she had blonde hair.” She corrected quickly as she placed some cookies on the table. “However you look more like your father and his family than your mothers.”
“I actually have some questions about my dad.” Arcane announced. “I was wondering if I-…”
Arcane was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.
“That should be him Mum,” Tonks said lazily as she took a cookie from the table.
“Who?” Asked Arcane curiously. In the time that she had been at the Tonks house no one had ever come to see them until their daughter showed up and now suddenly there was another guest.
“Hold on dear I’m going to get the door,” Andromeda told her with a quick caress on the cheek as she passed. With a disappointed sigh Arcane took another drink as she heard the front door open.
“Professor!” Andromeda exclaimed happily. “Come in.”
“Hello Mrs. Tonks, lovely as ever,” responded a voice.
“Oh thank you, professor,” Andromeda blushed. “This way please, they’re in the kitchen.”
Within a minute Andromeda emerged back into the kitchen, followed by an old gray wizard in dark blue robes, with a pair of half-moon spectacles on the tip of his nose.
“Good afternoon, Ted, Miss Tonks.” The wizard greeted nodding to each.
“How do professor,” They answered in unison. The old wizard’s gaze turned upon Arcane who had been sitting there, her jaw dropped.
“Good afternoon.” The wizard said to her with a twinkle in his eye.
“Holy crap, you’re Albus Dumbledore!” She blurted in disbelief.
“I am.” The wizard chuckled, making his beard twitch. “And who are you dear?”
“Oh yeah!” Arcane said getting up so fast the table shook. “I’m Arcane, I’ve read all about you, you're famous, one of the most, The most! The most powerful wizard in the world! The war with Grindelwald! We learned about you, I loved it! I- I- I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you, sir. It’s an honor.” She finished while sticking out her hand. Dumbledore smiled as he took her hand and shook it kindly.
“Honor to meet you dear, would you mind if I sit next to you?”
“Yes!” Arcane squealed. “I mean no! No, I don’t mind, sir. Please…” She led him to the table as Tonks, now back to her normal self, gave her father a shocked smile due to Arcane’s reaction to Dumbledore’s presence.
“How old are you, my girl?” Dumbledore asked Arcane as he sat down.
“I’m fourteen, sir.” She answered as she nervously poured the professor some tea. “I’ll be fifteen in May.”
“Splendid.” Dumbledore said as he took his cup before Arcane added a third spoonful of sugar. “And have you had any studies or schooling in magic?” he asked. “I am familiar that there is indeed an American school of Magic.”
“Yes, sir!” Arcane answered after taking a quick drink from her own cup. “I have just finished my third year at Ilvermorny school, I went there first and second year too, although this year my grades slipped a bit on the finals, and I know I should have studied, but it was hard, so I didn’t study and I almost didn’t pass Xylomancy, so I just guessed the answers and completely lucked out!” She confessed in a ramble that made Dumbledore raise an eyebrow.
“Oh Arcane dear I bet that tea is warm by now!” Andromeda mentioned quickly through a chuckle. “Let me get you a cold one.” She offered reaching out for the cup.
“What?” Arcane said, looking into the cup. “It’s fine, though it’s a shame that it’s green tea instead of black.”
“Oh there’s just a bit of black tea left in the fridge, I’ll get it for you and put some ice in your cup.” Andromeda told her as she took the cup quickly away from Arcane and dumped the contents into the sink after a nervous glance at the professor who had been watching her with curiosity in his eyes. Arcane could tell he knew something but decided not to ask Andromeda about whatever it was.
“I’m sorry, I think I spoke to much” Arcane apologized when Dumbledore didn’t speak.
“No, do not worry child, I was just thinking” He said with another quick glance at Andromeda and then back to Arcane. “Would you mind telling me more about Ilvermorny School?”
“Well, it’s fairly large,” Arcane began, “But I have never seen another castle in person so I don’t know if it really is that large… My mom told me about Hogwarts when I was little, Ilvermorny is kinda like Hogwarts, we… Ilvermorny I mean, has four houses and we get selected too!” Arcane told excitedly.
“Interesting,” Dumbledore hummed as he stroked his beard. “What about the students? To my knowledge it was only about… Thirty years maybe? Muggle and Wizard marriage was still illegal.”
“Out of what I’ve read,” Arcane began, “Rappaport’s law, the anti No-Maj friend thing,” Arcane clarified for the rest at the table. “It was repelled in the… mid 60’s I think.” Arcane said as she tried to call from the back of her mind what she knew. “So the whole No-Maj and Wizard marriages are like, really new. But, there has been children from No- Maj’s going to Ilvermorny for years. Mostly are the children or grandchildren of squibs.” Arcane shrugged. “No-Maj’s obviously weren’t and for the most part aren’t allowed near the school, but mostly if you are a child with wizard magic, you’re welcome into Ilvermorny. Although…” Arcane warned. “A friend of mine said that when her grandma went to school, her grandma was born of a No-Maj family,” she added quickly. “When time came around for her to go to school, people from the MACUSA did a big search, making sure no one was breaking Rappaport’s law. Her grandma said it was frightening until they found out her great grandma was a squib; whose family had disowned her.”
An uncomfortable air passed around the room as Andromeda made her way over to her husband, a distant glance as he caressed the tips of her hair.
“I have been reading,” Dumbledore said, breaking the silence. “It seems that Ilvermorny school takes quite a bit of pride in their potion making.”
“And in their transfiguration!” Arcane added.
“Indeed.” Dumbledore smiled. “It seems that particular American school is just a bit more advanced in those subjects than us Europeans, yet our History, Herbology and even spells vary from what you may have been taught, though the possibility to per say catch up is quite likely.” Dumbledore nodded. “Have you decided if you are to be going back?”
“What?” Arcane asked confused.
“To Ilvermorny,” Dumbledore clarified. “Will you be returning to finish your studies there?”
“Well…I….” Arcane stammered “I don’t know,” she said looking at Andromeda and Ted. “Can I do that?”
“We’ll let you decide where you want to finish your schooling.” Ted said with a small smile.
“What do you mean?” Arcane asked.
“Arcane…” Dumbledore began calmly. “Would you like to go to Hogwarts?”
Chapter Text
“I will understand if you cannot give me a response right now” Dumbledore mentioned a few moments later as Arcane stared at him blankly. “But I will need one as soon as possible, that way I can make the… Necessary arrangements.”
“Um…” Arcane finally drawled. “I- I don’t know.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Could I really go back?” She asked Andromeda, who looked sadly at Ted.
“Well…” Andromeda frowned looking back at Arcane. “If that’s what you really wanted.”
“But you could also stay Ness!” Ted blurted. “I mean… You just go’ here. You’ve got the oportu’ity to study in a different country, isn’t that a bit excitin’ for you?”
“Well yeah, but…” Arcane shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Like, all my friends are back home and… I don’t know anyone here.”
“Isn’t that the fun part though?” Tonks asked as she stirred her tea. “New place, new friends, new adventures and all that.”
“Yeah, but…” Arcane started.
“Are you not interested in where your mother learned everything?” Andromeda asked Arcane with a swift glance at Dumbledore. “To learn what she learned, where she learned it” Andromeda encouraged. “Get to go to her school, perhaps be sorted into her house!” Andromeda suggested with a worried smile.
“It sounds great,” Arcane admitted, still unconvinced. “But I already have a school, a house, my friends and my classes. If I go to Hogwarts, it’ll be like starting from zero, I don’t even know what they’ve been learning the last few years… What if I’m like, super behind and get made fun of?” Arcane frowned.
“Don’t worry about that love,” Andromeda said quickly. “We all… Er…”
“Oh come on Ness,” Ted groaned with a smile. “Dumbledore ‘emself just said you’re sure to catch up! School don’t start till September.” He said pointing at the calendar on the wall. “An’ Andromeda was one of the top students in our year, was she not?” Ted asked Dumbledore who nodded at the statement. “Dora just graduated a few years ago ‘erself! I’m sure they both will be more than willing to help you before term starts. You’re not goin’ in blind Ness. By Merlin just give the place a chance!” Ted barked before stuffing a cookie in his mouth.
“Well…” Andromeda aid as she walked over to Arcane. “As you can see by my husband's passionate statement… We would love for you to go to Hogwarts.
“You would be closer; we could easily send you letters or whatever you may need throughout the year.”
“Just try it out, Ness” Tonks said flatly. “If you don’t like it by the end of the year, my parents will let you go back to Ilvermorny… I mean you live with them, but you’re no prisoner, is she?” Tonks said with a glance to her parents.
“Of course not,” Andromeda and Ted said in unison.
“That seems a fair offer,” Dumbledore nodded. “Now do you agree to these terms, my girl?”
“One year…” Arcane mumbled to herself thoughtfully. “Yeah… I guess so,” she shrugged.
“Delightful.” Dumbledore beamed. “I will need to write out your school list since it will be slightly… Different, then the usual. Do you happen to have any parchment Andromeda?”
“Yes, of course Professor.” Andromeda said as she scurried out of the room. Dumbledore turned to Arcane once more.
“I will need to speak to your, er… Guardians . About your enrollment. Boring stuff.” He assured her.
“Ness,” Ted cleared his throat. “How about you and Dora go to your bedroom and see to that clothing you weren’t sure if she wanted.”
“Right-O!” Tonks said quickly getting up from the table. “See you round Professor.” She said pointing at Dumbledore with a finger gun.
“Good day Miss Tonks” Dumbledore said as Tonks and Arcane left the kitchen.
“Oi! Your list is a bit longer than when I was in school, what are you seeing now?!” Tonks asked in surprise as Arcane pulled out the list Dumbledore had made for her.
“Let me see,” Tonks said as Arcane handed the list to her. “Gargoyle strikes?” Tonks read confused. “That’s a first year subject, so is the witch hunts I believe.”
“Professor Dumbledore said she’d have to read a bit from former years, jus’ to make sure she’s all caught up” Ted explained as he walked into the lounge and sat down in a large recliner chair.
“Ugh, they gave you a lot of homework, Ness.” Tonks teased at Arcane as she wrinkled her nose.
“You sure you don’t want to eat anything before going Dora?” Andromeda asked while wiping toothpaste off Arcane’s shirt collar.
“Nah mum, if we get hungry we’ll grab a bite there,” Tonks dismissed quickly. “Ready Ness?” She asked as Arcane shooed Andromeda away from her collar. “Oi! Is that my Weird Sisters shirt?” Tonks asked taking a closer look at what Arcane was wearing.
“Uh, yeah…” Arcane replied as she checked out the toothpaste stained collar. “You still left a bunch of clothes behind even after we went through everything, so I started using some.”
“Right…” Tonks said “Well you can have them, but I’ll be taking that shirt” She smiled. “That one I got at a concert.”
“Cool” Arcane awed, imagining what fun being at a Weird Sister’s concert would be.
“Well you two going or not?” Ted teased. “Cause Dromeda’s goin’ to be fussin’ until you leave and I want to put that darn fire out. It’s boilin’ in here”
“Yeah, yeah, I know” Tonks said as she took a lidded vase down from on top of the fireplace and uncapped it. “You’ve traveled by Floo powder before, right Ness?” Tonks asked.
“Yep.” Arcane nodded as she reached in and took a fistful of the glittering powder.
“Perfect,” Tonks grinned. “To the shopping district then.”
“Please be careful girls,” Andromeda pleaded. “Be back by dinner.”
“Right-O!” Tonks agreed. “See ya pops.”
“Don’t get into trouble Dora” Ted said coolly as he unfolded a newspaper, once he covered his face in angle of Andromeda he turned to Arcane. “ Bring me some chocolate frogs .” He mouthed. Arcane nodded as she did her best to keep a straight face.
“Well off you both go!” Andromeda squealed, “Before you spill more powder on my carpet!”
Tonks and Arcane both flinched, unknowing that the powder in their hands had been seeping through their fingers onto Andromeda’s pretty beige carpet.
“Evacuate Ness!” Tonks shrieked playfully as Ted chuckled behind his paper.
Arcane threw the Floo powder into the flames. Once the fire turned from a bright orange to emerald green Arcane hopped right in. The flames tickled her arms as she called, “DIAGON ALLEY!”
She felt the floor under her drop, as if going down on a fast and really loud elevator. With her elbows tucked close to her she reached up and covered her ears to cover up the loud roaring as she watched a series of fireplaces fly by her. All seemed to be covered in a green filter until one steady exit appeared before her in the distance. Her body began to fly forward towards the fireplace, which to her meant it was her stop. She leaned her body slightly towards the exit as she drew close, and as she did the green flames around her calmed as she walked out onto a large cobblestone patio, which was circled by seven identical looking fire mantles.
Arcane shook the soot of her pants as Tonks bounced happily out of another one of the fireplaces.
“See? Nice and fast” Tonks smiled. “And my mum wanted us to take the train” she mentioned shaking her head as she rolled her eyes. She then looked at Arcane with a smile, but her face fell.
“Er… Ness?” she questioned.
“Yeah?” Arcane answered as she tied her hair into a low ponytail.
“Where are you going to carry your stuff? Remember we’re getting a lot of things.” Tonks mentioned.
“I figured I’d carry everything in my bag.” Arcane told her as she shook the wrist her red purse was tied to.
Tonks stared blankly at her purse for a split second, then something seemed to dawn on her. Oh!” she laughed, putting her palm on her forehead. “It has an extension charm doesn’t it?”
Arcane nodded. “Yeah, you can’t use that so openly, Ness.” Tonks told her.
“Why?” Arcane asked.
“That magic,” Tonks said pointing at the bag, “The ministry takes close watch on them charms, that one must be an undetectable one since the ministry hasn’t come knocking on me mum’s door yet. Where you get it?” Tonks asked.
“My mom gave it to me before starting school.” Arcane answered as she swung the bag around on her wrist carelessly.
“Well you can’t walk into Hogwarts carrying everything in your purse” Tonks sighed. “Let’s get some money out of your vault and we’ll get you a nice trunk.”
“My vault?” Arcane asked excitedly. “You mean we’re going to the wizard bank? Gringo’s?! ”
“Grin- gott’s …” Corrected Tonks as she checked her watch. “and let’s go before the lunch crowd starts comin’ in.”
They walked through a small passage that took them away from the cobblestoned patio and on to a bustling alleyway, full with shoppers and merchants calling whatever it was that they were selling. “Tonks look!” Arcane called as she pointed to the flock of miniature broomsticks that were flying in a V-formation above the crowd.
“Nifty aren’ they?” Tonks smiled as the flock turned around a corner and out of sight.
“Yeah.” Arcane sighed happily.
Arcane had a vague memory of a wizarding place like Diagon Alley in America. As if she had gone when she was incredibly young. Because once she was older, her mother never let Arcane join her when she went out to buy school supplies. Her mother always told her it was faster that way, which it was so Arcane never really complained since she would stay at her friend’s house until her mother got back. But as she walked through Diagon Alley with Tonks, Arcane wondered what magical things she had missed.
“This place is really cool, huh?” Arcane thought aloud.
“hmm, you get used to it.” Tonks shrugged. “The bank is this way.” She told Arcane as they turned a corner.
As they kept walking Arcane began to take notice in the people around them. It seemed that the wizards in England had a different fashion than the one she had seen in America. Having that most wizards around her were wearing long robes of various colors that covered what they had on underneath . If they had on anything underneath , Arcane thought.
“Does everyone dress like that?” She asked Tonks while pointing at a woman who was rushing by in a sea green robe, carrying a large amount of small cauldrons.
“Hmm, sometimes” Tonks shrugged. “It’s more of an old people thing, like you won’t see me wearin’ something like that.” She laughed. “But yeah, I guess a lot of people dress like that.”
“Oh.” Arcane said as she kept looking around.
“Why do you ask?” Tonks inquired as she led Arcane through the crowd. “How do people dress over there?”
“Pretty much the same as you and me, I guess.” Arcane told her as she tried to remember the older wizards she had seen at school. “Like, No-Maj and wizard fashion is pretty much the same,” Arcane shrugged, “Only that grown-ups dress like grown-ups and teens dress like teens.”
“Right.” Tonks replied as they took another turn.
Halfway down was an intersection that was divided in two ways by a large white marble building. One way was filled with shops similar to the ones they had been passing. The other seemed to be dimly lit, much more obscure looking than the other path. It sent a chill down her spine to see that most of the people on that path had large hoods that hid their faces.
“What are you staring at?” Tonks asked as she followed Arcane line of sight. “Oh…”
“What is that place?” Arcane asked.
“That’s Knockturn Alley.” Tonks explained. “That’s where a lot of folks get, er… underground items. Not a place for everyone” She shrugged.
“Right…” Arcane said as she tried to look away, an odd feeling forming in her gut. “Let’s keep going.”
It turned out that the large white building Arcane hadn’t paid much attention to was the bank. It was multiple stories high and had very large doors, flanked with goblins dressed in red, which reminded Arcane of the drawings of Santa’s helpers, she would see the No-Maj’s put up as decorations. The only difference was that the goblins were really, really ugly.
They opened the doors for Tonks and Arcane as they passed leading them to an entrance hall that Arcane believed unnecessary, because the second pair of goblins opened the secondary doors so quickly Arcane couldn’t even read the writings on the them before Tonks led her over to one of the nearest goblins.
“Withdraw from the McKinnon vault, please.” Tonks said with a straight face looking up at the goblin, who stopped reading the papers it was holding and raised an eyebrow at her.
“Trying to be funny?” The creature scowled.
“No,” Tonks said flatly. “I am trying to withdraw money.” The creature set down its papers with a face of complete displeasure and set its tiny hands on the high desk he was sitting at.
“You want to take money from the McKinnon vault?” The goblin sneered, making its face look extremely unappealing.
“Me? No.” Tonks answered. “ She wants to take money from the vault.” Tonks continued as she pushed Arcane in front of her.
“Hey don’t throw me under the bus!” Arcane complained.
“Shush!” Tonks told her.
The goblin looked down at Arcane as if she was something rotten that had been laying out in the sun too long.
“And you are?” The goblin asked as he adjusted his small circular glasses.
“I’m Arcane.” She answered nervously as she glanced at Tonks, who was still staring intently at the goblin.
“Your full name.” The goblin gritted through its teeth.
Tonks told the goblin Arcane’s full name before Arcane could even open her mouth.
“Nevertheless she has got the ring, which opens the vault, correct?” Tonks asked sternly. “Now will she be correctly attended to or shall I begin to complain aloud about unsatisfactory service?”
The goblin stared at the ring on Arcane’s finger, as if it was a meal and the goblin itself was starving. Tonks cleared her throat after a moment and the creature glared at her.
“Wait here… Please ” It said with what almost seemed like pain, as it got down from the high desk it had been sitting at and disappeared from view.
“I’ve never seen you so serious.” Arcane mentioned to Tonks.
“I don’t care much for goblins,” she said. “Greedy little things.”
“How is it that I have money here anyway?” Arcane asked now that she was thinking about it. “I mean, my family was said to be dead, wouldn’t the vault be closed or something?”
“By what I know a lot of vaults have enchantments to avoid the vaults being closed as long as the family is alive.” Tonks said scratching her head. “Like the way others have ones that don’ let you take anything if not a direct blood relative.”
“Oh… That makes sense:” Arcane said as she looked around the long marble hall where they were. A row of high desks went all the way around it, as if a wall that blocked the exit ways behind them, which Arcane imagined led to the vaults. None of the other goblins looked up at them. They all kept counting and weighing the various coins and jewels before them.
“Is it true this place has dragons?” Arcane asked without thinking as she looked up at the large crystal chandelier that was hanging from the giant stained-glass dome above it.
Tonks laughed. “I don’t know Ness. I sure haven’t seen one when I’ve been here.”
“Miss McKinnon?” Grunted a voice from the desk. Tonks and Arcane turned to see that the goblin had returned, this time accompanied by another one, who had a small mustache and seemed a bit older.
“Um… Actu-…”
“Are we to be kept waiting all day?” Tonks snapped. The first goblin glared at her, a low hiss leaving its mouth. The older one however, kept its composure.
“No Ma’am.” The new goblin told her. “My name is Xodrurt, I am head-goblin.”
“That’s nice.” Tonks said flatly. The goblin forced himself to keep his smile and glanced quickly at Arcane who had been nervously twisting her ring around her finger.
“The McKinnon vault as not been touched in thirteen years.” Xodrurt told Tonks. “The family was said to be…” Xodrurt stared at Arcane. “Gone…” He finished.
“If that actually was the case, the vault would have been closed,” Tonks said, “However it is still open.”
“Yes…” Xodrurt hissed slightly. “It is still open, but are you positive you have the correct key?”
“The ring is the key.” Tonks said, clearly annoyed.
“Yes, a lovely goblin-made ring at that…” Xodrurt admitted as he stared at the ring with desire. “I can tell by just one look, though… The ring had a… certain type of magic.”
“You mean this?” Arcane blurted out before saying the words to make the stone change color. Only that this time the stone stayed the same, but the snake around it began to uncoil, clasping the jewel in its jaw and straightening out its body. Soon ridges began to appear from the bottom part on its tail until the entire object resembled a skeleton key laying in the palm of her hand.
The two goblins and Tonks stare at her in amazement, Arcane was also surprised by the reaction of the ring but her intuition told her not to let it show. She clasped the key firmly and looked up at the goblins.
“That will be enough proof, right?” She asked with a straight face, just as Tonks had done. “May I enter my vault now?”
Arcane wasn’t sure what she had expected to get her to her vault, but a small goblin-driven mine cart that rode upon rollercoaster rails was not it. It surprised her even more the contrast that there was between the marble hall and the tunnel Xodrurt had led them into. The tunnel itself seemed ancient, like catacombs, only lit by a few torches that were spaced out quite far from each other. The cart was small in the sense that it only sat two or maybe three people if they were thin.
“My dearest apologies for the delay Miss McKinnon.” Xodrurt said to Arcane as he helped her into the cart. A kindness he clearly wasn’t showing Tonks “See, your family has trusted us gob-…”
“I would say anyone trusts goblins.” Tonks snorted.
“Your family has let us guard their fortune for many years,” Xodrurt corrected with a sarcastic nod at Tonks, “And having the vault not being touched in more than a decade, then someone comes claiming for its treasure, its most natural for us to be… Cautious .”
“So that’s why your little friend refused us service?” Tonks asked flatly.
“I assure you he was not refusing you service Ma’am,” Xodrurt promised. “Bogrod was only following protocol.”
“I understand.” Arcane said, cutting off Tonks before she could answer. “May we carry on now? You see I am a bit short on time.” She lied.
“Of course,” The goblin said with a curt nod as he turned to face forward.
He proceeded to pull a small lever and the entire cart shuddered as it shot forward. Arcane was surprised how fast the cart could go compared to how old it had looked, if the tunnel had any exit-ways she couldn’t make them out and after many twists and turns she was glad she hadn’t eaten much before leaving home.
She imagined that Tonks was too since her knuckles were white due to how hard she was clenching the sides, also the fact her eyes were screwed shut.
After a wide turn the walls of the tunnel disappeared from around them as they entered a giant cavern that went so far down you couldn’t see the bottom. Different rails twisted around the cavern, each leading into different tunnels that were scattered around the walls. On the far side of the cavern Arcane could see a large waterfall that seemed to rain down onto a set of rails. I would hate to come to the bank and get wet, Arcane thought.
“I would grab on if I were you.” Xodrurt advised evilly.
“Why?” Arcane asked, but was quickly responded by a large drop that made her feel her stomach in her throat.
Tonks let out a blood curdling scream that Arcane would have never believed came out of her mouth if she hadn’t seen it. To Tonks relief, the drop smoothed out and led into a tunnel about halfway down the cavern. The tunnel didn’t seem empty like the others they had passed, this one had a line of different vault doors to the right hand side.
The cart slowed down and finally came to a stop, nearly at the end of the tunnel in front of a large circular bronze colored metal door. Where slumped asleep next to it was a ten-foot-high security troll, clothed in metal armor, making it look like a very frumpy looking knight. The troll grunted awake as it heard them and clenched its massive club.
“Stand down Grak, no need for you to pretend you’re actually doing something.” Xodrurt said as he got down from the cart.
“You have a Troll to protect a vault that hasn’t been touched in many years?” Tonks asked disapprovingly as the color returned to her face.
“Grak protects all the vaults in this particular tunnel,” Xodrurt sneered. “The McKinnon vault just happens to be one.”
“What’s Grak?” Arcane asked as she got out of the cart. “Is it slang for troll or something?”
“No ma’am.” The goblin told her. “That’s the troll's name, right?” He asked looking up at the troll.
“GRRAAK!” The troll growled.
“Charming.” Tonks mumbled as they walked up to the door. Without thinking twice Xodrurt held up three of his stubby fingers as if they were a claw and traced them down the door similar to scratching it.
“Key please…” Xodrurt said holding out his hand, eyeing the key arcane was holding with intent interest.
“She can do it herself.” Tonks stated as she nodded at Arcane to put the key in the lock. The goblin did quick to hide his scowl and moved aside. She placed the key in and with a swift movement turned it to the left. A series of clicks sounded from behind the door and then with a low hum it swung outwards, making everyone take a few steps back.
“Holy sh-…” Arcane exclaimed as she covered her mouth in surprise. Even Tonks slipped a gasp as they walked into the vault. Mountains of gold reached the high ceiling, accompanied by slightly smaller ones of silver and bronze, Arcane could not keep count of the piles of jewels that were laid throughout the vault that was nearly the size of a dining hall.
“All this is mine?” Arcane asked in amazement.
“Your family left you quite the load Ness,” Tonks said, somewhat amazed.
“Wow…” Arcane sighed. “And I can take out as much as I want?”
“How about we just get enough for shopping now,” Tonks suggested. “We’ll come and get more before term starts, alright?”
“Deal!” Arcane agreed as she began to dump handfuls of gold into her purse.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“So…” Arcane began as they walked into the store where Tonks suggested Arcane buy her school trunk. “Not a fan of the Gringott’s ride?”
Tonks face went red. “Yeah… I gon’ have to ask you to act like that didn’t happen.” she said, clearly embarrassed.
“You’re afraid of heights then?” Arcane asked as she opened a dark wooden trunk to look inside.
“Oh no,” Tonks chuckled, “I don’t mind height at all, love them actually, especially flying,” Tonks mentioned as she squeezed between two large trunks. “It’s those blasted carts the goblins drive, they make my stomach go all funny.”
“Looking for anything special, ladies?” An old woman asked as she came out from behind a rack. “We’ve got a sale going on Elf-made briefcases.” She said pointing to the back wall where a pile of dusty old briefcases sat.
“Er… No thanks Ma’am,” Tonks said. “We’re looking more for a travel trunk; Ness here needs a new one for school.” Tonks explained as she gestured to Arcane who waved at the old woman, who gazed at Arcane for a moment, then sighed.
“I figured.” The woman said disappointed. “Well the lot’s out here, let me know which one you’ll be wantin’” she finished before turning back from where she came.
Arcane herself felt quite satisfied with the russet brown trunk that she had chosen, she especially enjoyed how the bronze latches and buckles made contrast.
“Well you certainly have interesting taste,” Tonks laughed as they walked out of the shop, the trunk floating behind them.
“What do you mean?” Arcane asked playfully. “It’s pretty!”
“It’s purple, Ness,” Tonks laughed.
“It’s not Purple, it’s Russet !” Arcane specified sarcastically. “And why are you criticizing? Your hair is pink!” Arcane giggled.
“Hey I’m not criticizing!” Tonks objected as she raised her hands to her sides. “You just made it seem that you didn’t want to stand out, and now you’re showing up with that. ” She pointed over her shoulder to the floating trunk.
“I’m transferring to Hogwarts in my fourth year,” Arcane shrugged. “I don’t think there is a way I won’t stand out.”
As they went down the school list Arcane was glad she got a trunk, because after buying so many books and arguing slightly with Tonks on which cauldron size was more beneficial, she doubted everything would have fitted in her purse. After a quick bite and a stop at a sweets shop for Ted’s chocolate frogs, they proceeded to the north side of Diagon Alley towards a shop Tonks called Madam Malkin’s so that Arcane could get her school uniform.
“Nymphadora Tonks is that you ?” A voice echoed as they entered the shop. Arcane watched a squat white haired woman walk up to Tonks. “My dear you’re so grown!”
“Madam Malkin…” Tonks greeted as she leaned down to give the woman a brief hug. “I’m surprised you recognize me.”
“It’s not common for a lass with bright hair like yours to walk into my shop,” The woman laughed while patting Tonks cheek. “What do you need dear? Dress robes? I’m getting a lot of orders of those ones.” she said pointing at a line of fancy dresses.
“No Madam Malkin, actually my er… Friend here” Tonks said as she presented Arcane. “She needs Hogwarts robes.”
“Oh of course love!” Madam Malkin smiled as she looked at Arcane. “Which house are you in dear?”
“Um…” Arcane stammered as she quickly looked at Tonks.
“Just plain black ones will do,” Tonks mentioned quickly. “My mum likes to emb-… embrey-…”
“She likes to sew them in herself,” Arcane finished.
“Oh how lovely,” Madam Malkin said, clapping her hands together. “Well I’ll bring a few robes from the back and you can try them on, alright dear?”
“Yes, thank you.” Arcane nodded as Madam Malkin turned around and scurried off to the back.
“You can’t say embroidery?” Arcane asked Tonks in a playful tone.
“Shut up.” She mumbled.
“Emb- Embu- Ebry-…” Arcane teased. “Ow!” She squealed as Tonks pinched her.
“Piss off, it’s an odd word.” Tonks laughed.
“So… the school uniform is like that ?” Arcane asked disappointedly as she gestured to a mannequin wearing a plain black robe, resembling the ones she would see the No-Maj graduates wear when finishing their studies.
“Well yeah,” Tonks shrugged. “Didn’t you wear robes at your old school?”
“Yeah but it was more of a formal thing.” Arcane said as she felt the nearest fabric between her fingers. “On the daily we would just wear our school blouse with either the school pants or skirt.”
“You had trousers as part of your uniform?” Tonks asked in amazement.
“Well duh,” Arcane exclaimed in a sarcastic tone. “Doesn’t it get too cold to wear skirts in the winter?”
Tonks thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, I assume that makes sense, though you don’t really get cold wearing one of those things.” She said as she pointed Arcane to a cloak with silver fastenings. “That’s part of the winter uniform.” Tonks added.
“Great, at least if I get cold I’ll look like a frozen bat.” Arcane whined. Tonks rolled her eyes with a smile.
“But really,” Arcane continued, “What do we wear under it?” she asked as she picked up the robe on the mannequin. “If I end up getting turned upside down or something, people are going to see my panties!”
“Sounds like a show.” Tonks laughed.
“I’m serious!” Arcane groaned.
“Just wear your normal clothing underneath, Ness.” Tonks told her. “That’s what most people do. Makes it easier to change quickly. Dress light when it’s warm and dress thick when it’s cold, done!”
“Pfft, I was going to do that anyway.” Arcane snorted.
“Then why are you asking?!” Tonks cried slightly annoyed.
“You can come on up to try your robes on dear!” Called madam Malkin from the back of the store where there was a footstool sitting in front of a large mirror.
“Here you are…” The woman chimed as she slid the robe over Arcane’s head. “Oop! You’re a bit broad in the shoulders I see… You play Quidditch dear?” she asked while removing the robe.
“Yes Ma’am.” Arcane answered, muffled as a new robe slid over her head.
“Hmm I figured, most girls who play have your build, though you seem a bit more grown around the chest.” Madame Malkin mentioned with a wink at her in the mirror. Arcane blushed slightly and Madam Malkin chuckled.
It ended up Arcane had to go up even one more size, on Madam Malkin’s suggestion, saying that way she could bring in the waist a bit making Arcane’s figure slightly more notable.
“Are you sure?” Arcane asked, slightly embarrassed. “You don’t have to…”
“Oh please!” Madam Malkin smiled. “It’s my pleasure to do this for all Hogwarts girls, I remember wearing these blasted robes to school and feeling as if I was dressed in an over-stretched sock.
“I only wish they weren’t so long, I used to have the loveliest set of legs.” Madam Malkin’s eyes got lost in a far off, dreamy look.
“Anyway…” The woman sighed. “That should be it dear, give me a moment to fetch you another… Three would you say?” Arcane nodded.
“Alright, I’ll be back shortly.” Madam Malkin said as she took the robes away.
“Well all that’s left is for you to get your pet.” Tonks said as she looked at the list. “You’ve decided what you want? I guess most people go for owls”
“Umm…” Arcane stammered, feeling nervous as she brought up the courage to ask her next question. “Can we go to a wand store?” she asked softly.
“A wand store?” Tonks asked, confused. “Oh, you one of those people who like polishing their wands? Mum likes doin’ that.”
“Um, no… I um… I actually need to… Buy a new wand.” Arcane muttered.
“What?” Asked Tonks not able to hear her.
“I need to buy a new wand…” Arcane said a little louder.
“A new wand?!” Tonks asked even more confused. “What happened to your old wand?”
“It um… Kinda… Exploded.” Arcane said.
“It WHAT ?!” Tonks cried.
“It exploded.” Arcane repeated, looking at the ground.
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time,” Tonks said, wiping her forehead. “I meant to ask how …”
“I uhh… Don’t really know.” Arcane said. “It just kinda happened after my Mom died… My magic started going, funny I guess you could say…
“And one day, before my potions exam it just sorta… Popped .” She finished with opening her hands and wiggling her fingers.
“Ness… That’s not-… That could be dange-… A wand doesn’t just explode !” Tonks stammered.
“Yeah…” Arcane drawled as she pressed her lips together. “I have no idea why it happened.”
“Blimey, if anyone is going to know it’s Ollivander,” Tonks snorted. “Might as well ask him, since we’re going to get you a new wand.”
They walked all the way to the south side of Diagon Alley, which took them a sweet amount of time since the lunch crowd Tonks had told Arcane about was filling the place to the brim.
When Arcane had heard her mother’s story of when she had got her wand at Ollivander’s, she believed it to be a luxurious store, having it was called ‘the best place to get a wand’. Instead it was an old narrow shop, and like the No-Maj antique stores Arcane would visit with her mother… It was covered in dust.
“Are they even still in business?” Arcane asked as she looked at a dusty cushion in the window that the only clean spot was in the shape of a wand that Arcane imagined had been sitting there for a long time.
“Of course,” Tonks responded cheerfully. “It’ll be a dark day when Ollivander closes.” She finished as she walked into the shop without a second thought.
A small bell tinkled somewhere inside the shop as they entered. Long narrow boxes stacked on top of each other so high they reached the ceiling. Most of them were covered in dust, while others had handprints, or seemed to have been hastily cleaned off.
“Hello…” Cooed a voice from behind a counter that was barely visible due to the amount of boxes.
“Wotcher Mr. Ollivander,” Tonks said calmly as an old man appeared. The sight of the man made Arcane flinch slightly. He looked as if he was a wandering corpse, his eyes were milky-white, the way Arcane had seen some blind have them. She wondered if the man was blind, until he looked right at her.
“Good afternoon my dear,” He greeted her.
“Good afternoon,” Arcane repeated shyly as the man looked back at Tonks.
“Nymphadora Tonks…” The old man breathed. “Rowan wood with unicorn hair core, eleven inches and three quarters… Reasonably supple, yes… Has it served you well?” Olivander asked as he pointed at Tonks’s wand with a shaky finger.
“Without fail,” nodded Tonks as she twisted the wand in her fingers, it quickly slipping and falling to the floor.
“A very resistant wand indeed.” Ollivander wheezed with a smile. “However…” He continued, looking back at Arcane. “I have never sold you a wand, have I dear?”
“N- no, sir.” Arcane stammered.
“No…” The man repeated. “I know because I never forget a wand I sell.”
“That’s a really good memory…” Arcane said.
“Enough to drive average folk mad.” Olivander nodded.
“M- my mom told me about you… Um.. Sir,” Arcane continued bashfully. “About your wand making.”
Ollivander’s ears perked up when he heard Arcane’s accent clearly.
“American…” The man cooed with interest. “Tell me child. Who was your mother?”
“Cassandra McKinnon… Sir.” Arcane quickly finished.
“McKinnon?!” Ollivander repeated with a surprised glance at Tonks, who nodded. “I- I was told they were all gone…” A smile appeared on his face. “Though that Cassandra was a sneaky girl, sharp as a tack she was. But dearly clumsy with her wands.” He frowned.
Arcane stared at Mr. Ollivander with amazement. Nobody since she had gotten to England had spoken to her about her mother, much less told her stories about her.
“I had her in my shop about every year for a new one,” Ollivander continued. “Suggested she should become a wand maker, save herself a few Galleons each year.” He chuckled. “I do hope she’s doing well.” Arcane’s face fell.
“She um… Passed away in April.” Arcane said softly.
“Oh dear.” Ollivander exclaimed with a frown. “My condolences, she was indeed a lovely young woman.” Arcane nodded politely.
Tonks cleared her throat. “Er… Mr. Ollivander?” She chimed.
“Yes?” The old man answered, his milky eyes moving towards her.
“In all your years of wand making, have you ever heard of a wand… Exploding?” She asked apprehensively.
“Exploding?” Ollivander repeated with curiosity.
“Yeah, as in boom …” Tonks said, making her hair go from pink to orange, to bright pink again.
“Why do you ask dear?” Mr. Olivander inquired.
Tonks looked over at Arcane who was looking at the dust coming up from the floor whenever she moved her shoe.
“Did you have trouble with your wand, child?” Ollivander asked patiently.
“It exploded.” Arcane replied softly.
“ How did it happen?” The man asked.
“I got kinda sick after my mom-…” Arcane’s voice disappeared for a moment, so she took a deep breath. “Well you know,” she said. “My head started hurting a lot and I was having really weird dreams… Most of the teachers said it was just sadness… My wand stopped responding how it used to around that time, sometimes it wouldn’t respond at all. It felt as if I had to force it, like shoes that don’t fit anymore, but you keep wearing them.” Arcane shuffled her feet slightly. “The night before my potions final I got into a duel with a dude from Wampus. I was losing because my stupid wand wasn’t working!” Arcane said, annoyed at the memory. “I got really mad, at him and at my dumb wand, I tried to hex him with something I’d read in a book… But then my wand exploded.” Arcane told. “We both woke up in the hospital wing a couple hours later. He had a concussion and I had to get the rest of my wand’s splinters pulled out of my hand.” Arcane finished as she rubbed her right hand.
Ollivander and Tonks exchanged a concerned look.
“Have you heard of anything like that?” Tonks asked him. Ollivander shook his head.
“The limit of a wand's magic is not exactly known even to the most brilliant of wand makers.” Ollivander explained. “Though I have heard of magic… Shifting, in a witch or wizard after experiencing varieties of things. Perhaps this child’s magic has experienced something of the sort.”
“Is it something we should worry about?” Tonks asked.
“No…” Pondered Ollivander. “I do not believe so.”
“Brilliant,” Tonks said with a nod at Arcane.
“Now, what is your name child?” Mr. Olivander asked as he ran his finger up a stack of the narrow boxes.
“Arcane, sir.” Arcane responded.
“You can sit yourself over there Miss Tonks.” He said, pointing to a small dusty chair near the window. Tonks walked over to it and sat. The chair made a weak creak as she did.
“Now Miss Arcane… Do you remember your old wands core?”
“It was, um… Dittany stalk, sir.” Arcane answered awkwardly.
“And the wood?” He cooed.
“Sycamore wood.” She said. Ollivander turned around and peered at her for a moment with interest.
“Hm…” he nodded, as if that explained something to him, while he pulled out a narrow box.
It felt as if Arcane had already spent years at the shop. Empty boxes were scattered around the floor as Tonks helped put the wands that Arcane had blasted out of their neatly stacked boxes, back into their respective places.
“Sorry.” Arcane mumbled for the millionth time as she handed the wand back to Mr. Ollivander.
“It’s fine dear,” the old man sighed, putting the wand away.
“Come on Ness,” Tonks groaned. “One of these bloody wands has to like you. No offense Mr. Ollivander.” She added quickly.
“None taken.” He answered with a chuckle. “It’s been a few years since I have battled to find a person a wand,” he mentioned. “The last one I believe was a young… Special boy.”
“Is he making fun of me?” Arcane asked in a hushed tone to Tonks, who shook her head.
“Maybe we can come back another day,” Tonks suggested with a sigh after she finished re-stacking the boxes. “I feel we have already wrecked this wand shop enough.”
“No!” Arcane objected. “I mean, one has to stick, right?” She asked, looking expectantly at Mr. Ollivander. “It’s not like I’ve lost my magic or anything.” She said with a nervous laugh.
“No child, you have not lost your magic,” Mr. Ollivander told her calmly. “And you may stay all night if that is what it takes to find yourself a wand.” He said as his misty eyes glanced at Tonks.
“Mum’s going to panic if we’re not home by dinner though.” Tonks mentioned as she looked at her watch. The sun was already beginning to set outside which made Arcane even more frustrated. She knew Andromeda, even though kind, was wary of her. If they turned up late and explained Arcane couldn’t find a wand after making her first one explode, they probably would send her away as soon as possible, thinking she was some sort of dangerous freak.
Arcane took a deep breath as she felt her chest begin to clench up as it usually did before she started crying of frustration. She put her palms to her eyes and rubbed them, then kept them there for a moment to calm herself down. Then she heard it…
A low hum, more than a hum it sounded like voices. So many of them speaking softly at the same time she couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“Do you hear that?” she asked Ollivander cautiously, standing as still as she possibly could.
“Hear what?” He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.
But Arcane didn’t bother in answering, every feeling in her body told her to follow the sound, and so she did.
“Oi, Ness!” Tonks exclaimed, startled at Arcane’s sudden movement, Tonks accidentally knocked over the stack she had just fixed. “Oh bugger!” She hissed as she fished around her pockets for her wand that was behind her ear.
Ollivander on the other hand followed Arcane through the shop as she tracked where the voices were coming from.
Arcane’s entire body tingled, although she wasn’t sure if it was due to excitement or not. She knew Mr. Ollivander was behind her, but he didn’t say a word as they paced through the maze of boxes. Finally, almost at the very back of the store, the voices sounded as if they were right in front of Arcane, though she knew they were coming from a box, she couldn’t tell which one. She closed her eyes once more, this time her hand, now with her ring back on her finger, reached out, as if her guide. Arcane stepped as she felt the need, following the way across the wall as her arm led her. Until it stopped. The very tip of her nail touching a box so covered in dust she would have believed it a gray brick.
Carefully she slid the box out, making sure not to topple any of the ones above it and opened the box.
A white wood wand with a spiral design around the grip area going all the way up to the point as if someone had wrung it like a wet cloth, laid in it on top of a gray velvet cushion.
“Silver lime…” Ollivander said softly. “Ten and a quarter inch, slightly yielding… Not a work of my own, though one of the last of my grandfather… Gerbold Ollivander.”
Arcane stared down at the wand, the voices had receded the moment she had opened it. Had the wand been calling out to her? Had she been hallucinating? Why did she feel so afraid yet calm at the same time?
“This particular wand has an interesting core…” Ollivander mentioned softly. “Curupira hair.” He said. “My grandfather bought the substance off a merchant from South America… The only time he made a wand with such a core.” Ollivander watched intently as Arcane adjusted the box in her hand and took out the wand, caressing the spiral design between her fingers. This wand felt warm in her finger tips, balanced and light. Her old wand had never felt so good. As if the wand was dying for her to try it out she pointed it at the box she was holding.
“ Tergeo ,” She said. As if an invisible hand had passed over it, the dust disappeared from the box, leaving it, what seemed to be the original color of shiny silver-like gray, similar to the interior.
“I- It works” Arcane said in amazement to Mr. Ollivander.
“Marvelous!” He chimed.
“Tonks look!” Arcane cried as she rushed back to her holding her new wand.
“You found one?” Tonks asked as she tried to focus on the wand Arcane was waving about.
“Yeah, it’s beautiful and perfect!” Arcane told her.
“Good, now pay Mr. Ollivander and thank him for his time,” Tonks ordered as she gestured Arcane to the counter.
“Thank you Mr. Ollivander,” Arcane said sheepishly as she handed him seven Galleons.
“If you’re quick enough to pick a pet, we should make it home just in time for dinner.” Tonks told Arcane as they walked into Magical Menagerie . A horrible smelling store that made Arcane gag.
“Ew…” She groaned as she covered her nose and mouth, while she looked around the shop. Most of the animals in their cages made noises as they passed, but Arcane found none appealing.
“I don’t care why it does it!” Cried a voice from the side of the shop where the counter was. “All I want is for this bloody toad to stop soiling everywhere in my home!”
A tall boney woman stood at the counter, pointing at the toad a blonde chubby boy, whom Arcane assumed was her grandson, was holding.
“He’s just got a stomach flu, gran!” The boy insisted. “He just needs rest!”
“I need rest! And I need the smell of toad soil out of my gloves!” The old woman screeched as she slammed her bright red handbag on the counter, startling the toad which sprang out of the boy’s hands.
“Trevor!” The boy cried.
“What are you calling the blasted things name for? Go catch the little beast!” She cried indignantly. “Your father would have never second guessed.” She muttered, shaking her head.
Arcane reached down as the toad passed her on its road to freedom. She grasped it firmly as it refused to stay in her hold, she gave it a slight squeeze making it croak softly as the blonde haired boy bounded around the corner, nearly knocking over a cage that held an old barn owl, which clicked at the boy angrily.
“Oi!” the boy exclaimed as the owl flapped its wings while the boy held the cage still. Once done he looked over at Arcane, clearly embarrassed.
“Um… I think this is yours,” Arcane said, holding out the toad upside down.
“Thanks,” said the boy taking the amphibian from her.
“I don’t know a lot about toads but don’t think the get stomach flu’s.” Arcane told him.
“I- I know,” He flushed. “Trevor’s just afraid of Gran… So he soils himself when she reaches for him.”
“Gross.” Tonks mumbled from behind, making the boy go even more red.
“Neville!” The woman shrieked as she stomped up to them. “We’re leaving now ! I won’t give my service to a place that can handle a fickle toad.” She hissed as Arcane and Tonks moved out of the way.
“Y- Yes Gran!” He called as he looked quickly at Arcane and Tonks. “Er… Bye then.” He whimpered.
“Bye” Arcane answered as she watched the boy bound after his angry grandmother.
The man behind the counter wiped his face in frustration, then quickly plastered on a smile.
“Good evening ladies!” He chimed. “Looking for something special? I have ravens, I have cats, nifflers, kneazles, bats, rats, and our latest…” A horribly loud screech echoed down from the large cage to their left. “Chimps…” The salesman sang.
“Um… Just a pet for Hogwarts, please,” Arcane said as she watched a cage shake violently.
“Of course!” The man smiled. “I have quite the assortment of toads you see,” The man said as he showed them a set of tanks full of toads of different colors. “And don’t worry about them being like the one the last client brought in, these ones are specially trained and quite pretty as you see the harlequin bunch right there.” He pointed at a set of about ten toads, some bright yellow and black, while others were red and green.
“Um…” Arcane pondered. “I don’t really want a toad.” She confessed.
“Of course not!” The man agreed with a forced smile. “An owl is what every young lady needs, make sure those love notes get delivered fast, right?” He began to laugh but quickly stopped when Tonks scowled at him.
“Anywaaaay…” He continued. “I have big owls, small owls, brown, white, black, could even make ‘em pink if you want!” The man chuckled.
“If you want an Owl, we could go to the owl emporium, Ness,” Tonks mentioned as she looked at a small owl who’s feathers seemed to be shedding.
“No,” Arcane said as she looked at the droppings in all the owl cages and scrunching her nose at the thought that she would have to clean them up. “I don’t want an owl.” She said, shaking her head.
“A cat it is!” the salesman clapped. “What are you looking for? A kitten? I got a batch of two monthers right there in the cage, if not I got a couple tabby’s…”
The man kept showing the variety of cat’s he had but Arcane was no longer paying attention. A basket of wiggling multicolored fur balls caught her eye. She walked up to the basket cautiously, unsure of which creatures it held. The floor creaked as she drew near to it and dozens of black beady eyes turned to look at her, making her flinch.
“What are these?” She called to the salesman who was so busy talking, he hadn’t noticed she was no longer listening, unlike Tonks who was happily petting a fluffy black cat.
“Oh, that’s my Puffskein basket.” He said.
“Puffskein…” Arcane repeated. “Are they dangerous?”
“Dangerous? Nah, bit boring they are actually.” The salesman said disappointed. “Just like wanderin’, being pet and sleeping they do.”
“Can I take one to Hogwarts?” Arcane asked Tonks who had walked over, still holding the cat she had been petting.
“You want to take a Puffskein?” Tonks asked her in a disagreeing tone.
“Yeah, don’t you think they look cool?” Arcane asked.
“They don’t do much, you know that, right?” Tonks told her.
“I don’t mind,” Arcane shrugged.
The salesman and Tonks glanced at each other.
“Fine then,” Tonks sighed. “Pick one.”
Thank you to those that have read this far into Arcane's story, i am very greatful to all that have bothered reading my work. Especially RMBiehl, who was my first reader and suscriber to this story.
Thank you SO much!
Chapter 6
Chapter Text
The weeks after Diagon Alley went by in a blur, Andromeda had Arcane sat down for hours to make sure there was no chance she would fall behind. Arcane acted like she didn’t mind much, she knew most of what she was reading and the things she didn't, such as the Soap Blizzard of 1378, she found interesting. In any case it wasn’t like she had anything else that she could do, Ted would help her escape from Andromeda and take her either fishing or to walk around town for a while, but after Andromeda’s last scolding of when he had accidentally dropped a load of fish they had caught, on her carpet, Ted decided that it’s best not to go fishing for a bit. So Arcane mostly tended to her room and to her books, now including Tonks old copies of when she was in school. Honestly Arcane had hoped to find hidden notes or annotations in them, but all she’d found were doodles and on one page in her Herbology book a small heart with T+H written inside. Arcane sighed as she flipped the page of her Intermediate Transfiguration book. The truth was, Andromeda was being incredibly patient with Arcane, who was playing the part of being a fast learner , when actually she stayed up every night studying everything she’d seen that day, once or twice more. Because if Arcane was honest with herself, she was terrified of going to Hogwarts. At Ilvermorny she was who she was and that was that. However, having who she was related to, Arcane had a horrible feeling that people would expect things from her, and she hated to imagine the laughing stock she would be if she couldn’t be capable to match their expectations, and knowing that the beginning of term was in a little more than a week was starting to make her feel worse.
A knock on her door brought her out of her spiraling and back to reality.
“Yeah?” Arcane called from her desk. Ted poked his head in. “Hey Ness, your er… Pet, got downstairs again.” He told her as he showed the Puffskein in his hand. The thing with puffskein’s that the salesman didn’t tell Arcane were two things actually. One,Puffskein’s like drinking out of toilets, leaving a mess as they do, and two… They also like eating peoples’ boogers while they sleep. Andromeda didn’t seem to appreciate either very much.
“Oh, sorry.” Arcane apologized as she got up and took the Puffskein. “I don’t know how he keeps getting out.” She said as she threw the Puffskein on her bed, which landed with a bounce and then proceeded to burrow under the sheet, humming gleefully.
“You sure you should be tossin’ him ‘bout like that?” Ted asked apprehensively.
“Wha- Oh! Yeah, he loves it.” Arcane said as she sat back down at her desk.
“You been reading all morning?” Ted asked.
“Yep.” Arcane answered as she found her place on the page once more.
“You’re goin’ to finish that one soon,” Ted teased.
“I already have finished it; I’m just making notes of it now.” Arcane told him as she uncapped a highlighter with her teeth. “Just like I’ve been doing with the other books.” She pointed to the stack of books on top of her trunk.
“Aren’ you taking this a bit far?” Ted questioned concernedly as he flipped through one of the severely highlighted books.
“I can’t fall behind,” Arcane told him as she continued to flip through her book.
“Ness, you would have only maybe fallen behind if you hadn’t studied the books Dumbledore suggested you study… But now you’ve basically studied your entire fourth year ahead of time!” Ted sighed. “You need a break, a long one… I’ll speak to Andromeda-…”
“Andromeda isn’t making me do it, I’m doing it myself.” Arcane told Ted.
“You don’ need no more studying, you’ll do plenty of that once you’re in school.” He answered.
“But what if I fall behind?!” Arcane complained.
“Ness you’ve had tha’ nose of yours in those books since you got ‘em, I’ll be surprised if you’re not top of your class!” Ted laughed, but Arcane didn’t feel sure. “Have you eaten lunch?” Ted asked once he saw Arcane’s frown.
“No,” Arcane answered as she looked at the clock, it was half past noon.
“Want ter’ go down to The Copper Lantern? They’ve got ‘em burgers you said you like.” Ted winked and Arcane smiled weakly.
The Copper Lantern wasn’t the best place to eat in Wivenhoe, but Ted seemed to like it. To Arcane the place was cramped, the food was always a bit cold, and the waiters were always in a bad mood.
“Here’s your menu’s” sighed a grumpy looking woman as she basically tossed the menus at them then walked away. Arcane held back her urge to throw them back at the lady since Ted happily grabbed his and began looking at the menu with Andromeda who was sitting at his side.
“You want your usual meal ‘Dromeda?” Ted asked her as she scanned the menu with her eyes. Arcane herself had decided to get a hamburger since Ted had mentioned it to her. Arcane loved Andromeda’s cooking, truly, but there was only so much Kidney pie one could eat before longing for a Hamburger.
“Would you want chips or crisps with your burger?” The grumpy woman asked Arcane as she wrote down their orders.
“Do you have any fries?” Arcane asked, confused due to the photo on the menu clearly had fries next to the burger. The woman rolled her eyes.
“Chips then.” She mumbled before wandering off.
“You excited, Ness?” Ted asked, folding his menu and putting it to the side.
“Bout what?” Arcane answered.
“About starting school of course!” Andromeda chimed happily.
“Oh, yeah I guess so.” She shrugged.
“Okay Ness enough,” Ted said as he brushed his hair back with his fingers. “You’ve been like this since we left the house. What is wrong?”
“Nothing,” Arcane mumbled.
Ted was about to say something once more but paused as Andromeda placed her hand on his shoulder.
“Love,” she said softly to Arcane, “We’re both here to listen if somethings wrong…”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Arcane groaned. “I just want to get back to studying!”
“Don’ you think you’re obsessing over those books a bit much?” Andromeda asked concernedly. “We have already caught you up in what you needed, you learnt it fantastically quick.”
“But what if I forget it all?” Arcane said.
“Then you can look it up again in your free time, Ness.” Ted told her. “They’re not going to quiz you the minute you step through the door.”
“I-… I just don’t want to look stupid.” Arcane confessed.
“Darling, you’ll be fine, you're very smart, but you push yourself too much,” Andromeda frowned. “Did you do this at your old school?” Arcane shook her head as she played with the napkin holder.
“Then why are you doing it now?” Andromeda asked. Arcane didn’t answer.
“Arcane?” Andromeda insisted. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“Because I don’t want to be a loser!” Arcane groaned. Ted and Andromeda looked at each other, confused.
“What?” Ted asked.
“I’m rich!” Arcane squealed. “That means my family was rich, which means that they were surely these amazing people, because the goblins at the bank treated me differently than Tonks, who is like super awesome by the way, and you two act like they were some heroes …”
“They were heroes.” Ted agreed.
“Yeah, and now they’re dead.” Arcane snapped. “And one thing I know about the wizarding world is that your last name can take you a long way, problem is… I don’t have my mother’s last name! I have my father’s. Who’s some bum that I’ve never met!”
“Your father is a great man Arcane!” Andromeda told her.
“Oh really? Such a great man that couldn’t even be with his family?” Arcane laughed.
“He had his reasons, Arcane.” Andromeda said sternly.
“Really?! And what were those reasons?!” Arcane sassed.
“I- I-…” Andromeda stammered, with a quick glance around the restaurant. “I don’t believe this is the correct place to speak of it.” She mumbled.
Arcane scoffed. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before… My point is, what if I get to Hogwarts and my last name belongs to a family of losers…”
“I assure you it doesn’t!” Laughed Ted heartily. “Believe it or not, your last name was almost considered royalty at one point,” he scoffed. “A prissy bunch the lo- er… the most of them.” He corrected himself at the end with a nervous glance at his wife.
“Great, now I have to live up to the legacy of heroes and royals” Arcane groaned.
“Wouldn’t you rather just live up to yourself?” Ted suggested. “You’re plenty fair on your own.”
“I’ll live up to my mom.” Arcane said curtly. “Rather her than a man who abandoned his family.”
“Enough Arcane!” Andromeda snapped, making Ted jump. “You seemed to have forgotten what was going on when you were born,” She glanced around nervously. “There was a war going on!” She hissed in a hushed voice. “Decisions had to be made!”
“At the time of war what is more important than your family?!” Arcane hissed back.
“Your father was protecting his family!” Andromeda told her.
“Was he?” Arcane shrieked. “Because I have heard nothing from him in Fourteen years!”
“He couldn’t Arcane-…”
“Why?!” Arcane snapped. “Is he dead?”
“No.” Andromeda said.
“Then there’s no excuse.” Arcane said, leaning back and crossing her arms.
“Ness, listen…” Andromeda began but was quickly interrupted by a man patting on Ted’s back.
“Ted Tonks!” The man barked with laughter.
“Bertie!” Ted called, getting up to give the man a quick hug. “’Ow you doin’?”
“Fine, fine” Bertie said. “Brought me kids to have lunch with their old man,” He chortled while gesturing to the two teenage kids behind him, a boy and girl, who clearly didn’t want to be there.
“My daughter Gillian,” Bertie said.
The girl had shoulder length auburn hair with blonde streaks, and was wearing a short denim skirt, with a pink belt. As for her top, Arcane supposed that it had once been an orange polo, but it seemed the girl had cut it short enough to expose her midriff.
“And my son, Finley.”
Arcane hadn’t paid much attention to the boy since she was distracted by the girl’s fashion choice, but once she looked up, she recognized him right away.
“Hi,” She said shyly.
“Y- Yo- You stayed!” He said as he flattened his shirt awkwardly, then cleared his throat.
“Yeah,” Arcane nodded, pressing her lips tightly together.
“Oh! You two know each other?” Bertie asked, surprised.
“Yes!” Squeaked Finley. “We, er… She asked me for directions when I was at the post office helping gramps.”
“As if you know how to give good directions,” snorted Gillian.
“I do too!” Finley told her. “She followed them and found her way, didn’ you?” He asked, turning to look at Arcane.
“Yeah… I did.” Arcane answered plainly as she gestured to Andromeda and Ted in front of her.
“Blimey I’m sorry” Ted apologized. “My wife,” he said, gesturing to Andromeda who waved.
“Afternoon Ma’am.” Bertie greeted with a nod.
“And my, er … Niece ! Arcane.” Ted said quickly as he presented Arcane.
“She’s American!” Finley blurted, going red in the face.
“Are you now? Where you live?” Bertie asked.
“In Brookford.” Arcane answered.
“Brookford… That near New York?” he asked.
“No.” Arcane answered.
“Bloody hell, I don’ know a thing about geography ter’ save me life.” Bertie barked with laughter. “Mind sharing a Table Ted?”
Ted looked hesitantly at Andromeda, who glanced at Arcane quickly, then nodded.
“Sure, sit down Bert.” Ted said scooting over as Bertie added a table, while Finley brought up some chairs.
“You already order Ted?” Bertie asked, Ted nodded. “Alrigh’ then. Oi Joan!” Bert called to a passing waitress, who looked over. “The usual, for three!” He called gesturing to his kids.
“What if I didn’t want to eat whatever you do?” Gillian complained.
“Then you’re darn out of luck Gills,” Bert laughed as Gillian rolled her eyes and sat down next to Arcane, with her arms crossed and chewing a piece of gum loudly.
“So, Why you in Wivenhoe lass?” Bert asked Arcane from the other side of the table.
“My mother died and I don’t know my dad.” Arcane said plainly, making Andromeda’s eyes bulge slightly at the statement.
“Blimey, That’s a way to start a conversation,” Bert laughed uncomfortably. “Er… So Ted, you gon’ see the match today?”
“Not sure, who’s playing?” Ted asked leaning back in his chair.
“’Em Red Devils ‘gainst QPR,” Bert said.
“Ah, That’s no match there, Manchester got it won” Ted laughed.
“Your dad’s a real catch,” Arcane mumbled to Gillian, ignoring the “Grownup” talk.
“A real fool you mean,” Gillian snorted. “I don’t know why me mum had ‘em. She had one of those movie star faces, could ‘ave done things she could.” Gillian told Arcane sourly. “But she had to fall in love with a bloody fisherman, pathetic really.
“I won’t be making that mistake, mind you.” Gillian continued. “I’ll be bloody damned if I fall for someone in this town. But I know it won’t happen, I’ll make it out, move to London and become a model.” She said looking Arcane up and down. “You could be one too, I reckon. You’d have to lose a couple kilo’s though,”
“What?” Arcane asked.
“But you don’ have to,” Gillian mentioned quickly after seeing Arcane’s reaction. “I mean companies have that whole big bum movement goin’ on and all. You could be one of those close-up models even, the ones who only show their faces.”
“I’m good, thanks.” Arcane said to her with a fake smile, then she saw Finley looking at her, who blushed when they made eye contact.
“So, you work at the post office?” Arcane asked him.
“Er… No, I er…” Finley cleared his throat again. “I help me Gramps there, it’s his business.”
“A stupid business if you ask me,” Gillian said. “No one even writes letters anymore, Finley. We’ve got e-mails now.”
“I like writing letters.” Arcane said with a shrug.
“You do?” Gillian squealed, wrinkling her nose.
“Yeah, I believe it to be, like a… Magical feeling to write them.” Arcane said with a quick smile at Finley.
Gillian stayed quiet while eating, which was a relief to Arcane who was beginning to find her slightly annoying. Finley on the other hand was polite and shy. He listened intently when Arcane answered his questions about living in America, and she did the same when he told her about Wivenhoe.
“We’re actually going up to adventure park later if you want to come,” Finley told her.
“What’s that?” Arcane asked as she brought her cup up to take a drink.
“It’s just a spot, all the cool people go to.” Gillian squealed. “Finley only knows the place ‘cause mum made me drag him along all summer. But sure, if you want to come you can.”
“Where you lot makin’ plans on goin’” Bert said through a burp.
“Out with friend’s dad,” Gillian groaned with an eye roll. “Mum already knows.”
“Well it’s fine that she knows,” Bert hiccupped. “I was just askin’”
“Whatever.” Gillian said, turning to Arcane. “You coming or not?”
“Um…” Arcane looked and Andromeda and Ted. “Can I?”
They looked at each other briefly.
“Sure…” Ted said unsure of what more to say.
“But be home by dark.” Andromeda added quickly.
“lovely, we’ll be going then.” Gillian said, getting up quickly. “Move Finley!” She snapped as her brother hurried out of her way with a whimper.
“Um thanks,” Arcane said to Andromeda and Ted. “See you later…”
“Be careful, love.” Andromeda said as Arcane followed the siblings out the door.
The place Gillian and Finley called Adventure park was about a fifteen-minute walk from The Copper Lantern, fifteen minutes that Gillian took upon boasting about herself, to the point that Arcane started dissecting radio commercials in her head to not pay attention. When they turned off the road into a field, Gillian finally went quiet as she scouted around through the many groups of teens that were scattered through the field.
“There they are!” She squealed while pointing at the other side of a slatted bridge. A group of two young men not much older than Arcane along with a girl who was perhaps a year younger. They all sat under a tree in the shade. One of the boys waved as Arcane and the others drew near.
“Oi, who’s that with you?” One of the boys asked. He had floppy brown hair, styled the way Arcane had seen Leonardo DiCaprio wear it in movies. He was wearing an, in Arcane’s opinion, ugly bee-striped shirt with khaki pants.
“A friend of Finley.” Arcane said quickly before Gillian could claim her as one of her own. The boy raised his eyebrow and nodded.
“That’s Matt,” Gillian said, pointing to the boy Arcane had just spoken to. “That one is Evie,” Gillian continued, pointing at the short girl in a blue tank top and jeans. “And the freak laying down over there is Ozzy.” Gillian finished by pointing at the young man who was insanely dressed in black for a summers day, he responded to Gillian by making a crude gesture with his finger.
“Gun’s and Roses…” Arcane said while pointing to the guy’s shirt. “Cool band. I’m more of a KISS fan myself though.”
The boy eyed her up and down curiously. “Wicked” He nodded, as he sat up and motioned for Arcane to sit next to him. Which she did.
“You talk funny, where you from?” Ozzy asked as he fiddled with his lip piercing.
“Brookford,” Arcane said.
“Where’s that?” Ozzy asked.
“It’s in America Ozzy,” Gillian groaned. “Just say you’re from America Arcane, no one bloody knows where Brookford is!”
Arcane rolled her eyes. “It’s in Massachusetts, near Salem,” Arcane explained.
“Oh right, American Witch hunts… Wicked.” Ozzy said airily.
“Have you been to Boston?” Evie asked shyly. “Boston is close to Salem, no?”
“Yeah, like why couldn’t you say you’re from Boston or something?” Gillian snorted. “Why do you have to make everything so ambiguous?”
“Because I’m not from Boston,” Arcane said to Gillian, annoyed by her constant complaining. “Just because you can’t read a map doesn’t mean no one else can.” Arcane snapped. Gillian stared at Arcane, her mouth opened with indignity.
“Close your mouth, a bug’s going to fly in.” Arcane told her, which made Matt and Ozzy snort as they tried to not laugh.
“Blimey, you’re great,” Matt said brushing his hair back. “What brought you to Wivenhoe?”
“Family reasons,” Arcane shrugged.
“Like a divorce?” Ozzy asked in a way that seemed almost hopeful.
“More like her mum went for a burton,” Gil said plainly. Everyone stared at Gillian in horror.
“What’s your bloody problem today mate?” Ozzy asked her angrily. “You’re bein’ even more annoyin’ than usual.”
“Not cool Gills,” Evie told her softly, not making eye contact.
“Whatever,” Gillian mumbled as she looked at the ground and played with a piece of grass.
“S- Sorry ‘bout that,” Finley apologized. “She can be a bit insensitive.”
“No worries,” Arcane told him while trying to fight the urge to punch Gillian in the face.
“So, who are you staying with here?” Evie asked.
“Oh, I um…” Arcane paused to think of what to say, then remembered Ted calling her his niece. “I’m staying with my aunt and uncle.” Arcane said.
“Nice, and how long you staying?” Matt asked.
Arcane shrugged. “At least one school year,” she answered “Depends if I like my new school.”
“What school you goin’ to?” Matt asked.
“Um… It’s a… A boarding school,” Arcane answered quickly.
“Boarding school?” Matt asked surprised
“Your family must be mighty rich,” Ozzy scoffed. “They do be costing a fortune.”
“Oh no, I um… I got in on a scholarship.” Arcane lied.
“Scholarship?” Evie said, confused. “What school is it?”
“Um… It’s a special school.” Arcane answered.
“ Special school?” Gillian snorted. “Does that mean you’re like a plank or something?”
“Um no…” Arcane answered, not really sure what she meant by plank, but assumed it was an insult due to the glare that Matt gave her. “It’s a… A school for um… Gifted people. I don’t remember the name.”
“Oh I pin it’s that one in Leeds!” Finley blurted, looking around at the group. “That one Academy, the one where those geniuses come out from!”
“Oh!” Evie exclaimed, seeming to understand what Finley was referring to. “Rutherford,” She squeaked. “Rutherford Academy!”
“That’s the one!” Arcane lied again, hoping she would be able to remember them all.
“Blimey you must be bloody brilliant to get a scholarship for Rutherford,” Ozzy nodded impressed.
“What subject you get your scholarship for?” Matt asked in amazement. Arcane thought quickly not knowing how to answer, she didn’t really know about what No-Maj’s learned in school and she couldn’t say she was good at potions. What’s the No-Maj equivalent of potions? She thought.
“Um… Alch- Chemistry!” Arcane corrected at the last minute. “Yeah, I’m really good at Chemistry.”
“Wicked.” The group said in unison.
“So…” Arcane began, ready to change the subject from herself. “You all go to school here in town?” she asked.
“Nah,” Matt answered. “There’s no secondary schools in town, we go up to Colchester.”
“That’s the next town over,” Evie told Arcane after seeing she was confused.
“So are you all in the same class?” Arcane asked.
“No.” Scoffed Gillian, whom everyone ignored. Matt shook his head.
“Um… So how do you all know each other?” Arcane asked
“Evie lives next door to my home,” Matt explained. “Gillian and I went to Primary school together, Finley’s her little brother and Ozzy… Well we got detention together once.”
“Detention?” Arcane smiled in amazement. “What you do?”
“Called a professor a Pillock ‘en threw a pen at ‘em” Ozzy said.
“Yeah after he caught you snogging a complete bagger by the football field!” Gillian shrieked.
“Ah you wish it was you,” Ozzy teased.
“As if! You twat.” Gillian screeched, going red in the face. Arcane laughed.
“What about you?” she asked Matt, who shrugged. “I was just tardy too many times.” He said.
“Do you go to school in Colchester?” Arcane asked Evie, who shook her head, while Gillian snorted.
“She don’ even see the light of day when in school,” Gillian laughed. “She goes to St. Monica’s.”
“What’s that?” Arcane asked.
“It’s a school for girls ,” Gillian said sarcastically. “Makes them turn out to be a bunch of stiff’s”
“You say that jus’ because they didn’t want you cause you’re a bit of a scrubber Gils.” Ozzy teased.
“Piss off.” Gillian mumbled while throwing a clump of dirt at him.
Chapter Text
Other than Gillian, Arcane really enjoyed hanging around the group, which brought joy to Ted and Andromeda seeing she wasn’t locked inside her room anymore. Andromeda didn’t like Gillian, but felt at peace when Arcane confirmed Finley would be with them. Though she nearly fainted when she saw Ozzy for the first time, when the group came to ask if she could go out with them to The Coop; a small supermarket down the road from where Arcane lived. A lot of teenagers from the town would hang around the coop parking lot and the garage right across the street, where the men would sell them smokes after dark, Ozzy being one of their frequent customers. Arcane rode around the parking lot on Matt’s skateboard while Evie watched Finley change the tape on the Walkman Ozzy had brought with him. A lot of people didn’t seem to like Ozzy due to the way he looked, but Arcane thought he was cool, they had a lot in common, in No-Maj related things at least. Ozzy had even given her a metal pin that had a flaming skull drawing on it, he said it was from the band The Offspring, but Arcane had honestly never listened to their music.
“anyone wan’ a smoke?” Ozzy offered holding out a pack of cigarettes as Arcane drew near on the skateboard.
“I’ll take one!” Said Gillian extending her arm.
“Three quid’s.” Ozzy told her, moving the box out of her reach.
“Bullocks” she answered sourly. Ozzy shrugged and sat down next to Evie who flushed furiously.
“Want one?” He offered her.
“No thank you.” Evie squeaked, making Ozzy smile.
“I don’t want to go back to school!” Groaned Matt as he sprawled out on the ground. “I hate getting on the bloody train every morning.”
“Ugh I know, It’s Awful!” Gillian agreed, and for once no one argued.
“When do you guys start school?” Arcane asked, still upon the skateboard.
“On the eighth,” They said in unison, except for Evie who squeaked. “On the ninth.” Everyone looked at her.
“It’s that they give us one extra day to get ready mentally ,” Evie explained shyly.
“What about you Arcane?” Finley asked as he popped a sweet in his mouth. “Wen’ do’ yor’ ‘erm star’” He asked moving the candy around his mouth.
“Monday I think,” Arcane answered as she flipped the skateboard.
“No way!” Ozzy complained. “You're leaving too soon!”
“We all knew she was leaving Ozzy,” Gillian snapped. “She’s going to Rutherford ” She finished by wrinkling her nose.
“Shut it Gillian, nobody asked you.” Ozzy snapped, then looked at Arcane sadly. “So when are you leaving?”
“Dunno,” Arcane shrugged. “Probably Sunday.” She said as she checked her watch.
“And do you have computers at your school?” Matt asked. “We could make a chat room,”
“What about a school phone?” Evie asked softly. “We could call you from my mother’s wall-phone, I don’t think she’ll mind.”
“Oi! You’ve known me longer and you don’ even call me!” Gillian mentioned, offended.
“Why would we? We see you most of the time,” Matt told her.
“Yeah that, and the fact your voice is annoying.” Ozzy laughed, making Gillian storm off saying something about getting a drink.
“Is she always like that?” Arcane asked as she watched Gillian leave.
“Nah,” Ozzy answered while lighting his cigarette. “She’s jus’ jealous of you.”
“Of me ?” Arcane said in disbelief. Arcane had never thought of herself as ugly , but Gillian had been telling her so many things she should change about herself, that it had never crossed her mind that Gillian could possibly be jealous of Arcane.
“Yeah, she’ll calm down after she’s back in school having people fawning over her.” Finley snorted.
“Do you also have people fawning over you?” Arcane teased.
“Ha! No,” Finley laughed with a wheeze. “Gillian always makes people think I’m a bit numpty.”
“You’re not numpty!” Evie squeaked, then blushed as everyone looked at her. “Gillian just says that because you, er…”
“Because you let her!” Matt added quickly. “She’s your sister, but you shouldn’t permit her to step all over you.”
“Right.” Ozzy and Arcane agreed in unison.
“Y- You could be better than her i- if you tried,” Evie told Finley as Arcane checked her watch.
“That’s the bloody fifth time you’ve checked your watch Arcane,” Ozzy cried. “You timin’ us or somethin’?”
“What? No,” Arcane laughed. “It’s just that my uncle told me to be home at nine, so I was seeing if I should be heading home soon.”
“He gave you a certain hour today?” Matt asked, confused.
“Yeah, he doesn’t normally, so... I don’t know,” Arcane shrugged. “Maybe he wants to talk about school.”
“Or maybe he wanted alone time with your aunt,” Finley. “Pop’s does tell Gillian an me to go on out when they want to shag.”
“Yeah, they tell us to go out , you nitwit!” Gillian hissed as she reappeared with a soda can and some sweets. “They don’t tell us to come home , idiot.”
“And I think I should go…” Arcane suggested as she feigned looking at her watch, when in reality she was just fed up with Gillian for the day.
“I’ll walk you home.” Ozzy asked as he put out his cigarette.
“You don’t have to, it’s just down the road.” Arcane told him while passing Matt his skateboard.
“Ah, it’s no problem, I’ve been wanting to throw a rock at your geezer of a neighbor’s mutt, and since it’s dark they won’t see it’s me.” Ozzy grinned, getting up.
“They’ll probably know anyway,” Arcane laughed. “Bye guys:” She waved.
“Night.” They all said.
“Don’t you dare break my Walkman while I’m gone Fin,” Ozzy threatened as they walked off.
Ozzy kicked pebbles in the road and banged on parked cars as if playing drums while they walked. Arcane wondered why Ted had told her to come home at such a certain hour, had she done something wrong? Perhaps he was just angry about her showing up home at ten o’clock yesterday. He never really gave her an hour to be home after he met everyone, but maybe she had strung his patience too far. She began planning an apology in case Ted said anything.
“So you only got a week left here then?” Ozzy asked, kicking a pebble with his boot.
“I guess so,” Arcane answered.
“Shame,” he sighed. “Would’ve enjoyed it if you went to school with us.”
A pinch of sadness weighed in Arcane’s heart, for a moment she realized that she also would have enjoyed that. After getting to be part of a friend group, she wouldn’t have felt so scared to get into school.
“Yeah,” Arcane said softly. “Same.”
“It was nice getting to know you, you’re a lot more fun than Gillian.” Ozzy mentioned.
“Do you really think she’s jealous of me?” Arcane asked, wrinkling her nose in disbelief.
“Definitely,” Ozzy laughed. “I mean she’s pretty and all tha’, but honestly she’s too much of a priss. Unlike you, you’re cool”
“So I’m not pretty?” Arcane teased.
“No! I mean yes!” He blurted. “Blimey man you’re getting’ me flustered!” He said trying to kick a can but tripped. “Oi! See? That’s your doin’!” He cried, regaining his balance as Arcane giggled.
They passed the remaining houses kicking around an empty juice bottle like a soccer ball, which Arcane missed several times.
“Come on, I’m not even no good at football an’ I don’t miss it that much,” Ozzy laughed. “You said you were good at football!”
“I said I was good at sports like football,” Arcane corrected him. “ American Football!”
“Oh so contact sports it is!” Ozzy cried, scooping up the bottle and tossing it to Arcane who caught it.
“Hut! Tackle! Go!” Ozzy screeched as he ran towards her.
“No! Ozzy don’t you dare!” Arcane squealed as she took off running down the dirt road leading down to her house at the end.
“Got you!” Ozzy exclaimed as he bumped Arcane with his shoulder, who surprisingly bumped him back and sent him flying into the high grass.
“Oh my,” Arcane said through her laughter. “Are you okay?!” she asked, still laughing.
“What are you bloody made of? Bricks?! ” Ozzy exclaimed as he got up with a smile.
“I’m sorry!” Arcane laughed as she helped him dust off his black clothing. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said. “But next time do that to Gillian”
“I will if I ever get the chance.” Arcane smiled.
“You know…” Ozzy began as they reached Arcane’s house. “I would, er… I would like to keep speaking with you. While we’re in school I mean.”
“Well, um…” Arcane wasn’t sure what to say, she did want to keep in contact with Ozzy, but if Hogwarts was anything like Ilvermorny she highly doubted they had phone’s. “I don’t think the school permits phone calls, unless for emergencies.” Arcane added the end to make it seem more believable.
“So there’s no way to keep in touch? You’ll just be gone?” Ozzy asked sadly.
Arcane’s mind was racing, what could she possibly say? Yeah, just forget that I exist, I’m going to live in the wizarding world, bye!
“I really want to continue speaking with you Arcane,” Ozzy continued. “If you don’t want anyone from the group to know, I won’t tell,” he shrugged. “If anyone gets nosy, I’ll jus’ sock ‘em.!
“Sock ‘em?”
“Politely.” He shrugged and Arcane smiled.
“I guess you could send me letters,” Arcane said, immediately regretting it once it left her mouth, because she knew what question followed.
“Brilliant!” Ozzy smiled. “Do you have the address?” Arcane pressed her lips together to not let out a regretful groan.
“Um… The school’s really picky, I’ve heard.” She said quickly. “we’re only supposed to get letters from our parents or guardians” she lied., which hurt her heart seeing Ozzy begin to frown.
“But we could cheat!” Arcane suggested to him. “Whenever you write a letter, bring it here. My uncle will send it to me, that way the school can’t say anything.”
“Okaaay…” Ozzy agreed while replaying the plan in his head. “Yeah, okay! That could work, but your uncle won’t read them?” He asked bashfully.
“Read them? Oh! No, he won’t, I’ll um… I’ll make him promise.” Arcane said as the stopped outside the front door.
“Brilliant, I’ll er… I’ll write you then.” He said.
“Cool,” Arcane nodded, staring up at him. Arcane could see in his eyes that Ozzy wanted to say something else, but either he didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Suddenly she felt nervous. Arcane froze as Ozzy began to lean forward…
“Perfect timing Ness!” Ted called as he swung the front door open, making Ozzy and Arcane jump.
“Oh! Wotcher Ozzy.” Ted Grinned.
“Evening Mr. Tonks,” Ozzy said, covering his red face while pretending to brush his black spiky hair back. “The Mrs.’s is well I hope.”
“Jus’ had her evening tea,” Ted nodded then looked around. “Jus’ you bringing Ness home tonight?” Ted asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, sir,” Ozzy nodded, unnaturally polite. “The rest stayed up at The Coop.”
“I figured,” Ted smirked. “Well, thank you Ozzy, you have a nice trip home tonight.”
“Yes, sir.” Ozzy nodded as he backed away from the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow? With everyone else I mean.” Ozzy added with a quick glance a Ted who stood in the doorway.
“Y- Yeah” Arcane agreed. “Night Ozzy.”
“Night,” he said with a nod to both Arcane and Ted before going back down the dirt road.
Ted smirked as Arcane entered the house, she paused and raised an eyebrow at him.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” Arcane asked as she studied him.
“Did what?” Ted asked innocently.
“Nothing…” Arcane answered still eyeing him. “Why did you want me here at nine?”
“Well…” Ted sang as they walked towards the kitchen. “For one, I don’t like you staying out so late,” he admitted. “And two, I wanted you home for, this…”
Arcane felt like she had just walked into a St. patty’s day parade. The entire kitchen was decorated with green and gold banners, shamrocks and other Irish things. The table was piled with cookies, cupcakes, sprinkles and different colored frosting. Though the green one was in the bowl. A gleeful hum made Arcane look down. Wendigo, her once pure white Puffskein was now decorated in green spots with a small green hat she would see drawings of leprechaun’s wear.
“You let him out?” Arcane asked happily as she picked Wendigo up.
“Well, Dromeda finally found a way to get him from drinking from the toilet and as lon’ as you keep him in your room while she sleeps, it’ll be fine.” Ted told her.
“Awesome,” Arcane said as she pet the fur ball in her hands.
“Really? Your notice the Puffskein more than my amazing decoration?!” Ted teased.
Arcane giggled. “It looks great, but… What’s it for?” Arcane asked wondering if perhaps St. patty’s day was celebrated on a different day in England.
“Wha’ do you mean what’s it for?!” Ted cried in disbelief. “It’s for Ireland! They play tonight in the Quidditch world cup!”
“The Qui-… what? The Quidditch world cup already passed, didn’t it?” Arcane asked confused. “The ladies I was staying with came here with me, they were going to the Quidditch world cup… But that was weeks ago.” Arcane told him.
“Those ladies must have had cheaper tickets then,” Ted shrugged. “The cheaper the tickets, the sooner you have to go so they don’ steal your camp spot.”
“Camp spot?” Arcane repeated confused.
“Of course! You don’t expect thousands of witches an’ wizards to be booking in to inns now d’you?” Ted laughed.
“No, I guess not.” Arcane answered feeling a bit silly.
“Well the game doesn’t start for another while.” Ted said, looking at the clock on the wall. “Dromeda left me your dinner on the… Stove!” He said pointing to it. “So how about you go have yourself a wash, then come down an’ eat before the match begins, fair?”
“Fair!” Arcane said as she gave Ted a quick hug, catching him off guard, then running upstairs.
Arcane heard the first roll of thunder while she set her fresh clothes on the sink countertop. She tried to peek out of the bathroom window, everything was too dark, but could hear the sound of the rain beginning. Once every few minutes she would hear thunder again, a little louder each time, which meant the storm was getting closer. Arcane washed quickly because her mother had always told her it was bad to shower during a storm. Arcane never really knew why, but it was something that stuck with her through time. She sighed happily as she uncapped Andromeda’s shampoo, Arcane didn’t know what exactly the scent was, because Andromeda had the habit of peeling the brand's stickers off, but Arcane loved the way it smelled. She was seriously considering tanking it with her to Hogwarts.
A large flash of lighting lit the bathroom window as Arcane finished getting dressed. Yikes. She thought as the thunder echoed shortly afterwards. Arcane hoped her friends had got home before the rain had started. She smiled to herself as she imagined Evie being scared of thunder and grabbing Finley’s arm as he panicked, Matt would probably guide them home. Gillian would be complaining about getting all wet, and her makeup running down her face as Ozzy made fun of her. Ozzy… Arcane blushed at the thought of him.
“What’s wrong with you?!” Arcane snapped at herself in the mirror as she brushed her hair. “You’ve only known him less than a week!” She continued, pointing her hairbrush at her reflection menacingly. “And he’s older than you!” She added before grabbing her things and rushing out of the bathroom, which was now too full of thoughts about Ozzy for Arcane’s liking.
Arcane ate her dinner with gusto, and even popped a few cookies in her mouth while Ted was distracted flicking through channels by tapping his wand on an old radio he had brought out. A loud shriek that had sounded from the radio and filled the kitchen reminded Arcane of Gillian’s laugh, which made her stop as she reached for another cookie.
“Can I ask you a question?” Arcane asked as she frowned down at her empty plate.
“Sure Ness,” Ted answered, still flicking through channels.
“Do you think I’m fat?” Arcane asked, which made Ted pause for a moment.
“Of course not Ness,” He said. “You’re gorgeous!”
Arcane frowned. “I didn’t ask if I was ugly…” she said. “I asked if I was fat.”
Ted shuffled uncomfortably as he stared intently at the radio. “Have you er… Have you asked these questions to Dromeda?” Ted asked.
“I don’t want to talk to Andromeda about this.” Arcane mumbled. Ted took a breath.
“Why do you ask, Ness?” Ted questioned. Arcane shrugged. “Come on Ness, there has to be a reason.” Ted insisted.
“It’s just…” Arcane sighed, she really wanted to tell Ted how she was feeling, but also felt embarrassed doing so. “It’s just that I didn’t use to look like this!” Arcane said getting up and putting her hands on her waist. Ted glanced at her then quickly back at the radio.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“I mean I used to be thin ! like Tonks and Evie and Gillian !” Arcane said sourly. “But my mom died and I got sad, I stopped getting up and all I did was eat and cry, a lot” Arcane squeaked as she felt a knot forming in her throat. “and now everyone seems to be pointing out how fat I am,” Arcane said, her eyes beginning to prickle with tears. She didn’t understand where all these feelings were coming from, and by the look on Ted’s face, he clearly didn’t know either.
“Wh- Who-…” Ted cleared his throat. “Who called you fat love?”
“Everyone!” Arcane squealed. “ You when you told me about Tonks pants, Madame Malkin had to up me three sizes , because I was too broad!” Tears began to fall down Arcane’s face as she held up three fingers. “And then there’s Gillian, her and her perfect body, and her long, perfect , skinny legs… She told me I had to be an up-close model because my butt’s too big!” Arcane was fully crying now and all Ted did was stare in confusion. Finally, he decided he must do or at least say something. He walked up to Arcane and pulled her in for a hug, Arcane landed in his embrace as she plunged her face into his chest and kept crying. Ted felt dumbfounded, he had never experienced this, he had no sister and Tonks never had a problem with her body, though he figured she could morph it as she saw fit due to her gift.
“I don’t want to be fat!” Arcane cried.
“Shhh,” Ted said, caressing her hair. “You are not fat, Nessie.”
“Yes I am!” she cried.
“No. Look at me.” Ted said as he pulled Arcane from his embrace and made her look at him. “You are not fat! You are perfectly normal; you are still growing. D’you know whose fat? Truly fat?” Ted asked. Arcane shook her head. “who?” She sobbed.
“Bertie.” Ted answered. “I love the bloke, but he looks like a bloody walrus!” Arcane smiled slightly as she sniffled. “That’s mean.” She said.
“Really? Well, do you know who else is fat?” Ted laughed. Arcane shook her head once more.
“Well haven’t you gotten a good look a’ me?” Ted asked as he patted his large belly. Arcane giggled again as she wiped her nose on her sleeve.
“Do you look like me, Ness?” Ted asked her.
“No,” She answered softly.
“Do you look like Bertie?!” Ted asked as he pointed his wand over his shoulder.
“No,” Giggled Arcane with a smile.
“So are you fat?!” Ted asked, faking an angry face.
“No.” Arcane said.
“Then you better remember that, you hear?” Ted told her. “Cause I’ll blast anyone’s mouth off if they make you feel the way you did tonight, even if it’s me own, you understand?!”
“Yes, sir!” Arcane answered as if in the military.
“Good. Now wash your plate an’ your face.” Ted ordered with a smile. “We’ve got biscuits to decorate an’ a Quidditch match to listen to!”
Arcane and Ted began to decorate their cookies as they listened to the commercials and the presentation of each teams’ mascots before the match started, which was hard to do since Arcane was actually excited to the point her hands were shaking.
“I thought Andromeda didn’t let you eat sweets…” Arcane said to Ted as he drew a silly face on his cookie with frosting.
“Well, she’s definitely not going to let me after tonight,” Ted chuckled. “But, that’s alright. Eating biscuits and listening to a Quidditch match with you before you’re off to school is enough for me.” He winked as thunder sounded outside the house.
Chapter Text
The game was quite intense, Arcane imagined that if a person who had never seen or played Quidditch would surely have no idea what was happening by listening.
“Ivanova- Moran misses a bludger by a nose! - Levski’s got it! - Troy steals! - Ivanova’s right on his tail! - Ivanova falls behind! - Zograf tries to block… TROY SCORES!” Cried the man over the radio.
“Brilliant!” Barked Ted happily as he reached for the chocolate chips.
“TIME-OUT!” called the man over the radio about ten minutes later.
“Wil‘ee be’o ‘kay?” Asked Arcane with a cookie in her mouth.
“He’ll be fine,” Ted answered, waving aside the question. “Lynch gets plowed all the time.” He added as cheers erupted from the radio.
“See?” Ted told Arcane.
Arcane had to admit she was amazed, in fifteen minutes the Irish team was ahead by a hundred points, which made her think of when she played Quidditch at Ilvermorny. She wondered if she had stayed, would her team have been able to score ten goals in fifteen minutes.
“Someone slap the referee!” The man on the radio yelled. Ted laughed.
“What do Veela’s look like?” Arcane asked Ted.
“Don’ know,” Said Ted with his mouth full. “But I guess they’re not pretty.” He said as on the radio the man described that the referee was sending the Bulgarian mascots away.
Arcane could only imagine how hard the Bulgarian team could be possibly fighting now that Ireland had been gifted two penalties. But unless they got in a serious amount of goals, there was no way they could beat Ireland, which to Arcane it didn’t matter.
“AND KRUM’S GOT THE SNITCH!” Cried the man on the radio, a split silence passed as Arcane imagined the scores appearing somewhere at where the match was being played.
“IRELAND WINS!” Screamed the man excitedly over the radio. “Krum gets the snitch, but Ireland wins!”
“YES!” Cheered Ted and Arcane in unison as they danced around the kitchen. Ted bellowing some Irish song she didn’t know, as he made glowing shamrocks light up the kitchen.
“A good match, I assume?” Andromeda said as she leaned in the kitchen doorway.
“Dromeda!” Ted blurted in surprise, wiping cookie crumbs from his face. “What you doin’ up so late?”
“Well it is a bit difficult to sleep with all the festivities you have going on in here,” She laughed as a zipping shamrock passed her.
“Bloody hell, I’m sorry dear!” He apologized walking up to her and kissing her hands. “I forgot to put up the silencing spell.”
“You’re lucky there’s a storm,” She told him. “Or the neighbors would also know Ireland won the Quidditch cup.” She smiles, shaking her head as she turned down the radio.
“Did you like the biscuits, darling?” Andromeda asked Arcane who nodded. “Would you mind if I ate one of the many you decorated?”
“Not at all,” Arcane laughed. “But eat these ones, the frosting tastes better.”
Andromeda had just taken a bite out one of Arcane’s ‘best decorated’ cookies when suddenly the sound of a dog barking started outside of the front door. Frantic scratching sounded at the door as if the animal was desperate to get inside.
“The neighbor’s dog must have got loose,” Arcane said sourly. She didn’t like the dog very much since it would always chase her down the road, but she didn’t feel right with leaving the animal outside in the storm. “We should, let it in… Just until the storm passes.” Arcane suggested to Andromeda, which to her surprise seemed to be speaking to Ted with nothing more than glances. Arcane had no idea what they were communicating to each other, but compared to how she would normally see them, they both now looked tense, and a bit… Scared.
“Er… Yes,” Andromeda said clearing her throat. “Poor thing caught outside in the storm.” She said with a weak smile to Arcane, then glanced at Ted.
“Blimey Ness!” Ted feigned surprise as he looked at the clock. “It’s awfully late! Best you get up to bed now… I’ll see to the dishes.” He said which Arcane found strange since he would normally flick his wand and make the dishes wash themselves.
“What about the dog?” Arcane asked while picking up Wendigo.
“I’ll see to him- It,” Andromeda corrected, shaking her head. “You go on up to bed now… Do make sure to clean your teeth.”
They both watched her from the foot of the stairs as she made it to her bedroom, where Andromeda bid her goodnight once more as Arcane closed the door. “What was that about?” She asked Wendigo who stared blankly. “Yeah, I don’t know either.” She responded as if the Puffskein had spoken to her.
Arcane could hear from her bedroom as the dog kept barking outside, she heard muffled footsteps as the clicks of the door being unlocked sounded. A grand bark echoed through the house as the door opened.
“Be quiet will you?” Andromeda hissed. “Look at you sopping wet.” Arcane could imagine the face Andromeda was making as a wet dog dripped all over her entry way, and it made her smile. Arcane opened her door a crack to hear everything a bit clearer. She believed if she waited long enough she could sneak back down to the kitchen.
“Go on to the guest bathroom,” Andromeda told the dog, which Arcane found strange. How was the dog supposed to know what a guest bathroom was? Arcane thought.
“Go on,” Andromeda insisted. “Teddy will get you some dry clothes.”
“ Clothes? ” Arcane mumbled to herself wondering if she had heard wrong or if Andromeda was planning to dry the animal with one of her nightgowns. Soon after she saw a shadow coming up the stairs, Arcane quickly turned her main lights off and bolted to her bed which was only lit by a small desk lamp. She had just covered herself when Ted knocked on her door and poked his head in.
“All ready for bed Ness?” He asked softly.
“Yeah,” Arcane answered as she fluffed a pillow she had grabbed.
“Sorry about sending you to bed so suddenly,” He said to Arcane. “It’s jus’ Andromeda gets… Odd around animals, y’know?” He said, nodding at Wendigo which was nuzzled at the foot of Arcane’s bed. “I’ll help her out then we’ll be goin’ to bed ourselves alrigh’?”
“Um… I’m not really tired.” Arcane told him. “Maybe I could hel-..”
“You can stay up an’ read if you want.” Ted said quickly. “Jus’ stay in your room.” He said in a definitive voice Arcane had never heard him speak in before.
“Okay.” Arcane answered.
Ted nodded and then closed the door. All Arcane could hear for a moment was silence, then Ted’s footsteps as he walked to his bedroom, rummaged through a few drawers, then bounded back down the stairs.
Arcane flew out of bed towards her door, she didn’t think anything interesting would happen with the dog, unless it chased her around the house that is. But just being told to stay in her room made her want to be downstairs even more. She reached for the doorknob to turn it… But she couldn’t. Arcane tried harder but the door wouldn’t budge.
“He locked me in!” She squeaked in outrage. Why would Ted do such a thing? Not even her mother went to such lengths whenever Arcane misbehaved.
They’re hiding something … She thought, and whatever it was she was going to find out. For a moment she regarded her wand that was sitting upon her desk.
“No.” She said to herself, she would get in trouble by using magic outside school, but she had no other door to go out of… Unless…
Arcane rushed over to her bay window. It was still raining outside, and it was dark. However, that wasn’t going to stop Arcane, they had gone to great lengths to hide something from her, which meant she had to see what it was, as if something was calling her, similar to the wand shop, her body was telling her to go downstairs.
Arcane calculated how difficult it would be for her to reach the wood trellis Andromeda had pinned on the back wall where she grew her Morning glories.
“What do you think?” Arcane asked Wendigo who was watching her intently. “I mean, even if I fall it’s not that much of a drop,” Arcane speculated as she looked down at the dark flooded grass below.
“Well I wouldn’t want to get too wet, would I?” She asked to her incapable of verbally responding Puffskein, as she reached into her wardrobe and pulled out a rain jacket and put it on as she walked back to the window. Then, knowing very well she was going to regret it, she opened the window.
Papers and posters flew around the room as the wind blew inside along with the rain. Arcane pulled up her jacket's hood and tightened it permitting her to see without her hair flying about her face.
“You coming?” she asked her Puffskein who with a blank glance bounced towards her and burrowed into her jacket’s pocket. “Alright… Here we go.” Arcane said as she carefully crawled out onto her windowsill. She extended her foot, looking for the holes in the diamond-patterned trellis, once she got a good footing she shifted her weight from the window to begin to make her way down. Which was not easy to do on a high winded, rainy night . Please don’t hit me lighting, please don’t hit me lightning. Arcane prayed to herself as she crept down slowly grabbing hold the best as she could, until she felt a piece of sharp wood stab her leg.
“Shi-…” She hissed as she tried to regain her balance, but it was too late. She had hastily tried to find a place to step but all it did was make her slip. She slid roughly down the ivy covered trellis, splinters scratching her fingers and knees, before she fell with a loud thud on the ground. Ow, she thought.
“What was that?” Arcane heard Andromeda ask warily. She had barely hidden between the bushes before the backlight turned on. No, no, no … Arcane pleaded mentally. Don’t find meeee, she begged the universe, and as if magic a plastic trash bin lid flew and hit the backyard's wooden fence, with a thud very similar to the one Arcane had made in her fall, only without the cowardly whimper. The back glass door opened enough for Ted to stick his head out.
“Just a bin lid, dear.” Arcane heard Ted say as he closed the door almost all the way, leaving a small crack open.
“You’re not going to close it?” Andromeda asked.
“I have a feeling we may need the fresh air.” Ted sighed. Shortly after the backlight went off once more and Arcane seized the chance to get closer to the back door without being spotted.
“Let me know if they do not fit,” Arcane heard Andromeda say. “I’ll have Teddy fetch you a different set.”
The guest bathroom door creaked open. “You know… I’m not fond of the word fetch.” Said another voice Arcane had never heard before. She peeked forward only enough to see into the kitchen with one eye.
There was a man standing in the kitchen, his hair was a little past his shoulders, much like Arcane's, only his was horribly dirty and matted. He reminded her of the men that Arcane had seen living on the street the time her mother had taken her to New York, his face looked as if was beginning to sink in and his skin was waxy and peeling, like windburn.
“What were you bloody thinking?” Andromeda hissed at him, which Arcane found surprising since Andromeda normally didn’t speak that way. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it was for you to come here?! The ministry is on high alert due to the world cup!”
“That is exactly why Dumbledore told me to come here,” The man answered. “Everyone is too distracted by the cup, now if I can only make it to Hogsmeade before term begins, that way I can maintain an eye on Harry,” The man paced around the room as he spoke. “You mind lending me your owl:” The man began opening drawers, Arcane supposed it was in search of pen and paper.
“Wh- Will you please sit down? We must speak.” Andromeda told the man, Arcane could see her hands shaking as she sat at the table.
“Yes in a moment Dromeda, I need to write to Harry, make sure he’s alright.” The man insisted.
“What’s wron’ with Harry?” Ted asked.
Harry? ... Arcane thought. Why does that name sound familiar?
“He wrote to me,” the man said, still defiling drawers. “I received his letter when I had just gotten back to Europe, he said his scar was hurting.”
“Scars do not cause pain,” Andromeda said, confused.
“Well Harry’s does Andromeda,” The man snapped. “And that can’t be a good sign. I must be close to him.”
Harry? Scar?... Hold on a moment… Are they talking about Harry Potter?... Arcane thought in surprise.
“You may want to hold off on that Sirius,” Andromeda told the man.
“I can’t Andromeda, It’s important.” The man answered.
“I understand that, however there are things we must discuss first.” Andromeda insisted.
“Yes, yes, but after I send word to Harry.”
“No Sirius, now…” Andromeda told him.
“AHA!” The man cried in triumph as he pulled a pen from the kitchen drawer. “Now Ted, where is your parchment?”
“Sirius…” Andromeda began.
“Yes Andromeda, I heard you the first two blasted times,” The man growled at her. “I have already told you that it is important to me.”
“Well then perhaps other things should also be important to you,” Andromeda hissed as she slapped her hand on the table.
“What could possibly be more important than Harry?!” The man cried.
“How about your family!” Andromeda shrieked.
“Bloody hell Dromeda, if you’re so appalled about my being here, give me a blasted piece of parchment, permit me your owl and I’ll be on my way!” The man said in frustration.
“I’m not talking about me,” Andromeda mumbled.
“Then what family are you on about?” The man asked.
“She refers to Cassandra…” Ted answered in a flat tone. Arcane’s blood went cold, which she didn’t imagine it possible after sitting outside in the rain for so long. Why did they say her mother’s name? Did that man know her mother? So many questions were forming in Arcane’s head she feared they would leak out of her ear.
The man looked taken aback. “What do you mean Cassandra?” he asked.
“D- Did Cassandra ever speak to you of leaving?” Andromeda asked in a serious voice. “Perhaps mentioning she wanted to leave the country?”
The man stared rapidly between Andromeda and Ted.
“S- She mentioned many things… Why ask of them now?” The man stammered. “Not like they matter… She’s gone. Just like the rest of them.” The man finished as if he was about to choke.
“Yes,” Andromeda said softly. “She’s gone, but she was not killed… Not like the others.”
The man stared intently at Andromeda, as if trying to read her mind.
“What do you know Andromeda?” he asked in a tone that made Arcane’s hairs stand up.
“I- I know she wasn’t killed… I know that she made it, er… Across the pond.” Andromeda explained. “She had a life there, she raised her child there.”
Arcane saw the man turned so white he could have been mistaken for a ghost.
“H- Ho- How do you know this?” The man asked, his knees shaking slightly.
“Because of me.” Arcane said. She didn’t know why she didn’t stay hidden. It was out of pure impulse she had opened the glass door and spoke. A perfectly timed flash of lighting lit up the back lawn as she did.
“Arcane!” Andromeda shrieked as she got up and ran towards her. “What in- Your knees are bleeding love.”
However Arcane didn’t care, she stood staring at the man as Andromeda rushed for a cloth for Arcane’s knees.
“Who are you?” He asked, staring at her with penetrating gray eyes.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Arcane said in a cool tone, as in reality she felt jittery, as soon as the man’s eyes met hers she felt as if her blood was tingling as though calling out. “How do you now Cassandra?”
“I could ask you the same,” The man answered her.
“ I am her daughter.” Arcane said as she took her hood off. She had no idea why she did, Arcane knew she didn’t resemble her mother in the slightest. Nevertheless, the man froze once he caught a fair sight of Arcane’s face.
“This… This is impossible!” The man snapped to Andromeda, who had remained still once Arcane and the man exchanged words. “Cassandra was gone! We searched for her! Even if she was alive, no word?! To you ?” He pointed viciously at Andromeda. “To anyone ?!”
“Sirius,” Ted said calmingly. “Her entire family was murdered… I don’t believe she would have fancied them huntin’ her down as well.”
The man looked as if he were to have a stroke, his eyes bulged and he breathed heavily.
“No… She woul-… How do we know she isn’t lying?!” The man hissed at Arcane, an unhinged look in his eyes. “It could be a trick!” He shrieked angrily as he pulled out his wand. Ted pulled Arcane quickly behind him as Andromeda cried, “Sirius!”
“She’s come to capture me!” He laughed maniacally.
“I don’t even know who you are!” Arcane shrieked, wishing she had her own wand.
“Sirius, lower your wand, now…” Ted warned. Sirius … Arcane thought, I know that name .
“I know he sent you!” Sirius screamed. “You can tell Peter to run and hide! I’ll find him! Traitorous little-…”
“EXPELLIARMUS!” Screamed Andromeda as the man’s wand flew out of his hand and Andromeda caught it. Her eyes filled with pure anger.
“NO ONE! No one pulls a wand like that in my house!” She shrieked making everyone back away. “Do you understand me, Sirius Black?!” She hissed at the man, who hesitantly nodded. Black?... Arcane repeated mentally.
“Good. Now sit down!” Andromeda snapped.
The man sat down reluctantly, with a glare at Arcane who was still being guarded by Ted.
Andromeda went to the sink and placed the man’s and her own wand on the counter, then sighed.
“She couldn’t have lied. Sirius.” Andromeda said without looking at him.
“How do you know?” Sirius asked as he stared at Arcane intently.
“Because…” Andromeda whimpered and bowed her head in regret. “She could not have lied, because… Because throughout the time she’s been here… I’ve been giving her Veritaserum.”
“Andromeda!” Ted cried to his wife in surprise. “How cou- That’s illegal!”
“I know! I know, I’m sorry…” Andromeda said turning to face Arcane. “But what if it had been a trap like Sirius says? The McKinnon’s have all been dead for years as far as we know! I had to be sure it was safe to let her into our home.”
“Where di’ you bloody get it?!” Ted asked, still appalled.
“I had the tiniest bit stored,” Andromeda explained. “Then I asked Dora to bring me some if she could get hold of it.”
“You got Dora involved in this?” Ted cried.
“She would have been involved either way!” Andromeda cried, tears forming in her eyes. “She’s our daughter! However, this way we knew it was safe.” Ted stared at her completely baffled.
“I didn’t want to interrogate her like some criminal,” Andromeda tried to justify. “I only gave her perhaps a drop every now and then, to see if something may slip out.”
“ Slip out? ” Ted questioned in disbelief. “How do you expect ‘er to trust us if you do somethin’ like that?”
“Well I can’t say she looks surprised.” The man said, leaning back in his chair as he watched Arcane. Everyone turned to stare at Arcane.
“What if I wasn’t?” Arcane answered the man with fake confidence. Sirius narrowed his eyes at her.
“You act real brave, don’t you?” He snorted.
“It’s funny for a man who pulled his wand on a young girl to talk about bravery.” Arcane answered.
“You are lucky Andromeda took away my wand,” Sirius hissed.
“No… You’re lucky I didn’t have mine from the begin-…”
“Enough Arcane.” Ted snapped putting a hand in front of her to prevent her from moving forward as she had been about to. “Ness…” He began in a softer voice, “Y- You’re not surprised by what Dromeda has been doin’?”
Arcane took a deep breath then sighed.
“My mother… Cassandra, ” Arcane said with a glare at Sirius who was still watching her intently. “She told me it was going to be unlikely that I would be welcomed with open arms and to expect that anything could happen… So no. I’m not surprised… But I’m not lying either.” Arcane finished.
Ted and Andromeda looked warily at one another, both unsure of what to say.
“See Andromeda? She has been aware of your tricks this entire time!” Sirius laughed. “Who’s to say she has not been fooling you both?”
“You can question me now if you want.” Arcane said quickly to Ted who she felt was the only one likely to believe her since the man was doing a great job of putting doubt into Andromeda’s mind. Ted seemed to have noticed Arcane’s worry, because he smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“We have no need to question you, Ness,” He said. “We have more than enough proof to believe who you are.”
“Well I bloody don’t!” Sirius laughed in disbelief.
“Please Sirius,” Andromeda begged. “Look at her.”
“I don’t give a damn what she looks like Andromeda,” Sirius snapped. “I want to hear the blasted words out of her mouth! And having her being so willing to do so, therefore saving me the time of stuffing the bloody bottle of Veritaserum down her throat, I say we do it.”
“Sirius!” Andromeda cried.
“Let’s do it.” Arcane said, interrupting her. Andromeda frowned.
“It’s fine. Just go get the bottle.” Arcane insisted.
Andromeda glanced at Ted who nodded at her. Then, holding back a sob Andromeda left the kitchen to fetch the potion.
Arcane and Sirius stared at each other in silence, he still looked pale and shaky, as if he was truly nervous, but was playing it off with an incredible poker face.
Andromeda appeared a few moments later, holding a small glass vial no larger than one's thumb with a cork stopper full with clear liquid.
“T- This one is the one Dora gave me,” Andromeda stammered. “It’s a much better brew than the one I had… Should I put it in a drink for you?”
“No.” Sirius and Arcane responded in unison.
“I’ll take it just like that.” Arcane said as she extended a hand. Andromeda slowly placed the vial in Arcane’s hand, who quickly uncorked it and put her fingertip over the brim, sealing it. With a glance at everyone in the room he flipped the vial over, then put it up the right way once more, having it only wet her fingertip with a small drop.
Arcane proceeded to stick her finger-tip into her mouth. A prickling feeling passed throughout her mouth, her body began to go numb, similar to how she had felt other days.
“You alright?” Andromeda asked, concerned.
“Yes.” Arcane answered in a flat voice, feeling as if her own voice was distant, rather than coming out of her mouth.
“Finally!” Sirius said. “Now… Tell me. Who are you?” Arcane took a deep breath.
“I am the child of Cassandra McKinnon, the last living heir of the McKinnon family. Sent to England after her death. Prior student of Ilvermorny school, from the house of Thunderbird. My name is Arcane Nesrin Black… And I’m your daughter.”
Chapter Text
The silence was deafening; The married couple looked back and forth between Arcane and Sirius Black as if wondering who would be the first to catch fire. Arcane herself felt her body become less numb little by little, words desiring to pour out of her mouth. Suddenly Sirius began to laugh. Everyone stared at him in confusion as he did to the point he had to wipe tears out of his eyes.
“I- I…” Sirius tried to speak between laughter. “Bloody hell Cassandra.” He said, shaking his head, still laughing. “She was really something was she not?!”
“Is he okay?” Andromeda whispered to Ted.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t.” Ted answered.
“DEAD!” Sirius cried as he stood up from the table. “I thought she was dead! I thought you were dead!” He said pointing to Arcane who didn’t react. “And all this time you were in America ,” He laughed resembling a drunk fool. “And now you’re all grown, just like Harry… And I have missed it all… I’m sorry…” He cried as he moved towards Arcane to hug her.
“Don’t touch me.” Arcane said in a flat tone, but nevertheless made Sirius stop in his tracks. Arcane’s body no longer felt numb, but her voice still seemed far away, with no control over it.
“What’s wrong?” Sirius asked confused.
“I don’t want you to touch me.” Arcane answered flatly.
“Why not dear?” Andromeda asked. “He’s your father.”
“Yes, I know. But I do not know him. I have never met him before. I do not want someone I don’t know to touch me.” Arcane answered.
“But darli-…”
“Hold on Andromeda,” Sirius said, quickly cutting her off. He stared at Arcane with sadness for a moment.
“Arcane…” Sirius began. “Tell me what you think of your father.”
“My father is a fool who abandoned my mother. A person who left her behind to go fight somebody else’s fight, leaving her no choice but to escape on her own because she knew he would never go with her.” Arcane responded in a plain voice. Andromeda covered her mouth in shock and looked over at Sirius who looked as if he had just been shot.
“Did your mother ever tell you who that other person’s fight was about?” Sirius asked softly.
“You-know-who was in power. Everyone was fighting. The wife of my father’s best friend was still pregnant. They were hunting their baby.” Arcane answered.
“Do you know why they were looking for the child?” Sirius asked.
“No.” Arcane told him plainly, her eyebrow twitching slightly in confusion.
“Do you know why your father could not go with your mother?” Sirius asked, his voice filled with pain.
“It wasn’t that he couldn’t, it was that he didn’t want to.” Arcane said, her eyes fluttering, but to her it felt like blinking in slow motion. “My mother told me that we were always second best when it came to my father’s friend…” She paused for a moment, searching for the name her mother had told her. “James…” she said once she had found it. Arcane’s mouth was losing the prickling sensation.
“Your mother felt jealous of James?” Sirius asked, confused.
“Yes.” Arcane answered. “She always knew my father cared more for him than for her. She knew no matter what happened, while James was alive my father would always be at his side rather than hers… She would never be enou-…” Arcane paused, feeling slightly light-headed.
Sirius put a hand on the kitchen table as if to prevent himself from falling, he frowned with a distant look in his eyes. Andromeda made a movement seeming as though she was going to comfort him but decided against it. However, it was enough to make him look at Arcane who was staring at him blankly.
“I- I can’t imagine what you expect me to say…” Sirius said softly.
“I don’t expect anything from you,” Arcane said, something she hadn’t wanted to, though it seemed the Veratiserum was still obliging her to speak what she thought true. Only now she felt a rising anger inside of her. “You have not been in my life up until this moment, I don’t know you and therefor I expect nothing from you… So you can leave once more, just like you left my mothe-…”
“That seems like enough for tonight.” Ted said quickly with a hurried look at Andromeda to Arcane.
“Y- Yes!” Andromeda squeaked, “I’m sure there is enough on everyone’s mind, perhaps we can continue this conversation in the morning. After everyone is rested… and not cruelly speaking their mind.” Andromeda mumbled at the end as she made her way towards Arcane, after grabbing her wand. “Come on dear, I’ll tend to your wound upstairs.”
Andromeda wrapped an arm around Arcane’s shoulder, then waved her wand making a first-aid bag fly out one of the cupboards.
“Tend to Sirius Teddy, I- I can’t imagine what he may be going through.” Andromeda told her husband before leading Arcane out of the kitchen and up to her bedroom.
Arcane figured Andromeda would have been livid at the sight of her bedroom. Rain was still coming in from the open bay window, many posters had flown off the wall along with papers from Arcane’s desk and she was sure that the bed was absolutely soaked.
However, Andromeda only sighed, then with another flick of her wand the window closed and locked itself, the papers and posters began to put themselves back into their places and the bed steamed. By the time they made it over, the bed was completely dry and a bit warm along with Arcane’s clothing, which also seemed to be free of mud.
“Take off your shoes and prop your legs up,” Andromeda told her as she patted the bed. “You gave yourself quite the scratching.” She mentioned as she rummaged through the first-aid bag with her hands rather than getting what she needed with magic.
“Are you mad at me?” Arcane asked softly as she took her shoes off. Andromeda shook her head.
“No… no I cannot say I am.” She shifted as Arcane sat in her bed and stretched her legs over Andromeda’s lap. “I am surprised about what lengths you went through to get downstairs, though… In the rain,” Andromeda shook her head, “You may have gotten hurt- Oh!”
Andromeda flinched in surprise as Wendigo popped his head out of Arcane’s coat pocket.
“Has he been in there this entire time?” Andromeda asked. Arcane nodded.
“Unbelievable.” Andromeda chuckled as she wet a cotton pad with rubbing alcohol.
“Why did you try to hide him from me?” Arcane asked softly. “My um… dad I mean.”
Andromeda sighed sadly. “Dumbledore said he was going to send Sirius our way, but we didn’t expect him so soon. The last your father knew of Cassandra and you were that your entire family was all killed off. We had no idea where to begin to explain.” Andromeda paused shaking her head. “Not to mention how… Anxious he is after Azkaban.”
“Wait a minute… My dad ,” Arcane forced the word out of her mouth, unfamiliar within her vocabulary. “He was in Azkaban?”
Andromeda nodded sourly as she cleaned Arcane’s right knee.
“Twelve years he was in there, until he escaped last year.” She answered.
“Hold on, he’s a fugitive ?!” Arcane asked in shock. “My father’s a criminal?!”
“No, your father is no criminal.” Andromeda told her sternly. “But yes, he is a fugitive.”
“How can he be one but not the othe- ow!” Arcane hissed in pain.
“Sorry,” Andromeda apologized. “Your father was incriminated. And they did a blasted good job at it too,” Andromeda frowned. “Even I doubted his innocence.”
“What did he do?” Arcane asked. Andromeda opened her mouth but no words came out.
“I do not believe it’s my place to say.” She answered.
“So what made him escape?” Arcane asked, wiggling her toes.
“Your father got word of where the one who sent him to Azkaban was hiding.” Andromeda explained. “And it happened to be too close to his godson.”
“Who’s his godson?” Arcane asked as Andromeda grabbed another cotton for her left knee.
“You were listening to the conversation in the kitchen, I’m sure you heard the child’s name.” Andromeda told her. Arcane replayed the conversations in her head, then she remembered.
“So he was talking about Harry Potter,” Arcane mumbled to herself. “So… He escaped to protect Potter?”
“Yes,” Andromeda answered. “But things happened, he could not prove his innocence. Dumbledore told us that Harry helped him escape… Sirius has been in hiding ever since.”
“Harry…” Arcane repeated feeling a pang of jealousy in her heart. “D- Do you think he ever thought of my mother and me?”
“I’m sure he did.” Andromeda answered, looking at Arcane’s knee as she cleaned.
“Do you think he ever looked for us when he was in hiding?” she asked. Andromeda frowned.
“Darling, your father searched for you both the best he could, having everything that was going on after your disappearance. But you must understand that the entire McKinnon family, the children, the elder, even the ones who had married and taken on a different name… They were all hunted down, by you-know-who’s followers and some even by you-know-who himself.” Andromeda eyes looked glossy and distant for a moment, as if she had seen these murders with her own eyes, which Arcane suspected she did. “There was nothing left of any of them, not even bodies. They were all just gone .
“We searched regardless, however there was only so much we could do, if your mother and yourself were alive, she didn’t lead anyone on about where she may have gone, and if you both were dead… There was no way of retrieving your bodies.”
Arcane frowned and slumped against her pillows. A lot had happened today, and she hadn’t been ready for any of it. She heard Andromeda giggle as she passed her finger on the plant of Arcane’s foot, making it twitch.
“What?” Asked Arcane.
“You know, I used to change your nappies.” Andromeda said with a slight smile.
“My what?” Arcane questioned, but Andromeda continued without paying attention.
“And every time I did I would see this freckle on your foot and I would… Pinch it!” She said as she did so, causing Arcane to shriek with laughter.
“Stop!” Arcane cried with laughter as she got her legs out of Andromeda’s hold.
“Yes, you always had a similar reaction.” Andromeda smiled.
“So were you like my babysitter?” Arcane asked, breathing heavy due to the laughter.
“I was more of your mother’s babysitter,” Andromeda smiled. “I tended to her during her last months of pregnancy and helped her with you during your first year.”
“So you were her friend…” Arcane said.
“Oh not at first,” Andromeda snorted. “She hated that I was sent to watch her, and I can understand. Her older sister was fighting along with your father and his friends. I suspect it wasn’t easy being told to stay home and wait. But I suppose we grew on each other after a bit.”
“Who sent you to watch her?” Arcane asked.
“Your father did.” Andromeda answered staring at the ground. “The only time he had asked for something so important. So I did it.”
“What about Tonks? Wasn’t she…” Arcane quickly did the math in her head. “Around… Seven? Yeah, wasn’t she around seven at the time?”
Andromeda sighed. “Ted and I were taking our part in the war quite seriously. So we had Nymphadora stay with her Gran, Ted’s mum, in a safe house hidden in a rural muggle neighborhood during the years the war was happening.” Andromeda frowned once more. “Perhaps that is why Dora isn’t as close to Ted and I as we would like. However, that is the case with parents… We do what we think is best at the time. And when we notice our mistakes when we’re older, all we have left is to apologize and if we are really lucky, some of us get the chance to fix our mistakes.”
“So, you’re saying I should just forgive him?” Arcane asked sourly.
“I’m saying you should at least hear him out,” Andromeda answered softly. Arcane sighed but didn’t respond. Secretly she had always wanted to meet her father. She would ask her mother questions about him even though Arcane knew that her mother would eventually get angry by talking about him, and now her father was in the same house as her, probably sleeping in the guest room.
“Is he going to stay a long time?” Arcane asked.
“I do not know love.” Andromeda responded as she began to put things inside back inside the first-aid bag. “All I know is that it is late and we all have had an emotional night.” Andromeda got up and spread a light blanket over Arcane as she lied down in her bed. “Just rest for now darling, we will see to everything come morning.”
“Okay,” Arcane said softly as Andromeda leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead, her hair smelling like her shampoo Arcane loved so much.
“Night love.” Andromeda said before making her way to the door.
Arcane watched Andromeda as she walked away and a knot started to form in her throat. She had never thought about how difficult it may had been for her to welcome a stranger in her home, and none the less they had treated her with kindness and tried to make her feel as comfortable as possible.
“I forgive you…” Arcane said quickly as Andromeda reached the door. She looked back at Arcane.
“For the Veritaserum, I mean.” Arcane explained quickly. “I understand why you did it. I would have done the same if I were you… So, just so you know, I’m not mad at you for doing it.”
Andromeda’s eyes softened, looking at Arcane with a warm motherly look.
“Thank you dear.” She said with a smile, before turning the light off and walking out the door.
Chapter 10: CHAPTER TEN
Chapter Text
Arcane felt as if she had slept on a pile of rocks, very sharp and pointy rocks. She imagined it was her nerves, but she had been tossing and turning all night long, not to mention the strange dream...
She had dreamt she was in a small stone cottage; a man was sitting at the table as a woman whom Arcane suspected was his wife, stood by, making him some tea. Outside of a small window Arcane could see hundreds of tents lined in rows, even in the distance one could see people dancing and parading between the line, followed along with songs and laughter.
“What do you think they’re celebrating?” The woman asked.
“Pagan rubbish.” The man snorted with displeasure. “I tell you Greta, they’re Pagan they are. Them and their funny lookin’ clothin’, making fire an’ dancin’ around it like fools. They better not ruin my land!” The man barked.
“Sam hush, you’re going to wake the boys.” The woman said patting the man on the hand. “Here, let’s drink our tea then we can go to bed.” She said stroking the man’s arm and squeezing his shoulder.
“My my Greta, ar’you flirting wi’me?” The man asked coyly.
“Perhaps,” The woman smiled. “But if you don’t want to…” she said as she began to walk away.
“Oh com’ere you!” The man laughed as he popped his wife on his lap, making her squeal in delight, and then gave her a long kiss.
Gross… Arcane thought as she tried to control her dream to make her be somewhere else. But her desire soon changed as the door of the cottage was blasted open. The woman screamed in terror as the couple quickly got up from the table.
“Go with the boys Greta!” The man snapped as he pushed the woman into a corridor which led to the back of the cottage, then he hurried to a cabinet and pulled out a small revolver.
“Wh- Who’s there?!” The man demanded. “I- I’ll shoot.” He said as he stood in front of the table, gun pointed.
“Oh no,” Said a lazy voice from the entrance of the cottage. “Everyone beware, the muggle has a weapon.” The voice laughed. Chills spread throughout Arcane’s body as a group of hooded figures in masks entered the cottage, all of them snickering at the sight of the man and his revolver.
“Wh- Who are you people?” The man stammered as he tried his best to keep the gun in his hands from shaking.
“ We? … We are your superiors.” The voice said in such a cool tone even Arcane felt intimidated. “We are the elite race. The rightful ones to walk this earth. You… You and your people are muggles.” The man spat with pure disgust. “You are scum, vermin, a pest no less. And we must get rid of you.”
“Get out of my house!” The man growled pointing his gun at the masked man.
“Oh please, put that down.” The masked man laughed, then with a quick flick the wand that Arcane hadn’t noticed was in his hand, he made the man fly across the room, his gun falling from his grasp as he hit the wall with a loud crunch.
“Someone destroy the muggle toy,” The masked man ordered lazily to the others. “Avery, Yaxley, you two fetch the vermin’s mate and spawns,” He waved his hand towards the corridor Greta had escaped through. “If she doesn’t come willingly, remember animals learn faster through pain.”
Two of the masked followers nodded and disappeared down the corridor, which was soon followed by screams of both the women and her children.
“To think some wizards mate with this lot.” Said a masked wizard who had walked over to pick up the gun. “polluting wizard blood with this rubbish!” The masked person hissed before kicking the man on the floor in the stomach.
Arcane saw flashes light up the corridor as the screams intensified. Soon after, the masked men reappeared into the room, followed by the horrific sight of the woman and her two sons floating as if being held up by invisible wires. The woman was bleeding out of her nose, crying as she watched her sons convulse, their mouths open as if letting out silent screams. The masked man laughed at the sight, a laugh so cruel it made Arcane fill with rage. Her dream got fuzzy after that, she remembered people screaming and running throughout the camp as the masked group set tents ablaze while showing off their new human puppets...
A pain in her nose made her wake. Once her eyes focused she saw Wendigo on her chest, his long tongue up in her left nostril.
“ Ew !” She hissed as she pushed the Puffskein off her chest. “You don’t do that!” She scolded as she got up. Wendigo looked up at her sadly. “At least don’t do that to me.” She added as she patted her pet on the head. Arcane groaned as she stretched but paused once she looked out of her bay window into the back yard. The man from last night, her father , was lying outside on the grass, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping.
Before Arcane could think twice about it she was closing the back glass door and walking over to the man. Her heartbeat was so loud she wouldn’t be surprised if the man could hear it. Sensing her presence Sirius looked up at Arcane with one eye.
“Hello,” He said.
“Why did you go to jail?” Arcane asked abruptly.
“A good morning would have been polite; you know?” Sirius said before closing his eye once more.
“Good morning.” Arcane feigned politeness. “Why did you go to jail?”
Sirius let out a loud sigh and rubbed his face.
“I suppose there is no avoiding this conversation,” he said sitting up. “Sit, I shall explain myself.”
Arcane sat down reluctantly, keeping her distance from her father as she grabbed a clump of dandelions and began to weave them together.
“What did your mother tell you?” Sirius asked.
“Nothing much really,” Arcane shrugged. “She didn’t like talking about you, it made her angry.”
“Yes, I can imagine her being angry with me.” Sirius sighed with disappointment in himself. “However, she never really tried to understand.”
“Understand what?” Arcane asked.
“There was a war going on… Terrible things were happening and even more horrible situations were in store if we lost,” Sirius began. “I can understand why it bothered her, my time being next to James instead of her, however she never knew the reason why, did she?”
“She always said that you and James seemed attached at the hip,” Arcane mentioned. Sirius chuckled.
“That’s not the first time someone has said that about us… James after all was my best mate, my brother one could say.” Sirius smiled, with a certain sadness in his eyes. “I ran away from home you see; I was only a bit older than you when I did. James and his family took me in, helped me finish school…”
“Why did you run away?” Arcane asked.
“My family…” Sirius’s mouth twisted at the word. “They and I had different ideals about the world. Have you ever heard of the blood puritans ?”
Arcane’s neck prickled as she remembered the dream she just had. How the man in the mask cackled at the sight of tortured No-Maj’s. How he had said they, wizards, are the superior race. Which Arcane didn’t think was completely wrong. There were a lot of things wizards were better at, however Arcane wouldn’t call them… Vermin.
“Yeah,” Arcane mumbled. “I have an idea.”
“Yes, well my family also had that ideal,” Sirius said sourly. “I did not, which created plenty of trouble, until I left.”
“What does that have to do with you going to jail?” Arcane asked, remembering her original question.
“Patience please, I am getting to that point.” Sirius said holding up a hand. “As I was saying, James and his family took me in when I ran away from my family, which later disowned me.” Sirius added, rolling his eyes. “Therefore I always had a loyalty to James, so when a prophecy came and put his child in danger, and he asked me to help him, I had a duty to fulfill.”
“Pro- What prophecy?” Arcane asked confused. A hint of a smile played on Sirius’s face.
“Yes, your mother never knew of this prophecy… I never told her.” Sirius said looking at the sky, then at Arcane. “There was a prophecy… I never heard it completely, but Dumbledore told James and Lily that it spoke of a child with the power to defeat Voldemort…”
Arcane felt chills at the mention of the name, her mother always told her not to say it.
“That child,” Sirius continued. “Was said to be born at the end of July… The same time James’s child was meant to be born.”
“That’s why they were hunting the baby,” Arcane said in amazement, stories her mother had told her clicking together in her head. “It had a deeper meaning… My mom always thought they were hunting the child because his parents had just pissed off You-Know-Who too much… But, why were you involved? Wasn’t Professor Dumbledore protecting them?”
“Dumbledore is no bodyguard,” Sirius said. “And having him being the only person Voldemort ever feared, Dumbledore had other things to do.”
“So what did you do?” Arcane asked, reaching for another dandelion.
“They went into hiding, under Dumbledore’s suggestion, they used the Fidelius Charm… You know what that is?” Sirius asked. Arcane shook her head.
“It’s an old spell,” Sirius explained. “Used to hide places and things, the way is works is that the person who casts it is known as the secret keeper … And only they have the power to say where the thing or place is hidden. Fancy little spell, but it was exactly what we needed.
“Dumbledore offered to be secret keeper, him being powerful and all, however Lily and James wanted to keep it between friends.” A sadness sneaked slowly into Sirius’s voice. “James pleaded for me to be secret keeper, though I saw myself as more of a target. Anyone who knew James figured I would be involved with protecting him. So at the last moment before the spell was cast I convinced them to put our friend Peter as secret keeper.” Sirius’s face darkened. “He was always the weakest of us, many said he was more of our pet than anything else. Nevertheless, we all trusted him. He became the secret keeper, whilst I led Voldemort’s followers on a meaningless chase.”
“Okaay… but-” Arcane began but Sirius held up a finger.
“What we all did not expect was Peter’s treachery.” Sirius said anger flooding his tone. Arcane’s eyes widened in surprise slightly, she never was told any of this, though it was possible her mother never knew.
“I had been avoiding getting caught for a bit over a year, Voldemort’s followers were still watching me, so I figured our plan was still working. No one knew that I wasn’t secret keeper other than Lily, James and Peter. I could not see you and your mother often, and I knew her patience was growing thin. However, I felt at peace that both of my families were safe.
“Except for… We… I didn’t know that Peter was actually working for Voldemort, and the coward told his master where Lily and James were.” Sirius choked on his words, though Arcane couldn’t tell if it was from anger or not.
“Lily and James died the same night… I- I was too late to get there, Lily… James… Just lying there.” Sirius paused, the pain seemed too much for him. Arcane could see his eyes become watery. “Harry was alive though… I had no idea how, yet he lied there in his crib, a large gash in his head but nevertheless very much alive.” Sirius took a deep breath. “I wanted to take Harry with me,” He sighed. “I had just lost you and your mother a few months’ prior, James was now gone, Harry was truly all I had left. Only that Dumbledore had already made arrangements, I had no choice but to let him be taken to his aunt and uncle. A horrible lot if I may say.” Sirius mentioned sourly. “Still, I knew he would be better off with them. I was too lost in my own grief. I had lost everything precious to me and all I could think about was catching Peter. And I almost did.” He said clenching his fist. “Only that Peter wasn’t as much of a fool I had thought. He caught me in the center of a group of muggles, screeching that I was the one who betrayed Lily and James… I couldn’t help it; I began to laugh.”
“Laugh?” Arcane asked confused.
“Yes,” Sirius nodded. “I couldn’t believe it! Wormtail, the little rat made everything look so perfect . Everyone in their right mind believed I was secret keeper. Lily and James had just been killed, and having what side my family was on… When Peter began to shout about me being a traitor, cutting off his own finger, then blowing up the area, making it seem like I had just killed him!” Sirius gave a half-hearted laugh then closed his eyes and pinched his nose. “I mean, who would believe me innocent?” Sirius sighed.
“So… you really were framed.” Arcane said sympathetically. Sirius nodded.
Arcane found a lump forming in her throat. She had never hated her father, she simply had believed him to have abandoned her mother and herself. She had heard many stories of young men that abandon their partners because they don’t want the responsibility.
However, this was different, after the dream she had last night, it made her wonder if that was what the world was like during the war. Was that what her family was fighting against? Were they fighting against people like the masked men? Arcane could understand why her father would have wanted to keep her mother safe, and James… Someone who was like a brother to her father, he wanted to protect his family too. Could Arcane really be angry at her father for the choices he made?
We do what we think is best at the time. Andromeda’s words crossed Arcane’s mind.
“I truly am sorry…” Sirius said softly making Arcane pause her train of thought. She turned to look at him, but he was staring at the ground shyly.
“I understand why you wouldn’t expect anything from me… Like you mentioned last night, you don’t know me, and I have never been there. Though I do want you to understand that it was not because I didn’t want to. I searched like a mad man for you and your mother, but killings were going on and your mother had a horrible habit of sneaking around to do things she wasn’t supposed to. Leaving the safe house to see her parents was one… So when we found the house empty, and we hadn’t managed to retrieve any information of where you could be, I figured you two were…”
“You thought we were dead.” Arcane finished for him. Sirius nodded once more, with a small whimper.
“My mom said she talked you about leaving.” Arcane mentioned.
“She did,” Sirius agreed. “But I was part of the order, part of those who were fighting, I had a duty to fulfill, I could not just get up and go.”
Arcane wanted to argue, but a small part of her felt like her father had a point, she had never been in a war but she had read and even heard enough stories to know that even the smallest group can make a difference in a large war.
“I do not expect you, to see me as a father right away or perhaps even ever…” Sirius continued. “But I would like for you to give me the chance to learn of what you enjoy and get to know you…” Sirius paused. “Even if that means Andromeda and Ted watching us while we do so.”
Arcane and Sirius turned towards the back glass door, making Andromeda jump and pull Ted out of the way, possibly hoping Arcane wouldn’t see them, which may have worked if Ted’s belly was not still visible. Arcane laughed, and as she did some of the tension disappeared between her and her father.
“You look like your mother when you laugh.” Sirius mentioned as he looked at Arcane. “The way you smile, and crease your eyes.” Sirius smiled longingly.
“Funny,” Arcane said light-heartedly, as she began to pick some wildflowers around her legs and braided them. “She would always say I look just like you.”
“You indeed do.” Sirius chuckled, but then his smile faded. “So how was it that she, er… Passed?”
Arcane frowned, she didn’t like speaking of what happened to her mother.
“I guess you could say she… Faded .” Arcane said. “She never liked being alone, and she was fine until I started school. But after she started behaving weird . Healers said it was like really intense sadness. Her family dying seemed to take a toll on her, she just hadn’t shown it. After me being away at school, she quit her job, stopped using magic, said we had to act like No-Maj’s, because if we used magic at home, they were going to find us.”
“Who is ‘ they’ ?” Sirius asked, confusion rippling across his face. Arcane shrugged.
“I don’t know, one healer said she was imagining it, some sort of mental thing. The one friend my mother had was leaving before I got into school, but she sent someone our way… To watch my mother while I was at school. But since my mom refused to see a healer after that, well there was nothing anyone could do” Arcane felt her mouth go dry.
“I see…” Sirius said softly. A silence passed between them and Arcane was slightly grateful for it. She had gotten tired of everyone saying I’m sorry for your loss to her.
“So, you are getting along with your aunt and uncle I suppose?” Sirius asked, obviously trying to break the silence by changing the subject.
“Oh, yeah,” Arcane nodded. “They’re really nice and their daughter is cool, I wish she was actually my cousin.” Arcane smiled.
“What do you mean?” Sirius asked with a confused smile. “Andromeda’s daughter is your cousin… Well, second cousin I suppose.” He added scratching is chin.
“What?” Arcane asked confused. “Really?”
“Yes! But I can see how you wouldn’t know that.” Sirius said still scratching his chin, yet in a way that seemed more of a dog than human. “Andromeda’s father was my mothers’ brother , my uncle if you may.” Sirius said pointing in the air, his eyes looking up, like a child doing mathematics. “So she and I are first cousins, making you and her daughter, second… Yes, second cousins if I’m not mistaken.” He said smiling.
“I thought your family disowned you.” Arcane said confused.
“They did.” Sirius said. “But they did the same to Andromeda years before.”
“What? Why?” Arcane asked in awe. In the time she had been staying with the Tonks, she saw Andromeda as the perfect lady. Arcane couldn’t imagine why her family would disown her.
“Well like I said, our family were blood puritans,” Sirius explained “They were very powerful and very respected,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “So when Andromeda announced she was with Ted; a muggle-born.” Sirius added. “The family gave her a choice. Ted or the family…” Sirius and Arcane looked back at the glass door, where this time, instead of watching them, Andromeda was at the stove cooking, while Ted handed things to her, saying things they couldn’t hear but could see Andromeda laugh.
“I’m sure you can see what she chose.” Sirius finished.
“She looks happy.” Arcane said smiling as she saw Ted drop a cloth and pick it up before Andromeda noticed.
“We both were, once we got away from the family,” Sirius agreed. “I am glad you never met any of them… Other than Andromeda of course.”
“Do I have to call her Aunt Andromeda now?” Arcane asked. Sirius opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the glass door sliding open.
“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Andromeda called, drying her hands on the cloth Ted had dropped. “But, breakfast is ready.”
Arcane looked at her father, he had the same gleam in his eye as if he were thinking the same thing she was. Arcane turned back to Andromeda.
“Okay, we’ll be right there, Aunt Andromeda.” Arcane said. Andromeda’ eyes widened slightly, then went slightly pink in the face.
“Y- yes… Lovely,” She stammered. “Be sure to wash your hands, both of you.” She said, then trying to control her smile she walked back inside.
“I think you may have made her heart burst.” Sirius teased. Arcane laughed.
“Let’s go eat.” She said, placing the flower crown she had been working on upon his head as she got up.
Hello to whomever reads this, sorry for the late update, it's supposed to be two chapters every monday and friday, but my cat died and took a big toll on me. No excuse, but again sorry for the late update.
Before anything else i want to give out a special thank you to RMBiehl for being the first suscriber and reader to this story and another thank you to BlueJohnXD for taking the time to read through it all in one sitting.
Two more chapters on Friday!
Chapter Text
Andromeda seemed to go all out with breakfast, which Arcane was sure she could have never done without magic. So much food was prepared that Arcane wondered if they were actually going to finish it, until she smelled the sausage. Arcane’s stomach growled, which surprised her since she had gone to bed late and full.
Sirius who seemed to have been traveling for a long time without a decent meal inhaled his food, after saying thank you to Andromeda of course.
Arcane told Sirius about her life in America, stories about her friends at school. She knew Ted and Andromeda were listening but they didn’t say anything, they only sat there eating watching how Arcane shared things on her own accord instead of it being due to the Veritaserum.
“Then one time my friend and I hexed Thomas Riley after he started spreading rumors that Thunderbird had cheated in the Quodpot final,” Arcane laughed as she ate her last bit of toast.
“’erves ‘em righ’” Sirius agreed his mouth full with his fourth serving of eggs.
Arcane liked telling her father and Ted her adventures, they thought they were funny. Andromeda, much like Arcane’s mother, twisted her mouth when she heard of Arcane doing such things.
Arcane hadn’t noticed the time flying by until everything on the table was gone and the doorbell rang. Normally that wouldn’t have bothered anyone, but Andromeda seemed slightly on edge.
“That’s probably for Ness, love.” Ted said patting his wife’s hand affectionately. “Best you get that dear.” He continued with a nod to Arcane.
“Wait, who’s looking for her?” Sirius asked confused.
“My friends,” Arcane said plainly as she got up from the table.
“Y- You already have friends here?” Sirius asked in amazement.
“Well yeah,” Arcane shrugged. “It’s not like I’m a shut in.”
“You surely tried to be,” Ted laughed but was soon after interrupted by a tawny owl swooping in through the back door they had left open, landed on the table and dropped a rolled-up newspaper in front of Ted.
“Mercedes?” Ted said confused. Shortly after a slightly larger owl swooped in, only this one had a small pouch tied around its leg. The second owl clicked its beak angrily at the fist owl and flapped it wings, nearly knocking over Andromeda’s tea.
“Mercedes!” Ted scolded the first owl, which now Arcane suspected was named Mercedes. “Stop stealing the paper-owl’s paper! It’s their job to deliver it… You got five knuts dear?” He asked his wife as he fished through his pockets. Andromeda sighed and waved her wand, making her coin purse fly downstairs as the doorbell rang again.
“Coming!” Arcane called. “Excuse me.” She said to the table before heading towards the door. Arcane could hear the mumble of everyone talking outside as she opened the door.
“There she is,” Matt said as Arcane stood in the door way. Gillian, as always, looked her up and down.
“Are you just now getting up?” Gillian asked making Arcane immediately feel angry.
“No,” Arcane answered. “I’ve been up for a while.”
“And you couldn’t, like, brush your hair out?”
Arcane touched the top of her head. Her hair felt normal, let it go … She told herself, She’s just trying to mess with you.
“No, I didn’t have time,” Arcane said trying to hold her tongue but then gave in to the temptation of speaking back. “But I see you did, having the amount of makeup you have on your face. I swear I’ve never seen a clown so early in the day.” Arcane saw Finley cover his mouth to suppress a smile. Everyone looked from Arcane to Gillian, their eyebrows raised. “Are you practicing in case your modeling thing doesn’t work out? Because I hear even to join the circus you need to have talent.”
Gillian took a step back, her mouth twitching as she thought of the words to say. Arcane on the other hand, narrowed her eyes and smirked. She knew that she had thrown Gillian off by retaliating, normally she would only have ignored Gillian’s rude remarks. Then come home and feel bad thinking her life sucked, but after learning that her father had gone to prison for twelve years for a crime he didn’t commit. Arcane decided that she was no longer going to permit herself to be pushed around by anyone, especially Gillian.
“What’s wrong Gillian?” Arcane asked, weeks of resentment flying out of her mouth. “Nothing to say? I mean, I really thought you were going to answer. You’re going on all the time about you this and you that . But as someone mentions talent you go real quiet.” Arcane mentioned as she crossed her arms. “I mean seriously you think so highly of yourself but let’s be honest, you’re not special, you’re not that smart, you’re mean, conceited, and you don’t even have m-…” Arcane stopped herself and instantly felt guilty. Was she really about to say Gillian wasn’t special because she doesn’t have magic ? She reminded herself of what she heard in her dream. The masked men saying that people without magic were less than them, Arcane didn’t believe that. I was only going to say that because it’s Gillian… Arcane told herself.
“You know what? I’m tired of talking about you,” Arcane said shaking her head, trying to make her thoughts go away. “Why are you guys here so early?” She asked looking at everyone else.
“Oh,” Evie squeaked. “Me mum has the day off so she said if we want she can take us down to Whitehouse beach.”
“We have to meet early because her mum wants help making the lunches and all.” Matt explained.
“Um, I’m not a big swimmer.” Arcane said shyly, she always got made fun of when she said she didn’t know how to swim.
“You don’t have to swim really.” Ozzy said. “Sometimes the water is too cold after hard rains, but there’s the trail and Matt’s taking a football.” He nodded at Matt who agreed.
“That sounds great guys, but I um… I’m going to hang out with my father today.” Arcane told them.
Gillian snorted. “I thought you didn’t have a dad.” She said, clearly trying to get back at Arcane.
“Everyone has a dad, Gillian.” Finley muttered.
“Yeah Finley, but I thought he abandoned her mum and she didn’t know who her dad was.” Gillian said.
“Well she does now Gillian,” Ozzy snapped. “Unlike you, say Finley looks dead like your father, but you? You don’t look like either your father or your mum, sure they didn’t find you in a bin?”
“Piss off Ozzy!” Gillian hissed before storming down the drive way.
Arcane smirked again. “You guys should go after her, go and have fun. I’ll see you all later, okay?” she said.
“Oh, okay,” Evie said sadly. “Good luck with, er… you know.”
“Thanks.” Arcane said, moving to go inside the house once more. Ozzy and her eyes met for a moment.
“You okay?” he mouthed. Arcane nodded with a quick wave goodbye and walked back inside. She couldn’t help smiling at the fact Ozzy had also defended her from Gillian. Arcane wondered why Gillian disliked her so much, she never acted that way towards Evie. Arcane shrugged and pushed to the back of her mind.
She heard Andromeda speaking in hushed tones in the kitchen, Sirius seemed to be complaining about something, while Ted muttered something.
“No Sirius, it’s too dangerous now,” Arcane heard Andromeda say as she drew close. “Aurors are bound to be on high alert, if they catch you, your escape would have been meaningless, so the answer is no! ”
“No to what?” Arcane asked walking in and making Andromeda flinch.
“Your father wants to ‘ead up to Hogwarts at the same time as you,” Ted said as he lazily rolled the newspaper and stuck it under his arm. “But since the Quidditch world cup is barely over, England ‘as too many foreigners runnin’ about, it’s better he stays here for a while.”
“Sounds about right,” Arcane shrugged. “I mean we just met each other, it would stink if you got arrested again.” She said looking at her father.
Sirius looked around the table, meeting Ted’s eyes then Andromeda’s, as if having a silent conversation.
“Fine.” he sighed. “But I don’t like being locked up.”
“Don’t fret Sirius, I’m sure Ness can take you on a walk.” Andromeda said, her eyes gleaming in a mischievous way Arcane had never seen. Sirius narrowed his eyes and smirked.
“Very funny ‘Dromeda,” He said. “I’ll try not to chase the foxes.”
After the second day Arcane declined going out the group decided to give her Evie’s address since they were all going to be there, having that Evie’s father had brought home one of the new inflatable pools , which Arcane imagined was going to be too small for all of them but didn’t say anything.
She didn’t mind them thinking that she was missing all the fun. She was enjoying herself much more with her father, who’s hair was no longer matted due to a really intense hair day, courtesy of Andromeda and a lot of comments from Sirius such as…
“You’re going to rip my bloody head off Andromeda!” “I don’t want you to cut it!” “Because I enjoy it long!”
After that they had spent time trying to get Wendigo the Puffskein to do some tricks, which he did…when he wanted to. As well as looking through Arcane’s school books, where she discovered her father was actually quite smart. He noted things in her potion book saying, “I remember that because my friend Lily taught me.”
He also wrote down a list of secret passageways he knew, telling Arcane stories of how he and James had discovered them, most by accident.
During the middle of the week Ozzy rang the doorbell one evening.
“I brought you an ice lolly.” He said holding up two packaged popsicles from the Coop. “We’ll have to eat them quickly though, it’s hot out.”
Arcane smiled, she had just taken her third shower that day due to the heat, so the gentle breeze felt cool on her skin as she lifted her arms to put her damp hair into a very lazily made low bun.
“Let’s sit over there,” She pointed to the wood rail fence across the dirt road from the house that enclosed the playing field that was built in front of the woods and far enough from the house to avoid eavesdropping.
They climbed up on the fence facing the open field and opened their popsicles. Ozzy had bought Arcane an orange flavored one and he had a blue one.
“So how was the beach?” Arcane asked.
“It was alright,” Ozzy shrugged. “It got really cloudy and the tide was a bit strong, so we didn’t really swim.”
“That’s a shame.” Arcane said halfheartedly, she had never gone to the beach, so she didn’t really care. “How about Evie’s house?” Arcane said before taking a bite of her popsicle.
Ozzy, who was concentrated on sucking the juice off his popsicle, shrugged and grunted “Mm.”
“Nothing really interesting, the pool is too shallow to do anything other than splash around.” He said. “But turns out Evie likes video games, so we spent a lot of time playing Super Metroid.”
“Cool.” Arcane said, having no idea what that was. They continued eating in silence until Ozzy caught sight of Arcane biting pieces of her popsicle off with her front teeth.
“Are you chewing your lolly?!” He sputtered in disbelief. Arcane looked at her popsicle confused. Bite marks went all around it.
“Yeah…” She said apprehensively. “Why?”
“It’s cold!” Ozzy told her.
“I know,” she answered looking at him with confusion on her face. “It’s ice.”
“Doesn’t that hurt your teeth?” Ozzy asked.
Arcane shrugged. “I’ve always done it that way.” She said before taking another bite to show Ozzy. “It’s fine.”
Ozzy stared at her in fake-horror. “You’re a freak.”
“Shut up!” Arcane laughed as she elbowed him playfully.
“So…” Ozzy began, “How are things with your, er… Dad?” he asked apprehensively. Arcane paused, holding her popsicle out so it wouldn’t drip onto her clothes.
“He’s okay.” Arcane said. “Different than I expected.”
“Are they making you call him dad yet?” Ozzy asked. Arcane thought about it for a moment, then shook her head.
“No.” She said. “The first day they did try to emphasize it though. Your father is calling you, your father’s in the loo, your father this, your father that .” Arcane described. “But they’re not making me call him that, and he doesn’t push it so it’s okay.”
“Did he explain why he didn’t turn up until now?” Ozzy asked.
“Um…” Arcane was uncertain of what she should say. How could she possibly explain anything about what had happened to her father.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Ozzy said quickly. “I asked without thinking, I’m sorry if I was too forward.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” Arcane told him. “It’s that I don’t really know how to explain it…” She looked onto the field, the sun had gone down now and the only light was coming from the front of the house and a tall lamp post down the dirt road.
“I- I have my fair share of odd stories with my parents,” Ozzy said softly. “Whatever it is, I won't judge.”
“Do you promise to keep it a secret?” Arcane asked him.
“Of course,” Ozzy nodded. “I’m not Gillian.”
Arcane smiled slightly, she wanted to be honest with Ozzy, but he knew she couldn’t, not completely.
“He’s been in prison…” Arcane said softly without looking at Ozzy, she didn’t want to look at him as she modified her story. “He got out last year, but didn’t know where my mother and I were so I didn’t meet him until now.”
Ozzy twisted his mouth, no in a rude way, it was more out of sympathy. As if he truly understood.
“Do you know why he was in for?” he asked.
Arcane shook her head. “It doesn’t matter... What about your folks?” Arcane asked, hoping to change the subject. “I haven’t heard you talk about them, like ever .”
“That’s because I don’t,” Ozzy replied, sticking his popsicle stick in a gap in the wood.
“Do you live with them?” Arcane asked.
“Nah, I live with my nan.” He answered.
“Where are your parents?” Arcane asked, hoping she wasn’t being rude. Ozzy stayed quiet for a moment.
“You don’t have to tell me, I don’t want to pry,” Arcane said.
“No! No, it’s fine. It doesn’t bother me, but it is a bit embarrassing:” He said, scratching the back of his head.
“They’re probably in London somewhere, maybe in Liverpool, wherever the H trail leads them.” He said, waving his hand dismissively.
“H trail?” Arcane said confused, she had never heard that term before.
“Yeah, you know, H, Big H, smack, Brown crystal, they’re all the same thing in the end.” Ozzy said in a lazy voice, as if he was tired of it.
“Oh…” Arcane realized what he meant and became uncertain of what to say next. “Are they both um… Users?”
“They weren’t so at first,” Ozzy shrugged. “Me dad says me mum got him into it by taking him to a trap house up in Wirral, blah, blah, blah, mum got pregnant, me dad hoped she’d stay clean after her pregnancy, thing is I don’ believe she was clean during the pregnancy.” Ozzy said looking at Arcane, then rolling his eyes in resignation. “Mum left him a bit after I was born, he raised me per say, he had a few fallouts from time to time but was okay. Until me mum showed up again a couple years ago.” Ozzy sighed and flicked away a bug that had crawled up on his knee. “Dad lost himself with me mum, who came around apologizing, saying she was better and all. None of it true. They had a run in with a bobby while they both were utterly smacked.” Arcane noticed Ozzy clench his fist. “Then the peelers contacted me nan, I’ve been with her since.”
“Do you ever see them?” Arcane asked.
“No, but they do call, whenever they remember I exist.” Ozzy said sourly. “They say they’re clean, they’re doin’ better, but I know better than to believe that now.”
“What about your nan?” Arcane questioned. “Is she okay?”
“My nan? Oh she’s a doll, been real patient with me, no complaints or anything.” Ozzy said. “That’s why it breaks me heart to see her face when I get in trouble. But I’m going to change that this school year.” Ozzy said pound his fist in his hand with determination.
“What do you mean?” Arcane asked as she shifted her balance on the fence.
“Oh I got it all planned, I’m going to study with Matt in my free time and the rest of the time I’ll be working in Wilkins motor shop. The more I’m working the less time I’ll have to get in trouble.”
“Is your nan okay with you working?” Arcane asked, taking the last bite of her popsicle.
“Oh she puts on a face when I say it, but I’m sure she would mind a few extra pounds coming in.” Ozzy smiled. Arcane noticed his smile shifted when it was only them. When other people were around he smiled without showing his teeth and would nod. However, when he was alone with Arcane he would grin wide showing the small tooth gap he had.
“Though the motor shop is jus’ until spring,” Ozzy continued. “Once March comes ‘round, Finley’s old man said he could get me work at the Quay, so next time you see me, I’ll have one of those California tans. ” Ozzy said playfully.
“That would be a sight,” Arcane laughed.
They watched as in the distance a vixen led her litter of kits into the field. The kits ran around the mother, stumbling over each other as they played.
“So there are actually foxes around here…” Arcane said softly.
“Oh yeah, there are loads of them in the woods,” Ozzy said pointing towards the woods to their right. “There’s also deer, weasels, and Walford on Parkwood avenue said he saw a wild cat once-…”
A loud screech sounded in the distance deep in the woods.
“There are plenty of screech owls as well.” He said completely unfazed by the sound.
“Cool.” Arcane said, watching the kits play. She wouldn’t say it out loud but Arcane felt the town growing on her. She enjoyed being there, everything was so calm all the time, no hustle of the big city, but not silent like Lone side.
“So when are you leaving for school?” Ozzy asked, a twinge of sadness in his voice.
“Sunday, I think.” Arcane answered.
“You nervous?” He asked.
“Honestly,” Arcane breathed. “I’m terrified…” She confessed. “My family has been going there for generations, I feel like I have a lot to live up to.”
“Blimey…” Ozzy said. “I- I don’t know what I could say to make you feel better.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Arcane told him. “I’ll persevere.” She finished as she twisted the ring around her finger. “Right now it feels nice to act like a No-Ma-… A normal person.” She corrected.
“Well Miss Witty, whenever you need to feel normal, feel free to talk to me.” Ozzy said playfully.
“I will…” Arcane promised.
Two days before Arcane had to return to Hogwarts Andromeda and Ted announced that she and Ted were going out, what was the occasion? Arcane didn’t know, yet they said they would be back late and for them to remain inside the house and out of trouble.
“You do remember I am a grown man Andromeda, right?” Sirius asked her as he sat on the sofa eating a dip-dab lollipop. Andromeda arched her eyebrow.
“Supposedly,” She mumbled.
“Ah have a bit of faith Dromeda, they have got the telly to keep them entertained.” Ted said nodding to a television he had brought out of his bedroom and put in the living room for Arcane and Sirius so they could watch the VHS’s he had of different films.
“No going outside.” Andromeda said. “Unless the house catches fire… Which is unlikely, but if it does-”
“Sirius can handle it.” Ted said rolling his eyes with a smile. “Now let’s go.” Ted pulled Andromeda close to him and with a loud crack they both disappeared. Arcane wiggled her fingers in her ears.
“Who knew disapparition could be so loud.” She said. Sirius, who was also wiggling his own ear agreed.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
They spent the rest of the afternoon watching many No-Maj films, which they both enjoyed, some more than others. It was close to sundown when they finished a particularly humorous romance, including interesting characters such as a Spanish swordsman and a giant that spoke in rhymes.
“I liked that one,” Sirius nodded as he popped a few candies in his mouth and stood up.
“What do you want to watch next? Arcane asked as she tried to read Ted’s sloppy handwriting on the VHS’s. “There’s one called…” She squinted her eyes as she tried to make sense of the letters. “ Ghostbuters ? Or…” She grabbed a different one, “ Tootsie .” She said disappointed by the name.
“I don’t want to watch another movie,” Sirius whined. “I’m bored.”
“Oh,” Said Arcane disappointedly. “Tonks got me a deck to play exploding snap…”
“No, no,” Sirius shook his head, “Enough with being inside, let’s go out.”
“Aunt Andromeda told us specifically not to go out.” Arcane told her father.
“Yes I know, but you must admit you’re a bit bored yourself, I appreciate your company of course, but are you not tired of being inside the house most of the week? Let’s go do something fun!” Sirius insisted.
“I don’t know…” Arcane said. “I don’t want Aunt Andromeda to get angry.” Arcane didn’t really mind breaking the rules from time to time, especially at school, where she knew that she would never truly get hurt. However even though she had spent the week with her father, she still didn’t truly know him. That and the fact that from the stories her father had told her, the things he called fun a lot of times were dangerous.
“If I told you that Ted knows where I’m taking you, would that make you feel better?” Sirius asked.
“Uncle Ted knows?” Arcane asked suspiciously.
“Of course, that’s why he agreed to take your aunt out.” Sirius explained. “That way we can hang out ,” Sirius said making quote signs with his fingers. “Without them hovering, alright?”
“What are we going to do?” Arcane asked still concerned.
“First we’re going into the woods.” Sirius said as he walked to the kitchen, Arcane following behind.
“Why?” Arcane asked.
“I’m going to show you something.” Sirius said plainly as he pulled out a black bag from the refrigerator.
“That sounds creepy,” Arcane said as she watched her father set the black bag on the table. “Walking into the woods before dark, with a black bag full of who knows what, telling me you’re going to show me something… That’s how girls die in movies. Movies we literally watched last night.”
Sirius paused for a moment, remembering the movies. “I suppose you're right,” He said. “But If I tell you, it will ruin the surprise. You’ll have to trust me on this one.”
Arcane narrowed her eyes at him, she never considered herself a lie detector, but she normally had good judgment and she didn’t truly think her father was going to hurt her, but she had sat down to watch too many horror films in the last few days.
“Fine.” She said. “But I get to carry your wand.”
“What if it gets dark while we’re still in the woods?” Sirius asked. Arcane walked over to a drawer where she knew Ted put random things and opened it, pulling out a long silver cylinder.
“Then we’ll use a flashlight.” She said slyly.
After Sirius reluctantly gave Arcane his wand they made their way out of the house and up to a small path that led into the woods. The black bag Sirius had pulled out of the refrigerator swinging in his hand as he walked. It was humid and the mosquitos seemed to go wild once they stepped between the trees. Arcane could hear the chattering of birds as they began to nest for the night.
“Ozzy said a friend of his saw a wildcat in these woods.” Arcane said to her father.
“Did he?” Sirius answered as they went even deeper in.
“Yeah,” Arcane said. “They hunt at night, don’t they?”
“Ooh…” Sirius chimed. “Could it be that you’re scared?” Sirius asked coyly.
“Not scared, cautious.” Arcane corrected. “We don’t know what are in these woods. I heard there are vampires in England.”
Sirius laughed. “Believe me, if there was ever even a rumor about vampires in Wivenhoe your aunt would have never set foot in the place.
You’ll be lucky to see anything here so much as a moke.”
“A what?” Arcane asked feeling rather silly.
“Never mind,” Sirius brushed off the question. “Let’s keep going, we need to find the right place.”
The sun was about to finish setting by the time they reached a small clearing, Arcane could hear the Colne river to her left. So she knew if her father somehow couldn’t remember the way back she could walk that way to the railroad that was before the river, which would lead them back to town.
“Ready?” Sirius asked her as he opened the black bag and pulling out an extremely large piece of beef liver.
“What’s that for?” Arcane asked suddenly nervous, she didn’t believe coming into wood that possibly had wildcats in them with a giant piece of meat was a good idea.
“You’ll see,” Sirius answered her. “But first I need my wand.”
“What for?” Arcane asked, putting her hand protectively on her back pocket where her father’s wand was.
“Well he won’t like it if it’s cold.” Sirius said as if it were the most obvious thing.
“Who’s he ?” Arcane asked backing away, feeling slightly scared. Who was her father expecting to see that ate raw meat? Sirius seemed to see the worry on Arcane’s face, because he looked at the meat then back at her.
“Oh you don’t need to be afraid, there’s nothing here that will hurt you, I’m not going to hurt you. You understand that right?” Sirius asked.
Arcane kept her hand on the wand. “Right,” She said unconvinced.
“Okay, okay, just let me show you.” Sirius said quickly, then he his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud cab-whistle that echoed out through the woods. A loud shriek sounded in response.
“What did you just do?!” Arcane asked, panic rising in her throat. She wanted to run, but felt paralyzed as much as she wanted them to, her legs wouldn’t move.
“Nothing to worry about,” Sirius said calmly while walking over to her. “Look.” He said, guiding her to turn to her right.
Arcane couldn’t believe what she was looking at. The creature was magnificent, yet terrifying at the same time. It had the head, wings and front legs of a giant eagle, talons so long and sharp they could have been kitchen knives. However, the backside of the creature was one of a horse, it’s coat the same stormy gray of the feathers of its large wings. As it drew closer it turned its head showing its bright orange eye, looking from Arcane to Sirius to the large slice of meat in his hand.
“You hungry?” Sirius laughed as if the creature was a puppy. The creature clicked its steel-colored beak.
“Here you go!” Sirius said as he tossed the meat, the creature caught it with ease then began to tear it apart, with even more ease while using its talons and beak.
“It’s beautiful…” Arcane sighed while she watched the creature. “What is he?”
“ That my dear, is Buckbeak, my hippogriff.” Sirius explained. “And he has been my companion for the last few months while I was on the run.”
“Buckbeak?” Arcane questioned.
“He came with the name,” Sirius told her. “He was originally part of the Hogwarts herd. But Harry gave him to me last year when he helped me escape the Dementors.”
“Harry Potter gave you a hippogriff?” Arcane asked in disbelief. Sirius shrugged.
“Beggars can’t be choosers I suppose.” Sirius sighed as they watched Buckbeak finish eating the piece of meat.
“Can I touch him?” Arcane asked, watching in amazement as she stepped closer. The hippogriff flinched, then skittered away clicking its beak loudly as though it had just noticed Arcane and Sirius were not the same person.
“Hold on,” Sirius said pulling her back. “Hippogriff’s are sensible creatures, very defensive, do as I do.” He told her as he walked a few steps forward and bowed, without breaking eye-contact with the creature. Arcane followed her father’s lead. Buckbeak seemed so used to Sirius he didn’t care that he was bowing, one of the creatures’ eyes were locked on Arcane, it turned its head as it drew closer, trying to see her with each eye while it clicked its beak curiously. Arcane bowed a little lower. Pondering how quickly she would be done for if the creature decided to use its talons on her. However, it did not. Instead it bowed its head at her, Arcane let a small gasp escape her mouth, the creature was truly majestic. Sirius laughed and applauded, not Arcane but the creature.
“I knew you would like her!” He said as he patted Buckbeak lovingly. “After all you like me.”
Buckbeak clicked his beak once more.
“Yeah I know, but I don’t have more meat, you’ll have to keep catching rodents.” Sirius told the creature.
“He eats rodents?” Arcane asked amazed, thinking how such a large animal could catch such small critters.
“Of course!” Sirius said as though the answer should have been obvious. “But forget about that, come and pet him.” Sirius told her while gesturing her to come towards him. Buckbeak’s bright orange eye followed her as she drew closer. As soon she was within her father’s reach he grasped her hand and placed it upon the creatures’ plumage. the feathers felt cool and soft to the touch as if the hippogriff had been bathed in the finest of soaps, yet Arcane could tell they were incredibly strong. Buckbeak’s hind side was as soft as the front, ending with a beautiful tail.
“You fancy riding him?” Sirius asked, snapping Arcane out of her admiration of the creature.
“What?” She asked.
“Would you fancy riding him?” Sirius repeated, over enunciating each word.
“You can ride him?” Arcane asked, then noticed how stupid her question was. She imagined her father had not escaped by walking the Hippogriff. Sirius said nothing, she assumed he knew she had realized her mistake.
“How do we ride him?” Arcane asked.
“Thought you’d never ask.” Sirius smiled coyly. “How about a ride chum,” Sirius said as he pet the hippogriff on the beak. “Just over the woods and back.”
Buckbeak seemed to understand because he kneeled down for Arcane to climb on.
“Easy now,” Sirius hummed as he helped her. “Grasp him here, but not too hard, remember he has feathers.”
After Arcane had accommodated herself Sirius climbed on behind her.
“Ready?” He asked excitedly as Buckbeak stood up. Making Arcane realize just how tall the creature was.
“I’m not sure,” Arcane admitted she had never gone horseback riding, but she doubted it was as bumpy.
“You’ll love it.” Sirius promised as he cued the hippogriff with his leg and Buckbeak began a trot around the clearing, expanding its large wings, then with a hard kick-off it soared upwards into the sky just as the sun disappeared and darkness flooded over the town. Arcane felt a chill go down her spine, which she imagined was a mixture of fear and adrenaline. Buckbeak raised and descended slightly with each beat of his wings, until he reached a height that he seemed to like then proceeded to glide.
“Won’t someone see us?” Arcane asked loudly, due to the wind in her ears.
“Not as long as we stay over the river and fields.” Sirius answered as they flew over the river Colne. Everything around them was so dark, however Buckbeak seemed to be able to see perfectly.
“You got to see stuff like this all summer?” Arcane asked as she looked at the houses in the distance below, they looked like clusters of fireflies.
“If you think this is nice, you would have fallen off of Buckbeak had you seen France.” Sirius laughed.
“You went to France?!” Arcane said in disbelief.
“Darling I was on the run, I went everywhere!” Sirius laughed. “Spain!”
“Spain?!” Arcane said.
“Portugal!” Sirius laughed.
“Portugal?!” Arcane cried.
“Italy!” Sirius smiled. Buckbeak shrieked at the mention of Italy. “Yes, he liked it there as well.”
After that they flew in silence until Buckbeak decided to land in a field across the river.
“Is it hard?” Arcane asked as they dismounted. “Being on the run, I mean.”
“It surely is not the most pleasant thing,” Sirius sighed. “However it makes you appreciate every moment, and realize what is truly important.”
“Like Harry.” Arcane mentioned, as they walked around the field.
“What do you mean?” Sirius asked confused.
“You were far off in Italy, but as soon as something was wrong with Harry you came back, putting yourself at risk of being caught,” Arcane explained. “So Harry must be truly important to you.” She finished.
“Of course,” Sirius answered. “He’s my godson, and other than those oafs he’s got as guardians, I’m the closest thing to family he’s got.”
Arcane stayed silent and looked up at the stars, after being away from the light of the house for so long the stars seemed much clearer.
“There’s Orion.” She said pointing at the constellation. Sirius looked upwards.
“Hmph,” He grunted. “My father didn’t do him justice.”
“Your father?” Arcane asked looking at Sirius.
“That was my fathers’ name.” Sirius explained, still looking at the stars. “Orion.”
“Your father was really named Orion?” Arcane asked, believing her father was merely playing her, however Sirius nodded.
“My family always had an affinity to odd names, I mean, my name is Sirius, my brother’s was Regulus,” he mentioned. “Aunt Lucretta, Uncle Cygnus, my mother was Walburga…”
“And I’m Arcane.” Arcane mentioned.
“A much better choice than what you would have originally been named.” Sirius laughed.
“What would I have been named?” Arcane asked
“Oh your mother had the most atrocious name chosen for you,” Sirius said covering his eyes in embarrassment.
“What was it?” Arcane insisted.
“It was awful, believe me when I tell you,” Sirius wiped his face with both hands. “Ready?”
Arcane nodded.
“She wanted to call you… May.” Sirius told her.
“May?” Arcane repeated wrinkling her nose as she did. “Like the month.”
“Precisely because of the month,” Sirius laughed shaking his head. “Having it was the one you were to be born. Could you just imagine? May Black.” Sirius stuck his tongue out in disgust, making Arcane giggle.
“How did you talk her out of it?” Arcane asked.
“Oh, I spent the best our time together presenting her with different options.” Sirius told her. “She liked Nesrin right away having its meaning… She told you what it meant, right?” Arcane nodded.
“Alright.” Sirius smiled. “So, she enjoyed that name, however she was as stubborn as ever with May,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “She really thought you were going to look like her or your aunt Marlene. Golden blonde hair, a bit more brown in your mothers’ case, with the hazel eyes and rosy cheeks.” Sirius turned and gave Arcane a sarcastic bow. “As you can see you obtained my undeniable beauty instead. Dark hair, stormy eyes… You’re no closer to be called May than I am to be called David. So your mother folded and allowed me to name you Arcane.”
“Yeah, cause that’s much better.” Arcane said sarcastically.
“Well then change it if you dislike it so much.” Sirius laughed with indignity. Buckbeak squealed in the background as he chased field mice. Sirius sighed as he looked off at the river.
“I remember when your mother told me she was pregnant… We were so young.” His face saddened as he looked in the distance. “She had just graduated Hogwarts, she wanted to travel, go everywhere and see everything she could with her family far away from the war. Then… She got pinned down because of me.”
“So you’re saying I was an accident?” Arcane asked. Her mother had always spoken as if Arcane had been wanted. Sirius however pressed his lips together tightly.
“Yes, I suppose you could say that. Though I know it’s not what you wanted to hear.” He looked at her sadly. “You see your mother and I weren’t, er… Dating .” He said sheepishly. “I mean we spent lots of time together, we had our fun, but with the war and everything going on, that was it… Just fun.” Sirius shrugged. Arcane frowned, she never knew any of this.
“Did you love her?” Arcane asked.
“Yes! Yes…” Sirius cleared his throat. “I cared for her, I loved her... in a way, as the mother of my child. We tried our best to make things, er… solid , during the pregnancy, and we did… For the most part”
“Right,” Arcane mumbled disappointedly “Anyway,” She continued waving away that certain point of conversation. “I was an accident, got a weird name, big war going on… What did the family have to say to any of this?”
“Family?” Sirius laughed. “Well, I don’t believe anyone other than Andromeda knew about my child, your mother’s family on the other hand were quite… opinionated.”
“Opinionated?” Arcane raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sure you can imagine,” Sirius sighed, kicking a small stone out of the way. “Some didn’t want a child out of wedlock… Others completely opposed the thoughts of us marrying.”
“Why?” Arcane asked confused. She had always heard stories of how young girls get pregnant and the first thing the family does is marry the couple, why wouldn’t her mother’s family want her parents to marry?
“Because I’m a Black.” Sirius answered flatly. He glanced at Arcane and she supposed that her face told him she needed more explanation, because he continued.
“I told you that our family were blood supremacists, correct?” Arcane nodded.
“Well due to that many of the family supported Voldemort’s forces during the war… So having that and the fact that the Black family has been known for practicing the dark arts, practically forever. Many saw them as an evil family . Which they very much were.” Sirius added.
“Your mothers’ family knew me since I was in the same house and year as your aunt Marlene. And after your mother got pregnant, I did, as they say… Put face. Along that they knew I was fighting with the Order. So they respected me, but did not enjoy the idea that if their youngest daughter married me, she would be taking on the Black family name.”
“So what did you do?” Arcane asked.
“I didn’t do anything. I refer into the sense that I didn’t do anything different than I already was.” Sirius shrugged. “Cassandra moved in with me. I was with her during the pregnancy, I asked Andromeda to come help out in the last few months, and well I’m sure you know the rest.”
“Right.” Arcane said as she watched Buckbeak trot around.
“I’m sorry.” Sirius apologized. “I’m sure you wanted to hear some amazing love story between your mother and I, and I’m sorry it wasn’t, I would have also liked it to have been that way. But we were all so young, caught up in a war, with no idea of what we actually were doing other than following Dumbledore’s orders and trying to stay alive.” Sirius turned to Arcane. “However I want you to know that even though how you came was not ideal, I do not regret it in the slightest. I want you to know that you were so loved, you are loved!” Sirius grasped Arcane’s hand. “You are mine, my child, my blood. And I know that having been absent I have failed you… However, I am here now…” Sirius paused as his eyes began to water and swallowed hard.
Arcane didn’t understand why, she didn’t feel particularly close to her father, yet she let herself lean into his chest. Sirius wrapped his arms around her and sat his head upon her own. Swallowing and sniffling as, Arcane imagined, he was trying to hold back a sob.
Hello readers, thank you for reading this far! i want to give out a special thank you to RMBiehl for being the first suscriber and reader to this story and another thank you to BlueJohnXD for taking the time to read through it all in one sitting.
More chapters will be posted on friday, so sit tight, because Arcane will be on her way to Hogwarts!
Hello to whomever reads this, I missed the friday post... again. It's just, Adult life is really something, eh?
Anyway, Arcane's adventure in hogwarst is about to begin! And to make it up to everyone for my late post, today i will be uploading FOUR chapters... please enjoy!
P.S: A big thanks to my reader, especially RMBhiel who was the fist person to read, suscribe and comment on my story.
Please keep the coments coming, i do truely appreciate them. Bye-Bye!
Chapter Text
The last two days before school passed in a blur. Arcane packed, unpacked, then repacked her trunk multiple times because she was unsure if she had gone down her checklist correctly.
“You know the more often you mess with your trunk, the possibility of leaving something behind is even higher, right?” Sirius told her as he sat in the bay window reading nook, Wendigo fast asleep on his lap. Having it was early on a Sunday morning as Arcane went through her trunk once more.
“Even if you did leave something behind, all you would have to do is write to your aunt and she would have it mailed to you as soon as possible.” Sirius added.
“I would rather not bother her,” Arcane grunted as she pulled out her copy of Compendium of Hidden Defensive Arts and placed it inside her Potli purse. “I’ll pack my Hogwarts things in my trunk, and the rest in my bag…” Arcane paused looking around. “Have you seen my Medimagic book?” she asked. Sirius shifted and pulled a small pocket book from behind him.
“Are you interested in healing magic?” Sirius asked curiously.
“Not really,” Arcane shrugged. “but I can fix a scrape if I need to.”
“Fair enough.” Sirius said holding the book out to Arcane who took it. She paused for a moment, looking at her father intently. She noticed his face was not as sunken as it had originally been. His face was still waxy, but seemed to be improving, similar to a sunburn. Arcane realized her father probably was quite handsome. Along with his personality he was surely well aware of it too.
“What?” He asked.
“You were a Gryffindor, right?” Arcane asked.
“All seven years.” Sirius answered playfully.
“Hmm.” Arcane hummed as she put the Medimagic book in her purse.
“What is that Hmm about?” Sirius asked her.
“Nothing, I was just wondering which house I’ll be sorted into.” Arcane replied. Sirius pondered the statement for a moment.
“That’s actually a good question,” he said, stroking Wendigo softly. “Everyone in your mother’s family were Gryffindor’s, however mine were all Slytherin. Other than myself of course.”
“So where does that put me?” Arcane scoffed.
“Well… Anywhere!” Sirius said spreading his arms wide. “All houses are open for you, generations of courage and cunning. As they say, The world-”
“The world’s my oyster, yeah, yeah.” Arcane said interrupting the motivational speech. “But wasn’t our family, like, evil, you said. Wouldn’t it be bad if I was in Slytherin?”
“The house that you’re in does not make you a good or bad person.” Sirius said, in somber tone. “The person who you are is due to the choices that you make. Peter was a Gryffindor along with all of us, and he was no more than a traitor and coward. Andromeda on the other hand was a Slytherin and well, you’ve seen her, does that not speak for itself?”
“I guess,” Arcane mumbled as she went back to her trunk.
“Er… I was thinking,” Sirius said after a few moments of silence. “I figure it can a little nerve racking being the new kid on the block and all…”
“ Uh huh ?” Arcane enunciated apprehensively.
“So,” He moved his hands around as if looking for the words he was trying to say. “Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to go in having some friends… And well, you being a young lady and all, maybe you would like me to send word to Hermione.”
“Who’s Hermione?” Arcane asked sourly.
“She’s a friend of Harry’s, a very bright young lady, your age of course-”
“I think I’ll pass.” Arcane said quickly. “You asking people to hang out with me is… weird, don’t do it.”
“Er… Okay.” Sirius said lightly.
“Knock-Knock,” Andromeda chimed as she peeked into the open doorway. “Up early I see.” She said walking in.
“Arcane doesn’t want my help to make friends.” Sirius told Andromeda, sticking his bottom lip out like a sad child. Andromeda stared at him confused.
“Er… I may need a bit more of context, before giving my opinion.” She said, her glance shifting back and forth from Arcane to Sirius.
“It’s nothing.” Arcane said, finally closing her trunk and latching it. “I think that’s everything.”
“Finally!” Sirius sighed. “I thought you were going to be going through your trunk all day.”
“You know you were welcome to help.” Arcane told him.
“No can do,” Sirius replied, pointing at the sleeping Puffskein on his lap. “Baby’s sleeping.”
“Mhmm:” Arcane and Andromeda hummed in unison.
“What’s this?” Andromeda asked as she picked a paper off of Arcane’s desk. “One-eyed witch passage? Wha-”
“Oh that’s trash!” Arcane said quickly while plucking the paper from her Aunts hand. “Are we going to have breakfast soon?” she asked changing the subject. “I’m starving.”
“Well I do suppose it’s time,” Andromeda said looking at the clock on Arcane’s desk. “And Ted will be up soon… How about some eggs?”
“With sausage!” Sirius and Arcane said in unison.
It wasn’t until past noon that Arcane began to really feel nervous about Hogwarts, she was honestly excited, yet terrified at the same time. Arcane didn’t bother opening her trunk, she knew it would make her more anxious and it didn’t help that Wendigo did not want to go inside his cage. It took Ted, Arcane and her father to secure the fur ball.
“Blimey, he’s quick for a small bloke.” Ted laughed as he patted the cage. “He’ll be alright once you let him out at the castle.”
“Yeah” Arcane said softly.
“What’s wrong?” Ted asked eyeing her. “And don’ you say nothin’.”
“Just nervous,” Arcane admitted. “A bit shy too.”
“Ah, you be alrigh’ Nessie, many folks had their best time at Hogwarts. Hopefully you will too. If not…” Ted’s face fell slightly. “Well, if not, then we’ll figure out the trips for you to be at Ilvermorny again.”
Arcane nodded. She would never admit it to Ted, but a part of her wished she would hate Hogwarts, just to have the excuse to go back to Ilvermorny with her friends. Back to the place she knew up and down, where she wouldn’t have to be the new kid. Until her father showed up Arcane had been planning that no matter what happened at Hogwarts, even if people bowed to her as she walked. Once term was over she was going to come back and say she hated it, that way she could go back to Ilvermorny as soon as possible. Only now, Arcane wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave. She had wanted to meet her father for the longest time, and now she did. If Arcane went back to the U.S would her communication with her father fade into nothing like it was before? With Arcane in another country, would her father ignore and focus only on Harry because he was closer? She didn’t really want to risk it.
“It’s getting awfully cloudy.” Sirius mentioned as he looked out the kitchen’s back door.
“Oh no, are you serious?” Andromeda whined as she looked also.
“I am.” Sirius replied. Andromeda paused, confused for a moment, then rolled her eyes.
“Ha, ha, real funny.” She said swatting at her cousin, Sirius laughing as she did so.
“Stop!” He laughed. “Honestly it is getting cloudy, worse part is that it’s coming from the north. I hope it’s not raining at Hogwarts.”
“Righ’ it would be a pity for you lot to get wet before getting to the castle.” Ted agreed.
“The one day I travel for something important and it rains!” Andromeda complained. “Brilliant.” She mumbled walking out of the kitchen.
Arcane walked over and looked at the sky, which was getting dark quite quickly.
“Well of course it has to rain, I mean I’m leaving.” Arcane said. “It’s for dramatic effect.” She said playfully to her father.
“Well, Miss-dramatic-effect, I do hope that after hours of packing you have everything you need. And perhaps not leave behind the list of secret passages that are bound to help you.” Sirius taunted. “Because I doubt Harry is going to lend you my old map anytime soon.”
Arcane laughed a bitter laugh. “Yeah… I won’t need it. With the list you made, and perhaps a month or so… I’ll have my own.” She smiled evilly. “I’ll just have to confirm they’re all correct and sneak my way to Hogsmeade a few times.”
“You wouldn’t!” Sirius said in a hushed voice.
Arcane shrugged. “I guess we’ll see.”
Sirius opened his mouth to say something but was Interrupted by Andromeda who walked back into the kitchen while putting her hair up with a clip in the back. “We should go love, Dumbledore said he’ll be sending a carriage down at five o’ clock.” She looked at the clock. “Now or never sweetheart.”
Arcane opened her mouth.
“Ah!” Andromeda interrupted. “Never is not an option, grab the Puffskein. You two,” She gestured at Ted and Sirius. “Bring the trunk from upstairs.” Then she turned and walked out to the living room.
“She knows we can use magic right?” Ted chuckled as Arcane picked up Wendigo’s cage.
“I don’t know; I feel like if we don’t haul it down ourselves she may bite us.” Sirius replied.
“Ooh, I hope so.” Ted teased.
“Ted, there’s children present!” Sirius scolded playfully.
“Oh, sorry.” He said turning to Arcane. “Forget you heard that.”
“Gross.” Arcane laughed as she joined Andromeda in the living room.
Andromeda had got the fire going which made the room feel like an oven at maximum heat.
“Holy- Wow!” Arcane said blowing out and waving her hand in the vain attempt to cool the room down.
“Yeah I know,” She sighed. “Boys come on, we're cooking in here!”
“We’re co-”
“Bloody hell Andromeda, do you want to melt your fireplace?!” Sirius cried as they carried in Arcane’s trunk.
“The fire has to be large when taking along large things Sirius, you know that.” Andromeda responded plainly.
Arcane laughed. Andromeda had always been a bit stiff to her liking, however having Sirius here seemed to have her loosen up a bit. Even though she denies it.
“Here you go.” Ted grunted as they set down the trunk next to the fire mantle.
“Perfect,” Andromeda nodded. “I’ll go first with your trunk, then you come along with your pet, alright?”
“Okay.” Arcane answered.
“Put the fire out after we’re gone, I’ll apparate back.”
“Yes ma’am!” Sirius said with a salute which made Andromeda roll her eyes, yet smile.
“See you in a bit, dear.” She said, giving Ted a quick kiss, then grabbing the vase that contained the Floo powder from on top of the mantel, grabbing a fist full and throwing it into the fire. The flames turned the normal emerald green, then with a flick of her wand, the russet colored trunk floated next to her, where a cramped Andromeda called out, “Hogsmeade!” Then disappeared in a flush of green flames.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye for now.” Arcane said with a bit of sadness as she looked at her father and uncle.
“Ah, it’s just for a bit.” Ted said. We’ll be seein’ you for Christmas.”
“Oh that reminds me!” Sirius said as he summoned something with his wand from upstairs. A streak of gray flew into the room which Sirius caught with the ease a seeker would catch a snitch. “Here.” He said holding out a large stormy gray colored feather.
“Is that?” Arcane began. “Did you pluck him?!”
“Of course I didn’t pluck him!” Sirius said defensively. “He seems to be molting, so I picked one for you. Thought it may make a nice quill.”
Arcane took the feather and smelled it. It smelled like pine and a bit like wet dirt… She loved it.
“Thank you.” She said smiling. “So…” Arcane glanced at Ted who seemed to be interested in Andromeda’s curtains. “So, with him molting, that means…”
“It means I won’t be moving from here for a long while.” Sirius finished. “However, once I can, I’ll meet you in Hogsmeade.”
“Fine.” Arcane said twisting her mouth. “Just be careful.” Sirius nodded and gestured to Ted to say his goodbye.
“Sorry,” He said spreading his arms. “I didn’t bring a goodbye gift.” Arcane laughed and hugged him tightly, which Ted did the same in return.
“Take care of yourself Ness.” He said patting her back. “Keep your head high, alrigh’?”
“Yeah.” Arcane nodded as she let go. “I- I better go before Andromeda gets worried.”
Both of the men nodded and Arcane quickly put her new feather in her purse, then grabbed a handful of powder as Ted held out the vase for her. She threw the powder into the fire, and once it changed colors she jumped into it, Wendigo’s cage grasped with one hand, as she waved goodbye with the other.
“Hogsmeade!” She cried, as the sight of her father and uncle disappeared from view.
The flames cleared out from around her as she walked out of a deep stone fireplace. Her eyes trying to focus upon the inside of what seemed to be some sort of pub. Only much cleaner than she had seen before, along with a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.
“Oh there she is!” Andromeda called from the bar which was a couple tables away. “Come dear!”
“Coming.” Arcane said as she walked in between the tables full of people. Some giving her the stink-eye when she asked if they could move their chair slightly so she could pass.
“Well look at her!” A middle-aged woman said from behind the bar. She had long curly blonde hair with tint of brown, a curvy figure and wore a low-cut blouse that explained why so many men sat at the bar. “She your daughter Andromeda?” The woman asked.
“Oh no, unfortunately no,” Andromeda chuckled. “Mines all grown up.”
“Yours the one with the funny hair?” The lady asked.
“That’s the one.” Andromeda nodded.
“Who’s she then?” The lady smiled, but didn’t address Arcane directly.
“My niece,” Andromeda said quickly checking her watch. “Excuse us Rosmerta but me must get going, Dumbledore should have sent us a carriage by now. Let’s go dear.” Andromeda said as she ushered Arcane to the door of the inn.
“She seems nice.” Arcane said looking back at her aunt, who snorted.
“A nicely loose tongue,” Andromeda said sourly before opening the door. Once she did a blast of water hit them in the face. It was pouring outside the inn, the clouds so dark it almost seemed like twilight.
“Oh me!” Andromeda gasped as she pointed her wand. Arcane didn’t hear her say an incantation, but nevertheless the water stopped hitting them. An invisible barrier between them in the form of a large umbrella.
“Dumbledore did say the Three Broomsticks,” Andromeda frowned, looking at her watch. “We’re not late, oh…”
Arcane had to squint through the rain but once it got close enough she could see the black colored carriage with hanging lanterns at the front, although the most interesting thing about them was that there was no horse or person driving it. It seemed to move completely on its own.
Once the carriage stopped right in front of them Andromeda quickly opened the door and gestured for Arcane to get inside. Her aunt followed behind her and then made Arcane’s trunk float inside, which took up most of the room, but Arcane was glad it wasn’t getting wet. As soon as the Carriage magically knew they were ready, it began to move once more and Andromeda slipped her wand inside her sleeve. In Arcane’s opinion the carriage didn’t smell horrible, but it definitely was not a delight. She would have loved to look at the scenery, however, the rain blocked anything further than half a meter away from view. So she sat patiently as the carriage bumped its way up to the school.
“Are you sure you packed everything?” Andromeda asked, breaking the silence.
“Oh no,” Arcane said holding up a hand. “I went through my trunk way too many times for me to doubt myself again. So let’s not think of it.”
“Alright,” Andromeda said with a happy sigh as she looked out of the window. “I never thought I would be here again after Dora graduated. I can just about say I miss it.”
“Why only about?” Arcane asked her. Andromeda smiled sadly.
“I had a maddening amount of pressure upon my shoulders while I was at school.” Andromeda said. “From my mother, my father, aunts, uncles, most of all my sisters.” Andromeda shook her head. “Trying to live up to an obnoxious title our name was at the time… Always being perfect no matter what,” A smile traced the corner of her lips then she sighed loudly. “I would have gone mad hadn’t it been for Teddy.”
Arcane wanted to ask her what it had been like leaving her entire family for something she loved, however, Andromeda had such a sad look on her face when she had mentioned her mother and sisters, Arcane decided it best to not make her aunt speak about such sad things. So they traveled the rest of the way in silence.
After many bumps, flashes and sounds of thunder they crossed through a pair of gates that seemed to be flanked by winged boars, though Arcane wasn’t sure due to the rain. The carriage came to a halt at the foot of a flight of stone steps, which at the top stood a pair of open oak doors, where in the doorway stood a woman in opal green robes. Her hair was tied in a tight bun and she seemed to be waiting for them.
“Open the door, Ness!” Andromeda said quickly, which Arcane obliged. Soon after she did Andromeda waved her wand and Arcane’s trunk was sent flying through the open doors, missing the woman by a few inches.
“Come on.” Andromeda told Arcane using her wand as a magical umbrella once more. The only problem was that the wind had picked up so much during their carriage ride, that it wasn’t of much use, since they still got wet from the side as they climbed the steps.
“Now I understand I was not your favorite professor Mrs. Tonks…” The woman began as they walked inside, nearly falling over on the slippery marble floor. “However, I would never have dreamed of you aiming a school trunk at my head.”
“I apologize professor,” Andromeda said as she dried her clothes with magic. “It’s a bit hard to aim when you can’t see too well in the rain.” Andromeda turned and dried Arcane’s clothes, who pushed her hair out of her face making the professor gasp loudly.
“Is this the child?” She asked, a hand flying to her mouth before composing herself. “She has an uncanny resemblance to her father, does she not?” The professor mentioned as she peered at Arcane over her square rimmed glasses.
“Indeed she does professor” Andromeda chuckled before turning to Arcane. “Ness, this is Professor McGonagall, she is deputy headmistress, as well as...” Andromeda paused and glanced at the professor. “Are you still teaching transfiguration, professor?”
“I am.” McGonagall nodded as she looked at Arcane with a mixture of curiosity and fright.
“Well, she will best be your transfiguration professor.” Andromeda told Arcane with a nod, before turning back to the professor. “As you may know professor this is my niece, Arcane Black.”
“Yes,” McGonagall said thoughtfully. “Dumbledore informed me to where he saw fit about the child. It is most… Uncommon, to have what they would say, a transfer student.” McGonagall straightened her glasses before speaking again. “Nonetheless, welcome to Hogwarts Miss Black. If you both would follow me, the headmaster would like to speak to you before the other students arrive. You may leave your trunk,” She said eyeing it surely criticizing the color mentally. “They will move it to a holding place until you are sorted.”
“Yes ma’am, thank you.” Arcane and Andromeda said in unison.
McGonagall led them up the grand marble staircase that stood facing the oak doors. They climbed until they reached the third floor, walking so fast Arcane hardly had time to gawk at everything she was seeing. The architecture of the castle was a thousand times more beautiful than Ilvermorny, it had high ribbed vaults and ornate decoration all over the ceiling, along with beautiful moving paintings of people who waved to her as she passed. At Ilvermorny most paintings would remain in their own, gossiping with whomever had been painting along aside them, however higher up the wall Arcane saw a strange knight running through the painting, demanding that random ones duel him. They came to a stop in front of a very grumpy looking stone gargoyle, whom Arcane could have sworn eyed them curiously.
“Cockroach cluster.” McGonagall said lazily, which Arcane found strange, since the professor didn’t originally strike her as a woman who would speak randomly to stone sculptures. However, to Arcane’s amazement the stone gargoyle sprang to life, making Andromeda jump in surprise. Shortly after the gargoyle moved, the solid wall that was behind it split in two, revealing a spiral staircase. Which to Arcane’s surprise, was slowly rotating upwards.
“Cool.” Arcane said softly. McGonagall seemed to have heard her, because she turned, giving Arcane a once over glance.
“This way,” She said gesturing for them to go in first.
“Hurry on, Ness.” Andromeda said softly pushing Arcane onto the stairs. Arcane wondered how Professor Dumbledore could possibly come up and down these stairs every day without getting insanely dizzy. There were no paintings or windows as the stairs spiraled upwards, just plain marble walls. Arcane closed her eyes after a minute, trying hard not to feel claustrophobic. Finally, the stairs stopped at an open doorway, leading to the one of the places Arcane had only dreamed of entering… Dumbledore’s office.
Chapter Text
“Whoa!” Arcane said as she walked into a large circular room, the ceiling even more ornate than the one in the corridors. Hanging from it was a large candelabra. The entire room was circled by bookcases filled to the brim with so many books it seemed that the headmaster had settled to put some on the floor, since many of his tables were piled with gizmos and gadgets, all moving on their own, fulfilling whatever their purpose is. On the walls hung many portraits of people who Arcane assumed had been headmasters of Hogwarts in their time. All of them seemed to be fast asleep, yet Arcane saw the painting of a wizard with a beard and thin eyebrows peeking at her.
“You have arrived I see,” Chimed a voice from atop one of the two curved staircases that flanked a large claw-footed desk. Arcane looked up to see Dumbledore peering down at them, a soft smile on his face. “In well time too, since I have been debating if my robes are adequate for this year’s welcoming banquet.” Dumbledore gestured to the robes he was wearing. They were deep green and Arcane could see a variety of moons and stars carefully embroidered into the fabric. Arcane framed Dumbledore with her fingers.
“The robes look perfect,” She said. “But the hat doesn’t match.” She said wrinkling her nose with a smile. Dumbledore pulled the pointed hat he had been wearing from of his head and looked at it, as if noticing just now that an old battered and frayed hat didn’t match it. With a brief gleam in his eyes he turned to Arcane. “Your absolutely right. Will you please take this Professor McGonagall, I’m sure we will have use for it later on.” He said handing the hat to McGonagall as he reached the end of the stairs.”
“Of course,” McGonagall said as she took the hat. “Now if you excuse me headmaster, I must finish tending to, well almost everything. Peeves is in quite the mood today.”
“Of course professor, I will be down to help you shortly.” Dumbledore nodded. “Thank you.”
With a quick nod to both Dumbledore and Andromeda, professor McGonagall left the office.
“You had a good trip here I hope,” Dumbledore said as he walked behind his desk.
“Oh, it was well.” Andromeda said casually.
“Yeah, and just as wet.” Arcane added. Andromeda looked at her sternly, unlike Dumbledore who chuckled.
“My apologies, I had organized for the carriage ride from Hogsmeade because I wanted you to see the school scenery as you made your way up.” Dumbledore explained. “I did not expect the rain.”
“No worries professor, she’s here now.” Andromeda said patting Arcane on the shoulder.
“Indeed.” Dumbledore chimed as he sat down. “Tell Miss Black, were you able to fulfill your summer studies?”
“Yes,” Arcane nodded excitedly. “My aunt helped me fill in what I was missing from my first three years, and I checked out what stuff was going to be seen this year.”
“You sound quite prepared.” Dumbledore smiled.
“As well as I can be, I guess.” Arcane shrugged happily. “Though I have noticed that Hogwarts doesn’t see elemental or sigil magic… Not to mention that the potions lined up for this year is, like, kind of easy.”
“Ness!” Andromeda gasped horrified. “Don’t be rude!”
Arcane hadn’t said it to be rude, she was just curious about the school program. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean i-”
Dumbledore held up his hand in a sign of silence. Arcane went quiet, hoping she hadn’t just offended the wizard she as looked up to her entire life.
“I see you have been reading into our school and its teachings…” Dumbledore began. “Something which delights me since I have been doing the same about your school of Ilvermorny. Having it being the perfect year to learn about foreign schools.” Dumbledore smiled, as if he had just said a personal joke. “And having that be the case, I have an explanation to what you have said.” Dumbledore clapped his hands, then a cry let out through the office, making Arcane flinch. Although her fear from the cry disappeared once she saw the beautiful scarlet and golden bird land on Dumbledore’s desk, an old bounded book under it. Arcane’s mouth dropped open when she realized she was looking at a phoenix.
“Holy cow! That’s a phoenix!” Arcane thought aloud. Dumbledore chucked.
“Yes, this is Fawkes One of my most prized possessions.” Dumbledore mentioned while stroking the creatures’ beak. “However, what I meant to show you is what he brought me.” He said, pulling the book from under the birds’ talons.
Dumbledore opened the book and began pointing out the difference between the history of Great Britain and what is the Americas, something Arcane had not expected him to do, although she did not complain.
“… As different from the native Americans whose magic originally depended on the elements and nature, which I am sure you know.” He said with a smile. “European wizards channeled their magic through tools, which now we call wands… it was not always this way, though through time Europeans found it easier to…”
“Use short commands, rather than long chants.” Arcane finished.
“Precisely,” Dumbledore nodded. “Now if we focus on the migration to the new world, the meeting of European style magic and the native American, created a mixture of the types. Through the years as the European influence has grown stronger of course it has changed from it once had been. Though in schools such as Ilvermorny it is still taught to a certain extent.
“So you saying that our way of potion making is easy, is not quite the case. It is only a bit more simplified than what you have been learning. Which will surely pleasure professor Snape to have a student up to his caliber.” Andromeda snorted, which made Arcane and Dumbledore both jump since she had looked like she was about to fall asleep beforehand.
“Snape’s giving classes?” she asked.
“Yes,” Dumbledore said airily. “for many years now.”
Andromeda opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Arcane turned to see a man with a horrible pasty face, bulging eyes and hunched shoulders. He wore an ugly brown coat and the bald spot on the top of his head shined as if he had rubbed Vaseline on it.
“Evening Headmaster,” The man wheezed.
Evening?! Arcane thought as she turned to find the nearest clock. It had only been a bit past five when she arrived at Hogwarts, it was nearly seven right now. Dumbledore seemed to have noticed the same thing, because he smiled warmly.
“You Miss Black, have reminded me how much I loved teaching.”
Arcane could feel herself go red in the face. Dumbledore chuckled then turned to the hunched man. “Evening Mr. Filch. I assume it was Professor McGonagall that sent you?”
“Y- Yes Headmaster.” Mr. Filch wheezed.
“Very well,” Dumbledore nodded. “Shall I escort you to the main entrance Mrs. Tonks?”
“Yes sir, thank you.” Andromeda said quickly, then turned to Arcane. “Please be careful,” She said brushing Arcane’s hair out of her face. “Pay attention in class, behave and write home if you need anything, promise?”
“I promise,” Arcane fake giggled to try and hold back her tears, caused by the memory of her mother saying similar things before sending her off.
“Alright then.” Andromeda said softly before planting a kiss on Arcane’s head. “Bye love.”
“You are to stay here Mrs. Black. Professor McGonagall will be up soon to take you where you are to wait before your sorting. I was meant to explain it to you, but alas, we got distracted.”
Arcane wanted to apologize, but Dumbledore’s smile made her think otherwise as they left the office, closing the door behind them and leaving her alone, in the office of the greatest wizard to date.
Arcane was no snoop, she would rather describe herself as curious . Though not to the point of going through the Headmaster's desk drawers or anything. However, if she casually picked up a book from the floor and it just happened to open, Arcane didn’t see the reason why she couldn’t read the page it fell upon.
“List of student reports 1910-1911…” Arcane read to herself. “Mariyah Mullen… Caught out of bed. Emerson Busby… Fight on the Quidditch pitch with Umer Clayton…” Arcane hummed as she read the other names and why they were reported. “Leta Lestrange…Used Oscausi charm on Ellen Pugh… What’s the Oscausi charm?” Arcane asked herself, promising she would figure it out when she had the chance. Arcane continued flipping through the book, reading many different types of reports until about twenty minutes later the office door swung open and McGonagall entered.
Arcane quickly stood up from the Headmaster’s chair, which was where she had sat to read, and placed the book upon the desk. McGonagall’s lips thinned, making Arcane think she was about to receive her first sermon. However, McGonagall only took a deep breath and gestured towards the staircase. “Follow me please.” She said which Arcane obeyed.
“The other students will be arriving shortly,” McGonagall said as they passed the stone gargoyle. “Once they have all seated themselves in the great hall and our first year’s finish crossing the lake…”
“First years cross the lake?” Arcane said in surprise.
Yes,” McGonagall nodded.
“This year too?” Arcane questioned.
“Of course it is a tradition of every year.” McGonagall preened. “That way our new students catch their first view of the castle.”
“Kinda hard to do that if you’re getting rained on.” Arcane snorted and McGonagall’s lips thinned once more.
“As I was saying,” McGonagall began again. “Once the older students have seated themselves and the first years make it across the lake, they will line up before I take them into the great hall,” She explained as they walked down the grand staircase. “Once in the great hall they shall line up before the head table to be sorted.”
“Like an auction?” Arcane asked, unable to shake the idea of small first years standing before the professors and then being told what house they were to be in.
“No Miss Black, not like an auction.” McGonagall said sternly.
“How are they sorted then?” Arcane asked curiously.
“You will see,” McGonagall said plainly as they reached the first floor, only instead of heading down the remaining of the marble staircase towards the great hall, McGonagall guided her to the nearest empty classroom. “After the first years have been sorted, the Headmaster will give a brief explanation about your transfer to this school and introduce you.” McGonagall said opening the classroom door. “Once his introduction is done, you will enter the great hall, and be sorted, so I suggest you pay attention for that cue. Understood?” Arcane nodded.
“Very well,” McGonagall nodded. “Your trunk and pet are inside here, do me the favor of changing into your school robes. I will come to fetch you when I come to retrieve the first years.”
“Right… Um, I have a question though…” Arcane said. McGonagall breathed in.
“Yes?” She asked.
“Who’s that?” Arcane asked pointing at the ceiling. At first she thought she may be seeing a ghost, which Arcane knew were not uncommon in old buildings and castles. There were plenty at Ilvermorny. However, the thing that she was seeing was different from a ghost, having it seemed solid and was not pearly looking or transparent. It was in fact the opposite. It was a figure of a small man dressed in clownish colors, he had black messy hair that pointed out in every direction under his bell-topped hat.
McGonagall looked up in the direction of Arcane’s finger just in time to move out of the way of a large water balloon the man had dropped in aim for her head. Leaving it to hit the ground with a large burst, that sent water all over the floor.
“Peeves!” McGonagall cried angrily as she cleaned up the water with a wave of her wand. “Get down from there right now!”
“Watch out Minnie, it’s raining!” Peeves cackled.
“You best be gone Peeves, before I fetch the Bloody Baron!” McGonagall threatened.
“No fun Minnie, Peevsie only wants to join the party!” The small man chimed with a wicked smile.
“I warn you Peeves,” The professor huffed. Though Peeves interrupted her with a loud raspberry before disappearing.
“So I guess that’s Peeves,” Arcane laughed.
McGonagall mumbled something that Arcane couldn’t hear, due to the crash that came from inside the great hall.
“That must be Peeves,” The professor whined.
“Would you like some help, professor?” Arcane offered. McGonagall checked the pocket watch she had tucked into her robes.
“No, no, I’ll see to Peeves,” She said turning to Arcane. “You change into your robes.” She finished by pointing up and down at Arcane’s clothing. Another crash echoed, and without saying another word McGonagall hurried off towards the great hall.
Arcane shrugged and entered the classroom, she had no idea what the class was for, due to that everything seemed to be put away and the tables, along with the chairs were stacked neatly against the wall. Only one Table was in the middle of the classroom, with Arcane’s trunk and cage that held her Puffskein on top of it.
“Hi buddy,” Arcane said softly to the Puffskein as it yawned widely. “Have a nice nap?” she asked, poking her fingers through the cage to scratch its head.
Squeals of laughter could be heard from outside the classroom, which Arcane figured was from the first students arriving. The rain was still pouring outside so Arcane could only imagine their squeals were from getting wet on their way from the carriage to the door.
On the far side of the room was a small window that Arcane assumed she could look out of if she climbed upon the tables, which she did.
All the way from the front of the castle to the far gates, that Arcane couldn’t see due to the darkness, and rain, were a line of black stagecoaches, moving by themselves just as the one that had brought Arcane to the castle. She watched as when each pulled up to the front steps, the door of the coach opened and four people hurried up the steps.
Arcane couldn’t help but laugh as she saw a pair of redheads slipped on the stone steps, a dark skinned boy, who seemed to be their friend laughing as well, as he helped them to their feet.
After the coaches seemed to have brought everyone, Arcane climbed down from where she was and slipped out of the classroom and peeked down the marble staircase. Just as she did she saw a group of small wet children come to a stop in front of the, now closed, doors that lead into the great hall. Without thinking twice Arcane walked down the steps and up to the children, who were all drenched from head to toe and shivering profusely.
“You guys alright?” Arcane asked. All the small heads turned to her, some frowning, some in fright. A small boy nearest to her hesitantly backed away.
“I’m not going to bite,” Arcane said raising her hands. “You okay?” She asked the boy.
“I’m cold…” The boy said shivering.
“I bet you are,” Arcane smiled as she wiped the boy's wet hair out of his face. “But you’ll be warm soon enough, I heard Hogwarts food can warm you to the bone.” Arcane wiggled her eyebrows playfully and some of the kids laughed.
“You heard?” asked an incredibly sassy boy. “Wouldn’t you know, having tried it.”
Arcane resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the child. “Well I haven’t tried it.” Arcane said.
“Why?” Asked a girl clearly frightened. “Did you get in trouble and they not let you eat?”
“Oh no,” Arcane said quickly. “They don’t do that here, why would you think that?” Arcane asked worried.
“That’s what I was told.” The girl said softly, with a glare at the sassy boy. Arcane took a breath to avoid saying anything to the boy, then turned back to the girl.
“Well, I promise you that doesn’t happen here,” Arcane said sweetly. “I just haven’t eaten here because I’m new, just like all of you…”
“What do you mean, new?” A girl in the back asked. “Are you a first year too?” another asked.
“You talk funny,” A boy mentioned next to her. Arcane caught sight of the boy and paused, he was just as wet as the others, only that he seemed to me wearing a gigantic moleskin overcoat, so the only visible part of him was his head.
“What happened to you?” Arcane asked curiously, wondering if the child had an explanation for the circus tent he was wearing.
“I fell into the lake!” He said excitedly, as if he had dreamed of it his entire life. “And something pushed me back into the boat.”
“Yeah, probably some creature that decided you weren’t worth pulling under.” The sassy boy snickered.
Arcane felt her heart drop, she didn’t like swimming on a normal day, and now believing the possibility that the lake next to the school may have a creature that could pull you under made her stomach roll.
“Yes Hagrid, Thank you.” Said a voice from around the corner, which belonged to Professor McGonagall who appeared a moment later. “Now, welcome to Hog-” McGonagall stopped as soon as she caught sight of Arcane. “What in heavens are you doing Miss Black?”
“Sorry Professor, everyone was a bit cold a rattled after crossing the lake, so I kept them company.” Arcane explained.
“Well that will be enough for now,” McGonagall said as she guided Arcane away from the first years. “The sorting ceremony will be beginning soon, so may I ask you again to go change your robes.” She said sternly as they reached the foot of the marble staircase.
“Right away professor,” Arcane nodded before looking over her shoulder to the first years. “Good luck everyone, see you in a bit.” She waved, and a few children waved back.
After changing Arcane stood outside the door of the great hall listening as each child got sorted, she couldn’t help but remembering her sorting ceremony at Ilvermorny, how nervous and frightened she had also been. Her heart had been beating a thousand miles per hour as she was told it was her turn to stand in the Gordian knot crafted in the floor of the grand entrance hall. Arcane looked up and above her was a circular balcony where all the older students stood peering down at her with curiosity. Questioning among themselves where small Arcane Black was going to end up. Finally, after her shoes echoed through the hall, Arcane made it to the center of the Gordian knot, where four large wooden statues faced her. A Horned Serpent, a Wampus, a Thunderbird and a Pukwudgie. Arcane was the third person to be sorted, so she had seen twice how the sorting worked, yet she still was trembling. She stared at each wooden statue, all of them were still, which made panic begin to rise in Arcane’s throat. It hadn’t taken them so long to react to the others… Just as that thought crossed her mind, the Thunderbird statue spread its wings and began to beat them strongly, followed seconds after by a loud roar originating from the Wampus statue.
Many people on the balcony gasped and began murmuring excitedly.
“Cool” “We didn’t get one like that last year!” “What if someone makes all four react?”
Arcane stood, observing the moving statues with confusion.
“Miss Black,” Chimed the tanned woman who had brought the first years to the hall. “You have been chosen by Thunderbird, who represents the soul. And by Wampus, who represents the body…” The woman’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. “Now… Of these two, which one do you choose?”
Arcane glanced from the Thunderbird to the Wampus statue, soul and body… She didn’t know which one she was more in touch with. However, she had been told that each house also favors a type of person. Wampus favored warriors and Thunderbird favored adventurers, and Arcane didn’t believe herself a warrior whatsoever. So, determined that the statue had reacted first for a reason, she turned towards the woman
“I choose Thunderbird.” Arcane said.
“Thunderbird!” The woman called happily, cheers erupted from the balcony above as the statue beat its wings once more.
“… New student…” The words made Arcane snap out of her flashback and focus on the words coming from the other side of the door. “… North America… Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!”
Oh that’s my cue! Arcane thought, panicking at the fact she almost missed her introduction. So with a deep breath, she pushed the great halls doors open and walked inside.
Chapter Text
It took Arcane one glance to know that she had indeed not missed her introduction. She had in fact walked inside the great hall, right in the middle of it.
However, Arcane held her head up high, noticing Dumbledore looked far more amused rather than angry at the fact he had just been interrupted.
“There she is now.” Dumbledore said as he motioned for Arcane to join him in front of the high table, with a smile. The great hall was easily the size of a church, not the local style one may find in a small town, the hall was more of a catholic, gothic style, as of the rest of the castle. Above her floated thousands of lit candles, which from in between Arcane could see the ceiling had been enchanted to look like the sky outside. Something Arcane already knew from reading Tonks old copy of Hogwarts, a history . Arcane imagined that it would have been lovely to eat dinner under the stars, however tonight everyone would eat under a hard storm. Arcane began to walk, listening to the hushed comments she could hear the students saying among themselves as she passed.
“Is that the American?” “An American at Hogwarts?” “What is Dumbledore playing at?” “What is she wearing?”
The last comment made Arcane smile, because she knew that was the reason of the appalled look on McGonagall’s face. Arcane had followed the professors’ orders of putting on her school robes , but Arcane was sure she hadn’t meant her Ilvermorny robes. Which were blue and cranberry colored, fastened near the neck by a golden Gordian knot, covering her black waistcoat and brown breeches that lay underneath; topped off with Arcane’s doc Martens.
Arcane looked around at the nearest tables, where every student much like the first years that Arcane had met, were all wearing plain black robes, the only difference between students was that at each table, their lapels and ties were different colors. Arcane saw the sassy first year sitting at the table to the far right where everyone had green ties, and having the snobbish faces that most had at the table, she felt that the child couldn’t have been a better fit.
Arcane remembered Tonks’s Hufflepuff banner in her room, which had yellow colors on it. So Arcane looked over to her left where people had yellow ties, that was where she saw the small frightened girl she had spoken to in the entrance hall. When the girl locked eyes with Arcane, she gave a small nervous wave, to which Arcane wiggled her fingers to in response, making many of the older students twist their head rapidly at her. Some of the other first years saw the interaction, because as Arcane walked past the boy who she had wiped his hair out of his face, who was now sitting at the blue-tie table, shot his hand out. To which Arcane responded with a laugh and high-five, making some people gasp before she walked up next to a smiling Dumbledore, who cleared his throat before speaking.
“This young lady here will be joining our fourth year class. I do hope that whichever house she may be sorted into, will make her welcome.” Dumbledore gestured to a stool about three feet in front of him.
Arcane thought it was silly to get sorted on an old stool, however Dumbledore did not look as if he was joking. Therefore Arcane walked over to it and sat down, the entire hall was staring back at her. That was when she saw him, a boy with black messy hair, bright green eyes and a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead. Harry Potter… She thought, as he watched her. She flinched as she saw professor McGonagall walking over to her, carrying the last thing Arcane would have expected. An old frayed hat. Though without hesitation McGonagall placed the hat atop Arcane’s head and immediately everyone went silent.
Arcane had been about to laugh from nerves when suddenly the hat's rim opened.
“ BLAAAAAAAAAAACK !” The hat cried so loud that Arcane along with many others covered their ears. Yet, even though it had just spoken aloud it didn’t continue. The hat was perfectly still on Arcane’s head although she could hear its voice speaking into her ear. “It’s been more than twenty years since I sorted one of you .” The voice growled. “I believed I was free of The Noble House of Black after Regulus, but here you are… Perhaps I should put you in Slytherin like the rest of your family.”
Arcane looked over at the table with the green ties.
“Yes,” The hat told her. “Those are the ones your family has been in for generations. Or rather I put you in Gryffindor, like your mother and father.”
Arcane looked at the Gryffindor table, the same one Harry Potter was sat at.
“Hmmm, I see envy,” The hat cooed. “Bravery… Or may it be determination… No, there is so much more to you.” The hat hissed, then it went silent. Arcane froze, was the sorting over? What house was she to go to?
“RAVENCLAW!” The hat shouted for everyone to hear.
The blue-tied table clapped loudly, the young boy who Arcane had high-fived cheered excitedly.
“Very well,” Professor McGonagall said with a small tone of disappointment as she reached to take the hat off Arcane’s head. Just before she did, Arcane heard its voice once again in her ear.
“Just so you know, Black...” It said. “I go well with any clothing.” Arcane stifled a laugh as the hat was taken off, she looked at Dumbledore who nodded expectantly.
“Very well,” He said, gesturing towards Arcane next to him. “Our new student has been rightfully sorted. I do expect Ravenclaw house to welcome her along as the first years with open arms. Correct Professor Flitwick?”
“Oh indeed.” Piped a small man sitting on many cushions at the high table, looking rather pleased that his house received the transfer student.
“Well then, may we all give an applause in welcome of Miss Arcane Black.”
Dumbledore tried to play off the name by applauding loudly, however Arcane’s name echoed across the room. Not even the Ravenclaw’s applauded, except for the young first year. Instead mummers began to carry around the hall.
“Did he say Black?” “Black?!” “As in Sirius Black?” “Black the murderer?” “Did he have a daughter?” “Couldn’t have, he was in Azkaban.” “What about before?”
Dumbledore cleared his throat. “You may sit down now Miss Black.” He said loud enough for Arcane to hear.
Arcane walked over to her house table, where everyone stared at her, but none invited her to sit other than her new friend, the first year.
“Sit here!” He said patting the bench seat beside him, where Arcane sat, on her other side sat a pale girl with dirty-blonde hair, and large silvery eyes.
“Tuck in.” Arcane heard Dumbledore say before a buffet of food appeared on the table before them.
“I’m Stewart,” The first year said to Arcane as he tugged on her sleeve. “This is Orla, shes a bit shy.”
Arcane looked at the dark skinned girl, whose hair was decorated by beads.
“Hi Orla.” Arcane said. However, the girl looked at Arcane as if she had just threatened her, quickly looking down at the floor. Arcane didn’t want to criticize, but small Orla didn’t look as if she was too shy to speak to Arcane. The small girl seemed to be avoiding her completely. A tap on Arcane’s shoulder made her turn to her right where the pale girl sat.
“Hello,” The girl said Airily.
“Hi,” Arcane said.
“I’m Luna.”
“Cool, I’m A-”
“Arcane. Yes, I heard.” The girl cooed, many others at the table were looking at her as if she were crazy by speaking to Arcane, but the girl didn’t seem to mind. “Would you mind passing the peas, please.” The girl asked.
As Arcane ate she could feel the stares from everyone at her table though no one made the motion to speak to her other than small Stewart.
“Then they took my folks and I to Diagon alley, mum wouldn’t let go of her cross the entire way!” Stewart told Arcane as she cut the meat she was eating. “Real shocker for her, but dad seemed alright, bit confused but caught on quickly.”
Stewart kept going on about how his No-Maj parents helped him shop for everything at Diagon alley with the help of another wizard that Arcane had already forgotten the name of. She was too busy trying to ignore the mumblings of everyone at the table. “Perhaps we should say hello.” “Are you mad, her pops a murderer!” “You know ‘bout the sayin’ that dirigible plums don’t float far from the tree.” “She looks alright,” “Yeah well Sirius Black wasn’t always a loon was he?”
A prickling sensation in the back of Arcane’s neck made her turn, looking up at the staff table. Arcane knew people were looking at her with distrust, which she didn’t mind. But, right next to professor McGonagall sat a hooked-nose man, with sallow skin and greasy-looking black hair. Arcane expected teachers to be wary of her now they all knew her name, however this man glared at Arcane with undeniable hatred. Arcane turned slowly back to the girl next to her.
“Excuse me, uh… Luna?” Arcane said.
“Yes?” The girl chimed as the food disappeared, replacing itself with a variety of desserts.
“Who’s the Nosferatu looking man with a bob cut?” Arcane asked, inclining her head towards the staff table. Luna looked at her confused for a moment then turned to look at the high table.
“Next to Professor McGonagall?” She questioned. Arcane nodded.
“That’s Professor Snape. He teaches potions.” Luna mentioned as she served herself some pie.
“And is his face, just, like, stuck that way or… is it me?” Arcane asked, while handing Stewart a plate of cookies he had been reaching for. Luna popped a piece of pie then swallowed before speaking again.
“He is always frowning.” Luna mentioned while glancing at Snape. “Though I do suppose his glare tonight is directed to you, yes.”
“Perfect,” Arcane mumbled as she ate her dessert trying to think of anything other than her housemates mumbling and the piercing gaze hammering into her back.
After the desserts disappeared Dumbledore got up from his chair making everyone go silent as he began to list off the forbidden objects of this year, as well as telling the first years that they are not allowed to enter the forest surrounding the castle. Hogsmeade, the town near the school, was allowed for third years and above which made Arcane glad. Andromeda told her it was a complete wizarding town, and Arcane was excited to see more than just the Inn they had floo-powdered too.
“It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch cup will not take place this year.” Dumbledore mentioned. Various noises of outrage echoed through the hall, an Asian girl with long black hair, sitting a few seats up from Arcane gasped and covered her mouth. Dumbledore, began to explain an event that would begin in October, however Arcane couldn’t pay attention. Her eyes kept flickering back to Professor Snape, who still looked at her with so much hatred, his face had con slightly red. The only reason why this man looked away from her was due to the banging of the great hall's door opening. Everyone’s head turned to see a man with a thick staff, who was soon lit by a flash of lightning. The stranger was wearing a wet Travel cloak that dripped water onto the floor, when he took off his hood Arcane saw that his hair was similar to one of a lions’ mane that had been ripped out in some areas, the only difference was that it had much gray in it. With a grunt the man began walking up to the staff table. A loud clunking sound with every other step. As he got closer Arcane didn’t find the man frightening, however he was nowhere near a normal face. He seemed like the many veterans Arcane had met in one of her visits to New York with her mother. Many of them had chunks missing from their faces as well, due to No-Maj war bombs. Although this man was a wizard, so Arcane could only imagine what creature or perhaps person gave him the many scars he carried. Not to mention the large, independently moving, bright-blue eye he had. Which contrasted violently with small, dark, normal one he had in the other socket. Once the man reached Dumbledore, they shook hands, exchanged a few words, then Dumbledore invited the man to sit down.
“Who’s that?” Arcane asked Luna, because she figured that he was a teacher of some sort.
“Haven’t the faintest.” Luna answered.
“Did you see his eye?!” Stewart asked Arcane in an overly excited whisper.
“Shhh,” Arcane hissed at him. “Don’t be rude Stewart.”
“May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?” Dumbledore beamed, breaking the silence. “Professor Moody.”
Dumbledore, along with an overly large man at the staff table, applauded a few times, but when seeing nobody else continued they quickly stopped.
“Wasn’t Moody an Auror?” Arcane heard an older boy ask one of his friends. “More of a loon best said.” Another commented. “He’s no loon!” A tanned girl said with a slight Indian accent. “My father met him before Moody retired, said that he was one of the best Aurors the ministry had.” “Why’d he retire then?” another girl asked. “Well look at him!” A young man suggested. “If I looked like that I would retire as well.” “Why? It’s not like he can get much worse.” One girl snickered.
“As I was saying,” Dumbledore said, in the attempt to grasp everyone’s attention once more. “We are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that has not been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year.”
“You’re JOKING!” echoed across the hall, breaking the tension as everyone laughed. Arcane looked over in the direction of the voice as she giggled, to see that the one who had spoked was one of the red-heads she saw slip on the front steps.
Dumbledore chortled, then proceeded in explaining what the Triwizard Tournament was. “The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of wizardry: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. A champion was selected to represent each school, and the three champions competed in three magical tasks.”
Beauxbatons… Arcane thought, she had heard of that school many times before. It was common at Ilvermorny to have transfers and even student exchange with that particular academy. Though as Arcane thought, she had never heard of Ilvermorny to have any sort of tournament with another school.
Once Dumbledore announced that the two schools would be joining them at Hogwarts, Arcane immediately felt excited. She had always been curious of Hogwarts because of her mother, along with Beauxbatons because that was where her mothers’ best friend had gone and now, this year she had the opportunity to see Hogwarts, see Beauxbatons students, also as spot on top of a toadstool, she would also meet Durmstrang students.
Perhaps she may even be able to participate in the tournament, that would be exciting. Arcane knew she was not the only one wanting to participate. Many others were whispering excitedly among themselves.
“Eager though I know all of you will be to bring the Triwizard Cup to Hogwarts,” Dumbledore spoke. “The heads of the participating schools, along with the Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year. Only students who are of age…”
Arcane groaned along with many others. There went her chance to participate. Others objected, but Dumbledore said it was a precaution they were to take no matter what. Saying that he, himself would work the respective necessities, for no one to ‘hoodwink’ their way in. Dumbledore’s eyes fixed upon the red-heads. “I therefore beg you not to waste your time submitting yourself if you are under seventeen.” He said aloud, though it seemed quite directed to the two. Then after the saying that he hoped all shall be welcoming to the visitors, he clapped his hands and sent everyone off to bed.
“First years follow me please!” Called a dark brown young man, standing up at the table Arcane was sat at. His eyes fell upon Arcane and he pressed his lips slightly together, looking at the girl with brown hair beside him, who also stood up looking at her. They both had badges on their robes so Arcane assumed they were the house prefects.
“Er…” The girl stammered. “Could you repeat your first name, please?” She asked warily.
“Arcane,” Arcane said.
“Right,” The girl laughed nervously. “Er, Arcane… You don’t have to stand directly with the first years, but try to follow near the front, alright?”
“Yeah,” Arcane answered calmly, trying to ignore the fact that the girl acted as if she was about to be bitten.
“Perfect. Follow us please.” The girl said.
It turned out that the offer of Arcane not having to walk with the first years was unavoidable, since the rest of Ravenclaw house kept a large distance between her and themselves. Arcane figured Stewart spoke to her because he had no idea who her last name belonged to, something she figured someone would tell him as soon as they had the chance.
They passed the Slytherin’s as they made their way out of the great hall. Which was where Arcane confirmed other houses were also speaking about her.
“Look! There she is,” “Not like you could miss her though, she’s wearing that.” “You think she’ll murder anyone tonight?” “At least her father killed muggles.”
Arcane breathed deeply and walked in silence as she followed the prefects up towards the fifth floor. All the first years oohing and awing every painting, door or moving staircase they passed.
The Gryffindor’s climbed on once they met the fifth floor, unlike the Ravenclaw’s who veered to the right until reaching a spiral staircase.
“What’s with all the spiral staircases,” Arcane mumbled glumly as they went up. Arcane lost count of the steps when suddenly everyone in front of her stopped before an old wooden door that had nothing on it except a large bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.
“This is the entrance to Ravenclaw tower,” The young man announced to the first years. “This is where our common room and dormitories are. We do not bring anyone from any other house here, understood?” The small first years nodded.
“Good. Mae…” The young man gestured to the female prefect to take action.
“Okay.” Mae nodded before standing in front of the door. “Our door is a very peculiar thing… Unlike others that may have a password, ours makes us use our brains,” Mae pointed her fingers to the sides of her head. “What you all need to do to get inside is to knock on the door then the knocker,” She said gesturing to the bronze eagle. “Will give you a riddle.”
“Show me your knockers Mae!” called a voice from the back of the group.
“Shut it!” Mae hushed as some, including Arcane, giggled. “Observe…” Mae continued as she reached and knocked. As soon as she did, the eagle's beak opened and a musical voice spoke.
“What building has the most storeys?”
Mae turned expectantly to the first years. “Anybody have an answer?” She asked.
All the first years shifted uncomfortably, surely nervous about saying the wrong thing.
“Hogwarts!” chimed Stewart excitedly. “Hogwarts has the most storeys!” A few of the older students chuckled, meanwhile the knocker remained silent.
“Oops. It seems that’s not the right answer.” Mae said kindly. “Anyone else?” She turned to another first year, a girl with short curly hair. “You?”
“Oh,” The girl squeaked hiding her face. “I don’t know.”
“But you haven’t even tried to guess,” Mae frowned. “You have to answer to get in… Or at least try.” Mae’s eyes fell on Arcane. “Do you have an answer?”
Arcane laughed nervously. “No, no. I’m no good with riddles.” Arcane said, waving her hand.
“Guess she won’t be entering the tower then.” A voice snorted from behind her, followed by someone else giggling. Mae looked past Arcane and gave whomever had spoken the evil-eye. Then turned back to Arcane.
“Come on Arcane,” Mae insisted. “Let’s try and give our first years the right impression. It’s okay to be wrong as long as you try to answer.”
“But do try to be right,” Added the male prefect. “Having that if you do give the wrong answer you will have to wait until someone comes and answers it right.”
“Yes,” Mae agreed as she forced a smile. “A- Anyways, Arcane… Would you try to answer please? What building has the most storeys?”
Oh no… Arcane thought, she was really on the spot now. Stewart didn’t seem to mind, but Arcane really did not like the idea of everyone laughing if she got the answer wrong. Okay think , she told herself. Large building with a lot of stories ... There’s the Sears Tower, the Empire state building, Chrysler building, wait! Arcane paused, realizing she was in Great Britain. Surely the door knocker only knew of tall buildings from there. Okay… British tall buildings, Arcane thought. There’s the London tower, the NatWest tower, isn’t there some church? She asked herself. Or was it a chapel? Wait, no. Chapels aren’t large. It was a church, ch… Arcane pinched her nose as the thought of church made her think of Chetham. How did she know that word? Chetham’s… Chetham’s… Suddenly the thought came so quickly to her eyes popped open. Chetham’s Library.
“Library…” Arcane said softly.
“Sorry?” Mae asked not having been able to hear Arcane.
“The building that has the most stories ,” Arcane enunciated. “Is a Library.”
“Well thought.” The door knocker chimed before swinging open. Arcane bowed her head as a few applauded.
“Well done Arcane.” Mae nodded before turning to the first years. “Come see inside everyone.”
Many of the first years gasped in admiration when walking into the common room, and Arcane had no shame to be among them. The Ravenclaw common room was in one word, ethereal. Laid out in a wide circle, filled with various bookshelves, tables and chairs, along with graceful high-arched windows, beautiful blue and bronze silks hung from them. As Arcane looked up she noticed the domed ceiling was painted with stars and with closer look one could point out constellations. Right in front of the door way, across the enchanting dark-blue carpet, stood a niche in the wall where a large white marble statue of a woman posed. Others seemed to be also looking at the statue because Mae hopped over in front of it.
“This statue here, is of Rowena Ravenclaw herself, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.” Mae said proudly, although some others groaned, probably having heard this story many times already. “Rowena always favored wisdom, intelligence and learning. So when classes start tomorrow make sure to do great!” Mae said excitedly. Though most of the first years frowned.
“Blimey, talk about pressure!” The male prefect teased. “Catch a breather Mae, I’ll finish up here then we can all head to bed, alright?” He asked looking at the first years who nodded. “Brilliant!” He clapped. “Well, what my fellow prefect here was saying, is indeed correct. Rowena Ravenclaw indeed valued intelligence, wisdom, blah, blah, blah. However, she also valued straight wit, along with creativity and acceptance . Something that’s real important for you first years to know, because of course you all will want to learn magic, but if you take longer than others to do certain things, you must know it’s alright as long as you're trying your best, understood?” He asked, smiling. Arcane couldn’t help but smirk when she saw, how the first years looked at him with utmost adoration
“Well now off we all go to bed say you?”
Chapter Text
After showing the door to the dormitories and up yet another spiral staircase, the two prefects divided into a group of boys and the other of girls as they led them to their respective dormitories.
“Let me remind you all that boys are not allowed in our dorm and girls are not supposed to go inside theirs,” Mae said looking at a pair of older girls with a cocked eyebrow. “Anyway, here’s your dorm girls.” She said sweetly to the first years while opening the door leading into their room. “Change and try to get a good night sleep, make sure to wash up before classes, the girl lavatories on our floor are by the muggle studies showroom, the washrooms are accessed if you tickle the chipped brick of the niche in the wall at the far side of the room.”
“What about our things?” Orla asked, pulling at her wet robe.
“Oh yes, your belongings are already inside, but for good feeling,” Mae pulled her wand out of the sleeve of her robe and waved it at the girls, soon their robes seemed to steam until they were completely dry. The girls smiled and after a quick goodbye Mae turned to continue her way followed by the rest of the Ravenclaw girls. Arcane remembered when house prefects would lead the first years to their dorms at Ilvermorny. Though she never really watched, she and her friend Tiva would hurry up to their own dorm to change and if not too tired would unpack a bit before bed. The more she thought about it the more she was sure that the older students were tagging along just to watch her.
“Here we are,” Mae said a few doors down. “Fourth year dorm.”
“What?!” A voice from behind snorted. “She’s not staying with us, is she?”
Mae’s jaw tightened slightly. “She is a fourth year so it is logical for her to be among the fourth years.”
Another girl scoffed. “Right, it sounds logical, but there’s no room for her.”
Arcane turned finally towards the hostile voices, she had barely been at Hogwarts a few hours and these girls seemed like they had decided to bother Arcane purposely. The girl who had just spoken had a pinched face, with a somewhat large forehead that was noticeable due to the way she had her espresso-colored hair pulled back in a headband. She was pale and had so many freckles on her body it seemed someone had sifted cinnamon onto her. Quite different from the first girl who had spoken, who was tan-skinned, but not as dark as the one who’d had the Indian accent, nor nearly as light as the blonde girl arcane had sat next to at dinner. Her brown hair was down to her waist and curly. Followed by thick eyebrows and long eyelashes which enveloped honey colored eyes that glared at the prefect.
“Mandy’s right,” The first girl said. “Our room only has four beds.” The girl smirked at Arcane. “Though I’m sure she could find a comfortable spot in the common room.” She sneered.
Suddenly the door to the fourth year girl’s dorm opened on its own. Mae seemed surprised by the fact but still looked inside. After a quick glance a sly smile appeared across her face.
“Four beds, you say?” Mae asked. “That’s odd, because I count five, MacDougal.” Mae said towards the first girl.
“What?!” MacDougal hissed as she stormed to look inside. “Impossible! We’ve been four ever since first year. Where did the other bed come from?!”
Mae shrugged. “Dunno, and don’t care. Make yourselves at home and off to bed, night.” She finished with a quick nod to Arcane.
“Ugh!” MacDougal groaned while she stomped inside. The freckled girl followed behind her.
Arcane walked inside along with two other girls, the tanned-skin one with an Indian accent and a girl who had brown hair the same color of mahogany.
The dormitory, like the common room, was circular, filled with five four-poster beds made of golden oak, covered in sky-blue eiderdowns, and navy-blue curtains. One pointed cinquefoil window stood between every bed, along with an upholstered armchair and nightstand on one side, and a wooden bookcase on the other.
Arcane’s appreciation for the room's layout was interrupted by MacDougal stomping her foot.
“You!” She said pointing an almond-nailed finger at Arcane. “Move your trunk.”
“Excuse me?” Arcane spat thinking that MacDougal was referring to her bottom.
“Move. Your. Trunk!” MacDougal repeated, pausing after each word. Only this time she pointed at Arcane’s russet trunk that was at the foot of one of the beds.
“Why?” Arcane asked. Making MacDougal groan.
“Because that’s my spot! I get the bed that faces the mountains.” She snapped.
“Says who?” Arcane asked, folding her arms. All eyes were on her and MacDougal now.
“Says I .” MacDougal hissed. “Now are you going to move your trunk or not?!”
“Not.” Arcane said flatly as she brushed past MacDougal a plopped herself down onto the bed where her trunk was.
MacDougal stood with her mouth open as if she was choking for a moment, before she spoke. “I’m not sleeping in any of these beds if it’s not that one.” She shrieked.
“Well then you should go find yourself a comfy spot in the common room then.” Arcane said as she leaned to untie her shoe. The mahogany-haired girl stifled a laugh, which made MacDougal spin her head towards her instead of Arcane.
“What you laughing about Turpin?” MacDougal asked her in a threatening tone. The mahogany-haired girl didn’t answer, which seemed to pacify MacDougal until she located the girls’ trunk in front of the bed next to her own.
“Absolutely not!” MacDougal cried. “You better move Turpin, because if I’m going to sleep here it’s definitely not going to be next to you .”
Turpin exchanged looks with the Indian girl, who rolled her eyes.
“Take mine.” The Indian girl said in surrender.
“No,” Arcane said without thinking, making everyone look at her. “Take mine.” She offered, picking up her shoes. “I guess it has an amazing view, plus you guys seem like friends,” She said pointing at Turpin and the Indian girl. “So she takes mine and I’ll take yours.” Arcane said.
The Indian girl eyed her warily. “You sure? You’d be next to the door.”
“And near Mandy.” Turpin added.
“Shut it Turpin!” Mandy warned.
“Eat my shorts.” Turpin spat. Arcane paused when hearing that and stared at Turpin.
“What?” Turpin asked surely wondering why Arcane was staring at her.
“Eat my shorts…” Arcane repeated. “Where did you learn that?”
Turpin went slightly pink in the face, seemingly embarrassed. “From a film.” Turpin said softly.
“The Breakfast club?” Arcane asked. Which made Turpin’s eyebrow rise so fast Arcane thought they would fly off her heat.
“Yeah!” Turpin said in surprise. “You know it?”
“I used to watch it with my mom.” Arcane laughed.
“My Mum loves that movie as well!” Turpin smiled.
“Oh how nice! Turpin’s making friends with the murderers’ daughter.” MacDougal snickered. Which completely killed the mood. Turpin frowned and glanced at the Indian girl.
“Best we all move our trunks then.” She said. Arcane nodded and they all moved their trunks in silence. Arcane only spoke in hushed tones when she moved Wendigo’s cage to the armchair next to her bed. “I’ll let you out in the morning.” She whispered to the Puffskein. While the other girls closed their bed curtains and changed into their pajamas, and finally all laid down to get some sleep.
The next morning Arcane hurried along with the other girls towards the bathrooms in hopes to get a wash, which was quite difficult to do when over a hundred girls plan on doing the same. Some finally gave up on the fifth-floor washrooms and either went to the sixth or fourth floor to wash. Once Arcane made it back to her dorm, let wendigo out of his cage so he may roam the room and pulled on her black school robes, she began to make her way down the spiral staircase towards the great hall. Perhaps it was the black robe that made her unnoticeable at first glance, because as she passed it took people a second glance before they leaned to the person closest to them to speak, most probably about her.
“Arcane!” A voice called, which Arcane recognized as Mae the prefect, who waved Arcane towards her with a slightly forced smile.
“Yeah?” Arcane asked reluctantly as she watched Mae’s friends glance Arcane up and down, before speaking in hushed tones between them.
“Professor Flitwick spoke to me this morning, told me to give you these personally,” Mae said, holding up a pair of rolled blue ties. “They’re-”
“Part of the house uniform, yeah I know.” Arcane finished, getting annoyed by Mae's friend’s whisperings.
“Right.” Mae laughed sheepishly. “And here’s your class schedule, you have a free hour after lunch today, that’s nice.” Mae gave Arcane a weak smile as she handed her a rolled parchment.
“Great,” Arcane said with a smile. “Maybe we’ll see each other and your friends can keep saying crap about me like I’m not standing right in front of them.”
All the girls immediately went silent as the smile disappeared from Arcane’s face. Soon all of them became really interested in their breakfast. Arcane grabbed the ties and shook her hand showing them to Mae.
“Thanks.” She said before continuing down the table. Arcane saw Stewart sitting with a couple other first year boys, he waved at her when their eyes met, but one boy quickly said something Arcane couldn’t hear. Which made Stewart frown and shake his head before turning away from Arcane.
“Great.” Arcane muttered to herself as she sat down in an empty spot at the table and began to serve herself some eggs and sausage.
After a while Luna walked over and plopped herself next to Arcane.
“Good morning.” Luna said airily while serving herself yogurt with much fruit and granola.
“Hi Luna,” Arcane said while looking at her schedule.
“Did you sleep well?” Luna asked.
“Yeah, kind of.” Arcane answered. “You?”
“Fairly well.” Luna nodded as she ate a spoonful of yogurt.
“Um…” Arcane began, “Can you tell me how to get to the potions classroom?”
Luna looked at Arcane with her large blue eyes and blinked a few times.
“Yes,” She cooed. “But I’m sure they can show you.” Luna finished while pointing her spoon at Turpin and the Indian girl that Arcane shared her dorm with.
“Good morning!” Turpin chimed happily as she sat across from Arcane and Luna, the Indian girl sat beside her, looking more nervous than happy.
“Going over the schedule are you?” Turpin asked in a Scottish accent, Arcane hadn’t noticed the night before.
“Arcane was just asking where the potions classroom was,” Luna hummed. “You can show her the way, yes?”
“Aye,” Turpin answered. “I was goin’ to offer last night but, er…”
“You didn’t want to be making friends with the murderer’s daughter?” Arcane offered. Turpin blushed and the Indian girl’s lips thinned.
“Sorry.” Turpin muttered.
“Forget it.” Arcane said. “Want something?”
“Wanted to ask you some questions.” Turpin said bluntly, making the Indian girl’s eyes go wide.
“Lisa!” She hissed.
“Haud it Padma,” Turpin said quickly. “We’re all goin’ to be sleeping in the same room for the next three years, might as well be frank.”
“What if she gets angry?” Padma asked in a hushed tone.
“Don’t you think she’ll prefer us to ask her our questions upfront rather than be speaking behind her back like the lot of them?” Turpin defended.
“Like you’re doing right now?” Luna chimed.
Turpin and Padma glanced at Luna, then at Arcane, then at each other.
“Y’see Padma? We already have a bad beginning!” Turpin complained. “Anyway,” She said turning to Arcane. “Can we ask you somethin’ or not?”
“Sure,” Arcane said, confused.
“Are you really Sirius Black’s daughter?” Turpin asked.
“Lisa!” Padma fussed again.
“What? It’s not like she wasn’ expecting the question!” Turpin said while Padma hid her face in her hands. “So are you?” Turpin insisted.
“So I’ve been told.” Arcane said, pressing her lips together.
“Told? So you haven’t met him?” Turpin asked.
“Maybe when I was, like, a baby.” Arcane said. “Isn’t he, like, in Azkaban or something?”
“What? So you, like, definitely don’know?” Turpin asked with a smile of amazement.
“Know what?” Arcane asked, feigning ignorance.
“You don’t know that he escaped? Came to Hogwarts he did, broke into Gryffindor common room.” Turpin mentioned quickly, words flying out of her mouth. “Word says he was going after Harry Potter, wanted to finish ‘em off since You-Know-Who couldn’t.”
“Lisa stop!” Padma hissed. “That’s her father after all.”
Turpin covered her mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to speak of it like some gossip. I understand that’s your family and all.”
“Right,” Arcane said with a sigh. “I really don’t want to have this conversation again, so I’ll say it to you,” Arcane pointed at Turpin, “And you can spread it out, Okay?”
Turpin’s eyes shinned like Arcane was about to give her gold.
“I am not my father.” Arcane began, “I don’t know him, I have never met him, I didn’t know he was even my father until I got to England, because like Dumbledore said… I’ve been in America for most of my life. Got it?”
Although Arcane had been speaking in a certainly annoyed voice, Turpin’s face still had a beaming smile on her face.
“Do you know what this means?” Turpin asked.
“No…” Arcane said confused.
“It means you’re our celebrity!” Turpin squealed, making a few other students look over at them.
“What?” Padma asked confused.
“Just think about it! Penelope Clearwater from Hufflepuff graduated last year, Slytherin’s are all bawbags, and Gryffindor’s got Potter who’s always doin’ sometin’ or other. Now we got her!” Turpin pointed excitedly at Arcane. “She’s going to be Ravenclaw’s celebrity with her American accent, American magic and who knows what else. You got any talents?” Turpin asked Arcane who wondered if she preferred being ignored.
As Arcane walked into the dungeons with the other girls, many of the students that were already inside ceased speaking. Other than a group of Slytherin girls, being riled up by one with a face of a type of dog Arcane couldn’t remember the name of.
“We mostly work in pairs,” Lisa, Turpin’s first name which she had insisted Arcane call her by. “So you’ll probably have to take a table to yourself.”
“That’s fine.” Arcane answered taking the last table, right behind Lisa and Padma.
“Do you think she’ll create an explosion like her father?” The dog-faced girl asked her girl group loud enough for Arcane to hear.
“I saw her sitting next to Loony Lovegood at breakfast.” Said another girl whose skin was the tone of coffee beans, and had her hair done in boxer braids.
“It makes sense though,” Chimed another voice coming from the only blonde girl from the group. “I mean it is Loony after all.”
The last girl who hadn’t spoken laughed, or that was what Arcane believed her to be doing. The wide set girl sounded like she was grunting rather than laughing.
Arcane rolled her eyes and leaned towards Lisa who was resting her back against the front of Arcane’s table.
“So… Who’s the evil girl gang?” Arcane asked.
“jus’ your fellow Slytherin dobbers.” Lisa spat.
“Translation, be it a bit more specific?” Arcane asked Padma, who looked sourly over at the Slytherin group.
“The one who grunts like an Erumpent is Millicent Bulstrode…”
“Bull toad!” Lisa faked coughed, earning a glare from Padma.
“The one with plaits is Tracey Davis, her old man works in Africa. Supposedly her earrings are made of Tebo tusks.”
Arcane had no idea what Tebo tusks were but nodded as if she did.
“The blonde one is Daphne Greengrass and the last one is Pansy Parkinson.” Padma finished. “Like most Slytherin’s they’re all mad rich.”
“And purebloods.” Lisa said sourly as she glared at the group. One of the girls noticed and whispered to Pansy Parkinson.
“Got something to say Turpin?” She sneered, but didn’t get a chance to say more before a side door surely leading into an office opened and out walked Professor Snape.
“Be silent in my class.” Snape said as he walked to the front. “Last term you all clearly proved to be inept, unable to make the simplest of potions, Dizziness Draught. So I will not be surprised if you all remain… inadequate.”
Snape had looked up at the class and ran his eyes through the crowd as he spoke, until he caught sight of Arcane. His eyes immediately bulged, yet he composed himself with such speed that Arcane wouldn’t have been surprised if no one else had noticed. Great … Arcane thought to herself. He still hates me.
“Ah, yes…” Snape longed. “Yet another Hogwarts celebrity…”
Everyone’s head turned to Arcane and she cursed under her breath. She had met teachers who enjoyed putting people on the spot, only I had never happened to her until now.
“Tell me, Black,” Snape’s face twisted at the mention of her last name. “How does it feel to have a famous murderous father?”
Arcane gritted her teeth before responding.
“I wouldn’t know, perhaps one should ask the children of the Deatheaters, sir .” She enunciated as some of the Ravenclaw’s gasped. Snape’s nostrils flared.
“I see you have the cheek of your father, as does Potter.” Snape sneered, making himself look incredibly ugly. “And Potter has done himself well in showing he is as incompetent as his father; I am sure you are to do the same.”
Arcane saw out of the corner as a pale boy with white-blonde hair, who was at the table to Arcane’s left, snickered along with another dark-skinned boy standing next to him.
“I was told Ilvermorny school has an outstanding potions department, that by second year students are demanded on knowing the theory of how the most complicated potions are made,” Snape scoffed. “Something I find it very hard to believe having it be an American school.”
“What would that have to do with anything?” Arcane asked while crossing her arms. “It’s not as if potions are a difficult art.”
“Not difficult?” Snape repeated in disbelief, his eye twitching slightly. “Tell me Black, how many bat ears does Scintillation solution take?”
Arcane paused, unsure if she had heard the question wrong or if Snape was trying to trick her.
“Um… It doesn’t take any bat ears.” Arcane answered. “Though it does take bat wings, crushed bat wings actually. Because if you put them in without crushing them it makes the potion explode, like throwing ice into hot… oil…” Arcane stopped speaking once she noticed how many of the other students looked at her in amazement.
“And which way do you stir Polyjuice potion?” Snape hissed.
“Depends,” Arcane said. “Are you stirring the first or second time?”
Snape stormed his way towards Arcane table so quickly Arcane thought for a moment he may slap her.
“What does the Baneberry and the Noxious potion cure?” He asked glaring at her as he pressed his hand onto her table. Everyone else had their eyes glued to the interaction, not even the Slytherin’s seemed as light-hearted.
“What? Arcane asked confused, why was this professor asking her such easy questions. “To start with, Baneberry doesn’t cure anything, it’s similar to the Draught of Living Death only that this one sends the drinker to sleep then their heart actually stops, causing death. And Noxious potion is actually named the Noxious poison . One that if ingested it would cause the person to melt from the inside out… Really Professor, I thought you would ask hard questions.” Arcane blurted, immediately regretting it, because due to the gasp that went around the room, she knew she had just made a mistake.
Snape’s face contorted into an evil smile, as if he had just cornered a nasty bug and was about to step on it.
“Very well,” He sneered drawing away from her table and walking slowly back to the front of the room. “Since Ravenclaw’s newest member seems to want to be funny, all of you will be making Alihosty Draught and whoever laughs will get detention.”
Everyone, except Lisa and Padma, turned to glare at Arcane.
“The one who makes a perfect, or rather knowing you all makes a decent one will surely still be sane by the end.”
“And if someone does make the potion correctly?” Arcane asked. Snape growled at the sound of her voice, but turned to her nonetheless.
“Let me tell you Black, that it is most absurd to believe anyone in this room, including yourself is even seemingly capable of brewing such a potion.”
“But what if someone does do it?” Arcane insisted.
Snape scoffed, looking at the Slytherin’s he gestured to Arcane as if she was some class of joke. Causing them to laugh. Arcane looked over to her left, where the pale blonde boy stood with table partner. Arcane’s eyes met his for a moment and felt a small lurch in her stomach, making her look away.
“Your answer professor?” Arcane asked.
“I see you are as self-absorbed as your father.” Snape hissed. “However, just to be able to see you fall off your high horse when you fail, I will give you the measly motivation you crave.
“To the person who makes a perfect draught, I will award their house ten points.”
Some people looked at each other in amazement, as if ten house points were unbelievable. Though from the aura Arcane got from Professor Snape, she was pretty sure that him offering ten points was as if he were randomly handing out candy. Something Arcane promised herself never to accept if offered by Snape.
“Your time begins now.” Snape said before heading up to the black board to write the instructions for the potion.
Chapter Text
With many heavy sighs everyone began to pull out the supplies they were going to need. Though Arcane before doing anything else she reached inside her robe to pull out her small purse, where from inside she grasped a small glass container, filled with a light brown ointment. Immediately Arcane uncapped it and with her ring finger she rubbed some under her nose. Once done she reached forward and tapped Lisa’s arm.
“Hmm?” Lisa hummed in question.
“Put this under your nose.” Arcane told her in a low voice.
“Why?” Lisa asked grasping the ointment with curiosity.
“It will protect you from the fumes. Keep you from laughing” Arcane said.
“How do you know it will work?” Padma asked while eyeing the ointment in Lisa’s hands.
“Because we use it all the time at Ilvermorny. It’s not magic, they’re just herbs.” Arcane said wagging her finger at the container.
“Well I surely don’ want detention, d’you?” Lisa said to Padma as she rubbed the ointment under her nose like a mustache rather than around her nostrils.
Padma rolled her eyes with a smile, then proceeded to use some of the herb cream as well before handing back to Arcane.
Now protected and having most of the directions written across the black board, Arcane decided it was time for her to start her potion. After setting her cauldron in the right position Arcane rolled back her sleeves slightly and waved her hand.
“ Incendio .” She said as a small flame ignited.
“Wait, how did you do that?!” Called the blonde boy to Arcane’s left.
“Do what?” Arcane asked confused.
“You lit your fire without a wand! How?!” He cried, drawing the attention of Pansy, the dog-faced girl who was at the table in front of him.
“How did you do it?!” The boy insisted.
“With magic you dork, just like everyone else.” Arcane said to him.
“What did you call me?!” The boy asked looking both confused and offended. “Do you know who I am?!”
“What are you shouting about in my classroom, Malfoy?” Snape growled from the front of the classroom.
“It’s her Professor!” Parkinson shrieked while pointing at Arcane. “She must have a cheat cauldron or something, it lit without her using her wand!”
“What?” Arcane laughed. “You mean like this?” Arcane gestured for Padma to move out of the way of her cauldron, which she did after Lisa quickly pulled her aside. Then while repeating the spell Arcane waved her hand, from which shot a jolt of orange and red light, towards Padma’s cauldron, where shortly after small flame erupted from underneath.
Many students gasped, as if they had never seen something of the sort before, which Arcane soon realized they hadn’t.
“It’s basic wandless magic,” Arcane said when seeing the surprised look on Snape’s face. “Though surely a distinguished English Professor such as yourself is well used to it.” Arcane finished with a smile of fake flattery.
“Get back to work.” Snape gritted through his teeth, before turning to continue writing on the board.
Arcane continued working silently on her potion, stirring it when necessary, while out of the corner of her eye she saw Parkinson talking to Davis in hushed tones, while looking over at Arcane every few moments.
Lisa would turn to Arcane for suggestions on her potion while Padma was insistent that if anything was meant to be done differently Snape would have written it upon the board.
Arcane could hear students around the room beginning to giggle, snort and even hiccup. Which Arcane knew wasn’t a good sign. Though she still focused on her own work, trying to ignore the fact that the pale boy was copying her every move.
“Do it Pansy!” Arcane heard Davis whisper. As the other girls from her girl group snicker.
“Okay.” Pansy said, “Watch this.” Then after pulling her wand slowly out of her sleeve, Pansy pointed her wand towards Arcane’s cauldron. Who was watching out of her peripheral vision.
“Incendio maxima.” Pansy whispered excitedly, as a red light flushed out of her wand towards Arcane who quickly grabbed her wand that she had put on her table.
“ Tempixoa .” Arcane muttered. Making the light bounce away from her, and hitting a dull looking slytherin boys’ cauldron. Causing him to holler in surprise as high flames erupted around his cauldron. Snape looked away from the board to see the boy flailing aimlessly due that his sleeve had caught on fire. Something that made Snape only roll his eyes before continuing his writing. Parkinson and her girl gang turned to glare at Arcane, who smirked.
“Nice try.” Arcane said. “ Bouyi .” She whispered while pointing it at Parkinson’s potion. Which in matter of seconds started boiling excessively, causing it to overflow from the cauldron. All the girls shrieked as the rushed away from the hot substance.
“What is it now?!” Snape growled, pressuring his chalk so hard against the board it snapped. Once he turned around to see Parkinson’s overflown potion he pursed his lips.
“Incompetence from you again miss Parkinson?” Snape said.
“But- Professor…” Pansy began.
“Silence.” Snape snapped at her. Then gave a quick glance at Arcane who acted as if she wasn’t watching the whole thing. “Clean up your station Parkinson.” Snape gave the class an evil eye. “Five minutes.”
Five minutes which passed without any other interesting altercation other than a boy from slytherin who had busted out laughing. Though Snape seemed to take no notice of. Unlike a Ravenclaw boy who Lisa said was named Oliver, to whom Snape did give detention.
After that the professor took his time going around the room giving baneful comments to everyone except Malfoy, the blonde boy to Arcane’s left. As Snape peered at Malfoy’s potion he snorted. “Humph.” Then proceeded to walk back to the front of the class.
“You forgot to criticize mine, Professor.” Arcane said.
“What did you say?” Snape hissed.
“I said that you forgot to revise mine, Professor.” Arcane repeated with a thin smile.
Snape wrinkled his nose before speaking. “Tell me Black, what did you make?”
“Alihosty Draught.” Arcane responded.
“Other known as the potion of hysteria,” Snape mentioned bitterly.
“If brewed wrong it could induce madness,” Arcane mentioned.
“Indeed… And now you, a fourth year. Believe to have brewed it?” Snape sneered.
“Is that not what we were told to do?” Arcane retorted, staring at the professor defiantly.
“If you are so confident…” Snape said as if he could not wait to laugh, which Arcane suspected he never did. “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind testing it.”
“Testing?” Arcane asked.
“Are you deaf Black?” Snape snapped. Arcane clenched her fists, then smiled.
“No, sir.” She said as she filled a wide mouthed vile with her potion and began to make her way slowly to the front. Just as she was at the front, next to the table of the dull-looking Slytherin boy, Snape scowled at her.
“We’re waiting!”
Once that was said, without breaking eye-contact with the professor Arcane reached out and flung the potion on the dull looking boy, causing most to gasp. Arcane did not have anything personally against the boy, however she wasn’t sure how Snape was going to make her test it out. She only knew she was not about to use it on herself or any of her house mates. So the boy will yet have to be collateral damage in Arcane’s mind. Everyone was silent, watching as the blue fumes rise towards the boys’ nose. Once they reached the boy almost unwillingly took a breath in. The look on his face immediately changed, right before he let out an uncontrollable burst of laughter, causing himself to fall to the floor. The boy next to him, equally dull-looking as large, rushed to help, only to be entrapped by the fumes as well. Creating a pair of large sized Slytherin’s laughing on the floor.
“She did it.” Arcane heard one of the Ravenclaw boys say.
“I suggest we get them to the hospital wing,” Arcane said to the professor who looked oddly dumbstruck for a moment, before regaining what Arcane believed his favorite bitter glare.
“Parkinson!” Snape snapped, making the girl jump. “You and Zabini take these two out of my sight, to Pomfrey if they make it sane. Malfoy will clear up their things. Now!”
The dark-skinned boy next to Malfoy hurried to help Parkinson try to lift the goons and rush them out of the dungeon.
“The rest of you be gone as well.” Snape growled. Everyone quickly began to gather their things though Arcane decided to press her luck.
“Excuse me, Professor?” She said, making Snape slam his fist on his desk.
“What!” He snapped, everyone stopped in their tracks.
“I believe you have an agreement with the class,” Arcane said smoothly. “Ten points to the house to whom brewed the potion correctly. Which I did.”
Snape’s face went as red as a howler.
“Points!” Snape said though he was choking. “To the-… H-house!” Snape paused and took a deep breath.
“Yes.” He said, this time in his usual monotonous tone. “Ten points to Ravenclaw,” Snape said aloud. “For succeeding in making Alihosty Draught. However…” Snape continued. “I will be taking those ten points from Ravenclaw, due to Miss Black’s… clumsiness.”
Snape looked at Arcane who glared at him, making a small smile hint at the edge of his mouth.
“Class dismissed.”
Arcane turned to make it back to her table, expecting to see looks of full hatred from her housemates, however all of them looked awestruck. All other than MacDougal and her sidekick that is. Though even Padma was smiling.
After making their way out of the dungeons room Arcane moved out of the way to tie her shoe, her housemates so intertwined in their retellings of what happened in class did not seem to notice her absence in the stampede that was going upstairs. Just as Arcane had finished double-knotting her boot she saw pinched-face Malfoy come up from the dungeons, his vision set on his three housemates who were laughing hysterically on the stairwell while being shepherd by Zabini.
“Hey!” Arcane called out as she walked behind him.
“What do you want?” Malfoy hissed.
“Cool your cauldron, Malfoy.” Arcane said to him. “Here.” She held out her herb ointment, which Malfoy ignored.
“How do you know my name?” He asked.
“What?” Arcane asked confused.
“Who told you my name?!” Malfoy said demanding an answer.
“Snape said it in class.” Arcane said pointing her thumb towards the dungeon.
“And you just had to remember it?!” Malfoy questioned.
“Shut up Malfoy, it’s just a name!” Arcane said. “You’re acting like I know the color of your undies.”
Malfoy’s face went slightly pink. “I- I…”
“Doesn’t matter.” Arcane said quickly. “Here.” She shook her hand showing the container once more.
“What is that?” Malfoy asked.
“Osha root, Astralagus, other things.” Arcane shrugged. “Simple thing really. Just grab some and rub it under their noses,” Arcane nodded to the human hyenas on the stairs. “It won’t cure them, but it should do enough to keep your girlfriend from rolling her way to the nurse’s office.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Malfoy said sourly.
“Arcane?” Someone called from the top of the stairs. Arcane looked up to see Lisa and Padma.
“Whatever.” Arcane shrugged at Malfoy before climbing the steps to reach her housemates.
“You alright?” Padma asked looking intently from Arcane down to Malfoy.
“Yeah,” Arcane said. “You guys took off and I was asking directions to next period.”
“Oh, good thing we came back then.” Lisa laughed. “Malfoy’s the worst.”
Even though Arcane had both made Ravenclaw earn and lose points, her new housemates did not seem to hold that against her. Instead they seemed rather set on retelling the story to the Hufflepuff’s in the second hour as well as the rest of Ravenclaw house at lunch. Which earned her much praise along with many questions about her time at Ilvermorny school. Arcane tried her best to answer, though she was also trying to eat a decent lunch. It wasn’t until a random owl dropped a letter in front of her did Arcane excuse herself from the table and find someplace a bit quieter to spend her free hour.
She had decided to leave her books in her dorm, so as she made her way up she opened the letter, surprised to see it was from her father.
Dear Arcane,
I do hope you are finding Hogwarts well; I am quite curious to know which house you were sorted into in the end. Though I noticed I forgot to tell you something before you left, what made me remember was Andromeda after she got back. It happens to be about who you may call Professor Snape… See he and I went to school together and were never even close to being on friendly terms. It even happens that at one point of our school years I happened to play unenjoyable joke on him. Causing quite the bit of resentment towards me on his behalf. So I suggest that it may be better for your sake to try not to fall on his bad side.
“Too late.” Arcane snorted.
In other matters I want you to know we are all doing well. I have no plans on leaving your aunts house for the time being, so do not worry on my behalf. Though do try to write when you can. I do suspect your aunt misses you more than she lets on.
Your father.
P.S: Ted says that when you visit Hogsmeade, please send him some chocolate frogs.
Your Hogsmeade slip is in the envelope.
Arcane opened the envelope and just as her father had said, was a small slip stating she had permission to visit the town of Hogsmeade on weekends.
“Cool.” Arcane said to herself as she climbed the spiral staircase leading to the Ravenclaw common room, while putting her letter away.
Stopping only when she found herself in front of the door with the eagle knocker. Oh no , Arcane thought, she really didn’t want to wait until someone came if she got the answer wrong. Yet she still had to get inside to fetch her book for her next class, so she knocked. Immediately the knockers mouth opened.
“Passed from fath-…” The knocker was quickly interrupted by the door opening. A boy Arcane recognized from her year stood in the doorway. He had curly black hair, a small mole near his chin and was holding a rolled-up newspaper.
“I, uh… Didn’t get to answer.” Arcane said pointing at the door.
“Oh I heard you knock. Figured I rather open the door, answering riddles all the time is a bit of a pain anyway.” The boy said.
“Yeah, thanks.” Arcane laughed as she walked in. “would you imagine forgetting something important and not knowing the answer.”
“You don’t have to worry about it much, if you knock there’s always someone inside. And during exam season someone always puts a book to prevent the door from closing.” The boy mentioned.
“Huh,” Arcane scoffed impressed. “That’s actually really smart.”
“Well we are the smart house,” the boy said lightly.
Arcane stared at him for a moment.
“I know, bad joke,” The boy said quickly scratching his head, which made Arcane laugh while shaking her head.
“So… Free hour?” The boy asked.
“Yeah, I signed up for three electives, but I still got a free hour.” Arcane answered. “You?”
“Same.” The boy said. “I’m Kevin, I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”
“Nice to meet you,” Arcane said offering her hand. “I’m Arcane, though I’m sure you already knew that.”
“Right.” Kevin nodded as he shook her hand.
“Anything good in the paper?” Arcane asked pointing to his other hand as they let go of each other.
“Nothing much,” Kevin said shaking his head. “Unless you care about ten ways to use salamander eyes in your breakfast.”
Arcane wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”
“Yeah,” Kevin laughed. “Though there may be something you find interesting; you can have it if you want.”
“Really?” Arcane asked.
“Yeah, I’ve already read through it.” He shrugged while handing Arcane the paper. “My only suggestion would be to not read it now, we’ve got professor Binns next, and you’ll need something to keep you awake.”
“He’s that boring?” Arcane asked playfully.
“You’ll see.” Kevin smiled.
Arcane passed the remaining of her free hour inside her dorm, her feet playing with Wendigo the Puffskein as she began going over the small amount of homework she left from her previous class. She had not even noticed the time until Padma and Lisa came inside the room. Padma seemed fine, but Lisa looked just as embarrassed as she was wet.
“What happened to you?” Arcane asked in surprise.
“Peeves.” Lisa muttered sourly as she pulled off her wet robe and tie. “Seems the goon has few of those bloody balloons left.” Lisa threw her robe upon her bed with a shriek of anger.
“Got us coming out of ancient runes.” Padma mentioned to Arcane. “MacDougal obviously did not let no one notice.”
“Bloody nyaff she is.” Lisa hissed. “I promise one day I ought to- OH!” Lisa cried out in surprise as Wendigo jumped onto Lisa’s bed.
“Wendigo no!” Arcane said getting up to scoop Wendigo away.
“He’s yours?” Lisa asked curiously as she reached over to pet the Puffskein, which hummed happily.
“Yep.” Arcane said looking down at her pet.
“You brought a Puffskein as a pet?” Padma asked.
“yeah,” Arcane said nodding. “Though I think people expected me to bring a vulture or something.” She added playfully.
“He’s adorable!” Lisa said as she held the creature.
“You were reading the paper?” Padma asked as she looked at the pile of parchment Arcane had left.
“Oh, no. Not yet. I was told to read it in Professor Binns class to stay awake.” Arcane said grabbing it and straightening out the other papers.
“Why would you want to stay awake?” Lisa asked as she continued to pet the Puffskein. “It’s the best place for a nap.”
“It was due to those naps you almost didn’t pass the exam last term.” Padma scolded.
Lisa ignored her. “May I take him with us?” She asked Arcane.
“Sure, if he gets heavy just set him in your pocket.” Arcane answered.
“Aye.” Lisa nodded as she set down the Puffskein to pull on her new robe, then they all began to make their way to class.
Padma walked side by side with Lisa, who continued fawning over the Puffskein. As Arcane flipped through the paper as she walked down the staircase that lead towards the first floor. Distracted by the snippet she was reading of, D ragon sight near B ellrun, city guard prepares for attack . That she only reacted once she had crashed into another student. Arcane had been about to apologize when she heard the student say…
“Do you not have eyes?!” Malfoy said clearly irritated.
“Oh it’s you.” Arcane smirked while wrinkling her nose as she saw him flanked by the two dull looking boys from the morning and his girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He hissed as Parkinson stepped forward, snatching the newspaper from Arcane’s hands.
“Look what I got!” She taunted while swinging the paper in front of Arcane, who knit her eyebrows.
“What are you, five?” Arcane rolled her eyes then continued her way down the stairs, where Padma and Lisa stood watching her.
“I- I… Oi!” She heard Parkinson stammer.
“Give me that!” Malfoy hissed while, what Arcane assumed by the noise, snatched the paper from Pansy.
“Seemed to have created a group of enemies, have you?” Padma teased.
“Oh I’m trembling.” Arcane laughed as they continued their way.
Professor Binns class was exactly as boring as Kevin had suggested. All the professor did was read in a horribly flat tone from his book, ignoring the fact that all his students were nodding off. Padma read along with the professor, Lisa raised her finger to see how high Wendigo could jump. While Arcane and Kevin, who had sat down to her right, rolled tiny balls of parchment and tried to see who could toss one inside of Michel Corner’s open mouth as he slept.
After class everyone quickly made their way to leave their things then hurried down towards the great hall for dinner.
“You should have seen your face when you woke!” Kevin laughed at Michel Corner. “It was brilliant.”
“Ah stuff it,” Michel laughed. “You would have also been that way had you awoken with a bunch of parchment in your mouth.”
“That’s your fault for falling asleep in class.” Padma mentioned with a smile.
“With your mouth opened at that!” Laughed Lisa, as she shifted to let a group of Gryffindor’s pass.
They all had reached the flight of steps leading into the entrance hall when once again Arcane recognized the voice that was creating the commotion.
“Weasley! Hey, Weasley!” Malfoy called as he came out of the dungeons and stood at the foot of the grand staircase. “Your dad’s in the paper, Weasley!”
Everyone in the hall stopped and stared in the direction that Malfoy was calling to. That was when Arcane found Harry Potter among the crowd. Next to him was a tall, lanky, freckled boy whose face was just as red as his hair. Arcane immediately suspected that, was Weasley. Who was growing redder while Malfoy began to read the newspaper out loud. In Arcane’s opinion, there was nothing spectacular or even funny about the article, other than the fact that they had gotten Weasley’s fathers name wrong. Which was a common mistake in newspapers. Arcane had seemed the moment as a harmless stunt, until Malfoy began pointing out the picture in the paper. Arcane had seen the picture herself while flipping through it, though she hadn’t read the article. There was nothing special about the photograph, just a couple standing in front of their home.
“If you can call that a house!” Arcane heard Malfoy laugh. “Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn’t she?” He cackled.
Many spectators’ mouths fell open as Malfoy continued speaking of Weasley’s mothers weight. While Weasley himself was being held back both by Potter and a bushy haired girl.
“How rude.” A girl said next to Arcane.
Arcane looked over and at first she had believed the girl to be Padma, only that she was wearing Gryffindor robes. The girl eyed Arcane wearily.
“Parvati!” Padma said with a wide smile, as they gave each other a quick hug. “This is my sister,” Padma told Arcane.
“Though it is a bit obvious.” Parvati smiled.
“Ohh! What’s going on?” A girl with dusty-blonde hair squealed as she poked her head from behind Parvati. BANG! The sound made everyone jump in fright, some even ducked. Though before Arcane could find Potter in the crowd again, there was another loud BANG! Only this time a voice followed. “OH NO YOU DON’T LADDIE!”
“It’s Professor Moody!” The blonde girl squealed as they all turned to see the professor thumping down the stairs, a mean look in his eye. Once reaching the stone floor Arcane watched as the professor exchanged word with Potter, then snapped “LEAVE IT!” just as one of Malfoy’s dull looking friends leaned down to pick up a ferret that stood in the place Arcane had last seen Malfoy.
“He’s turned him into a ferret!” Michel said in disbelief.
“What?” Arcane asked confused. “Who?!”
“What do you mean who?” Padma asked. “Malfoy!” She said pointing at the white ferret.
“Brilliant!” Lisa laughed as everyone watched Moody wave his wand and make the ferret bounce up and down, while scolding him for attacking someone who had their back turned.
“Professor Moody!” a shocked voice rang from behind Arcane and her group of housemates. The voice owned by Professor McGonagall, gasped once she had figured that the silly white ferret was a student. Spilling the books, she was carrying she turned Malfoy back into himself and began scolding Professor Moody in such a tone, that many took it as the moment to flee into the great hall. The talk of the night: Malfoy, the ferret.
Chapter Text
Arcane awoke the next morning due to a piercing scream. Immediately she reached under her pillow, which was where she stored her wand when sleeping. Once feeling her wand firmly in her hand her head turned towards the origin of the scream.
“GET OFF OF ME!” MacDougal shrieked. “YOU DISGUSTING THING!”
Through her still sleepy vision Arcane saw as MacDougal threw a white fur ball off of her bed, having it land on the floor with a bounce and a soft squeak .
“What’s wrong?”
“What happened?”
Lisa and Padma asked, leaning up in their beds, Lisa rubbing her eye.
“Are you alright?” Mandy, MacDougal’s only friend, asked while rushing over to her.
“No I’m not bloody alright!” MacDougal hissed clutching her nose. “That thing! It was inside my nose!”
Arcane immediately understood what had happened, even before Wendigo jumped onto her bed.
“Sorry,” Arcane said scooping up her Puffskein. “I forgot to mention he does that.”
“You mean to say that thing is yours?!” MacDougal hissed.
“Yep.” Arcane answered, rolling her eyes at the tone in which MacDougal spoke. With a glance over to her night stand arcane noticed it was seven in the morning.
“I’m not staying in a room with that thing going up my nose every night.” MacDougal said, while pointing at the Puffskein.
“Well tough luck.” Arcane said getting up from her bed. “Cause there’s no other place for you.”
“I’m going to go tell professor Flitwick!” MacDougal cried., throwing off her blankets and swinging her legs off her bed.
“Whatever.” Arcane said. “I’m going to go take a shower.”
“You’re a freak, you know that Black?” MacDougal hissed. “A freak girl, with freak magic and a freak pet.”
Arcane placed her hand over her heart and frowned.
“You… You really think that about me? I- I… Couldn’t care less honestly.” Arcane said flipping open her trunk and grabbing fresh clothes. “But, in good faith I’ll tell you something… That thing, Wendigo” Arcane gestured at the Puffskein, “The thing he did to your nose. He only does that if you have boogers. So maybe you should clean your nose a bit better.”
MacDougal’s hand went to cover her nose self-consciously.
“P-Perhaps you should clean your face.” Mandy said in MacDougal.
“Stuff it Mandy.” Lisa said quickly.
“Lisa,” Padma warned.
“What?! I’m tired, an’ Morag an’ her div are makin’a fuss.” Lisa complained.
“My name’s not Morag this year!” MacDougal cried, pounding her hand on her bed.
“What? You finally change it to dafty?” Padma snorted.
MacDougal scowled. “No.” She hissed. “I’m going by my second name, Isobel, this year.” MacDougal inflated her chest as if the name was something to be proud of.
Arcane tried to repress a laugh and failed.
“What?” MacDougal snapped, her face going horribly red.
“Nothing, It’s just that… Your name is Morag?” Arcane raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Don’t you think that’s a bit too close to the word morgue ?
“Though it does make a bit of sense. Knowing you smell like one.”
MacDougal shrieked in anger as she threw a pillow violently at Arcane who laughed before leaving the dorm on her way towards the washrooms.
The rest of the morning carried on without interruptions. Arcane had avoided the early morning rush in the lavatories, and had even been able to tie her hair neatly in a high pony-tail. Which later became an excellent choice for the day, since Arcane deeply disagreed with the idea of getting Bubotuber pus in her hair during Herbology. Which was enjoyable for the most part. Arcane couldn’t say if she had rather been ignored, because that was not the case. Though she did find the difference in everyone’s personality towards her quite radical. Everyone seemed to bombard her with repeated questions that she was honestly getting a bit tired of answering. It didn’t help that Padma was constantly watching her, not in a despiteful way, though she seemed to question everyone’s decisions if she didn’t fully agree with them. Similar to an overbearing mother.
Things calmed down slightly during Divination class, not because everyone had finished their questioning, but for the fact that the extremely hot and smoke filled room was sending everyone into a daze, and they were all trying extremely hard not to fall asleep.
Arcane had to admit she felt slightly disappointed with the class. Professor Trelawney rambled about the planets and their meanings, however Arcane felt no security in her words, and even though the Professor claimed to be a descendant of a great seer, Arcane saw her no different than the old women who would do fake palm readings in New York.
The look of the classroom did not defend Professor Trelawney’s case very much, having it looked like an odd combination of a tea and an occult shop, decorated like a carnival fortune-teller tent.
The complete opposite of what Arcane was used to at Ilvermorny. Where Professor Shappa gave his class out in the open air, around a circular fire pit, where forms of divination such as scrying, Xylomancy and Capnomancy were done around a great fire, using the elements to show what was to be seen. At night students would learn the movements of the planets while looking at the sky rather than using a chart like Professor Trelawney had given everyone.
Divination had never been Arcane’s favorite class, most of the time it made her head hurt, yet she continued the class at Hogwarts, because she had wanted to remain taking the same or similar classes that she was taking at Ilvermorny, that way there was no chance she would fall behind. So when the bell rang for lunch, Arcane seized the moment of everyone hurrying down the stepladder to quickly flee for a bite to eat, then find somewhere quiet, where she wouldn’t be bombarded with questions, and she could finally write home.
After climbing to the second floor Arcane felt quite bored. She did not feel like hiding herself in an empty classroom like a sort of out-cast. So having she had not yet seen the second floor except from the stair landing, she decided to wander, eating her sandwich along the way. Until a bit of mayonnaise fell onto her robe.
“Aw man,” She complained walking over to the entrance of what she assumed was the second floor bathroom.
“I wouldn’t go into there, miss” Chimed a soft voice from down the hall to Arcane’s left. Arcane looked over to see a ghost, pearly and transparent. Though also quite short and round at the stomach, dressed as a monk with a rope belt.
“Uh… why?” Arcane asked as she tried to rub off the white stain.
“Myrtle is frequently in a mood, and her interacting with students does not help to improve.” The monk said waving a small mug around as he spoke.
“Um… Well I don’t want to bother anyone, but I also don’t want to walk around with a white stain.” Arcane said. The monk did not answer immediately.
“Must I mention it is out of order?” The monk said pointing at the large out of order sign Arcane happened to miss.
“Oh,” Arcane frowned, looking down at the stain she had made larger by scrubbing.
“Good day now.” The monk smiled before disappearing through the floor.
“Okay…” Arcane said to herself before stuffing the remaining piece of her sandwich in her mouth. Arcane figured she could go up to the third floor bathroom to wash her robe, yet she paused due to the voices she could hear coming in her direction. Perhaps it was laziness, perhaps it was the easiest option, and perhaps Gillian and Morgue’s words had somehow actually made their way into Arcane’s mind. Making her feel insecure and making her prefer to enter a dirty out of order bathroom rather than be spotted in a mayonnaise-stained robe.
Once the voices continued down the hall and out of earshot Arcane sighed in slight relief. Partly ashamed of herself for caring what others could possibly think of her. Nonetheless she took off her robe and made her way over to one of the many chipped sinks. She turned one tap and nothing came out, with a small sigh she turned the next one in the line of faucets and this time a small trail of water poured. Coming out a murky gray color, then thinning out to clear, clean water.
As Arcane scrubbed, she glanced behind her in the mirror. The bathroom was extremely dusty, the mirror was cracked, dotted with rust, and the cubicles that held the toilets either no longer had doors or they were hanging by a hinge. Arcane wondered what was wrong with the bathroom for the school to prefer it getting as it was rather than fixing it.
As soon as her robe was clear of the stain Arcane hung it atop of one of the walls of one of the lined bathroom cubicles, and decided to wander around the bathroom.
It was similar to the one the Ravenclaw’s used in the morning. A rectangular room, one side lined with toilet cubicles, as the others were lined with a mirror and sinks. Arcane wondered if this bathroom also had a secret entrance to the washroom, though by how dirty the bathroom looked, Arcane most definitely didn’t want to see the showers. So she focused on the only difference between the lavatories. At the ending wall of the bathroom stood a toilet, to which its cubicle no longer had a door, leaving it at the sight of anyone who dared walk towards it. To the left of the toilet stood a wooden wall that divided it from the other cubicles. To its right was a stone wall, part of the castle. Yet the run-down toilet was not what caught her eye. It was the small partly stained glass window above it.
While sitting of course one could never see outside, yet standing the window placed a beautiful view over the black lake. Light shining into the cubical, the colors of green and blue, due to the part of the window designed with grass and blue Haberlea flowers.
Even though parts of the window were cracked, and others were missing glass entirely, Arcane couldn’t believe they had turned such a beautiful spot into a toilet stall. At least put a bench or something . Arcane thought. Then she paused. What she just thought could easily happen. So she reached up towards her head and pulled her wand from her pony-tail. Professor Marsh had not made them practice for Arcane to be stumped now.
So with a quick breath to prepare, Arcane pointed her wand at the toilet.
“ Lapis ad sedem ,” Arcane said with a wave. The toilet began to quiver slightly, then a bit harder, then very hard. Arcane feared she had failed at her spell. Then faster than she could have said Hippogriff, the toilet turned into itself, then elongated into a wooden bench that sat right under the window.
“Perfect!” Arcane smiled as she bounced over to sit down. “A bit uncomfy but I can make cushions.” She said to herself as she pulled parchment and her Hippogriff-feather quill out from her knitted side-bag. Truthfully the quill was no more a quill than Arcane was a troll. Instead of cutting the tip and turning it into a quill, Arcane had merely taken the interior of a BIC pen and stuffed it into the hollow feather. A wise choice in her opinion, having her history of accidentally knocking over the ink bottle. Once in a comfortable position Arcane began to write. First to her Aunt, telling her how things had been going well thus far. Filling her in on how her sorting ceremony had gone, as well as her first day of classes. She wrote a short message to both her Uncle and her father, then paused. Wondering if she should write to Ozzy. He had been the one she was closest to while in Wivenhoe, but she was no longer there. She was at Hogwarts, a place filled with magic and so many things she couldn’t possibly tell him about, and she did not like the idea of lying. A small breeze passed through the missing cuts in the window, making Arcane’s other papers begin to flutter.
“No, no, no.” Arcane said to her papers as she pressed them down with one hand, while the other pulled a small book out of her purse and placing it on top of the papers as a weight. As she moved the sound of something small and metallic echoed through the room. Looking over she recognized it as The Offspring band pin Ozzy had given her.
“If that’s not a sign for me to write to him I don’t know what is.” Arcane smiled to herself as she pinned the band pin to her school bag. Then began to write a sweet, yet severely edited version of how her school had been so far.
So engrossed into her writing, Arcane did not notice the presence of another until they spoke.
“What are you doing in here?!” The person cried angrily.
“Writing.” Arcane answered plainly without looking up.
“Leave!” The person screeched. By that Arcane was sure no teacher would speak that way, and she was not going to obey such a rude student.
“No.” Arcane said.
The person made a noise as if they were surprised Arcane hadn’t taken off running Already.
“I don’t want you in here!”
“Too bad.” Said Arcane.
“LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE!” The person screamed with all their might.
“SHUT UP!” Arcane snapped, finally looking up. “Oh… You’re a ghost.” Arcane mentioned in surprise. She had been fully expectant to see a bossy, perhaps higher year girl. Yet before her floated a pearly, transparent figure of a girl with a pimply face, side ponytails and thick glasses. Arcane had seen plenty of ghosts, though what intrigued her about the girl was that unlike others who had died multiple centuries before, wearing the clothing of their time. The ghost of the girl looked far too young, too modern per say. Not to mention she was wearing a Hogwarts robe.
“So?! Does that mean you can make fun of me?!”
“Make fun of you?” Arcane asked, confused as she stripped her eyes from the ghosts clothing and redirected her sight to its face.
“Just like everyone else!” The ghost sobbed. “Let’s make fun of Moaning Myrtle!” She hissed while floating extremely close to Arcane’s face.
“S-So your name is Myrtle?” Arcane asked calmly
“DON’T CALL ME MOA-…” Myrtle’s pearly color that had gone a darker gray with anger quickly disappeared as soon as she had paused. “Did you just call me Myrtle?” She asked.
“That’s your name isn’t it?” Arcane asked.
“Well… Yes.” Myrtle answered softly.
“Cool. I’m Arcane. I don’t mean to bother you, but people out there,” Arcane gestured to the door. “Are being pretty annoying and I want to write home in peace.” Arcane tapped her parchment twice with her quill. “So are you going to allow me to finish?”
Myrtle stared at Arcane confused. “I- I… Er…” Myrtle’s face changed from confused to shy, her eyes darting all around, until she saw Arcane’s paper weight.
“I know that book!” Myrtle said in awe.
Arcane knitted her brow and looked over at the book. “Alice in wonderland?” Arcane asked.
A small sadness rippled across Myrtle’s face. “My Mother used to read it to me when I was a girl.” She said softly.
“Was your mother a No-Maj?”
“A what?” Myrtle asked confused.
“A muggle, I mean.” Arcane corrected.
Myrtle’s form went slightly gray once more. “Yes my mother was a muggle!” She snapped. “My father was too, you got a problem with that?!” She barked.
Arcane shrugged. “I don’t have a problem; I was just going to say that she would have had really good taste in literature if she’d been a witch.”
Myrtle floated away from Arcane a bit, giving her a full up-down with her eyes. “You’re a bit odd.” She mumbled. “And you speak funny.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Arcane said. “So, what house were you in?” She asked pointing to Myrtle’s tie, which arcane knew belonged to a Hogwarts house, only she could not know which, having it was pearly colored like the rest of Myrtle’s ghostly form.
“I- I was in Ravenclaw,” Myrtle answered, seemingly confused that someone was asking her that question. “Same as you.” She said gesturing Arcane’s tie.
Arcane felt sad, this girl seemed no older than she was. Not to mention she was clearly a student. What had happened to her? Arcane found it rude to ask, though she did wonder.
“Do you live in this bathroom?” Arcane asked.
“Yes.” Myrtle answered sourly.
“Don’t you get lonely?”
“As if anyone would care if I’m lonely!” Myrtle cried. “All people do is tease me, while the other ghosts avoid me, if I try to speak to them it’s be quiet Myrtle, stop whining Myrtle, You’re dead Myrtle, Get over it !” Myrtle cried.
“That’s not very kind,” Arcane answered, feeling she was speaking to a small child rather than a ghost of somewhat her age.
“No,” sniffled Myrtle, “It’s not. Though no one cares if I have feelings, I’m just a ghost.”
“Well I think you’re okay.” Arcane said quickly without thinking. “I mean you’re kinda whiny, but I’m sure you have a personality, you were a person after all. Plus you like Alice in wonderland.” Arcane smiled.
Arcane passed the remaining time of lunch with Myrtle in the bathroom, listening on how people had been evil towards her through the years and how she chased most people out. Though once Myrtle complaints about the students died down, Arcane began to notice how much of a girl Myrtle actually was. She had once had hobbies and dreams, likes and dislikes. So many things that had been taken from her. And however mean Myrtle portrayed herself on the outside, she was quite sad and alone. Arcane immediately took a liking to Myrtle. Because Myrtle did not seem to care who was one’s mother, father, brother, aunt or sister. Unless one was somehow related to Olive Hornby, who Myrtle seemed to hate greatly. Other than that only two classes of people existed to Myrtle. Nice ones and mean ones, which Hogwarts, in Myrtle’s opinion, definitely had more mean than nice. Arcane happening to be one of the few nice. So with a promise to come and see her again, Arcane left the second floor bathroom on her way to transfiguration.
Arcane walked down the hall to the staircase where she bumped into Padma and Lisa. “There you are!” Lisa smiled.
“Where were you?” Padma asked.
“Walking around” Arcane shrugged, not wanting to tell anyone about her new hideout in Myrtle’s bathroom.
“By yourself?” Lisa asked.
“How come you didn’t say anything? We would have gone with you.” Padma insisted.
Arcane shrugged. “Look, you guys have had three years to see the castle. Today is only my second day and I would like to see the castle, without a tour guide.” Arcane finished with a small smile at Padma.
“Fair enough.” Lisa nodded. “Shall we?” She gestured the stairs down.
As soon as they began their descent Arcane noticed the sound of Malfoy’s group coming up the steps.
“As if I could care less about being late,” Malfoy snorted as he tied his tie. His grubby bodyguard friends behind him as Pansy Parkinson carried his robe. “My father has told me enough about him to know that he’s utterly mad-…” Malfoy paused as he caught sight of Arcane and her friends. Lisa immediately lowered her head as they passed, while Padma guided her to walk faster.
Parkinson followed Malfoy’s line of sight and whispered something into Malfoy’s ear making him snigger.
“Threaten them into being your friends, Black?” He asked.
Arcane rolled her eyes and kept on her way down the steps.
“Hey!” He said stepping in front of her. Arcane looked him up and down.
“Your pants are undone.” She told him. Malfoy went pink in the face as he staggered out of Arcane’s way looking down at his pants, only to see that they were fine. Making him scowl at Arcane who laughed and continued her way.
“I would be careful if I were you.” Padma warned as they took their seats in Transfiguration.
“About what?” Arcane asked.
“About Malfoy.” Padma said.
“Because he’s cruel.” Lisa said. Arcane looked at her not understanding why she would say that.
“Malfoy comes from a pureblood family,” Padma explained. “A very rich pureblood family at that. My father says that Mr. Malfoy has the ministry eating off of his wand. Even though he’s sure Mr. Malfoy has not worked a day in his life.”
“Aye, but we all know that money talks. An’ Mr. Malfoy is more than willing to be circling ‘round the Minister.” Lisa mentioned.
“Why do you know so much?” Arcane asked them.
“Because my father works at the Ministry, and word spreads quickly.” Padma said. “Malfoy’s are a bad sort, I heard my father telling my mum that Malfoy’s home had been searched for dark objects.”
“And did he have any?” Arcane asked.
“No, but one does not get home searched for planting leaping toadstools, do they?”
“I guess not.” Arcane said.
“Not to mention he got that hippogriff killed,” Lisa said sadly. “What?” Arcane said in disbelief.
“Oh righ’ you don’t know ‘bout it,” Lisa said excited to surely retell the story. “Last year, Professor Hagrid, the games keeper, gave a class of care of magical creatures, where he showed the Gryffindor and Slytherin’s Hippogriffs. Pretty animals honestly, but one went wild or, as Parvati says, Draco Malfoy did something to it.” Lisa paused to let the information sink into Arcane. “Point is that Malfoy got ‘is arm injured, and told his old man. Then with a snap of Mr. Malfoy’s fingers…” Lisa drew her thumb across her throat. “No more Buckbeak.” She finished.
Arcane froze. Buckbeak? She thought.
“ Point is ,” Padma said glancing at Lisa, “Is that you should be careful, if you cross Malfoy the wrong way, he may tell his father and something could happen to you.”
Arcane thinned her lips. “Okay.” She said. “I’ll watch it.”
The next morning Professor Flitwick stopped Arcane after class. He was an extremely small man who stood upon many books to see over his desk, and always wore a cheerful smile.
“Yes Professor?” Arcane asked while walking back to Flitwick’s desk.
“Miss Black…” Flitwick breathed while placing his hands in front of him. “I have received notice that you brought a pet to school, yes?” Arcane nodded.
“And does this pet happen to be a Puffskein?” The professor asked.
“Yes, sir.” Arcane answered, while internally she rolled her eyes knowing that Morgue, as she called her, had complained to the professor.
“Hmmm,” Flitwick hummed. “Well Miss black, I do believe that it is well for a young witch or wizard to have a pet. I believe it grows companionship, loyalty and so on. However,” Flitwick pointed his finger. “I do also believe it should foment responsibility, therefore whatever wrongdoing by the creature is accounted for by the owner, that being you in this case.”
Arcane didn’t answer, yet still nodded solemnly. Flitwick reached into the drawer of his desk.
“I have been assured that you Puffskein was… Inside Miss MacDougal’s nose?” Flitwick read aloud questionably.
“Puffskein’s naturally eat the, um… Mucus from inside a person’s nose as they sleep. With their long tongue,” Arcane explained. “They do not go physically inside the nose.”
“I know well of the nature of a Puffskein Miss Black,” Flitwick smiled. “As I know they are nowhere near being a dangerous, wild creature as Miss MacDougal decided to describe it here” The professor pressed the paper down against his desk.
“Although, I also know that neither I nor any other teacher would like our mucus licked out of our nostrils as we slept. Therefore, I empathize with Miss MacDougal and as head of Ravenclaw house I must find some sort of justice. You understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Arcane replied.
“I am sure you have a cage for your pet, yes?” Flitwick asked. Arcane nodded in response.
“Very well then, you have two choices Miss Black. Either you keep your Puffskein inside a cage during the night,” Flitwick adjusted his glasses when he saw Arcane frown. “Or you may take the creature to the Hogwarts Puffskein patch. Professor Hagrid takes very well care of them I assure you, and you also may visit and take the creature out with you whenever you please.”
Arcane smiled at the thought of Wendigo playing along with other Puffskein’s. “I’ll take him to the Puffskein patch, professor.” Arcane nodded.
“Very well Miss Black,” The professor smiled. “Now I suggest you run along to class, I have heard professor Moody is not taking tardiness well.”
The bell had just rung by the time Arcane slipped into the classroom and took her seat.
“You alrigh’?” Asked Lisa.
“What happened?” Asked Padma.
“Nothing,” Arcane told them. “Morgue went to Flitwick about Wendigo.”
“What a prat.” Lisa mumbled.
“Agreed.” Answered Arcane.
“You lot put your books away.” Grunted Moody while walking to the front of the room, making everyone jump in fright, since no one had noticed him enter. “Boggarts, Kappas, Grindylows, Werewolves!” Moody scoffed. “You lot are well versed in Dark creatures, but dark objects? Curses? Nothing!” He barked turning to face the class, his bright-blue eye whizzing around violently. “If you lot want to read that,” He pointed at Terry Boots’ book that sat on the desk in front of him. “Fell free to,” Moody growled. “But it won’t help you in my class, same way a book won’t help you in a duel--- Now!” He barked making everyone jump once more. “Let’s pass the register and begin.” Moody snatched the class register from his desk, and Arcane could already know what was going to happen… Moody’s eyes read the first name and paused. His normal eye still looking at the paper while his blue one darted around the room.
“Black!” He snapped.
“Here.” Arcane answered reluctantly, as the blue eye zipped over to her along with his normal one. Looking at her with interest and a sort of adoration that made her feel uncomfortable.
“Yes, I see it.” He growled. “The family resemblance is undeniable… Mark who’s here will you.” Moody said to Terry as he handed him the register, his eye contact never waving from arcane. “Yes… I heard of you Black. Just my luck to teach the year that Harry Potter and the last Black are in school.” He hissed, though it sounded more of excitement than anything else.
“I was surprised when I heard of your sorting Miss Black, having I missed it.” He said as his face contorted into a horrible look, that Arcane suspected was a smile. “Your entire family was in Slytherin, correct?” Moody inquired.
“No.” Arcane said flatly. Moody’s smile widened and his face contorted even more, though Arcane swore she saw an evil gleam behind his eyes.
“Right,” Moody smirked. “Sirius Black was a Gryffindor,” He laughed. “Good that did him, ended up in Azkaban along with the others didn’t he. All Blacks served the Dar- served You-know-who.” Moody said. “I heard he came to Hogwarts last year, wanting to finish his masters job and failed—HA!” Moody laughed evilly. “Reckon he’s out now searching on how to help his Master.” Moody continued, turning towards the class as if telling a ghost story. “You think he’ll succeed Miss Black?”
Arcane didn’t answer, her body was full with a type of rage she had never experienced before.
“CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” Moody cried, clapping his scarred hands together, causing another fright to the class. “Yes! If there is anything to be learned by Miss Blacks’ father is that no place, not even Azkaban is enough to stop a dark wizard with a mission. With dark magic anything is possible, so it is your job!” Moody pounded his fist on Anthony Goldstein’s desk. “To be prepared for anything.” Moody breathed.
“What do dark wizards and witches do? Steal candy? NO!” Moody barked, while walking back to his desk. “They spread fear! They control! They torture!
“They kill” Arcane said aloud accidentally. Making everyone turn to her including the professor.
“Yes Miss Black… They kill.” Moody said solemnly. “Without hesitation, without fear and without regret. The stories of when You-Know-Who was in power may seem like fantasy to all of you. A bedtime story your mummies told you so you’d behave. Though believe me… Your worst nightmare does not even compare to the things that happened during the dark days.” Moody paused to let what he was saying echo around the class, who all looked at each other nervously.
“Now, would anyone like to tell me about the unforgivable curses?” Moody asked, and immediately everyone’s hand raised, including Arcane’s, though she really hoped that she wasn’t chosen to speak. Because professor Moody had taken a spider from a spider filled jar, and a feeling in Arcane’s gut told her that he was about to show how the curses worked, on the spider...
“What a curious feeling, said Alice. I must be shutting up like a telescope!” Arcane read to Myrtle while sitting in her, now cushioned, seat in the second floor’s girl’s bathroom. Many of her housemates seemed a little wary of her since Moody had said that even though her father had been in a different house than the others, he was still a, supposed, convicted murderer. Now all that had changed from Arcane’s colleagues, was now back to zero. So she had hurried through lunch, remained silent in potions, which was not difficult since Snape had decided to give her the silent treatment. Now she had decided to take some cushions front the Ravenclaw common room and had been the rest of the afternoon with Myrtle, who was listening intently to Arcane’s reading, until they heard the sound of the bathroom door burst open. Arcane was about to get up to see who had entered, when suddenly a familiar voice cried “Bloody stupid class!” before a book flew across the room, crashing against one of the many mirrors causing it to break.
“Oi!” Myrtle called with equal anger. “That’s my mirror!”
“What?” Malfoy asked startled by the voice, turning to see Myrtle’s angry ghost and Arcane peeping from her seat.
“I hate homework too,” Arcane said. “But I don’t use my book to break things.”
“What are you doing here?!” Malfoy snapped.
“Well, it’s a girl’s bathroom, so…”
“I’m leaving!” Malfoy said quickly, his ears going pink.
“Hey if you’re going to come in and break Myrtle's things you could at least tell her why.” Arcane said closing her book and getting up, while Myrtle whined over the broken mirror.
“I don’t need to tell her anything!” Malfoy hissed, glancing at Myrtle as if she were dirt.
“Well at least say sorry.” Arcane said crossing her arms.
“To a ghost? Never!” Malfoy said turning to leave.
“Oh okay,” Arcane shrugged. “I guess all the high esteem about the Malfoy’s is all talk, they really don’t have any manners.”
Malfoy paused, a thoughtful look on his face for a moment.
“ Reparo ,” he mumbled while pointing his wand at the mirror, its pieces flying seamlessly together as if nothing ever happened. “There.” He said sourly, giving Arcane a glare as Myrtle stuck her tongue out at him and disappeared down the sink drain
“Good.” Arcane said walking over and picking up the divination book Malfoy had been leaving behind.
“Now do you want help with your divination homework or are you going to choose a different bathroom to have your fit in?”
Chapter Text
“Okay now you have that lined up, you can now see all the planets at your time of birth.” Arcane said pointing to the planetary map on the floor that she had helped Malfoy fill out.
“So?” Malfoy sneered. “What does it mean?”
Arcane rolled her eyes and looked at his chart. “Well…” She began. “According to your Mercury placement, you’re sentimental, understanding, and… Understanding.” Arcane laughed in disbelief.
“What’s so funny?” Malfoy asked.
“Nothing,” Arcane snorted. “I was just thinking that maybe if you acted in the way your chart says you are, maybe you would actually have friends.”
“I have friends!” Malfoy snapped.
“Really?” Arcane asked sarcastically. “Then why are you inside an abandoned bathroom doing homework with me and not with you friends ?”
Malfoy’s ears went slightly pink. “Because Crabbe and Goyle are oafs, they wouldn’t be any help.”
“Hmmm I don’t know, one of them was brave enough to try and pick you up when you were a ferret.” Arcane giggled as Malfoy’s face went pink along with his ears.
“Shut up.” Malfoy snapped.
“What?” Arcane asked. “Squeak, squeak what?” she laughed.
“I said, shut up!” Malfoy repeated.
“calm down Malfoy, your fur is going to frizz.” Arcane warned.
“Stop!” Draco cried angrily. “I will tell my father an-”
“And then what?” Arcane snapped at him, interrupting. “Like really… What are you going to tell him? You going to write him a letter?” Arcane laughed as she pretended to write on her hand. “Dear daddy, a girl is being mean to me, boohoo, boohoo.” Arcane brought her hands to her face and pretended to cry.
“Do you know how lame you sound?” She asked peeping through her fingers. “No wonder you got no friends.”
“I already told you, I have friends.” Malfoy pouted.
“No you don’t.” Arcane told him. “You got two dull guard dogs, and a prissy girlfriend. That’s not the same as having an actual friend doofus.”
“I- I-… Think of it as you wish, I only needed help with this bloody thing, not a moral compass.” Malfoy said dismissively.
Arcane shrugged. “Okay. Though next time you could just make it up, I heard that Trelawney never notices.”
“Well I don’t want to do that.” Malfoy snapped.
“Why?” Arcane asked.
“Because what?”
“Because my mother likes divination! And she believes that the gift of seeing runs in her family but she hasn’t got it, though she can see omens and such and I just want to be able to do something that may make her proud! Alright?!” Malfoy rambled without noticing. Arcane sat staring at him without saying anything. Malfoy seemed to have noticed what he’d done because his face went pink.
“What?!” Malfoy snapped. “Going to say a witty remark about how Draco loves his mummy?!”
“No,” Arcane said softly. “I was going to say that sounds really sweet.”
Malfoy’s face went a deeper shade of pink and looked down at the floor. “What a bunch of rubbish.” He hissed snatching up his planet chart and getting up. “I’m leaving.”
“Bye ferret.” Arcane said to him. Earning a glare before he left.
“Ugh! I hate Bubotubers.” Padma said as they walked out of Herbology on Thursday afternoon. “Giant disgusting worms.”
“Yeah, well at least it was our last class of the day.” Lisa mentioned. “I feel awfully beat.”
“As do I.” Padma agreed as she looked hesitantly at Arcane. The two girls hadn’t spoken to her since professor Moody’s class the day before.
“Er, Arcane?” Padma called. “Would you like to do the history paper with us?”
Arcane turned around to look at them. “Um… Maybe after dinner. I’m going to the library now.”
“Oh,” Padma said looking slightly taken aback by Arcane’s answer. “Alright then.”
Arcane nodded and continued her way from the green houses towards the library. Arcane hadn’t meant to be rude to Padma, though Arcane did believe it hypocritical for her and Lisa to change their attitude towards her, due to what a professor said about her family, and Arcane did not want to stand for it.
Arcane had almost made it to the library when she heard a whimper down an empty corridor she had passed. Retracing her steps and following the sound, she came to find a round faced blonde boy sitting at the base of a statue, holding a book and crying. The boy looked up at the sound of her footsteps, and Arcane recognized him as the boy who had been with his toad and grandmother at Diagon alley’s pet shop.
“Are you okay?” She asked as she drew near. The boy wiped his face with the sleeve of his robe.
“Yeah.” He mumbled.
“Did someone hurt you?” arcane asked.
The boy shook his head. “No, I just-…” His voice cracked as Arcane could see him trying to prevent himself from crying. “Can I sit?” she asked gesturing next to him. The boy nodded.
“You’re the girl from the store.” The boy said.
“Yeah,” She answered. “I’m sorry, I forgot your name.”
“Don’t worry,” the boy sniffled. “I forgot yours too. But, just your first name. I know your names Black, b- because of Dumbledore.”
“I’m Arcane,” She said softly.
“I- I’m Neville.” The boy replied.
Arcane nodded as she recognized the name. “Did your toad get better?” She asked.
Neville smiled weakly. “He’s fine as long as he’s away from Gran. She frightens him.”
“Well she sure frightened me,” Arcane said playfully.
“Everyone, I believe.” Neville laughed.
Arcane pressed her lips together, unsure if she should push the subject. “So, what happened? Why were you… you know.”
Neville frowned. “I had class with Professor Moody… He was showing us curses… The unforgivable one’s”
“Oh…” Arcane frowned along with Neville. “Knowing about the curses, and seeing the professor use them on a living thing is different. Seeing them made her bones feel weak.
“They’re quite a lot to take in, aren’t they?” Arcane asked softy. Neville nodded, his face going a bit green.
“The cruciatus cure is the worst.” He gagged.
Arcane agreed. She had always known her family was most likely tortured and then killed, though Arcane had no idea what torture was, other than a faint feeling that she’d seen something in a dream. However, when she saw the spider writher with pain, unable to scream. Knowing that was what many of her family members had gone through before dying made Arcane go as green as Neville.
“So, you’re Sirius Black’s daughter?” Neville asked sheepishly. Arcane knew he was trying to change the subject, but he had chosen an unappealing way to do so.
“Yeah, I am.” Arcane sighed.
“And your mother? Was she an American muggle?” He asked.
“No,” Arcane answered, feeling a twinge of sadness as she thought of her mother. “She was a witch from England.”
“Was?” Neville asked.
“Was.” Arcane enunciated. Neville frowned, surely feeling that he had been insensitive.
“Do you miss her?” Neville asked Arcane.
“So much.” Arcane said softly, feeling a knot form in her throat.
“I understand.” Neville nodded. “I miss my parents as well.”
“Oh, I’m so sorr-”
“They’re not dead.” Neville assured her. “But they’re gone.”
Arcane nodded, she could imagine the feeling. Her mother had been gone for a long time before she passed.
“I understand.” She said.
After Neville seemed to have calmed down, Arcane mentioned she was on her way to the library if he would have liked to join. Though Neville shook his head and said he wanted to go to his common room to read a new book Professor Mood had given him. So they went their separate ways and now Arcane found herself roaming the lines of bookshelves within the library, running her fingers against the edge of the books until one called out to her at the end of the aisle.
Arcane pulled the book, however it seemed stuck.
“Stupid book,” Arcane muttered as she pulled. Then from the other side she heard a voice say, “Oh please!”
Poking her head around the corner Arcane came face to face with a girl who had horribly frizzy hair and protruding teeth, who looked oddly familiar to Arcane, yet she couldn’t remember from where.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” the girl squealed letting go of the book.
“No, no, do you need it?” Arcane asked, now holding the book.
“Well not exactly, I was just going to check something.” The girl said shyly.
“Well here,” Arcane said handing her the book. “I was just going to flip through it for fun.”
The girl looked at the book questionably. “You were going to flip through Muggle Slave History in Europe for fun?”
“Yeah” Arcane shrugged. “What did you want it for?”
“ Spew ?” Arcane repeated playfully after the girl explained what she had been working on.
The girl rolled her eyes and smiled. “You sound like my friend Ron; he would definitely say something like that.”
“That’s what it says though!” Arcane laughed while pointing at the paper that was lying before them on the library table.
“No, it’s, S-P-E-W.” The girl insisted.
“Okay,” Arcane sighed reluctantly. “So it’s The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.”
“Yes,” The girl chimed happily. “To support house elves and their rights.”
“What are house elves even like anyway?” Arcane asked curiously.
“Oh they’re such sad creatures!” The girl frowned. “They dress in dirty clothing, and they cook, and clean, without pay, time off or anything!” The girl said utterly flustered.
“But they like it?” Arcane asked.
“They’re brainwashed!”
“Mmm… I don’t know, they kinda remind me of Pukwudgie’s.” Arcane said leaning back in her seat. The girl stared at her confused.
“What’s a Pukwudgie?”
Arcane scratched her chin. “I guess they’re kinda like goblins,” Arcane explained. “Like goblins mixed with a large porcupine… Point is that they work at Ilvermorny like how house elves work at Hogwarts.”
“So then Ilvermorny has slaves.” The girl said bitterly.
“Whoa, hold your pegasi. They’re not slaves, they are free to leave any time they want, are respected and treated kindly since one of them was a dear friend to the schools’ founder. The Pukwudgie’s choose to come back every year.” Arcane told the girl.
“yes, well the house elves are not permitted to choose anything!” The girl said. “They’re forced to do things and are treated poorly.”
“How do you know they’re treated poorly?” Arcane asked.
“Because I have seen it! Just this summer I saw as a man from the ministry fired his elf because…” The girl paused. “Because she disobeyed to do something because she was scared.”
“And what happened to her?” Arcane asked.
“I don’t know!” The girl cried in frustration. “that’s the problem! No one seemed to care what happens to the elves, they’re treated as if they’re worse than rubbish and I will not stand for it!
“So I will begin S.P.E.W and I will fight for their rights until they get them. I even made badges, look!”
The girl pulled out a box of plain white badges with the letters S.P.E.W, on them.
“I’ve written my manifesto and with every person who joins I’ll be one step closer to helping them.” The girl looked at Arcane with large doe-like eyes. “So, will you join?” She asked holding a sign-up parchment.
Arcane sighed, she honestly did not want to, yet this girl seemed so set on helping the creatures, she was sure to insist until Arcane did.
“It’s just a signature, and two sickles for a badge.”
“Do you have any color that’s not white?” Arcane asked reluctantly.
“No, but I can surely make them different colors and give one to you later.” She said smoothing out the sheet of paper for Arcane to sign.
So with a sigh Arcane reached into her bag and pulled out her Hippogriff quill. Once the girl caught sight of it she let out a small gasp.
“Something wrong?” Arcane asked, eyeing the girl warily.
The girl stared at her for a moment, then leaned in closer towards Arcane.
“Is he alright?” she asked softly for no one to overhear.
“Who?” Arcane asked.
The girl looked around making sure no one was looking at them.
“Buckbeak,” The girl said softly. Arcane froze for a moment, then remembered where she had seen the girl. She was the one who helped Potter hold Weasley back, the night Malfoy was turned into a ferret.
“Your Hermione.” Arcane said flatly. The girl nodded.
“Sirius sent me an owl not long ago, he told me you were coming to Hogwarts but I didn’t know if it was true or not.” Hermione explained. “Then you came, but I got so involved with S.P.E.W I forgot to speak with you. Not to mention I didn’t know how to approach you. I’m sure you had enough of everyone asking you if you were actually Sirius’s daughter.” She laughed nervously.
Arcane pinched the bridge of her nose. She felt both frustrated and embarrassed by her father.
“Yeah, he told me he wanted to write to you, but I told him not to.” Arcane sighed.
“So you’ve seen him? Is he well? Why didn’t he tell us about you before? Or at least tell Harry…”
“Look,” Arcane said, interrupting Hermione’s interrogation. “I really don’t feel like telling you all my family drama. Whatever he tells or doesn’t tell is his choice. He’s safe so he’ll surely be writing to wonder boy soon, so just wait for his next owl.”
“R- Right.” Hermione said, taken aback. “I’m sorry, it’s just meeting you was such a surprise.”
“That’s fine, it will wear off.” Arcane shrugged, giving Hermione a small smile.
You know, if you and Harry would like to meet, we all could...”
“Nah,” Arcane said dismissively. “The school only has so many corridors, I’ll bump into him eventually.” She shrugged while looking at her watch. “Dinner is going to be served soon, I should go leave my things.”
“Right,” Hermione said giving a smile. “I need to go hurry and eat, so I may come back and finish this up.” She quickly began putting away her things. “I’ll see you later I suppose.”
“Yeah,” Arcane nodded as they walked towards the exit.
“Bye bye.” Hermione called rushing away with a smile.
“Befriending mudblood’s now are we?” An all too familiar voice asked.
“Why would you care?” Arcane asked turning towards Malfoy who stood by a bookshelf near the library doorway.
“I’m just saying Black,” Malfoy sneered. “I wouldn’t befriend Granger.”
“Why’s that ferret? Would you rather date her?”
Malfoy’s ears went pink. “Wh- I- Don’t be absurd!” He hissed.
“Don’t be so flustered.” Arcane laughed before leaving.
Before everyone had woken the next morning, Arcane slipped out of bed and as quietly as she could, pulled the letters she had written for her family and proceeded to make her way to the Owlery. She had not seen the room for herself, but had asked professor McGonagall after transfiguration the day before. Arcane could have easily asked Lisa or Padma where the Owlery was, however, Arcane knew they would have been insistent on accompanying her. Something Arcane greatly wanted to avoid when writing to her family.
So in silence she made her way to the west tower, glancing up every once and a while at the, now sleeping, portraits that decorated the corridors.
Arcane could smell the Owlery before she could see it, while going up, yet another very long, spiral staircase. Similar to the Owlery in Ilvermorny, the room had no windows, therefore letting the morning breeze come through, slightly ruffling the feathers of the many sleeping owls. Arcane was wondering which Hogwarts owl she should choose to carry three letters, when suddenly a movement at the far side of the room caught her eye. A boy stood facing one of the windows, watching an owl fly out of sight, surely carrying a letter he had just sent out. With a loud sigh the boy turned around, stopping in his tracks the moment his eyes fell upon Arcane.
Although Arcane recognized him immediately, she did not feel thrilled. On the other hand, the boy stared at her in a mixture of surprise and confusion. Much the way students look when seeing a new magical creature, they didn’t know about before.
The boy let out a very elaborated “Er...”. Probably thinking of what he was supposed to say. Arcane sighed softly.
“Hello Harry Potter.” She said looking from his green eyes, to his scar that was partly covered by his messy hair, then back to his eyes again.
“Y- you- you’re…”
“I’m Arcane.” She said cutting of the boys stammering. “And yes, I’m Sirius’s daughter.”
Potter’s mouth opened and closed without sound coming out, as he stared at Arcane, who wondered if Potter was a bit slow.
“It’s rude to stare, Potter.” Arcane told him blankly.
“R- right.” Potter said shaking his head. “Sorry.
“You sending an owl to Sirius?” he asked.
None of your business, Arcane thought sourly, yet controlled herself.
“No, to my aunt and uncle actually.” She replied.
“Oh,” Potter said thinning his lips. “You live with your aunt and uncle?”
“Yes.” Arcane said. “You do as well from what I’ve heard.” She immediately regretted saying the last part.
“Where you hear that from?” Potter asked curiously. Arcane knew he wanted to know if she knew anything about Sirius, however Arcane did not feel like telling him anything. Surely if her father wanted Potter to know something he could tell him himself.
“People in my family work in the ministry,” Arcane partially lied. “And of course everyone is taking care of the boy who defeated you-know-who.”
“You say that as if I did it on purpose.” Potter said.
“Hey,” Arcane raised her hands as a sign of innocence. “I’m just telling you how I know you live with your aunt and uncle.”
Potter nodded curtly. “Did you know Sirius was coming back?”
“No. Though he’s probably coming for you.” Arcane said walking over to the nearest Hogwarts owl.
“Wouldn’t he also come for you?” Potter asked. Yet the only thing Arcane heard, or rather did not hear though it was implied, was the fact that Sirius Black most definitely returned to Britain for Potter. That made Arcane’s chest swell with jealousy.
“I wouldn’t know; he didn’t break out of Azkaban for me.” She replied, knowing well that what she was saying was unfair. She knew her father had thought her dead before a month ago, but Harry Potter did not know that, which showed on the guilty look on his face.
Arcane silently finished tying the letter to the owl’s leg and the one she had written for Ozzy she had put in a separate envelope, which the owl pinched in its beak before flying off.
“I’m sorry,” Potter said softly. “If that means anything.” He shrugged sheepishly.
“It doesn’t.” She said blankly, before turning to Potter with a soft smile. “And don’t be sorry. It’s just the way things are.”
“Though I will ask one thing from you,” Arcane continued. “Please keep yourself safe. We both know if something happened to you, he’ll come running. And I would like him to not getting caught. ‘kay?”
Potter gave a small nod.
“cool.” Arcane nodded back. “See you around then.”
A couple weeks later Arcane once again made it to Defense Against the Dart Arts class moments before the first class bell rang.
“You were up before any of us,” Padma mentioned. “How were you still nearly late?”
“I went to the showers.” Arcane shrugged as she slipped into her seat.
“That took you…” Padma checked her watch. “ Two hours?”
“I had to wash my hair.” Arcane told her, while gesturing to the bun made out of wet hair on her head.
“Aye, I get it.” Lisa nodded sympathetically. “If I don’t wash my own hair right, it’ll floof up, I’ll be wanderin’ around looking like a sheep.” Arcane laughed at the thought but quickly muffled it as Professor moody walked into the classroom.
“I believe you all read and wrote your papers on the unforgivable curses, yes?” Moody grunted. A murmur of assent floated around the room.
“Studied it, did you? Memorized the dates and who inflicted them and why?” Moody growled. Many of the students nodded.
“This yours?” Moody asked Mandy Brockelhurst who had been smoothing her paper on her table. She nodded. Moody snatched the paper and held it in his gnarly fingers as he read.
“A fine paper.” Moody nodded, making Mandy beam. “Though tell me Miss Brockelhurst… How is this paper going to protect you if any of the curses were to be inflicted on you?”
Mandy’s beam of pride disappeared almost immediately. “Sir?” she asked confused.
“How does someone protect themselves from the Killing curse?” Moody barked.
“You said one couldn’t, sir.” Terry boot answered as Moody’ magical eye fell on him. “No spell can deflect it.”
“Aye,” Moody growled. “What about the Cruciatus curse?” Moody asked.
“Isn’t the same?” MacDougal asked. “That’s why they’re unforgivable, no one can defend themselves from them.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Miss MacDougal.” Moody laughed. “If you’re lucky you can dodge any of the curses, hide behind something, or someone…” Moody muttered.
“The Killing curse will indeed nuff you. However, the other two… You can fight them.”
“You can’t fight torture!” Michel Corner said aloud.
“Indeed you can Mr. Corner, though your measly spirit may not be able to. One can indeed try to resist the pain that the Cruciatus curse gives, though if being victim to it for too long, it does things to one’s head… I would know.” For a moment Moody smiled, yet even though the professor had the most disfigured face Arcane had ever seen, she could see the evil behind it.
“Sadly the ministry does not want me inflicting pain onto all of you to see how much you resist. They don’t even want you lot to know of the curses, yet I don’t give a damn.
“CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” Moody barked making everyone jump. “So today we’ll be working with the only one that you may be able to handle… The Imperius curse.”
Arcane proceeded to have the most awful class she had ever had in her life. Like the rest of her housemates, she had been forced to jump, tap dance, roll on the ground and sing words to songs she didn’t even know. All while under the influence of the Imperius curse, which they were all supposed to resist, which was extremely easier said than done.
By the time the class was over everyone was dead tired, both physically and mentally. So much so that even McGonagall took notice and allowed them to read their transfiguration book instead of actually doing magic, as long as no one fell asleep. Which was also quite difficult.
“Then my mother got me a bloody crystal ball!” Draco complained as he and Arcane sat in Myrtle’s bathroom drinking tea. Arcane who enjoyed the solitude of the bathroom had made it her favorite place in the castle, and would come almost every day to come and talk to Myrtle, while she cleaned it up a bit at a time. Malfoy, even though constantly complaining and disagreeing with Arcane about nearly everything, came along as well.
“As if I need one,” Malfoy continued, “All we’re doing is looking at stupid stars!”
“Sounds more like Astrology than Divination.” Said Myrtle as she leisured on top of the sinks.
“I thought you all saw crystal balls last year.” Arcane mentioned.
“We did, but I followed your advice,” He said with a quick glare at Arcane. “And I told my mother that I was having difficulties in divination, so she sent me these bloody cups and wrote, ‘when in doubt try the basics’.” He said mimicking his mother’s voice.
“So that’s why we’re having tea in a bathroom?” Arcane snickered as she flipped her empty teacup onto its saucer.
“He could have it with the Queen and still wouldn’t see anything.” Myrtle laughed.
“Shut up you!” Malfoy snapped at her, earning a raspberry from Myrtle. Arcane smiled while shaking her head.
“Are you done yet?” She asked pointing at Malfoy’s teacup.
“Er… yes, one moment.” He said before quickly finishing it and flipping it onto his saucer. “Here,” he said handing her his cup “Read mine and I’ll read yours.”
“Okay, let’s see.” Arcane said flipping Malfoy’s cup over and looking into it as Myrtle floated over and peered over Arcane’s shoulder.
“Well these lines here mean challenges, I think.” She said showing him the inside of his cup. “And these dots either mean brief travel or that you’ll be busy-”
“Ooh that one looks like the Aires ram!” Myrtle squealed excitedly.
“Oh, you’re right.” Arcane said noticing what she was pointing at.
“What does that mean?” Malfoy asked confused.
“Well…” Arcane cocked her head. “Due to the fact I don’t believe you’ll be traveling anytime soon... My best guess would be that because of the ram and these lines here,” she showed the lines again, “You’ll be facing challenges caused by strong emotions.”
“What emotions?” Malfoy asked going slightly pink, however Arcane did not notice, since she was staring into the cup.
“I don’t know,” She shrugged. “What does my cup say?”
Malfoy looked briefly into the cup. “I don’t know; all I see is a load of lumps.”
“Well look harder.” Arcane told him.
“I can’t,” He snapped. “I want to know why my cup says what it says, and when will it happen!”
“I don’t know that Malfoy.” Arcane said. “It doesn’t say.”
“Well you’re the one that say the other things! You look harder!” Malfoy hissed.
“I said I don’t know Malfoy! It’ll happen when it happens.”
“Yes, but when will it happen?” Malfoy insisted. “What will happen?!”
“Who knows Malfoy!” Arcane cried. “Maybe you’ll get into another fight with Potter and this time you’ll both be turned into ferrets” She snapped.
Malfoy’s ears, then cheeks, then entire face went scarlet red as a scowl formed on his face.
“I should have known you would tell me a load of rubbish.” He hissed while he began to stuff everything into his bag.
“Oh come on, I was just teasing.” Arcane said a she stretched her hand to take a saucer from Malfoys hand.
“Do not touch me!” He shrieked at her, making the saucer slip from both of their hands and smashing to pieces on the floor.
Arcane reached for her wand to repair it, but before she could Malfoy stomped out of the bathroom.
Arcane looked at Myrtle, who had the same confusion plastered on her face as Arcane did.
“At least we were not wrong about strong emotions.” Myrtle mumbled.
Arcane decided that after repairing the saucer she would head down directly to dinner. Which she was not particularly in the mood for anymore, but the moment she got to the great hall she spotted Harry Potter at the Gryffindor table holding a cloth filled with what Arcane suspected was ice, to the side of his head. Once she spotted Hermione, she figured it wouldn’t be odd for her to go say hello, since they had met up several times in the library during the last couple weeks. Hermione was nice to talk to, once you got used to her informatic ramblings, so she made her way over to the table.
“Wow, what happened to wonder boy?” She asked pointing her chin to Potter. Harry didn’t look excited nor displeased of Arcane asking, though his red-headed friend looked awestruck, with his mouth hanging open.
“Oh hello Arcane!” Hermione smiled, sliding over to give Arcane space to sit, though Arcane decided against it, and only rested her knee. “Professor Moody is making us fight the Imperius curse.” Hermione explained. “Ron, close your mouth.” She scolded the red-headed boy.
“Oh yeah,” Arcane nodded, “He did that with us this morning… Did you do ballet, Potter?” Arcane teased.
“He was actually able to fight it off.” Hermione said happily.
“Really?” Arcane said in disbelief. She tried not to judge, however Potter didn’t look like an awfully strong wizard, so she couldn’t help but feel jealous that, if it was true, Potter had been able to fight off the Imperius curse and she hadn’t. “Cool.” She smiled weakly. Then recognized a familiar face from the corner of her eye as the boy sat down.
“Hi Neville.” She said.
“Hi Arcane.” Neville squeaked as he tried to melt into his chair.
“You know each other?” The red-headed boy asked in surprise.
“Yeah,” Arcane answered, then noticed Neville’s face go rather pink. “I bumped into him in the hall the other day, really helped me out, I was lost out of my mind.” Arcane added quickly.
“Ron…” A sin-song voice chimed from down the table. “Little brother…” Sang another one. This time Arcane noticed three figures coming towards them. Two of them were the two red-heads Arcane had seen slip on the steps, up close Arcane noticed they were unmistakably twins. Identical ones, at that.
“Who’s your friend?” Asked one twin.
“Do present.” Said the other.
“Not every day we have a Ravenclaw at our table.” Smiled the other boy who had walked over with the twins. He, instead of being pale and red-headed like the twins, was quite dark skinned, with his hair in dread locks.
“What’s her name?” The twins asked together as each of them took a side of Potter’s red-headed friend. An insane resemblance between the three of them.
“Wouldn’t it better for you to ask me my name?” Arcane said, making the group turn towards her. One of the twins looked at each other, then at their dark skinned friend.
“Fine,” The twin on Potter’s friends’ right smiled. “What is your name?” Arcane cocked an eyebrow at him. “I’m pretty sure you already know the answer to that question.”
“Yeah,” The twin shrugged. “But I was being polite since your ickle Ronnie’s friend.”
“We’re not friends!” Potter’s friend blurted quickly. Then realizing how rude he sounded he tried to fix his statement. “I mean I just met her, I haven’t talked to her before.” He finished, going slightly pink in the ears.
“Oh that’s right!” Hermione piped. “You haven’t met Ron,” she gestured to Potter’s friend.
“There you go Ronnie, now you know her!” The twin on the left chimed while patting Ron on the head. “Now don’t be rude, introduce us.”
Ron’s ears were still rather pink, though he still obliged to the twins wishes. “These are my brothers,” He mumbled. “Fred,” He gestured to his left. “And George.” He finished gesturing to his right.
“What am I? Chopped dragon liver?” The dark skinned boy complained.
“Oh, that’s their friend, Lee Jordan.” Ron added.
“Fellow friend, Quidditch announcer, rumorer and tarantula lover.” Lee Jordan smiled, stretching his hand across the table.
“Rumorer, eh?” Arcane laughed while taking his hand to shake it. “Got any good ones?”
“Definitely, latest one is that Black’s daughter is wicked pretty.” Lee smiled and Arcane couldn’t help but smile back.
“Say, would you like some mint candy?” Fred asked taking a few wrapped candies from his pocket.
“Are you saying my breath smells?” Arcane inquired.
“Merlin no! I just thought you would like a bit of candy.” Fred shrugged with a smile.
Arcane eyed the candy suspiciously. “What you spell it with this time?” She asked.
The twins and Lee Jordan glanced at each other in surprise.
“You three told her?!” George complained at Potter, Ron and Hermione.
“We didn’t say nothing.” Ron told him.
“Then how did she know they’re spelled?” The twins asked in unison.
“I didn’t.” Smirked Arcane. Everyone stared at Arcane.
“Numpty!” Fred muttered while whacking his twin on the back of the head.
Arcane who took a candy from Fred’s hand and looked at it closely. “So, what do they do?” She asked looking at the twins.
“They make you squeak like a mouse for a bit.” George admitted. Arcane smiled.
“I’m keeping this.” She said sticking it into her pocket.
“I told you she wouldn’t fall for it,” Lee muttered.
“Worth a shot.” George muttered back, while Fred smiled.
“Say Black, have you been shown the castle yet?” He asked.
“I’ve seen it on my way between classes,” Arcane shrugged.
“Yes, but have you seen the corners?” Asked George.
“And crevices,” Said Fred.
“And secret passageways,” The twins said in unison.
“Ah yeah, the secret passageways,” Arcane sighed. “Yeah, I have an idea where they are.”
“But have you seen them?” Lee asked.
“No,” Arcane answered.
“Then would you like us to show them to you after dinner?” Fred offered.
“Oi! You haven’t even shown me the passageways, and I’m your brother!” Ron complained.
“Yeah, well you’re also a little git.” George told Ron.
“Plus, we’re sure Harry knows his way around them,” Fred said. “Unlike Black here, we wouldn’t want her to get lost in one.”
“Oh, I won’t get lost.” Arcane said slyly as she grabbed a butter bun from in front of Potter.
“And why’s that?” Fred cooed.
“Because, I have a map.” Arcane said, causing Potter and his friend’s heads to jerk towards her. Arcane smiled at the surprised face Potter portrayed, then winked before making her way to the Ravenclaw table without another word.
The twins followed up on their offer to take Arcane around the castle after dinner, then, after taking a broom from the Quidditch broom shed, they all proceeded to the astronomy tower, where they played a few games of exploding snap, where whoever came in last had to jump of the astronomy tower with the broom and fly back. Arcane, luckily, did not have to come to such a fate, unlike Lee Jordan who lost most games, though Fred did proceed to do a back flip the one time he lost.
Draco did not speak to Arcane on Friday, though she paid little attention to it, since now she, Lee Jordan and the twins were on speaking terms, they all seemed to notice how often they saw each other in the corridors, and would stop and chat briefly between classes.
It was not until Saturday afternoon, when Arcane was on her way to the Puffskein patch to fetch Wendigo, did Arcane remember she was going to return Malfoy’s saucer. So when she saw him lounging in the courtyard with his bodyguards, Zabini and Parkinson, she walked over.
“Hi.” She said to Malfoy, who stopped laughing once she was near.
“What do you want?” Parkinson hissed.
“I came to return this to you.” Arcane said, ignoring Parkinson and holding out the saucer.
“What?” Malfoy scoffed. Arcane wanted to roll her eye, but since Malfoy had left in such haste she figured that perhaps he really didn’t know it was his.
“You dropped your saucer the other day in the… well you know where, I fixed it but forgot to give it back to you, so here you go.” Arcane thrusted the saucer at Malfoy.
“What’s she on about Draco?” Asked Zabini.
“I- I-…” Draco faked a laugh. “I haven’t the faintest.”
“Why would you have such a dainty thing as a saucer?” Asked one of Malfoy’s bodyguards, who in Arcane’s opinion, had a face of a bull. With a thick neck and flat nose.
“I think Black has created a fantasy in her head that you had tea or something together.” Parkinson cackled as she snatched the saucer from Malfoy and tossed it, causing it to crash on the ground.
“She’s gone as mad as her father.” The other bodyguard snickered.
“What?!” Arcane said in disbelief. “You’re just going to ac-…”
“I mean I’m flattered really,” Draco laughed nervously. “But you’re just not my sort.” Draco finished without meeting her eyes. Arcane honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if steam was coming out of her ears. She couldn’t believe the way Malfoy was treating her. Her fingers itched for her wand. Though she did not grab it. She took a breath and shrugged.
“Whatever.” She said with her lips thinning when she finished. Then she turned and walked away.
Arcane steered clear from Malfoy after that. Which wasn’t hard since the amount of homework she had begun to receive was so ridiculous even Myrtle felt bad for her. As she tried to avoid Malfoy, Myrtle had agreed to accompany Arcane while she did homework in an empty classroom, whenever she was not doing it with Padma and Lisa or with the twins and Lee Jordan. Which was enjoyable since the twins had come up with a game to ensure memorization, having that if you answered wrong you would have to eat a bean from Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, which honestly wasn’t that bad if getting a good flavor, however if one happened to eat a bad one, such as rotten egg, phlegm or troll boogie, one would regret not studying harder.
Arcane had never felt so secure with her studies, since she had gone on a studying spree over the summer, she knew most things that were coming up in the classes to this point. She was doing well in Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic and even in Potions since Snape had decided not to try her anymore.
Chapter Text
“I just want to add some things to mine!” Lisa pleaded Padma to let her see Padma’s paper on goblin rebellions. “He won’t even notice!”
“If he won’t notice why do you want to add more things?” Padma eyed her as they walked down the steps to the entrance hall.
“Because you have a way with writing dates, and I can study them for the exam!” Lisa explained.
“If you want the dates, just look through the book.” Padma told her.
“I don’t want to!” Lisa whined, turning to Arcane. “Caney,” she chimed, “You’ll let me see yours, right?” Lisa stuck out her lip and clung to Arcane’s arm. “Pleeeeease!”
Arcane rolled her eyes and smiled. “Do I have to?”
“No you don’t, and you shouldn’t!” Padma insisted.
“Oops Padma’s against it, I’ll do it.” Arcane said, handing Lisa her paper.
“You two should be ashamed of yourselves,” Padma said disappointedly.
“Yes mother.” Lisa said rolling her eyes, but stopped once she saw people gathering around a notice on the wall. “Let’s see what that is.” She said dragging the other two girls towards it.
“Friday?!” Squealed an older Ravenclaw girl excitedly. “It’s so soon.”
“I totally forgot that Beauxbatons was coming,” Arcane said as she read the notice saying that the two invited schools would be arriving on the 30 th of October.
“You know the school?” Padma asked.
“Not the school physically, but Ilvermorny had student exchange with the school all the time, a close friend went there, though I think she graduated last year.” Arcane explained.
“I wonder what the competition will be like,” said a voice Arcane didn’t recognize. Though when turning she noticed it came from an older Ravenclaw girl.
“What do you mean competition?” Padma asked her.
“I mean I want to see who I’m going to go against in the tournament.” The girl said.
“But you’re not of age,” Chimed Luna, who no one had noticed was there.
“That’s not going to stop me.” The girl said.
“Well said,” MacDougal hummed as she came towards them. “We’ll need a good housemate to get into the tournament. I heard that Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff is going to try and enter.”
“That’s the handsome prefect, right?” Another older Ravenclaw asked while giggling.
“Beauty does not mean brains, Turner.” MacDougal snapped. “Imagine if you lot will have to duel each other to become champion, Diggory isn’t a worry, Though Mandy heard that Angelina Johnson just turned seventeen.”
“The Gryffindor chaser?” The original girl asked nervously.
Mandy and MacDougal nodded.
“Dumbledore isn’t going to make them duel.” Padma said. “And you shouldn’t enter the tournament if not of age!” She pointed an accusing finger towards the older girl. “Dumbledore said himself that it’s quite dangerous, so no underage wizards, you lot ought to respect that rule or I’ll be going to Professor Flitwick.” Padma finished before storming into the great hall for lunch, leaving Lisa, Arcane, Mandy, MacDougal and the two older girls in the entrance hall.
“What no witty comeback, Black?” MacDougal hissed. Arcane ignored her and looked at the older girls.
“It would be cool for a Ravenclaw to be Hogwarts champion.” Arcane said before following Padma’s path.
They’re loads of fun actually.” Arcane told Myrtle while she sat in the abandoned bathroom, along with Wendigo. “I thought all they did were silly pranks, but after listening to the way they talk about ideas for other spelled candy, I noticed they’re, like, really smart.”
“The sound like bullies to me,” Myrtle frowned. “I can only imagine my tongue growing out in front of everyone.” Myrtle shuddered at the thought.
“Well I guess that could be really embarrassing, though I wouldn’t mind popping a tongue toffee into Morgue’s mouth.” Arcane snickered.
“You- er… You’ve been spending quite an amount of time with them lately.” Myrtle mentioned as she watched Wendigo wander around the bathroom.
“So?” Arcane asked.
“Well… Just the way you speak of them, I was wondering if perhaps… You fancy one of them.” Myrtle said curiously.
“What? No! It’s not like that.” Arcane said quickly, though her face did get a bit hot.
“Aha! I saw you go red!” Myrtle cried as she flew towards Arcane. “No wonder you’ve been spending so much time with them! Well, tell me which one is it.”
“Neither!” Arcane said with a laugh.
“Oh have off it,” Myrtle laughed as she floated around. “Could it be you fancy both?”
“Shut up Myrtle,” Arcane laughed. “I- You-… I have homework and I need Padma’s help.”
“Mmhm.” Myrtle grunted knowing Arcane was full of it.
“Just… so you know,” Arcane began turning towards Myrtle. “I-…”
“Potter just thinks he’s so amazing, does he not?!” Malfoy cried as he stormed into the bathroom. Pausing his stride only when he saw Arcane.
“How long have you been here?” He asked.
“I was just about to leave.” Arcane said grimly as she collected her things.
“What?” Malfoy asked. “I haven’t seen you in here for days, have you been av- Aargh!” Malfoy cried as something small and fuzzy hit him on the side of the head with such force that it knocked him to the ground. “GE’ R’OFF!” Malfoy puttered as the thing licked his face.
“No! Stop that!” Arcane hissed as she reached down to retrieve her over-affectious Puffskein. “Stop, bad boy!” Arcane scolded, then turned to look down at Malfoy. “You too!”
“What?” Malfoy spat. “I was just attacked by your thing!” He said while cleaning his face with his sleeve as he got up.
“This thing has a name.” Arcane snapped. “And you know what? Good boy! For hitting this,” Arcane waved her hand at Malfoy, “this… Dipstick on the head. He needed it.”
“Dip-… What did you call me?” Malfoy questioned.
“Why are you two angry at each other?” Myrtle asked out of nowhere.
“What?” The two asked together.
“Well, Arcane is obviously angry at you.” Myrtle pointed at Malfoy. “Which I figured was because you stormed out of here last time, but it seems like something else has happened and no one told me.” Myrtle crossed her arms.
“I’m not angry with her.” Malfoy said, giving Arcane a confused look. “Are you angry at me?”
“No ferret,” Arcane snapped. “I love being ridiculed, being called delusional and crazy.”
Malfoy looked at the floor with guilt. “I- I didn’t call you that.” He said softly.
“Right,” Arcane laughed sarcastically. “You said I’m ‘not your type’,” Arcane made finger quotes as she said the line. “So that means your little posse can just insult me?”
“I don’t know why you’re holding me accountable for other people’s actions. I don’t control them.”
“Oh bullcrap!” Arcane snapped.
“I’m serious! I don’t tell them what to do. Whoever they poke fun at is up to them. I didn’t insult you did I?” Malfoy asked. Arcane thought about it, yes everyone had been rude, though Malfoy hadn’t noticed his saucer fell, so he could honestly have been confused on why Arcane was giving one to him. Not to mention Arcane does not think that not being someone’s type is an insult.
“I guess not.” Arcane replied.
“Then why are you bloody angry with me?” Draco asked in a sarcastic tone.
Arcane shrugged. “I guess I’m not then.” She told him.
“Well… good.” He shrugged. “Can I tell you what stupidity Potter did now?”
Arcane had to admit at one point she was getting quite bored of the ongoing conversation about the tournament, though by Friday, the day the schools were meant to arrive. Arcane could not help but feel a bubble of excitement form in her stomach. Especially since the decoration in the Great Hall only seemed to add on to the fact it was a special occasion. Having that giant banners of each of the four houses were hanging from the walls, along with one with the school’s coat of arms.
“So what?” Arcane asked as she, Lisa and Padma looked at their planet charts over breakfast. “You’re going to be in a bad mood all month?” Arcane continued
“No, because her influence in Mercury will make her sensitive.” Padma pointed out.
“Mine makes no sense!” Lisa whined.
“Actually it does.” Luna said from across the table as she uttered her toast. She nodded at the chart. “Her Saturn will be restricting her communication due to its cross with mercur-…”
As Luna continued explaining the mail came in. Hundreds of owls fluttered into the great hall, carrying parcels, letters and newspapers. An owl Arcane recognized as Mercedes landed right in front of her, holding two letters.
“Two letters! That’s nice.” Said Luna with a smile at Arcane before she opened her own, which was purple and covered in flowers. Arcane shook her head and opened the letter she was sure had come from Ozzy, which in not the tidiest penmanship said,
Dear Miss Americana,
Arcane couldn’t help but smile.
I can’t believe you wrote so soon! Honestly I was expecting you to disappear. Think us Wivenhoe numpties were no good for you now you’re with the Rutherford lot. Though I am glad to hear from you. I even showed Nan the letter since I was so excited, though she noticed that the stamp was on the wrong side and upside-down at that. You’re lucky the post let it through.
Anyway, about the “gang of evil” you told me about, don’t let them get to you. Nan says most of the folk in Rutherford have parents with money growing out of their arses, so they get in with some pounds. But not you! Remember you got a scholarship! You deserve to be there more than that lot. It’s truly a shame only older students can participate in that event you told me. Just imagine competing against other elite schools. I could never, though I do believe you bloody could have.
I didn’t tell anyone you wrote, but just to let you know everyone is doing real well. Gillian’s still annoying, even more now since a new girl has entered her grade. Evie’s doing well, so is Finley and Matt. Nothing really interesting to say there. Though… Exciting news! Wilkins found an old motorbike, said that as his apprentice, if I get it up and running I can keep it. So hopefully when you get back, you can see me riding around town like Johnny in that Vanilla Ice film.
Are you coming home for Christmas? I know it’s still a month or so away, but nan makes excellent trifle, and she says she wouldn’t mind if everyone came over to the house.
Anyhow, I think that’s all I got to say now. I hope you’re doing better now than when you wrote me last time, if not, write whenever. I’ll answer no problem. Let me know how the other schools are and take care.
P.S: Your aunt and uncle adopted a dog after you left, not very friendly. It growled at me when I delivered this letter to your house.
Arcane shook her head with a smile and opened the other envelope, which contained three pieces of paper. Each of them a small letter from her uncle, father and aunt. She decided to read Ted’s first. Which was short and basically had scribbled RAVENCLAW! With a quite ugly drawing of what Arcane believed was an eagle.
Good going Ness, I’m real proud of you. All that worrying that you be counted as stupid and you make it into the smart house! I’ll tell you to have all the fun you can, because warning is Dromeda’s job. So HAVE FUN!
Arcane smiled then began to read Andromeda’s letter, which, exactly as Ted had warned, was a lecture on how now Arcane now formed a part of Hogwarts and even though it was a school, things could still be dangerous. That if the tournament had been canceled before it had been for good reason, so Arcane should not put herself in any danger by trying to participate. Ugh, she could be friends with Padma , Arcane thought.
The last letter was from her Father…
Arcane, I must admit I am hurt to not receive a direct answer to my letter. Though perhaps it was better for you to write a general one, since your aunt and uncle miss you so. I am very glad to hear you were sorted into Ravenclaw. I did not have any friends in that particular house, though I am sure you will make plenty. Please watch yourself and Harry as well.
Love you both deeply,
Arcane snorted.
“Good news?” Lisa asked, leaning over.
“Same ol’ same ol’” Arcane replied as she quickly folded the letters. “Miss you, hope you’re having fun,” Arcane shrugged, “I’ll write back later.”
For the rest of the day Arcane barely caught a grasp of what was going on in their classes. Everyone was too busy gossiping about the other schools, and how they theorized their arrival.
Anthony Goldstein was insistent that they arrive via Portkey, though was quickly shut down by Hermione Granger who happened to hear them speaking in the corridor as she passed.
When the bell had rung, letting classes out early to finish preparing for the foreign schools’ arrival, everyone rushed so quickly back to the castle that Arcane could physically feel the stairs shake while the Gryffindor’s and Ravenclaw’s raced to their towers.
Professor Flitwick was there telling some first year students to please put on their pointed hats.
“It is our uniform,” Professor Flitwick told the child. “I do not care if it looks silly, Mr. Melinsky!”
Once everyone was outside, in front of the castle, Professor Flitwick began sorting the Ravenclaw’s. First years in front, then second years, and so on towards the final row where the seventh years stood.
To the left, stood the evil Slytherin group, which – to Arcane’s surprise- were being fairly well mannered. Mostly having to do with Snape staring them down like a guard dragon. While towards the right, passing a few Hufflepuff’s, stood a large group of Gryffindor’s where in the sixth row, Arcane could see the Weasley twins picking on Lee Jordan.
The arrival of the other school’s seemed to take forever. For a moment students began doubting they were even going to turn up.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t show,” Arcane heard Malfoy say to his group. “They’re a high esteemed wizard school after all, probably don’t want to mix with our sort.”
Arcane rolled her eyes and kept watch the school gate. Surely they all would arrive in carriage’s. Apparition from France did not sound safe.
Suddenly a few students shuffled to let Professor Dumbledore pass to the front, his voice was nearly drowned with excited whispers, but Arcane clearly heard him say,
“Beauxbatons approaches!”
Arcane could feel as her arm nearly fell off, having that Lisa used it as a boost for her to jump and see over everyone’s head. Which were now all facing the direction Dumbledore had gestured.
Arcane could hear a few younger students cry what they thought the distant shape was, which were all a fair guess to Arcane. Because never in a hundred years would she have expected to see what she saw.
The French school had indeed decided to arrive by carriage. A singular, light blue, house sized, horse drawn carriage. Though having the fact it was flying, it was not being pulled by horses, it was instead being pulled by a string of young-erumpent sized pegasi. All golden colored.
Every Hogwarts student rushed backwards as the carriage landed with a loud crash that caused the ground to vibrate. Some, including Neville Longbottom and Lisa lost their balance. Arcane helped Lisa steady herself, then without thinking took a glance at the slytherin group who all seemed okay. Yet Arcane could have sworn Malfoy had been looking at her before she turned completely. Deciding not to dwell to the fact, Arcane turned her attention to the Beauxbatons carriage, just in time to see an insanely large woman step out of it. To Arcane she was intimidatingly beautiful, not because of her height. Though to the way she carried herself. She wore slick, black satin, which made her eyes look like dark pools. Her lips were red as wine, her nose sharp and her hair tied back. Femme Fatal, were the words that popped into Arcane’s eyes when looking at her.
“Bet you twelve sickles she’s taller than Hagrid,” A voice whispered between Arcane and Lisa’s head.
Lisa yelped but since everyone had begun to applaud the French schools’ arrival, it was drowned out.
“Fred!” Arcane scolded. “You scared me!” Arcane noticed that George and Lee were behind them as well. “Weren’t you three over there?” She pointed to where they had been standing before.
“We’ve done well in learning how to move without anyone noticing.” George mentioned.
“So you take the bet or not?” Fred asked holding out some sickles.
“Taller with heels, shorter without.” Arcane said. The Weasley wins stretched their necks to peer over the group of students.
“Nah, she’s probably right.” Said George.
“No bet.” Fred said to Arcane, pocketing his coins.
“Chickens.” Arcane laughed.
“Where do you suppose they’ll sleep?” Lisa asked, standing on the tip of her toes trying to look at the Beauxbatons students that were making their way out of the carriage.
“You guys figure out how you going to get into the tournament?” Arcane asked. Padma’s ears perked.
“You can’t enter the tournament, you’re not of age.” She said to the twins.
“Patil?” Lee Jordan said confused as he looked at Padma.
“What?” Padma asked crossing her arms.
“What are you…”
“I’m not Parvati.” Padma snapped. “She’s the one in your house.”
“Oh that’s right!” Fred smiled. “Patil has a twin too Georgie.”
Padma rolled her eyes and proceeded to tell the twins that they shouldn’t be trying to cheat their way into the tournament. It was only when Fred leaned on his brother, pretending to have fallen asleep did she stop.
“That’s mean.” Arcane smiled.
“Ah but I saw you laugh.” George told her. Arcane reached over to swat him, but paused when hearing a sort of rumbling, that seemed to be…
“The lake!” Lee Jordan cried. “Look at the lake.”
McGonagall looked at the Lake then at Lee Jordan wo was behind Padma, then at the lake again. But after blinking rapidly she turned back towards where she had seen Lee Jordan, but he was no longer there. He and the twins were now back in the sixth year row.
“Look, look, look!” Lisa said, tugging Arcane’s arm, while pointing at the lake. Which now resembled the water when someone flushed a toilet. The water spinning round and round as slowly a ship appeared. A spooky looking ship at that, in Arcane’s opinion it looked like a real life version of the ship from the Goonies’ movie.
Once the ship reached the bank, students began to disembark. All dressed in dark colored heavy cloaks and fur, making them look a bit hunched. The only one who wore a different color of robes was, who Arcane suspected was the headmaster. Who was wearing silver, which accompanied by his goatee, made him look a bit like a fancy faun.
The headmaster greeted Dumbledore politely, feigning as if they were old friends. Though Arcane noticed they both were a bit stiff. The headmaster said something to Dumbledore as he pulled one of his pupils closer.
“Ow!” Arcane and Padma hissed in unison as Lisa dug her nails into each of their shoulders. Arcane had thought she was putting force to raise herself higher, but instead she lowered herself slowly, her eyes a bit watery, even though there was a large grin slapped on her face.
“Oh my god!” She said airily. “He’s here.” She dug her nails in deeper.
“Ow,” Padma winced. “Who?”
“Viktor Krum!” Lisa squealed.
“I can’t believe it!” Lisa squealed as they headed up the steps towards the great hall behind the eastern-european students. “Where is he? I can’t see him anymore!” Lisa said jumping up and down to catch a sight of the Bulgarian team seeker.
“Lisa calm down, you-” Before Arcane could finish her sentence Lisa had dropped pushed Arcane, causing her to accidentally bump into a Beauxbatons girl that had been standing with the rest of the French group by the entrance. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Arcane said quickly.
“Excuse you,” The girl hissed, though her face dropped once she made eye-contact with Arcane.
“Nesrin?!” The French girl asked in surprise.
“What are you doing here?!” They asked in unison, causing some to stop and stare.
“Didn’t you graduate last year?” Arcane asked.
“No, no. This year is my last. What are you doing in Bri-…” Claudette paused as realization crossed her face. “Your mother… Oh Ness I’m so sorry! My mother told me but I was so excited about the tournament I kept saying I would write. Forgive me please.” Claudette pulled Arcane into a hug, which caused some of the French students to gasp.
“Vouz la connaissez?” Asked a french girl, who for a split moment made Arcane choke on her own saliva. The girl, in the simplest of words was stunning . She had sparkling blue eyes, rosy cheeks and even though she had a scarf around her head, Arcane could see strands of Platinum-blonde hair. Arcane had always felt slightly jealous of Claudette, she had perfect porcelain skin, jet-black hair that never tangled and held its place perfectly. Along with eyes so dark, stars could easily reflect in them. However, this other girl was breathtaking, something about her made one want to keep staring.
“Oh,” Said Claudette turning to face the girl before rattling off in rapid French. Arcane did not speak French, though she was sure she heard, mother, America and family.
“Well den,” Said the blonde girl peering down at Arcane. “Can yo’ friend offa’ uz a zeet?”
“Of course!” Lisa chimed. “Our house would love to have you at our table.”
Arcane, Lisa and Padma lead the Beauxbatons students to the Ravenclaw table where they all sat down apprehensively, looking around at the decoration.
“Bishop’s bunions Ness, how have you been?” Claudette asked as she pulled Arcane into a seat that faced the Slytherin table. “How are holding up without your mom?”
“I’ve been okay. Moving and all has been really distracting.” Arcane answered as she watched Viktor Krum sit down next to Malfoy and his group at the slytherin table. “I’m staying with some relatives I have in England,” Arcane continued, ignoring the smug look Malfoy had on his face. “They’ve been nice, I like staying with them.”
“Man I really am sorry I haven’t written, but moving back to France and whatever. I had to catch up on loads of history, though I know that’s not an excuse.” Claudette mentioned.
“No worries, it’s great to see you now.” Arcane assured her. Honestly Arcane did not blame Claudette for not writing. Arcane had not written any letters to her friends at Ilvermorny either, so she could not judge.
“So, what is your school like?” Lisa asked, trying to make conversation as she ogled at Viktor Krum.
“More elegant dan ‘Ogwarts.” Sneered the blonde girl. Which caused whatever beauty Arcane saw in her to nearly disappear. Padma seemed as if she was going to say something, though was cut off by all of the Beauxbatons students suddenly rising, as the large woman, who now Arcane realized was the schools’ headmistress, entered the great hall. Not sitting again until she was seated next to Dumbledore, who was about to speak.
Dumbledore welcomed everyone, giving a warm smile to both the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons lot.
“I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable.” Dumbledore said, only to receive a laugh from the blonde French girl. Arcane had a sudden urge to kick her. However, was beaten by either Padma or Lisa. Arcane didn’t know which and didn’t care since the girl did not repeat her previous action, while Dumbledore announced that the tournament would be opened at the end of the feast.
Then before anyone could have blinked, so much food appeared on each table, one could barely see the surface.
“Zo ‘ow do yu know eechoder?” Asked a boy across from Claudette.
“Our mothers were very close friends,” Arcane explained. “They worked together for many years and we all lived together a few years before Claudette returned to France.”
“Where did your mothers work?” Lisa asked.
“At the MACUSA.” Claudette and Arcane said in unison.
“What’s that?” Lisa asked.
“It’s like the English Ministry of Magic.” Claudette explained as she served herself some food.
Some of the French students were friendlier than others, and made conversation with those near them. At least the ones who spoke English did. Claudette was more than happy to speak with Lisa, who was quite interested in French fashion, though the boy who had asked how Claudette and Arcane knew each other seemed to know a great deal more than Claudette. Between comments Arcane would glance at the Slytherin table, where Arcane could only wonder what story Malfoy was entertaining the Durmstrang lot with. It wasn’t until the blonde French girl Arcane had wanted to kick got up that Malfoy glanced at the Ravenclaw table. And not to look at her Arcane noticed, but at the French girl. Malfoy became so enthralled with her that Arcane literally saw his spoon fall out of his mouth as he watched her cross the hall “Oh, I guess Fleur spotted the bouillabaisse.” Claudette mentioned as she turned back to her food. Though Arcane continued to watch the blonde girl, now known as Fleur, cross the hall to the Gryffindor table, where she picked up a plate of food and began her way back to the Ravenclaw Table. It was not until Fleur took her seat in front of Arcane did Malfoy notice her watching him. Though Arcane who felt slightly annoyed, for no reason in particular, arched an eyebrow at him before returning to her meal.
“The moment has come,” Dumbledore announced after dinner and dessert had been eaten, along with two unfamiliar faces had joined the staff table. Dumbledore proceeded to introduce the two new men. A stern looking one, introduced as Mr. Bartemius Crouch and Mr. Ludo Bagman. Arcane noticed most students seemed to applaud Mr. Bagman rather than Crouch, so she assumed he was well known.
“Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament,” Dumbledore explained, “and they will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff,” Dumbledore gestured the Durmstrang Headmaster, “and Madame Maxime,” He gestured to the Beauxbatons headmistress, “on the panel that will judge the champions’ efforts.”
A load of excited murmurs erupted, shortly after the last part, but stilled insanely quick. Everyone listening intently.
“Mr. Filch,” Dumbledore nodded to the school caretaker, who approached carrying a jewel encrusted, wooden chest, that seemed almost too heavy for him to carry.
“The instructions for the tasks the champions will face this year have already been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman,” Dumbledore mentioned as the chest was sat down. “and they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways…”
The air seemed to have been sucked from the room, the great hall seemed like a marble museum, having everyone was so still. Dumbledore continued, explaining that here would be only one champion from each school, and that they would be judged on how the preform on each of the three tasks.
“The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: The Goblet of Fire.” Dumbledore said coolly as he reached out and tapped the chest three times. Making it open, and pulling out an old fairly normal looking, large wooden cup. The only thing not normal about it were, the bright –blue flames dancing within it. Arcane heard an echo of hushed ooh’s and awe’s flicker around the hall, as Dumbledore closed the chest and placed the cup on top of it. Turning back to the hall with a sly smile.
“Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet,” Dumbledore spoke, assuring that those who wanted to be champions would have until tomorrow night o place their name in the goblet. Assuring tomorrow at Halloween dinner, the names of the three will be chosen.
“I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the entrance hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line.” Dumbledore said with a quick glance around the hall.
“You’ll be entering the tournament, right?” Arcane asked Claudette.
“Of cos vee vill,” Fleur snapped. “Vee did not oll travel fom France to look at ‘Ogwarts aqueetectour.”
“Well then, if you don’t get chosen as champion,” Lisa began. “You can-”
“I believe some Gryffindor’s are trying to get your attention, Arcane.” Padma said quickly, cutting Lisa off.
Arcane turned to see Fred and George giving her a thumbs up, and she knew they had figured their way into the tournament.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Ignoring the fact that the entire Durmstrang group stopped at the entrance of the great hall, unmistakably to gawk at prince Potter as he left, Arcane gave Claudette a quick hug before the Beauxbatons students returned to their carriage.
“We will have to catch up!” Claudette promised on her way out, leaving Arcane with a stupid smile on her face. Honestly Arcane could not be happier with the fact she had crossed paths with Claudette again. So much had changed in her life the last few months. So to meet up with Claudette, the person who had been in her life since she could remember, it made Arcane feel relaxed somehow. Which made her fall asleep slightly faster than normal.
“Caney!” Lisa whispered loudly as she touched Arcane’s shoulder.
“What?” Arcane groaned as her eyes fluttered open.
“Get dressed, we’re going down to the great hall to see who puts their name in.” Lisa explained.
Arcane reached out to her bedside mantel and fished for her watch.
“It’s barely seven,” Arcane complained as she rubbed her eyes.
“Please! If we’re there perhaps I could get an autograph from Krum.” Lisa begged. Arcane groaned and put her pillow on her face.
“I would get up if I were you,” Padma warned. “She poured water on me when I refused to.” Arcane peaked out from under the pillow and saw Padma toweling her hair with her night-shirt that did indeed look wet.
“Ugh, fine.” Arcane whined while kicking off her blanket.
After Lisa had finally decided a hairstyle worthy of a Viktor Krum autograph, they made their way to the entrance hall which surprisingly already had people standing about. All watching the Goblet of fire with interest as a Slytherin girl crossed into the circle that wrapped around the goblet as like a barrier, and tossed her name into the cup.
As they got nearer, Lisa made Padma sit with her the closest they could to the cup, while Arcane took a casual stroll into the great hall for a plate of beignets to eat while she sat on the stairs.
A couple of older students from different houses put their name in the goblet before a rally of loud encouraging “Whispers” flooded into the entrance hall caused by a large group of Ravenclaw’s coming down the steps.
“Come on! Do it Serena!” Called an excited sixth-year Ravenclaw girl.
“What if it doesn’t work?” The Asian girl Arcane had seen at the school feast at the beginning of the year asked.
“Drop it Cho, it’s just an age line.” A boy snapped as the group pushed a sixth year girl, who Arcane knew as Serena Fawcett, closer to the goblet. Luna Lovegood who seemed to have been walking behind the group, spotted Arcane and took a seat next to her.
“Fawcett isn’t of age is she?” Arcane asked, offering the beignets. Luna shook her head as she grabbed one.
“She took a few swigs of aging potion before coming down, I heard.” Luna hummed as she took a bite.
“Do you think it will work?” Arcane asked, watching how Fawcett’s group was still insisting her to put her name in.
“Haven’t the faintest.” Luna answered.
“Go!” Cried the Ravenclaw boy as he pushed Fawcett across the barrier and… Nothing happened.
“It worked!” Fawcett cried in relief.
“Put your name in then!” The first girl insisted.
However, before Serena could do as much as take a step, a sizzling sound began to form in the room, and without any expectation Fawcett was hurled out of the circle with such force, she rolled several times before remaining face down at the foot of the grand staircase.
“It’s killed her!” A first year cried.
Though Serena was very much- not- dead, having let out a groan as she shifted. Her friends, coming out of their shock, ran over to her.
“Serena!” The boy called as he helped her roll over. “Are you al- Bloody hell!”
“Oh me!” gasped another girl.
This reaction caused everyone’s attention, including Arcane’s, which made her nearly make pumpkin juice come out of her own nose, when she saw the cause. Serena looked fine, she did not appear to be hurt in any way. The only difference between her before getting into the goblets circle and after, was that now she had a long silver beard covering her face.
Everyone began to cry with laughter, all other than Serena who touched her face in horror, looking on the verge of tears.
“That’s what you get for trying to break the rules.” Arcane heard Padma say.
“Oh Serena, come on, we’ll go to Madame Pomfrey.” The Asian girl said helping the bearded-lady Miss Fawcett up, and escorted her out of the hall.
“Poor Serena,” Luna sighed. “Do you suppose they’ll shave her?”
“I hope so.” Arcane said trying to not laugh at what she’d just seen.
Just as most of the people had cleared out from the great hall, the Durmstrang group literally marched in. Lisa looked over her shoulder to Arcane with a smile that reached from ear to ear.
“He’s here!” She mouthed excitedly while formed in two lines they made their way up to the goblet. Crossing the barrier two at a time to drop their names in. When it was Krum’s turn to pass, Lisa hopped up and held out a quill and paper, which Krum rudely ignored, brushing past her without sparing her a glance. Lisa looked mortified, frozen with shock her quill fell out from her fingers and hit the floor. Padma reached out to her, but before she could say anything a hand reached out and picked up the quill.
“Vat pity dat Viktor ignor such preetty faz.” Said the Durmstrang boy as he returned Lisa her quill which made her cheeks flush scarlet.
“Th- Thank you.” Lisa squeaked.
“Novonty!” The Durmstrang headmaster snapped, as he gestured towards the door where the students that had already put their names in were waiting. The boy flashed and evil glance towards the headmaster, then turned back to Lisa, where he bowed his head quickly and walked away.
Lisa swooned as she sat down, the red in her cheeks not disappearing until the students from Durmstrang had left the hall. Not much later Arcane rolled her eyes as she saw Potter coming down the staircase, though she spared a smile and waved to Hermione who waved back. Shortly after their arrival Arcane heard the laughter of Lee Jordan who was coming excitedly down the stairs along with the Weasley twins, who stopped to chat with Potter, Hermione and Ron. Arcane couldn’t hear what Fred had said to the trio but she did indeed hear him say aging potion.
“Should we warn them?” Luna asked Arcane.
“Nah,” Arcane said with a mischievous smile. “Let them figure it out”
Said and done, Arcane watched as Fred and George came down the steps, George ruffling her hair and winking at her as he passed. With big expectations Fred jumped, feeling on the edge of glory George hopped into the circle after him. Arcane knew what was going to happen so she couldn’t help but smile as both twins were ejected from the circle, sprouting somewhat finer beards than Serena. Arcane bent over with laughter, nearly dropping the plate of beignets which Luna kindly saved. Arcane laughed so hard she didn’t hear what Dumbledore told the twins before they left the hall.
After Arcane calmed herself she assumed that she’d rather go pick on the twins than listen to Padma prattle on about how she was correct about not breaking the rules. So she slipped into the great hall where she filled a basket- which she had obtained from transfiguring a plate- with breakfast items and made her way towards the infirmary.
When Arcane made it to the hospital wing she could hear Fred and George bickering inside.
“But mine’s a tad longer.” Said George.
“Yeah well mine’s smoother!” Fred insisted.
Arcane rolled her eyes as she pushed the door to enter the wing, Madam Pomfrey who had been rushing by paused as she saw her.
“Merlin’s stitches!” She gasped covering her mouth. Arcane who had grown used to this reaction from most professors gave the matron a small smile.
“Let me guess, I look just like my father.” Arcane said.
“Shockingly so.” Madam Pomfrey said weakly as she looked the girl up and down. “You don’t seem to be injured.” She mentioned raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, I’m not I assure you,” Arcane laughed as he held up her basket full of food. “Bread for the scare?”
Madam Pomfrey stared at her with a confused expression.
“It’s a Mexican custom, I believe.” Arcane explained, “it may make them feel better once something is in their stomach.”
Madam Pomfrey shrugged. “If you can get Miss Fawcett to stop crying, I say job well done.” She smiled before making her way into her office.
Arcane giggled and continued her way towards the Weasley twins, who were seeing who could braid their beard the fastest. There was a Hufflepuff boy in a bed nearly at the end of the wing, who like Serena Fawcett- who was crying behind a fully curtain-enclosed bed- seemed to have tried to put his name in the goblet, therefore also ported a silver colored beard.
“Look who it is!” Called George happily as he caught sight of Arcane.
“And she comes bearing gifts.” Announced Fred.
“I think I should’ve brought walking canes instead; those beards make you look ancient,” Arcane laughed.
“Has no one taught you to respect your elders Miss Black?” George scolded. Arcane smiled and shook her head.
“Aren’t you happy you didn’t jump?” Arcane asked Lee, while setting the food basket at the foot of George’s bed.
“Oh yeah,” Lee laughed. “Though it would have been brilliant.”
“Yeah Dumbledore didn’t seem angry at all, did he?” Fred spoke.
“Right, though I suppose he was expecting it, especially from us.” George said as he and his twin grinned at each other.
“You were so close too!” Lee groaned. “If only one of you had slipped your name in the goblet.”
“Yeah, before it sent you both flying without a broom.” Arcane snorted.
“It’s a real shame,” Fred said glumly, “Though we can still insist Ba-” Fred glanced rapidly at Arcane. “With our other plan.” Arcane raised an eyebrow, she knew that they had been avoiding mentioning some things in front of her, she didn’t know what it was, but the way they had been so focused on the tournament's prize money, Arcane knew that whatever it was, it was not cheap.
“Y- Yeah,” Agreed George also glancing at Arcane then at Lee. “Anyway… You nick the kitchen’s?” He asked gesturing the basket.
“The kitchen’s? No.” Arcane said. “This is from breakfast, I figured that you guys might want something to munch on as you wait to be groomed.” Arcane smiled evilly.
“You know I’m truly debating if I rather keep my new look,” Fred mentioned as he caressed his facial hair. “I feel rather powerful with it.”
“Mum would wrap it around your neck if she discovered how you got it.” George told him.
“I suppose you're right.” Sighed Fred, moments before another loud wail came from Serena Fawcett’s enclosed bed.
“Oi, take your basket over there and offer her something.” Lee told Arcane.
“Yeah, she ought to keep quiet with her mouth stuffed.” Fred agreed.
“Don’t be mean!” Arcane scolded. “She grew a beard in front of a lot of people.”
“Yeah, so did we.” George pointed out.
“Yeah, but she’s a girl who grew a beard.” Arcane emphasized, “How would you feel if suddenly you all sprouted breasts?”
The three boys said nothing, but the glances they gave each other said enough to Arcane.
“Gross.” Arcane hissed in annoyance as she grabbed her basket and headed towards where Serena was.
“Knock-Knock…” Arcane said softly as she brushed the curtain out of her way. Only to see Serena Fawcett laying on the hospital bed, her eyes swollen from crying as the Asian girl who had led her out of the hall, smoothed her hair over. On the stand next to the bed was a bucket filled with pieces of silver hair, which Arcane noticed was Serena’s beard. Not all of it, having she still had a long stubble, though it was not even close to what she originally had.
“Hi,” Arcane said softly. “I brought you something to eat.” She added, holding up the basket.
“You don’t even know me.” Serena croaked.
“Not really, but we belong to the same house, so… We should be nice, right?” Arcane said, passing her a cinnamon roll muffin.
“Were you there… W- when I…?” Serena sniffled looking at Arcane who nodded. Serena’s face scrunched up ready to cry again. “I can’t believe he saw me!” Serena cried as she covered her eyes with one hand. Arcane looked at the Asian girl, utterly confused.
“Jason Sallow.” She said in a Scottish accent. “She’s been smitten with him for a real go now, just when he began to take interest in her, well... this happened.”
“Thanks for telling Black my humiliating story Cho!” Serena whined as she got up. “I should’ve let Barker do it, it would have been her instead of me.”
“Serena it will be fine, Madame Pomfrey is making the mix now.” Cho said softly.
“Yeah, and after the tournament starts everyone will forget this happened.” Arcane added.
“Jason will remember.” Serena sulked.
“No he won’t!” Cho insisted. “He and Ce-… He’s not like that. Just have a bit of food, you’ll be better after Madam Pomfrey is done.”
Just as soon as the words came out of her mouth Madam Pomfrey opened the curtain.
“Feeling better are we?” She asked Serena who was chewing her reluctant bite of the muffin Arcane had given her.
“Miss Chang, you are welcome to watch her as she takes the potion. However, Miss Black, may I ask you to assist me by shortening one of the Weasley’s beards. Mr. Jordan is helping with the other.” Madam Pomfrey explained as she handed Arcane the bucket that held Serena’s old beard.
“Oh Okay.” Arcane said, backing out of the enclosed area and looking over to the Weasley’s. Noticing that Lee had tied Fred’s beard in a knot, which he made rock side to side by swinging his head, leaving both Lee and George snickering with laughter.
“Oh I wish I had been there to see that!” Myrtle laughed as she imagined Serena Fawcett with a beard. “She threw books at me a few years ago, good thing she became a laugh.”
“Well she wasn’t the only one,” Arcane laughed, while wetting her hair at one of the old sinks. “The Weasley twins had the same thing happen to them.”
“Of course you would know what happened to the Weasley’s.” Malfoy- who was sitting near the window- snorted.
“Well, I was there,” Arcane said ignoring his tone. “Plus, I’m sure the entire school knows by now.”
“So what? Were you just sitting there waiting for them.” Malfoy asked accusingly.
“What’s with you?” Myrtle asked him curiously as she floated above the window.
“He’s probably just jealous because Slytherin doesn’t have a good champion.” Arcane snickered.
“Slytherin has great champions!” Malfoy snapped. “Perhaps you don’t believe so because you fancy the Weasley’s!”
“I knew it!” Myrtle beamed as her head swirled in Arcane’s direction. The reaction causing Malfoy to look between them, a red tint appearing in his cheeks.
“Which one is it then?” Myrtle insisted.
“Neither! I don’t fancy the Weasley’s.” Arcane laughed.
“Really? Because I always see you with them.” Malfoy hissed.
“And?” Arcane asked.
“W- Well it’s… It’s- It’s embarrassing!” He stammered.
“What’s embarrassing?” Arcane and crossing her arms and leaning against the sink.
“Being seen with the Weasley’s!” Malfoy scoffed.
“Why?!” Arcane asked insistently.
“B- Because! I wouldn’t be caught dead near them.” He said.
“Well, I’m not you, ferret.” Arcane said, trying to keep her anger out of her voice, and failing. “I actually don’t care who I’m seen with as long as I enjoy their company.”
Draco seemed to understand where this conversation was turning to, because he changed his posture and spoke softly, though it was a bit too late.
“I’m just telling you…”
“I don’t need you to tell me anything!” Arcane snapped. “I’m not Crabbe and Goyle for you to tell me what to do!” Arcane uncrossed her arms and began to walk towards Malfoy. “At least the Weasley’s aren’t afraid to be seen in public with me!”
“I’m not afraid…” Draco mumbled as he leaned back into his seat, away from her.
“Really?” Arcane scoffed. “Do you think I’m stupid Malfoy? Do you think I don’t know why you meet me here instead of anywhere else?!” Arcane asked him as she gestured around the abandoned bathroom. “Do you think I don’t notice how you avoid me in the hallways? Ever since last time with your friends, you’re not mean to me but you sure make it obvious that you don’t want me to go near you! Then you come here and act like we're buddies, but once we leave you do the same all over again!” Arcane was a few inches away from Malfoy’s face now. “You like to criticize the Weasley’s because they’re poor, but I’ll tell you one thing ferret, you may be rich, you may be flocked by your Slytherin buddies, but at the end of the day… you’re a fake.”
“I- I’m- I- I’m not…”
“Shut up.” Arcane snapped. “I don’t feel like hearing your voice right now. Especially when you have nothing good to say.” Arcane leaned back and sighed loudly.
“I’m not stupid Draco,” Arcane said softly, making his ears perk. “I watch you and your group,” she shook her head, “They’re not your friends, they’re your followers. They know nothing about you other than you have a rich daddy.”
“Nonsense!” Malfoy spat. “I’ve known Crabbe and Goyle since, well, forever! They’re my best friends!”
“Really?” Arcane sighed. “Then ask them your favorite color.”
“Why would I do that?” Malfoy sneered.
Arcane frowned and shook her head as she grabbed her bad and put it over her shoulder.
“A real friend… Especially one you’ve known your entire life…” She paused, “They would know your favorite color… At least.”
Malfoy scrunched his brow in confusion as he stared at Arcane, who, after a quick wave goodbye to Myrtle, left the bathroom.
Arcane felt a pair of hands shake her body from behind as she sat waiting for dinner in the great hall.
“You missed me! I was hoping you would watch me put my name in this morning!” Claudette told her.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I got caught up with my friends who tried to trick the age line.” Arcane explained.
“My friend Emilio says he heard a girl grew a beard.” Claudette giggled.
“Yeah, a few students did.” Arcane laughed.
Dinner seemed to take forever, everyone had been so quick to finish their food they all had to wait for the staff table which seemed to be taking leisure in finishing their plates. Giving Arcane time to pay attention to the Halloween decoration she hadn’t noticed this morning. There were bats flying above hundreds of jack-o-lanterns, all carves with different faces. Her favorite carving was one that she was sure carved by the muggle studies professor, having it was a perfect carving of Casper.
“The goblet is almost ready to make its decision!” Dumbledore called finally after dessert, causing an excited ripple of murmurs to swirl around the hall.
“Oh I hope the Hogwarts champion is a Ravenclaw.” squealed Lisa, who Arcane noticed was crossing her fingers along with Padma who seemed to be doing a silent prayer.
“I’m sorry your attempt did not work Serena,” Said Luna a little way down the table.
“Yeah though perhaps it was for the best.” Said Cho Chang patting Serena, who no longer had facial hair, on the arm.
“Do you think you’ll get chosen?” Arcane asked Claudette.
“Shhh! Don’t jinx it!” Claudette hissed as Dumbledore extinguished the lights of everything except the Jack-o-lanterns. Everyone immediately went silent, watching as the flames of the goblet changed from blue to bright red. Arcane heard a collective gasp, herself included, as a piece of parchment was shot out of the flames. Dumbledore, who seemed unsurprised caught the paper and leaned closer to the light to read it.
“The champion from Durmstrang…” Dumbledore read in a loud voice that echoed around the hall. Arcane quickly turned to glance at the Slytherin table behind her, which was where Durmstrang had once again chosen to sit. Though when she did, hers and Malfoy’s eyes met, making her decide internally not to look at the table again.
“Will be Viktor Krum!” Dumbledore announced.
Lisa who Arcane had expected to explode in her seat clapped calmly in comparison to the rest of the hall.
“You alright?” Arcane asked her.
“Me?” Lisa asked. “Yes, why?”
“Well, because your Bulgarian idol is champion and you're applauding like you’re at bingo night.” Arcane mentioned.
“Bingo?” Padma asked confusedly, leaning over Lisa. Arcane shook her head, her sight remaining on Lisa who shrugged.
“If he doesn’t have mind to give a fan an autograph, I have no business idolizing him.” Lisa said stiffly as Krum disappeared into the room behind the great hall.
Arcane and Padma looked at each other and shrugged, turning to wait for the next champion to be selected. Shortly after the goblet changed colors again, another piece of parchment shot out.
“The champion for Beauxbatons…” Dumbledore called.
Arcane could literally feel Claudette vibrate with excitement next to her.
“Is Fleur Delacour!” Dumbledore cheered, along with the applauses from the others. Some of the Beauxbatons students clapped, however Claudette along with another girl who was wearing a hijab, both began to sob intensely, leaning onto the table, crying into their arms.
Arcane wasn’t sure what to do, so she softly rubbed Claudette’s back as she tried to calm her tears.
Fleur Delacour, the pretty blonde girl Arcane had spoken to yesterday, disappeared from the hall to the back room, the swishing of her hair making every male eye follow her. Once she was gone the hall went silent again, though this time Arcane could feel a crackle of energy on her skin. Pure excitement. It was now Hogwarts' turn to be selected a champion. Arcane found herself pleading mentally for the champion to be a Ravenclaw, to be a Hufflepuff, to be a Gryffindor, any house except Slytherin. That would shut Malfoy up for a while.
Arcane held her breath as the fire in the goblet changed colors as it spat out what would be the last champion.
“The Hogwarts champion,” Dumbledore called, his voice only slightly louder than with the other champions. “Is Cedric Diggory!”
Arcane didn’t know who that was, but she quickly knew he was a Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff table cheered so loud one would think their life depended on it. They were all on their feet, clapping, cheering, Arcane spotted a few crying of joy. All of them patting Diggory on the back as he passed. Arcane felt her eyes go wide, and let out a laugh in disbelief. Cedric Diggory was a pure mix of Keanu Reeves, Leonardo DiCaprio and by far the most handsome boy she had ever seen.
“Oi, you got a bit of drool here.” Lisa Laughed pointing at Arcane’s chin.
“Shut up.” Arcane laughed, feeling embarrassed.
“Excellent.” Dumbledore said clapping his hands. “We now have our three champions…”
“So you like Diggory?” Lisa asked her in a hushed voice.
“No!” Arcane told her quietly. “I just had never seen him before.”
“Real eye catcher isn’t he?” Lisa smiled. “Even Padma likes him.” She snickered elbowing Padma lightly.
“Oh come off it, all I said is that he’s quite good looking.” Padma told.
“What happened to snogging him if you had the cha- Ow!” Lisa yelped quietly as Padma pinched her. “You should learn to hold your…”
Padma paused looking up at the front of the hall. Only then did Arcane notice that Dumbledore had paused his speech. The reason being absolutely obvious.
The goblet flames had changed once more from blue to red. Sparks were flying out of it until… it spat out a piece of paper. Dumbledore, even though looking utterly confused, reached out and caught it. His eyes going wide as he stared at it without saying a word. Then, after what seemed like forever Dumbledore cleared his throat.
“Harry Potter.” He read aloud.
“WHAT?!” Arcane shouted, and she did not turn to check but she was sure that Malfoy had cried the same thing.
Hi everyone thank you for reading! I hope you are liking the story so far, there still is so much more to go, so hold in there and please drop a comment of what you think so far! Bye :)
Chapter Text
Arcane stood up to get a sight of Potter, many others did the same, though the difference was Arcane felt… Murderous. What was Harry Potter doing? And how did he do it?! Arcane had heard stories of the twins cracking Hogwarts secrets for years, and even they had sprouted beards. Something that Potter clearly did not have. So how did he put his name in the goblet? Even more of a question, why?
Arcane glared at him as he stumbled out of his seat looking stunned. Why did he have such a stupid look on his face? Surely if one put their name into the goblet it was because they wanted to be chosen. However, Potter had an expression as if looking at a boggart.
“Of course it had to be bloody Potter!” Arcane heard a Slytherin hiss behind her.
“Always looking for attention isn’t he?” Another Slytherin spoke.
“At least we know he ends up in the hospital wing.” Snickered another.
Please keep safe. We both know if something happens to you, he’ll come running . The words flooded into Arcane’s memory. The words she had told Potter when she met him, the thing he had agreed with. Now once the word was out that Potter’s name came out of the goblet of fire, her father was sure to come make sure pretty Potter is alright. She hated him. Arcane decided it in that moment. Potter made her blood boil, he was everything Malfoy had told her, an attention seeking jerk. “Arcane are you alright?” Lisa asked her concernedly as she put her hand against Arcane’s arm. “You’re quite hot.”
“I’m fine.” Arcane gritted through her teeth as Potter went through the door where the other champions had gone.
“Perhaps you’re coming down with a cold.” Padma said as she sat Arcane down and put her palm against Arcane’s forehead. “how do you feel?”
“Sick.” Arcane answered, her fist clenched.
Dumbledore cleared his throat and turned to the hall. “Well, I and the panel of judges must speak with our champions. So I bid you all good night!” He said quickly, turning towards the staff table where The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons heads were on their feet as well, they quickly said something to their students in their respective languages, then began following Dumbledore.
The hall immediately erupted in chatter.
“What ez the meaning of zis?!” Hissed a Beauxbatons student as they stood from the table.
“Two shampion’?!” a girl in a head-scarf questioned.
“They ‘av don trap!” Said a boy in what Arcane recognized as a Spanish accent.
“They vrot uz eer to make uz fools!” A Durmstrang student called. Others murmured in agreement.
“That’s enough!” Called Professor Hagrid clapping his enormous hands, getting everyone’s attention. Only to gesture Professor Snape.
“Headmaster Dumbledore has said good night, so I suggest everyone be on their way to their common room. As for the visiting schools,” Snape paused. “I haven’t the faintest what you were told, though I suspect it was of similar guidance, so… On your way.”
Everyone mumbled in disagreement though, made their way out of the hall, talking rapidly of what just happened. But, before Arcane left the hall Claudette grasped her arm.
“Tell me this wasn’t planned.” She said with a sad look in her eyes. “Your school did not trick us on purpose, did it?”
“No.” Arcane answered shaking her head. “I haven’t been here long, but I know what happened didn’t have to do with the school. It had to do with Harry Potter.”
Arcane was not one to remember her dreams, much less her nightmares, though she could not get the images of that night's dreams out of her head.
Padma and Lisa completely believed that Arcane was sick, which she was, but it was more due to anger than to a flu. Nevertheless, once they got inside the Ravenclaw tower they took her to bed. Not that Arcane couldn’t walk or anything, they just seemed to be hovering around her.
“Take this,” Padma said handing Arcane what seemed like a black gumdrop. “My mother gives that to my sister and I for when we feel bad and can’t fall asleep.”
“How do you know I won’t fall asleep?” Arcane asked, trying not to let her anger towards Potter spit out at them.
“You did look er… odd, when Potters name came out of the goblet.” Lisa said softly.
“I was surprised.” Arcane grumbled.
“We were too. Though your reaction seemed a bit different.” Lisa mentioned.
“And we don’t mean to pry, but…” Padma and Lisa exchanged glances. “When your er, father was near Hogwarts last year, we heard things.” Padma said shyly. Arcane raised an eyebrow.
“Things saying that your… That Sirius Black sold the Potters out to You-know-who, but then potter survived, so he came to er…”
“To finish the job?” Arcane inquired.
“We just thought that perhaps, since it’s been said the tournament is known for being dangerous,” Padma said.
“And that the death toll was quite high at one point…”
“You think I’m trying to kill Potter?!” Arcane asked in disbelief. The girls said nothing.
“Are you two crazy?! You think I would-” Arcane began to laugh, this accusation was truly out of nowhere.
“I got angry Potter’s name came ou-” She broke her speech with laughter. “And you…” Arcane wipes tears from her eyes.
“I don’t want to kill Potter. I was just jealous!” Arcane lied, because there was no way she could explain the true reason. “A thousand Galleon prize?! I mean who wouldn’t want to get in that competition. So I ask George and Fred to toss my name in for me if they got through the age line. Which they didn’t, obviously.” Arcane laughed. “So I was just so surprised on how Potter got through, I was angry and jealous and you guys think I want to kill him?!”
Arcane played her part well because Lisa and Padma looked ashamed of themselves.
“What made you think such a crazy thing?” Arcane asked.
“I’m sorry. It’s just Potter always caught up with something. I- I think I should stop reading murder mysteries.” Lisa said putting her face in her hands.
“Ugh! I feel so silly.” Padma said walking to her trunk and closing it. “I apologize as well.”
“No worries,” Arcane giggled, “But I will be taking this.” She said popping the black gumdrop in her mouth. Arcane wouldn’t admit it but she knew that without it she would not have been able to sleep. Which in retrospect might have been better.
She was running, she could feel a stitch in her side the minute she had gotten up, the pain making her wince as she continued her run. She didn’t know if she was running towards or away from something. The pain in her face, making her feel dizzy and she was terrified, she knew that meant something horrible was coming towards her. Hogwarts castle, she thought. If she made it to the castle she could be safe. She had to make it. She had to be there for him. He was all she had left. In that moment she lost her footing and landed near the lake. Her face hurt and she was sure she was bleeding. She cried out, though she was not sure if anyone would help her. She cried out knowing she could not get up no matter how much she wanted to. She cried as her body stretched. Feeling as if it were something she had done a thousand times. That’s when she noticed she had transformed, she was now panting more humanly than she had been, and her face was bleeding much, much more. She almost couldn’t see, but the lake was so close, perhaps she could wash it off. She dragged herself to the edge of the water and reached out. That’s when she noticed her hand was not hers at all. She looked into the reflection of the black lake, caused by the full moon, and that’s when she saw… Not herself, but her father.
She wanted to scream but suddenly the sounds of laughter and singing filled her mind. Her body stiffened. She did not know how, but she knew what that meant.
“Noooo,” She cried as she huddled onto all fours, putting her hands over her head, hoping that by becoming smaller she would not be caught. She knew she should transform, but she couldn’t. All she could do was stay still and cry.
“ Nooooo ,” She moaned. “ Noooo … Please ...”
The laughter in her head grew louder, but even though they were cheerful Arcane hopeless. There was no longer anything happy in the world.
“Expecto patronum! Expecto Patronum!” She heard a male voice yell. There’s no use Harry, she thought as she gave a shudder and flipped over only to lay motionless on the shore.
The Dementors are coming, that she knew. They were going to catch her, meaning her father, and was going to die.
It’s no use, she thought… Then she woke up from her dream.
Arcane rubbed her face, normally when she did this whichever thing she had dreamt of normally disappeared from her mind to be forgotten. However, this time that didn’t happen, everything from the dream was still so vivid in her mind. She did not know why, but she did know three things. One, she had been her father. Two, her father had failed to escape. And three… Harry Potter had been there when it happened.
All the anger from the previous night returned, Potter’s name had come out of the goblet of fire. Yet what did that mean? Was Potter going to compete? Surely not, he’s not of age. Though Dumbledore did insist that putting your name in the goblet was like signing a contract, if you were chosen, there was no backing out. Arcane snarled in anger as she sat up. Only then did she notice that the room was empty, Lisa and Padma probably had already gone down to breakfast. Although Arcane did not feel hungry at all. She indeed felt quite upset, she did not want anything that happened in her dream to happen to her father, because… She could not explain it but it did not feel like a dream, it was much too vivid. Arcane had never had a dream like that. No… That was a lie. She had had a dream that had left her with the same odd feeling before, but she could not recall what she had dreamt of.
“I’ll break my leg, before I let my father get hurt again on Potter’s account.” Arcane hissed to herself as she got out of bed and headed straight to her desk to pull out parchment and her quill.
She scribbled three letters, which all basically said the same, the only difference was to whom they were addressed to. Andromeda, Ted and her father.
She wrote in the letters what had happened and she begged for her father not to come. She assured him that Moody and Dumbledore were bound to watch out for Potter, that now was the time for him to keep safe. She pleaded to her aunt to speak with her father so he would stay put and she demanded that Ted take away his wand and tie him down if they must.
Arcane felt tears prick in her eyes from anger. She did not want her father captured, or seen, or hunted. All she wanted was for her father to stay at the Tonks house so he may see him again, so they could sit on the couch and watch Ted’s movies. Perhaps they would sneak out to see Buckbeak. Forget it all, if Sirius Black came to Hogwarts Arcane wanted it to be for her, not Potter.
Arcane set down her quill and wiped her eyes. She needed to send the letters out as soon as possible, so she quickly changed clothes, not bothering to comb her hair even with her fingers and headed towards the Owlery.
Arcane was almost there when she heard the voices.
“Are you alright?” Said a girl’s voice that Arcane recognized as Hermione Granger.
“She would have nicked my finger off if I had let her.” Said another voice glumly. Arcane stiffened.
“Hedwig will come around, Harry.” Hermione said encouragingly. “As will Ron.”
“I know that,” Potter began, “It’s just-”
“Potter!” Arcane barked as he came into view with Hermione. Arcane did not think twice about it, she came at him wild and fast, causing Hermione to squeak in surprise along with Potter who fumbled for his wand.
“Expelliarmus!” Arcane cried; Potter’s wand flew out of his hand but Arcane did not bother in catching it. She let it fall to the ground as she grasped Potter by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. Hermione covered her mouth, astonished.
“Are you trying to get him caught?!” Arcane shrieked. “I told you he would worry and you put yourself in danger anyway?!”
“I- I…” Potter choked. “What are you on about?”
“Sirius, you idiot!” Arcane yelled. “Do you want him back in prison?! Did you need more attention? I should have known that fame had gone to your head!” Arcane hissed.
“Arcane he-” Hermione began.
“You just had to enter the tournament, didn’t you?! Now he’s in danger of being caught because he’ll come for you!” Arcane began to choke back tears. “I just met him! Now I may lose him because you put your stupid name in the goblet!” Arcane pointed her wand under Potter’s chin.
“I didn’t!” Potter yelped.
“Arcane let go of him!” Hermione cried.
“Oh me! Look at the show!” Pansy Parkinson laughed as she came into view along with Malfoy.
“What’s going on Black?” Pansy asked with fake sympathy, “Did you decide to finish your father’s job?”
“ Arachne-voce !” Arcane cried pointing her wand at Parkinson, who flew backwards after being hit by a yellow blast. Everyone went still, except Arcane who was breathing heavily. They all watched as Parkinson began to hoist herself up, then immediately doubled over and began to vomit dozens of small, live spiders.
Hermione let out a squeal as she climbed the Owlery steps to get away, Potter stared at the girl horrified and Malfoy stared at Arcane.
“You got something to say, ferret?” Arcane growled at him.
Malfoy blinked a couple of times, then turned away and moved towards Parkinson, who had tears coming out of her eyes.
“Let’s go.” Draco said as he put Parkinson’s arm over his shoulders, supporting her as they walked away.
Once they were out of earshot Arcane turned to Harry.
“If my father gets caught because of you, I will kill you.”
“It was just poor of him I say!” Morag MacDougal said aloud to Mandy Brockelhurst on Monday afternoon as everyone was beginning that day’s homework. “One would think that defeating you-know-who would be enough fame for a lifetime. A murmur of agreement came from everyone who had overheard.
“That may be the reason he did it though,” A sixth year girl mentioned. “He’s addicted to fame.”
“I don’t think he’s like that.” Cho Chang chimed from the couch where she had been reading. “I mean, he’s a fourth year, it seems quite improbable that he could fool one of Dumbledore’s enchantments.”
“Well how do you think he did it then?” a fifth year boy asked.
“Perhaps an elder Gryffindor helped him.” Suggested a girl sitting near Cho.
“Couldn’t have been,” Another girl said. “I heard Johnson was the only Gryffindor to enter, and I clearly saw her put her own name in.”
“Perhaps you should all ask Black,” MacDougal sneered. “She's the one always running around with the Weasley’s.”
Arcane, who had been at a small table playing wizard chest with Luna, Paused.
“What does me getting along with the Weasley’s have to do with Potter?” She asked.
“The Weasley’s are Potter’s friends’ older brothers are they not?” Said a seventh year boy. “So, if Potter said anything to his friend, they might know.”
“Oh I wouldn’t be so sure,” Michel Corner advised. “I saw that Ron Weasley wasn’t on speaking terms with Potter today.”
“Why’s that Black? Surely you know.” A fifth year insisted. Arcane shook her head as she moved a piece.
“All I know is that Potter says that he didn’t put his name in.” She said grimly. “That he doesn’t know how it got there. What a liar.” Arcane scoffed.
“Perhaps someone put it in as a joke,” Cho Chan suggested.
“Joke or not he took away another house's moment!” Snapped Serena Fawcett.
“Yeah!” “Imagine if the Original champion had been a Ravenclaw!” “Only Gryffindor’s get attention!”
A riot of how displeased Ravenclaw house was with Harry Potter erupted so fast everyone forgot completely about their work and continued to criticize Potter and how they promised to support Cedric Diggory. Arcane well among them.
“Checkmate!” Cried Luna, though no one heard her.
The next day Arcane ran down the corridor as quickly as she could, praying that it wouldn’t catch up with her. Though she could hear it rumbling behind her. She skidded around the corner, her feet slipping nearly causing her to fall over, though she luckily kept her balance. It was then when she found the Weasley twins coming down the hallway in the opposite direction, staring at her as she ran quite panicked towards them.
“Hello Arcane,” George began, “Are you al-”
“Run!” Arcane cried as she grasped each of their arms and pulled them to follow her in a run.
“What’s wrong?” Fred asked as they matched her speed. “What are we running from?”
A loud rumble answered his question as a large wave of purple foam mixed with water rounded the corner into view.
“Is that coming from Filch’s office?!” Fred asked in amazement.
“Blimey Arcane, what did you do?” George laughed.
“Foam bomb!” Arcane panted as they all tried to reach the end of the corridor, the only problem was that the wave was gaining on them too fast.
“Brilliant!” The twins said in unison as all three of them got swept up by the wave, only to be eventually washed out in front of Professor McGonagall.
“Good afternoon Professor,” Fred said as he spat out some foam.
“Has anyone told you that you look quite lovely today?” George added as he brushed his hair back.
McGonagall's lips pressed into a thin line as Arcane wiped hair and foam out of her face and looked up, smiling sheepishly at the professor.
“Black and Weasley,” She sighed, shaking her head. “What an awful combination.”
The day after being scolded and forced to clean the entire corridor with the help of Fred and George, which was more enjoyable than a punishment should have been. Arcane found herself in the library, her anger towards Potter still in mind as she wrote her sixth sheet of ‘I shall not use foam bombs at school’. When suddenly a shadow fell across the table, which she didn’t mind, people came through and fro from the library. It was the not so silent whispers that made her look up. Malfoy stood across from her, his cheeks slightly pink. Arcane returned her gaze to her paper.
“What do you want?” She asked flatly.
“I have assignments.” He responded.
“Should I clap?” Arcane asked sarcastically. Malfoy opened his mouth to sat something, but thought better of it and quietly pulled a chair out to sit across from Arcane.
“Go away or I’ll leave.” Arcane told him.
“I asked Crabbe and Goyle my favorite color.” Malfoy said quickly, in a small enough voice only Arcane could hear him.
Arcane paused. “And?” she asked.
“They both answered green and er… black.” Malfoy said.
“So?” Arcane asked.
“I don’t like green really.” Malfoy admitted shyly. Arcane looked up at him.
“B- but I understand why they would think that.” Malfoy added.
“And why would they think that?” Arcane asked, setting down her quill.
“Well, because they are my family colors.” Malfoy stated.
“What does your family colors have to do with your favorite color?” Arcane asked.
“Us pure-bloods are expected to favor our family colors.” Malfoy said quickly. Arcane raised an eyebrow at him.
“Us pure-bloods?” Arcane questioned. Malfoy’s ears went pink even though he straightened up.
“My father insists on it.” Malfoy said.
“Ah,” Arcane sighed reaching for her quill. “Your father. The one who buys your friends?”
“My father does not buy my friends; he just does not want me getting on with the wrong sort.” Malfoy explained.
“And what is the wrong sort?” Arcane asked him coldly.
“Well…” Malfoy paused. “Forget about that,” he added quickly, “I’ve been thinking of what you said and how you don’t want to be meeting me only in the bathroom with Myrtle, but I can’t promise to meet you in the corridors like, as you say, a normal person would. Not because I don’t want to!” Malfoy added hastily as he saw Arcane open her mouth to speak. “But as you said about my father, he is indeed very wealthy, and many of my er… housemates’ parents are on friendly terms with him.” Malfoy cleared his throat. “What I mean is that my father is well known for, complicating lives of people he does not like. And he does not know you, but I’m sure he will have heard of you, if not now then eventually, and until I know rather or not I shall be allowed to be on friendly terms, I rather our er… friendship remain private.
“If you do not want to meet in the bathroom, I am willing to come to the library, and perhaps we could find somewhere on the grounds…”
“You really planned that speech out, huh?” Arcane snickered as she crossed her arms, looking at Malfoy with a smirk. Arcane did not believe in a perfect family, she did not come from one and she had more than one friend at Ilvermorny who had overbearing parents, not to mention she would over hear those overly-popular family dramas talk shows that her mother and Nadine, her mother’s caretaker, would watch. So she did not feel the need to argue with Malfoy. If No-Maj families could be complicated, wizard ones could be even more. So she shrugged and smiled.
“I’m teasing.” She said. “I don’t fully understand but I’ll give you a shot, with a condition!” She said as she Saw Malfoy’s arms relax.
“I won’t talk to you in the halls, as long as you acknowledge me when you see me.” Arcane offered.
“What does that mean?” Malfoy asked confused.
“I mean a head nod, a peace sign, finger gun,” Arcane told him as she did every gesture with her hand while speaking. “Just don’t ignore me or I might do to you the same I did to your girlfriend.”
“Not my girlfriend!” Arcane said mimicking Malfoy’s voice. “Yeah whatever, you know what I mean.”
“Shut up Draco,” Arcane laughed, “I don’t want to talk about Potter.” She said as they walked around the Lake kicking pebbles into the water.
“Just think about it though!” Malfoy continued kicking one rock with so much force it skipped across the water. “He thinks he so great.”
“Hmmm,” Arcane pondered. “Sounds a bit like you actually, maybe you two should be friends.” She added in a sarcastic tone. Draco snorted loudly.
“As if I would want to befriend Potter… Oh! That reminds me, look what I made.” Draco rummaged through his pockets until be pulled out two metal pin badges.
“Potter stinks.” Arcane read as she grabbed the pin Draco was handing to her. “That’s it?” She said tapping it with her finger.
“What do you mean?” Draco asked frowning at the pin. Arcane shrugged. “It just needs a little something.” With that said Arcane pulled out her wand and began to mutter spells as she tapped the badge. A few yellow sparks flying out of it at one point.
“What are you doing?” Draco asked her warily.
“Making it better.” She said quickly. “I almost got it.” Arcane lifted her arm, turning her wand around as if the pin was a pot full of stew, then she stopped and smiled. “There,” She nodded. “Look.”
Arcane held her pin up to show Draco the result of her work.
“Support Cedric Diggory- the real Hogwarts champion.” Draco read the bright red words aloud. “What happened to what I made?” He asked frowning. Arcane smiled and rolled her eyes as she pressed the badge. Immediately the red letters disappeared and the badge glowed green with the original phrase about Potter. Draco looked at Arcane hesitantly, though she only crossed her arms and said,
“You have to support the school, even if the champion isn’t a slytherin.”
Draco laughed. “I’ll support anyone as long as it’s not Potter.”
Arcane loved divination, but she truly hated Trelawney’s classroom. She was not sure if it was the fumes, the heat or the pathetic forms of Divination she made them study but she lately always ended up with a headache. And having the fact she had got her monthly due that very morning, made the class even more unbearable. She asked permission to go to the bathroom twenty minutes before the class was over, with every intention of not returning to it. Lisa had agreed to take her things back to the tower so Arcane did not worry.
She had been deciding if she should head out towards the Puffskein patch to see Wendigo, when out of the corner of her eye she saw a bright line of sparks, she only nearly had time to move her head before the string of sparks flew in front of her face so close she could feel the heat on the tip of her nose.
“Watch out!” Called a voice Arcane recognized as Fred Weasley’s.
“A little late for th-” Arcane was interrupted by the string of sparks boomeranging in the direction it had come from. Only that Arcane’s head was in its path. Therefore, hitting her right behind her ear. “Ow!” She cried as she flapped the sparks away as if they were a nasty set of bugs.
“Blimey!” called Fred.
“Are you alright?!” George said rushing over to check Arcane.
“I’m fi-” Arcane stopped speaking as George turned her head and examined the spot.
“Got her a bit there,” George pointed out to Fred.
“Merlin’s shorts, I’m sorry Arcane.” Fred said quickly.
“You alright?” George asked again turning her to look at him.
“I’m fine!” Arcane said as she shook her head and stepped back, causing him to let go. “Feels like I pinched a match.” She said rubbing behind her ear. “I’m not going to die or anything.” She looked around. “What was that thing anyway?”
“Just something we made by mistake” Fred shrugged. “Why? Did you like it?” He asked enthusiastically.
“I didn’t enjoy being burned by it.” Arcane said in a playful manner.
“We’ll have to work on that I suppose.” George laughed.
Arcane smiled and looked at her watch. “Shouldn’t you two be in class?”
“Shouldn’t you?” George asked in return. Arcane raised an eyebrow at him.
“Fair enough.” She smiled. “Where you off to then.”
“Just roaming around:” Fred shrugged with a smile. “You can roam with us if you want to.”
“Roam around the world?” Arcane said in a singing tone. The boys looked at her with confused expressions. Arcane blushed and cleared her throat. “Lead the way.” She said feeling a bit embarrassed.
They all spent the next twenty minutes roaming that halls, avoiding the classroom the twins were supposed to be in along with McGonagall’s since they all agreed she probably did not want to see them three together when they were supposed to be in class. Instead they wondered around picking on Filch then running as fast as they could before he could catch sight of them. All was fun until Fred insisted on hexing a Slytherin who sported a POTTER STINKS badge, Arcane had spoken against it and that’s when he noticed the one she had on her cloak.
“Why are you wearing that?” He said as they stopped outside the secret passage that would take them to the first floor.
“You don’t support Harry?” George asked confused.
“Why would I?” Arcane answered as the bell rang dismissing class for the day.
Fred looked around and pushed Arcane and George into the passage.
“Harry’s Hogwarts champion!” Fred insisted.
“Cedric was it first.” Arcane said crossing her arms. “Plus Harry cheated his way in.”
“We tried to cheat our way in as well.” George mentioned.
“Yeah, but you two are my friends.” Arcane said as she began to make her way down the secret staircase.
“Isn’t Harry your friend as well?” Fred asked. Arcane let out an unbelievable laugh.
“Don’t laugh like that,” George scolded as he and his brother followed Arcane. “We met you when you were speaking to Harry and Hermione.”
“Wrong!” Arcane told them. “I was speaking to Hermione and Harry, mostly Hermione.”
“That’s the same thing.” Fred said. “You’re still on friendly terms with Harry.”
“Correction. I was on speaking terms with Potter.” Arcane clarified.
“How come you’re not anymore?” George asked.
“Because he entered the tournament.” Arcane repeated, slightly irritated.
“What does that have to do with it?” George asked.
“I don’t agree with it.” Arcane said flatly.
“I say she’s jealous.” Fred mentioned.
“I am not jealous of Potter!” Arcane snapped turning around to face Fred. Who eyed her in a way saying that her reaction had just proven his point. Arcane let out a sigh as the stopped at the end of the steps.
“Look, I don’t wish any ill will on Potter, I just don’t support him a champion. The tournament is dangerous and that’s why there was an age limit,” Arcane paused, hating how much she was sounding like Padma, “There’s a difference by being younger for a few months,” She gestured at the twins, “Than to be a few years younger.”
The twins stared at her for a moment, then looked at each other.
“Mad jealous.” They said in unison with a nod as they turned back to Arcane.
“Forget it.” Arcane said angrily as she stormed out of the passage, only to crash into an equally angry younger Weasley.
Ron looked as if he was going to say something rude to Arcane, though his eyes fell on Arcane’s badge and his face softened, only barely.
“She wouldn’t let me see her! Can you believe that?!” Ron said quite irritated as he pointed in direction of the hospital wing.
“Who?” Asked George curiously.
“Hermione!” Ron cried. “I was the first to see if she was alright and she won’t even let me see her! Madam Pomfrey nearly booted me out herself”
“What happened to Hermione?” Fred and Arcane asked in unison.
“Stupid Malfoy!” Ron groaned in anger. “And he didn’t even get in trouble, Snape just looked at Hermione and-” Arcane didn’t understand the rest of Ron’s sentence, though he did quite explicitly demonstrate how he wanted to strangle Snape, which Fred and George found quite amusing.
“I’m going to go check on her.” Arcane said.
“She won’t let you see her,” Ron said, pausing his imaginary strangulation of Snape.
“I’ll… give it a shot.” Arcane shrugged, as she waved goodbye and quickly made her way towards the hospital wing.
Madam Pomfrey saw Arcane the minute she poked her head inside.
“Are you hurt this time?” She asked Arcane, who instinctively touched behind her ear.
“Only a tiny burn,” Arcane said walking in completely. “Perhaps a quick cream.”
Madam Pomfrey’s eyes crinkled as she smiled softly.
“I have a pomade in my office,” She said leaving the curtained bed she had exited. “Wait on that bed there.” She nodded towards an empty hospital bed. Arcane sat and waited for Madam Pomfrey to come back. Arcane figured that the curtained bed was Hermione, but she rather actually get the pomade first. Now that Arcane thought about it, the part behind her ear that had got hit, hurt quite a bit.
Madam Pomfrey hurried back and opened the pomade.
“Where is it?” She asked. Arcane pulled back her hair and showed the spot where it hurt. Madam Pomfrey looked at it for a moment before she rubbed her fingers in the pomade.
“How’d it happen?” She asked as she began to rub on the area.
Arcane shrugged. “I was messing around with Fred and George.” A smile played on Madam Pomfrey’s lips.
“I used to have your father in her quite often, scrapes, burns and bruises.” She chuckled. “Though every time I would ask him how it happened, he would say he was messing around with-”
“James Potter.” Arcane finished. Madam Pomfrey stilled.
“Yes,” She said in a small voice. “James. As well as Remus and, oh what was the name of the other one?”
“Peter Pettigrew.” Arcane said bitterly.
Madam Pomfrey’s lips pressed into a line, then she closed the pomade. “Yes, small Peter… It’s a shame what happe-”
“I wanted to know if I could see Miss Granger.” Arcane strategically interrupted, speaking a little loud hopefully for Hermione to hear her.
“Oh, she says she doesn’t any-”
“Fe camf comf fin!” Hermione called out.
“Oh,” Madam Pomfrey said in surprise. “Go on then.” She nodded to Arcane who walked over and brushed behind the curtains.
“Hi.” Arcane said softly. “I bumped into Ron and he told me you were here.” Hermione stared at Arcane, a book blocking her mouth from view.
“So… Are you okay?” Arcane asked. Hermione remained silent for a moment then sighed and uncovered her face. Her teeth seemed to have been enchanted to grow, because they reached the middle of her chest.
“Wow.” Arcane said with a sympathetic look.
“It waf a lot worf,” Hermione told her. “All da wayf down to here.” Hermione gestured to her waist. Arcane raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“Madam fomfrey fays fat fee can’t fix fit all at oncef, ferhaps by tomorrow I’ll be alright.” Hermione explained.
“Ron said Malfoy did this to you.” Arcane said.
Hermione shook her head “It fas an afident.” She told Arcane, who looked at her skeptically.
“Mafoy waf duling Harry,” Hermione mentioned.
“Dueling Potter was an accident?” Arcane asked.
“Harry got flusterd by the bagef’s.” Hermione said pointing at the one on Arcane’s chest. “You fould sufort him, infead of teasing ‘em.”
“Support him for what? For wanting attention?” Arcane lowered her voice. “For putting my dad’s freedom at risk?!”
“Harry didn’t fut his name in the foblet!” Hermione insisted. “He foves Firius and he wouldn’f do it for afention.”
“I don’t know Hermione; Like the phrase says, all are guilty until proven innocent.” Arcane said.
“Thafs not how the phrafe goes.” Hermione mumbled.
Hermione did answer Arcane after that statement, and remained quiet until Arcane finally got up and left. Arcane figured Hermione had got her teeth fixed because she saw her later on in the corridors along with Potter, and she appeared fine. Another thing that had appeared was a ridiculous article written by a lady named Rita Skeeter, who seemed to think Potter was better than butter, and decided to write entirely on him and not the tournament.
“Just listen to this!” Draco read aloud as they sat in the empty astronomy tower. “Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl, YUCK!” Draco gagged.
“What’s wrong with it?” Arcane said looking at the article, honestly she hadn’t even paid attention to that part she was focused on rolling her eyes as the article described how Potter cries for the parent’s he barely remembers. “Hermione is quite Pretty.” Arcane shrugged.
“A Mudblood, pretty?” Draco scoffed. Arcane whacked him hard with the paper.
“Don’t call her that!” Arcane snapped, swinging the paper at Draco, who stared at her open-mouthed as he rubbed the side of his face she had hit. Arcane straightened the paper. “You whine about Ganger so much sometimes I think you actually like her.”
“As if I would fancy a Mu-”
Arcane gripped the paper tightly.
“As if I would fancy her ,” Malfoy corrected. “Or anyone, fawning over a woman is pathetic.”
Arcane nodded as she opened the paper again. “You did look quite pathetic while gawking over Fleur.” Arcane teased.
“Who?” Malfoy asked in confusion.
“The blonde girl from Beauxbatons” Arcane explained waving her hand. “The one you were drooling over.”
“I was not!” Malfoy squealed, but Arcane noticed his face go pink, which made her stomach hurt for some reason.
“Mhmm.” She said glancing at him through the corner of her eye.
“W- Well what about you staring at Krum all doll eyed?!” Malfoy accused.
“What?” Arcane asked in a mixture of disbelief and confusion.
“Y- Yeah! I saw you staring at him the day of the welcoming feast!” Draco said triumphantly. “And! I still see you looking at him while I speak to him at dinner!”
Arcane felt her face go hot, though she pretended to read the paper and laughed.
“I wasn’t looking at Krum.” She said.
“Yes you were, I saw you!” Draco insisted. Arcane didn’t answer but she did look over at him. He seemed so sure that he was right, Arcane couldn’t help but smile .
Chapter 23: TWENTY-THREE
Chapter Text
A week quickly went by, and the article seemed to be the one thing anyone was talking about, good or bad. Mostly for bad. Hermione and Potter found themselves in a whirlwind of jests and snarky remarks from fellow students, Arcane not included, though she did not try to convince people to stop either. Which earned her a few glares from Hermione in the corridors. Something Arcane paid no attention to since she had her mind set on her first school visit to Hogsmeade.
She had been there before, though it had been raining and she only saw one place for a few minutes.
So on Friday afternoon she handed her permission slip to Professor Flitwick, who let out a small squeak in surprise when he read the name.
“Is there a problem Professor?” Arcane asked.
“Wha-” Professor Flitwick breathed as he finally unglued his eyes from the paper. “Er… No!” He cleared his throat, “No, Miss Black. All is well.”
Arcane nodded at the Professor, trying to ignore his reaction to her father.
The next day Arcane was up early long with Padma who was also being dragged by Lisa who kept repeating.
“I’ve been craving a Butterbeer all summer!”
“Say, Black!” called MacDougal from behind them as they all made their way towards the village. “Who signed your permission slip anyway, isn’t you mum dead?”
“Isn’t your mum constantly confused for a toad, Morag?” Oliver Rivers asked as he and the fourth year boy passed.
“Stop calling me Morag!” MacDougal called at him, making the boys snicker.
“Should we call you stupid then?” Terry Boot asked. A few boys laughed allowed while Michel corner high-fived Terry.
“Her name is I-so-bel!” Mandy, MacDougal’s lackey, sounded out to the group.
“Insufferable it is then!” Anthony Goldstein laughed.
MacDougal huffed in anger as the boys turned and raced down the trail. Then she turned to Arcane once more.
“So? Who signed your permission.” She snapped.
“Don’t you have a brain MacDougal?” Padma asked lazily. “Arcane lives with her uncles, surely one of them signed it, right?” She asked turning to Arcane.
“No.” Arcane said lightly as they walked.
“What do you mean?” Lisa asked.
“My dad signed it.” Arcane shrugged. “It got sent to me by owl,” Arcane explained once she saw everyone’s surprised faces. “I guess he’s watching me from somewhere.”
Mandy Brockelhurst look around warily, as if Sirius Black would jump out from behind a bush.
“Y- You’re lying!” MacDougal accused.
“Not really,” arcane said wrinkling her nose. “Professor Flitwick saw it, stood up so straight I wouldn’t be surprised if he grew an inch.”
MacDougal and Brockelhurst went a bit white in the face, as well as Padma. Lisa on the other hand decided to break the moment.
“Hey Arcane, didn’t you say your uncle likes chocolate frogs?” She asked. “We could stop by Honeydukes before heading to the Three Broomstick’s and get some.”
“Okay.” Arcane said, throwing a smirk at Morgue, before they carried on.
The village was so picturesque that Arcane felt she had stepped into a No-Maj children’s story book. The sun was out, but the November weather was beginning to make itself present, because even though it was bright, the warmth was very little.
Arcane and her two housemates bustled through Honeydukes, which was filled to the rim with sugar craving students. At one point Arcane took a licorice rope which a first year had been reaching for.
“You snooze, you lose.” Arcane told the kid, who made a rude gesture Arcane would have definitely mimicked if her arms had not been full.
“Come on!” Lisa insisted as Arcane hurried to put her candies into her purse. “Before the Three Broomstick’s gets as bad as Honeydukes.”
Arcane followed happy Lisa and slightly sugar rushed Padma into the inn she had Floo-powdered into when coming to Hogwarts. Only unlike last time it was now full of Hogwarts students, as well as Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, though both forging schools seemed to be keeping to themselves in the back. Arcane caught sight of Claudette and her friends talking, when their eyes met she smiled and waved, but did not get up.
“Hello dears!” Called a Lady that Arcane remembered, called Madam Rosmerta. “Sit along over there at the bar, I’ll see to you in a moment.”
“Thank you.” The girls answered as they rushed over to the bar.
“Have you ever had Butterbeer before?” Lisa asked.
“No.” Arcane smiled. “But I always heard my mother talk about it, is it good?”
“It’s heaven.” Lisa sighed dreamily.
“It cools you down on a horrid hot say and warms you to the bone on a cold one.” Padma mentioned.
“Ooh,” Arcane cooed. “Sounds like Nimble Nectar.”
“What’s that?” Lisa asked. Arcane shrugged.
“Something they would give us at Ilvermorny.”
“Alright girl,” Madam Rosmerta said, appearing behind the bar. “Three Butterbeer’s I assume.” Lisa nodded excitedly.
“Four please,” Arcane said pulling out a thermos from her purse. Her friends stared at her curiously. “For the road.” She smiled shaking it.
“Four Butterbeer’s then.” Madam Rosmerta smiled as she began to serve, handing one to Lisa, Padma, then to Arcane who immediately began to pour it into her thermos.
“Say,” Madam Rosmerta began as she eyed Arcane while filling up another glass. “I remember you.” Arcane looked up.
“You’re Andromeda’s kin.”
“Andromeda Black?” Asked an old man who had been sitting at the bar next to an equally elder lady.
“Andromeda Tonks, Richie.” The lady corrected, “We went to the wedding.”
“Still Andromeda isn’t she?” The old man grunted, adjusting his glasses as he turned to look at Arcane. “You her daughter?”
“Uh… No sir.” Arcane stammered. “She’s my aunt.”
“You speak funny, you Bella’s daughter?” The old woman asked.
“No ma’am.” Arcane answered not knowing who Bella was.
“Bella didn’t have no kids Elli, got sent to Azkaban ‘member?” The old man told her. “And the other one only had a boy.”
“Aye, that’s right.” The woman nodded taking a sip of her drink. “So you’re from Ted’s family then? A muggle-born:”
“No ma’am.” Arcane said shyly, knowing where this conversation was going to end up.
“So?!” The woman insisted, “Who’s are you then.”
Might as well get it over with, Arcane thought.
“I’m uh… Cassandra McKinnon’s daughter.” Arcane said softly.
A gasp escaped the old couples mouth, and Madam Rosmerta dropped a mug. The crashing sound causing people to glance over briefly, before continuing their chat.
Once Madam Rosmerta repaired it with a wave of her wand, the three adults broke out.
“Trying to be funny, are you?” Snapped the old women angrily.
“Children these days, using such names as jokes.” The old man grumbled, taking a sip of his drink.
“Dearie,” Madam Rosmerta said looking at Arcane with a frown. “If you didn’t want to make talk that’s fine, but you ought not play around with such names.”
“Play around?” Arcane scoffed. “You asked who I was daughter of and I answered.”
“That is enough now!” The old woman said sternly. “If you wanted a reaction you got one, but I won’t permit you to bring shame to that name.”
“Bring shame?!” Arcane squeaked in disbelief.
“It was a tragedy what happened to that family,” The old man said. “Hunted down like a load of foxes, you wouldn’t know a thing about it.”
“Except I would.” Arcane snapped. “Having that they were my family.”
“Balderdash!” The old man barked. “Them lot were killed off--”
“Thirteen years ago.” Arcane finished. “July 1981, two months after my mother and I escaped to America.”
“You don’t even look like a McKinnon, Ginger’s they were, ‘cept Marlene.” He added with a nod.
“That’s because I look like my father.” Arcane said slightly annoyed.
“Who’s your father then?” The old woman asked.
“Not important.” Arcane waved the question away. “I was with my Aunt Andromeda, because she was a friend of my mothers.”
“Folly,” The old woman chuckled. “Marlene and Cassandra were the last McKinnon’s to go to school and Andromeda had already graduated I believe, Isn’t that right Rosmerta?”
“I- I’m not sure.” Madam Rosmerta said looking at Arcane intently. “Though I did hear rumors that the youngest McKinnon girl was up the spout only a few months after graduating.”
“So your saying this could actually be the girl’s sprog?” The old woman snorted.
“Well I- I seen many faces while running this inn, and this girl,” Madam Rosmerta pointed to Arcane as she spoke, “She looks oddly familiar, though I’m sure I had never met her before she came through with ‘Dromeda.”
“Well I say she’s lyin’” The old man scoffed.
“Probably just one of Ted’s kin, only embarrassed to say she muggle-born”
“I’m not a muggle-born.” Arcane said now annoyed at the old man. “As I said, I’m Cassandra McKinnon’s daughter,” Arcane turned to Madam Rosmerta, “You have not met me because I only returned to Europe a few months ago,” Arcane turned to the old couple. “After my mom died.”
“The old woman frowned, while the old man picked something from his teeth.
“Convenient, aye? Your mother goes belly up before you come back where the rest of the supposed family is already dead.” He rolled whatever he got out of his teeth between his fingers. “Nice story love, but only a real numpty is going to believe you”
Padma and Lisa covered their mouths. Which made Arcane angry, she noticed they had not moved a finger in her defense, and even though the man had just insulted her, they just stood there. Arcane needed to get out of there, she knew that she looked stupid, even though that she also knew she wasn’t lying. It made her heart feel heavy. She was teased repeatedly because of her “Murderous” father, but if she tried to play her mother’s name, people acted as if she was making it all up. Her throat began to tighten, she knew what that meant and by Bridgette Bishop she was not going to let anyone see her shed a tear. Arcane dug into her bag and pulled out a Galleon and slammed it on the bar.
“I know who I am, and who my family was.” She said staring intently at the old man. “So be careful who you insult.” The old man didn’t say another word as Arcane stormed out the inn, throwing the door open with such force it hit Lee Jordan, who had been sitting in a chair next to it with a loud thud in the face, which made Fred Weasley howl with laughter.
Hardly in the mood to continue shopping Arcane turned, following the path that a sign pointed towards the shrieking shack. Everyone at Hogwarts assured it was the most haunted place in Britain, though Arcane’s father assured her it was not. It in fact was not haunted at all. The shack had been used as a place for one of her father’s old friend to go on a full moon, since he suffered from lycanthropy.
It was up a slope, which gave Arcane the opportunity to stomp her feet as she made her way up, and the house looked glum with its dying overgrown, mostly weed, garden. Along with its dust covered, boarded-up windows. In a way it matched er mood perfectly. So she found a rock and threw it hard at the shack, before slumping to the ground with a huff.
“What do you want George?” She asked, watching a lone Weasley twin coming up the slope.
“How did you know I’m George?” He asked keenly.
Arcane shrugged. “Fred would have made noise.”
George chuckled as he shook his head slightly. “Nice arm you got there.” He mentioned, nodded his head in the way Arcane had thrown the rock.
“Thanks.” Arcane grumbled, a bit embarrassed.
George walked over and sat down next to Arcane.
“You alright?” He asked after a few moments of silence.
Arcane pursed her lips as she picked at the weeds near her.
“I wish my mom had given me her last name.” Arcane said finally.
“Are you getting said about your father again?” George asked.
Arcane shook her head. “No, not this time at least.” She said sourly. “I get called crazy if I say who my dad is, but if I say who my mom is I get called a liar.”
George’s forehead scrunched. “Er… Who is your mum anyway? I- I don’t believe I’ve asked.”
“Does it matter?” Arcane asked reluctantly. “If I say I’m the daughter of a murderer everyone goes ‘Oh Merlin!’ and believes me! But if I go,” Arcane stuck her hand out to an imaginary person, “‘hi I’m the daughter of Cassandra McKinnon’ it’s not true?” Arcane closed her hand and slammed her fist on her leg. “My mom always told me I was this unbelievable legacy, I get to be the last heir of two of the eldest and powerful wizard families. Not that I care about power,” Arcane mentioned as she waved a fly from her face. “But when I had to come here I was worried that people would expect too much from me and that I would never be enough. I even thought that maybe by having a really popular surname it would be easy for me to have a load of friends, but no!” Arcane said angrily ranting. “All my name has got me is to be teased, eyed at and not giving me a chance to enjoy a stupid Butterbeer with my house mates! You get me?” She asked looking over at George, who was looking at her with an apprehensive look on his face.
“I know, I sound stupid.” Arcane sighed, wiping her face with her sleeve. “But it’s not fair, everyone calls him a killer and a traitor and a liar! But no one knows he’s-”
The sound of girl’s laughter made Arcane stop speaking, well timed to because a group of girls were coming up the hill from another side.
“If only Malfoy had carried you!” A girl said. “How romantic!” Squealed another. “Did he stay by your side as Madam Pomfrey treated you Pansy?”
Arcane rolled her eyes at the universe. Of course she would have to bump into Pansy Parkinson today.
“Of course he did!” Pansy shrieked. “Everyone knows he cares about me. Our mothers have known each other forever. And mine says it may only be a year or so before they can start discussing,” Pansy’s face split into a sly grin. “Accords for after graduation.”
The girls busted into a fit of giggles, until one noticed George and Arcane. She pulled on Parkinson’s arm and nodded toward them.
Pansy’s face paled a bit after seeing Arcane, who waved sarcastically at her. Though having her evil girl gang with her seemed to provide her courage, because she smiled, a bit weakly, but enough to convince her girl-friends that she was fine.
“Oh what a pathetic sight, though I suppose it was expected.” Pansy smiled at her friends. “I mean seriously Black, are you so desperate that you would date a Weasley?”
The girls behind here sniggered.
Arcane sighed “You got a spider leg in your teeth, Parkinson.” She said pointing to her own teeth.
Pansy immediately went red as her hand flew up to cover her mouth.
“Right here.” Arcane added as she gestured the spot on herself.
Pansy Parkinson indeed did not have anything to do with a spider in her mouth, though Arcane saw picking at her teeth as she quickly led her group away.
“So…” George said after the Slytherin group was out of earshot.
“So what?” Arcane asked confused.
“What do people not know about your father?” He asked.
Arcane went still. In her rant she had been about to say things about her father. What would have happened if she had said them? Should she say them? Her father had told her about how he was innocent and where the true culprit had hidden away for so many years. At the Weasley home. George’s home.
“They don’t know that… He’s innocent.” Arcane said.
She gave in, she told George about Peter Pettigrew, what had happened and how it happened. The only thing she left out was how she knew it. She didn’t tell George because she couldn’t keep a secret, she had many things she heard at Ilvermorny that she was sure she would take to the grave. No, she told George, because it felt right to tell him.
“Wait a moment!” George said pinching his nose. “Just to confirm, that man…”
“Pettigrew.” Arcane repeated.
“Yes, Pettigrew. He lived in my house for years?! As a rat, sleeping in my little brother’s bed?! Crawling around the house…” George’s face paled. “My little sister lives there as well! He could have seen… I’m going to be sick.”
“Oh no,” Arcane searched in her purse quickly for a plastic bag.
George wiped his face with both of his hands. “I should have tied the bloody rodent to the explosives that one time as Fred suggested.”
Arcane didn’t mean to, but she giggled.
“Are you laughing at it?” George asked.
“No, No!” Arcane said quickly. “I was just thinking of how close he was to death on multiple occasions, but always lucked out.”
George grimaced. “He’ll get caught some day.”
“So you believe me?” Arcane asked.
“Of course!” George laughed in disbelief. “I don’t want to believe you’d tell such a horrible story if it wasn’t true.”
Arcane smiled weakly.
“And even if he was guilty, I wouldn’t hold it against you.”
“What do you mean?” Arcane asked. George shrugged at her.
“I don’t think we should always judge people based who their parents are.” He said. “Other than that you’re too much fun to dislike.”
George gave her a shove with his elbow which made Arcane giggle and blush at the same time. Hoping he wouldn’t notice she reached into her bag and pulled out her thermos.
“Oh you don’t have to drink that; I’ll get you something warm at Hogshead, do you like Mu- IT’S WARM!” George cried in surprise as he touched the bottle.
“Of course it’s warm. It’s a thermos.” Arcane chuckled.
“Is that a spell?” George asked confusedly.
“No, it’s just a No-Maj invention,” Arcane took the bottle back from George who had been inspecting it closely. “It keeps your cold drinks cool,” She continued, opining the bottle and pouring a bit of the Butterbeer she had in there into the cup sized lid. “And it keeps your hot drinks, warm.” She finished handing the lid to George.
“Without magic?” George asked in disbelief. Arcane nodded.
“Brilliant.” He smiled. “Perhaps Fred and I could make this for our jo-” He cut off and looked at Arcane, who raised an eyebrow at him curiously.
“For ourselves.” George finished, taking a sip of Butterbeer afterwards.
“Do you and Fred make a lot of things?” Arcane asked.
“We er… We’ve been trying.” George said.
“Like what?” Arcane asked, offering him a chocolate frog.
“Well we were working on other things during the summer, but er… they were gotten rid of.” George said.
“Gotten rid of?” Arcane asked.
“Yeah, our mum doesn’t really find our inventions funny.”
“She threw them away?!” Arcane frowned. George nodded.
“Most were still prototypes, but we lost a set of nose biting teacups, glow in the dark gum and a few combs we had enchanted to change people’s hair color every time they used it.”
“Oh no!” Arcane said sympathetically.
“Oh we got to save a few Ton-tongue toffees, we put them to good use.” George said slyly.
“You gave one to your mother?!” Arcane gasped, she had never seen a Ton-tongue toffee before but she was sure that anything named Ton-tongue wasn’t that much fun for the consumer.
“No!” George laughed. “We were so angry at her we did ponder it, but no.” George looked at Arcane with a devilish smile. “We gave them to Harry’s cousin.”
“Harry’s cousin?” Arcane repeated.
“They had been starving him from sweets all summer, from what Ron told us. All because his porky little cousin won’t eat his greens.” George explained. “So when we went to pick up Harry to come stay with us, Fred and I let a few pieces of candy fall out of our pockets.”
Arcane’s mouth fell open. “But isn’t his cousin a No-Ma-… A muggle?”
George nodded. “A sugar deprived one.” He laughed. “Oh dad was furious I don’t believe I had seen him so angry, ever really.” George took a sip from the Butterbeer he still had. “Said the oafs tongue got about four feet long.”
Arcane stifled a laugh. “That’s so mean.”
“You can’t say that if you’re laughing.” George scolded playfully. “He deserved it anyway. Harry’s never complained to us directly but he’s told Ron things.” George’s face fell. “They had him in a broom-cupboard, you know that?”
Arcane shook her head.
“Yeah, then finally when they gave him a room they put bars on his windows!” George scoffed, clearly angered by the memory. “We had to go in my dad’s flying car and break him out.”
Arcane paused, the first thing she wanted to ask was, flying car? But then the image of Potter being locked up in a barred bedroom crossed her mind.
“You know,” George continued. “Harry isn’t that bad, honestly I don’t think he’s bad at all. And with what you just told a bit ago I think he deserves a break.”
Arcane pressed her lips into a thin line.
“I’m glad he’s my little brothers friend, I only wish Ron would get out of his mood and start hanging with him again.”
“Potter and Ron aren’t talking?” Arcane asked, though now that she thought about it she had only seen Potter and Hermione, even though Draco had told her that Potter formed part of a golden trio.
George shook his head. “Harry’s real nice and all, never flaunts money or his name. Really watches out for Ron, but he is Harry Potter after all. Ron tries not to feel jealous. Blimey, I mean even Fred and I try not to when Harry’s at the Burrow and mum’s gushing over him more than she’s ever done for us. So I guess when Harry’s name came out of the goblet, it just struck a nerve for Ron. Even though Harry didn’t put his name in.”
“You don’t think he put his name in?” Arcane asked surprised.
“I did at first but then I think about what he could possibly know about tricking age lines that none of the older students didn’t think of.” George said, popping a piece of the chocolate frog in his mouth. “Not to mention that Harry’s been insistent that he didn’t put his name in and I personally don’t take him for a liar.”
Arcane pursed her lips and didn’t say anything. Honestly she was wondering if she had judged Potter to quickly, because the Weasley’s seemed to really care for him, on a deeper level than him being the one who defeated You-Know-Who. George spoke of Potter as if he was family, which you really had to care for to break him out of a barred-up bedroom. The chocolate frog Arcane had in her hand jumped onto George’s knee. He laughed as he scooped it up, before it could hop away.
“I would love to make silly thing like this with Fred.” George said as he inspected the frog. “Though perhaps birds, I like birds.”
“So you and your brother want to open a candy shop?” Arcane asked as she grabbed the chocolate frog George handed back to her.
“Not exactly,” George smiled. “We want to open a joke shop.”
“Joke shop;” Arcane repeated in amazement, though she felt a bit dumb having that she didn’t expect that answer, even though it fit the twins’ personalities absolutely perfectly.
“That’s a great idea!”
George snorted. “Glad you think so, mum would rather see Fred and I cleaning cauldrons.”
“I- I don’t think that’s true.” Arcane frowned.
“You forget I just told you she threw away our entire summers work?” George replied.
“Well…” Arcane said sadly. “I think you both can do it all again. You still have the rest of the school year to try and remake them, once you have their formula, reconstructing or recreating is simple.”
“You make us sound smart.” George smiled at her.
“You are smart.” Arcane smiled back.
Suddenly something white hit the back of George’s head.
“OUCH!” He cried.
“Sorry did we interrupt something?” Fred called from the path behind them as Lee Jordan laughed.
“Zonko’s filled up with reusable fake snowballs.” Lee Jordan snickered.
“Couldn’t you just call hello?!” George snapped getting up. “You nearl-” He stopped as a white ball zipped past his head, hitting his brother right in the face.
“Wow, they really are reusable.” Arcane said nodding in approval.
Fred’s eyes narrowed playfully. “This means war.” He said pulling another ball out of the bag, aiming at Arcane.
“I don’t see anything!” Draco complained exasperatedly on Monday afternoon as he. Arcane and Myrtle sat in the abandoned bathroom trying to see event he faintest of a figure in the crystal ball sitting before them.
“It’s not a T.V, Draco:” Arcane told him.
“A what?”
“Never mind.” Arcane grumbled as she rubbed her temple. She didn’t know why but her head was aching horribly ever since she began to look into the crystal ball. This had happened to her before but the pain had quickly gone away, now she seemed to have pain in her head more often, not to mention that at the very moment her eyes felt hot and were beginning to water.
“Are you all right?” Myrtle asked.
“Yea,” Arcane said quickly, “Just some dust in my eye.” She lied as she rubbed them. “Do you see anything yet?” Arcane asked Draco, who seemed to be fighting the impulse to throw the crystal ball across the room.
“I say I need a break.” He said getting up and walking over to one of the sinks where he washed his face. Arcane continued to rub her eyes.
“So,” Draco began running his wet hands through his hair. “Where did you go in Hogsmeade?”
Arcane blinked a few times as she removed her hands from her eye, then shrugged.
“Just walked around, Honeydukes, Zonko’s, the three broomsticks, you know.” She said lightly.
“I heard Pansy complain about seeing you.” Draco said.
“Well, she likes complaining doesn’t she?” Myrtle mentioned.
Draco ignored her. “She said that she saw you with one of the Weasley twins up by the shrieking shack.” Myrtle made an ooh sound which made Arcane laugh, however Draco did not seem to find amusing.
“What were you doing up there?” He asked walking over to sit across from Arcane as he was before.
“I wanted to see if it was really haunted.” Arcane said flatly.
“With Weasley?!” Draco questioned.
“Well it’s not like I could go with you, right?” Arcane asked sarcastically. “What if your girlfriend had seen us up there together?”
“W- Well I- i…” Draco stammered.
“Forget it.” Arcane said rubbing her eyes once more. “Focus and try to see something.” She nodded blindly towards the crystal ball.
“I am focused.” Draco whined. “I was focused all last year too!”
“Calm down ferret,” Arcane said opening her eyes once more. “If you get in a bad mood it won’t help.”
“Wait! I see something.” Myrtle said excitedly as she floated behind Draco, peering over his shoulder at the ball. “It looks a bit like a…Troll.”
“A troll?” Draco questioned as he peered harder into the ball as well.
“Yes, right he- oh no, never mind, it’s Malfoy’s reflection.” Myrtle cackled.
“Piss off!” Draco hissed, flailing his arms for Myrtle to float away.
“Leave her alone Draco, she’s just…” Arcane paused, as the swirling contents of the crystal ball caught her attention. She didn’t see anything, but suddenly her head felt heavy as if she were falling asleep. Her eyes burned, her head hurt and for a moment everything was black.
She heard cheering, it roared I her ears so loud she thought she might lose her hearing. Arcane forced herself to open her eyes though she didn’t see the bathroom she was in, instead she saw a number of scenes flash before her so quickly she could barely get a grasp of what was happening. There was roaring, not from the crowd, more like one coming from a creature, a very large creature. Arcane saw Cedric Diggory’s face as flames erupted behind him, after that an image of Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum, though they went by too fast for Arcane to see what had happened to them, all she saw was a giant egg being stepped on by a large foot that resembled… A dinosaur? Arcane thought, though she quickly ignored it because Potter’s face appeared, he shouted something while pointing his wand in the air but Arcane did not hear. Then her mind clicked, fire, giant eggs and a large reptile leg.
She gasped loudly. “Dragons.”
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“What?!” Arcane heard Draco snap as her eyes focused. She was lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling. Both Draco and Myrtle peering down at her obviously worried.
“Tomorrow…” Arcane breathed out, not completely sure why.
“What in Merlin’s name are you talking about?!” Draco snapped. “Do you have any idea how badly you scared m-, scared us!”
“What?” Arcane asked sitting up, her eyes were watery but her headache seemed to be gone.
“You fainted, started mumbling things under your breath, we couldn’t understand a thing.” Myrtle explained.
“I- I passed out?” Arcane asked confusedly. “How long?”
“Just for about a minute,” Myrtle shrugged, “Though it was enough for him to nearly cry.” She nodded to Draco.
“I was not!” Draco snapped, turning back to Arcane. “You alright?”
“I- I have to go…” Arcane said getting up so fast she got dizzy, though she kept walking.
“Where are you going?” Draco asked.
“My common room, I want to lay down.” Arcane said quickly.
“If you’re feeling sick you shouldn’t walk alone.”
“Are you going to hold my hand and walk me up there?” Arcane asked, a bit more sternly than she had intended. Draco didn’t answer.
“I’ll be fine,” She said, putting her hand on the door. “I see you later.”
Arcane was sweating cold, her head did not hurt though it did feel as if it were about to float off her neck. She clutched the banister as she went up the steps, she had told the ferret that she was going to lay down, but she wasn’t. She had to tell someone what had just happened. Dragons… Arcane had never seen a dragon other that in No-Maj movies or in magical creature books. Though she was sure she had just… Dreamt? Was it a dream? Arcane wasn’t sure, however the more she thought of it, the more terrible it seemed. She had seen the champions, one of them clearly being burned, the other two running around, surely trying to escape, Arcane thought. Then there was Potter, which she had no idea what he was doing. Was he trying to fend away the dragon? Was he stupid enough to try and stop a dragon single-handed as it came to attack Hogwarts. Arcane paused. That was it! A dragon was coming to attack Hogwarts, she’d had a vision and now she had to tell someone about it to protect the school.
She had just reached the third floor when she saw Professor Dumbledore, clearly making his way from the library.
“Professor!” Arcane called, breathing heavy.
“Miss Black,” Dumbledore responded, tilting his head to the side as he caught sight of her. “I say, are you unwell?”
“Yes! I mean no!” Arcane shook her head. “Something’s happened Professor and I have no idea how or why. But I’m afraid the school may be in danger.”
Dumbledore stared at her for a moment. “I see,” He announced as he walked towards the empty charms classroom. “Please come inside Miss Black, I would very much like an explanation of what you mean.”
Arcane nodded as she quickly entered the classroom, Professor Flitwick must have been teaching a sort of simple spell since there were feathers along the desks.
Dumbledore entered behind Arcane and set the book he had been carrying on the desk, then he pulled out his wand, transfigured a feather into a metal cup, which he proceeded to fill with water before handing it to Arcane.
“You look a bit pale Miss Black,” he told her, “I suggest you drink that slowly as we speak.” He gestured to a chair.
“Thank you Professor.” She nodded, taking the cup before sitting down.
“Now tell me, what happened?” Dumbledore asked in a calm yet attentive voice.
“Well…” Arcane began, deciding not to go into so much detail of the before her vision. “I was with Myrtle, and she was helping me practice divination.”
“Helping?” Dumbledore questioned.
“Keeping me company mostly,” Arcane explained. “I was working with a crystal ball, just trying to see… anything really.” Arcane paused and took a sip of water. “But then my head, it started hurting really, really bad, and my eyes were just burning and watering.” She said gesturing her eyes.
“Then when I was ready to give up, I fainted.”
“You fainted?” Dumbledore asked confusion in his face.
“Myrtle said I fainted, but only for a minute!” Arcane added quickly as she watched Dumbledore’s shoulder’s fall. “And when I was fainted, I uh… saw things.” Dumbledore’s beard twitched, though he remained silent.
“I saw the champions, the ones of the tournament, And I saw fire!” Arcane added, which made Dumbledore still briefly. “At first I thought people cheering, though I’m not sure if they were cheering or screaming.”
“Why would they be screaming’” Dumbledore asked.
“At first I had no idea, but then I saw a giant leg and I heard a roar.”
Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at her. “What do you think that means Miss Black?”
A memory clicked in Arcane’s head.
“There was a Dragon sighting a few months back!” Arcane said. “I haven’t read anything about it being caught. I think it’s going to attack the school tomorrow!” Arcane said.
The cup in Arcane’s hand was shaking so much due to her nerves, she had to set it on the top of the desk. Dumbledore watched her not saying anything, until to Arcane’s surprise he began to laugh softly.
“Professor?” Arcane asked in confusion as Dumbledore covered his chuckling face
“I beg your pardon Miss Black.” He said clearing his throat afterwards. “I am not laughing at you, though I can assure you that no dragon will be attacking Hogwarts tomorrow.”
“But, what I saw…”
“Could, have been a kind of hallucination due to over extruding oneself, or even perhaps a fever?” Dumbledore mentioned as he walked over to Arcane and touching her forehead. “No, much too cold. Perhaps it could have been a moment of weakness.”
“But Professor I-” Arcane began, though stopped as Dumbledore held his hand up.
“I am sure it is nothing to worry about Miss Black, the champions could have easily been in your mind having that the first task is tomorrow.” Dumbledore gave her a small smile. “As for the dragon, you may have easily been mentioned it or head it somewhere, having that it has been a fast spreading rumor among the champions that that is what they may be facing tomorrow.”
Arcane shook her head. “I haven’t spoken with any of the champions.”
“Perhaps, you heard something in the corridor,” Dumbledore suggested. “I am quite sure that there is nothing to worry about, Miss Black.” He grabbed his book and gestured to the cup. “You may keep that if you like, though it is not one of my finer works.”
“Excuse me Miss Black, but I must speak to a certain Professor.” Dumbledore interrupted as he made his way towards the door. Once it was open he turned back to Arcane. “Have a good afternoon Miss Black.” He nodded before exiting the room.
Arcane slumped in her seat. He thinks I’m crazy , she thought to herself. “He laughed in my face and gave me a cup to remember it by.” She mumbled disappointedly as she inspected the cup. Then with a big gulp she drank the rest of the water in it and put it inside her bag.
She decided that it was probably best to go to her common room, she felt too embarrassed to have an interaction with anyone else. The Ravenclaw tower door was propped open with a book, so all Arcane did was push it open to enter. The common room seemed to be a bit full with everyone doing their homework for the day. Arcane wrinkled her nose, she wouldn’t describe herself as lazy though she did not begin her homework right away after the school day was over. She noticed Kevin Entwhistle and Oliver Rivers in the corner, she was going to say hello, but then noticed they were in a heated discussion about ancient runes. A discussion Arcane did not feel like joining. So with a sigh she began up the steps towards her dorm room.
Lisa and Padma were sitting on Lisa’s bed when Arcane entered. Arcane was sure they had been speaking of something and had stopped because of her. Which Arcane did not find surprising. They had not exchanged words since the Three Broomstick’s after all. Arcane dropped her school bag on her bed and sat down to change her shoes, wondering if it was a good time to take a shower.
“Er… Arcane?” Lisa asked softly.
“Yes?” Arcane answered without turning around.
“Are you angry with us?” Padma asked.
Yes, Arcane wanted to say. Though she only shrugged.
Arcane could feel the girls glance at each other.
“If it’s for what happened at the Three Broomstick’s, we’re sorry.” Padma said.
“Sorry for what?” Arcane asked.
“Well I suppose we should have said something,” Padma frowned.
“Or we could have taken our drinks to-go.” Lisa added.
“We could have even simply changed seats, but I believe, personally, that curiosity got the best of us. You so rarely speak of your er… Parents.”
“Aye,” Lisa nodded, “We didn’t notice how irritated you were with the conversation until you stormed off.”
“And we felt awful, truly,” Padma mentioned as Arcane turned around to face them. “We wanted to go after you but we weren’t sure where you went, then you started avoiding us,”
“Which is completely fair,” Lisa added hastily seeing Arcane frown. “I would’ve been pissed myself, so we decided to apologize once we got the chance.”
Arcane stared at them for a moment.
“So…” Lisa said slowly. “We alright then?”
“I guess.” Arcane shrugged, giving them a weak smile.
The next morning Arcane really debated how rude it would be to tell Lisa to shut up. She was so excited to see the first task; one would think she was going to win a prize. Arcane noticed most in the great hall were wearing the badges Malfoy had made, some glowing the red letters with SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY, while others glowed plain green with POTTER STINKS flashing about. The only badges that were different were the ones a pair of young Gryffindor boys wore, which were bright orange and read POTTER DOES NOT STINK. Which they both seemed to wear proudly. Even though Potter himself seemed he’d rather crawl in a hole. Arcane honestly could not blame him, everyone was talking about if he would cry, or if something terrible would happen to him. It was morbid, but Arcane did not want to let herself feel bad for him. So she snickered when someone poked fun and even though she no longer wore her badge, she still firmly believed he should not have entered the tournament.
Arcane felt as if she had drunk an entire gallon of coffee after lunch, her entire body was shaking while she, along with Padma and Lisa who was almost hopping up and down made their way down to the enclosure that had been magicked down by the forest. In Arcane’s opinion it looked like a reinforced Quidditch pitch. The only difference was that it was much more round than oval, and instead of green grass at the bottom it had a rocky, mountain-like terrain, only without the trees. Once the finished climbing the, in Arcane’s opinion, ridiculous amount of stairs, they reached the stands that overlooked the entire enclosure.
“Paddy! Over here!” Called an excited voice to the left. Arcane and the girls looked over to see a group of Gryffindor’s, the one calling out being Padma’s twin sister. Padma smiled and rushed over quickly to her sisters’ side, some of the Gryffindor boys greeted her with smiles, which is what made Arcane notice that most of the Gryffindor’s were already there. Including the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, who seemed to be speaking to a sixth year Gryffindor girl Arcane did not know the name of.
Just as Padma had Lisa as her loyal friend, her sister Parvati had a sidekick of her own. A giggly girl named Lavender Brown. Who had big brown eyes and heavily painted eyelashes. Lavender and Lisa regarded each other and smiled curtly.
Arcane not wanting to join their silent battle, climbed back a stand to join the Weasley’s. Lee Jordan who had been looking through a small telescope turned and pointed it at Arcane.
“Aha! A Ravenclaw!” He called. Fred and George Weasley turned to see Arcane trying to make her way through a group of Slytherin’s who clearly did not want Arcane to get through.
“Drowning in a sea of people are you, Black?” Fred asked offering a hand. Arcane grasped it tightly as he pulled her forward, forcing the Slytherin’s to make way. Though he pulled her with such force she actually tripped over her own feet.
“Sorry,” She apologized to George, who’s shirt she had clung onto while regaining her balance.
“Sure you didn’t expect to be choked out today, eh Weasley?” Lee Jordan teased.
“Not in public at least.” George laughed looking down at Arcane.
“I see you’re not wearing your badge.” Fred pointed out.
“I couldn’t find it.” Arcane said playfully, making Fred roll his eyes with a smile as George smirked.
“You two place any bets yet?” Arcane asked.
“Perhaps… Why? You want to bet on anyone particular?” Fred asked.
“Don’t know who you-”
“There you are!” Called a slightly irritated voice.
Arcane looked over to see Ron Weasley pushing through the crowd.
“We agreed we would meet up in the great hall!” Ron said annoyed as he drew near, mercilessly pushing Slytherin’s out of his way.
“Ah, I knew we were forgetting something.” Fred said to his brother.
“Did you guys bring any…” Ron paused at the sight of Arcane.
“Hey,” She said.
“Hi.” He said. “Did they come here with you?” He asked sourly.
“Nah, they were already here when I arrived.” Arcane said, as she gestured to her friends that she arrived with.
“Ron!” Called Hermione, who like Arcane was being held back by a group of Slytherin’s.
“Oi!” Ron and Fred snapped at the same time. Causing Ron to look back at his older brother.
“Move your bums or I’ll blast ‘em.” Fred said to the group, who with a lot of muttering eventually let Hermione passed.
“Thank you.” She said to Fred, blushing slightly.
“Ooh Arcane!” Hermione chimed catching sight of her. “Are you here to support Harry?”
“I’m here to watch the first task.” Arcane answered plainly.
Hermione’s lips pressed into a thin line, seeming to remember why she and Arcane had not been on speaking terms lately.
A whistle blew somewhere, causing excited cheers to begin. It wasn’t long until from the side where five seats were draped in gold a voice boomed.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” The crowd hushed. “I would like to welcome you all to the first task of the… Triwizard Tournament!”
The crowd roared.
“This task will try each champion with both their caution and quick thinking… The challenge? Cross the enclosure and get the golden egg!”
Murmurs of curiosity crossed the crowd.
“What’s the challenge in that?” Snorted the unmistakable voice of Pansy Parkinson who was bout three meters away with her slytherin group.
“What is the challenge you may all ask, but I still have to mention that the egg will be guarded by a large, dangerous creature. The champions will have to get the golden egg, that will be guarded by…”
“A dragon.” Arcane said, feeling her body go cold.
“What did you say?” George asked leaning down.
The crowd went wild, as on the side of the enclosure a large metal door opened and smoke rolled out, like at the beginning of concerts before the band came onstage, but Arcane was pretty sure Black Sabbath was not about to come into the enclosure.
Instead, accompanied by the sound of the chain around its neck, a large blue-grey dragon crawled hastily over to the batch of giant eggs near the judges. The golden egg sitting neatly in the middle of them.
“May I present to you all, The Swedish Short Snout!”
The dragon as if on cue let out a loud roar and steam of fire.
“And who will be the brave champion to go up to it? Well let’s all give a round of applause for Hogwarts champion…”
Arcane stilled, along with many of the Gryffindor’s.
The Hufflepuff’s cheered loudly as Cedric came into the enclosure looking a bit clammy. He was able to take one scan before the dragon felt like he shouldn’t be there and let out a roar. Arcane being so high up did not hear what he said, though she was sure that if she read his lips correctly, it wasn’t something polite. Diggory ran behind large rocks in the enclosure, he hid and ran during certain moments, all of them being described by the commenter Arcane noticed was the same one at the feast, she had forgotten he was a judge. She tried to remember his name but couldn’t. The crowd gasped, Diggory was halfway towards the eggs but the dragon was obviously unhappy about how close he was, while Diggory was panting hard.
Arcane didn’t hear what he called, though she assumed it was some transfiguration spell because a large rock turned into a Labrador. Many of the students cheered as the dragon decided to follow the canine, who barked teasingly at the monstrous reptile. Diggory seized the moment the eggs were unattended and ran for the golden egg. Carefully he moved the real eggs to be able to get a hold of the golden one. He had just begun to make his way back to where he had entered when the dragon seemed to find the barking Labrador boring. It turned to Diggory who was running with the egg, and seemed to assume roasted young man would taste better than roasted dog. Because it let out a loud roar and began to chase Diggory.
“Run Cedric!” Arcane heard a Hufflepuff yell.
“Go pretty boy go!” Fred yelled with his hands cupped around his mouth.
“He’s not going to make it!” Cried the girl Lee Jordan had been talking to. And she was right, Diggory was only a few feet from the exit when the dragon decided to breath fire.
Many people cried out, Arcane included as fire erupted all around Diggory’s body as he disappeared out the exit.
“WELL DONE!” The commenter called, as rapidly men appeared in the enclosure and backed the dragon behind the large doors it had been behind before the task. And placed a new golden egg amongst the others.
“Very well indeed!” The commenter said as someone spoke into his ear. “And now the marks from the judges.”
There was some groans and sounds of disagreement from the crowd as the marks were shown.
“Do you suppose the burn will scar his body?” Lee Jordan asked.
“No,” The twins said in unison.
“Madam Pomfrey will clean him up.” George said.
“D- Do you think all champions will have to fight against a dragon?” Ron asked looking rather pale.
“That’s what Bagman said before the task even started, you numpty.” Fred said, whacking Ron on the back of the head.
“I think he means if all will have to fight against the same dragon.” Arcane mentioned.
“Oh, who knows?” Fred shrugged as Ron glared at him, rubbing the back of his head.
“One down, three to go!” Bagman called as the crowd clapped. A loud whistle blew. “Miss Delacour, if you please!”
Immediately on the other side of the enclosure Beauxbatons students started cheering in French, and just as the time before a pair of metal doors opened, letting out a bright green dragon.
“The Common Welsh Green everybody!”
Beauxbatons cheered as Fleur entered to face her dragon. She looked terrified and was clearly shaking, yet she gripped her wand firmly and bolted behind a large rock. Pointing her wand at the opposite side and shooting spells to draw the dragons attention in the opposite direction than she was going. Which seemed to be working quite well. She spelled a rock to bounce up a down causing the curious dragon to go over to inspect it. Fleur took her chance, running towards the eggs. Which probably was not the wisest choice, having that the dragon saw her out of the corner of its eye and decided it wanted a pale blue dressed snack.
Fleur skidded to a halt and dived behind a boulder just before the dragon spit fire. After the fire ceased, Fleur Delacour did the unexpected. She walked out from behind the boulder and stood in front of the dragon, the tip of her wand glowing pink. The Dragons eyes dilated, like an over-grown cat seeing a toy. That’s when Arcane noticed the French school had gone silent in amazement. Watching Fleur who seemed to be saying a long chant rather than a spell. The dragon swayed as Fleur swayed her wand slowly side to side. Looking similar to a snake charmer. She made her way closer to the egg, however not watching her footing she tripped, losing her concentration and the dragon regaining theirs. She missed the jet of flame by a hair, then turned and proceeded to do the same spell she was doing before. The action repeated several times, taking much longer than Diggory had, until finally the dragon fell asleep. The crowd was smart to not have cheered, because surely the dragon would have awoken. Fleur was just about to grab the egg when suddenly the dragon let out a loud snore, causing jets of fire to shoot out of its nostrils. Fleur barely dodging it in time squealed as part of her skirt caught on fire, which she put out frantically with water from her wand. Only after that was she able to grab the egg and make her way out.
Only after the dragon was put away did she re-enter, holding her egg up triumphantly towards her school who cheered.
She stood with her head held high while given her scores, in which only Maxime gave her a high score of nine. In a grading system of one to ten.
After she exited the enclosure, a whistle blew again. This time a red and black dragon came out.
“Blimey that one looks amazing!” George said aloud.
“The Chinese Fireball!” Bagman announced. “and here comes, Mr. Krum!” Everyone looked at the entrance as Viktor Krum entered. Durmstrang school whooping loudly at their schoolmate.
“Woohoo!” Called Lisa excitedly.
“What are you cheering him for, he ignored you!” Padma reminded her.
“Oh you’re right!” Lisa said remembering. “BOO!” She corrected herself.
Krum did not waste anytime hiding at first. He ran in and the first thing he did was shoot a curse at the dragon. Which did absolutely nothing more than make it angry. It shot fire which Krum deflected with his wand or by dodging it. However, he continued attacking at every moment he got as he ran around the enclosure. Once Krum had gotten close enough to the dragon he pointed his wand at its eye and shouted something Arcane did not hear due to the horribly loud cry of pain the dragon emitted. It wailed, flapped its wings and stomped around. Crushing a few of the dragon eggs in the processes. Arcane swore she heard Professor Hagrid cry out about the eggs, yet wasn’t sure.
“He’s got the egg!” Ron cried excitedly jumping up and down, while shaking Hermione.
“He ruined half of the eggs in the process!” Hermione said sourly.
“It’s Harry’s turn now, isn’t it?” Fred asked his twin loudly over the cheers of the crowd.
“Yeah” George answered. “What dragon do you suppose he’ll have.”
“Dunno but I ho- Oi! Isn’t that Charlie?!” Fred called pointing at the enclosure.
“Yeah,” Ron told his older brothers, “He’s studying dragon’s remember?”
George whacked Fred on the arm “Told you he didn’t come to visit out of the goodness of his heart!”
“Is he a friend of yours?” Arcane asked.
“He’s our big brother,” George answered her.
“Been in Romania studying dragons for a few years now.” Fred added.
“Cool.” Arcane said, impressed as she watched the older Weasley brother help back the dragon behind the doors.
After the dragon was gone and a new golden egg replaced, a whistle blew once more.
“And now our youngest champion…”
A mixture of cheering and booing roared.
“Pull out your tissues!” A slytherin called.
“Cry Potter, cry!” A Hufflepuff shouted.
Arcane did not cheer, nor did she boo. She kept her mouth shut and clapped halfheartedly as the fourth dragon stalked out of its confinements. Arcane felt her heart sink and worry settle in. This dragon was clearly larger than the others, it’s skin was pitch black, its eyes were yellow and its tail was rowed with long, sharp spikes.
“Against the Hungarian horntail… Harry Potter!”
Potter entered the enclosure, his wand in his hand.
“That’s no fair! The beast is larger than the others!” A Gryffindor called.
“No fair!” Another called.
“W- What do you think he’s going to do?” Arcane asked tugging on George’s sleeve, without taking her eyes off Potter.
“Oh, are you worried about Harry now?” He teased.
“I-” Arcane paused because at that moment Potter pointed his wand in the air and shouted something. “What is he doing?” Arcane asked confused as everyone watched intently.
“Look at that!” One of the boys wearing a POTTER DOES NOT STINK badge pointed at the edge of the woods.
“He’s summoned a broom!” Bagman yelled, “And not just any broom, a Firebolt!”
Arcane couldn’t believe what she was seeing, Potter had summoned his broom, not only did he summon it, he was riding it. Taunting the dragon like a worm on a fishing hook, egging it, making it angry that it couldn’t reach him and when it spat fire it missed, until it finally hit Potter on the shoulder with its spiked tail.
“Oh sh-” Arcane gasped, clutching onto George’s arm.
“Ow, Arcane your nails,” George told her.
“Sorry,” Arcane said letting go.
“No,” George said patting her hand into his forearm. “It’s fine, just watch your claws.” He smiled. Arcane felt her cheeks grow warm as she looked back at the enclosure.
Finally, the dragon couldn’t resist, it spread its wings ready to fly. Though in the flash of an eye, Potter dived, grabbed the egg and soared out of the enclosure, clearly in the least amount of time of all the champions.
People’s cheers roared, Arcane’s among them. Ron and Hermione jumped up and down before rushing through the crowd surely to find Potter.
“He did it HAHA!” Lee Jordan called out with a grin on his face. “Potter’s the best bloody thing to happen to Gryffindor!”
“Wasn’t he amazing though?” Padma asked.
“For the millionth time Padma, yes he was really smart on how he did things.” Arcane laughed as they walked back up to the castle.
“You know, I never noticed how good looking he was.” Padma sighed in a very unpadma-like way.
“I do hope you mean Cedric Diggory.” Arcane said feeling she rather eat a blast-ended skrewt than call Harry Potter ‘good looking’.
“No, I agree with her. I hadn’t noticed it either, but he looks quite fetching when flying. And it does help that he’s Hogwarts champion.” Lisa added. Arcane feigned to barf as they entered the entrance hall, but stopped when she saw George Weasley, standing carrying a large load of food next to an open door which many Hufflepuff’s were going through. Once he caught sight of her, he carefully beckoned her to come near.
“Hey I’ll catch up with y-” Arcane didn’t bother in finishing her sentence because the girls were so invested in their ‘ who’s more good looking conversation ’ they probably wouldn’t notice she wasn’t with them until they got to the common room. So she made her way over to George.
“You must be hungry,” She teased, pointing at the food.
“It’s for Harry’s victory party,” He explained.
“Gryffindor’s must be happy,” Arcane smiled.
“Oh, be sure they’re absolutely bubbling.” George said doing a little dance that made Arcane giggle.
“You should come.” He suggested.
“What?” Arcane asked surprised.
“You ought to join us, really.” George nodded. “Our parties are always fun.”
“Isn’t the party in your common room?” Arcane asked.
“Yeah, so?”
“I’m not a Gryffindor.” Arcane mentioned.
“Well I know that, but I could slip you in.” He shrugged.
“I guess so…” She pondered, then heard Fred and Lee’s voice growing near. “But, Potter and I aren’t on great terms right now… So I’d rather not.”
“Oh, Okay then.” George frowned.
“But thank you anyways.” Arcane said quickly as Fred appeared. “Have to wait for Lee, Georgie!” Fred said before catching sight of Arcane. “Ahh! You coming to the party Black?”
“I’ll have to ask for a raincheck.” Arcane answered plucking a cookie from the food in George’s arms. “That means a yes to another time.” She explained to him before turning and heading up the stairs.
Hi, hope you're liking the story so far, there is still more to go, so strap in.
In the meantime i want to make comments about my favorite parts of the chapters...
1. Draco tearing up because he was scared about what was happening to Arcane🥹 Like, how sweet. I don't blame hime one bit, if i was in his shoes I would freak out too.
2. Lisa and Padma's "apology" meeeeh these girls. They have their good and their Bad. It wasn't their finest moment, but i get it. Arcane is just confusing to them. To be honest that girl is ✨a lot ✨
3. For anyone wondering, the "POTTER DOES NOT STINK" badges are canon. The Creevey brothers wear them. Bless those boys🤧
4. Lisa cheering for Krum, remembering that he dissed her, and then booing😂😂😂 That's me right there. Boo him more Lisa
5. FLEUR DELACOUR AS CHAMPION!!! My goddess, no one could make me hate You. The movies did you dirty... But I know You, go girlboss!🥹💕
6. Arcane scratching George and him still letting her hold on😩❤️ I can't with George, love him, can't wait to Write more...
7. Lisa and Padma's gushing over Harry while Arcane pretends to barf... She's so real. It's like hearing someone say your brothers hot, like gross dude that's My bro🤢Anyway... Those are My favorite parts from this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Drop a comment and tell me what You think, chao!
Chapter 25: TWENTY-FIVE
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Arcane sent a mental you were right to Tonks once December rolled in. Because the Scottish Highlands were cold, and winter was only barely setting in by the second week. Perhaps Mount Greylock, where Ilvermorny was, also got if not colder at least as cold, though Arcane did not care. She hated the cold, yet loved the snow. And even though Arcane thought Ilvermorny clothes were better looking, they were not nearly as warm as Hogwarts robes. Which helped on the windy and sleeting days when they had care of magical creatures outside or even when they just made their way in the corridors between classes.
“I do not care if you don’t sew Miss Brockelhurst, you should be able to make a decent pin cushion by now!” Scolded Professor McGonagall at Mandy Brockelhurst as she walked around the Transfiguration classroom seeing everyone’s advances. Arcane who was sitting near the front along with Lisa and Padma, were taking turns feeding the Guinea pig she had transfigured from a Guinea fowl, since McGonagall had seen she’d grown bored of turning hedgehogs into highly detailed pincushions, since she did not find inter-species transfiguration difficult having that since last year at Ilvermorny she had already been turning maggots into magpies.
“He’s so cute!” Lisa squealed as she stroked the guinea pigs head.
“Why does your pincushion have whiskers Miss MacDougal?!” McGonagall asked in frustration as she took of her spectacles and pinched the bridge of her nose. After a breath she put her spectacles back on and began to walk to the front of the class. “That will be enough for today everybody, so if you please, pay attention to what I have to say… Well done dear,” She said when seeing Arcane’s guinea pig. “Perhaps ferrets into feather dusters next.”
Arcane nodded and smiled at the mention of ferrets.
“I do hope you all have learned well your anti-wrinkle charms,” McGonagall began, referring to the class once more. “Because the Yule ball is nearly among us, and I’m sure you would all like to look your best.”
A mummer of confusion passed around the room.
“Yule ball?” Terry Boot asked.
“Yes Mr. Boot the Yule ball, a dance, it is traditional for the tournament,” McGonagall answered looking at him. “Has your head of house not told you?”
“We don’t have class with Professor Flitwick until tomorrow morning professor,” Padma mentioned.
“Ah,” McGonagall said “Well Professor is going to have to forgive me for, beating him to the punch, as they say.
“The Yule ball is part of the tournament where all schools are encouraged to interact with one another in a friendlier manner. It is a formal event, opened only to fourth years and above, though if you like you may invite a younger student-”
“We have to invite someone?” Anthony Goldstein asked in shock.
“It is spirited that most take a dance partner.” McGonagall answered swiftly as she eyed Morag MacDougal and Mandy Brockelhurst who were whispering excitedly in the back. McGonagall cleared her throat loudly and held her hand up for silence. “As I said it is a formal event, so everyone will attend in their dress robes and gowns,” She said nodding to Arcane, Padma, and Lisa. “And as I may not be your head of house, I will not be expecting anything less than the best behavior from all Hogwarts students, am I understood?”
The was a wave of agreement.
“Very well then,” McGonagall nodded. “I will leave the details of the date and time to Professor Flitwick.” At that moment the bell rang. “Off you all go now.”
Arcane told Lisa and Padma to go ahead to Ravenclaw tower without her, saying she had a question about mammal transfiguration. Which was not true, though they still went on ahead as Arcane walked up to Professor McGonagall’s desk.
“Excuse me Professor, I… um… There was no mention of a ball on the school list.” Arcane mentioned.
“Of course not,” McGonagall said turning the pincushions back into hedgehogs. “The tournament was meant to be a surprise. However, the list did say dress robes, I know because I wrote the lists myself.”
“Right, only that my list was written directly by Professor Dumbledore… um… when he visited me during the summer.” Arcane explained shyly.
“I doubt that Professor Dumbledore would forget something such as the Yule ball.” McGonagall chuckled.
“I mean no disrespect to the headmaster, but I believe he had more serious matters other than the Yule ball, so it may have… um… slipped his mind?” Arcane suggested softly.
McGonagall knitted her eyebrows, “You ought to be ashamed to be saying such things! The headmaster is one of the wizarding world’s greatest minds!”
“I know, I know!” Arcane said quickly. “I’m just saying that maybe his focus isn’t on dress robes.”
McGonagall looked into Arcane’s eyes for a moment, her lips pressed into a line as she searched for what to say.
“You could very well be right.” She sighed. “Though I’m not sure what solution you suppose I give you.”
“Well I don’t know really,” Arcane frowned. “Maybe I could get a dress in Hogsmeade.”
“Only if you send an owl” McGonagall said while putting the hedgehogs away. “Because the school is not going onto another Hogsmeade trip until well after the ball.”
“Oh.” Arcane frowned disappointedly.
“I wouldn’t recommend the Hogsmeade seamstress anyhow,” McGonagall said reassuringly after seeing Arcane’s face. “Her fashion stayed in my teenage years.”
Arcane smiled weakly.
“Write home Black, there is still enough time for a dress to be sent from London.” McGonagall patted Arcane’s shoulder then proceeded to head towards her office.
Arcane felt defeated in an odd way, a year ago she could have easily said she did not care about dresses or balls or even dancing. She never felt the need to think about such things. Dances was exclusively held for the graduating class at Ilvermorny and having that Arcane was only in her third year, she paid more attention to having fun with her friends and her Quidditch or Quodpot matches. Though after meeting Gillian and seeing how she knew so much about makeup, hair, nails, shoes and how desperate she was to be a model made Arcane wonder if she should pay more attention to the way she looked as well. Perhaps not all the time because what Gillian did, honestly looked like quite a bit of work, but in special occasions like the Yule ball, Arcane would like for people to find her pretty in the least.
“Mine’s pale blue!” Arcane heard Lisa squeal from inside the dorm as she drew near. “My mum helped me choose.”
“Oh it’s beautiful!” Padma awed. “And with your hair, you’ll look divine!”
“Show me yours then,” Lisa insisted excitedly.
“Oh well mine is a bit different.” Padma said shyly as Arcane walked into the room. “It’s called a Lehenga.” Padma explained as she pulled out a turquoise, beautifully embroidered gown. “This is what they wear in my mum and dad’s home country.”
“It’s beautiful!” Arcane said as she looked at the design, running the embroidery through her fingers as Lisa did the same.
“Absolutely stunning!” Lisa breathed.
“You really think so?” Padma blushed. “My nani made them for us, my sister and I, I mean.”
“Your nanny?” Arcane asked curiously. Padma shook her head.
“My nani,” She repeated. “My grandmother.”
“Your grandmother made this?!” Lisa asked in shock. Padma nodded.
“Yes, only that Parvati’s is pink and scalloped on the bottom.”
“Oh you’re comparing dresses?” MacDougal asked slyly as she walked into the room. She gave down glance at Padma’s gown. “Turquoise… How nice.” She said giving Padma a tight smile.
“But not quite as elegant as mine,” She smirked pulling out a burgundy layered tulle dress. She pressed it against her body for everyone to see. “Danalise Piareli, Italian designer.”
“Never heard of her.” Arcane snorted as she watched Padma put her gown away.
“Of course you haven’t, I’ve seen the muggle clothes you wear.” MacDougal snapped. “No offense to you Turpin, I’m sure your mum got the best muggle cloth she could.”
Lisa turned red in the face.
“What’s wrong with muggle clothing?” Mandy Brockelhurst asked as she walked to her trunk. “I went with my mum to London.” She proceeded to pull out a caramel colored taffeta dress. “We got it with a discount at Dressiva.”
Arcane bit her lip to prevent a smile as MacDougal stared at her friends’ dress, which in Arcane’s opinion was much prettier than the one MacDougal had bought. MacDougal clearly wanted to say something unflattering though Arcane knew MacDougal wouldn’t say anything to her most likely only friend.
“T-that one is just fine.” MacDougal said insincerely. “Anyway, how about you Black? Get yours second hand?”
Arcane frowned, she should have known this conversation would eventually fall onto her.
“Um… Nothing special about mine.” Arcane shrugged.
“Of course not, you’ll be wearing it.” MacDougal snorted in a way that reminded Arcane of Gillian.
“Well, then there’s no point in showing it.” Arcane said lightly.
“You know Black,” MacDougal began, “even though I know your dress is most likely as pathetic as you are, I can’t avoid wanting to see it.”
“Too bad, I’m not showing it.” Arcane said.
“Don’t ruin all the fun Black, we all showed ours.”
“Stop it.” Snapped Padma. “She said no.”
“Oh come off it, it’s not like I’m asking her to show her knockers. It’s just a gown.”
“If it’s just a gown why are you so interested?” Lisa asked.
“Call it morbid curiosity,” MacDougal shrugged. “I want to see how bad she can look.”
“Hard to look bad when she’s got you as competition.” Lisa smirked.
“And it’s easy to not look poor when everyone knows the Weasley’s.” MacDougal hissed.
“Hey!” Arcane snapped as she strode over into MacDougal’s face within three steps. MacDougal tried to step back but was stopped by her trunk.
“I would watch my mouth if I were you Morgue. It would be a shame for you to go to the ball missing your front teeth.”
“Get away from me!” MacDougal cried in disgust as she pushed Arcane away from her. “I never want you that close to me again, I feel like I’ve just touched a house elf.” MacDougal held her hands out, away from her. “Let’s go Mandy, I need to wash them before I catch something.”
Mandy looked at Arcane and frowned, before following MacDougal quickly out the door.
“So dramatic,” Arcane said rolling her eyes.
“She’s going to be in a mood now.” Padma said in disapproval.
“What she going to do? Tell her mum?” Lisa said sarcastically.
“How come you just didn’t show your dress?” Padma asked Arcane, who kicked an imaginary pebble on the floor as she looked down at her feet.
“Um…” She mumbled, peeking up only to see both Lisa and Padma staring at her clearly waiting for an answer. “I… don’t have one.”
“What?!” The girls asked in unison, though Lisa looked appalled.
“You’re joking!” Lisa gasped. Arcane shook her head.
“So you’re not going to the dance?” Padma frowned.
“I don’t know, I was thinking about sending home for a dress, but then I started thinking, this is the first year I could spent Christmas with my d-” Arcane feigned a cough, “with my aunt and uncle, and they were expecting me to come home at Christmas.”
“Oh please!” Lisa squealed, “Surely you can miss this one Christmas! Hogwarts is hosting the bloody Triwizard Tournament! We won’t be able to experience this ever again!”
“I must say she’s right on this one.” Padma nodded. “The tournament hasn’t been celebrated in over two centuries. I mean even my parents are bound to understand.”
“Well even if I stayed, I don’t have a dress,” Arcane reminded them. “If I write home hopefully they can get something for me in time.”
“Why don’t you just make one with transfiguration?” Lisa suggested.
“No!” Padma squealed. “Imagine if something goes wrong and it transfigures back in the middle of the ball!”
“Oh that won’t happen, we both know that Arcane’s quite handy with transfiguration.” Lisa nodded.
“You never know,” Padma said while shaking her head. “It’s best you not risk it,” she said to Arcane, “but if you like, perhaps I could send home, my nani could make you something.”
“Oh no,” Arcane declined kindly. “I don’t want to pressure your grandma with something like that.”
“What about the shop in Hogsmeade?” Lisa suggested.
Arcane nodded. “I’ll leave that as my last option, meanwhile I’ll write home asking to see if they’ll get me anything.”
It seemed like a simple plan to Arcane, she would ask for a dress from her aunt and wait. If it did not arrive by three days before the ball she would take the one-eyed witch passage to Hogsmeade and get a dress. Only that she hoped that it wouldn’t come to that since the dresses she had seen in Mrs. Plumlocks: Frocks and Attire were indeed something she could imagine Professor McGonagall wearing when she was younger. Though due to her homework it took Arcane until that Friday to have an opportunity to write. She had been debating whether to write to Sirius or not. Since he had told her that he had got Potter a new broom, surely he could get her a dress. Though she decided against it in the end. Buying a dress would mean to pull out money, which she had no idea how he did it the first time, but she did not want him to do it again. So with a sigh she grabbed her quill and wrote,
Dear Aunt Andromeda…
Arcane explained about the ball, about the dress, she wrote about the first task and the visiting schools. She left out the badges and the fact she had attacked both Potter and Parkinson in the hallway. Arcane made sure to write down her measurements at the end of the page and wrote a P.S saying that the chocolate frogs were strictly for Uncle Ted.
However, even though she had written everything down, she still felt like she was forgetting something. She re-read the letter… Everything was there She couldn’t write anything else since they had not responded to her previous letters.
“Oh no!” Arcane said allowed slapping her hand to her forehead. She had completely forgot to answer to Ozzy. “It’s been over a month too.” She said to herself sadly. However, how could she possibly explain what was happening, perhaps she could spin the story around into a typical No-Maj school situation, though she was no story writer so she had absolutely no clue on how she would do it.
It took Arcane four sheets of parchment, one version on each side until she wrote one that she saw believable. Now all she had to do was transfer it, and so she did.
Dear Ozzy,
How have you been? I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you, things started happening and I got distracted. The other schools arrived, one is from Bulgaria and the other is from France. They’re both pretty cool. Their ‘champions’ for the competition I told you about look pretty promising, the down side is that when our school champion was picked, two names came out. All the names came out of this weird machine someone made and since the teachers are all rule freaks, they made the second kid participate. Which isn’t the worst part, the WORST part is that the second kid picked is my dad’s godson. Which everyone seems to adore, even my own dad. He literally sent me a letter asking me to watch his godson. As if! I’d rather lick Gillian’s rubber sandal.
The first part of the competition was not too long ago and he did pretty good, but now my friends won’t shut up about him. Now the even worse part is that I got the bombshell a couple days ago that the school is going to have a Christmas ball. Literally a ball, like in Cinderella or something. Now to really pull the Cinderella story in, I don’t have a dress. I had no idea we needed to bring one and the ones they sell unflattering I already told my aunt, but if she can’t get me one in time, I guess I’ll just sign to go home for Christmas at the last minute.
Anyways, I hope you’ll be able to get the motorbike running. Hope everyone is well, including your nan.
I’ll write back or I’ll see you at Christmas…
“Mine looks like this!” “What do you think of this hairstyle?”
“Ooh you could do pink lips!” “My shoes are a bit small, but an engorgement charm will do.” “Who are you going with?”
“He’s invited a Beauxbatons girl.” “She said yes?!”
Arcane was jealous, she had admitted that to herself as she walked down the corridor listening to the girls squealing. She also wanted to brag about her beautiful dress and exchange earrings, like other girls were doing. She wanted to giggle when thinking about getting asked to the ball, not that anyone had, but she still dreaded someone would and she would have to say no. Unlike Hermione, who she had heard getting asked in the library. Arcane did not see who had asked her, but by how strong the accent was, arcane was sure it was someone from Durmstrang.
“He asked me after lunch, Padma saw!” Lisa giggled happily at dinner on the last Monday of the term. “I was so nervous, I could of boaked!”
“Ew,” Arcane laughed into her cup making her juice fly out. “Did you at least say yes?” Arcane asked cleaning around her with a cloth napkin.
“Of course I said yes!” Lisa squealed.
“Was this the guy who talked to you when they put their names in the cup?” Arcane asked looking down as she cleaned the neck of her robe. Lisa nodded vigorously.
“Can you believe it?! He said I caught his eye since that moment!” Lisa blushed. “His name is Alek.”
Padma and Arcane glanced at each other and smiled as Lisa proceeded to talk about how much of a gentleman Alek was and how his eyes shined.
Once dinner was over the three girls proceeded to make their way to Ravenclaw tower, when suddenly Arcane caught wind of what Malfoy was saying to his group as they also made their way to exit the great hall.
“Of course my father already knew about the ball and ordered me the best robes.” Draco bragged. “Pure silk velvet.”
“Oh, you’ll look marvelous Draco!” Pansy Parkinson swooned as she clutched his arm.
“Of course I will,” Draco said shaking off her grip. “He had thought originally about getting me fur robes, but I decided against it.”
Fur, eh?” Laughed Arcane. Malfoy’s face jerked in the direction of her voice. “What kind of fur?”
“Fur that you couldn’t dream in affording!” Hissed Pansy.
“Well I don’t think ferret fur is that expensive, and we all know that is the kind that suits Malfoy the best.” Arcane responded. A few students passing by laughed.
“Eat dung, Black.” Spat Zabini as the slytherin group hurried Draco away.
“What did you do that for?!” Draco snapped as he entered Myrtle’s bathroom after classes the next day.
“Hmm?” Arcane asked as she looked up from her potions book.
“Your little joke yesterday! You called me a ferret!”
“I always call you ferret.” Arcane said lightly as she flipped the page. “Is Snape also going to test you guys on antidotes?”
“Why did you speak to me in the great hall?” Draco insisted. Arcane shrugged. “Felt like picking on you, is that a crime now?”
“No, but did you have to make that sort of joke in front of everyone?” asked Draco.
Arcane sighed and closed her book as she looked up. “One, your little gang of evil is not everyone, and two, you make worse jokes about other people, get what you give and shush.” Arcane closed her hand as if it were a puppet.
Draco rolled his eyes then shrugged off his bag and began to pull out his school books.
By what Draco informed to Arcane, Snape was most definitely testing everyone on their antidotes, for Arcane it was not difficult, however Draco somehow forgot that Hellebore is for poisons and not antidotes. It wasn’t until after Arcane explained the uses of Thimbleberry and Rhubarb did Draco decide a take at a different topic of conversation.
“So who are you going with?” he asked.
“I’m probably not going.” Arcane shrugged as she played with the dust on the window, already knowing what he was referring to.
“You’re not serious,” Draco said in denial. Arcane had to fight back the urge to respond, No, I’m Arcane. So she shrugged once more. “I am.”
“But why?” Draco asked.
“Just because.” Arcane answered. Draco narrowed his eyes.
“I don’t believe you. You just don’t want to tell me.” He said frowning.
“Not true. It’s just I really don’t know if I’m going yet. I don’t have a d-” Arcane stopped herself, something in her didn’t want to tell Draco why she might not be going, she felt embarrassed by imagining it. “I don’t have a desire to be with a lot of people.”
“pffft,” Draco spat in disbelief. “As if you don’t enjoy the attention.”
Arcane frowned. “I’m not you.” She wanted to say, but all she did was stay quiet.
The situation Arcane was dreading happened to her the last Wednesday of term. Most in the common room were relaxing, since most of the teachers had giving up trying to input anything into their brains before the last day of that term. However Arcane was finishing her muggle studies paper along with Lisa, on why do muggles call their lights fairy-lights if they do not contain fairies. Arcane had been just about to finish hers when suddenly someone walked up to the table where they were sitting.
“Er… Arcane?” The voice questioned. Arcane looked up to see Kevin Entwhistle, shifting from feet to feet as he looked back at his group of boys, who gave encouraging gestures.
Oh no, Arcane thought, as she glanced at Lisa who by her expression, could have been reading Arcane’s mind.
“Hi Kevin…” Arcane said warily. “What’s up?” She was not sure if it was her imagination, or if the chatting in the room seemed to lower its volume. No, it definitely was not her imagination because Arcane could see out of the corner of her eye as MacDougal and Mandy Brockelhurst looked up from their own work.
“I- I was wondering…” Kevin began, “That perhaps… If you wanted to that is,” He cleared his throat. “Would you like to go to the ba-”
A loud burst of laughter came out of MacDougal’s mouth, not only causing Kevin to stop but also jump at the sound of it.
“Save your breath Entwhistle.” She said pointing the tip of her quill at Arcane. “Black isn’t going to the ball.”
“What?” Kevin asked in confusion. He was not the only one either. A sprout of whispers passed between everyone in the room.
“Oh that’s right. No one knows.” MacDougal feigned surprise. “Oops, how was I to know that Black hadn’t told anyone?”
“You’re not going?” Kevin asked Arcane who curled in her seat.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Arcane answered.
“Oh please!” MacDougal laughed as she closed her books and stood from her table. “How are you supposed to go if you don’t even have a gown?”
“You don’t have a gown?” Asked Serena Fawcett.
“Of course she doesn’t have a gown!” MacDougal laughed. “Who was supposed to buy it, her father?”
“That’s not why,” Arcane said aloud. “The reason I don’t have a dress is because it didn’t say to get one on my school list.”
“That or you just don’t know how to read.” MacDougal hissed as she walked over. “Though Kevin…” MacDougal batted her spidery eyelashes. “I still don’t have a companion for the dance.”
It was not the end of the world now that people in Ravenclaw knew Arcane did not have a dress. Honestly she would not have minded going to the dance with Kevin. They got along well enough, and even though she had not said no, he still got lassoed into going with MacDougal, which in Arcane’s opinion was more of a punishment than not going at all.
She shivered as a gust of wind passed by her while making her way back from the Puffskein patch. She had made a habit of herself to go and see Wendigo after class every day, though the last few times she’d gone he had been sleeping, just as he was today, so she took out her shirt that she had been wearing to sleep that week from her purse and exchanged it for the old one. She made sure to do this each week so Wendigo would always remember her scent.
Another gust of wind blew making her hair fly around her face slightly. Arcane had begun to fantasize about warm chocolate when suddenly someone called her name.
“Nessie!” Arcane turned to see Claudette calling from the castles main entrance. Arcane picked up her pace while heading towards her French friend.
“Oh good, I was just about to go in and look for you.” Claudette turned her head to look inside the entrance hall. “Come:” She said waving near a group of seven Beauxbatons students.
“Hi.” Arcane said waving to them warily as they all did the same.
“We were talking about the ball and wanted to practice a waltz but we’re missing a person.” Claudette explained.
“I don’t know how to waltz anymore.” Arcane said quickly.
“Oh don’t give me that!” Claudette laughed. “My mother made us learn and we always complained it would never be useful.”
“And now it’s useful?” Arcane asked sarcastically.
“I really hope you don’t believe that they’re going to be playing Deee-lite or something like that at the dance.” Claudette said crossing her arms.
“And you think they’re going to be playing waltz?” Arcane asked.
“They booked an orchestra!” Claudette announced.
“Yeah and they also booked The Weird Sisters.” Arcane said crossing her arms as well. Claudette bit her lip the way she did when she was losing a fight.
“You ripped my Kelpie plushy! You owe me!” Claudette accused.
“What?!” Arcane cried in surprise. “You broke my toy broom!”
“Nuh-uh! You ripped my plushy first! I claim a pay up!” Claudette smiled triumphantly.
Arcane and Claudette had spent a good eleven years of their life living in the same house, since their mothers were roommates. So unlike siblings who would get each other in trouble, they created pay-ups. Which was when on broke the others belonging or did something they weren’t supposed to and was seen, they would exchange not telling their mothers with a favor of the others choosing. In this case Claudette was claiming a pay up for something that had happened six years ago and Arcane had to oblige.
“Arrg, Fine!” Arcane agreed reluctantly as Claudette tugged her towards the Beauxbatons carriage, the others following behind.
Hellooooo! Well, here we go... The Yule Ball! I've always wanted to go to a ball, the closest thing i've been to was a friends Quinceañera, oh well
I hope you all are as excited for the ball as I am... We just need to get through a few things first... Which brings me to my comments of the chapters:1. Dumbledore... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ARCANE SHE NEEDED A DRESS?! Come on bro! Trying to protect Harry? Forget that, our girl needs her DRESS😩
2. Letter to Ozzy🥰 No one loves Ozzy, no one will love Ozzy, but I do! He lives in My heart. He's my boy. His friendship with Arcane along with the small crush he has on her just.... *Chefs kiss* 🤌🏻 I'll root for You always punk boy
3. Lisa got asked to the ball!!! Woohoo!!! I love lisa, She's a cutie pie. If I had to compare her to some other character from other fandom... She would be Enid from wednesday... If you don't know who that is... YouTube it, it's My lisa in another universe💕
4. Arcane telling Draco that ferret-fur suits him... Yikes boy... If I heard that in school i would have cackled. Tease him Arcane, he deserves it.
5. Kevin trying to ask Arcane to the dance💖 You have guts boy, I like You. Shame that it was a no though. RIP Kevcane, You relationship could have been cute.
6. PAY-UPS!! Does anyone know what that is? Was that just a me and My siblings thing? We weren't snitches, but we kept tabs... We still claim them to this day lolAnyway... That was the chapters, hope you likes it. Drop a comment of what you think, chao!
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Arcane did not know what to expect to see inside the Beauxbatons carriage. It was easily the size of a house, though Arcane had somehow expected to see bunk-beds. She should have expected more from Beauxbatons school, because the interior reminded her of the French elegance all Americans speak about.
“Whoa.” Arcane gasped as they walked in. The carriage was large from the outside, though the inside clearly had a sort of extension charm because Arcane felt she had just walked in to a French villa, a powder blue French villa. Upon entering Arcane spotted a large empire chandelier so shiny that if anyone had said were diamonds she would not have argued. To her left was a doorway that Arcane could see led into a large study, which was equally as blue with an equal sized chandelier.
On the far side next to a statue of a man Arcane did not know even though his name plate read N.F, stood a curved flight of stairs that lead to the second floor, which Arcane had a sure idea that was where the bedrooms were.
“This way,” Claudette said excitedly as she directed Arcane to her right which was where a parlor, or perhaps better described as a drawing room laid. It was large enough to hold fifty people yet the many gold and blue decorated furniture was empty, except one table where a young girl seemed to be playing with a doll.
“Gabrielle,” Claudette called once seeing the girl, who looked up at her. Claudette spoke to her in rapid French, Arcane’s understanding of French was a bit rusty and very limited. Yet she caught most of the conversation, or at least had an idea of what was said. Claudette asked why she wasn’t with her sister and the girl said that she was busy with Madame Maxime. Claudette told the girl that we were going to use the room and if she minded moving so she could clear the room. The small girl shook her head, and Arcane did not understand the last part. Yet Claudette groaned.
“She wants to stay and watch.” Claudette sighed. Arcane scrunched her eyebrows and shrugged.
“I don’t mind, do you?”
“It’s not like I can kick her out without her sister ripping my throat out later.” Claudette said rolling her eyes. Then she pulled out her wand and flicked it. All the furniture made their way to settle themselves against the walls, making space in the middle of the room. Claudette turned to the group she had gone to fetch Arcane with and pointed at a boy.
“Pue’dees eer a buzcarr, um… la toka’ discos?” Claudette asked in a very bad accent. Arcane supposed the boy thought the same having that Arcane noticed his eye twitch and the glance he gave to the girl next to him before leaving the room.
“Was that supposed to be Spanish?” Arcane asked.
“Yeah, I’m getting better aren’t I?” Claudette asked, turning to the girl the boy had exchanged looks with before leaving.
“Eh.” The girl said flip-flopping her hand a few times as she scrunched her face.
“Oh well.” Claudette shrugged as the boy re-entered the room carrying a large phonograph, a vinyl already set in place.
“This is my mothers,” Claudette mentioned patting the vinyl and turning to the group, “The same one she taught us with, it has… The blue debri-”
“The Blue Danube .” Arcane corrected.
“Yes, that one.” Claudette nodded. “It also has waltz No. 2 by…” She looked at Arcane.
“Shostakovich,” Arcane reminded her.
“Yes,” Claudette repeated the name in such an incorrect way that it sounded similar to an insult, which caused the group to giggle. Claudette feeling a bit embarrassed, clapped her hands together. “Enough! These two waltzes are the most likely to play at the dance so, we’ll help you learn. Arcane has Agreed to be Camille’s learning partner, though we,” Claudette pointed at Arcane and herself. “Will dance the first one so all of you may see.”
Claudette repeated everything once more in French as Arcane took off her robe and prepared the music. Once it began to play Arcane took her place agreeing to lead and they began. In the end it was not difficult to teach the group at all, having they all had dance lessons at Beauxbatons. All they truly needed was to refresh their memory. Which was quite enjoyable because after everyone found the correct groove, they even begun to switch partners whilst dancing. Which slowly turned into a game once the little girl decided that she too wanted to dance. Arcane had not noticed how the time had flown by until a someone cleared their voice in the doorway.
Everyone’s head jerked so fast that Arcane was surprised no one had cracked their neck. Though once they noticed it was Madame Maxime, one of the girls hurried to turn the music off and they all fell into a line. Arcane not knowing what to do, did the exact same thing. Sticking out like a sore thumb in the process.
“Gabrielle!” Cried Fleur Delacour in astonishment as she saw the little girl standing next to Arcane, still holding her hand. “What d’you ‘ink you ar’ do’een?!” She snapped, pulling the girl away.
Madame Maxime walked in and in unison everyone greeted her in French. Once Madame Maxime got in front of Arcane she stopped and eyed her from head to foot.
Arcane did not speak French, she knew that very well, yet she had no idea what compelled her to greet the Beauxbatons headmistress in French.
“Bonjour... Um… Madame directrice.” Arcane said nervously.
Fleur scoffed from behind the headmistress and turned her nose up in the air indignantly.
However, Madame Maxime smirked.
“Madame directrice?” She questioned with a chuckle as she turned and said something in French which made the students relax a bit. While others peeked into the room from the doorway.
“What ar’ you doing een my ‘arriage?” The headmistress asked.
“I- I was helping my friend teach your students the waltz.” Arcane answered.
“Teach my stu’dants?” Madame Maxime questioned.
“More like helping them practice, they all are excellent dancers.” Arcane added quickly.
“Hmm!” Madame Maxime grunted in disbelief. “They ‘ould not dance well eeven if they ‘ad coal in ‘der shoes.” She laughed. “’oo is your friend?”
“I am.” Claudette answered, stepping out of line and then began speaking in rapid French.
“Your maman?” Madame Maxime asked, slightly impressed as she turned back to Arcane. “Is dis true?”
Arcane nodded, though she did not really know what she was nodding to.
The headmistress laughed softly. “Den surely you would not mind dancin’ wiv me?” A few of the students looked at each other in surprise, translating quickly in hushed voices to others.
“Not at all.” Arcane answered without thinking. Madame Maxime raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Then you will not mind dancin’ the Viennese Waltz?”
Claudette’s mouth fell open; however, she did not speak. Instead she turned to Arcane and shook her head slightly.
“Um… If that’s what you would like.” Arcane answered as she looked over to Claudette who had slapped her hand to her forehead.
“Perfect, I will lead zen.” Madame Maxime smiled as she flicked her wand and a new vinyl soared into the room and magically switched places with the vinyl that had been in the Phonograph.
Madame Maxime shooed everyone to the sides of the room, leaving a large space. And having the Headmistress’s size, they would need it. With another flick of her wand the music began. Giving Arcane a quick moment to prepare herself before Madame Maxime began to lead.
It took all of Arcane’s concentration. She didn’t pay attention to Fleur and her friends who snickered and pointed at her. She didn’t pay attention to the beautiful chandelier on the ceiling, she did not care that the tip of her head met Madame Maxime’s belly button. Arcane focused on counting her steps, watching her turns, she focused on looking up at Madam Maxime’s face rather than at her feet. Something which Madame Maxime seemed to find amusing, especially when she decided to change directions in the middle of the song Arcane did not stumble. Which in all was quite difficult, having that one of Madame Maxime’s strides was two of Arcane’s.
Finally, as the song ended, Madame Maxime paused, took a step back and nodded her head to Arcane as she did the same. The students who had been watching applauded gracefully, except Fleur, who no longer had her nose in the air, though still looked displeased.
With a wave of Madame Maxime’s hand, the music stopped, and she smiled widely as she turned to Claudette.
“Fo’give me, I ‘av ‘ad many stu’dants, please tell me dee name of yur maman.”
Claudette blushed. “Serebrova Boudier-Levett.” She answered softly. An amazed murmur passed around the room. Though Madame Maxime smiled and nodded.
“You may tell yur maman, that she ‘as tau’t you well.” She turned to Arcane. “Both of you.”
“Thank you.” Claudette and Arcane replied in unison.
Madame Maxime stood tall before speaking again. “I cannot remember dee last time I valtzed so well wiv som’on. You ‘av impressed me litul American.” Madame Maxime gestured round the room. “You ar’ now a frien’ to us, you ar’ welcome to visi’ your fien’ when you like.”
“Thank you Madame.” Arcane nodded, she was going to say more when suddenly she saw something that made her eyes go wide.
It was humanoid in its figure, except for its pointed ears, green tinged skin and the fact its hair, as well as its clothes seemed to be made from a mixture of moss and tree bark. Madame Maxime turned to see what Arcane had been staring at.
“Ah,” She said, looking utterly not surprised by the creature. “Que veux-tu?” Madame Maxime asked it. The creature walked in front of the head mistress, Arcane could tell it was a small creature, not taller than three feet, yet before Madame Maxime it looked even smaller as it curtsied before answering in a French accent Arcane could not understand.
“Très bon.” Madame Maxime nodded as she waved the creature away, who curtsied one more time before leaving the room, Arcane watching it in amazement as it left.
“D’you like?” Madame Maxime asked with a hint of a smile.
“What creature was it?” Arcane asked. Madame Maxime knitted her eyebrows.
“She waz a sim’pal wood nym’ff.” She answered, gesturing the door the creature had left through. “Der ar’ many of them at Beauxbatons.”
“They live at Beauxbatons academy?” Arcane asked in amazement.
“Well o’course, zey do the cooking, zee cleaning, zee wash,” The headmistress waved her hand around as if the rest were obvious. “Dey ar’ like ‘Ogwarts ‘ouse elves. Only Beauxbatons does not ‘ave ‘ouse elves, they ar’ much too unapeeleen to zee eye.” Some of the students nodded, while Arcane had a mental image of Hermione having a heart attack if she found out.
“Wow…” Arcane said softly, though Madame Maxime must have heard because she smirked. “What did the nymph want?” Arcane asked rather bluntly, though the headmistress took no offense by it.
“She came to let me know that zee baths ar’ ready for everyone to wash.” Madame Maxime said lightly, “I only ope we ar’ not late for dinner.”
Arcane paused and checked the clock on the wall. “Dinner isn’t for another two hours.”
“Exactly! Der is no time at‘oll.” The headmistress eyed Arcane. “You will wash an’ enter dinner wiv us.”
“What?” Arcane asked shocked. “No! I mean thank you for the offer, but I can shower up at the castle.”
“Ar’ you going to deny my kindness?” Madame Maxime asked raising an eyebrow.
“I- I wouldn’t dream of it, but… I didn’t bring any extra clothes, and my is dusty from the wind.”
“Shush,” Madame Maxime said. “You will wash up here, I am zure someone can give you fresh clothin’ no?” She glanced at her female pupils who nodded quickly. “An’ your ‘obe can be cleaned… Nymphe!” She called aloud. Quickly a wood nymph, different from the first one Arcane had seen hurried into the room and curtsied in front of the headmistress.
Madame Maxime extended her hand towards Arcane, who stared blankly at the headmistress. “Your ‘obe!” Madame Maxime insisted.
“Oh!” Arcane blushed as she dug into her purse fr her robe, while some of the girls giggled. Once she pulled it out and handed it to Madame Maxime, the headmistress handed it to the wood nymph, gave her some quick instructions in French and waved her away.
“Your ‘obe will be ready by dinner.” The headmistress nodded to Arcane, “Bon bain.” She waved before walking out of the room.
“What?” Arcane asked turning confused to Claudette, who pounced on her like an over-excited bobcat.
“I can’t believe you pulled that off!” She squealed. “I thought you would trip or something, but that! I don’t think my own mother could have pulled it off.”
“Speakin’ of mo’ders,” A girl from the dancing group spoke, “’Ow come you did not say ‘oo your mo’der was?”
“Perhaps zee did not want to eh… vanter .” A boy said.
“Vanter?” Arcane asked Claudette in a hushed voice.
“Like brag.” Claudette explained.
“Why would you brag about your mom? Isn’t she just a ministry worker?” Arcane asked.
“Well yeah,” Claudette said glumly, “I mean she is now .”
“What do you mean now?” Arcane questioned.
“Stop zis ‘ointless conversation,” Fleur scoffed while flipping her hair. “Her mo’der was Serebrova Boudier, a very famous dan’cer in F’ance. But no longer is, zo zee is not impor’tant. Let us all wash now.” Then with another flip of her hair, she stalked out of the room, her little sister right beside her.
“Um…” Arcane began looking over at Claudette.
“Forget it,” Claudette assured her quickly. “Let’s go wash, you’ll love it.”
Arcane did love it. Though Arcane loved most things in the wizarding world. However, the Beauxbatons carriage was so enchanting Arcane could not even dream of the actual school.
The girls and boys Arcane and Claudette had danced with ushered her out of the drawing room, giggling quietly as Arcane gawked at every last corner. They went up the pale blue marble staircase, which was so perfectly polished Arcane could see her full reflection in them. Which was how Arcane discovered that the female Beauxbatons students wore bloomers under their satin skirts. The girls stopped at the first landing, while the boys continued up the stairs to the second. The walls were elegantly traced with gold decorations, crystal lanterns lighting small corridor. There was a sapphire colored door decorates with gold at the end, however the girls stopped Arcane in front of silver door with glass panels, matte enough to not see through it.
Once the door opened and arcane saw the inside, she raised her eyebrows so high she thought they would fly off her face. The entire room was made out of marble, pale blue and white marble. On one side of the room stretched across the wall was a large mirror framed in gold. The Beauxbatons school symbol in the top-center of the frame. While below it was a vanity, large enough to sit ten people without them touching. On top of the vanity lied an assortment of products, from creams to odd looking combs.
At the other side of the room stood elegant looking doors that Arcane imagined led to the toilets and hanging from the ceiling was yet another chandelier.
The girls quickly walked through the toilet door and came out wearing nothing but powder blue towels. Arcane immediately noticed all of them had amazing pedicures.
“What you think?” Claudette asked playfully.
“You guys live like this normally?” Arcane asked in disbelief as she looked around the room.
“Of course not,” Claudette chuckled. “This is a big downgrade from the actual academy.”
“No way!” Arcane said shocked.
“Yes way,” Claudette shrugged. “It’s not possible to do the palace justice inside a traveling carriage, but they did do their best.”
“This place is beautiful.” Arcane said.
“It’s only the bathroom.” Claudette replied. “Now go change into your towel so we can head to the wash room.”
Claudette signaled a door where one of the girls had just exited, so Arcane nodded and entered. It smelled good for a toilet, though it reminded arcane of the perfume aisle at the mall. She undressed, pulled a towel from the small rack next to the toilet and wrapped it around her body. Then she looked around, thinking what to do with her clothes. She hadn’t seen the previous girl walk out with her clothing, though Arcane did not see where she had put them either.
“Claudette?” Arcane asked shyly, while poking her head outside the door.
“Eshee iz chanjing.” Said a girl in a heavy Spanish accent.
“Oh,” Arcane said unsurely.
“Eh, can I help yu wif anyting?” The girl asked.
“Uh yeah,” Arcane replied opening the door fully. “I don’t know what to do with my clothes.”
“Ah.” The girl nodded as she walked over. Arcane pressed herself against the wall to let the girl pass.
The girl walked over to a small square column that had a vase of flowers on top and grasped the side, opening the column as if it were a door. Arcane notices that the inside of the column was hollow, inside was only a hole at the bottom.
“Eh yu’drop de clothes an’ dey get wash.” The girl explained, using a lot of hand movements.
“But if I throw them, what will I wear afterwards?” Arcane asked.
“Madame Maxime told us to give you something to wear, so don’t worry.” Claudette said standing a couple feet away in her towel.
“I don’t really want to take anyone’s-”
“Just drop them Ness,” Claudette said plainly. “I’ll give you something of mine.”
With that said, Claudette grabbed Arcane’s arm and guided her through a crystal-curtained doorway.
The first thing Arcane felt was the warmth, she had never been in a sauna, though the heat was what she imagined. However, Arcane was sure that No-Maj’s could only dream having a sauna that looked so beautiful. Again it was a room made of marble, only it was octagonal shaped, each side held a clam shell-shaped sink that seemed too high to be a sink, except for one side which had a small doorway. In the middle of the room high enough to sit on the sides was a large bathtub, big enough to fit all the girls and octagonal shaped just as the room. Filled with a liquid Arcane had originally believed milk, though Arcane was sure milk did not become iridescent when reflecting light.
Fleur Delacour who had entered the washroom before everyone else was already sitting in the bathtub, leaning back with her eyes closed as a wood nymph combed her hair.
“Where’s the showers?” Arcane asked looking around the room.
“There,” Claudette said lightly as she pointed at one of the sinks. Arcane knitted her eyebrows in confusion.
“That’s a sink.” Arcane replied. Claudette tilted her head to the side. “A bit too high to be a sink, wouldn’t you say?”.
“What is it then?” Arcane asked.
“Watch and see.” She nodded to one of the girls who had just stood under one of the sinks. Immediately a small wood nymph appeared through the small doorway carrying a small basket of items. She handed it to the girl and asked something in French. The girl nodded, the nymph curtsied then disappeared through the doorway once more as the girl reached up and pulled the sink down. After a moment water began to pour out of the faucet, down the shell shaped sink and onto the girl who still had her towel on.
“She’s not going to take off her towel?” Arcane asked.
Claudette smiled. “Well we don’t normally use towels other than to dry ourselves, but you tell me, would you mind seeing everyone in the room naked?”
Arcane tightened her towel around her, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Um… No thanks.”
“Thought so.” Claudette nodded, as she led Arcane to her own shower. A small wood nymph appeared, handing Arcane a basket filled with different soaps along with golden, silver and sapphire capped bottles filled with who knew what. Logically Arcane used them all as she washed.
“So how come you never told me your mom was famous?” Arcane asked when she, Claudette and a few other girls sat in the iridescent milk bathtub, as nymphs combed their hair.
“Because my mom isn’t famous, not anymore really. She was like one of those child actors.” Claudette explained. “She was in theater, then some really popular magic dancing group in France, she met my dad, got married then she just stopped.” Claudette shrugged. “You know the rest that happened with my dad, and so does most of the French magic community,” She rolled her eyes, “That’s why I don’t say her name much.”
“Was it hard going back to France?” Arcane asked.
“I think it was harder for her than for me,” Claudette sighed. “She seemed to hate being there so much, I didn’t understand why we went back. But it got better once I got into school. I got sorted into the same house she had been in, she got promoted, blah, blah, blah, happy-happy joy-joy.” Claudette waved off. “How about you? What was it like after we left?”
Arcane had been about to open her mouth, however the nymph who had been combing her hair, rolling it up and pinning it spoke aloud to Claudette in French.
“Oh okay,” Claudette nodded at the nymph’s. “They say we can get out now and head to the mirror.”
“Aren’t we going to drip everywhere?” Arcane asked as she cautiously stood in the bath.
“Of course not,” Claudette smiled. “How do you guys wash that makes you so worried about everything?”
The image of the morning bathroom bustle flashed in Arcane’s head. “You have no idea.” She mumbled shaking her head to make it go away as she stepped out of the bathtub.
Arcane noticed that Claudette had stood still, so she did the same. Watching as the nymphs waved their small hands from side to side, while making chirping sounds. Arcane had been about to ask what they were doing when suddenly she felt a breeze wrap around her, caressing her skin until both she and her towel were dry. Arcane looked over to Claudette in amazement. Claudette only smiled at the look on her face and they both went out to take a place at the vanity.
Most of the girl were already there, talking and laughing among themselves as nymphs rubbed lotion on their legs and feet, gave them manicures or did their hair.
“What the-” Arcane blurted as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror after sitting down. The iridescent milk-water had made her skin feel soft and clean, however after seeing her reflection, Arcane noticed her skin was basically glowing. Tints of gold highlights glittered when she tilted her face in the light. The dark circles she had before were gone, her lips looked rosy and even her eyelashes seemed thicker and longer.
“I look amazing!” Arcane exclaimed while admiring her face.
Fleur Delacour, who had just finished putting on perfume, snorted. “What di’you zink dat zee French beauty was be’coz massages and par’fume?”
Arcane frowned at her, trying valiantly not to roll her eyes.
“French fact fo’you,” Fleur continued, flipping her hair before speaking. “French beauty po’ducts ar’ popular be’coz dey ‘ad ma’jeek. Be’coz,” Fleur widened her eyes sarcastically at Arcane, “it waz witches an’ wi’zards ‘oo sold them.”
“Wow,” Arcane nodded. “I don’t remember asking you that.” A couple girls laughed as they translated what happened, causing Fleur to go a bit red.
“American.” She spat sourly before leaving the room, slamming the door on her way out.
“She’s a ray of sunshine.” Arcane smiled with sarcasm.
“She’s something.” Claudette said with an eye roll.
Arcane left the carriage feeling amazing. Her hair was in nicely formed loose curls, with a brilliant shine to them along with a beautiful smell. The nymphs had given her a, much needed in their opinion, manicure and pedicure, and Claudette had given Arcane a quick crash course on a natural makeup look, which confused Arcane since she did not understand what was the point of putting on makeup to make it look like one was wearing none at all. Yet she still smiled as she hooked her arm through Claudette’s as they gossiped quietly at the back of the line following Madame Maxime up to the castle for dinner.
Arcane had always seen the French school students with serious looks on their face, however everyone was speaking happily among themselves, in an assortment of languages until they reached the front steps. Which was when Madame Maxime paused and turned to the group.
“Miz Ah’merican?” She called. Arcane poked her head out from the back of the line.
“Remin’me of your name” The headmistress said.
“Arcane, Madame.” Arcane answered, nodding her head slightly.
“Miz Ah- Ar-,” Madame Maxime waved her hand in front of her face dismissively. “Giv’ me a difer’ant name.” She insisted.
“Um… Nesrin?” Arcane offered.
“Nesreen…” The headmistress said testing the word, then nodded. “You will en’tar at my side.”
“Madame!” Fleur blurted out. Madame Maxime gave her a quick glance, then turned back to Arcane.
“Next to zee champion.” She said nodding to Fleur who was clenching her little sister’s shoulder’s so hard the girl winced.
“Yes Madame,” Arcane said politely as she moved next to Fleur, giving her a smirk only she saw, causing her to look as if she had smelled something awful.
The whispered started as soon as Beauxbatons entered the great hall. All of the Hogwarts students had already taken place at their tables, as well as the Durmstrang students who seemed to feel quite at home at the Slytherin table. Krum, as always, was sitting next to Draco Malfoy. Whose mouth fell open as soon as his eyes met Arcane’s. She did not know if her heart had jumped, skipped or stopped entirely. Though Arcane absolutely knew she enjoyed that reaction. Especially because it also came from some other students.
‘As if you don’t enjoy the attention’, Malfoy’s words came back to her and she bit her tongue. Did this turn her into a hypocrite? Arcane was not obsessed with being the center of attention, but when she helped win a Quidditch match or did well in class and got praised by teachers and friends, she did not mind. Was it so bad that Arcane wanted that when she walked past, that people said ‘ look how pretty she is ’ rather than ‘ look that’s Sirius Black’s child’ .
Madame Maxime’s heavy hand on her shoulder made Arcane come out of her thoughts. She was already standing at the front of the Ravenclaw table which the Beauxbatons school had claimed for their own. The headmistress patted Arcane’s shoulder softly and gave her a light nod, which Arcane returned as Madame Maxime turned to walk towards the staff table.
Arcane remained standing with the rest of the French school, waiting for the headmistress to take her seat before taking theirs. Arcane noticed Dumbledore’s beard twitch as he smiled, however McGonagall looked as if she had a toad in her throat. Dumbledore stood and pulled out a seat for Madame Maxime, asking her something Arcane could not hear, yet Madame Maxime let out a coy laugh.
“Ze was Eenchanting Albus, ‘ad I known your pupils could be zo, I would’av spo’keen to’mor.”
Dumbledore chuckled along with her before clapping, letting the food appear on the tables.
“Eh… Miz Nezreen,” Asked one of the Beauxbatons boys warily.
“Yeah?” Arcane replied as she served herself some potatoes.
“D’you ‘appen to ‘ave a date to zee dance.” He asked.
Arcane paused and smiled sadly.
“Hendrik! Do you have no manners?!” Claudette scolded. “You don’t have to answer Ness, he should know better than to ask a lady something like that while eating.”
Arcane watched as the boy flushed and looked down at his food.
“It- It’s Okay,” Arcane said quickly, regaining the boys’ attention. She smiled softly at him. “I would love to say yes, but I don’t know if I’ll be going to the dance or not.”
Claudette choked on her food in such an inelegant manner Fleur cursed at her in French while throwing a napkin at her.
“What do you mean you don’t know if you’ll be going?!” Claudette asked, covering her mouth with the napkin.
Arcane shrugged reluctantly. “I didn’t know anything, so I didn’t bring a dress.”
“Well that’s not a problem! I can lend you something.” Claudette insisted, then paused. They had just had a difficult time finding something for Arcane to wear under her robe to dinner. All of the girls were to slim offer anything, except one girl who managed giving Arcane a pair of elastic shorts which were a bit too tight around Arcane’s thighs.
“Well someone can lend you something,” Claudette corrected. “Or perhaps we can get one of the nymphs to make one. I heard that one of them is really good at handling silk.”
Arcane shook her head. “I already wrote to my aunt, hopefully she’ll get me something in time.” Arcane looked over at the boy. “I’m sorry but I’ll have to say no for now.”
The boy nodded and smiled sadly at Arcane, as one of the other boys patted him on the back, saying something to him in French.
Arcane groaned a lot on Friday. It was the last day before Christmas break, yet in Arcane’s opinion it was dead cold and her Hogwarts robe did not seem to be doing its job as she stood outside in Care of Magical Creatures with the rest of the Ravenclaw’s and the Hufflepuff’s. Padma and Lisa had been bombarding Arcane with questions about the Beauxbatons carriage all day to the point she wanted to grab them both by the scruff of their robes and throw them into the carriage for them to see for themselves. Not to mention Arcane wanted desperately to head back to the castle and find a quiet place to make a list of Christmas gifts and who she would be giving them to, however she needed class to end first.
That was when she heard the bell ring in the distance, letting out a soft thank you to who or whatever caused the bell to ring, Arcane began to head back towards the castle without a ounce of regret as she heard everyone struggling with putting away their skrewts behind her.
As punishment a strong and cold wind passed by making her shiver.
“Cold?” Asked a familiar voice.
“Hi George,” Arcane said quickly, not wanting to let her teeth chatter, as George appeared to her right.
“Does it not get cold in America?” Fred asked appearing at her left.
“Sometimes.” Arcane answered.
“Sneaking away to not handle the skrewts, are you?” George asked playfully.
“Don’t be nosey George,” Fred scolded.
“I wasn’t!” George defended.
“Anyway, you have plans for the ball yet, Black?” Fred continued.
“Well I-” Arcane began.
“You ask that, but call me nosey?!” George spat confusedly.
“No need to get jealous Georgie,” Fred said placing a hand over his heart. “I’m vowed to go with Angelina.”
“Do you two need something?” Arcane asked as they went up the steps to the entrance hall.
“No.” Said Fred.
“Yes.” Said George. Arcane raised an eyebrow at them.
George cleared his throat. “Well I-”
“Oi! Is that Ron approaching Fleur Delacour?!” Fred asked pointing into the entrance hall.
Arcane looked past Fred and saw Ron pull away from Hermione’s grasp as he walked up to Fleur, who seemed to be talking to Cedric Diggory. Ron seemed to stammer something, however Fleur gave him a confused look and asked “Wot?”
“DOYOUWANTOGOTOTHEBALLWITHME?!” Ron screamed incomprehensibly at her. Fleur recoiled away from him as Diggory raised his eyebrows. Arcane watched as Ron turned scarlet red and ran away from the scene.
“What a twat!” Fred said busting out in laughter. “What was he bloody thinking?!”
“You two should heck on him.” Arcane frowned.
“What for?” George chuckled. “It’s not like he’s hurt.”
“But I’m sure he’s quite embarrassed.” She said.
“That won’t kill him.” Fred shrugged.
“So you’d only check on your brother if he was dying?” Arcane asked irritated.
“What do you want us to do? Kiss the top of his head?” Fred asked.
“Whatever.” Arcane said rolling her eyes. “I have to the library, see you two later.”
“What are you going to the library for?” Fred asked. “Today was the last day.”
“I’m going to write some owls to make Christmas orders.” Arcane explained.
“Can one of those orders be for me?” Fred asked playfully, leaning close.
“Not if you keep being nosey.” Arcane said pushing his face away.
“Well who else are you buying gifts for?” George played.
“For my aunt, my uncle, some friends and my mom-” Arcane stopped as she felt her heart drop. She hadn’t thought about her mom since Hogsmeade. “My mom’s friend, the one who took care of me back in America.” Arcane tried to play off, though she could tell by the twins faces that it had not worked.
“Anyway,” Arcane continued, “I got to go.”
“Wait, I wanted to ask you something!” George called behind her as she walked away.
Arcane had not understood what he had said and was about to turn when suddenly Lee Jordan came flying down the steps.
“You two hear what happened to your little brother yet?” He laughed, swinging his arms around the twins’ shoulders.
Arcane rolled her eyes once more and began up the steps to the library.
Arcane had always wanted a big family at Christmas, though she discovered that more people meant more presents to give. Which meant she had to sit and think specifically what each person may like.
“Christmas list?” A voice asked. Arcane turned to see Hermione. “I sent mine out a few days ago.”
Arcane grabbed the list quickly and folded it in half. Hermione frowned and Arcane noticed.
“Oh sorry!” Arcane apologized. “It’s just that your gift is on here.” She explained holding up the folded paper.
“Mine?” Hermione asked in surprise.
“Well yeah,” Arcane shrugged. “I mean you were nice to me when I first got here. You… you can nag a bit sometimes, but I don’t hate you.”
“But you hate Harry?” Hermione asked softly.
“I don’t hate Harry, Hermione!” Arcane groaned. “I hate that my dad seems obsessed with him.”
“Sirius loves Harry.” Hermione said.
“I know that Hermione, it’s just that if Harry is ever in danger Sirius will come running.” Arcane groaned. “And now that he’s in the tournament, I’m expecting my dad to try and get here any day now. Which could get him caught.”
“Harry didn’t put himself in the tournament.” Hermione insisted.
“Well I believe you on that now. I don’t think he would have been stupid enough too.” Arcane snorted. “Because I don’t think that he believed he could win it with a broom and a summoning spell.”
Hermione opened her mouth, but Arcane held her hand up.
“Let’s just leave it at that, I won’t hate on Potter, but if anything happens to my dad because of him, I will hate him.”
“Harry would hate himself.” Hermione frowned.
“Then we agree on something.” Arcane nodded. After that Hermione sat down and filled Arcane in on how Potter had prepared for the first task and how the golden egg made the sounds of a heavy metal singer. Arcane’s heart dropped a bit when Hermione mentioned that Potter had been in more frequent contact with Sirius than she had. Arcane had been about to complain to Hermione about the fact when she caught sight of the time on her watch. “Oh crap! I missed dinner.” She groaned.
“You could still catch something before they clear the desserts.” Hermione suggested.
“That’s probably what I’m going to have to do.” Arcane said as she gathered her things.
Hermione told Arcane she was going to head to the Gryffindor common room to check on Potter and Weasley who weren’t at dinner. If Arcane hadn’t been in such a hurry she would have explained the reason why Weasley hadn’t gone, though she had no idea of why Potter had missed it.
With a quick goodbye Arcane rushed down towards the Great Hall, Dinner was not so formal during the week so the food stays out longer, though she would surely miss even a bread pudding if she did not hurry. Though she ended up coming to a stop at the top of the marble staircase due to the large commotion in the entrance hall.
There were students from all houses, though the majority was formed of Slytherin’s and a few Durmstrang students. All who seemed to have formed a large circle around four students.
As soon as Arcane reached the foot of the steps, Padma pushed her way through the crowd towards Arcane with tears beginning to form in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Arcane asked as Padma clutched her arm.
“I- It’s Lisa,” Padma stuttered. “The boy who asked her from Durmstrang, h- he d-discovered she’s a muggle-born,” Padma’s mouth quivered. “Oh, Arcane it’s awful!” She cried.
“What the heck are you just standing and crying for then?!” Arcane snapped at Padma before making her way through the crowd.
She had almost made it through when she caught sight of Lisa. She was in the center with three of the Durmstrang boys. The one who had asked her to the dance and two others Arcane did not recognize. Though Arcane couldn’t give a flying Fwooper about the boys, Lisa looked just as Padma had said, awful .
She was completely in tears, as well as drenched in multicolored paint everywhere except in the clear spaces on her robe that spelled out the word MUDBLOOD.
Arcane stood frozen, a horrible anger rising within her chest.
Then she took a breath, stood up straight and pushed through the crowd, into the circle giving a glance at Lisa who let out a sob as Arcane walked over to the boys with a cute smile.
“Hi,” She said sweetly to the boy who had asked Lisa to the dance, who smiled right back at Arcane before she punched him square in the jaw.
Alo! Another chapters down and oh doozy... I'm not even sure what to Say... I love it. I remember seeing Beaubatons in the GOF movie and losing my mind. They were beautiful, i just wanted to be one of them. This chapter is dedicated to little me who just wanted to be a pretty french witch🫂
Now on to my comments:
1. Main character moment? Yes please. Arcane waltzing with Madame Maxime will never make me not giggle. Realistically it's SO silly, but story wise? Arcane is that girl😜
2. The Beaubatons carriage... *Chefs kiss* Magestic, glorious, elegante... ✨Etheral✨ In my mind it is the most beautiful thing and my writing could never do it justice.
3. DRACO'S👏🏻 JAW👏🏻 DROPPED👏🏻 As it should! Our girl was looking gorgeous and you know it! Arcane may be -a lot- of things but UGLY is NOT one😜
4. George My boy... Stop letting people interrupt You! (I say that as if i didn't write the scene... Whoopsie!) But for Real, my poor boy is just trying to talk and Everyone is just over there watching Ron with his 0 Rizz.
5. Oh boy... Lisa... My poor girl, what have they done to You? You did not deserve that😭 Don't worry now babe, Arcane has arrived and She's PISSED...Well, that was the chapter, ending on a cliff hanger kind of hehe.
I hope you've been enjoying the story so far... Drop a comment i love to read them! Au revoir!
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Everyone gasped as he fell onto the floor. His friends immediately pulled out their wands.
“ Xe !” Arcane called pointing her own wand at one of the boys, causing him to fly out the door of the entrance hall.
Barely dodging the jet of orange light, she turned to the other boy. “ Expelliarmus !” She exclaimed. The second boys’ wand flying into her hand. “Can’t fight without a wand.”
“AAAGRH!” The boy who Arcane had taught to fly screamed as he charged through the crowd, sending out a spell that made Arcane soar and hit herself against the wall, letting out a well justified curse word. Stunned by the pain Arcane lost thought of the spells she should use, and only one popped into her head.
“ Oscausi !” She cried, pointing her wand at the foreign student, not knowing what the spell would do and not caring either way.
In the end she did not regret using it. A girl from slytherin let out a scream and pointed at the Durmstrang student Arcane had blasted, who now no longer seemed to have a mouth.
The boy touched frantically the part of his face where his mouth had been as he pleaded silently to his schoolmate who gave Arcane a horrified look. “Can’t fight without a mouth.” Arcane said, which she knew was a lie. Many people could do magic without reciting a spell, though the boys looked to frantic to do so.
The boy Arcane had disarmed told his mouthless comrade something in a language Arcane didn’t know, however the mouthless one agreed and they took off out the door, just in time for the last one to pull Arcane by the hair and causing her to drop her wand, as he slammed her face hard onto the floor, while screaming at her in his forging language.
People gasped at the act as Padma cried “Arcane!”.
Arcane felt her eyes water as the T-zone of her face burned with pain. The boy continued screaming at Arcane only centimeters from her ear as he yanked her hair and jabbed his wand into her neck.
“ Osiceca !” Arcane shouted through the pain while extending her bare hand at the Durmstrang coward. A strong wind pushed the boy up against the wall pinning him to the spot, as dark clouds formed in the room. Shocked sounds passed through the crowd as they backed away, looking up at the thunder and lightning rippling through the brewing indoor storm.
Arcane got up, wiping her bloody nose in the process. With the other hand she gestured to the hand that the boy was clenching his wand with.
“ Boule ,” She said plainly. Immediately the boy let out a cry of pain as he dropped his wand, his hand forming blisters as if he had grabbed something scorching hot. Arcane summoned the wand to her without breaking eye contact with the Durmstrang student.
“Hold these for me.” Arcane said as she thrusted all the wands except her own at Lisa. Who took them with a shocked look on her face.
“Why did you do this?” Arcane asked plainly as thunder echoed through the hall.
“I did no’teen,” The boy replied, just before a streak of lighting basted only inches from his right foot. Some girls in the crowd cried out. However Arcane strode over to the boy calmly. “See? Lying is no good,” Arcane said as thunder rumbled again, “Why did you do this?”
“She iz a Mod’blod.”
“SHE!” Arcane snapped at the boys’ response, “Is a Hogwarts student. One who you have humiliated in our own home! WHY?!” Lightning blasted once more to the boys left, only an inch from his arm.
“Et waz a yoke!” The boy replied nervously, as he tried to escape from the wind pinning him down.
“Was it?!” Arcane asked sarcastically, “Because I’m not laughing.” Arcane gestured the crowd. “No one here is laughing!” She let out a mocking smile.
“I guess that makes it a… very… bad… joke” Arcane said, taking a step closer with the three last words, leaving her only a foot from the foreign boy’s panicked face, as loud crashes of thunder sounded.
“Apologize.” Arcane told him, her face full with seriousness.
“I- I’m zorry.” The boy stuttered softly. Arcane smirked.
“Not to me… To her.” Arcane gestured Lisa, whom looked somewhat horrorstruck. The Durmstrang eyed Lisa. Arcane noticed the change in his eyes as he did. He looked down on her, his eyes filled with superiority. As if Lisa was nothing more than an abandoned dog.
“I von’t.” The boy spat, still looking at Lisa. Arcane chest swelled with even more anger, so she thrusted her hand. Tow lightning bolts blasted down this time, one on each side of the boy, the heat of them singeing the hair on his arm. His eyes grew panicked once more as he turned to Arcane.
“Apologize.” Arcane repeated.
“N-No- AARGH!” He called out as lightning once more fell near him, this time next to each shoulder.
“DO IT!” Arcane screamed over the thunder as she jabbed her wand under his chin, just as he had to her. “NOW!”
“I am zorry! I Aplo’gize!” He called out, his eyes flickering from Lisa to Arcane with fear. Arcane took her wand away from the boys’ chin and turned to Lisa.
“That good enough?” She asked her. Lisa nodded warily.
“Okay.” Arcane said. Then turned quickly slapping the boy across the face with the back of her hand.
“That is for giving me a bloody nose.” Arcane told him with a smirk. “Now, I’m going to let you go and you better not even think of doing something like this again. Because if you do…” Arcane leaned close to the boys’ face, “I’ll stick a lightning bolt right up your-”
“That will be quite enough Miss black.”
Every head in the hall turned to marble staircase, where Dumbledore was making his way down. Arcane saw some hands fly to people’s mouths in shock as they caught sight of Dumbledore. Lisa herself had gone pale as well as Padma, and Professor McGonagall who seemed to have been the oness to fetch Dumbledore. Immediately the crowd parted to let the headmaster through.
His face was serious as he looked at the situation. Lisa looked as she was going to cry again, the Durmstrang boy was still pinned to the wall which was now scorched where the lightning had hit, not to mention the right side of his face was red from where Arcane had slapped him.
Dumbledore waved a hand and immediately the storm Arcane had invoked disappeared. The wind holding the boy evaporated, letting him lose, and the walls returned to how they looked before.
Dumbledore’s eyes met hers. She could not tell what emotion laid inside them, all she did was keep his gaze. What she had done may have not been ethical, however, she did not regret it one bit.
The Durmstrang headmaster’s shouts were heard long before he reached the door. He had both of the other boys by the collar of their robes, shouting at them as he dragged them into the hall. Once entering the hall, the boy that still ported his mouth pointed frantically at her. The headmaster’s head jerked in her direction, with so much anger in his eyes Arcane almost took a step back. “You!” He snapped at her. “Vot did you do?! You attacked my pupil! I should haf you-”
“Have a conversation with me, correct Igor?” Dumbledore spoke, catching the other headmaster’s attention.
“Vot iz the meaning ov dis Albus?!” The Durmstrang headmaster snapped. “My students ver attacked!” He shook the boys in front of him for Dumbledore. McGonagall gasped at the sight of the mouthless student. However, Dumbledore only glanced at each boy before looking back at Arcane.
The boy Arcane had pinned against the wall before, quickly rushed to his headmaster, speaking rapidly in his foreign language and pointing a lot at Arcane. However, his headmaster quickly silenced him and turned to Dumbledore.
“First you add an extra champion, now my students are attacked wif no re-!”
“I assure you there is indeed, very much a reason Igor.” Dumbledore said in an icy tone. “Perhaps your students seemed to have let out that part.”
“Miss Turpin, please come out.” Dumbledore said, turning to Lisa who had tried to blend with the crowd, quite unsuccessfully having that she was now multicolored. With a strained look on her face, she stepped forward.
The Durmstrang headmaster’s nostrils flared.
“It seems your students thought it a good idea to do such an unamusing jest. Causing one of my students not to attack, but defend.”
The Durmstrang headmaster’s fists shook in contained anger, as he opened his mouth to speak.
“I am sure you have much to say Professor Karkaroff, yet perhaps we may speak it in my office. Privately.” Dumbledore nodded slightly to the large group of students watching the encounter. Karkaroff closed his mouth as his eyes darted around the room, then trying to hold back an ugly snarl, he nodded to Dumbledore.
“Very well.” Dumbledore agreed, “Miss Turpin, if you and Miss Patil will join Professor Karkaroff, his pupils and I, please.” He asked before turning to Arcane. “Miss Black will wait in Professor McGonagall’s office until I’m ready to speak with her.”
“As for the rest of you… Off to bed.” He waved, and all of the students rushed up the steps, down to the dungeons and down towards Arcane believed was the Hufflepuff common room.
“Come along.” McGonagall said as she guided Arcane towards her office. Mumbling under her breath the entire way.
The office was nothing out of the ordinary for a professor, it was well organized with large windows. Arcane was sure that during the day one could see the Quidditch pitch through them, however the sun had already gone down and all Arcane could see was darkness.
“Y-You sit over there, and stay still.” McGonagall quipped as she pointed to one of the two chairs by the fireplace. Arcane took her seat in silence as she watched McGonagall fall into the seat of her desk and put her face into her hands.
The professor stayed that way for a few minutes, until she let out a loud sigh and lifted her head.
“What could you have possibly been thinking?!” She asked Arcane. “A guest! You attacked not one guest, but three!”
“They attacked Lisa first.” Arcane answered.
“She was… unharmed,” McGonagall replied.
“Unharmed?!” Arcane squeaked in disbelief. “You saw her! She was humiliated! By three guests as you call them. They made her a laughing stock in her own school! Covered her in paint with that word in big fat letters across her body!” Arcane slammed her fist against the chair. “Do you really think because she wasn’t bleeding she was unharmed?!”
McGonagall stared at Arcane for a moment as if taking in her face. “Admirable as your actions were, that does not make what you have done correct.”
“I never said what I did was correct!” Arcane retorted, “But it was still a hell lot better then what those Durmstrang jerks did. And because of what? Because she’s a muggle-born?!” Arcane asked angrily. “So what if she is?! So what if Durmstrang does not accept muggle-born’s? We do! So no matter what their stupid beliefs about blood status are we still invited them into our school, into our home ! And nothing gives them the right to do what they did to a student. To my friend !” Arcane slumped back into her seat and looked into the fire of the fireplace. “There were so many students there,” Arcane said softly, “And no one did… anything .”
McGonagall remained silent, Arcane did not even bother to glance at her though she could hear her tapping her nails on the top of her desk as she thought.
“Where did you even learn such a curse?” McGonagall asked after thirty minutes of silence. Arcane shrugged.
“Saw it in a book.” She mumbled. McGonagall shook her head in resignation.
“I hadn’t seen that curse since Leta Lestrange was in school.” McGonagall sighed. Arcane recognized the name at the same moment she remembered which book she had seen the spell in. The old book in Dumbledore’s office. Leta Lestrange had got in trouble for using I on another student. Arcane scoffed.
“I hope whoever she used it on deserved it too.”
“You ought to be careful on saying who deserves what,” McGonagall warned, “Professor Karkaroff could easily say you deserve to be expelled.”
“If I deserve to be expelled, those three pricks deserve to be arrested for committing a hate crime!” Arcane snapped. McGonagall waved away her response. “No one will be put under arrest.” She said lightly.
“But I may be getting expelled?” Arcane asked as she felt her heart sink.
“No,” McGonagall answered softly while shaking her head. “Headmaster Dumbledore will see upon appeasing Professor Karkaroff. Though I’m afraid this encounter may cause hostility between the two schools.” She frowned.
At that moment someone knocked lightly on the door. McGonagall got up in such a hurry her desk shook as she quickly walked over and opened to see who it was.
“Albus!” She said in surprise.
“Will you please step out a moment, Professor?” Dumbledore asked in a calm voice.
“Of course.” McGonagall nodded as she stepped out, closing the door behind her.
Arcane could not understand the muffled voices, though she heard McGonagall speak quite a bit.
After a few minutes Arcane could hear the sounds of agreements then the door opining once more.
“Well if I wasn’t sure I was going to the ball before, I guess I’m really not going now, huh?” She asked lightly without turning.
“Even as unfavorable your actions were this evening,” Dumbledore began, causing Arcane to spin around in her seat. “I see no reason why you should miss such a unique event, Miss Black.”
“P- Pro- Professor!” Arcane stuttered in surprise and somewhat embarrassment. “I- I-…” Dumbledore held up his hand in a sign of silence.
“I have been recited your feeling on the matter by Professor McGonagall, whom just as I, find your actions tonight most admirable, and partly justified.
“Though I am afraid Professor Karkaroff did not feel the same on the matter.” Dumbledore’s voice was cool, yet Arcane could see a humorous twinkle in his eyes. “Which is most understandable having you did off with three of his students in the matter of minutes.” He added, strolling smoothly around the office.
“Is Lisa okay?” Arcane asked. A small smile hinted at Dumbledore’s lips.
“Miss Turpin is well, she has been apologized to and was assured a new robe.” Dumbledore nodded. “She has gone up now to the Ravenclaw common room.”
“Oh, okay.” Arcane nodded as she readjusted herself in her seat. “Am I um… Am I in a lot of trouble then?” Arcane asked warily.
Dumbledore met Arcane’s eyes and stared at her intently for a moment, before giving her a small smile. “I will not be reprimanding you for your actions tonight Miss black.” He began. “ Not because I condone such behavior,” He added looking down at her over his half-moon spectacles, “I will as they say let it slide , only for the fact I know that Igor is most definitely going to punish those young men, not for the trouble they caused, but for the fact the three of them were bested by a young girl.
“And from what I saw, quite a powerful one.” He finished with a small sense of pride in his voice. Arcane face grew a bit warm.
“Though I must ask you miss Black,” Dumbledore continued adjusting his spectacles. “To please not get involved in this sort of encounter again. If one does happen to occur, Merlin forbid it, please… fetch a professor?”
“Yes sir.” Arcane nodded, as her stomach gave out a loud growl. Dumbledore looked at her with an amused expression.
“I- I didn’t make it to dinner,” Arcane explained quickly, “I was in the library, talking to Hermione… I lost track of time… I was on my way to grab something but… um… well you know.” She said feeling quite embarrassed.
“I will send something from the kitchen to the hospital wing.” Dumbledore nodded. “You will need Madame Pomfrey to see and clean both your nose and the side of your head.”
“The side of my head?” Arcane asked as she felt about, and surely there it was. On the side of her head above her left eyebrow was a wet patch. She looked at her hand noticed that even though the patch had felt mostly dry, some parts of her fingers had been stained with blood. “Well look at that.” She said in dull surprise.
Madame Pomfrey chuckled when Arcane walked in.
“First time you actually come wielding a wound.” She said lightly.
“Hopefully it’ll be the last.” Arcane said as Madame Pomfrey sat her down and began to prepare things to clean the wound.
Madame Pomfrey scoffed. “At this school? It’ll be a miracle if this is the only thing you get this year.” She pressed a wet cloth against Arcane’s head. “That poor dear,” Madame Pomfrey sighed, “Muggle-born’s have such hardships, don’ they?”
Arcane didn’t answer.
“Tormented in the halls, petrified…”
“Petrified?!” Arcane repeated in surprise.
“It was a few years back.” Madam Pomfrey answered as if that explained everything, then she smiled. “I heard you gave them Durmstrang lot a real nip in the buttocks.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “One of them insisted that you dislocated his shoulder, though you can’t be pullin’ on you headmasters’ clothes like they were you mums skirts if that was so.” Madam Pomfrey sniffed.
Arcane ate as Madam Pomfrey let a thick blue cream set on her wound. After she was done Madame Pomfrey nodded while assuring her there would be no mark. After that he sent Arcane on her way to her common room.
All the way up Arcane replayed all that had happened that evening in her head. She had gone from writing a Christmas list to possibly being expelled. Suddenly a thought washed over her. Was Dumbledore going to inform her father on what had happened? Or even worse, would he inform Andromeda?
Arcane could already imagine the howler.
The minute she walked into the Ravenclaw common room, whose door was open by being stopped with very heavy looking book, Lisa wrapped herself around Arcane.
“What the-” Arcane let out, flinching in surprise.
“I’m so sorry!” She cried. “I’m sorry you got in trouble because of me!”
“What did Dumbledore say?!” Padma asked while trying to peel Lisa off. “He didn’t expel you did he?”
“Can’t have expelled her, she did nothing wrong!” Terry boot responded as a large group formed around Arcane.
“But he had to do something, don’t he?” A fifth year girl asked. “Karkaroff was livid.”
“I heard his shrieking that Black broke one of the boys’ arms!” Called a girl who was standing next to Cho Chang.
“But she didn’t break his arm, did you?” Cho asked Arcane.
“Of course I didn’t break his arm!” Arcane answered.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did, we all saw how far you made the brute fly.” Laughed Anthony Goldstein.
“Forget the one who flew, she took away the mouth of one of them!” The male Ravenclaw prefect said in amazement.
“She made an entire storm!” Squeaked little Stewart excitedly.
“I have to say it all was pretty wicked.” Serena Fawcett said.
A murmur of agreement spread through the crowd.
“But are you alright Arcane?” Kevin Entwhistle asked. “You had quite a bit of blood on you.”
“I’m fine.” Arcane answered, “Madam Pomfrey fixed me up,” Arcane turned to Lisa, grasped her hand and began walking towards the stairs to the dorms “And I didn’t really get in trouble,” She patted Lisa’s hand reassuringly. “Just some scolding and a warning not to do it again.”
Lisa’s eyes began to water. “That’s good,” She sniffled, “I really thought you were in a lot of trouble because of me. Dumbledore was really angry.”
“What?” Arcane asked in surprise. Dumbledore had seemed so calm and humorful when he had spoken to her, she couldn’t imagine him angry.
“Yeah,” Padma nodded as they began up the steps. “He gave the Durmstrang headmaster such an earful that he looked as much of a school boy as his pupils.”
Arcane covered mouth to stifle a giggle.
“That’s why we were so worried about you.” Lisa agreed.
“Well like I said,” Arcane shrugged, “he was calm when I spoke to him, he didn’t say much, only asked me to not do it again.”
“What about the ball? Did he say you’d have to go home for the holiday’s or will you be staying like…” Padma faltered and gave an inquisitive look to Lisa.
“Oh I’ll be going to the bloody ball.” Lisa said determinedly. “I’m not letting all that,” she said gesturing towards the door, “Ruin it. I’ll walk in alone if I have to.”
“Oh stop, all three of us will be going.” Padma said flatly.
“Hey, don’t count me in yet, I still don’t have a dress.” Arcane reminded them. However, the girls looked at each other, smiled, then turned back to Arcane who eyed them warily.
“What?” Arcane asked.
“We were going to tell you at dinner.” Lisa squeaked excitedly. “But you weren’t there.”
“What are you talking about?” Arcane asked with a confused expression.
“You had a package come in before dinner.” Padma smiled.
Arcane’s eyebrows raised as she understood what they were implying, and immediately in a fit of giggles the girls rushed towards their room.
Arcane opened the door with such excitement and force, it made a loud BANG as it bounced off the wall. Causing MacDougal and Brockelhurst, who had been painting their toenails, to jump in fright.
“Bloody hell!” MacDougal snapped looking at the spot of nail polish that had stained the side of her toe. Though Arcane paid no attention to her as she rushed over to her bed, where Padma and Lisa had left a large square package, along with an owl who still had a letter in its beak.
“Mercedes!” Arcane cried happily as she stroked the owl.
“She didn’t let us take the letter so we let her inside until you could come and see.” Padma explained.
“Thanks.” Arcane nodded as she took the letter from the owls’ beak.
“If I find owl droppings on my things, I’ll have you clean them.” MacDougal warned as Arcane opened the letter and began to read mentally.
My sweet daughter,
I must admit that it saddens me that you did not ask for my help in such a matter. I may be a man though I assure you my taste in fashion is faultless. As you will see with this gown, that both Andromeda and I agree will accentuate the undeniable beauty you have.
Taking advantage of this letter I would like you to know that whatever you may ever need, I am here to give it to you, for I am your father. I do wish I had been a better one, I do wish things had been different and I had been there. I do wish that my last name would not bring you burden, for all of that I am sorry.
Though I am here now, and I plan to make up as much time as will be possible. Keep your head up high my love, let standing out be your strength.
I do hope this dress is to your liking,
Your father.
Arcane’s eyebrow twitched. It was a nice letter however she already knew her father had been in contact a lot more with Potter than he had been with her, so his apologies did not make Arcane as heartfelt as she was meant to be.
“Daddy to the rescue.” Arcane muttered under her breath.
“So are you going to open it?!” Lisa squealed.
Arcane folded the letter and began to open the package, which must have been spelled to not get wet, because even though the cream box with its intricate ivy design and gold ribbon was cold, it was not wet in the least.
Arcane pulled the ribbon, took off the top off and set it on the bed next to the bottom half of the box. Lisa and Padma moved closer to the bed, however, the dress was still covered in green tissue paper. Arcane proceeded to pull the paper back.
A gasp escaped the three girl’s mouths.
“Let us see the whole thing Arcane.” Padma said softly as she stared at the dress.
Arcane waved her hand “Wingardium Leviosa.” She said softly. Immediately the dress began to rise, revealing the beauty it truly was. It was A-line cut with a soft cowl neckline made of silk chiffon fabric, with a gradient of colors that reminded Arcane of an amethyst.
Behind it floated a shawl the same color as the lightest part of the gradient at the very bottom of the dress.
“It’s lovely!” Padma said.
“With a shawl too! Mine only has a silver belt.” Lisa mentioned.
Arcane smiled up at the dress, it was truly beautiful and she absolutely loved it. She loved it even more when she turned and saw MacDougal and Brockelhurst staring at it with mouths wide open.
Yet another chapter of Arcane's aventures. This time she sports battle wounds!Lets get into my comments:
1. What happens when 3 bulgarians fight a 14 year old girl? Dumbledore gets involved. So yeah, Arcane was rightfully pissed. What they did was wrong. But girl! Were you really going to fry him? Yes. Yes she was.😁
I don't condone violence, but... Yeah they deserved it.
2. Leta Lestrange mention! If you don't know who she is, watch fantastic beasts i guess. I only really involved her because I like the spell she used. But hey, a blast from the past for Mcgonagall.
3. Talking about McGonagall... Minny was quite proud. I'm sure she felt as though she had Sirius back in her office. We love You minny.
4. Cinderella time! Arcane has her dress thanks to father. I don't know how to better describe the dress... In my head it's beautiful but i couldn't find the words. If all fails just look on pinterest lol
My go to was: "whimsical purple gradient dress" whichever pretty one You like... Imagine that💕Anyway, that's all for this chapter. I hope you liked it! Leave a comment telling me what You think...
Чао чао!
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Arcane woke up the next few days with the feeling that a big weight had been taken off her shoulders. She stretched and smiled at her dress which laid upon the armchair next to her bed, knowing that now she wouldn’t have to be the only girl, fourth year and above, that would not assist the dance.
“I mean these people act as if they have never gone to a Christmas dance before!” Draco complained while slouching in the window seat as Arcane swept the abandoned bathroom Tuesday morning after breakfast. Myrtle looked at Arcane and did a dramatic eye-roll as Draco spoke. “My father has been invited to Christmas dinner by the Minister of magic himself, this school dance is nothing.” Draco sneered.
“I don’t know,” Arcane shrugged. “I think it actually sounds fun.”
“Didn’t you say that you didn’t want to go?!” Draco asked her.
“Maybe I changed my mind.” Arcane replied as she continued sweeping. Draco sat up and narrowed his eyes at Arcane.
“You got asked by someone didn’t you!”
“You don’t need to sound that surprised!” Arcane said giving him a quick glare.
“Who was it?” Draco asked.
“You mean, who were they ?” Arcane corrected slyly. Draco grimaced. “Who were they?” He repeated sarcastically.
Arcane shrugged. “Why do you want to know?”
“Just curious.” Draco replied.
Arcane narrowed her eyes at him. “Okay…” She continued sweeping. “I was asked by someone in my house and by a boy from Beauxbatons.”
Draco snorted and Arcane glared at him. “Who you ask then?” She snapped.
“Me?” Draco asked going a bit red in the cheeks. “I- I haven’t needed to ask!” He said quickly. “All the girls in my year expect me to go with one of them.”
“Oh.” Arcane said feeling a tug in her chest. “Good for you. Such variety.” She said sourly, giving a glance at Myrtle who floated above, looking fairly amused by the interaction.
“So which one of the two did you agree to go with?” Draco asked, not meeting Arcane’s eyes.
“I didn’t to agree to go with either one.” Arcane said not looking at him, though she could feel his glance.
“Why?” He asked softly.
Arcane pressed her lips into a line. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to go to the dance yet.”
“And you’re sure you’re going now?” Draco asked.
“Probably.” Arcane nodded as she formed the dust she had swept into a pile.
“W- Wi- Well the dance is probably going to be madly boring.” Draco said brushing his hair back with his hand.
“Then why are you going?” Arcane asked him as she leaned on her broom.
“W- well as pathetic as it may be, I did bring some awfully nice looking robes.” Draco muttered.
“Uh huh,” Arcane grunted as she felt the inside of her cheek with her tongue. “So you’re only going to the ball to use them?”
“R- right.” He nodded while scratching his ear. “But I couldn’t possibly go alone…” Arcane raised an eyebrow at him.
“A- and all the foreign girls are a bit fussy, especially those French ones. And the Slytherin girls well I-”
“Draco,” Arcane said smiling at the floor before looking up at him. “Can you just ask me already?”
Immediately Draco’s face turned pink. As Myrtle let out a quick surprised laugh.
“Wh- What? Ask you?!” Draco stammered. Arcane’s smile faltered and Myrtle clasped a hand over her mouth.
“As if I would go with you!” Draco said quickly. “You and I! At the ball together?!... As if I would go through such an embarrassment. My father would be livid!”
“Oh right your father.” Arcane muttered irritated.
“I mean, no offense to you, but I can’t. Perhaps your father being… well, who he is. You may not care. But mine would easily make me eat my wand if I caused him such an embarrassment of going to the dance… with you.” Draco let out a nervous laugh. “I mean the only worst thing I could do is go with a muggle-born.”
“Well good thing you won’t have to then!” Arcane snapped throwing the broom at Draco.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, blocking himself with his arm, then looking up at Arcane with a frown. “I- I didn- I’m s-”
“ Janal lu’tum !” Arcane called waving her hand toward him.
“AARGH!” Draco cried as all the dust Arcane had swept flew towards his mouth, as she stormed out of the bathroom.
“Stupid! Stupid ferret!” Arcane hissed as she stomped around at the top of the path that lead towards the green houses. “Me? An embarrassment? It’s not my fault he has his nose stuck up his father’s-” Arcane kicked a patch of snow angrily, then proceeded to grab a handful of it. “AAAARGH!” She shrieked as she threw the snowball, which missed Fred Weasley’s face by only a bit.
“Ha! You missed!” Fred laughed.
“I wasn’t aiming for you.” Arcane sulked.
“Don’t say you were aiming for me.” George said, peering from behind his brother.
“Uhhh, no. I wasn’t” Arcane said softly. George looked around. “What are you doing out here by yourself?”
“Um…” Arcane looked around as well. “Nothing really.”
“Well,” Fred said clapping his hands together, “We would love to accompany you in doing nothing, but we have to be on are way to er…” He glanced at his twin, “To pick up some things from the… You know what, you never mind. Let’s go Georgie.” Fred told him.
“Bye now.” George said patting Arcane on the head before the two twins made their way down the steep and slick trail.
Arcane let herself fall into the snow and put her hands over her face. Two people had asked her to the dance and she had said no because she didn’t have a dress. Now she had a dress and the person she had expected to ask her called her an embarrassment.
“Surely he’s going to end up going with Parkinson.” Arcane said sourly to herself. Then suddenly something hit her.
Quickly she got up from the snow and looked down the trail.
“Hey George!” She called out. The twins turned their heads to her as she began down the trail to them, though as if the day was trying to make a fool out of her, she stepped on a sheet of ice, which made her stumble down the steep hill in the most inelegant way possible.
“Bloody hell Arcane! Are you alright?” George asked rushing over to her as Fred bent over with laughter in the background.
“I’m fine,” Arcane said giggling as she took George’s offered hand to pull herself up and brushed the snow off of herself.
“You sure?” George asked clearly trying not to laugh.
“Yeah,” Arcane giggled. “But who are you going to the dance with?”
Fred became quiet behind them.
“Don’t know, why? You asking me to go with you?” He played.
“Depends, are you going to say yes?” Arcane asked.
George tapped a finger against his chin thoughtfully.
“Yeah, I’ll go to the dance with you.” George smiled.
“Really?” Arcane smiled back. George nodded.
“Great! Meet me at the grand staircase fifteen before the dance?”
“Brilliant.” George nodded.
“Okay,” Arcane agreed, her cheeks feeling a bit warm. “See you then.” She said backing away.
“You going to need help back up the hill Black?” Fred asked stepping at George’s side.
“No, I’m good thank you.” Arcane laughed as she waved goodbye. The twins waved back, then each went their separate ways, Arcane not seeing how Fred elbowed his brother excitedly as they went on.
“Ron Weasley?!” Lisa repeated in shock at lunch later that day.
“My sister begged me too,” Padma said glumly, “That way she can go with Harry Potter.”
“Well you should have said no!” Lisa cried.
“I couldn’t do that to her.” Padma said shaking her head. “She sounded so happy to go with pretty Potter, I had no choice but to get stuck with Weasley.”
“Hey, Ron’s not that bad.” Arcane said as she pushed the food on her plate around with her fork.
“Oh please!” Lisa longed. “He made himself boke up slugs once!” She said making a face of disgust. “I thought the only one who could go with him was Granger.”
“Nah, Hermione already has a date.” Arcane said, taking a bite of her food.
“What?” Padma and Lisa asked in unison.
“Really?” “Who?” They asked.
“Someone from…” Arcane paused, remembering who she saw with Hermione. “From Durmstrang.” Arcane finished. All the girls remained silent or a moment.
“Do you think…” Lisa began.
“No way,” Said Padma quickly, “Not all from that school can be…”
“Such idiots.” Arcane finished. “Not all of them could be idiots.” Arcane took a drink of pumpkin juice. “Or maybe they can, just not enough to do it in public like with you.”
“Oh so I get to have paint thrown on me, and Granger gets turned away in private?!” Lisa complained.
“You can’t say you wish for Granger to have gone through what you did, do you?” Padma asked.
Lisa slumped in her seat. “No.” She admitted, “But perhaps it’s for the best,” She gave a weak smile. “At least Arcane and I can still go together.” Arcane chocked on her food.
“Bloody hell!” Lisa spat, thumping Arcane on the back.
Arcane took a breath, then a slow sip of juice before setting down her cup. “You’re going to kill me.” Arcane said giving Lisa a sorrowful look.
“No…” Lisa groaned at the look on Arcane’s face. “Who is it? You better have not left me to go to the ball with someone who looks like the backside of a bloody Skrewt!”
Padma and Arcane gave each other a quick glance.
“Well…I don’t know if he looks like the backside of a Skrewt to you…” Arcane said slowly. “But, I’m going with George Weasley.”
“Weasley?!” Lisa snapped, looking back and forth between Padma and Arcane. “Well you don’t say, had you said something before I would have asked their younger sister. Then we could have all gone with a damned Weasley on our arms.” Lisa said sourly before sticking a large piece on fruit in her mouth.
“Oh Lisa, we’re sorry.” Padma said putting her hand on her shoulder.
“Oh it’s fine!” Lisa said glumly. “I’ll just be the only girl without a date.” She said stabbing her fork into her food.
“I wouldn’t be so sure my child.” Said a voice so close to Arcane and Lisa’s ears that thy jumped so high in their seats, the table shook.
“Oh!” Exclaimed Professor Trelawney. “Sorry dearies, perhaps I should have cleared my throat beforehand.”
“No worries Professor,” Padma said sopping up some spilled juice with a napkin. “You were saying?”
“Ah yes,” Professor Trelawney nodded, turning to peer at Lisa through her thick, round glasses. “The moon benefits you this week.”
“That’s right,” Arcane said remembering their planetary charts they turned in on Friday. However, she caught a whiff of Professor Trelawney’s’ perfume. Arcane couldn’t pinpoint all of the scents, yet she could smell juniper and a sort of sage. Her head suddenly felt a bit of center.
“There’s also a big influence of Venus on Christmas day…” Arcane said softly. She had wanted to keep speaking, however her vision blurred and her head felt so heavy it jerked back.
Many pictures flew quickly before her eyes, none of them lasting long enough for her to focus on where they were or who was in them. She saw snow, she heard laughing, a sinking feeling in her stomach, she saw glimpse of fairy lights.
“Are you cold?” She heard someone ask, but the music was too loud to recognize the voice and before she could look up to see who had spoken the image changed. Showing the last image of a small mistletoe plant.
Immediately Arcane felt her shoulder being shook.
“Arcane!” Lisa cried, looking worried, along with Padma as Professor Trelawney observed from behind.
Arcane blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes.
“What?” She asked.
“You just stopped mid-sentence then kept staring at us.” Padma explained. “You looked a bit frightening to be honest.”
“Oh,” Arcane said, “Sorry, I just uh… zoned out I guess.”
“Miss Black…” Professor Trelawney spoke up, the usual mystical sound from her voice, gone.
“Yes Professor?” Arcane asked.
“May I speak with you in the entrance hall for a moment, please?” She asked.
“Of course Professor.” Arcane responded getting up and quickly walking out of the great hall behind her divination teacher.
Once in the entrance hall Professor Trelawney gazed around warily, before looking back at Arcane.
“What did you see child.” She asked in a serious tone.
“What?” Arcane asked in surprise.
“You need not worry about telling me what you saw. I can sense you have a gift. Similar… But not quite like mine.” Trelawney looked Arcane up and down.
“What did you see child? Was it horrible? Devastating?” Trelawney asked.
“No!” Arcane said. “I- I didn’t see anything.” She lied.
How Professor Trelawney knew she lied Arcane didn’t know, but the minute Arcane had spoken, Trelawney shook her head.
“You do not trust me with your visions… Or perhaps you do not trust yourself. Perhaps you do not want to see,” Trelawney suggested, “However, this…” She touched the space between Arcane’s eyebrows, “It is opening and you will not be able to stop it. May you know if you ever need help with it I shall assist you.”
Arcane let out a nervous chuckle. “I don’t know what you mean, Professor.”
Trelawney continued to stare at the place of Arcane’s forehead where she had pointed. “I know well of how the students of this school laugh at my gift. I know many believe me nothing more than a mad old crone.” Trelawney adjusted her glasses. “However I have seen the omens of what is to come and you…” She pointed a bony finger at Arcane. “You coming here is not mere coincidence.”
Arcane felt the next day quite enjoyable, she had spent most of the morning with her Puffskein in the bathroom along with Myrtle, who found the creature ‘so cuteeee’ and watched how she would play, even though Wendigo could not truly touch her. Arcane laughed with a wide smile on her face, until Malfoy walked through the door.
Immediately Arcane gathered her things, not even giving him the chance to say more than “hey” before she was out and down the corridor.
Henceforth a game cat and mouse formed between her and Malfoy. He wasn’t exactly chasing her, but no matter where she went, it only took ten minutes before Malfoy showed.
Feeling annoyed and slightly trapped, Arcane thought it best to go outside. She had found a lovely spot, where Wendigo hopped happily through the snow and had been there at least Twenty minutes before Malfoy cleared his throat.
Arcane rolled her eyes and smacked her hand in the snow.
“No.” She said glaring at him, before picking up her Puffskein and stomping away.
“I’m trying to speak with you!” Malfoy snapped as he followed her.
“Well, I don’t care!” Arcane said not looking at him. “ I don’t want to speak to you !” She snapped.
“Why not?!” Malfoy asked, “You still angry about yesterday?”
“ Noo ,” Arcane said sarcastically. “I just looove being called a fricking embarrassment.”
“Oh please,” Draco scoffed. “You’re being dramatic.”
“Oh well, excuse me !” Arcane called back. “Sorry for getting mad at the fact that you insulted me.”
Arcane heard Draco let out a small groan and could feel him roll his eyes.
“Drop your attitude, you’re acting like every other stupid girl.” He said.
Arcane spun around quickly.
“Oh you mean the girls that don’t live up to your daddy’s expectations?” Arcane asked with a sarcastic smile. “The ones you couldn’t be caught dead with because it would be such an embarrassment , even though that girl is probably the only person that puts up with your bullcrap! Because she enjoys your company and not your stupid money?!”
Malfoy’s mouth opened and closed several times.
“I- I- M- My- My father…”
“Your father can eat Snallygaster poo for all I care Malfoy!” Arcane snapped. “And as for ‘dropping m attitude’… I say you should drop your stupid act and think before speaking!” Arcane turned to walk away but paused. “And while you at it, how about you pull that ‘Blood superiority’ stick out of your butt. Maybe then you wouldn’t be such an idiot.”
Draco gaped at her. “Y- Yo- You…”
“Send me an owl when you think of something to say, Ferret.” Arcane said coldly before continuing her way through the grounds. Instead of entering through the door she had come out of Arcane decided to walk around the entire castle to enter through the Entrance hall. She had just been about to go up the steps when suddenly a girl took a slip and slide down the stairs.
“Oh crap! Are you okay?!” Arcane said rushing over, trying not to laugh and failing at the same time.
“I’m okay, I’m okay! Did anyone see?” The girl said looking up and fixing her hat.
“Oh man, Claudette!” Arcane blurted out laughing. “I didn’t know-” Arcane broke out laughing again.
“Shut up!” Claudette hissed in embarrassment. “Did anyone see?” She asked again brushing snow off her dark blue cape coat.
“I saw,” Arcane giggled, “It was amazing.” Claudette whacked her hard on the arm. Which only made Arcane giggle more as she helped her up.
“I didn’t see you at lunch.” Claudette mentioned. Arcane shrugged.
“I grabbed something light on the way out here.” Arcane explained. “We both needed some roaming time.”
“We?” Claudette questioned. Arcane adjusted Wendigo in her arm and Claudette’s eyes widened in surprise.
“This is your pet?!” She squealed, taking the Puffskein in her hands. “He’s so small and fluffy! I thought he was a fur hand muff.” Wendigo blinked his beady eyes at her. “His name?” Claudette asked.
“Wendigo.” Arcane smiled. Claudette smiled back then looked at the Puffskein again. “Weeeeeenny!” She chimed. “Wenny woo!” The Puffskein wiggled excitedly.
“Are you going inside or do you have time for a walk?” Claudette asked.
“Uh…” Arcane thought for a moment. “We can walk; I just have to make sure he doesn’t get to cold.” She mentioned, nodding a the over happy Puffskein.
“Oh I’ll carry him if it comes to that.” Claudette said setting the Puffskein on the ground, then linking her arm though Arcane’s. “We need some time just you and me anyway.”
“So… How have you been?” Claudette asked as they walked through the snow, Wendigo jumping around before them. Disappearing in the snow then only reappearing due to the darkness of his beady eyes. “And I mean in all, since you know… Your mother.” Claudette finished.
Arcane sighed. She had avoided getting into detail about her mom and how she’d died. It wasn’t a painful death, Arcane imagined having she hadn’t been at home when her mother passed. But her mother had died in her sleep, according to Nadine, her mother’s caretaker.
“Well you know,” Arcane shrugged. “She got sick.”
“She was sick when we left.” Claudette frowned.
“Yeah well… It got worse. She just slowly stopped being her. Stopped using magic, stopped me from using anything magical during the summer. She kept the windows and doors locked and the curtains closed all the times and… well stuff like that.” Arcane told.
“Did she continue working?” Claudette asked, though she seemed to already know the answer.
“No.” Arcane said shaking her head. “She said we couldn’t trust the MACUSA. She said if she kept going they would send them to us.”
“Who’s them ?” Claudette asked.
“I’m not completely sure. Every time I asked she would say different people.” Arcane answered.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that Ness.” Claudette frowned, as she patted the arm Arcane had linked at the elbow with her own.
“It’s fine,” Arcane said quickly. “Anyway, how was it like moving back to France? Beauxbatons and all.”
It was Claudette’s turn to let out a sigh.
“To be honest it was quite awful at first, we stayed with my grandparents at first while maman found a house for us. But it was a nightmare!” Claudette shook her head. “You remember that my maman always said her and my grandfather couldn’t see each other because they would want to tear each other to shreds?” Arcane nodded.
“Well she wasn’t exaggerating.” Claudette sniffed. “My grandmother had to confiscate their wands.”
“Wow.” Arcane said raising her eyebrows.
“Yes wow.” Claudette chuckled, then frowned. “Beauxbatons wasn’t much better at first either. At Ilvermorny I always had too much of a French accent , and at Beauxbatons I was laughed at because my accent was to American .” She let out another sigh. “My magic was good, but according to the girls I was too loud, too outspoken, too impulsive.” Claudette rolled her eyes. “According to them I smiled too much, laughed too much and asked to many questions. I was pitiful because I could dance but not play an instrument. I could ride a broom but not a pegasi…”
“You guys ride pegasi?” Arcane asked abruptly.
“Of course they do!” Claudette groaned. “You think the pretty French school is going to lose the chance to ride giant pretty flying ponies?!”
“Y- You sounded so excited to be going when you left.” Arcane frowned.
“I was!” Claudette replied as she leaned her head on Arcane’s shoulder. “I mean it was my mother and father’s school, it was where they met and fell madly in love. A dancer and a musician who could actually do magic while preforming. They were both extremely popular and I was supposed to be too. My mother said people would look at me and go ‘Wow that’s Claudette Levett-Boudier’!” Claudette frowned. “But no. Quite the opposite actually.”
“What do you mean? Your group of friends seemed really surprised, when they figured out who your mom was.” Arcane mentioned.
“Yeah, that was nice and all. Except it wasn’t the first time they heard it.” Claudette said sourly.
“What?” Arcane asked confused.
“I mean I’ve told people before. Teachers have asked and I tell them, but then they just forget.” Claudette brushed a tear from her cheek. “The talent I have, isn’t enough to live up to my parents’ legacy. You get what I mean?”
“I can imagine.” Arcane nodded. Claudette took a deep breath.
“Anyway, on a happier note,” She smiled at Arcane. “You get a dress for the ball yet?” She asked in a very bad English accent.
Arcane laughed. “Actually I did. It arrived on Friday.”
“Oh how wonderful!” Claudette beamed. “Now all we have to do is get you a date… Hendrik is still available if you would like-”
“I already have a date.” Arcane blurted quickly. Claudette stopped and gawked at her with her eyes wide and mouth open.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Arcane said knitting her eyebrows. “You look creepy.”
“You didn’t even bother asking me for advice!” Claudette said clearly offended. “You would always tell me when you liked a boy! Remember when you liked that Hispanic No-Maj boy down the street?” Claudette squeezed Arcane’s arm.
“Yeah, the one you told me to throw a rock at to catch his attention?” Arcane reminded her. Claudette gave Arcane a quick glare. “It was a joke! I never thought you would do it.”
Arcane rolled her eyes.
“Anywaaaay…” Claudette longed. “Who is it? Is he handsome? Where did you meet? Same year? Same class? Do you like him? Or do you really like him?” Claudette asked, shimmying her shoulders at the last question.
Arcane tried to repress a smile. “He’s a friend of mine,” She answered, knowing that if she didn’t Claudette would keep asking. “His older than me, we met through… A friend.” Arcane finished.
“And?” Claudette asked wiggling her eyebrows at Arcane.
“And that’s it. I like him as a friend.” She answered.
Claudette nodded. “A friend date. The safest choice. I wish someone had accepted a friend date with Hendrik.”
“Why hasn’t he got a date?” Arcane asked. “He doesn’t seem like a bad guy.”
“Oh he’s not!” Claudette said immediately. “He’s really great, it’s just well… He’s a bit short to our liking.”
“He’s a good few inches taller than me.” Arcane said in Hendrik’s defense.
“Yeah well, you’re only fourteen.” Claudette mentioned. “Plus he’s really shy. I’m sure when he asked you it was only because you had spent the entire afternoon with us. He would panic if he asked a random girl and they rejected him.”
Suddenly an idea popped into Arcane’s head.
“What if he asked a girl who would a hundred percent say yes?”
Well this was a nice chapter... wasn't it? An array of things happened so lets jump into my comments...
1. Draco... you're an Idiot.🙄 I'm sorry, i had to say it. You fumbled big time. All you had to do was ask her!!! Oh well, thats family brainwashing and insecurities for you. 🪦RIP Arcane+Draco... nah, i'm joking, they still have a story, i promise.
p.s: Can someone help me come up with a ship name for Arcane and Draco? My sister keeps wanting to call the BlackDragon, but it doesn't really convince me.🤔🤔
2. Whoops... in the end Arcane was not asked to the dance, so she took matters in her own hands and asked Gerorge, who said yes! *cheering*🎉🎉
Honorable mention: Fred elbowing George excitedly, like can he be any more obvious!!
3. So... winter visions... how fun. Arcane has no idea what's going on, but Trelawney seems to... she even offers to help and arcane is like "nah mate, i'm good" GIRL! make things easier for yourself, PLEASE🤣
4. ARCANE AND CLAUDETTE LORE... a glimps of the backstory for these two girls. They needed to find eachother again, thats obvious. Your best friend moving away is a broken heart that never really mends, but add a dead mom on top of that? How are you still going Arcane?Anyway... hope you liked the chapter, feel free to comment, i always enjoy reading comments
see you in the next chapter, tootle-loo!
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“Lisa come on!” Arcane complained as she and Padma dragged Lisa to the great hall, just as they had to drag her out of bed and drag her to the washroom.
“Just push me down the stairs!” Lisa groaned. “I can’t bear the shame!” She said, clinging to the stair banister. “Ever since McGonagall announced the dance I imagined myself dancing in a beautiful dress in a beautifully decorated ballroom, with someone madly handsome, feeling like a bloody Scottish Cinderella. Now look at me!” She pretended to faint on the stairwell. “All alone, without a single prospect. Abandoned by my friends.”
Padma and Arcane smiled as they rolled their eyes, before peeling Lisa off the banister.
“Say,” Lisa said, putting her arms around her friends’ shoulders. “You think Mrs. Norris has a date?”
Arcane snorted with laughter as they entered the great hall.
They had just finished their food and Arcane had given the three of them some mints when Padma leaned close to her ear.
“So is prince charmant coming or what?” She whispered.
“Perhaps he needed a little encouragement before coming.” Arcane suggested. And as if on signal Madame Maxime walked into the Great hall, followed by what Arcane noticed was only half of the Beauxbatons students.
The group followed Fleur Delacour to the end of the table closest to the staff table, where Madame Maxime took a seat next to Dumbledore who had been enjoying his breakfast with Professor McGonagall.
Arcane watched as Dumbledore nodded toward her students and asked her something. Madame Maxime gave him a small smile and nodded to the door. Where just as Arcane turned, two Beauxbatons boys, and a girl made bright blue sparks fly out of their wand and rain down over the tables.
All the heads turned towards the door to see the three French students part, allowing a pair of Beauxbatons girls to enter dancing with long pale blue ribbons. Both girls looking incredibly elegant and majestic as they spun and cartwheeled all the way to where Arcane, Padma and Lisa were sitting.
Once the two girls reached Lisa, one of them being Claudette who gave Arcane a quick wink before her and her dancing partner tugged at their ribbons, transforming them into a kaleidoscope of blue butterflies.
Lisa, along with many other students gasped in awe. While the two Beauxbatons dancers gestured to the door. Which was now filled with Hendrik riding upon a speckled white stallion.
“Oh my god!” Arcane said covering her mouth in disbelief.
“Meez Liza Tor’peen!” Hendrik called as he came nearer. Lisa’s eyes widened at the mention of her name, and everyone in the hall looked at her.
Once Hendrik dismounted Arcane noticed he held a small bouquet of flowers.
“Meez Liza, we ‘av not ‘ad the chanz to meet. Tho’ I ‘av been tol’ about your undenia’bol beauty, your allureen intelligence and your presious ‘art.” Hendrik reached and grasped Lisa’s hand, then gave it a small kiss. “I would be ‘onored if you would go wif me to zee boll.” Hendrik held out the flowers and glanced at Lisa expectantly, as well as everyone else in the hall.
Lisa slowly took the flowers from him and smelled them.
“Well I’m not mad enough to say no,” She said with a small laugh. “Of course I’ll go with you!”
Applause erupted throughout the hall from all houses, except slytherin, and even the staff table chortled.
“Ride out!” Called pair of voices from the Gryffindor table. Where Arcane saw the Weasley twins rallying the other Gryffindor’s.
“Ride out! Ride out! Ride out!” Soon the entire hall was cheering. Hendrik whispered something in Lisa’s ear which made her flush red, yet she nodded. Afterwards Hendrik swept her off her feet and placed her on the horse, causing a great amount of cheering from everyone, as he mounted and together they rode out the hall.
His friends at the door causing blue sparks to rain once more as the exited.
Arcane looked around noticing that Dumbledore was laughing along with Professor McGonagall and Madame Maxime, who in Arcane’s opinion looked prettier when she laughed.
“I thought you said he was shy!” Padma laughed as she looked at the sparks.
“That’s what I was told!” Arcane laughed as well, while Claudette rushed closer. “What did you do to him?!” Arcane asked her.
“Luciana spiked his water with Brew of dauntlessness.” Claudette laughed. “It was only supposed to be a drop or so to take away his shyness, but she’s heavy handed.”
“You wouldn’t say!” Padma laughed.
“ Oye tia !” The second dancer girl laughed, while feigning offense. “It waz not my f’olt! I told ‘eem I waz going to only put a drop, but hee took de bottle an’ bottoms up like it was a maldita cerveza !” She giggled.
“I would pay a handful of galleons to see his face when that brew wears off.” Padma said smiling and shaking her head.
“He’s going to be mortified.” Claudette giggled.
“Yeah but at least he got a date.” Arcane nodded.
“Cheers to that.” Claudette nodded as the four girls grabbed a cup and clinked them together.
Padma insisted Arcane that they should do a large part of their homework for the holidays that same day, to not have to worry about falling behind tomorrow. Which was something Arcane would not usually think about on Christmas day, much less when it was the same day as the ball, however, the way the mind of Padma worked was a great mystery to Arcane. So she agreed, and followed Padma back to Ravenclaw tower to fetch their books, hoping not to keep Parvati and Lavender, Padma’s sister and friend, waiting too long. Since they had agreed to study with them. Lisa was still nowhere to be seen.
Padma and Arcane giggled on their way up, imagining what Lisa would say when she reappeared, however Arcane’s smile failed once she entered their room and caught sight of her bed.
“Oh no…” Padma whispered, seeing the same thing as Arcane. On top of the bed lied what seemed like an expensively wrapped shoebox, and some smaller wrapped gifts. Though the only thing could focus on was the bright scarlet envelope on top of everything.
“I guess they told your aunt then.” Padma announced. Arcane gulped. “Might as well open it,” Padma suggested. “I mean it’s already happened, it’s just a late scolding.”
Arcane knew that in a way she was right. Dumbledore had already forgiven her, she had a dress, and she was going to ball. It was not like she was actually in trouble anymore.
She nodded and approached the bed, Padma on the other hand stayed near the door and covered her ears as Arcane opened the letter.
Andromeda’s voice blasted so loud throughout the room Arcane covered her ears as well.
Arcane heard Ted’s voice emerge from the howler as well.
-GIVE THEM HELL NESS! – Called a voice in the background of the letter, which Arcane recognized as her father's.
-YOU SHUT IT! – Andromeda cried, surely at Sirius.
Arcane heard her uncle let out a loud laugh in the background.
Arcane heard her dad and uncle laugh, then suddenly a loud amount of barking.
-GET OFF MY BLOODY SOFA! – Andromeda screamed before the howler went silent.
Padma and Arcane stared at each other.
“Is it over?” Padma asked warily.
“I don’t know.” Arcane answered, uncovering her ears slowly. “The normally burn up don’t they?”
Then suddenly the howler made the sound of someone clearing his throat, and Arcane recognized her uncle’s voice, though not quite as loud as before.
-I hope this thing is still working- He mumbled. –Anyway, Happy Christmas Ness. Sorry about Dromeda’s howler. She’s never liked dueling in school. So please, try not to get into anymore spats, for mine, hers and er… The dogs’ sake.
We miss you loads. Send more chocolate frogs when you can please. –
Then, quickly before it would catch flame, Arcane knocked the envelope onto the floor, where it burned up, leaving only a small pile of ashes.
“Well that was something.” Arcane laughed.
“Your family’s a bit…” Padma began.
“Enthusiastic?” Arcane offered.
“You could say that.” Padma giggled. As did Arcane.
After Arcane escaped the overly intense studying Padma was putting her through, she decided to put her Christmas prank into action. She had gotten the idea shortly after she met the twins, having that the idea had somewhat been theirs Though Arcane thought it a good idea to enjoy to trying it out a bit before bestowing it upon Fred and George Weasley.
So with a smile, she pulled out a large bag of mints from her Potli purse and began handing them out.
“Here you go,” “Merry Christmas,” “Give some to your friends,” “Take one more,”
Arcane smiled as students older and younger than her took the mints. She was making her way through the fourth floor when she bumped into the Weasley twins.
“Hello Miss Black,” Said Fred smoothly.
“Hello boys.” Arcane answered slyly.
“Whatcha’ doin’?” Played George. Arcane smiled at him sweetly.
“I’m handing out peppermints, I made them myself.” She smiled. “It’s uh… An American tradition.”
“Oh how nice!” George smiled. “We were about to take these creams up to the Gryffindor common room.” He showed the basket of creams to Arcane.
“They smell delicious!” Arcane said, catching the vanilla scent.
“Would you like one?” Fred offered, a bit too kindly. Arcane eyed him. “Only if you take a couple peppermints.” She insisted.
“Of course!” Fred agreed, grabbing a pair of mints. “But you must try a cream and tell us what you think. I ‘ve been wondering if they need a bit more sugar.”
“I was wondering the same thing!” Arcane mentioned. “Can you try one for me please?” She said pointing at the mints.
“Don’t mind if I do!” Fred said enthusiastically. Though both parties watched each other as they popped the food into their mouths.
Immediately Arcane felt as if she had been shrunken, then when she flailed her arms she noticed they were no longer there, she only portrayed two bright yellow wings.
She tilted her head just in time to see Fred breathing fire before she transformed back into herself. Landing hard on her behind, while George roared with laughter.
Fred coughed up some smoke then looked at Arcane with watery eyes.
“Pepper breath mints.” Arcane told him, wincing slightly as she rubbed her hip. Fred nodded.
“Canary creams.” He said wiping his mouth.
Arcane winced and gave him a thumbs up. “Good one.”
“Same.” Fred laughed offering her a hand to help her up, while George wiped his tears due to laughter.
Between studying and being turned into a canary, Arcane felt dead tired. All she wanted to do was throw herself in bed and sleep until the next day. Which she did right after dinner. Though for no reason specifically Arcane awoke a little after midnight, with the strongest urge to go to the bathroom she had ever felt. She slipped out of bed, leaving her curtains closed so no one would notice she was gone and made her way out of the bathroom and to the fifth floor bathroom. Where she took her sweet time, since she surely did not want to make another trip down.
She made her way back, singing her favorite Weird Sister’s song under her breath, and had been about to push open the common room door, which she had left open with a slim book, when she heard voices.
“Padma! Padma ar’yu der?” Asked a woman’s voice with an Indian accent. “Padma!”
“I am here amma!” Padma’s voice chimed as Arcane heard her coming down the steps from the dorm. Arcane pushed the door a crack to be able to peak in. What she saw was an interesting sight.
There were two heads floating in the fire place. One of a woman who had such a resemblance to Padma, Arcane had no doubt it was her mother., and an equally aged man who seemed to be her father. Padma went close to the fire and sat down, her knees under her.
“We ‘av heard dat tom’arrow iz de dance.” Padma’s mother smiled, however Padma did not.
“We ‘av just finished speaking with yor’ sister! Haz she told you ‘oo she iz goin wit?” Padma’s mother glanced excitedly at her husband. “Wit ‘Arry Potter!”
“I know.” Padma said sourly.
“Yes, yes. Yor’ Appa and I are so happy.” The mother continued paying no attention to Padma. “We knew dat Parvati would ‘av such luck. Like yor’ nani said. You will get the good husban’ but Parvati will get the rich one!” Her mother let out a sweet laugh.
“Potter is more than only rich amma.” Padma began.
“Yes! He is famous an’ well known.” Padma’s father chimed in. “I cannot wait to get to work an’ tell everyone my beta was invited to a dance by ‘Arry Potter!”
“That reminds me!” Padma’s mother quipped sweetly. “You must give the golden Jhumkas to Parvati.”
“But I was going to wear the golden ones,” Padma responded sadly.
“Yes, but you ar’ not goin’ to the dance with a champion.” Padma’s father retorted.
“Yor’ appa is right.” Her mother said quickly. “You may wear the golden Jhumkas ano’der day. Be sure to give them to Parvati and you can wear her silver ones.”
“I don’t want to wear the silver ones.” Padma said, clenching her fists. “I am also going to the dance! And nani gave me her golden jhumkas! Me, not Parvati.”
“Padma,” Her mother hissed. “Compose yourself. We know you are also going, but who ar’ you goin’ with?”
Arcane saw Padma take a shaky breath.
“Ron Weasley.” Padma said flatly. Her parents looked at each other.
“Weasley?” Her father asked. “As in Arthur Weasley?”
“I suppose.” Padma muttered.
“Rohan,” Padma’s mother began, turning to her husband. “Was he not ‘de one ‘oo crashed the flying automobile?”
“Padma!” Her father snapped. “Why would you go to a dance wit’ such a boy?!”
Padma clenched her night gown. “Parvati wanted me to.”
“Why would your sister want such a thing?” Padma’s mother asked.
“Because Potter wanted a partner for his friend.” Padma hissed. “Ron Weasley is Harry Potter’s best friend after all.”
Padma’s father let out what seemed a phrase of annoyance, however Arcane did not understand Hindi.
“’Arry Potter is not friends with that boy! He is much to respectable to be around someone who caused such trouble with an automobile!” Padma’s mother insisted.
“You ‘av no idea how long it took us to adjust all ‘de muggles memories!” Her father quipped.
“And you seem to have no idea that Harry Potter was also in that car!” Padma snapped.
“Yes, but the car was owned by the Weasley boy’s father, no?” He mother asked.
“Both boys got detention!” Padma insisted.
Padma’s father quickly snapped something Arcane did not understand, however Padma flinched.
“It iz enough. I wish to speak of ‘dis no mor’.” The man said sternly. “You will give Parvati yor’ nani jhumkas, an’ you will wear the silver ones. Correct?”
Arcane could see tears beginning to form in Padma’s eyes.
“Yes appa.” Padma said softly.
Then with a nod and a quick goodnight from her mother, the two heads in the fire place disappeared with a pop. Leaving Padma alone in the common room, wiping her eyes.
Arcane didn’t come out from behind the door, she had a feeling in her gut that Padma would most likely be offended rather than grateful if Arcane attempted to comfort her in this moment. So she sat still until Padma got up and made her way back up to the dorm room. However, a new sympathy for Padma, grew inside Arcane’s heart. Even more so, when she slipped silently into her dorm room, only to hear Padma sobbing softly from behind her bed curtains.
Arcane woke up that morning to something licking her face. With a muffled grunt she opened her eyes to see Wendigo peering at her.
“How did you get in here?” She asked herself, as she shifted to pet her Puffskein. Which brushed against her hand enthusiastically. “Merry Christmas,” Arcane chuckled softly, grabbing her wand and conjuring a small holly reef on top of her pets’ head.
“Happy Christmas!” Lisa said happily as she sat on the floor covered in wrapping paper.
“Happy Christmas.” Padma said with a smile, although Arcane noticed her eyes were slightly puffy. Arcane nodded at her, then began working on opening her own presents.
The boxes that had come with Andromeda’s howler, held a pair of kitten heels, along with silver earrings and a note.
Happy Christmas love,
I saw these and thought they would suit you most perfectly with the dress your father chose. I do hope you like them, as well as the bracelet. Courtesy of your Uncle ted.
Much love and happy holidays!
P.S: Your father forgot to mention that the shawl of the dress is spelled to always keep you warm. So do not bother putting anything on top of your dress, please!
Arcane showed the gifts to Wendigo as she unwrapped them, telling him who they were from as she did.
“Sweets from Tonks… A book from Hermione,” Wendigo sneezed on the book. “Ugh!;” Arcane giggled as she continued to the other presents. “A bag of reusable snowballs from Fred… Oh look this one’s from George.” Arcane said excitedly as she opened the package to find a chunky homemade blue sweater with a very crooked ‘A’ on the front.
With a confused expression Arcane read the note attached to the sweater.
Happy Christmas Arcane,
Homemade jumpers are a family tradition my mum does for us, and having you said this is your first Christmas without your mum, I figured you’d like something homemade rather than bought. So… it may not be pretty but I did my best.
Hope you like it!
“What is that?” MacDougal asked, leaning up I her bed and rubbing her eye sleepily as she gestured the sweater.
Padma and Lisa glanced over as well.
Arcane stared at the sweater, her cheeks a bit pink, her eyes slightly watery, yet a smile stretched from ear to ear.
“It’s my new favorite sweater.” She said, slipping the garment over her head.
“It’s freezing!” Squealed Lisa as they crossed the grounds towards the Beauxbatons carriage. Arcane had wanted to give Claudette her gift personally and since MacDougal was parading around the Ravenclaw common room, showing off her ridiculously expensive gifts, Lisa and Padma had decided to join Arcane.
“Walk a bit faster Lisa!” Padma insisted. “You’re going to sli-Oh!” Padma shrieked as Lisa slipped on a sheet of ice and pulled Padma to the ground along with her.
Arcane laughed as she helped them to their feet and they continued their path.
Once they reached the large blue carriage Arcane knocked, quickly there was a sound of movement inside, yet no one answered. Arcane knocked again.
This time the powder blue door flung open, and a girl wearing a paper crown appeared.
“Ah! Nesreen!” She said in a heavy accent, before turning her head inside. “Claudette!” She called before calling something else in French. “Moment please,” She smiled at Arcane as she disappeared behind the door. A few moments later Claudette appeared, looking quite joyous and a little flushed.
“Nesrin!” She squealed happily as she hopped down the steps and hugged Arcane. “Happy Christmas!” She said planting a kiss on each of Arcane’s cheeks. “To both of you too!” Claudette said, repeating the gesture to both Lisa and Padma, who seemed less surprised from the gesture than Lisa, who touched her cheek in surprise.
“You should have come last night!” Claudette chirped. “You would have enjoyed Le Réveillon.”
“It didn’t cross my mind,” Arcane shrugged with a smile. “But I brought you a present.” Arcane held up her small package.
“Really?” Claudette asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
“Well, the thing isn’t new, but I figured you may want it.” Arcane mentioned.
Claudette ripped the package open enthusiastically, then gasped. “Ness!” She said in amazement as she unraveled the large piece of fabric. Which held the design and colors of Pukwudgie house, from Ilvermorny school.
“You left it behind when you moved away,” Arcane explained, “I didn’t want to get rid of it, so I kept it, but now you’re here I figured you may want it back.”
“Oh I love it!” Claudette smiled. “Thank you so much! Let me go get your gift.” Claudette turned to rush back inside the carriage, then paused abruptly and turned slowly back to the three girls. “Would you like to come inside?”
“Yes!” Squeaked Lisa and Padma in unison before Arcane could open her mouth. Claudette smiled and held the door open for them to pass.
Immediately as they entered Padma and Lisa gasped, looking amazed by the interior. However Arcane noticed how different it looked from when she had first entered. There were fairy lights, which unlike the No-Maj decorations that used electricity, this meant that bright fairies flew about. Along with a large Christmas tree, which was heavily decorated with an assortment of things, though Arcane noticed, that even though she could clearly hear the sounds of gift being opened, there were no gifts under the tree.
“Everyone grab theirs and run?” Arcane played as she gestured the tree.
“What?” Arcane asked looking confused, then something dawned on her. “Oh! It’s that in France we don’t put gifts under the tree.”
“I imagine they would be at the foot of everyone’s bed like up at the castle.” Padma supposed.
“Well yeah, normally at Beauxbatons school they do that, but since we’re so little here, we decided to do something more traditional.” Claudette smiled and gestured everyone into the room Arcane had waltzed with Madame Maxime. The girls peeked in and noticed that everyone was in their opening their multitude of gifts which all seemed to sit in front of the lit fireplace and on top of pairs of shoes.
“Madame Maxime!” Claudette called at her headmistress who to Arcane’s surprise was smiling widely as the small child, which Arcane knew was Fleur Delacour’s little sister, showed Madame Maxime her new Christmas toys. Madame Maxime turned her head towards the four girls and her eyebrows raised slightly. Claudette said something quickly in French and Madame Maxime nodded, gesturing Arcane to come closer.
Lisa and Padma followed her, looking warily as they tiptoed through the piles of wrapping paper.
“ Joyeux Noël , Madame directrice .” Arcane greeted. As Lisa and Padma mumbled, “Happy Christmas.” From behind her.
Madame Maxime eyed Arcane slowly, then a large smile appeared across her face, making the red in her cheeks highly visible.
“Datz righ’” Madame Maxime said before taking a sip of what Arcane assumed was wine. “I like yu’.” She hiccupped. “ Bonnes fêtes ! To ‘ol of yu’!” She said waving her cup at Padma and Lisa. Arcane turned to ask Claudette how much has Madame Maxime had to drink, though she was nowhere to be seen.
“Yu’ will be ‘oing to dee bol’?” Madame Maxime asked Arcane.
“Yes, Madame.” Arcane nodded.
“Good, ‘ood, good, ‘ood.” Madame Maxime giggled.
“Madame,” squeaked a small nymph, appearing out of nowhere, causing Lisa to squeal and Padma to flinch as they both stared intently at the creature. Who called to Madame Maxime again. This time the Headmistress turned and listened to what the nymph had to say.
“ah!” Madame Maxime nodded, turning to Arcane and the girls. “My bath iz ‘redee.” She sighed and got up. “I must wash den must zleep befo’ zee bol’.” She sat down her glass of wine which immediately tipped over and broke. “Oh!” Madame Maxime exclaimed in surprise.
“ Reparo ,” Arcane said softly as she waved her hand, causing the glass to reform as if nothing had happened.
“ Merci ,” Madame Maxime said, extending her arm and patting Arcane on the cheek with softly, yet with such unintentional force Arcane felt she had been hit with a pillow.
Claudette’s gift ended up being only makeup that Arcane knew that Claudette had never come around to use, surely because she had too much of it. Yet Arcane could not complain, they were brand new and Claudette said they were all spelled to make sure one’s makeup looked perfect every time it was applied. Which, in Arcane’s opinion, would be insanely helpful. Along with that she given Arcane two bottles of special hair mousse that, like the makeup, would make her hair always look perfect. Naturally she offered one to Padma and Lisa for them to use for the ball, while she put the rest into her Potli purse.
“Do you think this could make my hair look like Ariel’s?” Lisa asked.
“Ariel?” Padma said confused as they began their way back to the castle.
“The lass from the little mermaid, y’know? That ginger one.” Lisa explained. “Arcane knows who I mean.”
“Yeah,” Arcane nodded. “That movie where the mermaid trades her legs to be with the human she loved.” Arcane stared at Padma waiting for her to answer, yet she only looked confused. “The remake of Hans Christian Anderson?” Arcane offered. “Where she ends up turning into sea foam because the prince married someone else.”
Padma shook her head. “It sounds like the young siren, however the one who died in the end was the lover.”
Lisa and Arcane glanced at each other and shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter, you’ll look great.” Arcane assured her.
“Hey look, the Weasley’s are over there,” Lisa pointed. “Why don’t you go say hello to your date Padma?”
Padma’s face saddened slightly as she glanced over at the Weasley’s whom seemed to be having a snowball fight with Potter as Hermione granger watched.
“I’ll see enough of him tonight.” Padma said flatly as she trudged through the snow, up to the castle. In the distance George caught Arcane’s eye and waved.
Arcane returned the gesture and pointed out the new sweater she was wearing. A smile grew across George’s face and even in the distance Arcane noticed his pink ears. Though she thought nothing of them due to the cold. Little did she know, how deep George Weasley had blushed, before being pounded by three different snowballs.
I'm glad to say we have ended the chapter on the day of the Yule ball! Man I love the yule ball.
speaking of the Yule Ball... LISA GOT ASKED! Go Hendrik! Just imagine getting asked to the ball by a guy on a horse then riding away together. Lisa is really living the dream😭💖 You deserve this babe, enjoy it!
- Arcane got a Howler... yeah, we saw that coming didn't we?🙄 But go Ted for trying to hide the news from Andromeda, A for effort lol
- Not Arcane and Fred pranking eachother🤣🤣 They both knew something was going to happen yet still pulled through, love them for that.
- So... Padma has family issues... clearly. Nothing we can really due about that. A moment of silence for all the overlooked children out there, we give you our strength❤️🩹
- GEORGE MADE ARCANE A SWEATER!!!😭💖💖 i can't, sooo cuuuuteee!! No one will ever appreciate this moment as much as I do and thats fine. But the boy has taaaasteeee, such a sweet thing to do. I GW we trust!anyway... that's it for this chapter, hope you liked all the fluff, leave a comment, i would love to read what you think!
See you next chapter, Mar sin leat!
Hello everyone, we are past the midway point of the story now! After the ball things shall begin to pick up the pace.
So Please enjoy! Don't forget to COMMENT, i would love to know what you think so far!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
“I don’t know Myrtle; I’m feeling nervous now.” Arcane said as she paced in front of the abandoned bathrooms mirror.
“Oh please!” Myrtle teased as she sat, or rather floated, above one of the many sinks. “You look absolutely stunning! I wish I could go to the ball.” She continued glumly.
“I wish you could too,” Arcane agreed as she readjusted a pin in her hair. Just as advertised, the mousse had given her the hair she imagined. Normally it was somewhat curly, however, tonight it was smooth and sleek, falling perfectly straight past her shoulders, looking so glossy you’d think she had drenched it in oil, though to the touch it was as soft as flower petals.
“Are you and Draco still having your spat?” Myrtle asked.
Arcane’s stomach flipped a bit, the thought of Draco Malfoy had not crossed her mind the last few days, and now she would most surely see him at the dance.
“I guess so,” Arcane said plainly “He never did apologize.”
“He said he tried.” Myrtle mentioned.
“What?” Arcane asked, putting on a bit of perfume.
“He said he tried to speak with you yet you kept avoiding him.” Myrtle added lazily.
“Well maybe I wouldn’t avoid him, if he thought twice before saying such stupid things.” Arcane snapped, Myrtle eyed her as she regained her composure.
“Look,” Arcane continued, “I really don’t want to think of Draco right now. I waited too long to know if I was going to the dance or not, so I’m going to go and enjoy myself.” Arcane took a breath. “I’ll come and see you once it’s over, okay?”
Myrtle frowned, the reality of her not being allowed at the dance, dawning on her once more.
“Myrtle…” A voice said from above, causing both girls to flinch. Arcane looked up to see the Gryffindor ghost, Sir Nicholas.
“Are you bothering this young girl?” The Gryffindor ghost asked, turning to Arcane. “I heard voices from outside, and all us ghosts know Myrtle can be quite… sensitive around festive times.”
“Oh no!” Arcane said quickly, remembering that she had forgotten to put up a spell to make the bathroom seem empty from the outside. “I came to see Myrtle before the ball.” Arcane explained, “She’s a friend of mine.”
Both ghosts looked slightly taken aback by this statement. Myrtle looking as if she would cry from happiness as Sir Nicholas looked utterly confused.
“W- Yes, w-well I suppose I’ll leave you two girls alone then.” He stammered. “Evening, and Happy Christmas.”
Arcane looked over to Myrtle. “You won’t get in trouble for me seeing you will you?” Arcane asked.
“Of course not!” Myrtle said quickly as she blinked quickly behind her glasses. “Not much they can do, I’m already dead. But you!” She pointed at Arcane. “You are very much not dead, so go enjoy your ball and tell me about it later.”
With a smile Arcane nodded and after a quick wave good bye, she wrapped her shawl around her and made her way out.
The loud sound of people talking flooded all the way up the stairs, having that already most of the school was waiting in the entrance hall. Arcane began to feel nervous as she descended the grand staircase. Wondering how she would find her date through such a crowd. She decided to stand still and search the multitude from above. She spotted Padma right away in her bright turquoise gown, looking stunning, though unlike her sister, Padma looked very unhappy with her date. Who, in Arcane’s opinion, looked as if he were wearing a dress as well.
Lisa was at the far end, seeming to be speaking rapidly with Hendrik, who was very pink in the face, but smiling nonetheless. MacDougal had a firm grasp on Kevin Entwhistle’s arm as they talked to Mandy Brockelhurst, who seemed very happy with the Hufflepuff boy at her side.
“Look at you!” Called a voice up the steps, behind Arcane. She turned to see the Weasley twins, both looking quite fetching in their dress robes.
“Well don’t you clean up nicely.” Mentioned Fred who had on his arm, Angelina Johnson. As far as Arcane knew she was a Gryffindor Quidditch player, but she had never noticed how beautiful she was.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” Arcane replied, “but I think Angelina’s too pretty for you.”
Angelina smiled. “His humor helps him loads.” She said squeezing Fred’s arm and giving him a playful wink. Arcane laughed and took George’s arm which he had extended out for her, and they began to make their way down the steps.
Before Arcane got off the last step George stopped her.
“Here, I have these for you.” He said pulling a small bouquet of flowers out of his sleeve like a No-Maj magician.
“Oh thank you!” Arcane smiled in surprise as she took the flowers. Which once in her grasp, let out a small variety of fireworks that exploded above her in an assortment of colors. Which caused some smiles and a lot of nasty looks from other girls.
One of them being from Pansy Parkinson who, like Arcane imagined, was clutching Malfoy’s arm as if there was no tomorrow. Draco on the other hand stared, quite tight lipped at Arcane and the fireworks, before tugging on Parkinson with a quick, “Let’s go.”
“How come I didn’t get any flowers?” Angelina asked Fred as she swatted him playfully on the chest.
“I didn’t know we were being extremely gallant gentlemen tonight.” Fred teased, though the tips of his ears were pink.
When the doors to the great hall opened Arcane immediately went to follow the crowd inside, however George stopped her.
“Hold on, we need to wait for Lee.” He explained.
“Oh,” Arcane nodded, realizing she had completely forgotten about Lee Jordan and who he could possibly be going with.
Yet, when he appeared through the crowd, waving at the twins with a pretty girl on his arm, Arcane couldn’t help but smile of excitement.
“Claudette!” Arcane squealed excitedly as she moved forward to embrace her friend.
“You look amazing!” They said to one another in unison.
“You two know each other?” Lee asked in surprise.
“Well she had to know someone from Beauxbatons,” Angelina told him, “remember the time she entered dinner walking next to their headmistress?”
“Mhm, that’s right!” Fred agreed. “Black was a real topic up in the common room that night.”
“B-but how? I mean I’ve seen you speaking at the Ravenclaw table but-” Lee continued as they all made their way into the great hall. “You meet at the welcoming feast or…?”
“Oh no!” Claudette laughed. “We’re basically sisters!” A confused look rippled among the small group.
“Our mothers were friends.” Arcane explaining. “We all lived together for long time back in America.”
“Ooh I would like to hear about that,” Said Lee stopping at a table and pulling out a chair for Claudette.
“As would I.” Angelina added as she sat down. George held Arcane’s seat out and offered to take her shawl, which he draped on the back of his seat.
“Thank you.” Arcane smiled at him as he took his seat next to her. Claudette answered Lee and Angelina’s questions about the school of Ilvermorny. Both Fred and George chiming in with their own questions from time to time.
“Well, Ness was there longer than I was.” Claudette said as an answer to one of Lee Jordan’s questions about wandless magic. “So I suppose hers is a bit better, but yeah, all students by the end of third year should know defensive and offensive wandless magic.” Claudette looked down at her menu that was laid on the table.
“No wonder Black’s magic looked so different.” Lee Jordan, who was already eating pork chops, said in amazement.
“What do you mean her magic looked different?” George asked.
“Oh that’s right!” Angelina said covering her mouth which had a hot piece of roasted potato. “You two weren’t there.”
“Well I’d like to know what we missed.” Fred said leaning forward.
“It was horrible!” Said Claudette
“It was amazing!” Lee said at the same time. Claudette glared at him and he smiled sheepishly.
“I meant it was amazing the way Black blasted them.” He corrected.
“Blasted?!” Fred asked curiously.
“Who you blast?” George turned and asked Arcane.
Arcane filled them in on what had happened, which made both the twins and Lee Jordan smile devilishly.
“Wicked.” The twins said.
“It was not!” Angelina scolded even though she was smiling. “Your friend must have felt distraught.” Angelina said to Arcane who was looking at her menu.
“Oh she was fine,” Arcane said lightly. “She was more worried about me getting expelled than anything else.”
George choked on his drink. “You almost got expelled?!”
“Of course not.” Arcane laughed. “I just got scolded, no big deal.” She said waving her hand.
“Still, it was awful what they did.” Angelina said, pausing to take a sip from her cup as Arcane ordered a bowl of quail soup. “What they did to Black’s muggle-born friend was surely influenced by hat happened at the Quidditch cup.” Angelina finished.
Arcane’s ears perked up as she blew on her soup.
“What happened at the world cup?” Arcane asked. Everyone in the group turned to look at her.
“What do you mean what happened? It was all over the news!” Claudette told her.
“I don’t watch the news.” Arcane shrugged.
“Not that news,” Lee Jorden quipped. “The paper! It was in The Daily Prophet.”
Arcane shrugged. “Can we get on to what happened?”
“A muggle family was attacked.” Angelina said soft enough so only their side of they could hear. “By Deatheaters .”
“What?!” Arcane asked in surprise.
“Yeah,” Fred nodded. “The family that looked after the camping site where the cup was, they had them floating in the air like puppets, all twitching and warped.” Arcane covered her mouth in disgust. Though this news tickled something in the back of her brain, as if she somehow already knew it.
“You’re kidding,” She hoped.
“Not at all,” George said, shaking his head. “We saw it with our own eyes.” He gestured to his brother. “They set the tents ablaze and we had to go hide in the forest, Ginny was bawling her eyes out.”
“That sound terrible!” Arcane said.
“It was.” Fred nodded.
Everyone remained silent, slowly eating their food. Arcane who hadn’t begun to eat because she found her soup to hot, decided it was a good moment to try a bit. She grabbed her spoon, but once it was in her hand it transformed into a large pale worm. With a squeal Arcane let go, therefore dropping it into her soup, causing a slosh of it to spill out onto her dress.
“Oi calm down,” George said quickly before Arcane stood up in horror. “It’s fake. See?” He grabbed the worm and squeezed it, which’s reaction was turning back into a golden spoon.
Arcane gave a hesitant smile.
“You like them?” Fred asked. “We have a few of them see, we want people to notice and perhaps buy.”
“They’re nice.” Arcane nodded as she waved her hand and said the incantation for removing stains. “Though you really scared the crap out of me.” She said finally laughing, which caused everyone else to chuckle.
“I’m sorry,” George apologized as he handed her a cup of juice. “I didn’t think you would spill your soup.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Arcane said taking the cup from him and tilting it to take a sip. When suddenly, the cup spat water in her face.
“Oh!” Arcane cried, throwing the cup on the table and wiping her eyes.
“George!” Angelina gasped.
“Spitty cups.” George said proudly. “Finished them yesterday.” He said holding his hand out to his brother for a high five.
“George, I think that was too much.” He said, lowering his brothers hand.
“It was just water.” George said quickly. “She’s fine, aren’t you Arcane?”
“Can someone hand me a napkin, please?” Arcane asked, feeling around blindly. Finally, her fingers closed around one and she went to wipe her face, however she was overwhelmed by the feeling to sneeze.
“Achoo!” She sneezed into the napkin, hoping that would be it, though the feeling only got worse. “Achoo! Achoo! AH-CHOO!” She cried.
“Sneezing napkins!” Arcane heard George laugh, though she heard no one else do so. Angrily she threw the napkin at George and took a new one Angelina was holding out to her with a look of sympathy.
“Are you alright?” Angelina asked softly.
“I’m fine, let’s keep eating.” Arcane said quickly drying her face.
The group continued their meals as Fred and George bantered on about past pranks. Causing laughter from everyone, though Arcane could both feel Angelina and Claudette giving her sympathetic glances as she ate her soup silently.
Arcane was feeling better after finishing her dessert, an extremely delicious chocolate soufflé, accompanied by a small square piece of red frosted cake on the side.
Once she was done with her soufflé and Claudette had assured there was no chocolate in her teeth, Arcane took a bite of the red cake. Something she immediately regretted once the bright red cardinal flew out of her mouth.
“Cardinal cakes!” George chimed, looking brightly around the table.
Arcane did not laugh. In fact, she did not move, she only clenched her fists and looked down at her lap trying to control the annoyance she felt. After a moment of collecting herself, she looked up at George. “I…” She began.
“Oh look Dumbledore wants us up.” Angelina said quickly, gesturing to everyone in the room who were beginning to stand.
Arcane sighed and gave George a tight smile as he helped her up. She was glad Angelina had interrupted her. Had she not done, who would know what Arcane would have said. Probably something most unflattering, which was not fair. She knew how much the twins wanted their joke shop. Not to mention the effort they must be going through to remake everything their mother had destroyed during the summer.
While lost in thought Dumbledore had cleared the seats and tables to the sides, leaving a large dancefloor open.
“Oh Merlin, It’s the weird sisters!” Called a Slytherin girl excitedly as the very famous wizard band got upon the stage Dumbledore had conjured.
“Bloody hell!” Fred said, looking excitedly at Angelina. “I thought the rumor of them being here was all talk.”
Many people spoke excitedly about the band as the members grabbed their instruments and began to play a tune Arcane would have never expected such grunge looking men to play… a waltz.
“Ooh look, they’re going to dance!” Claudette said excitedly pointing at the high table, where the champions were now making their way to the dancefloor with their dates. Of course Fleur Delacour waltzed perfectly, which was amazing since Arcane knew that Roger Davies, her date and a fellow Ravenclaw, could not even make it up the stairs without tripping. Next to them, danced Potter and Parvati who, Arcane noticed, was leading. Good thing too since Potter looked about to fumble as is. As they all rotated Arcane noticed Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang. Which would have bewildered her had she not seen who was dancing with the Durmstrang Champion.
“Is that Hermione?” Fred asked in disbelief. Everyone took a closer look.
“Merlin’s beard, it is!” George answered, the entire group watching in amazement as Hermione and her date danced gracefully by them.
After a few moments, others began making their way onto the floor, the firsts being Dumbledore and Madame Maxime.
“Would you care for a dance, Georgie?” Fred asked his twin with a low bow.
“Oh, I thought you would never ask.” Replied George fanning himself with his hand. And with that the Weasley twins swept onto the floor together, earning some laughs from both students and Professors as they danced rapidly, yet in amazing synchronization. Lee Jordan was quick to follow, both him and Claudette staring into each other’s eyes as they swayed away.
After the song ended, everyone paused and clapped. Though the Weird Sisters began their next song, this one more upbeat.
“Now,” Began Fred as the twins made their way over. “Will you dance with me Angelina?” He asked holding out his hand.
“Any day Red.” Angelina said, giving him a wink before taking his hand and leaving. Arcane could not hold in her giggle.
“Let’s dance.” George said to Arcane, holding out his hand with a smile.
“Okay David Bow- AGGR!” Arcane shrieked as a shock ran through her entire body. George laughed.
“you like it? They’re called shock patches. Got the idea from my dad who says muggle pranksters use ones like rings and made out of metal.” George snickered as he peeled off a yellow patch from his palm and showed it to Arcane. “Finished them last week.” He said with pride.
“Good for you.” Arcane gritted through her teeth. Noticing that a few people were snickering at her. Arcane took a breath and sighed.
“Are you done, so we can dance now?” She asked George.
“Of course.” George nodded as he lead her onto the dancefloor. Where Arcane tried, she really did try to dance with George, though no matter what she did, she kept tripping or stumbling as George tried to rapidly spin her around the same way Fred was doing with Angelina. The only difference was that Angelina seemed to be enjoying it.
Arcane’s breaking point was when George picked her up and began to spin, causing a few people to laugh and point at Arcane who had been demanding to be put down.
“This isn’t dancing!” Arcane snapped, shoving George forcefully in the chest and stomping off the dancefloor towards the table they had been sitting at.
“What?” George asked, following Arcane. “Fred and Angelina are doing it.” He pointed.
“Well,” Arcane grasped the small bouquet of flowers George had given her. “We aren’t Fred and Angelina, are we?” she hissed. George looked taken aback.
“Look,” Arcane began, playing with the bouquet nervously in her hands. “You can do all that stuff with your brother but I don’t want to be spun around like a human tornado.”
“Come on Arcane,” George sighed. “Angelina doesn’t seem to mind.”
“I’m not Angelina, George!” Arcane snapped. “I don’t want to be carried! I don’t want to be flailed about! And I don’t want to be victim of your pranks all night!”
“I was just trying to show what my brother and I invented,” George began, a slight sound of irritation in his voice. “To make sure they worked.”
“I’m not your test gnome, George!” Arcane hissed.
“I never said you were!” George cried.
“Yet you’ve been treating me like one all night!” Arcane shrieked.
“Blimey Arcane,” George said wiping his face. “Who would know that in the end you’re all boring.”
“At least I’m not an Idiot!” Arcane cried as she threw the bouquet at his face and stormed away.
Though most of the people were occupied dancing, there were some who definitely did see what had happened. One of them being Hermione who as she passed asked Arcane.
“Are you alright?” Though arcane did not answer and continued her way out of the great hall.
Arcane didn’t know how long she paced the entrance hall before she sat on the bottom step of the grand staircase. All she knew was that the more she thought about how angry she was, the closer she was to tears. She took a deep breath and with her sigh she blew a strand of hair from her face, then wiped her eyes. While her eyes were closed, she felt someone stand before her. Not because of their presence, but because they had blocked the draft of cool air coming in from outside.
She opened one eye to look at George and tell him to go away, however it was Malfoy standing before her.
“What do you want?” She snapped, looking down at the floor, refusing eye contact.
“I just came to see if you were alright.” He said softly.
“I’m fine, now leave.” Arcane said flatly. “You wouldn’t want your daddy’s ministry friends to see you with me.”
Malfoy opened his mouth to say something, but instead cleared his throat.
“You didn’t dance very much.” He mentioned. Arcane scoffed. “I didn’t have much of a dancing partner.”
Malfoy paused for a moment, then held out his hand. Arcane stared at him for a moment. “Who are you? Mr. Darcy?”
“Who?” Draco asked.
“Never mind.” Arcane said, rolling her eyes and fiddling with her dress.
“The next song is about to start…” Draco mentioned. Arcane listened to the notes of the ending song.
“What about your girlfriend?” She asked.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Draco snapped. Arcane raised an eyebrow at him.
“Just… Take my hand.” He sighed. Arcane dropped smoothed out her dress as the song ended and everyone clapped. Then she sighed.
“I guess I didn’t wear a pretty dress for nothing.” She said, taking Draco’s hand as her favorite waltz began.
To her surprise Draco immediately took the lead and began to dance with her there in the empty entrance hall. Unlike with George, Arcane did not stumble, trip or flail. Draco guided her with such grace she couldn’t help but to be surprised.
“So you dance now?” She played.
“My mother had me learn.” Draco responded. “How did you learn?”
“My mother’s best friend taught me.” Arcane said as Draco guided her through a twirl, and eyed her with curiosity. “She’s French.” Arcane added. “She taught me and her daughter everything from waltz to swing.” Arcane continued to step on Malfoy’s foot, which made him stare at her.
“I never said I mastered it.” Arcane said nervously.
Draco let out a small laugh as the song ended and another, much faster one commenced.
“Do you think you can keep up?” He asked Arcane playfully.
“Are you trying me ferret?” She laughed.
A few couples passed Arcane and Draco as they waltzed, though no one gave them much importance. They all quickly either rushed toward the dungeons, up the stairs, down the hall or outside the oak doors into the grotto that had been conjured there for the evening.
I wasn’t until, through the movements of their dance, Draco and Arcane ended up at the entrance, causing them to stop.
“Look how pretty!” Arcane gasped as she looked at the garden covered in fairy lights.
“Yeah,” Draco said softly looking at her.
A cold breeze whipped by and Arcane reached up to feel her bare shoulders.
“Are you cold?” Draco asked, taking off his black velvet robe.
“Oh, no,” Arcane said quickly. “Keep it, I’ll just…”
“Take it.” Draco said sternly. “I want you to wear it.” He proceeded to drape the robe over her shoulders.
“Thanks.” Arcane said softly.
A rustle made them look to their left, which they immediately regretted at the sight of a couple kissing each other quite intensely. Both Arcane and Draco went red in the face.
“We should walk a bit.” Arcane suggested.
“if you’d like.” Draco nodded, offering his arm to Arcane.
“Such a gentleman.” She teased before taking it at walking into the garden.
“Then we would all sit around the tree and open gifts.” Arcane finishes her story as they walked.
“With muggles?” Draco asked in disbelief.
“Mr. and Mrs. Brandy were really nice,” Arcane told him. “One year they even gave this No-Maj doll that was really popular, all the girls had one and I was so excited. They’re called cabbage patch kids.”
“muggles giving girls cabbage children,” Draco scoffed. “It sounds ridiculous! Not to mention decorating trees with that…” He waved his hand, searching mentally for the word. “Electrisisy.” He spat. “I never heard about candles burning down houses before.”
“Well how do you decorate the tree?” Arcane asked.
“I don’t do anything.” Draco said tiling his chin up. “When I get home the tree is already up.”
“What about when you were a kid?”
“Same.” Draco said, shooing a fairy out of his face. “The house elf would do it.”
Arcane frowned, putting up the Christmas tree had always been a special time with her mother.
“What about presents?” Arcane asked.
“my mother always gets me the finest things.” Draco preened. “Moving silver peacocks, golden rings, the best shoes and so on.”
“What about toys?” Arcane inquired.
“Toys?” Draco thought about it for a moment. “My father got me an entire collection of racing brooms one year, not for riding of course. Not until I was older.” He added. “He also gave me a golden set of wizard chess, er… Which I don’t know how to play.” He mumbled.
“So they never gave you anything for fun?”
“I have my horse.” Draco mentioned.
“Do you ride it?” Arcane asked. Draco snorted “As if I would like to be bouncing on top of an animal!”
Draco laughed, though Arcane could only look at him sadly.
“Draco…” She began, “Did you ever just… Play?”
“Play?” He scoffed. “With what? Dolls? How stupid.”
Arcane stared at him, which made him begin to fidget.
“I am a Malfoy!” Draco told Arcane. “My father’s only child. I had more important things to do then to be running around playing.” He said sourly. “I got to be at my father’s side, watching him do his… business. And when he was too busy, which he never was for me.” Draco clarified. “I got to learn to read and write. I got to learn to paint and bloody dance.” He snapped at no one in particular. “Once I was old enough I got to learn how to fly, so I was gifted a broom and friends!” He told Arcane.
“You were gifted friends?” She asked confusedly.
“I mean I met my friends.” Draco corrected. “I, as you say, played with Crabbe and Goyle.”
“Crabbe and Goyle?” Arcane repeated, imagining Draco’s two bodyguards, as she called them, as small children.
Draco nodded and straightened himself. “My father saw them as respectable friendships. So they began to visit quite often.
“Though I hated sharing my things with them, mostly because Goyle is horribly clumsy and would break all he touched. Though after a few years Crabbe found pleasure in pestering my house elf.”
“Your house elf?” Arcane asked. Draco nodded.
“His name was Dobby, filthy little thing, trembling and crying so often. Though Crabbe found him funny, which he was, sometimes.” Draco told Arcane.
“He would sneak and bring us sweets if we wanted some, or we would have him bring us things from my father’s office. Harmless stuff really…” Draco said.
“But?” Arcane questioned.
“But my father did not want me near him, who knows why.” Draco shrugged. “Perhaps he thought I would go mad like Granger and begin a fight for Elfish welfare.” He laughed but Arcane only gave him a thin, weak smile.
“My father would punish the elf, every time we got caught, though he still obeyed which made it funnier somehow, until…”
“Until?” Arcane insisted.
Draco’s lips thinned as he remained silent for a moment. “Remember those brooms I mentioned?” he asked. Arcane nodded.
“One day, in the middle of summer, we were awfully bored. So Crabbe, Goyle and I decided to grab the brooms, and the elf. We went outside. There’s loads of open space at the manor,” He added, glancing at Arcane. “We ordered the elf to throw stones at us. Crabbe and Goyle had small logs in their hands that they would use to hit the stones, mostly trying to hit the elf,” Draco shrugged. “However, I tried to catch them. You know, as practice, to be seeker…” He looked at Arcane, hoping she would understand him. She only gave him a tight nod for him to continue.
“I caught most of them of course,” Draco mentioned. “I mean by then I was an excellent flyer. It was only because of the stupid faulty broom, that I fell.”
“You fell off your broom?” Arcane asked in surprise, she knew from experience how much it could hurt. Draco nodded with a sigh. “Fell right on the the bloody pile of rocks the stupid elf had gathered.” Draco said sourly. “Busted my head right here.” He placed his hand on the spot.
“Do you have a scar?” Arcane asked looking at his head curiously.
“Of course not.” Draco said quickly, leaning away from her. “I wouldn’t be caught dead with a scar. There’s magic for that.” He snapped. Arcane rolled her eyes.
“Anyway,” Draco continued. “I suppose my father had impeccable timing, because he walked into the garden to see me all bloody with the elf standing over me.”
“oh no…” Arcane said softly with a frown.
“I know elves are just… well elves. Servants and all that. I couldn’t care less about it would have gotten punished any other day, but my father look well… Angry I suppose.
“As he should’ve been.” Draco added hastily. “Though when Crabbe insisted that the elf had knocked me off my broom on purpose, it was…” Draco choked on his words, yet tried to play it off as a cough. “My father punished the elf in a way I had never seen. It was, er… Unsettling.
“I mean like I said, I believe a good house elf should be punished, but never in the years I had tormented the filthy thing had I ever seen him writher and scream in such a way.”
Arcane’s mouth fell open in shock, though she closed it quickly before Malfoy would notice. Her stomach turned as she understood what had happened to the elf.
“D- Did…” Arcane cleared her throat. “Does the elf still work for you?” She asked.
“No.” Draco scoffed. “Good thing too, he became awfully annoying. Always trembling and shivering when someone spoke to him, which was not even that often.” Draco rolled his eyes. “It’s not like anyone really wanted him near. It was his fault I bashed my head, so I couldn’t stand the sight of him. Which was for the best, he’s only a servant…” Draco stopped once seeing the look on Arcane’s face.
“Draco…” She began.
“I have something for you!” He said hastily interrupting her. Arcane raised an eyebrow in interest. “Really?” She asked. Draco nodded and reached into the pocket of his robe that Arcane had draped over her shoulders. Then pulled out a small black box, with a green ribbon and handed it to Arcane.
“Thank you.” She said shyly before opening the box. Inside was a thin silver colored chain, holding a small circular gem pendant, no larger than an American dime.
“It’s a moonstone.” Draco explained. “Moonstone’s can help seer’s, so there you are.”
“Wow…” Arcane said staring at the pendant. “How did you…”
“My mother actually used to have one, though her necklace was much… more. Though she told me she stopped using it after marrying my father. She’s not a seer, however she’s repeated the story enough times.”
“Oh,” Arcane smiled softly. “Thank you then.” She said pulling out the necklace to put it on. Draco watched her as she did, but she paused and stared at him.
“What?” He asked nervously.
“Aren’t you going to offer to help me put it on?” She asked.
Draco’s face contorted in confusion. “Why would I do that?”
“Because…” Arcane began.
“Because what?” Draco questioned.
“Because it would be r-…” Arcane stopped herself. “Because it would be polite.”
“I am polite!” Draco insisted. “I gave you a necklace, and my robe.” Arcane pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded.
“Yeah, forget about it” She said shrugging as she put on the necklace by herself. “There we go.” She said showing the necklace.
“Looks good.” Draco nodded, before giving a shiver as a cold breeze passed by. Arcane smirked.
“Here, take you robe back.” She told him.
“No!” He insisted. “I’m fine.” Arcane rolled her eyes and took the robe off, then tossed it at him.
“Accio shawl!” She called extending her arm towards the castle.
“What are y-” Draco began, but before he could finish he caught sight of Arcane’s shawl flying towards them looking like some sort of unknown flying creature.
Arcane caught the shawl with ease and wrapped it around herself before turning back to Malfoy.
“You had something to cover up this entire time?” He asked.
“Of course,” Arcane said lightly as she adjusted the shawl over her shoulders. “It’s cold.”
“Why didn’t you put it on from the beginning?!” Draco questioned as he wrapped his robe around him, his cheeks pink.
Arcane shrugged. “I guess I didn’t want to ruin your chance of being the perfect gentleman.” She giggled as Draco’s face went red.
“Hold on you have a beetle on you.” Arcane said quickly as stepped closer to him and plucked it off of his shoulder.
“Squash it.” Draco said frantically stepping away, checking himself for more bugs.
“I’m not going to squash it,” Arcane laughed as she opened her hand and the beetle was quite large and had some strange marking, however, coming from someone who’s pet was boogey-eating fluff ball, a beetle did not amaze her. So Arcane let the fat beetle fly away.
After that they strolled through the garden a little while longer in silence. Though they did not speak neither felt uncomfortable, Arcane still had her arm intertwined with Malfoy’s who guided her to an area with a stone bench.
“Do you mind if we sit?” He asked sheepishly. “Though these shoes are of amazing makers, my feet are beginning to hurt.”
Arcane giggled, her feet had been hurting for the last twenty minutes as well. “Okay.” She said.
Draco gestured for Arcane to sit first, then he slowly took the place beside her and stretched his legs. “I’m thirsty.” He mentioned.
Arcane nodded. “Me too.”
“I see you didn’t bring your purse, or I would ask if you had your thermos.” Draco sighed.
“I thought of bringing it but-” Arcane paused, realizing what she had just heard. She looked at Draco in confusion.
“What?” He asked, leaning away from her warily.
“How did you know what that is?” She asked. Draco blushed and looked everywhere except Arcane’s face.
“I, er… I may have taken a glance at your muggle studies book.” He mumbled. Arcane’s mouth dropped and a sound of surprised mixed with a laugh came out.
“What?!” Draco snapped, looking embarrassed.
“What were you reading my muggle studies book for?” Arcane asked, still smiling.
“I was not reading it,” Draco hissed. “I only took a glance because… Well you’re always talking about muggle telly-sights and movers, not to mention those silly things… Comb-puters!” He spat. “I hate not knowing what you were bloody talking of, so I took a glance. Not that it helped.” He scoffed. “Bloody book is filled with stupidity.” He said sternly, though his cheeks were pink. Arcane continued to smile, which angered him more, causing him to look away.
After a few moments of silence, not knowing what to say, Arcane leaned and rested her head on his shoulder.
“You’re real cute sometimes, ferret.” She said softly.
Draco tensed, though after a moment, much to Arcane’s surprise… He rested his head on hers.
A that moment the clock chimed midnight. Both of them sat right up, surprised by the sound.
“Midnight, so soon?” She asked looking down at her wrist to only remember she did not have er watch on.
“I suppose so.” Draco said standing up and looking up at the castle. “We ought to get to bed.”
“R- right,” Arcane agreed softly as she stood up. Draco did not offer his arm as they began their way back, yet Arcane made no mention of it.
“We didn’t enjoy much of the ball I guess” Arcane spoke, trying to make conversation.
“I enjoyed it.” Draco mumbled as they neared an arch way made of bushes and fairy lights.
“What you say?” Arcane asked, distracted by the fairies.
“I mean,” Draco stopped walking. “I mean, that…perhaps up at the castle was not too enjoyable… b-but I, myself, I don’t know if you as well, er… I enjoyed our time… out here.”
Draco had hoped Arcane would say that she has enjoyed herself as well, though when he looked at her, he noticed she was staring above his head rather than at him.
“What?!” Draco snapped annoyed as he looked up. Then, he saw it, growing on the archway they stood under.
“Mistletoe…” Arcane breathed as they stared at the plant.
“Such a stupid tradition!” Draco snapped quickly, his face burning and red.
“Right.” Arcane said, disappointment echoing in her voice.
“Malfoy, Black, into the castle please.” McGonagall said as they approached the entrance, eyeing them both curiously.
Quietly they entered the hall, which was so full of people saying goodnight to each other, that no one paid them any attention.
“Er… The dungeons are that way.” Draco told Arcane as he gestured the way.
“Ok…” Arcane nodded as they stood there in silence. “Good night then, I guess.” Arcane said beginning to turn away.
“Wait!” Draco blurted. “Yeah?” Arcane asked, turning back to him far too quickly.
“Er… I wanted to tell you something.” He said. “Before you go”
“Yeah?” Arcane answered, ready to step towards him. “What is it?”
“I- I…” Draco stammered as his cheeks went pink once more. “I think you looked really pretty tonight.”
“Oh… Thank you.” Arcane said smiling. “But I’m always pretty.” She said with a sly smile, feigning confidence as rushed up the steps, praying silently that she would not trip.
Myrtle went through an array of emotions as Arcane told her what had happened at the dance. Starting about who had gone to who, to what had happened at dinner, to Arcane leaving to the gardens.
“You’re lying!” Myrtle squealed.
“I’m not!” Arcane insisted. “He told me he did it himself.”
“You mean the same person that said he would wash himself with undiluted Bubotuber pus?” Myrtle mentioned.
“Maybe he’s changing his mind.” Arcane suggested.
Myrtle laughed. “I would say over my dead body, but…”
Suddenly the bathroom door opened, making both girls shriek.
“Arcane!” Draco panted, a if he had ran up from the dungeons.
“Draco?” Arcane asked in confusion. “Did you…”
“I- I-,” He panted as he walked inside. Arcane walked up to him hesitantly.
“Do you want some water or something?” She asked, reaching him. “I can give you a cu-”
Arcane couldn’t finish her sentence, having that before she could, Draco leaned into her, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
Both unaware of Myrtles shocked face in the background.
This is my favorite chapter... This one right here. I could die tomorrow with a smile on My face knowing i wrote this chapter😩❤️
Where do i even begin?
1. Arcane calling Myrtle her friend🥹💕 sometimes i think about Myrtle and my heart breaks... She was just a girl... Never got to grow up. She deserves a friend🫂
2. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING GEORGE?! My boy is just wrecking things left and right... I rooted for You! I was in your corner Georgie! And you go and treat my girl like that? Shame on You! SHAME *bell clangs* SHAME
3. Draco... I have to applaude You man. You carried this chapter on your pretty weak little back. Going to check on Arcane and making sure she gets a decent dance?! AAAAAAAAGHHHH 😩😩😩😩❤️
Not only that but you're also giving us lore? Willingly?!!👀👀
Not only lore, but a thoughtful gift too? Man, Maybe You got a shot after all. That gift was smooth. Thank you mama Malfoy for mentioning moonstones.
But the best parts of all... Draco calling Arcane pretty to her face, then kissing her!!!!!
*Bangs fist on table excitedly*Anyway... That's it for this chapter, next part coming soon.
Please leave a comment, and have a Nice week
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Arcane woke up with a large, long yawn the next day. Her hair was no longer straight and even though hints of her perfume lingered, she knew she needed a shower. So with a long stretch she rolled out from her bed and gathered her things to head to the wash rooms.
By the time she made it to the great hall, most were already finishing her breakfast. Lisa who spotted her quickly waved her over and to Arcane’s surprise there was a group of girls huddled near her. Some from Ravenclaw, others from Beauxbatons and two that Arcane recognized as Padma’s sister Parvati, and her best friend. Arcane walked over to join the group, glancing over at the slytherin table as she did, remembering the night before as she spotted Draco who was speaking happily to his friend Zabini.
The moment Draco’s eyes locked with hers, she smiled, she even raised her hand to give him a small wave, however Draco looked away as if he did not know her.
“Come on, sit down now!” Lisa said pulling Arcane into an empty seat beside her. “Listen.”
“Well as I was saying.” Padma said glancing at Arcane. “They were… sweet.”
“So kind.” Parvati nodded. “Danced with us all night, they did.” She mentioned excitedly. “They even invited us to go along with them on the next Hogsmeade visit!”
A few Ravenclaw girls squealed with excitement.
“It’s amazing isn’t it Padma?” Parvati asked.
“It sounds fun.” Padma said with a small unconvincing smile.
Arcane wondered why Padma did not seem as excited as her sister for the outing. Though Arcane imagined it had something to do with the conversation she had overheard with Padma’s parents, so she did not ask about it. Arcane on the other hand decided she wanted to spend the day outside. The sun was out which it had not been since it snowed a few days before the dance. Which made Arcane believe it would be the perfect day to have Wendigo outside once more.
She had found a comfortable place to sit, inside an empty niche of the castle, which was somewhat hidden and blocked from the breeze by the trees.
Arcane smiled as she watched her Puffskein hop through the snow as she made small snow-figurines chase him. Arcane was just thinking how she could easily sit here alone on a spring day when she heard a hasty voice come through the trees. “Come on!” It teased.
Then soon after Cedric Diggory came into view with Cho Chang behind him. Diggory froze as he spotted Arcane.
“Black!” He said in surprise. “Er… I didn’t think anyone would be here.” He said looking around as if he were searching for someone else.
“Guess you were wrong… Oh crap!” Arcane cried as Wendigo got poked in the eye with one of the snow figurines.
“Riiight.” Diggory longed as Cho shifted behind him uncomfortably.
Arcane wondered why both of them were blushing so much, when suddenly she remembered something she had heard the twins and Lee Jordan speak about.
Supposedly Lee had spotted a girl named Leslie Cheshire in the Snog hole, though Arcane did not know what or where that was. Yet after seeing the way both Chang and Diggory shifted, their fingers intertwined as they held hands, Arcane realized it was where she had been sitting.
“I’m leaving!” She blurted. “I was- I mean I wasn’t- that!” She pointed at the niche. “I was just walking my pet, ‘kay?”
Cho nodded as well as Diggory who now seemed was trying to hold back a smile.
“Okay,” Arcane said picking up her Puffskein. “You two, enjoy, that!” She said pointing once more. “Bye.” She said twirling around quickly and walking away without looking back.
Arcane walked until she found the first side entrance into the school, which was surprisingly empty, except for the dark haired boy who sat sulking on the floor with a giant golden egg.
“I wonder if I’ll bump into all of the champions today.” Arcane said aloud. Harry Potter looked up at her glumly.
“You okay potter?” She asked, noticing how red and puffy his eyes seemed.
“Peachy.” He answered flatly.
“You haven’t figured out the egg.” She mentioned.
“Like pointing out the obvious do you?” He snapped.
“Hey, don’t get sassy with me.” She told him sternly as she walked over and leaned against the wall near Harry.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m just tired of it screeching. I bet I’m the last one to figure it out.” He kicked it softly making the egg rock.
“What have you tried?” Arcane asked, glancing at the egg.
“What do you mean?” Harry asked in a tone as if Arcane had said something stupid.
“I mean,” Arcane began deciding to ignore Potter’s tone, “that maybe just opening it doesn’t help, maybe you have to ask first, or maybe open then ask.” She suggested.
“You think that would work?” Potter asked, his face lighting up.
“Dunno,” Arcane shrugged. “It’s just an idea.”
Without hesitation Harry grabbed the egg and sat it on his lap. “What is the second task?” He asked in a clear voice, then proceeded to open the egg.
A choir of a million earsplitting shrieks filled the corridor, Arcane covered her ears as well as Harry, Wendigo on the other hand ran away so quickly Arcane almost thought he had caught flight.
With what seemed all his will power Potter uncovered his ears and closed the egg, the shrieks ending instantly.
“Soooo…” Harry said after shutting it.
“Maybe at a different time.” Arcane said, massaging her ears. “Or maybe you have to be alone?”
“Maybe.” Potter said, sounding as glum as he was before.
“Have you heard from Sirius?” Harry asked after a few moments of silence.
“A little before Christmas.” Arcane answered plainly. Potter must have felt a bit of sharpness in Arcane’s voice, because he shifted awkwardly.
“Sometimes…” Potter paused. “Sometimes I forget he has a daughter.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he did too.” Arcane scoffed, sliding down the wall to sit next to Harry.
“I’m sorry about the tournament, you know.” He said. “I really didn’t put my name in.”
“Yeah…” Arcane said. “I guess I’m sorry about slamming you against the wall then.”
Potter’s hand went up to the back of his head. “That hurt.” He winced at the memory.
“It was meant to hurt.” Arcane teased, and Potter actually laughed.
“You should have seen their faces!” Arcane groaned, hiding her face in her hands as she told Hermione and a very pretty younger red-headed girl named Ginny, who was the youngest of the Weasley family, the story of what had happened the day before, when she had been caught at the snog hole. “I mean Diggory really thought I was there with someone!”
“Many girls would love to be caught at the snog hole by Cedric Diggory.” Ginny teased as she wrapped her hair up with her wand.
“Not with his girlfriend!” Hermione mentioned.
“He hasn’t said they’re dating yet.” Ginny shrugged.
“They seemed really close.” Arcane told her.
“So?” Ginny asked. “Hermione seemed close with Krum at the dance and that doesn’t mean they’re dating. Are you?” She asked turning to Hermione.
“Well er… I don’t think so, I mean, I would like to know him a bit more.” Hermione stammered.
“See?” Ginny insisted.
“Well Hermione isn’t sucking face with Krum either.” Arcane mentioned.
“I don’t suck face!” Hermione blurted, then obviously regretted it, because her face went bright red.
Both Arcane’s and Ginny’s jaw dropped.
“Hermione!” Ginny and Arcane squealed in unison. Earning them a loud SHH! from Mrs. Pince, the Hogwarts librarian.
“You kissed him?!” Ginny asked in a hushed, yet very excited voice.
“I can’t believe it!” Arcane said stifling a giggle.
“Shhh!” Hermione said quickly. “It was very brief.”
“Is he a good kisser?” Ginny asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Ginny!” Hermione scolded, though she blushed too much for anyone to take her seriously.
“What?” Ginny giggled. “You kissed Viktor Krum!”
“Oh don’t say that,” Hermione said waving Ginny away, “everyone speaks of him like some celestial being just because he’s famous.”
“Which he is.” Arcane nodded.
“Or because he’s handsome.” Hermione continued.
“Which he is.” Ginny nodded.
“But,” Hermione said sternly, “in reality he’s quite simple, sweet and shy.” Hermione blushed a deeper pink. “He actually enjoys speaking with me.”
“Ooh I can hear the bells!” Arcane sang. Earning a swat in the arm from Hermione, which only caused the girls to giggle.
“Hey, not to yank your wand, but look who walked it.” Ginny said with a sly grin as she nodded behind Hermione.
Hermione turned around to see Viktor Krum walking into the library.
“Oh heavens, what do I do?” Hermione asked, flattening her hair.
“You go talk to him of course!” Ginny snickered. “You say he comes to the library just for you. So why do you think he’s here?”
“Y- yes, okay, okay!” Hermione flustered.
“Shh!” Arcane hissed.
“Good avternoon.” Krum said from behind Hermione, bowing as she turned towards him. “Hermy-ninee, vud you like to valk vif me a vit?”
“Er…” Hermione blushed. Arcane kicked her from under the table making Hermione flinch and squeal, “Y- Yes!”
“Ven shall vee go?” He asked offering her his hand. Hermione nodded, and with a quick glance to Arcane and Ginny who were making kissy faces at her, she waved and disappeared out the door with Krum.
“So,” Ginny said coolly, while leaning back in her seat. “What’s up between you and my brother?” she asked making Arcane go wide eyed.
“What do you mean?” Arcane asked.
“Well you spend time with my brothers, then I saw him giving you flowers at the dance,” Ginny shrugged, “So are you two…”
“Absolutely not!” Arcane said quickly. Ginny raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Because I don’t feel like being your brothers test subject anymore.” Arcane said sourly.
Ginny snorted. “Do tell.”
Arcane glanced at her, then shrugged as she began to tell the youngest Weasley what her brother had done to her at the dance and why she’d rather not touch him with a ten-foot broom at the moment.
Of course having said that, it was only natural for the two girls to bump into the Weasley twins as they left the library.
“Hello, little sister.” Cooed Fred.
“I didn’t know you two were chums.” George smiled reaching to ruffle Arcane’s hair as he usually did. Arcane instantly swatted his hand away, giving George a mean glare.
“Oi,” Fred said, surprised by the action.
“See you around Ginny,” Arcane said giving Ginny a nod before stalking away.
“What was that about?” Arcane heard George asked confusedly.
“Are you daft?!” Ginny snapped just as Arcane turned the corner.
Winter break went along without any altercations, except the odd game of cat and mouse that, George seemed to be playing with Arcane, who seemed to be playing it with Draco.
She did not know why Draco had not spoken to her since the ball, Arcane wanted to believe he felt shy, or was busy with his holiday homework. Though Arcane had done most of hers already and Draco was only taking one more class than she was. George on the other hand seemed to appear everywhere Arcane went, so she had stayed outside or in the Ravenclaw common room.
She was, in fact, on her way to the common room when she spotted Malfoy leaning against a wall in an empty corridor.
“Hey,” She said walking towards him. Immediately Malfoy’s expression grew panicked. “Er… H-Hey,” He stammered.
“What’s wrong with you?” Arcane asked stopping in place and staring at him apprehensively. “What’s wrong with you?”
In that moment Blaise Zabini came out of an empty classroom.
“Took you long enough!” Snapped Draco without looking at Arcane.
“Sorry, she-…”
“Shut up!” Draco interrupted. “Let’s go.” He said pushing Zabini along, leaving Arcane standing alone and confused.
On the Sunday afternoon before start of term, the younger students returned to Hogwarts at various times.
Arcane sat in the common room brushing Wendigo’s fur when a familiar blonde girl entered.
“Hi Luna,” Arcane said to her.
“Hello Arcane.” Luna said airily as she peered at her through a pair of odd pink glasses.
“How was your break?” Arcane asked as Luna handed her a copy of the Quibbler.
“Quite eventful,” Luna nodded. “My father has acquired an ill-tempered tea set.” She mentioned, showing Arcane her arm which was poorly wrapped and covered in burns.
“Holy crap, Luna!” Arcane cried seeing her injuries. “Doesn’t that still hurt?!”
“Yes.” Luna said looking at her arm curiously. “Do you know if Madam Pomfrey is in?”
“Madam Pomfrey is always in,” Arcane said getting up. “Come on, I’ll go with you to her.”
“Oh lovely.” Luna smiled. “Perhaps afterwards you may help me feed the Thestrals.”
“The what?” Arcane asked.
“The Thestrals,” Luna repeated. “You’ll see,” She paused, “Though maybe it would be best if you could not.”
Arcane did not have the vaguest idea of what Luna was speaking of. Part of her wondered if the burns had made her delirious, though even after Madam Pomfrey had healed her, Luna insisted of going to ‘feed the Thestrals’. Whatever may those be.
Together the girls walked out of the castles and into the forest, not very deep, only to a clearing, which seemed Luna had gone thousands of times, because there were items that could only be made by Luna, hanging from the trees.
“I wonder if the little ones have grown while I was gone.” Luna said curiously.
“There are little ones?” Arcane asked, looking around.
“Oh yes! They’re quite adorable actually.” Luna smiled at her. “They were just the size of a large dog before I left.”
“Right,” Arcane said confused. “And, what are these creatures?”
Luna paused, a look of thought on her face. “I suppose they’re a bit like winged horses. But imagine them boney and similar to a bat, rather than a bird.”
“A boney, bat-like, winged horse?” Arcane repeated in disbelief.
“Yes,” Luna nodded, then turned at the sound of a twig snapping. “Oh look, there they come!” She pointed excitedly into the forest however Arcane saw nothing.
“Hello,” Luna said softly, looking into the empty clearing. “You’ve gotten so big! Are you hungry?” She asked in a soothing tone, while, as if it were common to carry such a thing in her book bag, she pulled a thick slice of meat.
Arcane couldn’t help making a face of disgust. She hated raw meat.
“Look,” Luna continued speaking to nothing. “It’s good, smell it.” Luna giggled. “There you go.”
Arcane was about to say she understood why people called Luna, Loony Lovegood. She did look quite insane holding out a piece of meat and speaking into empty air. Arcane remembered she had seen horror movies with similar scenarios.
Luna’s loud giggle, made Arcane’s hairs stand up. Luna was smiling and caressing the air.
“You’re so beautiful.” Luna cooed. “You want some more?”
It was as though something invisible brushed against her, making her almost lose her balance. “There’s some for you to of course.” Luna smiled, looking at a different patch of emptiness.
“Luna,” Arcane began. However, before she continued, Luna pulled two pieces of meat out and tossed them into the clearing. “Go on.” She laughed. Though, just as Arcane was going to admit Luna Lovegood was crazy, Arcane saw movement.
She did not see the creatures that moved, though she saw the prints in the snow as the creatures moved towards the meat Luna had thrown. Pushing each other to get to it first.
“There’s two of them?” Arcane asked, staring at the tracks in amazement.
“There’s five of them,” Luna corrected.” There are three adults over there.” Luna pointed to her left but Arcane said nothing.
“Would you like to touch one?” Luna asked.
“What?!” Arcane asked surprised, “Can I really?”
“Hush,” Luna said, adjusting Arcane’s arm, so it was out straight, her palm was facing up, yet the tips of her fingers pointed down. “Stay like that.” Luna told her.
Arcane watched as Luna’s eyes followed the invisible creature as it grew closer. Then Arcane felt it breath on her palm, snorting air very similar to a horse.
“Jumping Jackalope’s!” Arcane gasped, wanting to take step back, though Luna held her firm.
“They’re more scared of you then you of them.” Luna said in a serious tone Arcane had never heard her speak in.
“Well, they can see me.” Arcane told her.
“Just pet him, here.” Luna moved Arcane’s hand and she felt it. Almost like leather, and boney like a stray cat in New York.
The creature made an odd sound as Arcane caressed its side. A sound between a chirp and a neigh.
“Amazing.” Arcane awed.
“They are.” Luna nodded as she threw meat over where she had pointed out the adult ones.
“How come I can’t see them?” Arcane asked as she felt the creature. Luna frowned.
“They can only be seen by someone who’s seen death.” Luna said. Arcane however, was so invested in the feeling of the creature, she hadn’t paid much attention and only heard the words ‘see’ and ‘death’, which made no sense to her, so she paid them no importance.
Arcane opened her mouth to ask another question, though a piercing shriek, not only made her close it, but made her scurry back several feet as a dozen hippogriffs trotted into the clearing.
Arcane let out a cry of fright, she had seen a hippogriff before, however a dozen looked insanely more terrifying than Buckbeak had.
“Calm down and bow.” Luna told her as she grabbed Arcane’s arm and bowed. Arcane, swallowing her panic, did the same.
The team of hippogriffs trotted in circles in front of them, some rising on their hind legs and showing their large talons.
However, Luna and Arcane stood perfectly still, bowed with their eyes on the ground.
Arcane heard the sound as the hippogriff’s made way, and then the clopping, as if one of them was approaching the girls.
“Look up now,” Luna began.
“But don’t stand up.” Arcane finished, “Yeah, I know.”
Luna nodded and the girls looked up.
Arcane held in a gasp. The Hippogriff standing in front of them was clearly the largest of the string. Its feathers were inky black, its eyes a mixture of blue and purple, and its talons looked as if they were made of pure silver.
The creature eyed the girls curiously, its beak clicking as it shifted its head to get a better look at them. The hippogriffs behind it, clicked their beaks and did the same.
Then, after scratching the snow twice with its large right talons, the hippogriff began to bow when…
“Aquila!” Boomed a voice. “Yer lo’ belon’ in the stables!”
Arcane and Luna watched as Professor Hagrid bounded through the snow into the clearing.
“I open’d the paddock for yer and yer all run-…” Hagrid caught sight of the girls in that moment. “Merlin’s underpants!” He cried. “What you girls doi’ ‘ere?”
“Feeding the Thestrals.” Luna chimed.
“Feedin’ the wha’?” Hagrid repeated in confusion. “Yer girls could’ve been hurt yer could!” Hagrid scolded. “String’o Hippogriffs can be a dangerous thing, it can.”
“In our defense, we didn’t expect to see a group of Hippogriffs.” Arcane mentioned.
Hagrid narrowed his eyes at them, “What you say y’was doin’ ou’here?”
“Luna was feeding the Thestrals.” Arcane repeated to the professor.
“How yer goin’ ter feed the Thestrals if you can’t see ‘em?” Hagrid asked in disbelief.
“I can see them.” Luna said softly. The professor’s eyes immediately softened as he turned to Luna who stared at one of the hippogriffs.
“W-well…” Hagrid stammered. “You still shouldn’t be out ‘ere alone. We wouldn’t want another accident with this lot.” He jerked his chin towards the string.
“Another accident?” Arcane questioned curiously.
“Oh yes!” Luna said airily. “I heard that one of the hippogriffs nearly ripped a Slytherin boy’s arm off.” Arcane’s eyes widened in horror.
“No one got their arm ripped off!” Professor Hagrid corrected sternly. “That Malfoy just likes exageratin’.”
“Malfoy?” Arcane repeated, her ears perking up. “He was attacked by one of these hippogriffs?”
“No, not these ones.” Hagrid said defensivly. Then he sighed, shaking his head. “He just had to go an’ insult Buckbeak.”
“Buckbeak?” Arcane blurted, recognizing the name.
“Ye’ I know it’s a funny name, but he was such a good boy.” Hagrid said looking up sadly. “To be sentenced to death because of some little-” He stopped himself and looked over at Arcane who was listing intently, while Luna collected leafs.
“Anyhow, no. These haven’t hurt no one. But that don’t mean they can’t!” Hagrid warned. “I don’ think you girls foolish enough to insult a hippogriff like Malfoy did, but I still don’ want to risk it.”
The black Hippogriff let out a loud screech, causing even large Professor Hagrid to jump. Then she extended her large wings and with a quick trot she took off.
“Aquila!” Hagrid called after her. “Bloody- There she goes!” He sighed in defeat as she disappeared over the trees. “Won’t be seeing her for a few days.”
“Where is she going?” Arcane asked.
“Hunting,” Luna answered, looking up at the trees. “Or perhaps just out for a flight, I mean neither horses nor birds enjoy being locked up, correct professor?”
Hagrid nodded grimly. “Should’ve nipped her wings like the others,” He mentioned, “Don’ mind them running, but once they fly it’ll be a while before they turn up again.”
A loud cry sounded from the distance.
“Hmph! She even boasts!” Hagrid shook his head and smiled. “You girls should go on up to the castle, Thestrals won’ return as long as this lot is ‘ere an’ it’s goin’ to take me a bit to get ‘em up to the stables.”
“Okay.” Luna chimed as she began her way up to the castle, not checking if Arcane was with her or not. Which Arcane wasn’t, she remained still, staring at the string of hippogriffs.
Hagrid stared at her curiously. “Somethin’ wrong?” he asked.
“Buckbeak is alive.” She said to him once Luna was out of earshot. Hagrid stared at Arcane in sience, but with a bit of confusion on his face.
“You said he was sentenced to death.” Arcane mentioned.
“Yes, but-”
“But he escaped.” Arcane finished for him. “Someone took him.”
“W- well I always though’ he pulled ‘emself free.” The professor admitted.
Arcane shook her head. “Someone took him and gifted him to someone else who needed him.” She told Hagrid, who looked at her in confusion. “He’s a good boy.” Arcane nodded to Hagrid. “And he’s being taken care of.”
“What in Merlin’s name are you talkin’ ‘bout?” Hagrid asked.
Arcane shook her head. “Nothing Professor, good luck rounding up the string.” She said before turning and making her way up to the castle as well.
Hello and thank you to everyone reading. Hope you have been enjoying the book so far...
This chapter was shorter than others it seems, but nice things still happened.
-Hermione has been snogging Krum... oh boy, Rons not going to be happy. But good for you Hermione!
-Draco is ignoring Arcane, what the hell is that all about? You have just got me on your side man, don't blow it!
-FEEDING THE THESTRALS WITH LUUUNNNAAAA!! My dream. Oh what would i give to feed those creatures with Luna. She's such a cutie pie!
-Arcane telling Hagrid buckbeak is alive... what were yu thinking girl? You legit make no sense, stop doing weird stuff lolAnyway...
Please leave a Kudos if you haven't and don't be afraid of leaving a comment, i would love to read them. Thanks!
Hello, hope you're enjoying the story thus far.
please leave a kudo if you haven't and feel free to comment, i love reading them.
Thanks for reading!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Arcane stood in potion class the next day working on her antidote as Snape sat at his desk, his hooked nose pressed against the parchments of the work he had left them over the holidays. Arcane glanced over at Draco. Their eyes had met twice during the class already, not that Arcane was keeping count, yet he had not made a single moment of acknowledging her. She watched him crush his beetle eyes out of the corner of her eye, or so she thought.
“What are you staring at?” Padma asked her, leaning back to her and following her line of sight. Which was not difficult, having that Malfoy’s table was at the very back, across from her own.
“Nothing.” Arcane said quickly as she looked down at the Fire seeds she was grinding.
“I wouldn’t say nothin’,” Lisa whispered, glancing up a Snape to make sure he wasn’t watching them talk. “You’ve been staring over there for a good minute now.” She glanced over at Malfoy’s table, where he was now revising his antidote recipe with Blaise Zabini.
“He say something to you?” Padma asked.
“Oh did he?” Lisa asked excitedly. “If so I can put a leech in his potion to mess it up!” She offered with a devilish smile.
“No!” Arcane whispered harshly, “I was just- Oh crap!”
Arcane hissed in pain as a bit of her, now bubbling furiously, potion spilled over and fell onto her fingers.
“What’s wrong with it?” Lisa asked warily as her and Padma backed away.
“Nothing!” Arcane said quickly, “I just forgot to add ginger root,” She explained while looking through her potion set. “I can’t find mine, do you have any?” Arcane asked, looking up at Padma and Lisa who shook their heads.
“Mine doesn’t take any.” Padma mentioned.
“Crap.” Arcane hissed once more as she turned to head towards the Snape’s supply closet, stopping just in time to not run smack into Malfoy’s arm.
“What?” Arcane snapped, leaning back to balance herself. Malfoy did not look at her, however he opened his hand to show her a piece of ginger root, and motioned for her to take it. Arcane eyed him curiously, with a small bit of sadness that he wouldn’t meet her eyes, yet she took the ginger root.
“Thanks.” She said. Malfoy gave her the slightest of nods, then returned to his attention to his potion.
Arcane quickly cut the ginger into large pieces and threw it into her cauldron. Immediately it ceased boiling. With a sigh of relief, she looked up at Padma and Lisa. Whose eyes, like many others, flickered between Arcane and Malfoy, whom did not look at Arcane again for the rest of the lesson.
Arcane wouldn’t say she felt heart broken, though she indeed did feel disappointed. She had seen plenty of movies and television shows, where the girl got kissed and it was a completely magical moment, in No-Maj standards at least. However, now she wondered if any of those ladies got kissed then got ignored for thirteen days, which she was indeed not counting.
“It’s too cold to be out here!” Complained Padma, as they all made their way across the grounds, to their Care of Magical Creatures class.
“I hate the bloody snow!” Lisa hissed as she kicked the snow in front of her.
“Can’t they just make an indoor classroom?” Padma suggested, “There’s ought to be room in the classroom!”
“In the castle, you mean.” Arcane corrected.
“You understood me!” Padma whined. “Bloody cold.” She mumbled.
“Anyway,” Arcane continued, “I don’t think they would want magical creatures in the castle.”
“Well of course not the monsters Hagrid has us look after.” Lisa assured.
“Truly!” Padma agreed. “He’s expecting us to have trolls as house pets!”
“Well it’s easier to take care of monsters when you are one, I suppose.” Said MacDougal from behind them.
“You should have no problem then.” Padma replied to her.
“My Padma,” MacDougal feigned surprise. “So much time with Black and now you're defending half-breeds?” she turned and smiled at Mandy Brockelhurst who was at her side. “What’s next? You going to help Granger ‘free the elves’?”
“Ever wonder what you would look like without a mouth Morgue?” Arcane asked, reaching for her wand that she had in her ponytail.
MacDougal’s face scrunched in disgust. “Well I can’t say I’m surprised by you Black. I mean of course you would defend the monster, he’s precious to your Gryffindor pets isn’t he?”
“What monster?” Arcane asked confusedly.
“Half-breed Hagrid of course.” MacDougal smirked as Kevin Entwhistle arrived next to her.
“Hi guys,” He smiled.
“No, no, Vinny.” MacDougal said quickly hushing him. “We go over there, and they,” She gestured to Padma and Lisa, “They can stay with Black.”
“W- wh-” Kevin stuttered, however, MacDougal twisted her arm through his. “Let’s go. Come Mandy.”
“Well Morgue’s got herself a gommy.” Lisa said watching the trio leave.
“Forget that, what monster? What does Professor Hagrid have to do with anything?” Arcane asked.
“You really don’t know?” Padma asked, “My sister told me on Monday.”
“I-… have been distracted.” Arcane said sheepishly, making Padma raise an eyebrow.
“Well, it happens that it was discovered that Professor Hagrid,” Padma lowered her voice. “Is a half-giant.”
“What?” Arcane gasped, while Lisa nodded.
“Rita Skeeter wrote all about it!” Padma continued, “Turns out his mum was giantess Fridwulfa.”
“Oi!” MacDougal called from a distance, holding up a newspaper. “See if this untwists your knickers!” She laughed throwing the paper lazily, so that it fell on the grass a few feet from where Arcane was standing.
“How about we stuff your knickers in your bloody yap!” Lisa called angrily picking up at paper.
“Give me that!” Arcane said, summoning the paper before Lisa could throw it back.
Arcane unfolded the paper and quickly found the article named DUMBLEDORE’S GIANT MISTAKE . She leaned it close as Padma, Lisa and her read and reread the article.
“My, with this writing it’s no wonder he got sacked.” Lisa said, however in the article a name of someone who spoke out against Hagrid popped out to her… Malfoy.
It took Arcane until after dinner to strike. Draco walked out of the first floor bathroom with Crabbe and Goyle when suddenly someone caught his arm.
“Wha-” he gasped as he felt the person pull.
“We’re going to talk.” Arcane told him. Crabbe and Goyle fumbled around their robes for their wands. Arcane whistled sharply at them.
“Leave. Both of you.” She told them, clutching Draco’s arm harder. Both boys stared stupidly before turning to Draco.
“If anyone asks, you don’t know where I am.” Draco told them flatly. “Understood?”
Crabbe nodded, as well as Goyle, though he glanced at Arcane warily before the two boys headed towards the dungeon.
Once the boys were out of sight Draco turned to Arcane and tried to pull his arm out of her grasp.
“Not happening.” Arcane told him as she tightened her grip and threw him into an empty classroom.
“We all hate Hagrid?! We’re just too scared to say anything?” Arcane read the part of the article angrily out loud. “What the hell?!” She shrieked, throwing the paper at Malfoy who blocked his face.
“It’s true!” Cried Draco defensively, “His monster almost killed me!”
“Because you disobeyed!” Arcane snapped at him. “You mistreated it! You idiot!”
Normally Draco would snap at her for calling him an idiot, however this time he stared at her in surprise.
“Yeah,” She said to him with a fake smile. “I know all about your stupid incident from last year.”
“T- That thing was dangerous!” Draco complained.
“You’re dangerous!” Arcane shrieked. “Dangerously stupid! Dangerously spoiled, who thinks that by throwing a fit like… like a baby you can get anything you want. An idiot who thinks he can do anything he wants because his daddy has two galleons to rub together!”
“I will not be spoken to this way!” Draco shrieked, heading for the door.
“Colloportus!” Arcane snapped, slamming her hand against the door, which locked itself with a loud CLICK. Draco opened his mouth offendedly and fished into his robe for his wand.
“Give me that!” Arcane snapped, snatching his wand away from him.
“That’s why you got hurt! Not because of Hagrid, but because you’re a spoiled little brat!” Arcane took a breath to control herself. “All magical creatures are dangerous if you don’t know how to handle them,” She told Draco who was opening and closing his mouth silently like an angry fish.
“That’s why you need to be careful and do what the professor says, what Hagrid says.” She enunciated.
“Easy for him to say, he’s a half-breed.” Draco spat.
“So?” Arcane asked, her eyebrow twitching like it did when she got annoyed.
“What do you mean so?!” Draco asked in disbelief. “He’s a half-giant!”
“What does that have to do with anything? Half-breeds are uncommon but they exist, obviously,” Arcane told him, crossing her arms. “We had a half-vampire at Ilvermorny and he was the best seeker Thunderbird house has ever seen!”
“Tha- That doesn’t matter,” Draco told her, “You should be on my side.”
“Why would I be on your side?” Arcane asked him, pinching the bridge of her nose. Draco put his face in his hands and wiped his face with a groan.
“Because… I have also figured out things about you.” Draco mentioned. Arcane gave him a confused look.
“Your mother was a McKinnon, right?” He asked, which made Arcane pause and stare at him. She hadn’t told him that.
“yeah,” He continued feeling victorious, “Did you know half of the McKinnon’s were killed by giants?”
“Yeah and the other half were killed by dark wizards, but I don’t hate every wizard because of that.” Arcane responded sharply.
“But you hate dark wizards.” Draco said.
“The only people who don’t hate dark wizards are dark wizards themselves.” Arcane scoffed. Draco stared at his feet for a moment.
“Would you hate me if I was a dark wizard?” He asked softly.
“Are you?” Arcane asked sarcastically.
“No.” Draco answered softly.
“Then what does it have to do with anything?” Arcane questioned, picking up the paper from the floor.
“It was just a question.” Draco shrugged.
“A stupid one.” Arcane answered, rolling her eyes.
“I’ve had enough of you calling me stupid.” Draco snapped.
“Then stop acting stupid!” Arcane snapped in response.
“I’m not!” He replied.
“Really?” Arcane snorted. “Because that,” She gestured the paper, “Wasn’t very smart.”
“But it wasn’t stupid.”
“But it was mean.” Arcane retorted.
“Mean and stupid are not the same thing.” Draco scoffed.
“Yeah but you just happen to be both.” Arcane said coldly.
Draco glared at her, obviously trying to think of what to say. Arcane sighed and leaned against the classroom door.
“What you did wasn’t fair Draco.” Arcane said in a soft, disappointed voice. “You could have cost Hagrid his job.”
“So?” Draco sneered. “It’s not like anyone enjoys the creatures he makes us take care of.”
“That’s not my point.” Arcane told him with a quick glare.
“What is your point then?” Draco asked rolling his eyes at her and sitting on top of the teacher’s desk.
“My point is that you’re a liar Draco!” Arcane barked. “You’re not scared of him, you’re just angry because Buckbeak scratched you last year and he said it was your own fault”
“The thing attacked me!” Draco cried.
“No he didn’t.” Arcane said forcefully.
“The creature was rabid!”
“No he isn’t!” Arcane cried.
“How would you know? You weren’t there!” Draco told her.
“I-” Arcane choked, “I- I know I wasn’t.” She admitted.
“Then how would you know if the thing was dangerous or not?” He retorted.
“B- because it was part of the Hogwarts herd.” She said quickly. “It’s not like they’re completely wild.”
“They’re still vicious.” Draco snorted.
“No they’re not.” Arcane replied.
Draco scoffed. “Yeah, whatever.” He said as he played with the dust on the desk. Arcane got an overwhelming urge to strangle Malfoy. So strong her fingers twitched.
“You know what?” She said after a few moments of silence. “Come with me.”
“Why?” He asked, his face scrunching in confusion.
“Just because.” Arcane insisted. Draco made a face of displeasure. “No thank you,” he said hopping down from the desk. “I rather go down to my-”
“If you don’t come with me I swear on Bridgett bishop I’ll never speak to you again.” Arcane said flatly, while maintaining his gaze.
Draco let out a soft laugh. “Is that supposed to affect me?” He asked with fake confidence. Arcane stared him down.
“Don’t know,” She said plainly, “Weigh it out in your head.”
His face contorted in confusion once more as Arcane watched him. Finally, with a reluctant sigh he twisted his mouth.
“Fine.” He groaned. Then with a smirk Arcane grasped his arm and lead him out of the classroom.
“Will you please slow down!” Draco complained as Arcane dragged him across the grounds towards Hagrid’s hut at the side of the forest.
“Wait! You’re taking me to that oaf’s hut!” He cried with realization, and began to pull against Arcane. “I will not be apologizing! I- I’d rather eat doxy eggs!”
Arcane rolled he eyes. “I’m not taking you to apologize, I’m taking you into the forest.” She smiled.
“That’s not any better!” Draco cried with fear creeping in his voice. “Have you been in there?! Because I have! And I would very much like to not- let go!” He pulled against Arcane’s arm harshly. “Why are you so bloody strong?!” He shrieked.
“Oh stop it, you’re such a wimp!” Arcane rolled her eyes.
“I- I am not.” He mumbled. Arcane scoffed.
“Just wait, we’re not going in very far.”
“I’d rather not go in at all!” Draco whined.
“Fine.” Arcane spat, letting go of his arm and turning around and pointing her wand at his feet. “ Quieto .” She said. A blue light blasted out of her wand and landed on Draco’s shoes, covering them in faint blue light.
“Huh?” Draco gasped in surprise trying to move his feet, which were now seemingly glued in place.
“Wait here.” Arcane told him with a smirk, before she strolled away, around the cabin and into the first line of trees. Arcane did not care much for Care of Magical Creatures class, though she was observant enough to see where Professor Hagrid placed the food for most of the creatures, among the food, she had seen just the thing she would need that evening.
“what the bloody hell are those?!” Draco asked in disgust.
“Peace offerings.” Arcane smiled as she held up a batch of dead ferrets.
“Can we leave now?” Draco groaned as they stood outside of one of the hippogriff stables. “The sun is going down, and that one is looking at me funny!” He said pointing at the hippogriff with a bronze coat, which clicked its beak angrily and turned around, showing Draco its backside.
“Oh now you made it mad.” Arcane said sourly as she walked up to the hippogriff. “Good going ferret.” A speckled hippogriff clicked its beak at the mention of the last word.
“Oh, you like the sound of that?” Arcane asked the speckled hippogriff. “Ferret?” The creature clicked its beak again.
“Here you can have one,” She showed the last two ferrets she had left. “But you have to let that one pet you.” Arcane jerked her chin towards Draco. The hippogriff let out a loud screech in Draco’s direction, which Arcane was sure if someone could translate, it would not have said anything polite.
“I don’t want to touch you anyway!” Draco snapped at the creature.
“You’re not helping.” Arcane scolded.
“I don’t want to help,” Draco huffed as he followed Arcane to the stall nearest to the door. “I would like to leave… Must you do that?” He asked, while Arcane held the ferrets out arm’s length in direction of the stall.
“I need the smell to expand for them to be tempted.” Arcane told him.
“Right, because we need more stench in here.” Draco said sourly, looking around the stable in disgust.
“You know Draco,” Arcane began, not looking at him while she waved the ferrets around, “You’re really whiny,”
“Arcane,” Draco said.
“No hold on” She said still without looking at him, “I’m serious, everything and everybody bothers you-”
“A- Arcane” Draco stammered.
“And now I think of it, I don’t know why I’m here with you.” She said laughing at herself. “I’m supposed to be angry with you! You haven’t spoke to me since-”
Draco let out such a whimper it made Arcane’s head spin around to see what was wrong. He was pale as paper and his eyes were wide with fear.
That was when Arcane felt the breath on her neck.
Arcane turned slowly, only to find herself facing the Hogwarts herd alpha mare.
She was much larger than Buckbeak, with the body of a Boulonnais horse, equally inky black colored as were her feathers, her eyes bluish-purple and her talons, gray and shiny as silver.
“Draco, bow.” Arcane said as she left the ferrets on the floor and backed away until she was next to Draco, who seemed paralyzed. “Draco,” Arcane repeated.
“W- What?” Draco stuttered as he stared at the hippogriff, which had just finished swallowing one of the ferrets.
“Get down.” Arcane told him.
“I- I can’t.” He whimpered, his entire body shaking.
“Hey,” Arcane said pinching his hand, causing him to flinch and look at her. “Just bow with me.”
Draco gave her a small nod and they bowed together. Arcane watched the legs of the hippogriff as it finished eating. Arcane heard it swallow, then shift its feathers, only after that did it paw the ground with its massive talons.
“Now look up at her Draco, but don’t rise!” Arcane advised.
Draco looked up at the creature, his body still shaking as the creature eyed him. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. The creature spread her wings and clicked her beak at Draco.
“Back up,” He said quickly grabbing Arcane by the wrist and pulling her back.
“Hold on.” Arcane told him, watching the hippogriff.
The creature shifted its head from side to side, looking at Arcane and Draco from each eye. Then, after lowering her wings, she bowed.
“Oh what a pretty girl!” Arcane blurted excitedly, as she walked forward to stroke the alpha mare’s beak.
“Be careful!” Draco warned nervously.
“Oh I’m fine,” Arcane said to him. “She’s part of the herd, she won’t hurt us now as long as we are nice to her.” Arcane gave Draco a warning look, to which he glared at her.
“Come and pet her.” Arcane told Draco as she ran her own fingers through the creatures’ feathers.
“I- I- I couldn’t!” Draco stammered.
“Of course you can.” Arcane said, giving him a small eye roll. “Come on.” She reached for him.
“No!” He blurted, backing away. His abrupt movement made the alpha mare paw the ground annoyed.
“Come on Draco you’re making her mad.” Arcane warned him. “She already bowed, if you don’t pet her she’ll eat you.”
Draco gave Arcane a horrified look, making her laugh.
“I’m kidding.” Arcane laughed. “But yeah, it would be rude not to pet her, right beautiful?” Arcane asked the large hippogriff. She clicked her beak in response.
Draco took a hesitant step forward. “You’re sure she won’t hurt me?” he asked rubbing his arm. Arcane eyed him.
“Not unless you give her a reason.”
Draco nodded curtly, then, holding his breath, he stepped forward to pet the creature.
Aquila clicked her beak affectionately as she shifted her head for Draco to pet her in different places.
“Her feathers are so soft,” Draco said softly. “And she’s so big!” Aquila pawed the ground forcefully.
“I mean that as a compliment!” Draco told her hastily. “Big and majestic!” Arcane giggled at him.
“You’re a pretty girl Aquila.” Arcane said, nuzzling her face against the hippogriffs feathers.
“Is that her name?” Draco asked, stroking the creatures’ beak.
“Yeah,” Arcane nodded.
“How do you know?”
Arcane shrugged. “Hagrid told me and Luna when we bumped into the herd last week.”
“What were you doing with Loony Lovegood?” Draco sneered.
“I went with her to feed the Thestrals.” Arcane said lightly. Draco’s eyebrows knitted. “Thestrals? What are those’”
“I’m not sure,” Arcane admitted, “I couldn’t see them, but they were definitely there.”
“Why couldn’t you see them?” Draco asked, his face covered in even more confusion.
“I don’t know, Luna said something about them being ‘dead invisible’ or something like that.” Arcane laughed softly.
“Sound normal for Looney.” Draco scoffed. Arcane frowned, it wasn’t the first time she had heard someone call Luna that, she did not like it, but even Arcane had to admit, Luna was a bit strange.
“Whoa!” Draco gasped as Aquila brushed her body against him, causing him to take a few steps back to maintain his balance.
“I think we should ride her.” Arcane thought aloud by accident. Draco’s head jerked around towards her.
“What?!” He blurted. “No way!” He began to back up.
Arcane had not been serious about riding the hippogriff, though seeing how strongly Draco was against the idea, it made her want to do it even more.
“Why not?” Arcane shrugged. “It sounds like fun.” She said giving him a mischievous grin.
“I- I can- I wo- You’re mad.” Draco spat, quite baffled.
“Oh come on, just a quick trip around the castle.” Arcane insisted.
“No!” Draco replied, stepping back from the creature. Arcane stared at the creatures feathers between her fingers for a moment, she had been about to agree not to fly when suddenly an idea popped in her mind.
“Oh okay…” Arcane said with a disappointed sigh. “I just thought th- oh never mind.” She stopped, patting Aquila’s side.
“Thought what?” Draco asked her, as she moved around the hippogriff.
“Nothing.” Arcane said plainly.
“No, tell me.”
“No.” Arcane shook her head. “Forget it.”
“Arcane tell me!” He demanded, stomping his foot like a child. Arcane smiled to herself, but turned so he would not notice.
“I just thought that if Potter could do it, you could too…” She let out a small sigh with a frown as she stroked the hippogriff's beak. “But if you can't, that's okay. Not everyon-”
“I can do anything stupid Potter can!” Draco sneered sharply. “And better.”
“Perfect.” Arcane said with a sly smile. “Let’s ride then.”
“You good?” Arcane asked Draco as he accommodated himself on top of the hippogriff.
“Y- You sure this is a good idea?” He asked shakily.
“Well…” Arcane grunted as she hoisted herself up behind him. “It’s definitely an idea.” She smiled, putting her arms around his waist.
“What are you doing?!” He flinched. “Why are you holding me like that!”
“Because I need something to hold onto, stupid!” Arcane told him.
“O- oh,” He blushed. “Right, of course, er… How do I get her to er- fly?”
“Like this!” Arcane said, cueing the creature with her leg. Then as if Aquila had been waiting for it all her life, she began to gallop at the full speed of a race horse. She stretched her massive wings, and within less than a minute she shot into the sky.
Arcane let out a holler of excitement, while Draco let out a high pitched scream.
“Bloody- Bumbling- Bullocks!” Draco mumbled to himself as he gripped the hippogriff, his eyes screwed shut.
“Draco open your eyes, look!” Arcane called to him as they soared above the trees of the forest. The sun was nearly all the way set and one could see the light from the castle shine out of the windows, and the owls leaving the Owlery for the night.
“Draco look, owls!” Arcane said happily pointing at the flock. Draco peeked his eyes open, just in time to see a rather large owl fly out.
“That’s mine!” He said pointing at it. “That’s Ulysses.” He smiled.
“He’s big,” Arcane nodded.
“He’s an eagle owl,” Draco told her happily. “Beautiful thing, got him when I turned eleven.”
“Good to know.” Arcane smiled, looking around at the grounds from above. “This is amazing.” She said.
Draco looked around, then looked behind him, at her.
“Yeah,” He agreed, “really pretty.”
They landed near the edge of the black lake close enough to the castle that they did not feel in the dark.
“Your hair’s a mess,” Draco laughed, pointing to Arcane’s head where her hair definitely was a mess.
“You look a little shabby yourself.” Arcane teased, ruffling his hair.
“Oi, stop it!” He complained, while backing out of Arcane’s reach. Aquila clicked her beak at them, causing them to stop.
“Sorry,” Arcane giggled as she caressed the side of the hippogriff's head. “Thank you for the ride.”
“Yeah,” Draco said patting her beak softly. “It was nice.”
Aquila brushed herself against Draco once more then trotted off. He turned to find Arcane smiling at him slyly.
“What?” He snapped. Arcane clasped her arm.
“Oh my! It’s killed me! Violent creature! It ripped my arm off!” Arcane teased, feigning her arm was broken.
“Shut up!” Draco said, pushing her. Arcane giggled. “You’re so dramatic.” She laughed as they began their way up to the castle.
“What do think baby hippogriffs are called?” Draco asked.
“Cute?” Arcane offered. Draco rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious.” He said.
“I don’t know,” Arcane shrugged, “Maybe foul-lings, or hip-”
“Ehem…” a voice said. With regret Arcane and Draco looked up the steps of the castle to see Professor Snape standing at the entrance.
“Oh no.” Arcane groaned.
“Oh no indeed, Black.” Snape sneered.
“Professor,” Draco began.
“Quiet Malfoy.” Snape hissed. “I cannot say I am surprised,” Snape continued, glaring at Arcane. “Black always had a way of getting himself and others into trouble.” Snape turned to Draco. “But you,” He hissed, “I believe your father-”
“Has other things to be worry about.” Said a voice from behind Snape.
“Professor Dumbledore!” Arcane smiled. Dumbledore gave her a small nod in greeting, before turning to Snape who was now facing him.
“You see Severus; it pleases me dearly when I see students overcome their own obstacles. Especially having known that Mr. Malfoy missed such a lovely class on hippogriffs last year, due to his…”
“Rudeness!” Arcane passed as a cough.
“Injury.” Completed Dumbledore, though there was a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. “So I am happy to see him learning about them on his own.” Dumbledore glanced at Arcane. “Well perhaps with a bit of help.”
“So now we permit students to do such things as flying upon school creatures, unsupervised.” Snape sneered.
“My, my, Severus I am most content that you are taking such interest in the safety of our students,” Dumbledore smiled. “Though I doubt anyone will be repeating such an act anytime soon. In any case I will inform Mr. Filch to put up a notice.”
Snape’s lip curled in distaste. “Then in that case I will escort Malfoy to his common room,” Snape growled. “As is my right as head of Slytherin house.”
“Very well Severus,” Dumbledore nodded. “And I will exercise my right as headmaster to instruct you that this incident will not be informed to anyone beyond us present.” Dumbledore glanced at Snape over the rim of his glasses. “Am I heard?”
“Of course.” Snape growled, grabbing Draco by the scruff of his neck. “We’ll be off then.”
“Goodnight Severus, Goodnight Mr. Malfoy.” Dumbledore said, nodding to each.
“Goodnight Professor.” Draco muttered, his eyes finding Arcane.
“Night.” Arcane said to him with a small wave, before meeting Snape’s glare as he yanked Draco up the steps.
After the pair was out of sight, Dumbledore turned to Arcane, who suddenly felt embarrassed.
“Professor, I- I’m-” She began.
“Do not worry child,” Dumbledore told her. “I am happy to see you enjoying your time at Hogwarts. Though, I did not expect you to befriend young Mr. Malfoy, what a delight.” He chuckled. Arcane chuckled nervously with him.
“You remind me dearly of your father, so much so I am glad you are not in Gryffindor.” Dumbledore stroked his beard. “If you were near the Weasley twins for too long I’m sure we would already have lost half of the school.”
Arcane giggled. “We would have given my dad’s group a run for their galleons.”
“You indeed would have.” Dumbledore chortled. “Say Miss Black, I would very much like to hear on how you have been enjoying Hogwarts so far, and just happen to have been gifted a new board of wizard chess. Would you fancy a game?”
“Of course,” Arcane nodded excitedly as they headed into the castle.
Dumbledore’s game of chess did not take very long; he beat Arcane so quickly that had he been any other person she would have insisted they cheated. Yet having that her opponent was Albus Dumbledore himself, all she could do was smile sheepishly.
“I didn’t stand a chance.” She smiled in defeat.
“Perhaps not,” Dumbledore chuckled, “I was feeling rather competitive tonight. Anyhow, you were saying?” Arcane leaned back in her chair.
“Well that’s about it,” She shrugged. “Classes are good, friends are good and I haven’t created too much trouble. Well not since, you know.”
Dumbledore’s beard twitched humorously. “Yes, I must admit Professor Karkaroff is still a bit peeved about that. And surely the fact that Miss Granger was Mr. Krum’s date for the dance did not help.”
Arcane tightened her fist, she knew exactly why Karkaroff didn’t like Hermione.
“Did you enjoy the dance Miss Black?” Dumbledore asked after taking a sip of the tea he had served before the chess match. “I believe I spotted you arriving with a Mr. Weasley. Forgive me but I could not tell which from afar.”
“George.” Arcane replied. “The dance was nice, very pretty.” She said quickly before taking a sip of tea.
“And how have you been feeling, Miss Black?” Dumbledore asked. Arcane gave him a confused glance over the rim of her cup.
“What?” She asked, after quickly swallowing.
“I recall you feeling a bit odd before the first task, over studious and perhaps a bit fatigued I say.” Dumbledore glanced at her with serenity. “You believed-”
“Dragons…” Arcane said softly to herself, feeling confused though she quickly recovered. “I actually thought dragons were going to attack Hogwarts.” She laughed stirring her tea. “You were probably right professor, I probably just heard someone mention it or maybe I heard a roar in the distance,” Arcane shrugged, “Nothing important really.”
Dumbledore eyed her curiously as his magic teapot served him more tea.
“And… Have you been feeling well ever since then?” He questioned, putting two cubes of sugar into his cup.
“Yeah,” Arcane replied warily, “Why?”
“Oh nothing.” Dumbledore assured her. “It was just during a conversation I had with professor Trelawney that she mentioned you… looked a bit faint.” He finished slowly. “I only ask to assure your wellbeing, or in any other case inform Madam Pomfrey.”
“Oh no,” Arcane shook her head, “I’m fine. I bet I was just tired because of homework, like really, there’s no need to worry.”
“So you have not felt anything similar to those other times?” Dumbledore asked her, gazing at her over the rim of his spectacles.
“No…” Arcane said quickly, “Like I said, I’m okay, getting lots of rest, eating my fruits and veggies, lots and lots of pumpkin juice.” She smiled half-heartedly.
Dumbledore smiled and nodded. “I’m glad to hear so.” He said, flicking his wand, making his set of chess put itself away which Arcane could see clear dismissal.
Well, i've already thanked you at the beginning of the chapter so i'm going to jup right into my comments:
1. Draco giving Arcane his ginger root💕 He cares so much, but is such an idiot!😫 Like bro, stop ignoring her and just talk to her!!! bro just kissed and ran.
2. Draco and Arcane arguing... again! Will it ever end?🙄
3. Not Draco actually being scared of hippogriffs lol😂 as he should be because buckbeak taught him one hell of a lesson.
Don't worry though, Draco. Arcane is there to protect you💪
4. Draco -screaming- as they took flight 🤣🤣 Please, pretty please, when you read that, imagine Hermione's scream when riding buckbeak... she and Draco sound the same in my head.
5. SNAPE! you ruined a moment! After all that Arcane and Draco seemed to be in a good place and you had to just go and stomp on it! Now we have to wait another twenty chapters until they will look at each other again😡that's just a joke but uggghhh 😂
anyway, i'll see you next chapter!
Chapter 33
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“Oh look!” Lisa pointed excitedly at the lake. When Arcane turned to see what she referred to, she noticed just in time to see Viktor Krum jump from the Durmstrang ship into the Black Lake.
“He’s real handsome.” Lisa said, wiggling her eyebrows at Arcane, who glanced at Krum.
“I guess so, in an Ox looking sort of way.” She shrugged.
“He does not look like no Ox!” Lisa said defensively. Arcane glanced at Krum again. “Yes he does.” She replied, watching him heavily tread through the water. Lisa let out an offended huff as she fixed her scarf around her neck.
“Where’s Padma?” Arcane asked, looking around.
“She left early, remember?” Lisa told her looking blissfully at the lake. “She and her sister went with the Beauxbaton’s boys.”
“Right,” Arcane said, “Shouldn’t you have gone with Hendrik then?”
Lisa frowned for a moment, “Did you know Hendrik is awfully shy?” Arcane nodded.
“Well I didn’t,” Lisa said still frowning slightly. “I mean he’s the sweetest and quite the dancer, but when it’s just him and I, he won’t say a bloody word.”
“So?” Arcane questioned curiously.
“So nothing.” Lisa shrugged. “We went to a dance, it was mad fun, but now it’s over. It’s not like I married the bloke.”
“I wasn’t saying-”
“I know you wasn’t, I’m just telling you because Padma told me we can catch up with them once in town, plenty of Frenchie’s for the load of us, eh?” Lisa elbowed Arcane teasingly.
“That sounds nice, but I’m…” Arcane stopped as she remembered what had happened a couple days ago.
She had been sitting in her dorm room, doing homework along with the other girls when suddenly there were some loud clicks coming from MacDougal’s window.
“Who’s bloody bird is this?” MacDougal snapped. All the girls looked up, yet only Arcane recognized the eagle owl.
“That’s Mal-” She stopped herself a feigned a cough. “That’s mine, sorry.”
MacDougal rolled her eyes and reluctantly opened her window, having the fact that hers seemed to be the only one that opened. The bird quickly flew inside and onto Arcane’s bed, where it stuck out it’s leg, which had a small note tied to it.
“Thank you.” She said to the bird, which flew off the moment she untied the note, hitting MacDougal harshly on the head with its wing on its way out.
As the other girls snickered, earning them each a glare from MacDougal, Arcane opened and read the note.
I will meet you in Hogsmeade, 11am, I’ll find you.
“I hate his time of year!” Arcane heard a Hufflepuff girl complain to her friend as they passed by walking through town. “Walking in slosh.”
“It’s not even slosh.” Arcane muttered to herself as she looked at the ground still covered in snow. She had seen slosh in both New York and Boston, the snow on the grounds of Hogsmeade was not even comparable.
“Look!” Lisa said excitedly as she pointed down the road. Arcane followed her line of vision and saw both Patil twins talking to a group of Beauxbatons students, most of them young men. Padma eyed up one of the boys while her sister giggled and flicked her hair over her shoulder, both looking quite pretty. Along with Lavender Brown, who was giggling as much as Parvati.
Padma caught Lisa’s eye before Arcane’s, though once she did she beckoned them both over quickly.
“Come on.” Lisa smiled at Arcane as she pulled her towards the group. Lavender’s lips pursing as she caught sight of Lisa.
“This is my friend Lisa,” Padma mentioned once Lisa met her side, after exchanging a dirty look with Lavender.
“Hello,” Lisa said quickly, straightening herself.
“An’ ‘oo iz diz?” A dark haired who reminded Arcane oddly of Rob Lowe asked. “We cannot eegno’ ‘er.” He proceeded to grasp her hand and sofly plant a kiss on the top of it before looking at Arcane and saying, “ Vous êtes si belle que vous regarder est une souffrance .”
Arcane snorted and quickly took her hand from his. “ Donc je te sugg’ere de regarder quelgu’un d’autre .” She responed hoping what she said came out correctly. Which made her worry because everyone had gone quiet and was staring at her.
“What did she say?” Lavender whispered loudly to Parvati.
“I don’t know.” Parvati whispered in response, equally as loud.
“She said she will not be joining you today.” Said a haughty voice from beside Arcane, which she immediately recognized.
The dark haired boy looked Malfoy up and down quickly, “An’ yu’ ar’?” He asked, standing up straight to show he was easily a foot taller.
“Not important. Now au revoir if you may.” Malfoy responded, shooing the boy away with his hand.
“Okay, that’s enough now,” Arcane said rolling her eyes. “Let’s go.” She said to Draco and they turned to leave.
“Now hold on?” Padma blurted, causing Arcane and Draco to stop. “Er…” she paused seeing that the entire group was watching them. She turned to her sister, “Can you all go find a table at The Three Broomsticks, we’ll be right there.”
Parvati pouted, she clearly was curious of what was happening as well as Lavender, yet she nodded and wrapped her arm around one of the French boys’ arms.
“I’m a bit cold, buy me a drink?” She asked the boy with a bat of her eyelashes. Lavender copied and soon the entire group was on their way to the inn.
“What’s up?” Arcane asked once the group was out of earshot.
“Where are you going?” Padma asked, sounding horribly like an old woman. “No, let me correct myself. Where are you going with him?!” She asked pointing at Draco.
“Mind your own, will you?” He snapped at her.
“Stop it.” Arcane scolded him before looking at Padma who had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“We want to know why you’re leaving us to go with him.” Lisa said shyly.
Arcane watched them both closely, Lisa perhaps wouldn’t care, however, if Arcane told Padma she was Draco’s friend she would get such an earful that her headache would last days. She needed a quick excuse, something believable.
“It’s nothing.” Arcane said.
“If it’s nothing, why are you going?” Padma asked sourly. Arcane sighed, turned back to Malfoy and shrugged. “Sorry.” She said, twisting her mouth as she turned back to Padma. “Mister over here is failing transfiguration.” She gestured to Malfoy.
“What?” The three blurted in unison.
“What did you say?” Malfoy hissed, his eyes going wide.
“Oh come on,” Arcane said rolling her eyes dramatically. “The fact a few people know you have a low grade isn’t the end of the world.”
“But I-”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever…” Arcane interrupted, glancing at Padma, “We got to go, McGonagall wants me to help him out, I don’t even know how behind he is and I don’t want to waste my entire Hogsmeade trip.”
“Why are you wasting any of it though?” Lisa asked as Malfoy gave her the stink eye. “Couldn’t you help him out up at the school?”
Malfoy scoffed loudly. “As if I want to be seen with Black as tutor.” Arcane let out a reluctant sigh.
“See?” She asked Padma, who now looked slightly convinced.
“Anyway,” Arcane continued, “We got to go, I’ll see if I can catch up with you two, if not,” Arcane dug into her purse and pulled out a few coins. “Can you get me some Chocolate Frogs and Jelly Slugs, please?” She handed the money to Lisa. Padma opened her mouth to say something, however Lisa interrupted her.
“Och.” Lisa said pocketing the money, “But it’s going to cost you a Sugar Quill.”
“Deal.” Arcane nodded, while Lisa grabbed Padma by the and lead her away, towards The Three Broomsticks. Padma only looking back to give Arcane and Malfoy a quick glance before they disappeared around the corner.
“So,” Arcane began, turning to face Malfoy. “What are we going to do? The Three Broomstick’s is off limits for a while, so you got any other idea?”
“I… I hadn’t thought about it…” Malfoy admitted, scratching his head.
“Okay,” Arcane said thinking as she began to walk, Malfoy at her side. “Three Broomsticks is really packed now, but we could go to Hogshead.” She offered.
Draco wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Nasty little place, I’d rather not go near.” Arcane raised an eyebrow, though decided not to argue.
“Fine,” She said looking around. “We could get something from Honeydukes.” She pointed at the candy shop. “I could do with a licorice wand.” She smiled. However, Malfoy snorted, “My mother sends me much better sweets.”
Arcane’s smile faltered not going unnoticed by Malfoy.
“I’ll share them with you.” He promised.
“Okay,” Arcane nodded as they continued walking. “How about Zonko’s?” “No.”
“The shrieking shack?” Arcane suggested. “No.”
“Maestro’s music shop?” She offered. “No.”
“Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop?” Arcane pointed out, on the last strand of her temper. “No!”
“Then what do you want ferret?!” Arcane snapped, stopping in her tracks. Malfoy frowned, looking down at his feet as he kicked a small stone.
“I want to do something…” He mumbled, “Something I’ve never done before.”
“You could tell your dad to butt off.” Arcane suggested, earning her a glare from Malfoy. “Too much?” She laughed.
“What a laugh you are.” He said sarcastically as he frowned. Arcane shrugged and tapped the ground with the tip of her boot.
“I want to do something fun,” Malfoy said softly. “Like with the Hippogriff.” Arcane eyed him curiously, he had nearly busted a lung screaming when they flew, and here he was asking for something similar. Arcane looked around at her surroundings until her eyes fell on the road that lead out of town. “Come on,” She said after a moment. “I know what we’ll be doing.”
Arcane promised to remember that the next time Malfoy told her he wanted an adventure she would make him do something stupid like tying his own shoes without magic, because walking up a pair of hills was clearly too much for him.
“Why are you wheezing?!” She laughed as the finally made it up the third hill.
“Because I’m tired!” He snapped at her.
“We haven’t even walked a mile!”
“I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT IS!” He screamed at her.
“OKAY!” She replied, “Jeez, keep your socks on. Here.” She dug into her purse and pulled out her Thermos and handed it to him. Where he quickly uncapped it and took a gulp, immediately gagging.
“What is this?” He spat, wiping his mouth in disgust.
“Goblin pee.” Arcane said flatly.
Malfoy turned green and bent over making a loud gagging sound.
“I’m kidding!” Arcane cried quickly taking her thermos from him. “It’s fricking lemonade!”
“Why is it spicy then?!” Draco wheezed.
“Because it’s spiced lemonade, it’s good for you.” Arcane told him.
“It’s disgusting.” He groaned.
“Don’t drink it then.” Arcane shrugged as she put her thermos away.
“Can you just please tell me, why we are here?” Malfoy gestured around. Arcane had them climb three hills barely outside of town to an old-looking farm that Arcane was not sure if anyone lived there or not. Yet she did know that on the side of a small looking barn was three large trash bins with large metal lids.
“Perfect.” She said to herself as she stalked over to the trash bins.
“I don’t understand what you are doing,” Draco said as he watched her pry off two of the lids.
“There’s not much to understand,” Arcane grunted as she pried off the second lid and held it out to Malfoy. “Just enjoy.”
Draco looked at the bin lid in disgust. “I’m not touching that, it’s filthy!”
“Oh whatever,” Arcane sighed as she thrusted the lid into his chest. Malfoy proceeded to hold it at arm length with two fingers.
“Are you serious?” Arcane asked him. Malfoy gave the lid a repulsed look. Arcane huffed and pulled out her wand.
“Scourgify.” She said pointing her wand at the lid, now making it squeaky clean. “There you go your majesty.” She said with a mocking bow.
“What do I even do with this anyway?” He asked flipping the lid over in his hands.
“You sit on it.” Arcane explained as she set hers on the ground.
“What? Why?” He asked inspecting the piece.
“Sit on it and I’ll show you.” Arcane said, patting the snow next to her. “Trust me.”
Very awkwardly Draco obliged, he sat the lid right where Arcane had flattened the snow, then got on it quite similar to a toddler.
Draco crossed his legs the same way Arcane was sat, then asked, “What do I do now?”
“This!” Arcane smiled as she quickly uncrossed one of her legs and kicked the rim of the lid Malfoy was sat upon, causing him to begin to slide full speed downhill. Malfoy let out a loud cry as Arcane let out a laugh and proceeded to follow.
What neither one of them expected was the large bump at the bottom of the hill, which sent them both flying of their lids and into the snow. Draco landing face first with such force, his face remained imprinted in the snow.
“What the bloody hell was that?!” He snapped at her as he got up, white frost still stuck to his reddend face.
“That…” Arcane stifled a laugh, “That was sledding.” She said coolly.
Draco’s eyes narrowed at her, then her turned to where his face had marked the snow. “Can we do it again?” he asked.
Arcane fell to the ground with laughter as she wiped the snow from the snowball that had just hit her in the chest.
“Are you alright?” Draco asked, laughing as he walked over, ditching the bin lid which he had been using as a shield during the snowball fight.
“Yeah,” Arcane answered while shaking the snow out of her hair. “You know,” She continued, “You have a hard throw for a seeker you’d make a good catcher.” She smiled at him teasingly.
“Nah, my father wouldn’t like it.” Draco said without second thought, causing Arcane’s smile to falter as he offered her a hand.
“Right,” Arcane mumbled, “Your father.” She took his hand and let him haul her to her feet.
“Your hands are freezing!” Draco announced, quickly avoiding the silence. “How about I get us something warm to drink?”
“Okay,” Arcane shrugged “But aren’t you afraid of being seen with me?”
“Of course.” Draco answered, a bit to quickly for Arcane’s liking. “But we can just get something and bring it back here to drink, right?”
Arcane nodded.
“Perfect, let’s go then, because I’m not drinking that blasted thing you got in there.” He said giving her thermos a nasty look.
It was late afternoon by the time they made it back into town and the streets were uncommonly empty.
“Where’s everyone?” Arcane asked, looking around.
“Inside The Three Broomsticks most likely.” Draco mentioned.
“And that’s where we’re going?” Arcane asked, surprised that Draco would take her to a place so full of people.
“Of course not,” He scoffed, “We can get Butterbeer at Hogshead.”
“Didn’t you say it was a nasty little place?” Arcane reminded him.
“It is.” Draco nodded, “But it is mostly empty, so we won’t have to wait as long. I do hate waiting.” He said matter-of-factly. Arcane rolled her eyes.
“Speaking of waiting,” Draco continued, “I wanted to speak about something with you.”
“Yeah?” Arcane asked, as she dumped the rest of the contents of her thermos.
“Term has barely begun, and we can take more than three electives if we like.” Draco explained.
“Uh-huh.” Arcane agreed as she capped her thermos. “So?”
“What electives do you take?” Draco asked her curiously.
Arcane shrugged, “The basics I guess. Divination, Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies.”
“Would you like to take Arithmancy?” Draco blurted. Arcane looked at him taken aback. “Why?” She asked.
Draco’s face flushed ever so slightly as he cleared his throat. “Well, I take Arithmancy, actually oddly enough I’m the only slytherin in our year that takes it,” He mentioned, “And, well… I was looking at our schedule’s and on Mondays… when you have a free hour, I have Arithmancy.” He explained. “So if you took Arithmancy as well, we could see each other and it just so happens that no one sits next to me in that particular class.”
“The sign-up for new electives ended before classes began again.” Arcane reminded him.
“I know but Professor Vector is always trying to get more students to join her class I’m sure she’ll let you join if you take a brief exam, I could help you.” Draco insisted.
“You’re going t help me study for an Arithmancy exam?” Arcane asked him in disbelief.
“I’m actually quite good at Arithmancy.” He said defensively. Arcane couldn’t help but smirk. Draco never wanted to be seen with her, then here he is asking her to join a class with him.
“Fine, I’ll talk to Professor Vector.” She told him.
“Yes!” He cried as he extended his arms for a brief moment that looked as if he would hug her, yet he caught himself and ended up patting both her shoulders very awkwardly. “I’m going to go get our drinks” He muttered, his face slightly red as he walked into the Hogshead.
Arcane wasn’t standing outside for very long, though as she looked at the large ice sickles hanging from the roofs she couldn’t help but imagining Wendigo getting his tongue stuck. She was watching one slowly melt when someone cleared their throat near her.
She turned, fully expecting Draco, yet she was greeted by a ginger.
“Hello.” George said sheepishly.
“Oh…” Arcane said, not able to conceal her disappointment. “Where’s your brother?” She asked, looking around, not feeling in the mood to be pranked.
“He’s with Lee.” George answered with a frown.
“Nice.” Arcane replied, not really caring to look at him. George shifted uncomfortably, clearly noticing Arcane’s hostility. “Er… We haven’t really spoken since… the ball.” He said shyly.
“Right.” Arcane replied flatly, still looking elsewhere.
“And… er… You have sort of been avoiding me around the castle.”
“Have I?” Arcane asked airily.
“Yeah,” George laughed nervously. “Er… I talked to Ginny see, and well… She er… had me notice things.” George wiped his nose nervously. Arcane glanced at him.
“What I mean to say is… i- is that I’m sorry. I was awful and you took all that time to look nice and get ready, i-it wasn’t fair for me do all those pranks on you. I’m sorry I ruined your night. I was a complete twat”
“You didn’t ruin my night.” Arcane said quickly, without thinking. “But you were a twat.” She smiled at him slightly. “Next time you take a girl out, leave your toys at home.”
“Yeah,” George blushed shyly. “I just wanted people to see them, Fred and I’ve been working so hard and with the foreign school’s being here and all…” He frowned. “I am truly sorry.”
“Well,” Arcane gave a dramatic sigh, “I guess I can forgive you, just this once though.” She pointed at him with a menacing finger.
George raised is hands as a sign of surrender, “Watch where you point that thing.” He laughed, which made Arcane smile.
“What are you doing out here any-”
“Begging for charity Weasley?!” Malfoy’s voice echoed from behind George, who’s ears went red. “I would give you a galleon, but I’m afraid you may faint.” He continued walking closer. “It’s more than your family see’s in a year isn’t it?”
“Watch your mouth Malfoy.” George warned.
“I would say bit me, but I don’t know what diseases you carry about.” Malfoy sneered.
George lurched at Malfoy, however, Arcane caught his arm.
“Knock it off.” She told Malfoy. He looked at her and his face twisted into a scowl.
“Of course you would defend Weasley.” He said sourly.
“Yeah, I would. Because he knows when he’s in the wrong.” Arcane retorted with a harsh glare at Malfoy.
“Why don’t you run off with Weasley then.” Malfoy snapped.
“She just might.” George said, sizing up to Malfoy. “What is it to you?”
Malfoy opened his mouth to say something, when a voice rang down the street.
“DRAAAACOOOOOO!” The voice of Pansy Parkinson shrieked. Arcane looked to see that she was accompanied by Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle, who all rushed over to Draco as Pansy cried, “They’re attacking him! Someone go get a Professor!”
Zabini eyed Arcane as Crabbe and Goyle rounded on George.
“Oh good, the Calvary is here.” Arcane said sarcastically smiling at Malfoy. “Why don’t you run off with them now?”
Malfoy scowled at her and began to walk towards Zabini.
“I want my thermos back.” Arcane told him. Malfoy glanced at the shiny silver thermos he had in his hand, then with a sneer he thrusted it at Arcane who snatched it from him.
Then with an even deeper scowl, Malfoy turned and left with his team of lackey’s.
“Was he bothering you before I got here?” George asked, appearing at Arcane’s side.
“No.” Arcane sighed. “He was fine.”
Arcane didn’t know why she followed through with Malfoy’s idea, she felt stupid speaking to Professor Vector who was more than happy to have her in her class. However Arcane and Draco had not spoken since Hogsmeade, which was not unusual, though Arcane was beginning to find the pattern tiring. Draco had ignored her during potions, which made her regret the fact that she had given up her free hour for another class as she walked to Professor Vector’s Arithmancy classroom. A class she was running late to, having the fact she had forgotten she had signed up for it. She was expecting Professor Vector to tell her off when she arrived, though all the Professor did was smile widely at her.
“Ah there you are!” She beamed. “I was afraid that you had been frightened by the power of numbers. Please, come on in. I have just announced we will be working in partners.” Professor Vector glanced around the class. “Well you’re in luck. Mr. Malfoy still needs a partner.”
Arcane looked to the very back of the classroom, where Malfoy was looking at her as if he had just been slapped.
“Go on now.” Professor Vector insisted. Arcane nodded a began her way to the back when a sudden pssst! caught her attention.
Arcane looked over and her heart sank. Hermione Granger was at the table in front of Professor Vector’s desk. Which wasn’t the most ideal place, having her bushy hair blocked the view of the ones sat behind her.
Hermione waved at Arcane excitedly, which Arcane responded less enthusiastically as she continued her way to the back at sat next to Malfoy.
“Glorious! Now that we are all here…” Professor Vector began her class, as Arcane pulled out some parchment and her hippogriff-feather quill.
“You came…” Malfoy said softly in disbelief.
“That’s what we agreed on, right?” Arcane asked, as she began to copy what was on the board.
“But we fought.” Draco mentioned.
“We didn’t fight. You insulted somebody like you always do.” Arcane said grimly.
“You insult people as well.” Malfoy whispered defensively.
“I answer when I’m insulted. You do it for fun.” Arcane told him flatly.
Draco remained silent for a moment. “I’m sorry.” He said.
“What?” Arcane asked, she had heard him, et she wondered if he would repeat himself.
“I’m sorry if I insulted you.” He told her.
“You didn’t insult me. You insulted my friend.” She enunciated. Draco’s mouth twisted in displeasure.
“I’m sorry I made you angry by insulting your… friend.” He whispered. “I just hated the sight of him being near you.”
Arcane smirked. “So you were jealous?”
“Was not!” Draco whispered harshly, though his cheeks went pink.
“Ooh, Arcane!” Hermione chimed pulling her away from Draco as they left the Arithmancy classroom. “I didn’t know you were interested in Arithmancy! It’s such a fascinating subject isn’t it? I’ve been taking it since last year.” She told Arcane in excitement. “It’s too bad you had to sit next to Malfoy,” She said wrinkling her nose. “He’s awful isn’t he? But don’t worry, the boy sitting next to me, Justin from Hufflepuff, he could change with you, I don’t think he’d mind. Then you could sit up front with me!” Hermione said enthusiastically.
“I’m okay.” Arcane said flatly.
“What?” Asked Hermione in confusion.
“I’m okay where I’m sitting, you don’t have to worry about that.” Arcane told her.
“But you’re sitting next to Malfoy! I’d rather sit on a poisonous toad-stool.” Hermione mentioned. Arcane shrugged. “I could say the same about sitting in front of the teacher’s desk.”
Hermione looked taken aback.
“Just relax Hermione.” Arcane told her. “I’m okay where I’m at.”
“Gotta go Hermione. Bye-bye!” Arcane waved before making her quick escape on what she felt was a Hermione version of a Padma-lecture.
A pillow fell on the pile quite neatly on that Wednesday’s charm class where they were practicing banishing charms. “Very good everyone!” Professor Flitwick called. “Now summon them back and do it all again.”
“So,” Lisa started after the girls had gathered their pillows, “Are you going to finally tell us what’s going on with you and Malfoy?”
“I already told you,” Arcane answered. “Professor McGonagall wants me to help him get his transfiguration grade up. I’m his tutor.”
“One does not get jealous when someone flirts with their tutor.” Padma said.
“Depends on how good looking your tutor is.” Lisa teased, earning a whack by Padma and her pillow.
“Oh leave me be!” Lisa cried shooing Padma away. “It was lovely to watch; I want two handsome boys fighting over me.”
“They weren’t fighting over me.” Arcane said.
“Ah, so you do find them handsome?” Lisa pointed out playfully.
“You dream too much.” Arcane said, turning to hide her blush.
“Aye, or perhaps you don’t dream enough.” Lisa said as she sent a pillow flying. “I do mean, it’s February the week after next, I would think even you two,” She pointed her wand at Arcane and Padma, “You should like a valentine’s day gift.”
“I couldn’t care less about that.” Padma said with a huff as she banished a couple pillows away and into the pile.
“Oh come on Padma, lighten up will you?! Even Morgue has got herself a fella.”
“Fella as in pet name, him being more pet than name.” Arcane said as she nodded towards the couple. MacDougal was sitting down lazily banishing pillows as Kevin made sure they fell into the pile for her.
“Shame she stole him from you, aye?” Lisa asked, elbowing Arcane playfully. “He’s real nice.”
Arcane shrugged and continued to banish her pillows. “What does the school do for Valentine’s anyway?” She asked.
Lisa and Padma glanced at each other.
“I- I’m not sure,” Padma admitted. “They didn’t do anything in our first year.”
“Aye, but second year Professor Lockhart decorated the school.” Lisa mentioned.
“Wait a minute…” Arcane paused. “Lockhart, as in Gilderoy Lockhart the author?”
“That’s the one.” Padma nodded. “MacDougal sent him a singing valentine that year.”
“Oh no.” Arcane covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. “She didn’t!”
“She did.” Lisa laughed.
“What about last year?” Arcane asked, still smiling.
“Well you can’t really think about romance when a murderer is on the loose,” Lisa said lightly, then winced when she saw Arcane’s face fall. “Sorry.” Lisa said sheepishly.
“Forget it.” Arcane said as she sent her pillow flying wrong, she sighed and summoned it back with her hand.
“You never taught us how to do that.” Padma mentioned nodded at the pillow. “Hand magic.”
“I guess not,” Arcane said looking at her hand. “But it’s really similar to wand magic, you just have to think of your hand as your wand.”
“Can I make the pillow fly and hit Morgue?” Lisa asked playfully.
“Three sickles if you hit her on the head.” Arcane told her.
“Make it five.” Said Padma with a devilish smile.
“Deal.” Lisa said, rolling up the sleeves of her robe as Arcane placed the pillow in the line of fire.
“ Depulso !” Lisa cried, waving her hand with force at the pillow. Though instead of flying, it exploded. Leaving the girls covered in pearly-white feathers.
Helloooo everyoneee...
I thank you for reading up to now, please let me jump into my comments:
1. Arcane being flirted with! It's still fun to imagine.
2.Sledding! or toboganing, whichever you prefer. Draco and Arcane seemed to have a mighty good time doing so.
3.George's apology... a bit weak, but at least he apologized. Arcane still should have whacked him just for good measure though.
4. Draco... you are a coward. The gang pulled up and he turned into a completely different person.Draco you don't deserve Arcane taking classes for you.
5. Draco was jealous ooooooooooooooh!!! Surprise to absolutely no one!
6. Valentines day is coming up! I hope draco desn't fumble the ball
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“Shouldn’t we have turned over there?” Arcane asked her mother who was driving.
“No honey, why?” Her mother asked, her eyes a bit distant and her smile similar to a background character of a sitcom.
“Uh… Because we live that way.” Arcane replied, gesturing to the opposite way her mother was going.
“Oh no silly, we don’t live there anymore.” Her mother said maintaining her blank smile. “No reason for us to be in such a large house. No, no, it would bring us unwanted attention now that Sere and Claudette are gone.”
“Okay…” Arcane said, confused by her mother’s way of acting.
“You’ll like the new place. No one will find us there.” Her mother said aloud though it seemed she was speaking more to herself than Arcane. “We’ll be safe there, safe house, safe house, safe house…” She repeated over and over as she drove on, the motor of her Honda Accord making even louder noises than it had been since Arcane’s mother had picked her up from Pendale, the town near Ilvermorny School.
“You should get the car checked soon.” Arcane told her mother, who blinked a few times before answering.
“Your right,” She said, the blank look in her eyes disappearing. “It’s been making that awful noise all week, I’ll take it to get checked tomorrow.”
“Do you know a mechanic around here?” Arcane asked. Her mother did not answer. “Mom?” Arcane said a little louder.
“Yes?” Her mother asked without looking at her.
“Mechanic? Do you know one?” She asked.
“Why would I need a mechanic dear?” She asked turning to look at Arcane in confusion.
“For the car…” Arcane repeated, equally confused. “To get it fixed.”
“No!” Her mother nearly screamed, causing Arcane to flinch in her seat. “I can fix it! I have to fix it. No one can see the car, no one can see us. We need to get home. We’ll be safe there. It’s a safe house, safe house… Safe house…”
“Mom are you okay?” Arcane began.
“LOOK!” Her mother screeched excitedly pointing excitingly at a green, yellow and white sign. “We’re home.”
“Lone Side mobile park…” Arcane read aloud as they passed the sign and entered a trailer park that very much lived up to its name. There were rows of trailer homes, some larger than others, though unlike the previous neighborhood Arcane had lived in, there seemed to be no children and if there were, none were outside. Which was odd since school had already ended for the summer.
“This is where we’re going to live?” Arcane asked in disappointment.
“Yes, very safe here. No one will find us here.” Her mother said airily.
“Who’s trying to find us?” Arcane asked, slightly annoyed that her mother was repeating that. Though she regretted asking immediately. Her mother’s eyes unfocused and she slammed on the breaks, making the entire car lurch.
“Mom!” Arcane cried as her body was yanked by the seatbelt. Though her mother grasped her arm forcefully a dug her nails into Arcane’s skin.
“They’re coming!” She screamed at Arcane. “You need to run, leave me! They’ll kill you! Blood Traitor! Blood traitor!”
“Mom stop!” Arcane screamed as her mother shook her.
“We need to get to the safe house! The safe house! THE SAFE HOUSE WON’T PROTECT YOU!”
Arcane’s mother hit her hard across the chest making Arcane cry out in pain. “STAY HOME! IT’S NOT SAFE! THEY’RE COMING!”
“Mom stop it,” Arcane said beginning to cry as she blocked her face from her mother’s blows.
“Mummy…” Her mother said softly as she stopped hitting Arcane. Though her eyes were still unfocused. “Mummy I’m sorry…” She spoke out into the air. “I didn’t want to leave mummy. You told me to go. You told me to be safe. I didn’t want to leave you…” Tears began rolling down Cassandra McKinnon’s cheeks as she stared at nothing. “I didn’t want you to die mummy.”
“Mom...” Arcane asked hesitantly. Her mother slowly turned to her, Though Arcane was not sure what her mother was actually seeing.
“I didn’t want them to die…” She said softly to Arcane. “I didn’t want to leave… BUT I HAD TO!” She screamed. “BECAUSE OF YOU! I had to leave because of you! You wouldn’t come with me! You preferred him!” She snatched Arcane’s arm like before. “YOU LEFT ME!”
“What are you talking about?” Arcane asked through tears.
“I hate you Sirius. I hate you… I HATE YOU!”
“MOM YOU’RE HURTING ME!” Arcane screamed as her mother yanked her hair, the horn of the car blaring as the two fought inside of the car.
Suddenly the door on her mother’s side opened and a female voice called out. “Cassand’a! Cassand’a stap!” Arcane could see vaguely as the woman reached into the car and tried to pry Cassandra McKinnon from her daughter.
“Dat is yor’ da’tar! You are hurtin’ her! Girl, get out of de ca’!” Arcane caught sight of the woman at that moment, her skin was dark as was hair, a net of tight black coils pulled back by a thick headband. Her eyes were round, however, at the moment they were squinted as the woman pulled on Arcane’s mothers arm.
“Girl, did you nota hear me?! Get out of de ca’! NOW!” She cried, just as Arcane jolted awake.
She didn’t move. She did not make a sound even though she knew she was alone in her dorm room. I was a Sunday, surely all the girls had gone down for a late breakfast like they normally did. Yet Arcane did not feel hungry, she felt quite the opposite actually. A sinking feeling told her what day it was, though she was determined to not look at the calendar, it was too early to see it, she had to at least try and get through the day.
“And now everyone is going on and on about the second task!” Draco complained as he waved the apple in his hand around angrily. “I mean everyone knows Potter only passed the first task out of sheer luck.” He added.
Malfoy had intercepted Arcane on her way back from the Puffskein patch, him being who he is made her think he would be good enough of a distraction. However, she found herself slipping back into her own thoughts.
“Maybe he’s just a good flyer.” Arcane suggested as she looked blankly over the Black Lake.
“As if!” Draco scoffed. “I could beat Potter any day.”
“That’s nice,” Arcane said, not paying attention to what Draco was saying.
“My father could get me a better broom, something much faster than a Firebolt .” He said sourly.
“Mhm…” Arcane grunted as she crouched down to play with a twig at the edge of the water. Draco raised an eyebrow at her.
“I’m probably going to be Quidditch captain next year.” He said to her.
“Yeah,” Arcane replied airily, not looking at him.
“What’s your problem?” Draco asked irritably.
“Wh- What?” Arcane asked, snapping out of her thoughts.
Draco frowned at her. “You’re not listening to me.”
“Sorry,” She apologized, “It’s tha-”
“I’m hungry.” Draco announced, paying no attention to the fact he had interrupted Arcane. “You going to eat?”
“I’m not hungry.” Arcane said softly.
“I want some sausage,” Draco mentioned as he looked at his apple with disgust and threw it into the lake.
“Okay.” Arcane nodded, unsure how to respond.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, cocking his head to the side as he looked at her.
“Nothing.” She shrugged, watching as a giant tentacle scooped Draco’s apple and dragged it to the fathoms below.
“Come on,” He insisted, squatting down next to her at the edge of the water. “Tell me.”
Arcane felt a knot begin to form in her throat. “Just a little homesick, I guess.” She told him softly.
Draco’s face contorted as if he had smelled something foul. “Homesick?” He repeated in disbelief, “from what? Your old school?” Arcane gave a small nod.
Draco let out a dramatic sigh, “Oh please, as ugly as this place is,” he gestured the castle, “I’m sure it’s much better than your old one. Best that you forget all about your little life in America, then you’ll stop feeling ‘Homesick’.” He finished dismissively as he rolled his eyes.
“Good idea.” Arcane replied flatly.
“Brilliant, you coming to eat now?” He asked her, standing up with a stretch.
“Why? It’s not like we can sit together.” Arcane snapped.
Draco leaned away as he glanced at her with a frown. “Well no, but…”
“Just go Draco.” Arcane waved him away.
Arcane did not know for how long she sat at the lakes edge, it must have been for hours because when she finally had decided to move the sun had hit and passed its highest point in the sky.
Though even when she decided to move she refused to go inside the castle. So she stayed on the grounds going in circles around the lake, going inside the Quidditch pitch which had been abandoned so far this term and to the edge of the forbidden forest.
She heard the bell chime for dinner, however she did not go. She had a knot in both her throat and stomach, as well as a recurrent prickle behind her eyes that made her feel as fragile as pixie wings.
It was only after dinner was over and everyone was surely on their way to their common rooms did Arcane slip back inside the school before Filch would lock it up for the night. Yet, just as she had felt the entire day, she remained not wanting to socialize, she couldn’t. She had tried to ignore her feelings the entire day to no avail. She could not possibly act as if it was just some day.
So she slipped to the secret staircase that lead to the third floor and made her way to the trophy room. One of the few rooms in Hogwarts castle that was always unlocked. Therefore once inside, she locked it.
Like most rooms at Hogwarts is was long with a high ceiling. It had a door which connected to the Armour Gallery, which Arcane closed and locked with a flick of her wand, leaving her enclosed and alone. Her chest felt tight as she walked around peering into trophy cases. All filled to the brim with golden and silver cups and awards.
Arcane had nearly gotten back to the door when her eyes spotted a large gold trophy with a familiar name.
Arcane’s chest clenched even harder as she read her mother’s name, and her eyes began to tear as she looked around the case. It was full of her mother’s awards.
Arcane let out a soft sob, her eyes falling onto a picture of her mother. She was not alone in the photograph, she was next to Dumbledore who waved as she smiled brightly all while holding a large cauldron with a young man who had a hooked nose and greasy looking hair.
It took Arcane a moment to recognize him, yet when she did she couldn’t believe it. It was Professor Snape.
Which in all was not the fact that surprised her, what surprised her was that he was smiling. In a very smug and arrogant looking way, but smiling nevertheless.
WINNERS OF THE GOLDEN CAULDRON 1978 Arcane read, her eyes jumping to the large golden cauldron next to the photograph. That was when Arcane noticed something move behind it. Arcane opened the cabinet and reached behind the golden cauldron, to pull out a plaque.
Tears trickled down Arcane’s cheeks as her mother smiled up at her in a perfectly pressed Hogwarts uniform, with a polished Head Girl badge on her chest. Like all Photograph the image had no sound, though Arcane could tell her mother was giggling as she straightened her pointed hat and posed for the picture with a wave.
For continuous OUTSTANDING ACHIVMENT throughout all seven years at
Arcane watch as her mother in the photograph repeated her wave.
“Hi mom,” Arcane croaked, pressing her mother’s photo to her chest as she slid to the floor in tears.
Arcane sniffled and teared, hating herself for not having cried for mother in such a long time. She apologized at the photo, hoping her mother was listening. Arcane pleaded at her mother to come back, even though she knew it was impossible. She hated her mother for dying, she hated herself for not doing things differently, she hated the anger and the loneliness she felt every time she thought of her.
Arcane was so lost in her grief she did not notice when George Weasley entered the trophy room. She only became aware of him when he kneeled beside her.
“Hey, hey…” He said, clear worry in his voice. “Are you alright? What happened? Did someone hurt you?” He asked as he checked her arms and face. “What’s wrong…”
He paused, noticing the plaque in Arcane’s arms. Slowly he pulled it as she let go, his face dropping as his eyes flickered from the inscription to the photograph.
Arcane wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve.
“It’s her birthday.” She said in a small voice.
“Oh Arcane…” George sighed sadly as he reached out, pulling Arcane into a hug. “Are you alright?” He asked, resting his chin on top of her head as she sniffled.
“I’ve been so distracted… Ever since I came here,” She began, tears still rolling down her face. “New home, new school, meeting my- meeting everyone. I- I haven’t thought about her. Not really.” Arcane choked. “I- It felt normal, like at the end of the year I’ll be going home… and I’ll see her.” Arcane’s voice cracked, “But I won’t!” She cried, hiding her face in George’s chest. “I won’t ever see her again.” She bawled as George held her tightly, caressing her hair as he let her cry.
“I miss her so much… It hurts!” Arcane cried. “I want to see her again… Just one more time!” Arcane hiccupped. “I wish I had died instead.”
“No, don’t say that.” George said soothingly. “She wouldn’t want that.”
“I shouldn’t have been born,” Arcane croaked through her tears. “Her life would have been better without me… I was just a mistake.”
“No, no, Arcane. Hey, look at me.” George said to her as he cupped her face. “Don’t say that.” He told her as she gazed up at him.
“But it’s true.” She sniffled.
“I know that it’s true, most children are mistakes.” George told her. “We all mess up are parents lives.”
“I thought you were going to try and make me feel better.” Arcane mumbled. George let out a soft laugh as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
“What I mean is that all children change their parents lives, it doesn’t matter if you planned for the nipper. And I can assure you that most aren’t planned for, because if they were I honestly doubt mum had seven of us on purpose.”
Arcane let out a soft giggle.
“Oop, made you smile.” He teased as Arcane wiped her face.
“Don’t believe your mum didn’t want you or that she’d been better without you. That’s not fair on her.”
“But she suffered so much because of me.” Arcane replied, her lip trembling.
“That doesn’t mean she loved you any less.” George assured her. “Fred and I drive our mum stark raving mad most of the time, and as much as we know she sometimes would like to wring our necks, we also know she loves us. All seven of us, no matter what. So I have absolutely no doubt your mum loved you just as much.”
“I really miss her.” Arcane told him.
“I know you do.” He replied with a weak smile.
Arcane stared at the honorary plaque of her mother and let out a sigh. “I don’t think I’ll ever be as good as she was.”
“Don’t count your owls before they’ve delivered,” George warned, “McGonagall’s going on even to seventh years on how good you are at transfiguration.”
At that moment some cleared their throat in the doorway.
“Speak of the Doxy,” George nodded with a playful smile as both of them turned to look at Professor McGonagall.
Arcane quickly stood, wiping her face furiously on her sleeve.
“Good evening Professor.” She croaked.
“Good evening Miss Black, Mr. Weasley.” Professor McGonagall greeted with a curt nod. “Is something the matter?”
“No Professor,” George said quickly as he got up. “It’s just that…”
“I was looking at my mother’s things.” Arcane told the professor, showing her the plaque in her hands. “They seemed to have woken some feelings for me.”
“I see…” McGonagall frowned, giving both her students a sad look. “Well, I am sorry to pull you away from your mother’s achievements, but it is time for all students to be in their corresponded common rooms. After all there is class in the morning.”
“Of course.” Arcane said, turning to put the award plaque back behind the cauldron.
“Er, Miss Black?” Professor McGonagall chimed.
“Yes?” Arcane paused, looking at the professor.
“You may keep that one.” She nodded.
“Really?” Arcane asked.
“Yes, just that one though.” She nodded. “Now please both of you to bed, especially you Weasley.” The professor added, eyeing George with wariness.
“Will do Professor.” He answered, giving a deep bow. McGonagall rolled her eyes as she tried not to smile. “Go on now.”
“You feeling better?” George asked as the made their way towards the staircase.
“A little.” Arcane answered shyly. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“See what?” George asked airily.
“All that,” Arcane told him, “Me cry-” George raised his eyebrows at her, causing her to falter as she got his message.
“Never mind.” She smiled at him. “I act- ow!” She winced as she doubled over, digging her nails into the wall for support while her other arm wrapped around her stomach.
“What’s wrong?” George asked, quickly bending over to meet her face.
“My stomach hurts.” Arcane told him through gritted teeth.
“In what way?” He asked.
“In a painful way.” Arcane gritted.
“Well of course in a painful way,” George huffed, “What I meant was if it was in a colic sort of way.”
“What?” Arcane asked confusedly still wincing.
“You know… Your monthly colic’s.” George explained, “Ginny gets those and mum always gives her some special tea.”
“Oh…” Arcane awed in realization. “No… It’s not that. I’m just hungry I think.”
“Hungry? Dinner was just… You weren’t at dinner.” He remembered. “Or lunch.”
“Or breakfast.” Arcane added, finally able to stand straight.
“Have you not eaten all day?!” He asked her in disbelief.
“I wasn’t hungry.” Arcane told him.
“Yeah? Well tell that to your stomach now.” George scolded.
“I’m fine.” Arcane replied. “I’ll get something in the morning.”
“No, you’ll get something now.” George said sternly. “Come on, I’ll take you to the kitchens.”
“But McGonagall told us to go to bed.” Arcane mentioned warily.
“Oh come on, as if you’ve never snuck around after hours.” George smiled wickedly.
Arcane pursed her lips.
“You know you want to.” George insisted, wiggling his eyebrows.
Arcane couldn’t help but smile. “Fine.” She sighed in defeat.
“Brilliant!” George laughed, placing his hand on her back as he guided the way down.
George guided Arcane all the way to the entrance hall and through the door she had seen the Hufflepuff’s go through after the first task. Behind it was a flight of stairs going downward into a large chamber, lit with bright torches, which’s light reflected off the many paintings of distinct food.
“Whoa,” Arcane awed as she looked about the chamber. “Nice paintings.”
“Come here I’ll show you the best one.” George smiled as he grabbed her wrist and brought her in front of a large painting of a bowl of fruit.
Arcane cocked her head to the side as she admired the painting. “Ah yes,” She nodded. “The traditional bowl of fruit painting. I remember coloring one like this in kindergarten.”
“Ah, but did your painting do this?” George asked as he reached out and tickled the large green pear in the painting. Which to Arcane’s surprise, it giggled. Right before turning into a large green doorknob.
Arcane smiled in amazement at George who smiled back.
“Welcome to the Hogwarts kitchens Miss Black.” He said as he turned the knob and swung the painting outward.
At first Arcane believed the room to be a replica of the Great Hall for it was equally as large and had four long wooden tables identical to the ones upstairs. The only differences were, its ceiling, which did not mimic the sky outside, the great fireplace which warmed the entire room, the uncountable amount of pots and pans that hung upon the walls and ultimately the dozens of house elves. All who had been whirring about, yet stopped once catching sight of the two of them. The way they all had paused made Arcane believe for a moment that they were in trouble, however, wide grins spread across the elves faces.
“Welcome!” “Good evening Sir!” “Good evening Miss!”
Greeting and welcomes chimed through the hall as some elves bowed and curtsied as others rushed forward offering everything from cut vegetables to an entire roasted turkey.
Startled, Arcane valiantly tugged George in front of her, willing to use him as a shield against the elves. He did not seem to mind however, he laughed, smiling down at Arcane before addressing the elves.
“Good evening everyone, bit of room please.” He said. Immediately the elves backed away a few steps, all still grinning, bowing and curtsying.
Arcane stared at the house-elves, she had always known about them, she had a few friends at Ilvermorny whom had house-elves in their service, yet Arcane had never came face with one before. She had always imagined them similar to Pukwudgie’s, though now as she faced them, Arcane noticed they had no resemblance other than over-large ears that sprouted from their heads. Pukwudgie’s were slightly taller, pale and always had an awfully grumpy look on their faces. House-elves on the other hand seemed to be utterly happy, they all wore grins which made the corners of the large round eyes crease.
“There’s a lot of them.” Arcane said softly to George.
“Of course there are,” George replied in a normal tone. “Hogwarts is a big place, now come on,” He said, pulling Arcane from behind him. “They won’t bite.”
Arcane peered around warily at the multitude of elves observing her.
“Alright everyone,” George said aloud, “This little lady right here has not eaten anything all day, can you fix something for her?”
“Of course!” “Yes sir!” “We can fixes!” The elves called out as they scrambled around the kitchen.
“Come Misses, you musts sits down.” A small female elf squeaked as she grabbed Arcane softly by the robe and guided her to the closest table. “You’lls be getting sicks if you don’t eat Miss.”
“You hear Arcane? You’lls be getting sicks.” He teased sitting down next to her.
“Stop it,” Arcane scolded him playfully.
“What woulds Miss like to eats?” A different elf stopped to ask
“Oh,” Arcane pondered, “I don’t know, um… Something light, like a soup or a sandwich?” She questioned.
“Right away Miss.” The elf squeaked as he scurried off squealing “Soups and sandwich fors the Miss’s!”
“I hope you have an appetite.” George warned.
“Why?” Arcane asked, putting her hair up.
“You’ll see.” George smiled.
The elves ended up placing in front of Arcane seven bowls of soup, four bowls of chowder, six sandwiches, and two pieces of pie so large she would definitely go into a sugar coma if she ate both.
“I’m going to eat all of this?” Arcane raised an eyebrow at George.
“Well not by yourself.” He smiled, reaching for a piece of pie.
“Nuh uh,” Arcane smiled, slapping George’s hand.
“What?!” He asked indignantly with a smile. “I already had my dinner.”
“Well wait for me, I have a lot of catching up to do.” She laughed, gesturing the plates in front of her.
“So,” George began as he finished the last bowl of chowder. “Where's kindergarten?”
“What?” Arcane chuckled as she wiped the crumbs of her sandwich off her mouth.
“The fruit bowl,” He nodded towards the door of the kitchen, “you said you colored one in kindergarten, where's that?” He shrugged.
Arcane eyebrows kitted, “It's not where... It’s… school.” She told him.
“Oh so you were in art at Ilvermorny?” He asked her.
Arcane shook her head. “No, it was way before Ilvermorny. Before elementary school even.”
“Elementary school?” George repeated in confusion, “Is that another wizarding school?”
Arcane laughed, “No! It’s just a normal school, for No-Maj- I mean muggle kids.”
“You went to school with muggle children?!” George asked her in amazement.
“For a few years,” Arcane nodded. “But stuff kept happening so my mom pulled me out.”
“What stuff?” George asked, keeping eye-contact with her as he finally pulled his piece of pie close to him.
“Just stuff,” Arcane shrugged, “Like the bowl of fruit.” Arcane pointed to the door. “I was like five, I think, I was in kindergarten and everyone was coloring pictures of bowls of fruit. And this girl, Sofia,” Arcane said sourly, “She kept stealing my colored pencils. At least she did before I turned them into centipedes.”
George let out a laugh that caused him to choke on his piece of pie. Quickly an elf rushed him a glass of pumpkin juice.
“You turned your pencils into bugs? In front of muggles?!” He coughed.
“Not on purpose,” Arcane smiled before taking the cup from George. “Plus, I did worse things so I can’t blame my mom for taking me out of school.” She said before taking a sip.
“What other things did you do?” George asked, clearly intrigued.
“I made a kid fly into a ditch after he ripped my book-bag, and I mean I actually made him fly.” Arcane smiled slyly. “I also made the merry-go-round spin way too fast after a few kids didn’t let me play on it at recess.”
“A merry-go what?” George asked.
“A merry-go-round!” Arcane repeated smiling. “It’s a flat metal disc,” She described using her hands, “with metal bars you hold on to, while other people push it to make it spin really fast while you try not to fall off.” She smiled.
“That sounds a bit dangerous.” George admitted.
“It was if you didn’t let me play on it with you.” Arcane chuckled.
“You were a menace!” George teased.
“Me? You should have seen the things Claudette did!” Arcane told him. George smiled, watching her silently as she reached out for her piece of pie.
“That’s a fancy little ring you wear.” He mentioned, pointing his chin at the ring on Arcane’s finger. Instinctively Arcane reached to touch it.
“Yeah,” Arcane agreed, rotating the ring around her finger. “Family heirloom.” She added. George’s eyebrow’s raised slightly.
“May I see?” He asked. Arcane nodded and extended her hand to show him.
“You fancy snakes?” He asked, taking her hand and observing the ring.
“Not really.” Arcane shrugged. She never did know why her ring had taken such a form. She imagined it had to do with her family being sorted into slytherin. She thought that perhaps it was a sign she would have been sorted there as well, and although she was not, she still remained with a snake wrapped around her left middle finger.
“That’s quite the stone,” George chuckled, “Does it ever get hooked upon anything?”
Arcane’s eyebrows knitted, “No…” she replied trying to remember if perhaps the ring ever had. Though no memory came to mind. Half of the time she completely forgot she had it on, it was comfortable enough that she was never tempted to take it off.
George traced the ring with his thumb. “It’s pretty.” He said letting go of Arcane’s hand slowly.
“Thank you.” She smiled softly at him, before turning to her pie. It was only after she had taken a few bites did George speak again.
“I’m sorry about the dance.” He said softly. Arcane paused her fork a few inches from her mouth.
“You already apologized for that.” She told him.
“I know,” He replied, cocking his head to the side. “I just really am sorry. Ginny really got to me and I can’t stop thinking about how I treated you.” He twisted his mouth. “I’m sure it was humiliating.”
Arcane’s mind flashed back to Lisa and what the Durmstrang boys had done to her. She shook her head.
“I wouldn’t say humiliating,” Arcane answered. “But yeah, it was annoying, rude, stupid, and unthoughtful.”
“Anything else?” George asked her playfully.
“It was…” Arcane looked up at the stone ceiling as she thought, “Disappointing.” She finished, meeting his gaze.
“Disappointing?” He questioned.
“Not joke-wise.” Arcane told him. “If you had done them to someone else they would have been great. I mean… friend-wise. Like… When I truly think about it, out of everyone in Hogwarts, if I wanted to spend the evening listening to the Weird Sisters and dancing and laughing and just having the best time. I would choose you.” Arcane looked down at her plate as she played around with her pie. “But you acted so different, so mean. It was like you were a stranger.” She shrugged.
“I really am sorry.” George told her with a frown.
“And I forgive you.” Arcane smiled.
George held her gaze for a few moments. “Where did you go after you left the Great Hall?” He asked.
Arcane stilled. Wondering for a second if she should tell George the truth. She had gone outside with Malfoy. George had seen her at one of her saddest moments after all, perhaps she could be honest with him. No. She did not know why but she knew it was better that she didn’t. Not now.
“I went to the gardens. The ones they conjured outside.” She told him. George gave her a thin smile.
“Where they nice?” He asked.
Arcane smiled and nodded. “Yeah, my favorite part were the fairy lights. They’re just… so pretty.” She finished her smile growing wider.
George opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by the chimes of the grand clock that echoed around the school. “Twelve chimes.” Arcane counted.
“Happy Monday.” George teased. Arcane had wanted to roll her eyes, however, now knowing the time she felt surprisingly tired. A yawn escaped her.
“Oh, there we go,” George laughed as he yawned as well. “Bedtime it seems.”
“I guess so.” Arcane smiled, yawning again. “I didn’t finish all my food.” She mentioned, frowning at the half-eaten pie and the couple sandwiches she hadn’t bothered to touch.
“’tis no problem Miss.” Squeaked an elf as it rushed forward along with a few others who immediately cleared the table.
“Thank you for the food.” Arcane said to the elves as she stood and stretched.
A choir of “no problem” “thank you Miss” “We’re honored” echoed through the kitchen.
“Would Sir like to be takings anything with them?” An elf asked George as he stood.
“Not tonight Golky.” George told the elf, who frowned. “But my brother and I got big plans, we’re hoping for your lovely food to be part of them.”
“Yes Sir!” “Anything Sir!” “Whatever Sir needs!” The elves bowed and curtsied as George guided Arcane, who waved goodbye, out of the kitchens.
“They look so happy!” Arcane said as they made their way into the entrance hall. “Are they always like that?”
George shrugged. “Whenever I have seen them, yes. So I don’t know why Hermione is so fixated in freeing them.”
George snorted, “You would think they’re mistreated.”
“Some elves are mistreated.” Arcane said quickly. George looked down at her. “I mean; it really depends on the owners. Some are cruel. It just happens that Professor Dumbledore isn’t.” She said flatly as she continued looking ahead.
“Fair enough.” George shrugged.
“What are those big plans you and Fred have?” Arcane asked playfully as the climbed the secret staircase to go to the third floor. George gave her a sly smile as he glanced at her.
“None of your business yet.” He told her.
Arcane shrugged. “So you wouldn’t mind me borrowing them for something of my own?” She asked as the climbed the normal staircase to the fourth floor.
“What do you have planned?” He asked her. She returned the sly smile. “None of your business… yet.”
Hello everyone!
A bit of a sad chapter this time. After everything going on I figured it wouldn't hurt taking a heart-aching trip down memory lane.
we get to see a little bit of past interaction between Arcane and Cassandra. Obviously Cassandra is not "all there" . She's obviously going through stuff... and all those bad memories only to wake up and realize its your loved ones birthday and you'll never get to celebrate with them again ooooof, that sh hurts!😭
I feel bad for Arcane, she's really having a tough time...💔
In other opinions... Draco, my boy... Shut tf up! He really is such a me-me-me person. 🙄
I really hope this doesn't lead to another argument between them *sarcasm*🙄on the other hand though, everyone give it up for George! Nice timing bro, keep the work up and maybe the readers and myself will forgive you for what you did!😏
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“You don’t like it.” Arcane frowned seeing the look on Hermione’s face as she read the paper Arcane had given her with her grand idea for the year written down.
“I- I’s not that I don’t like it,” Hermione began, “It’s only that it seems like quite the bit of work. I can’t see you doing it all on your own on such short notice.”
Arcane looked over at the calendar, there were many of them distributed throughout the library. February 2 nd glistened in silver letters, indicating the date.
“I still got a little bit more than a week.” Arcane shrugged. Hermione eyed her. “I won’t be enough, not on your own.”
“Are you going to offer to help me?” Arcane asked her.
“I would like too,” Hermione said twisting her mouth in thought, “but I can’t. I’m helping Harry prepare for the second task.”
“Oh that’s right!” Arcane groaned. In her hasty planning she had forgotten about the second task drawing near. Yet another opportunity for things to go wrong for Potter and cause her father to come running, exposing him to the possibility of being caught.
“And,” Hermione continued looking at the paper, “I would hate to burst your bubble, but you would need permission for all of this. Especially since it involves money.” Hermione sighed. “You would have to speak to a Professor about it.” She finished, rolling up the paper and handing back to Arcane.
“It was a magnificent idea Arcane. You just thought of it too late. Perhaps next year.”
“The foreign schools won’t be here next year.” Arcane said flatly as she got up.
“Where are you going?” Hermione asked hastily.
“You said I’ll have to talk to a professor about it.” Arcane said, putting away her things. “That’s what I plan to do.”
“Oh but Arcane, it will take a few days until any professor speaks to the headmaster about it.” Hermione warned.
“Not if you go to the headmaster himself.” Arcane answered with a wicked smile. Then with a wink she turned on her heal and began her way to Dumbledore’s office.
The pounding of Arcane’s heart could have been confused with a locomotive if anyone could actually hear it besides her. She stood outside Dumbledore’s office door planning what she was to say and how she would say it. She would put it as a business pitch. Make it seem more professional than a childish idea.
The door opened before she could knock. Dumbledore who was sitting at his desk looked up at her.
“Are you going to enter Miss Black?” He asked her.
“How did you…”
“I always know when someone is outside my door Miss Black. Though sometimes I’d rather not answer.” His eyes gleamed mischievously, then he set down his quill. “Was there something I could help you with?”
Arcane straightened herself, pulling the paper with her idea out of her bag and holding it as she approached the headmaster’s desk.
“Valentine’s day is approaching.” Arcane began in a voice that was slightly to loud. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Indeed it is.” He agreed.
“I… Have an idea.” Arcane continued. “One that could uh… Improv